module Cyberplat module Helpers def cyberplat_setup(order_id, amount, currency, firstName, lastName, email, shopIP, return_url, options = {}) MorLog.my_debug("Testas1") #data check firstName = lastName if firstName.to_s.length < 4 lastName = firstName if lastName.to_s.length < 4 # last resort for empty names just to allow Cyberplat payments (ok, that's nasty hack) firstName = "John" if firstName.to_s.length < 4 lastName = "Lock" if lastName.to_s.length < 4 message = '' params = { }.merge(options) params[:language] ? lang = params[:language].to_s : lang = 'en' # We accept both, strings and money objects as amount #amount = amount.cents.to_f / 100.0 if amount.respond_to?(:cents) #amount = sprintf("%.2f", amount) # same for tax if params[:tax] tax = params[:tax] tax = tax.cents.to_f / 100.0 if tax.respond_to?(:cents) tax = sprintf("%.2f", tax) end amount = (amount.to_f * 100).to_s.to_i message = "OrderID="+order_id.to_s message += "&Amount="+(amount).to_s message += "&Currency="+currency.to_s message += "&FirstName="+firstName.to_s message += "&LastName="+lastName.to_s message += "&Email="+email.to_s message += "&ShopIP="+shopIP.to_s message += "&return_url="+return_url.to_s message += "&Language="+lang message += "&PaymentDetails="+params[:paymentdetails].to_s if params[:paymentdetails] message += "&CardType="+params[:cardtype].to_s if params[:cardtype] message += "&Registered="+params[:registred] if params[:registred] checker_tmp = Confline.get_value("Cyberplat_Temporary_Directory", 0)"#{checker_tmp}/message.txt", 'w') {|f| f.write(message) } system("#{Actual_Dir}/lib/cyberplat/checker.exe -s -f #{Actual_Dir}/lib/cyberplat/checker.ini #{checker_tmp}/message2.txt < #{checker_tmp}/message.txt") msg = """#{checker_tmp}/message2.txt", "r") do |infile| while (line = infile.gets) msg +=line end end Confline.my_debug(msg) system("rm #{checker_tmp}/message.txt") system("rm #{checker_tmp}/message2.txt") returning button = [] do button << tag(:input, :type => 'hidden', :name => 'version', :value => '2.0') button << tag(:input, :type => 'hidden', :name => 'сryptotool', :value => "Ipriv") #button << tag(:input, :type => 'hidden', :name => 'сryptotool', :value => params[:сryptotool]) if params[:сryptotool] button << tag(:input, :type => 'hidden', :name => 'message', :value => msg) end.join("\n") end end end