/* * Call generic wms service for GoogleMaps v2 * John Deck, UC Berkeley * Inspiration & Code from: * Mike Williams http://www.econym.demon.co.uk/googlemaps2/ V2 Reference & custommap code * Brian Flood http://www.spatialdatalogic.com/cs/blogs/brian_flood/archive/2005/07/11/39.aspx V1 WMS code * Kyle Mulka http://blog.kylemulka.com/?p=287 V1 WMS code modifications * http://search.cpan.org/src/RRWO/GPS-Lowrance-0.31/lib/Geo/Coordinates/MercatorMeters.pm * * Modified by Chris Holmes, TOPP to work by default with GeoServer. * * Bundled with YM4R with John Deck's permission. * Slightly modified to fit YM4R. * See johndeck.blogspot.com for the original version and for examples and instructions of how to use it. */ var WGS84_SEMI_MAJOR_AXIS = 6378137.0; //equatorial radius var WGS84_ECCENTRICITY = 0.0818191913108718138; var DEG2RAD=0.0174532922519943; var PI=3.14159267; function dd2MercMetersLng(p_lng) { return WGS84_SEMI_MAJOR_AXIS * (p_lng*DEG2RAD); } function dd2MercMetersLat(p_lat) { var lat_rad = p_lat * DEG2RAD; return WGS84_SEMI_MAJOR_AXIS * Math.log(Math.tan((lat_rad + PI / 2) / 2) * Math.pow( ((1 - WGS84_ECCENTRICITY * Math.sin(lat_rad)) / (1 + WGS84_ECCENTRICITY * Math.sin(lat_rad))), (WGS84_ECCENTRICITY/2))); } function addWMSPropertiesToLayer(tile_layer,base_url,layers,styles,format,merc_proj,use_geo){ tile_layer.format = format; tile_layer.baseURL = base_url; tile_layer.styles = styles; tile_layer.layers = layers; tile_layer.mercatorEpsg = merc_proj; tile_layer.useGeographic = use_geo; return tile_layer; } getTileUrlForWMS=function(a,b,c) { var lULP = new GPoint(a.x*256,(a.y+1)*256); var lLRP = new GPoint((a.x+1)*256,a.y*256); var lUL = G_NORMAL_MAP.getProjection().fromPixelToLatLng(lULP,b,c); var lLR = G_NORMAL_MAP.getProjection().fromPixelToLatLng(lLRP,b,c); if (this.useGeographic){ var lBbox=lUL.x+","+lUL.y+","+lLR.x+","+lLR.y; var lSRS="EPSG:4326"; }else{ var lBbox=dd2MercMetersLng(lUL.x)+","+dd2MercMetersLat(lUL.y)+","+dd2MercMetersLng(lLR.x)+","+dd2MercMetersLat(lLR.y); var lSRS="EPSG:" + this.mercatorEpsg; } var lURL=this.baseURL; lURL+="?REQUEST=GetMap"; lURL+="&SERVICE=WMS"; lURL+="&VERSION=1.1.1"; lURL+="&LAYERS="+this.layers; lURL+="&STYLES="+this.styles; lURL+="&FORMAT=image/"+this.format; lURL+="&BGCOLOR=0xFFFFFF"; lURL+="&TRANSPARENT=TRUE"; lURL+="&SRS="+lSRS; lURL+="&BBOX="+lBbox; lURL+="&WIDTH=256"; lURL+="&HEIGHT=256"; lURL+="&reaspect=false"; return lURL; }