module Paypal # This is a collection of helpers which aid in the creation of paypal buttons # # Example: # # <%= form_tag Paypal::Notification.ipn_url %> # # <%= paypal_setup "Item 500", Money.us_dollar(50000), "" %> # Please press here to pay $500US using paypal. <%= submit_tag %> # # <% end_form_tag %> # # For this to work you have to include these methods as helpers in your rails application. # One way is to add "include Paypal::Helpers" in your application_helper.rb # See Paypal::Notification for information on how to catch payment events. module Helpers # Convenience helper. Can replace <%= form_tag Paypal::Notification.ipn_url %> # takes optional url parameter, default is Paypal::Notification.ipn_url def paypal_form_tag(url = Paypal::Notification.ipn_url) form_tag(url) end # This helper creates the hidden form data which is needed for a paypal purchase. # # * item_number -- The first parameter is the item number. This is for your personal organization and can # be arbitrary. Paypal will sent the item number back with the IPN so its a great place to # store a user ID or a order ID or something like this. # # * amount -- should be a parameter of type Money ( see ) but can also # be a string of type "50.00" for 50$. If you use the string syntax make sure you set the current # currency as part of the options hash. The default is USD # # * business -- This is your paypal account name ( a email ). This needs to be a valid paypal business account. # # The last parameter is a options hash. You can override several things: # # * :notify_url -- default is nil. Supply an url which paypal will send its IPN notification to once a # purchase is made, canceled or any other status changes occure. # * :return_url -- default is nil. If provided paypal will redirect a user back to this url after a # successful purchase. Useful for a kind of thankyou page. # * :cancel_url -- default is nil. If provided paypal will redirect a user back to this url when # the user cancels the purchase. # * :item_name -- default is 'Store purchase'. This is the name of the purchase which will be displayed # on the paypal page. # * :no_shipping -- default is '1'. By default we tell paypal that no shipping is required. Usually # the shipping address should be collected in our application, not by paypal. # * :no_note -- default is '1' # * :currency -- default is 'USD' # * :tax -- the tax for the store purchase. Same format as the amount parameter but optional # * :invoice -- Unique invoice number. User will never see this. optional # * :custom -- Custom field. User will never see this. optional # * :no_utf8 -- if set to false this prevents the charset = utf-8 hidden field. (I don't know why you # would want to disable this... ) # # Examples: # # <%= paypal_setup, Money.us_dollar(50000), "" %> # <%= paypal_setup, '50.00', "", :currency => 'USD' %> # <%= paypal_setup, '50.00', "", :currency => 'USD', :notify_url => url_for(:only_path => false, :action => 'paypal_ipn') %> # <%= paypal_setup, Money.ca_dollar(50000), "", :item_name => 'Snowdevil shop purchase', :return_url => paypal_return_url, :cancel_url => paypal_cancel_url, :notify_url => paypal_ipn_url %> # def paypal_setup(item_number, amount, business, options = {}) params = { :item_name => 'Balance update', :no_shipping => '1', :no_note => '1', :currency => session[:default_currency], # :return_url => nil }.merge(options) # We accept both, strings and money objects as amount amount = amount.cents.to_f / 100.0 if amount.respond_to?(:cents) amount = sprintf("%.2f", amount) # same for tax if params[:tax] tax = params[:tax] tax = tax.cents.to_f / 100.0 if tax.respond_to?(:cents) tax = sprintf("%.2f", tax) end # params[:currency] = "GBP"; # amount="0.01" #testing # Build the form returning button = [] do button << tag(:input, :type => 'hidden', :name => 'cmd', :value => "_xclick") button << tag(:input, :type => 'hidden', :name => 'quantity', :value => 1) button << tag(:input, :type => 'hidden', :name => 'business', :value => business) button << tag(:input, :type => 'hidden', :name => 'amount', :value => amount) button << tag(:input, :type => 'hidden', :name => 'item_number', :value => item_number) button << tag(:input, :type => 'hidden', :name => 'item_name', :value => params[:item_name]) button << tag(:input, :type => 'hidden', :name => 'no_shipping', :value => params[:no_shipping]) button << tag(:input, :type => 'hidden', :name => 'no_note', :value => params[:no_note]) button << tag(:input, :type => 'hidden', :name => 'return', :value => params[:return_url]) if params[:return_url] button << tag(:input, :type => 'hidden', :name => 'notify_url', :value => params[:notify_url]) if params[:notify_url] button << tag(:input, :type => 'hidden', :name => 'cancel_return', :value => params[:cancel_url]) if params[:cancel_url] button << tag(:input, :type => 'hidden', :name => 'tax', :value => tax) if params[:tax] button << tag(:input, :type => 'hidden', :name => 'invoice', :value => params[:invoice]) if params[:invoice] button << tag(:input, :type => 'hidden', :name => 'custom', :value => params[:custom]) if params[:custom] button << tag(:input, :type => 'hidden', :name => 'currency', :value => params[:currency]) if params[:currency] # if amount was a object of type money or something compatible we will use its currency, button << tag(:input, :type => 'hidden', :name => 'currency_code', :value => amount.respond_to?(:currency) ? amount.currency : params[:currency]) button << tag(:input, :type => 'hidden', :name => 'charset', :value => 'utf-8') unless params[:no_utf8] end.join("\n") end end end