module Paypal # Parser and handler for incoming Instant payment notifications from paypal. # The Example shows a typical handler in a rails application. # # Example # # class BackendController < ApplicationController # # def paypal_ipn # notify = # # order = Ogrder.find(notify.item_id) # # if notify.acknowledge # begin # # if notify.complete? and == notify.amount # order.status = 'success' # # shop.ship(order) # else # logger.error("Failed to verify Paypal's notification, please investigate") # end # # rescue => e # order.status = 'failed' # raise # ensure # # end # end # # render :nothing # end # end class ConnectionError < StandardError # :nodoc: end class RetriableConnectionError < StandardError # :nodoc: end class ResponseError < StandardError # :nodoc: attr_reader :response def initialize(response, message = nil) @response = response @message = message end def to_s "Failed with #{response.code} #{response.message if response.respond_to?(:message)}" end end class Notification attr_accessor :params attr_accessor :raw # Overwrite this url. It points to the Paypal sandbox by default. # Please note that the Paypal technical overview (doc directory) # speaks of a https:// address for production use. In my tests # this https address does not in fact work. # # Example: # Paypal::Notification.ipn_url = # cattr_accessor :ipn_url cattr_accessor :test_ipn_url @@test_ipn_url = '' @@ipn_url = '' MAX_RETRIES = 3 # Creates a new paypal object. Pass the raw html you got from paypal in. # In a rails application this looks something like this # # def paypal_ipn # paypal = # ... # end def initialize(post) empty! parse(post) end # Was the transaction complete? def complete? status == "Completed"# or status == "Canceled_Reversal" end # Was the transaction reversed? def reversed? status == "Reversed" end # When was this payment received by the client. # sometimes it can happen that we get the notification much later. # One possible scenario is that our web application was down. In this case paypal tries several # times an hour to inform us about the notification def received_at Time.parse params['payment_date'] end # Whats the status of this transaction? def status params['payment_status'] end # Id of this transaction (paypal number) def transaction_id params['txn_id'] end # What type of transaction are we dealing with? # "cart" "send_money" "web_accept" are possible here. def type params['txn_type'] end # the money amount we received in X.2 decimal. def gross params['mc_gross'] end # the markup paypal charges for the transaction def fee params['mc_fee'] end # What currency have we been dealing with def currency params['mc_currency'] end # This is the item number which we submitted to paypal def item_id params['item_number'] end # This is the invocie which you passed to paypal def invoice params['invoice'] end # This is the custom field which you passed to paypal def invoice params['invoice'] end # ---------------- my custom changes ------------------- def first_name params['first_name'] end def last_name params['last_name'] end def payer_email params['payer_email'] end def residence_country params['residence_country'] end def payer_status params['payer_status'] end def receiver_email params['receiver_email'] end def tax params['tax'] end def custom params['custom'] end def pending_reason params['pending_reason'] end def business params['business'] end #------------------------------------------------------- # This combines the gross and currency and returns a proper Money object. # this requires the money library located at def amount amount = gross.sub(/[^\d]/, '').to_i, currency) end # reset the notification. def empty! @params = @raw = "" end def my_debug(msg)"/tmp/mor_debug.txt", "a") { |f| f << msg.to_s f << "\n" } end # Acknowledge the transaction to paypal. This method has to be called after a new # ipn arrives. Paypal will verify that all the information we received are correct and will return a # ok or a fail. # # Example: # # def paypal_ipn # notify = # # if notify.acknowledge # ... process order ... if notify.complete? # else # ... log possible hacking attempt ... # end def acknowledge(url = self.class.ipn_url) uri = URI.parse(url) retry_exceptions do begin my_debug( + ' --- Try send IPN to Paypal') status = nil request =, uri.port) request.use_ssl = true request.verify_mode = OpenSSL::SSL::VERIFY_NONE status =, @raw.to_s + "&cmd=_notify-validate").body status == "VERIFIED" rescue SocketError => e my_debug e.to_yaml raise RetriableConnectionError, "Can not connect to remote server" rescue EOFError => e my_debug e.to_yaml raise ConnectionError, "The remote server dropped the connection" rescue Errno::ECONNRESET => e my_debug e.to_yaml raise ConnectionError, "The remote server reset the connection" rescue Errno::ECONNREFUSED => e my_debug e.to_yaml raise RetriableConnectionError, "The remote server refused the connection" rescue Timeout::Error, Errno::ETIMEDOUT => e my_debug e.to_yaml raise ConnectionError, "The connection to the remote server timed out" end end end private # Take the posted data and move the relevant data into a hash def parse(post) # my_debug(post) @raw = post for line in post.to_s.split('&') key, value = *line.scan( %r{^(\w+)\=(.*)$} ).flatten params[key] = CGI.unescape(value) end end def retry_exceptions retries = MAX_RETRIES begin yield rescue Paypal::RetriableConnectionError => e retries -= 1 sleep(rand(10)) retry unless raise ConnectionError, e.message rescue Paypal::ConnectionError retries -= 1 sleep(rand(10)) retry if ! raise end end end end