module Localization mattr_accessor :lang mattr_reader :l10s @@l10s = { :default => {} } @@lang = :default def self._(string_to_localize, *args) translated = @@l10s[@@lang][string_to_localize] || string_to_localize return*args).to_s if translated.is_a? Proc if translated.is_a? Array translated = if translated.size == 3 translated[args[0]==0 ? 0 : (args[0]>1 ? 2 : 1)] else translated[args[0]>1 ? 1 : 0] end end sprintf translated, *args end def self._t(string_to_localize, lang, *args) # my_debug("verciam") translated = @@l10s[lang][string_to_localize] || string_to_localize return*args).to_s if translated.is_a? Proc if translated.is_a? Array translated = if translated.size == 3 translated[args[0]==0 ? 0 : (args[0]>1 ? 2 : 1)] else translated[args[0]>1 ? 1 : 0] end end sprintf translated, *args end def self.my_debug(msg)"/tmp/mor_debug.txt", "a") { |f| f << msg.to_s f << "\n" } end def self.define(lang = :default) @@l10s[lang] ||= {} yield @@l10s[lang] end def self.load # my_debug("skaitom lang") Dir.glob("#{RAILS_ROOT}/lang/*.rb"){ |t| require t } Dir.glob("#{RAILS_ROOT}/lang/custom/*.rb"){ |t| require t } end # Generates a best-estimate l10n file from all views by # collecting calls to _() -- note: use the generated file only # as a start (this method is only guesstimating) def self.generate_l10n_file "Localization.define('en_US') do |l|\n" << Dir.glob("#{RAILS_ROOT}/app/views/**/*.rhtml").collect do |f| ["# #{f}"] <<<%.*[^\w]_\s*[\"\'](.*?)[\"\']/) end.uniq.flatten.collect do |g| g.starts_with?('#') ? "\n #{g}" : " '#{g}', '#{g}'" end.uniq.join("\n") << "\nend" end end class Object def _(*args); Localization._(*args); end def _t(*args); Localization._t(*args); end end