#! /bin/bash #==========coloring========================== # echo -e '\E[30m black \E[31mred \E[32mgreen \E[33myellow \E[34mblue \E[35mmagenta \E[36mcyan \E[37mwhite' # echo -e "\E[31m\033[1mBOOOLD\033[0m" #============Settings======================== cd /usr/src/mor . "$(pwd)"/sh_scripts/install_configs.sh . "$(pwd)"/sh_scripts/mor_install_functions.sh . "$(pwd)"/test/asterisk_test.sh . "$(pwd)"/test/miscellaneous.sh # . "$(pwd)"/sh_scripts/various_install_functions.sh no such file TEST_SCRIPT_MODE=0; # 0 - diagnose only; 1 = fix if possible _M_python=`which python`; #========== functions ================ check_config_line_and_execute_cmd2() #copied from mor install functions and modified to not fix the problem, jus diagnose it { #---------------------------- #function checks file for a specific line and executes a cmd if a line does not exist #arg1=path to file #arg2=string to check #arg3=what to write in report #arg4=cmd to execute #----------------------------- cat "$1" | grep "^$2" &> /dev/null if [ $? == 1 ]; then #$4 #executing cmd cat "$1" | grep "^$2" &> /dev/null if [ $? == 1 ]; then report_to_stdout 1 "$3" else report_to_stdout 5 "$3" fi fi if [ $? == 0 ]; then report_to_stdout 0 "$3" fi } #======================================== report() { #parameters #1 - string what are you testing + tabs #2 {"FAILED", "OK"} prints only OK or FAILED if present if [ "$?" == "0" ]; then if [ "$2" == "FAILED" ]; then return 0; fi #causes not to print [OK] blabblabla echo -e "$1\t[\E[32m OK \E[37m]"; return 0; else ALL_OK=1 if [ "$2" == "OK" ]; then return 1; fi echo -e "$1\t[\E[31m FAILED \E[37m]"; return 1; fi } #======================================== crontab_add2() { #argument 1 - string to check in crontab #argument 2 - string to add to crontab #argument 3 - string to use when printing the results #example: crontab_add "mor_ad_cron.log" "*/5 * * * * /home/mor_ad/mor_ad_cron >> /home/mor_ad/mor_ad_cron.log" "Autodialer_installed" crontab_check "$1"; if [ $? == 0 ]; then report_to_stdout 0 "$3" return 0; fi } #=========== exec_and_evaluate_warning() { if [ -z "$1" ]; then echo "Argument not passed for function evaluation"; read a; fi; # first argument - test function name $1 $2; #executing test result=$?; if [ "$result" != "0" ]; then echo -e "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t$3[\E[33mWARNING!\E[37m]"; echo "$1 failed" >> $_log elif [ "$result" == "0" ]; then echo -e "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t$3[\E[32m OK \E[37m]"; fi } #======================================= exec_and_evaluate_python() { if [ -z "$1" ]; then echo "Argument not passed for function evaluation"; read a; fi; # first argument - python test script name with parameters cd /usr/src/mor/test $_M_python $1; #executing test result=$?; if [ "$result" != "0" ]; then echo -e "\t\t\t\t[\E[31mFailed\E[37m]"; echo "$1 failed" >> $_log elif [ "$result" == "0" ]; then echo -e "\t\t\t\t[\E[32m OK \E[37m]"; fi } #==========Pending delete?=============================== mime_construct() { #this function can't be made to look better, because the output of mime-construct is being redirected to stderr echo -n "Checking mime-construct"; _MIME_CONSTRUCT_STATUS=`mime-construct | grep -i 'no recipients specified' `; echo "$__MIME_CONSTRUCT_STATUS" if [ -n $_MIME_CONSTRUCT_STATUS ]; then echo -e "\t[OK]"; else echo -e "\t[Failed]"; fi } #======================================== registration_script_test() { echo -ne "Testing registration script\t\t"; if [ -r /usr/local/mor/mor_ast_register ]; then return 0; else return 1; fi } #-------------------------------------------- fcgid_config_test() { echo -ne "Testing fcgid_config\t\t\t"; which_os; if [ "$OS" == "DEBIAN" ]; then _fcgid=`cat /etc/apache2/mods-enabled/fcgid.conf | grep " AddHandler fcgid-script .fcgi SocketPath /var/lib/apache2/fcgid/sock DefaultInitEnv RAILS_ENV production IdleTimeout 600 BusyTimeout 6000 ProcessLifeTime 3600 MaxProcessCount 8 DefaultMinClassProcessCount 3 DefaultMaxClassProcessCount 3 IPCConnectTimeout 8 IPCCommTimeout 6000 " | grep -m1 "Socke*"`; if [ -n "$_fcgid" ]; then return 0; else return 1; fi; else if [ "$OS" == "CENTOS" ]; then _fcgid=`cat /etc/httpd/conf.d/mod_fcgid_include.conf | grep " IdleTimeout 600 BusyTimeout 6000 ProcessLifeTime 3600 MaxProcessCount 16 DefaultMinClassProcessCount 3 DefaultMaxClassProcessCount 30 IPCConnectTimeout 8 IPCCommTimeout 6000 " | grep -m1 "MaxProcessCount*"` if [ -n "$_fcgid" ]; then return 0; else return 1; fi; fi fi; } #======================================== dir_exists() { if [ -d "$1" ]; then return 0; else return 1; fi } #======================================== ip_tables_installed() { #argument $2 is for formatting (tabs, and etc) echo -ne "Checking whether iptables installed $2" IP_TABLES=`which iptables`; if [ -z "$IP_TABLES" ]; then return 0; else return 1; fi } #======================================== file_exist() { echo -ne "Checking whether $1 exists $2" if [ -f "$1" ]; then return 0; else return 1; fi } #======================================== selinux_stat() { echo -ne "Checking whether SElinux disabled $2" if [ "$OS" == "CENTOS" ]; then SEL=`sestatus | grep "disabled"` if [ -n "$SEL" ]; then return 0; else return 1; fi else return 0; fi } #============ main ============================================================================================================ #====== Disabled tests ======= #mime_construct #/usr/src/mor/sh_scripts/check_autodialer.sh #===================================================== /usr/src/mor/sh_scripts/kolmisoft_logo_txt.sh echo -e "\n\n=====================================================================\n" echo -e "\t\t\033[1mMOR INSTALLATION TESTING SCRIPT\033[0m"; echo -e "\n=====================================================================\n" #================= MySQL tests ==================== exec_and_evaluate file_exist /etc/my.cnf "\t" if [ -r /etc/my.cnf ]; then echo -e "\E[36m=================MySQL tests===================\E[37m" ############insert_line_after_pattern "\[mysqld\]" "max_allowed_packet=100M" "/etc/my.cnf" ; #/etc/init.d/mysqld restart mysql_replication_test echo; fi #================================================== exec_and_evaluate asterisk_exist "Checking_if_asterisk_exists" "\t\t\t" asterisk_exist; #not duplicate, used to get another return status if [ $? == 0 ]; then echo -e "\E[36m===== Asterisk =====================\E[37m" exec_and_evaluate realtime_mysql_status "" "\t" exec_and_evaluate codecs_status "" "\t" exec_and_evaluate h323_status "" "\t" exec_and_evaluate asterisk_junk_files "" "\t\t" exec_and_evaluate fax2email_status "" "\t" check_asterisk_extcfg check_sip_cfg_test check_iax #these two will display test resuls only if asterisk is newer than check_extensions_mor.conf extensions_mor_ad.conf fail2ban_test echo -e "\E[36m === checking asterisk dirs===============\E[37m" exec_and_evaluate dir_exists "/var/lib/asterisk" "Checking whether /var/lib/asterisk dir exist\t" exec_and_evaluate dir_exists /usr/lib/asterisk "Checking whether /usr/lib/asterisk dir exist\t" exec_and_evaluate dir_exists /etc/asterisk "Checking whether /etc/asterisk dir exist\t" echo -e "\E[36m====================================\E[37m" fi echo -e "\E[36m\n======= Miscellaneous tests =======================\E[37m" if [ $INSTALL_APP == 1 ]; then exec_and_evaluate lame_test "" "\t"; fi; autodialer_tst #not duplicate, waiting for return status if [ $? != 3 ]; then echo -e "\E[36m===================Checking Auto-Dialer Addon==========\E[37m" exec_and_evaluate autodialer_tst "Cheking_AUTO-DIALER_connectivity" "\t\t" ; #crontab_add "mor_ad_cron.log" "*/5 * * * * /home/mor_ad/mor_ad_cron >> /home/mor_ad/mor_ad_cron.log" "Checking if AUTO-DIALER crontab entry installed\t" echo -e "\E[36m=======================================================\E[37m" fi if [ $INSTALL_GUI == 1 ]; then exec_and_evaluate localhost_accessibility_test "" "\t"; fi exec_and_evaluate all_files_are_downloaded "" "\t" exec_and_evaluate_warning selinux_stat "" "\t" exec_and_evaluate registration_script_test "" "\t" exec_and_evaluate fcgid_config_test "" "\t" echo -e "\E[36m==============Checking dirs========================\E[37m" exec_and_evaluate dir_exists /usr/local/mor "Checking whether /usr/local/mor dir exist\t" if [ $INSTALL_GUI == 1 ]; then exec_and_evaluate dir_exists /home/mor "Checking whether /home/mor dir exist\t\t"; fi exec_and_evaluate dir_exists /usr/local/mor "Checking whether /usr/local/mor dir exist\t" exec_and_evaluate dir_exists /usr/local/mor/backups "Checking whether /usr/local/mor/backups dir exist" exec_and_evaluate dir_exists /var/log/mor "Checking whether /var/log/mor dir exist\t\t" echo -e "\E[36m==============Checking if required files exist=====\E[37m" exec_and_evaluate file_exist /root/phpMyAdminPassword if [ $INSTALL_GUI == 1 ]; then exec_and_evaluate file_exist /home/mor/log/production.log; fi echo -e "\E[36m==============Checking for FULL duplex ================\E[37m" /sbin/ifconfig | grep eth | awk '{ print $1}' | while read network_card; do exec_and_evaluate ethtool_check_eth $network_card "\t\t" done echo -e "\E[36m=============Checking other crontab records=======================================\E[37m" crontab_add2 "hourly_actions" "0 * * * * wget -o /dev/null -O /dev/null" "Hourly actions crontab installed\t\t\t\t" crontab_add2 "daily_actions" "0 0 * * * wget -o /dev/null -O /dev/null" "Daily actions crontab installed\t\t\t\t" crontab_add2 "ntpdate.log" "0 * * * * /usr/sbin/ntpdate pool.ntp.org >> /var/log/ntpdate.log" "ntpdate crontab installed\t\t\t\t" echo -e "\E[36m============================================================================\E[37m" #============ ====== #space left on hdd tests exec_and_evaluate_python "disk_space.py /var" exec_and_evaluate_python "disk_space.py /home/mor" exec_and_evaluate_python "disk_space.py /usr/local" exec_and_evaluate_python "ram_available.py 384" echo -e "\E[36m===================================================================================\E[37m" #=================================== client_tag_test report "Testing for [CLIENT] tag in /home/mor/config/environment.rb\t\t\t\t" #/usr/src/mor/sh_scripts/test_gui.sh