module CsvImportDb def CsvImportDb.clean_value(value) cv = value.to_s.gsub("\"", "") cv end def CsvImportDb.clean_after_import(tname, path = "/tmp/") MorLog.my_debug("CSV clean_after_import #{tname}", 1) full_file_path = "#{path}#{tname}.csv" system("rm -f #{full_file_path}") ActiveRecord::Base.connection.execute("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS #{tname};") end def CsvImportDb.log_swap(string) system("echo '#{} --- #{string}' >> /tmp/swap_log.txt") system("vmstat >> /tmp/swap_log.txt") end def CsvImportDb.head_of_file(path, n = 1) begin do |f| lines = [] n.times do line = f.gets || break lines << line end if lines[0] and lines[0].size > 1000 lines[0]= _('Line_seems_to_long_failed_to_determine_file_line_separator') end lines end rescue Exception => e MorLog.log_exception(e,, 'CsvImportDb.head_of_file', 'path') lines = ['ERROR : no file found'] end end def CsvImportDb.save_file(id, file, path = "/tmp/") tname = "import_csv_#{id}_#{}" MorLog.my_debug("CSV save_file #{tname}", 1) CsvImportDb.log_swap('save_file') full_file_path = "#{path}#{tname}.csv" #create file, "wb") { |f| f.write(file) } yy = YAML::load("#{RAILS_ROOT}/config/database.yml")) if Confline.get_value("Load_CSV_From_Remote_Mysql").to_i == 1 or (!yy['production']['host'].blank? and !yy['production']['host'].include?('localhsot')) # move cp_cmd = "/usr/bin/scp root@{full_file_path} root@#{yy['production']['host']}:#{full_file_path}" MorLog.my_debug(cp_cmd) system(cp_cmd) end MorLog.my_debug(tname) return tname end def CsvImportDb.load_csv_into_db(tname, sep, dec, fl, path = "/tmp/", options = {}) MorLog.my_debug("CSV load_csv_into_db #{tname}", 1) CsvImportDb.log_swap('load') path = "/tmp/" if !path full_file_path = options[:xml] ? "#{path}#{tname}.xml" : "#{path}#{tname}.csv" #create table cols_size = options[:xml] ? 12 : fl.size cols = [] cols_size.times{|num| cols[num]= 'col_' + num.to_s + " VARCHAR(225) default NULL "} incr_name = nil if options[:colums] and options[:colums].size > 0 options[:colums].each{|col| z = col[:name].to_s + " " + col[:type].to_s z += " default " + col[:default].to_s if !col[:default].to_s.blank? z += col[:inscrement].to_s if !col[:inscrement].to_s.blank? incr_name = col[:name].to_s if !col[:inscrement].to_s.blank? cols << z } end ActiveRecord::Base.connection.execute("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS #{tname};") sql = "CREATE TABLE #{tname} (" sql += cols.reject{|v| v.nil? or v.empty? }.join(" , ") sql += ", PRIMARY KEY (#{incr_name})" if !incr_name.blank? sql += ") ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8 ;" ActiveRecord::Base.connection.execute(sql) #load # mysql utf=>latin!!!! if options[:xml] load = "LOAD XML INFILE '/home/kristina/fifty_rates.xml' IGNORE INTO TABLE #{tname} character set latin1" load+= ";" else load = "LOAD DATA LOCAL INFILE '#{full_file_path}' IGNORE INTO TABLE #{tname} character set latin1" load += " FIELDS TERMINATED BY '#{sep}' " load += " OPTIONALLY ENCLOSED BY '\"' " load += " lines terminated by '\n' ;" end ActiveRecord::Base.verify_active_connections! ActiveRecord::Base.connection.execute(load) MorLog.my_debug load return tname end end