#! /bin/bash report="/tmp/selenium_debugas"; TEST_RUNNING_LOCK="/tmp/.mor_test_is_running"; if [ -n "$1" -a -n "$2" ]; then #=========== if [ "$1" == "-r" ]; then > /tmp/selenium_debugas if [ "$?" == "0" ]; then echo "/tmp/selenium_debugas was cleaned" fi exit 0; fi if [ "$2" == "-c" ]; then ruby /home/mor/selenium/converter/converter.rb -h "" "$1" exit 0; fi #============ if [ ! -f "$TEST_RUNNING_LOCK" ]; then touch "$TEST_RUNNING_LOCK"; else echo "Another test is running. If you are sure, that no tests are running - delete file lock $TEST_RUNNING_LOCK"; exit 1; fi > $report for i in $(seq 1 $2) do echo "Launching test: $i" echo "Importing the database" >> $report; sh /home/mor/selenium/scripts/mor_test_run.sh -l echo "Launched the ruby test" >> $report; ruby "$1" >> /tmp/selenium_debugas; #====checking for errors or failures grep "Error:" $report if [ "$?" == "0" ]; then STATUS="FAILED"; break; #exiting the loop, because an error was found else STATUS="OK"; fi grep "Failure:" $report if [ "$?" == "0" ]; then STATUS="FAILED"; break; #exiting the loop, because an error was found fi #=================================== done rm -rf "$TEST_RUNNING_LOCK"; echo "$STATUS"; else echo -e "Possible usage:\n./selenium_debugger.sh testas.rb how_many_times\t\t#how many times to run the test\n./selenium_debugger.sh test.case -c \t\t\t#converts the case file to ruby\n./selenium_debugger.sh -r anything\t\t\t\t#cleans the /tmp/selenium_debugas"; fi