module UniversalHelpers def nice_user_from_data(username, first_name, last_name, options = {}) nu = h(username.to_s) nu = h(first_name.to_s + " " + last_name.to_s) if first_name.to_s.length + last_name.to_s.length > 0 if options[:link] and options[:user_id] nu = link_to nu, :controller => "users", :action => "edit", :id => options[:user_id].to_i end nu end # def nice_date(date) # date.strftime("%Y-%m-%d") if date # end # # def nice_date_time(time) # time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S") if time # end def disk_space_usage(folder) space = `df -P '#{folder}' | grep -o "[0-9]*%" | cut -c 1-2` space end def add_contition_and_param(value, search_value, search_string, conditions, condition_params) if !value.blank? conditions << search_string condition_params << search_value end end def add_contition_and_param_like(value, search_value, search_string, conditions, condition_params) if !value.blank? conditions << search_string condition_params << search_value.to_s + '%' end end def add_integer_contition_and_param(value, search_value, search_string, conditions, condition_params) if !value.blank? conditions << search_string condition_params << q(search_value.to_s.gsub(',', '.')) end end def add_integer_contition_and_param_not_negative(value, search_value, search_string, conditions, condition_params) if !value.blank? and value.to_i != -1 conditions << search_string condition_params << q(search_value.to_s.gsub(',', '.')) end end def add_contition_and_param_not_all(value, search_value, search_string, conditions, condition_params) if value.to_s != _('All') conditions << search_string condition_params << search_value end end def clear_options(options) options.each {|key, value| logger.debug "Need to clear search." if key.to_s.scan(/^s_.*/).size > 0 options[key] = nil logger.debug " clearing #{key}" end } return options end =begin Loads file to local file system using mysql. *Params* +filename+ - required param. File name +without+ extension and path. +extension+ - file extension. Default - csv +path+ - path to file. Default - /tmp/ *Return* +filename+ if load is successful. +nil+ - if no file is loaded. =end def load_file_through_database(filename, extension = "csv", path = "/tmp/") full_file_path = "#{q(path)}#{q(filename)}.#{q(extension)}" logger.debug(" >> load_file_through_database(#{filename})") file = ActiveRecord::Base.connection.execute("select LOAD_FILE('#{full_file_path}')").fetch_row()[0] if file, 'w') {|f| f.write(file) } logger.debug(" >> load_file_through_database = file") return filename else logger.debug(" << load_file_through_database = nil") return nil end end =begin rdoc Santitizes params for sql input. =end def q(str) str.class == String ? ActiveRecord::Base.connection.quote_string(str) : str end # format time from seconds def nice_time(time) time = time.to_i return "" if time == 0 h = time / 3600 m = (time - (3600 * h)) / 60 s = time - (3600 * h) - (60 * m) good_date(h) + ":" + good_date(m) + ":" + good_date(s) end # format time from seconds def invoice_nice_time(time, type) if type.to_i == 0 nice_time(time) else nice_time_in_minits(time) end end def nice_time_in_minits(time) time = time.to_i return "" if time == 0 m = time / 60 s = time - (60 * m) good_date(m) + ":" + good_date(s) end def nice_time_from_date(date) date ? good_date(date.hour) + ":" + good_date(date.min) + ":" + good_date(date.sec) : "" end # adding 0 to day or month <10 def good_date(dd) dd = dd.to_s dd = "0" + dd if dd.length<2 dd end def nice_day(string) string.to_i < 10 ? "0" + string : string end def curr_price(price) price * User.current.currency.exchange_rate.to_f end def round_to_cents(amount) ((amount.to_f * 100).ceil.to_f / 100) end def format_money(amount, currency = nil) [sprintf("%.2f", round_to_cents(amount.to_f)), currency].compact.join(" ") end def page_select_header(page, total_pages , page_select_params = {}, options = {}, return_type = "table") page = page.to_i ret = [] if total_pages.to_i > 1 opts= {:id_prefix => "page_", :wrapper => true}.merge(options) page_select_params = {} if page_select_params.class != Hash keys = [:page] page_select_params = page_select_params.reject {|k,v| keys.include?(k || k.to_sym)} pstart = page - 10 pstart = 1 if pstart < 1 pend = page + 10 pend = total_pages if pend > total_pages back10 = page - 20 if back10.to_i <= 0 back10 = 1 if pstart > 1 back10 = nil if pstart == 1 end forw10 = page + 20 if forw10 > total_pages forw10 = total_pages if pend < total_pages forw10 = nil if pend == total_pages end back100 = page - 100 if back100.to_i < 0 back100 = 1 if back10.to_i > 1 if back10 if (back10.to_i <= 1) or (not back10 ) back100 = nil end end forw100 = page + 100 if forw100.to_i > total_pages forw100 = total_pages if forw10 < total_pages if forw10 forw100 = nil if forw10 == total_pages or not forw10 end case return_type when "table" ret = ["
\n\n"] if opts[:wrapper] == true ret << " \n\n
" ret << " "+link_to("<<", {:action => params[:action],:page => back100}.merge(page_select_params), {:title => "-100"}) if back100 ret << " "+link_to("<", {:action => params[:action], :page => back10}.merge(page_select_params), {:title => "-20"}) if back10 for p in pstart..pend ret << "" if p == page ret << " "+link_to(p, {:action => params[:action], :page => p}.merge(page_select_params)) ret << " " if p == page end ret << " "+link_to(">", {:action => params[:action], :page => forw10}.merge(page_select_params), {:title => "+20"}) if forw10 ret << " "+link_to(">>", {:action => params[:action],:page => forw100}.merge(page_select_params), {:title => "+100"}) if forw100 ret << "
" if opts[:wrapper] == true when "div" ret = ["
"] if opts[:wrapper] == true ret << link_to("<<", {:action => params[:action],:page => back100}.merge(page_select_params), {:title => "-100", :class=>"pagination_link"}) if back100 ret << link_to("<", {:action => params[:action], :page => back10}.merge(page_select_params), {:title => "-20", :class=>"pagination_link"}) if back10 for p in pstart..pend if p == page ret << "#{p}" else ret << link_to(p, {:action => params[:action], :page => p}.merge(page_select_params), {:class=>"pagination_link"}) end end ret << link_to(">", {:action => params[:action], :page => forw10}.merge(page_select_params), {:title => "+20", :class=>"pagination_link"}) if forw10 ret << link_to(">>", {:action => params[:action],:page => forw100}.merge(page_select_params), {:title => "+100", :class=>"pagination_link"}) if forw100 ret << "
" if opts[:wrapper] == true when "array" ret << ["<<", back100] if back100 ret << ["<", back10] if back10 for p in pstart..pend ret << (p == page ? [p, nil] : [p, p]) end ret << [">", forw10] if forw10 ret << [">>", forw100] if forw100 end end case return_type when "table" then return ret.join("\n") when "div" then return ret.join("\n") when "array" then return ret end return nil end end