#Romanian translation by Andrei Ivanoiu #English translation by Kolmisoft Localization.define('ro') do |l| l.store 'enter_username_and_psw', 'Va rugam introduceti Numele utilizatorului si Parola pentru a va loga' l.store 'login', 'Logare' l.store 'change_date', 'Schimba data' l.store 'total_calls', 'Apeluri totale' l.store 'date', 'Data' l.store 'called_from', 'Apel de la' l.store 'called_to', 'Apel la' l.store 'duration', 'Durata' l.store 'holdtime', 'Durata asteptare' l.store 'hangup_cause', 'Motivul inchiderii' l.store 'processed', 'Efectuat' l.store 'cancel', 'Anuleaza' l.store 'you_have_no_calls', 'Nu aveti apeluri' l.store 'menu', 'MENIU' l.store 'start_page', 'Index' l.store 'logoff', 'Iesire din cont' l.store 'SETTINGS', 'SETARI' l.store 'global', 'Globale' l.store 'users', 'Utilizatori' l.store 'forwards', 'Redirectionari' l.store 'statistics', 'STATISTICI' l.store 'all_users', 'Toti utilizatorii' l.store 'realtime', 'Timp real' l.store 'devices', 'Dispozitive' l.store 'calls', 'Apeluri' l.store 'answered_calls', 'Apeluri raspunse' l.store 'incoming_calls', 'Apeluri primite' l.store 'missed_calls', 'Apeluri pierdute' l.store 'settings', 'Setari' l.store 'login_succesfull', 'Logare reusita' l.store 'bad_login', 'Nume utilizator si/sau parola gresite' l.store 'logged_off', 'Iesire din cont' l.store 'phones_settings_updated', 'Starile dispozitivului updatate' l.store 'device', 'Dispozitiv' l.store 'forwarded_to', 'Redirectionat la' l.store 'forward_removed', 'Neredirectionat' l.store 'not_forwarded_close_circle', 'Neredirectionat din cauza cerului inchis' l.store 'all_calls', 'Toate apelurile' l.store 'most_called_users', 'Cei mai apelati utilizatori:' l.store 'time', 'Durata' l.store 'first_name', 'Nume' l.store 'last_name', 'Prenume' l.store 'username', 'Nume utilizator' l.store 'avg_call_time', 'Durata medie a apelurilor' l.store 'not_processed_calls', 'Ratat si neprocesat' l.store 'user_created', 'Creare utilizator reusita' l.store 'user_details_changed', 'Modificare setari utilizator(i) reusita' l.store 'dids', 'DIDs' l.store 'total_dids', 'DIDs totale' l.store 'device_settings', 'Configurare dispozitiv' l.store 'extension', 'Extensie' l.store 'secret', 'Parola' l.store 'cid', 'ID Apelant' l.store 'update', 'Updatare' l.store 'devices', 'Dispozitive' l.store 'extensions', 'Extensii' l.store 'configuration', 'Configurare' l.store 'user', 'Utilizator' l.store 'devices', 'Dispozitiv' l.store 'forward', 'Redirectionare' l.store 'nowhere_forwarded', 'Neredirectionat' l.store 'to_forward', 'Redirectionare' l.store 'type', 'Introducere' l.store 'hello', 'Buna ziua' l.store 'you_dont_have_missed_calls_today', 'Astazi nu aveti nici un apel pierdut' l.store 'global_settings', 'Setari globale' l.store 'change_all_phone_extlines', 'Schimbati toate setarile telefoanelor' l.store 'change_extlines_for_calling_out', 'Schimbati setarile apeluri exterior' l.store 'edit', 'Editare' l.store 'usertype', 'Tip utilizator' l.store 'is_logged', 'Logat' l.store 'back', 'Inapoi' l.store 'password', 'Parola' l.store 'last_time_registered', 'Data ultimei logari' l.store 'context', 'Context' l.store 'voicemail', 'Mesagerie Vocala' l.store 'ext_lines', 'Linii exterioare' l.store 'blocked_number', 'Numere blocate' l.store 'change', 'Modifica' l.store 'to', 'La' l.store 'From', 'De la' l.store 'Total_records', 'Inregistrari totale' l.store 'more_calltime_made_users', 'Cei mai apelati utilizatori:' l.store 'Total', 'Total' l.store 'not_processed_missed', 'Pierdute neprocesate' l.store 'Change_period', 'Perioada modificare' l.store 'Today_you_have', 'Astazi nu aveti nici un apel pierdut' l.store 'out_of', 'din' l.store 'not_processed', 'Neprocesat' l.store 'Total_you_have', 'Aveti in total' l.store 'More_info', 'Mai multe informatii' l.store 'Add_new', 'Adaugati' l.store 'New_user', 'Utilizator nou' l.store 'Create', 'Creati' l.store 'Change_date', 'Modificati data' l.store 'Start_page', 'Pagina principala' l.store 'Answered_calls', 'Apeluri primite' l.store 'Incoming_calls', 'Apeluri in curs' l.store 'Missed_calls', 'Apeluri pierdute' l.store 'Total', 'Total' l.store 'Calls', 'Apeluri' l.store 'Logoff', 'Iesire din cont' l.store 'PERSONAL', 'MENIU PERSONAL' l.store 'STATISTICS', 'STATISTICI' l.store 'Users', 'Utilizatori' l.store 'Globals', 'Globale' l.store 'Forwards', 'Redirectionari' l.store 'Recordings', 'Inregistrari' l.store 'Show', 'Arata' l.store 'Username', 'Nume utilizator' l.store 'Edit', 'Editare' l.store 'Devices', 'Dispozitive' l.store 'Delete', 'Sterge' l.store 'Extension', 'Extensie' l.store 'Forward', 'Redirectionare' l.store 'Change', 'Modifica' l.store 'Record', 'Inregistrare' l.store 'Play', 'Ascultati' l.store 'Playing_recording', 'Ascultati inregistrarea' l.store 'Download', 'Descarca' l.store 'Type', 'Adaugare' l.store 'Password', 'Parola' l.store 'Cid', 'CID' l.store 'Last_time_registered', 'Ultima data a accesarii' l.store 'Context', 'Context' l.store 'Ext_line', 'Configurare' l.store 'Voicemail', 'Mesagerie Vocala' l.store 'Blocked_numbers', 'Numere blocate' l.store 'Dids', 'DIDuri' l.store 'Add_new_device', 'Adaugati dispozitiv nou' l.store 'Back', 'Inapoi' l.store 'cid_name', 'Nume CID' l.store 'Sort_by_this_field', 'Sortare dupa acest camp' l.store 'Login', 'Logare' l.store 'are_you_sure', 'Sunteti sigur?' l.store 'Are_you_sure', 'Sunteti sigur?' l.store 'Add_new_user', 'Adaugare utilizator nou' l.store 'Device_forward', 'Redirectionare dispozitiv' l.store 'Device', 'Dispozitiv' l.store 'Forward_to', 'Redirectionare catre' l.store 'Date', 'Data' l.store 'Source', 'Sursa' l.store 'Destination', 'Destinatar' l.store 'Duration', 'Durata' l.store 'No_data', 'Date lipsa...' l.store 'Today_you_have', 'Astazi aveti' l.store 'missed_main', 'Pierdute' l.store 'calls_main', 'Apeluri' l.store 'Total_you_have', 'In total aveti' l.store 'not_processed_calls_main', 'Apeluri neprocesate/pierdute' l.store 'not_processed_main', 'neprocesate' l.store 'users_settings', 'Stetarile utilizatorului' l.store 'Ext_lines', 'Configurare' l.store 'New_device', 'Dispozitiv nou' l.store 'Name', 'Nume' l.store 'User', 'Utilizator' l.store 'Statistics', 'STATISTICI' l.store 'outgoing_extlines_succesfully_reconfigured', 'Configurare linii de iesire reusita' l.store 'Succesfully_reconfigured', 'Reconfigurare reusita' l.store 'devices_globals', 'Dispozitive' l.store 'Detailed_stats_for', 'Statistici detaliate pentru' l.store 'Outgoing_calls', 'Apeluri efectuate' l.store 'Incoming_calls', 'Apeluri primite' l.store 'All_calls', 'Toate apelurile' l.store 'Total_calls', 'Total apeluri' l.store 'ANSWERED', 'RASPUNSE' l.store 'NO_ANSWER', 'FARA RASPUNS' l.store 'BUSY', 'OCUPAT' l.store 'FAILED', 'NEREUSIT' l.store 'Time_to_call_per_day', 'Numar total de ore de apeluri pe zi' l.store 'Left_till_normative', 'Labandonat pana la normativa' l.store 'ANSWERED', 'RASPUNSE' l.store 'NO_ANSWER', 'FARA RASPUNS' l.store 'BUSY', 'OCUPAT' l.store 'FAILED', 'NEREUSIT' l.store 'Outgoing', 'Efectuate' l.store 'Incoming', 'Primite' l.store 'All_users_rec', 'Toti utilizatorii' l.store 'All_users', 'Toti utilizatorii' l.store 'Calltime_normative', 'Normativa ora apelului' l.store 'Show_in_realtime_stats', 'Arata in statisticile in timp real' l.store 'Yes', 'Da' l.store 'No', 'Nu' l.store 'Detailed', 'Detaliate' l.store 'All_users_detailed', 'Statisticile detaliate ale tuturor utilizatorilor' l.store 'Groups', 'Grupuri' l.store 'New_group', 'Grup nou' l.store 'Group_details', 'Detalii grup' l.store 'Call_shop_was_successfully_updated', 'Grupul a fost updatat cu succes' l.store 'Call_shop_was_successfully_deleted', 'Stergere grup reusita' l.store 'Call_shop_was_successfully_created', 'Creare grup reusita' l.store 'Members', 'Membrii' l.store 'Group', 'Grup' l.store 'User_type', 'Tip utilizator' l.store 'Total_members', 'Membrii totali' l.store 'Change_type', 'Schimba tipul' l.store 'Add_new_member', 'Adaugare membru nou' l.store 'Add_member', 'Adaugare membru' l.store 'MANAGEMENT', 'MANAGEMENT' l.store 'Done', 'Terminare' l.store 'Member_count', 'Numar membrii' l.store 'Logged_members', 'Membrii logati' l.store 'members', 'Membrii' l.store 'Members_type_was_successfully_changed', 'Tip membrii modificat cu succes' l.store 'Member_was_successfully_added', 'Adaugare membru reusita' l.store 'Member_was_successfully_removed', 'Stergere membru reusita' l.store 'Remove', 'Stergere' l.store 'Destroy', 'Distrugere' l.store 'Edit_group', 'Editare grup' l.store 'Logout', 'Iesire dincont' l.store 'Logins', 'Logari' l.store 'Login_stats_for', 'Statistici logare pentru' l.store 'Login_Stats', 'Statistici logare' l.store 'You_are_not_authorized_to_view_this_page', 'Nu aveti autorizatie pentru a vizualiza aceasta pagina' l.store 'Todays_normative', 'Normative azi' l.store 'Normative', 'Normativa' l.store 'Login_Duration', 'Durata logare' l.store 'New_calls', 'Apeluri noi' l.store 'List', 'Lista' l.store 'New_calls_today', 'Apeluri noi astazi' l.store 'Months_normative', 'Normativa lunii' l.store 'M_normative', 'Norm. Lun.' l.store 'Member_stats', 'Statistici membrii' l.store 'Sales_this_month', 'Vanzari luna curenta' l.store 'Sales_this_month_planned', 'Vanzari planificate luna curenta' l.store 'Member', 'Membru' l.store 'BILLING', 'FACTURARE' l.store 'Providers', 'Furnizori' l.store 'Tariffs', 'Tarife' l.store 'LCR', 'LCR' l.store 'Directions', 'Indicatii' l.store 'Destination', 'Destinatie' l.store 'Server_IP', 'Server IP' l.store 'Tariff', 'Tarif' l.store 'New_provider', 'Furnizor nou' l.store 'Provider_edit', 'Editare furnizor' l.store 'Channel', 'Canal' l.store 'Provider_was_successfully_created', 'Creare furnizor reusita' l.store 'Provider_was_successfully_updated', 'Actualizare furnizor reusita' l.store 'Code', 'Cod' l.store 'New_direction', 'Directie noua' l.store 'Create_new_direction', 'Creare directie noua' l.store 'Direction_was_successfully_created', 'Directie creata cu succes' l.store 'Edit_direction', 'Editare directie' l.store 'Direction_was_successfully_updated', 'Directie actualizata cu succes' l.store 'Add_new_destination', 'Adaugare destinatie noua' l.store 'Destination_was_successfully_created', 'Destinatie creata cu succes' l.store 'New_destination', 'Destinatie noua' l.store 'LCR_new', 'LCR nou' l.store 'Lcr_was_successfully_created', 'LCR creat cu succes' l.store 'LCR_edit', 'Editare LCR' l.store 'Lcr_was_successfully_updated', 'Actualizare LCR reusita' l.store 'Providers_for_LCR', 'Furnizori LCR' l.store 'Provider_added', 'Furnizori adaugati' l.store 'Please_select_provider_from_the_list', 'Alegeti furnizor din lista' l.store 'Order', 'Comanda' l.store 'Price', 'Pret' l.store 'Quality', 'Calitate' l.store 'Priority', 'Prioritate' l.store 'Tariff_new', 'Tarif nou' l.store 'Tariff_was_successfully_created', 'Tarif creat cu succes' l.store 'Tariff_edit', 'Editare tarif' l.store 'Tariff_was_successfully_updated', 'Actualizare tarif reusita' l.store 'Rates_for_tariff', 'Preturi tarif' l.store 'Add_new_rate_to_tariff', 'Adaugare pret la tarif' l.store 'Rate_details', 'Detalii Pret' l.store 'Rate_details_edit', 'Editare detalii returi' l.store 'Rate_details_was_successfully_updated', 'Detalii preturi actualizate cu succes' l.store 'Ratedetail_new', 'Detalii Pret nou' l.store 'Rate_detail_was_successfully_created', 'Creare detalii Pret reusita' l.store 'Rate_detail_was_successfully_deleted', 'Stergere detalii Pret reusita' l.store 'Cant_delete_last_rate_detail', 'Detaliile ultimului pret nu pot fi sterse' l.store 'Start_Time', 'Ora inceperii' l.store 'End_Time', 'Ora sfarsirii' l.store 'Connection_Fee', 'Taxa conectare' l.store 'Increment', 'Incrementare' l.store 'Min_Time', 'Timp minim' l.store 'New_rate_detail', 'Detalii Pret nou' l.store 'Add_rates', 'Adaugare preturi' l.store 'Provider', 'Furnizor' l.store 'Tech', 'Tehnologie' l.store 'Add_provider', 'adaugare furnizor' l.store 'Select_provider', 'Selectare furnizor' l.store 'Add', 'Adaugare' l.store 'New_tariff', 'Tarif nou' l.store 'View', 'Vizualizare' l.store 'Direction', 'Directie' l.store 'Prefix', 'Prefix' l.store 'Subcode', 'Subcod' l.store 'Details', 'Detalii' l.store 'New_rate', 'Pret nou' l.store 'Rate', 'Pret' l.store 'Destinations', 'Destinatii' l.store 'Destination_was_successfully_updated', 'Destinatie actualizata cu succes' l.store 'device_deleted', 'Dispozitiv sters'; l.store 'No_tariffs_available', 'Tarife indisponibile. Selectati cel putin unul' l.store 'No_provaiders_available', 'Furnizori indisponibili Selectati cel putin unul' l.store 'Destination_was_not_created', 'Destinatia nu a fost creata' l.store 'Destination_was_deleted', 'Destinatie stearsa' l.store 'Edit_destination', 'Editare destinatie' l.store 'Direction_deleted', 'directie stearsa' l.store 'Call_Stats', 'Statistici apel' l.store 'No_tariffs_found_user_not_functional', 'Tarife utilizator indisponibile. Va rugam creati tarife si atasatile utlizatorului. In caz contar utilizatorul nu va putea efectua apeluri.' l.store 'No_lcrs_found_user_not_functional', 'LCR indisponibil pentru utilizator. Va rugam creati LCR si atasatil utilizatorului. In caz contrar utilizatorul nu va putea efectua apeluri.' l.store 'Lcr_deleted', 'Stergere LCR reusita' l.store 'Lcr_not_deleted', 'LCR nu poate fi sters deoarece este folosit de catre utilizator(i)!' l.store 'Rate_deleted', 'Stergere pret reusita' l.store 'device_created', 'Dispozitiv creat' l.store 'device_deleted', 'Dispozitiv sters' # 0.3 l.store 'device_not_created', 'Dispozitiv ul nu a fost creat! Verificati daca numele nu este folosit deja!' l.store 'Import_CSV', 'Importa din CVS' l.store 'Tariff_import_step_1_1', 'Selectati fisierul CVS cu preturi pentru a importa' l.store 'Step', 'Pas' l.store 'File_size', 'Marime fisier' l.store 'File_lines', 'Linii fisier' l.store 'bytes', 'bytes' l.store 'Min_time', 'Timp minim' l.store 'Country_code', 'Cod tara' l.store 'Upload', 'Incarca' l.store 'Upload_file', 'Incarca fisier' l.store 'Total_destinations', 'Destinatii totale' l.store 'File_imported', 'Fisier importat.' l.store 'File_not_imported', 'Fisier neimportat.' l.store 'Can_overwrite_rates', 'Preturile nu pot fi rescrise' l.store 'Can_create_destinations', 'Destinatiile nu pot fi create' l.store 'Total_directions', 'Directii totale' l.store 'Total_rates_for_tariff', 'Preturi totale pentru tarife' l.store 'New_destinations', 'Destinatii noi' l.store 'Changed_rates', 'Preturi schimbate' l.store 'New_rates', 'Noi preturi' l.store 'Current_status', 'Status curent' l.store 'Assigned_to_user', 'Atasat utilizatorului' l.store 'Assigned_to_device', 'Atasat dispozitivului' l.store 'Possible_choices', 'Variante posibile' l.store 'Make_did_free', 'Faceti DID gratis' l.store 'Reserve_did_for_user', 'Rezervare DID pentru utilizator' l.store 'Assign_did_to_device', 'Atasare DID dispozitivului' l.store 'Stop_did_subscription_for_user', 'Oprirea abonarii DID pentru utlizator' l.store 'Disable_did', 'Oprire DID' l.store 'Number', 'Numar' l.store 'Days_to_reserve_did_to_user', 'Zile rezervare DID pentru utilizator' l.store 'User_will_be_able_to_return_this_did_till', 'Utilizatorul va putea returna acest DID pana la' l.store 'Stop', 'Stop' l.store 'Make_did_free_expanded', 'Permiteti ca acest DID sa fie atasat altor utilizatori/planuri telefonie' l.store 'Assign_did_to_device_expanded', 'Puteti alege catre ce dispozitiv sa directionati apeluri de la acest DID' l.store 'Assign', 'Atasare' l.store 'No_free_devices', 'ATENTIE! Acest utilizator nu detine dispozitive caror sa putem atasa acest DID. Va rugam creati cel putin unul.' l.store 'Reserve_did_for_user_expanded', 'Rezervati DID pentru utilizator. Nimeni nu-l va putea folosi cand este rezervat' l.store 'Reserve', 'Rezervati' l.store 'No_free_users', 'Nu exista utilizatori pentru numarul rezervat' l.store 'Disable_did_expanded', 'Opriti acest DID pentru a inceta folosirea lui' l.store 'Disable', 'Oprire' l.store 'New_did', 'DID nou' l.store 'Reserved_for_user_till', 'Rezervat utilizator pana la' l.store 'DID_made_available', 'DID disponibil' l.store 'DID_reserved', 'DID rezervat' l.store 'DID_assigned', 'DID atasat' l.store 'DID_closed', 'DID inchis' l.store 'DID_terminated', 'DID oprit' l.store 'DID', 'DID' l.store 'DID_add_extended', 'Aici puteti adauga un DID' l.store 'DID_interval_extended', 'Aici puteti adauga un interval DID' l.store 'DID_interval', 'Interval DID' l.store 'Did_was_successfully_created', 'Creare DID reusita' l.store 'Did_was_not_created', 'DID nu a fost creat!' l.store 'Bad_interval_start_and_end', 'Inceput sau/si sfarsit de interval gresit' l.store 'Did_interval_was_successfully_created', 'Interval DID creat cu succes' l.store 'Did_deleted', 'DID sters' l.store 'Terminate_did', 'Oprire DID' l.store 'Terminate', 'Oprire' l.store 'Did_rates', 'Preturi DID' l.store 'New_did_rate', 'Pret nou DID' l.store 'Tariff_deleted', 'Tarif sters' l.store 'Allowed_addresses', 'Adresa acceptata' l.store 'Mask', 'Mask' l.store 'Advanced', 'Avansare' l.store 'Provider_removed', 'Furnizor inlaturat' l.store 'Provider_deleted', 'Furnizor sters' l.store 'Dial_string_formating', 'Formatare sir numere apelare' l.store 'Dial_string', 'Sir numere apelare' l.store 'Use_LATA_OCN_NPANXX', 'Folosire standard USA (LATA/OCN/NPANXX)' l.store 'Delete_all_rates', 'Stergere toate preturile' l.store 'All_rates_deleted', 'Toate preturile sterse' l.store 'NPANXX', 'NPANXX' l.store 'City', 'Oras' l.store 'State', 'Stat' l.store 'LATA', 'LATA' l.store 'Class', 'ATENTIE! Acest utilizator nu detine dispozitive la care putem atasa acest DID. Va rugam creati cel putin unul.' l.store 'OCN', 'OCN' l.store 'OCN_Name', 'Nume OCN' l.store 'CALLING_CARDS', 'ATENTIE! Acest utilizator nu detine dispozitive caror sa putem atasa acest DID. Va rugam creati cel putin unul.' l.store 'Card_groups', 'Grup apelanti' l.store 'Setup_fee', 'Taxa montare' l.store 'Ghost_min_perc', 'Procentaj minim Ghost' l.store 'Daily_charge', 'Taxa zilnica' l.store 'Vat_percent', 'Procentaj VAT' l.store 'Card_group_edit', 'Editare card grupi' l.store 'Cardgroup_was_successfully_updated', 'Card de grup actualizat' l.store 'New_card_group', 'Card grup nou' l.store 'Cardgroup_was_successfully_created', 'Card grup creat cu succes' l.store 'Cardgroup_was_not_created', 'Cardul de grup nu a fost creat' l.store 'Number_length', 'Lungime numar' l.store 'Pin_length', 'Lungime PIN' l.store 'New_cardgroup', 'Card grup nou' l.store 'Card_group_details', 'Detalii grup card' l.store 'Created_at', 'Creat la' l.store 'Valid_from', 'Valid de la' l.store 'Valid_till', 'Valid pana la' l.store 'Add_cards', 'Adaugare carduri' l.store 'Card_details', 'Detalii card' l.store 'Edit_card', 'Editare card' l.store 'Card_was_successfully_updated', 'Card actualizat cu succes' l.store 'Bad_number_length_should_be', 'Lungime numar gresita, lungimea trebuie sa fie' l.store 'Description', 'Descriere' l.store 'Cards', 'Carduri' l.store 'Cardgroup_was_deleted', 'Card grup sters' l.store 'Balance', 'Balanta' l.store 'First_use', 'Prima utilizare' l.store 'Daily_charge_paid_till', 'Taxa zilnica platita pana la' l.store 'Sold', 'Sold' l.store 'Card_group', 'Card grup' l.store 'Start_number', 'Numar inceput' l.store 'End_number', 'Numar final' l.store 'First_file_lines', 'Primele linii din fisier' l.store 'Total_file_lines', 'Total linii fisier' l.store 'File_uploaded', 'Fisier incarcat' l.store 'Confirm_selection', 'Confirmare selectie' l.store 'Assign_columns', 'Atasare coloane' l.store 'Tier', 'Tier' 'Tier' l.store 'Confirm_columns', 'confirmare coloane' l.store 'bad_dst', 'Destinatie(i) gresite' l.store 'Please_select_file', 'Va rugam selectati fisier' l.store 'Created_destinations', 'Creare destinatii' l.store 'Rates_updated', 'Preturi actualizate' l.store 'New_rates_created', 'Noi preturi create' l.store 'Analysis_completed', 'Analiza completa' l.store 'Columns_assigned', 'Coloane atasate' l.store 'Confirm_columns', 'confirmare coloane' l.store 'Directions_in_DB', 'Directii in DB' l.store 'Destinations_in_DB', 'Destinatii in DB' l.store 'Destinations_in_csv_file', 'Destinatii in fisierul CSV' l.store 'Existing_destinations_in_csv_file', 'Destinatii existente in fisierul CSV' l.store 'New_destinations_in_csv_file', 'Noi destinatii in fisierul CSV' l.store 'Tariff_rates', 'Preturi tarife' l.store 'Rates_to_update', 'Preturii de actualizat' l.store 'File_upload', 'Incarcare fisier' l.store 'DB_analysis', 'Analiza DB' l.store 'CSV_file_analysis', 'Analiza fisier CSV' l.store 'Results', 'Rezultat' l.store 'To_do', 'De facut' l.store 'Back_to_tariffs', 'Inapoi la tarife' l.store 'Next_step', 'Pasul urmator' l.store 'Column_assignment', 'Atasare coloana' l.store 'Column_confirmation', 'Confirmare coloana' l.store 'Analysis', 'Analiza' l.store 'Creating_destinations', 'Creare destinatii' l.store 'Updating_rates', 'Actualizare preturi' l.store 'Creating_new_rates', 'Creare preturi noi' l.store 'Step', 'Pas' l.store 'Destinations_to_create', 'Destinatii de creat' l.store 'New_rates_to_create', 'Noi preturi de creat' l.store 'Proceed', 'Pasul urmator' l.store 'Congratulations_csv_import', 'Felicitari importare fisier CSV reusita' l.store 'Add_to_cart', 'Adugare in cos' l.store 'Show_my_cart', 'Afisare cos' l.store 'Card_added', 'Card adaugat' l.store 'Qty', 'Buc' l.store 'Continue_shopping', 'Continuati cumparaturile' l.store 'Empty_cart', 'Golire cos' l.store 'Checkout', 'Iesire' l.store 'Your_cart_is_now_empty', 'Acum cosul dvs este gol' l.store 'Your_cart_is_currently_empty', 'Cosul este gol' l.store 'Theres_nothing_in_your_cart', 'Nu aveti nimic in cos' l.store 'Please_press_here_to_pay', 'Apasati aici pentru a plati' l.store 'Shopping_cart', 'Cos de cumparaturi' l.store 'Card', 'Card' l.store 'Each', 'Fiecare' l.store 'Thank_you_for_your_order', 'Va multumim pentru comanda!' l.store 'Your_card', 'Cardul dvs' l.store 'Your_cards', 'Cardurile dvs' l.store 'Attention_to_card', 'Atentie! Notati sau printati informatiile de pe ecran privind PIN-ul si cardurile. Vor fi necesare atunci cand va vom apela.' l.store 'Back_to_store', 'Inapoi la magazin' l.store 'Payment_status', 'Status plata' l.store 'Waiting_for_payment_confirmation_from_PayPal', 'In asteptare confirmare plata de la PayPal. Va rugam asteptati.' l.store 'Assign_to_dialplan', 'Atasati planului telefonic'; l.store 'Assign_to_dialplan_extended', 'Atasare la planul telefonic. Asta inseamna ce opreatii trebuie desfasurate la fomarea acestui numar.' l.store 'Answer_channel', 'Canal de raspuns' l.store 'Did_assigned_to_dp', 'DID atasat planului telefonic' l.store 'Dialplan', 'Plan telefonie' l.store 'Calling_Cards', 'Carduri de apelare' l.store 'Card_number', 'Numar card' l.store 'USA_specifics', 'Detalii USA' l.store 'Bad_rows_from_CSV_file', 'Randuri gresite in fisierul CSV' l.store 'Select_from_CSV_file', 'Selectati din fisierul CSV' l.store 'Value', 'Valoare' l.store 'Enter_manually', 'Introduceti manual' l.store 'For_ZAP_devices', 'Pentru servicii ZAP' l.store 'And_trunk_name', 'Si nume Trunk' l.store 'Image', 'Imagine' l.store 'Callshop', 'CallShop' l.store 'Calls_in_period', 'Apeluri in perioada' l.store 'Export_to_PDF', 'Exportare in PDF' l.store 'Call_type', 'Tip apel' l.store 'CDR_Records', 'Inregistrari CDR' l.store 'Calls_from_this_time_till_now', 'Apeluri de la aceasta ora pana acum' l.store 'No_calls', 'Nici un apel' l.store 'PhoneBook', 'Agenda telefon' l.store 'Record_added', 'Inregistrare adaugata' l.store 'Please_fill_all_fields', 'Va rugam completati toate campurile' l.store 'Record_deleted', 'Inregistrare stearsa' l.store 'Global', 'Globala' l.store 'Added', 'Adaugata' l.store 'Dial', 'Apelare' # 0.4 l.store 'bad_cc_login', 'Numar card sau/si PIN gresit' l.store 'Calls_for_card', 'Apeluri pentru card' l.store 'Item_removed_from_cart', 'Articol scos din cos' l.store 'CDR_Import', 'Importare CDR' l.store 'Time', 'Ora' l.store 'Src_name', 'Nume SRC' l.store 'Src_number', 'Numar SRC' l.store 'Other', 'Altele' l.store 'Dst', 'DST' l.store 'Billsec', 'Billsec' l.store 'Disposition', 'Dispozitie' l.store 'Accountcode', 'Cod cont' l.store 'Select_user', 'Selectare utilizator' l.store 'Select_details', 'Selectare detalii' l.store 'Select_device', 'Selectare dispozitiv' l.store 'Select_selfcost_tariff', 'Selectare cost propriu tarif' l.store 'Import_CDR', 'Importare CDR' l.store 'CDR_import_from_CSV', 'Va rugam selectati fisierul CVS si CDRuri pentru importare' l.store 'Contact_info', 'Informatii contact' l.store 'Company_Personal_ID', 'ID Companie/Personal' l.store 'Company_name', 'Nume Companie' l.store 'Accounting_number', 'Numar calcul costuri' l.store 'Not_blocked', 'Nu e blocat' l.store 'Blocked', 'Blocat' l.store 'Agreement_number', 'Numar acord' l.store 'Agreement_date', 'Data acord' l.store 'Language', 'Limba' l.store 'Country_of_Taxation', 'Tara in care se taxeaza' l.store 'VAT_Reg_number', 'Cod Unic de Inregistrare' l.store 'VAT_Percent', 'Procentaj TVA' l.store 'Registration_address', 'Adresa Inregistrare' l.store 'Address', 'Adresa' l.store 'Postcode', 'Cod postal/ZIP' l.store 'County', 'Comitat/Judet' l.store 'Country', 'Tara' l.store 'Phone', 'Numar telefon' l.store 'Mob_phone', 'Telefon mobil' l.store 'Fax', 'Fax' l.store 'Email', 'Email' l.store 'Device_group', 'Grup dispozitive' l.store 'Device_groups', 'Grupuri dispozitive' l.store 'Edit_details', 'Editare Detalii' l.store 'Device_group_edit', 'Editare grup dispozitive' l.store 'Dev_groups_details_changed', 'Detalii grup dispozitiv modificate' l.store 'Device_group_new', 'Nou grup dispozitive' l.store 'Please_change', 'Va rugam modificati' l.store 'Dev_group_created', 'Creare grup dispozitive' l.store 'Created', 'Creat' l.store 'Members', 'Membrii' l.store 'Add_new_device_group', 'Adaugare nou grup dispozitiv' l.store 'Update', 'Actualizare' l.store 'Devgroups', 'Grup dispozitive' l.store 'Destination_groups', 'Grupuri destinatie' l.store 'none', 'nici o inregistrare' l.store 'Destination_group_was_successfully_created', 'Grup destinatie a fost creat cu succes' l.store 'Destination_group_was_not_created', 'Grup destinatie nu a fost creat' l.store 'Destination_group_was_successfully_updated', 'Actualizare grup destinatie reusita' l.store 'Destination_group_was_not_updated', 'Actualizare grup destinatie nereusita' l.store 'Edit_destination_group', 'Editare grup destinatie' l.store 'New_destination_group', 'Grup nou destinatie' l.store 'providers_are_using_this_tariff_cant_delete', 'furnizorii folosesc aces tarif-nu poate fi sters' l.store 'users_are_using_this_tariff_cant_delete', 'utilizatorii folosesc acest tarif- nu poate fi sters' l.store 'Destination_deleted', 'Destinatie stearsa' l.store 'Destinatios_added', 'Destinatii adaugate' l.store 'Destinations_group', 'Grupul destinatiei' l.store 'Add_destinations', 'Adaugare destinatii' l.store 'Destination_group_deleted', 'Grup destinatie sters' l.store 'Password_cant_be_empty', 'Parola trebuie sa aiba cel putin un carcater' l.store 'If_you_are_new_user_you_can_signup', 'Daca sunteti un utilizator nou va puteti inscrie' l.store 'These_fields_are_necessary_for_registration', 'Aceste campuri sunt necesare pentru a va inscrie' l.store 'Account_details', 'Detalii cont' l.store 'Sign_up', 'Inregistrare' l.store 'Thank_you_for_registering', 'Va multumim pentru inregistrare' l.store 'Email_with_details_sent_to', 'Un email cu detalii v-a fost trimis' l.store 'You_can_configure_your_device_with_following_settings', 'Va puteti configura dispozitivele cu urmatoarele setari' l.store 'You_can_login', 'Va puteti loga' l.store 'Registration_succesful', 'Inregistrare reusita' l.store 'Password_reenter', 'Reintroduceti parola' l.store 'Device_type', 'Tip dispozitiv' l.store 'Personal_details', 'Detalii personale' l.store 'Please_enter_username', 'Va rugam introduceti nume utilizator' l.store 'Password_is_too_short', 'Parola este prea scurta' l.store 'Such_username_is_allready_taken', 'Acest nume de utilizator este deja folosit' l.store 'Passwords_do_not_match', 'Parolele nu se potrivesc' l.store 'Please_enter_first_name', 'Va rugam introduceti Nume' l.store 'Please_enter_last_name', 'Va rugam introduceti Prenume' l.store 'Please_select_country', 'Va rugam selectati tara' l.store 'Please_enter_email', 'Va rugam introduceti email' l.store 'here', 'aici' l.store 'Account_type', 'Tip cont' l.store 'Personal_details_changed', 'Detalii personale modificate' l.store 'Calling_cards', 'Carduri apelare' l.store 'ACCOUNTING', 'Situatie financiara' l.store 'Services', 'Servicii' l.store 'New_service', 'Serviciu nou' l.store 'Dest_group', 'Grup dest.' l.store 'dialing', 'Apelare' l.store 'periodic_fee', 'Taxa periodica' l.store 'one_time_fee', 'Taxa unica' l.store 'day', 'zi' l.store 'month', 'luna' l.store 'year', 'an' l.store 'Service_deleted', 'Serviciu sters' l.store 'Service_was_successfully_updated', 'Serviciu actualizat cu succes' l.store 'Service_was_successfully_created', 'Serviciu creat cu succes' l.store 'Subscriptions', 'Abonamente' l.store 'Bad_time', 'Ora gresita' l.store 'Subscription_updated', 'Abonament actualizat' l.store 'New_subscription', 'Abonare noua' l.store 'Subscription_added', 'Abonament adaugat' l.store 'Subscription_deleted', 'Abonament sters' l.store 'Cant_delete_subscriptions_exist', 'Nu poate fi stersa - exista abonamente la acest serviciu' l.store 'We_accept', 'Acceptam' l.store 'User_deleted', 'Utilizatori stersi' l.store 'For_providers', 'Pentru furnizori' l.store 'For_users', 'Pentru utilizatori' l.store 'Round_by', 'Rotunjit la' l.store 'Edit_rate_for_tariff', 'Editare pret tarif' l.store 'Infinity', 'Infinit' l.store 'Rate_updated', 'Pret actualizat' l.store 'Check_advanced_rates', 'Verifica preturi avansate' l.store 'Personal_rates', 'Preturi personale' l.store 'Rates_details', 'Detalii preturi' l.store 'Rate_with_VAT', 'Pret cu TVA' l.store 'Graphs', 'Grafice' l.store 'Country_Stats', 'Statistici tari' l.store 'Selfcost_Price', 'Cost propriu' l.store 'Profit', 'Profit' l.store 'Change_user', 'Schimba utilizator' l.store 'Please_enter_amount_to_update_your_balance', 'Va rugam introduceti suma pentru a actualiza balanta' l.store 'Minimum_amount', 'Suma minima' l.store 'Please_press_here_to_pay', 'Apasati aici pentru a plati' l.store 'Pay', 'Plateste' l.store 'Your_VAT', 'TVA' l.store 'Payments', 'Plati' l.store 'Paypal_payment_not_completed_explained', 'Motive posibile pentru neefectuarea platii prin PayPal::
ecec: Aceasta plata este in asteptare pentru ca un eCec nu a fost acceptat inca.
intl:Aceasta plata este in asteptare deoarece vanzatorul detine un cont in afara U.S ce nu are mecanism de retragere. Vanzatorul trebuie sa accepte manual sau sa refuze aceasta plata.
multi-currency: Vanzatorul nu are o balanta in moneda setata. Vanzatorul trebuie sa accepte sau refuze manual aceasta plata.
unilateral: The Plata este in asteptare deoarce a fost facuta catre o adresa email care nu este inca inregistrata sau confirmata.
upgrade: Plata este in asteptare deoarece a fost facuta prin carte de credit si vanzatorul trebuie sa upgradeze contul la Business sau Premier pentru a primi banii.
verify: Plata este in asteptare deoarece vanzatorul nu este inca verificat. Vanzatorul trebuie sa-si confirme si verifice contul inainte de a accepta aceasat plata.
other: Plata este in asteptare din alte motive decat cele listate mai sus. Pentru mai multe informatii contactati PayPal Serviciul Clienti.
Denied: Vanzatorul refuza plata.' l.store 'Confirm_date', 'Confirmati data' l.store 'Amount', 'Suma' l.store 'VAT', 'TVA' l.store 'Currency', 'Moneda' l.store 'Completed', 'Completat' l.store 'Confirm', 'Confirmare' l.store 'Total_amount_to_pay', 'Suma totala de plata' l.store 'Change_device', 'Modificare dispozitiv' l.store 'Provider_was_not_created', 'Furnizorul nu a fost creat' l.store 'Providers_settings_bad', 'Setarile furnizorului sunt gresite' l.store 'Card_was_deleted ', 'Cardul nu poate fi sters' l.store 'Inbound_traffic', 'Trafic catre dvs' l.store 'Outbound_traffic', 'Trafic catre exterior' l.store 'Cant_delete_sysadmin', 'Adminul de sistem nu poate fi sters' l.store 'DTMF_Mode', 'Mod DTMF' l.store 'Network_related', 'Legat de retea' l.store 'Media_control', 'Control media' l.store 'Video_support', 'Suport video' l.store 'General', 'General' l.store 'Works_not_logged', 'Lucrari nelogate' l.store 'Authentication', 'Autentificare' l.store 'Host', 'Gazda' l.store 'Port', 'Port' l.store 'Call_Group', 'Grup apelare' l.store 'Pickup_Group', 'Grup ales' l.store 'Codecs', 'Codecuri' l.store 'Finances', 'Finante' l.store 'Users_finances', 'Finantele utilizatorului' l.store 'Unlimited', 'nelimitat' l.store 'Change_details', 'Schimbare detalii' l.store 'Campaigns', 'Campanii' l.store 'Actions_for_campaign', 'Actiuni pentru campanii' l.store 'New_campaign', 'Campanie noua' l.store 'Campaign_was_successfully_created', 'Campanie creata cu succes' l.store 'Campaign_was_not_created', 'Campania nu a fost creata' l.store 'Campaign_deleted', 'Campanie stearsa' l.store 'Edit_campaign', 'Editare campanie' l.store 'Campaigns_details_was_successfully_changed', 'Detaliile campaniei au fost modificate cu succes' l.store 'Campaigns_details_not_changed', 'Detalii campanie nemodificate' l.store 'Campaign_stopped', 'Campanie oprita' l.store 'No_actions_for_campaign', 'Nu exista actiuni pentru aceasta campanie' l.store 'No_free_numbers_for_campaign', 'Nu exista numere gratuite pentru aceasta campanie' l.store 'Campaign_started', 'Campanie pornita' l.store 'Numbers_for_campaign', 'Numere pentru campanie' l.store 'All_numbers_deleted', 'toate numerele au fost sterse' l.store 'Number_import_from_file', 'Numar importat din fisier' l.store 'Please_select_file', 'Va rugam selectati fisier' l.store 'Numbers_imported', 'Numere importate' l.store 'Action_added', 'Actiune adaugata' l.store 'Action_deleted', 'Actiune adaugata' l.store 'Edit_action', 'Actiune stearsa' l.store 'Action_edited', 'Actiune editata' l.store 'Start_time', 'Timp inceput' l.store 'Stop_time', 'Timp terminare' l.store 'Max_retries', 'Max reincercari' l.store 'Retry_time', 'Timp reincercare' l.store 'Wait_time', 'Timp asteptare' l.store 'Duration_in_s', 'Durata(e)' l.store 'Total_numbers', 'Numere totale' l.store 'Import_numbers_from_file', 'Importati numere din fisier' l.store 'Delete_all_numbers', 'Stergeti toate numerele' l.store 'Executed_time', 'Timp executare' l.store 'Completed_time', 'Timp executare' l.store 'Run_time', 'Timp rulare' l.store 'Stopped', 'Oprit' l.store 'Total_numbers_imported', 'Total numere importate' l.store 'Add_campaign', 'Adaugare campanie' l.store 'Auto_Dialer', 'Formare automata' l.store 'Status', 'Status' l.store 'Active', 'Activ' l.store 'Numbers', 'Numere' l.store 'Dialed', 'Formate' l.store 'Completed', 'Terminate' l.store 'Actions', 'Actiuni' l.store 'executed', 'Executate' l.store 'new', 'Noi' l.store 'completed', 'Completate' l.store 'Campaign', 'Campanie' l.store 'Action', 'Actiune' l.store 'Data', 'Data' l.store 'File', 'Fisier' l.store 'Current', 'Curent' l.store 'Please_create_device_for_campaign', 'Va rugam creati dispozitiv pentru campanie' l.store 'Number_reactivated', 'Numar reactivat' l.store 'Providers_stats', 'Statistici furnizor' l.store 'Answered', 'Raspunse' l.store 'No_Answer', 'Fara raspuns' l.store 'Busy', 'Ocupate' l.store 'Failed', 'Nereusite' l.store 'User_Price', 'Pret utilizator' l.store 'Credit', 'Credit' l.store 'Callback_is_disabled', 'Optiunea sunat inapoi deactivata' l.store 'Callback', 'Sunati inapoi' l.store 'Wrong_data_entered', 'Date introduse gresit' l.store 'Callback_activated', 'Sunat inapoi activat' l.store 'Enter_details_for_callback', 'Va rugam introduceti detalii pentru a suna inapoi' l.store 'Callback_dst_notice', 'Campul destinatie este gol. In acest caz va rugam introduceti destinatia' l.store 'Callback_device_notice', 'Aces dispozitiv va fi taxat pentru sunat inapoi' l.store 'Execute', 'Executare' l.store 'Source_should_be_entered_for_callback', 'Sursa ar trebui introdusa pentru a suna inapoi' l.store 'Dont_be_so_smart', 'Nu mai face pe desteptul...' l.store 'No_devices_callback_not_possible', 'Nu detineti dispositive. Sunat inapoi indisponibil.' l.store 'Imported_CDRs', 'CDR-uri importate' l.store 'Run_Time', 'Timp rulare' l.store 'Time_per_CDR', 'Timp per CDR' l.store 'Invoices', 'Facturi' l.store 'Mark_as_paid', 'Marca ca platit' l.store 'Mark_as_unpaid', 'Marca ca neplatit' l.store 'Amount_with_VAT', 'Suma cu TVA' l.store 'INVOICE', 'FACTURA' l.store 'Generate_invoices', 'Creare Facturi' l.store 'Generate', 'Creati' l.store 'Please_select_month_to_generate_invoices_for_postpaid_users', 'Va rugam selectati o luna pentru a crea o factura pentru utilizatori postplatiti' l.store 'Generating_invoices_for_period', 'Generare facturi pentru o perioada' l.store 'Postpaid_users', 'Utilizatori postplatiti' l.store 'Postpaid_users_without_invoices_this_period', 'Utilizatori postplatiti cu facturi in aceasta perioada' l.store 'Invoice', 'FACTURA' l.store 'Invoice_number', 'Numar factura' l.store 'Period_start', 'Perioada start' l.store 'Period_end', 'Perioada sfarsit' l.store 'Issue_date', 'Data emiterii' l.store 'Paid', 'Platit' l.store 'Paid_date', 'Data platirii' l.store 'Price_with_VAT', 'Pret cu TVA' l.store 'Service', 'Serviciu' l.store 'Quantity', 'Cantitate' l.store 'Unit_Price', 'Pret/buc' l.store 'Line_Total', 'Total linie' l.store 'Invoice_detailed', 'Factura detaliata' l.store 'Invoices_generated', 'Facturi generate' l.store 'Bill_to', 'Facturat catre' l.store 'Time_period', 'Perioada de timp' l.store 'SUBTOTAL', 'SUBTOTAL' l.store 'TOTAL', 'TOTAL' l.store 'Activation_start', 'Inceput activare' l.store 'Activation_end', 'Sfarsit activare' l.store 'Functions', 'Functii' l.store 'Locations', 'Locatii' l.store 'Localization', 'Localizare' l.store 'Location_added', 'Locatie adaugata' l.store 'Please_enter_name', 'Va rugam introduceti Nume' l.store 'Location_deleted', 'Locatii sterse' l.store 'Location_devices', 'Locatie dispozitive' l.store 'Location', 'Locatie' l.store 'Device_location_changed', 'Locatie dispozitiv modificata' l.store 'Location_rules', 'Reguli locatie' l.store 'Min_len', 'Lungime min' l.store 'Max_len', 'Lungime max' l.store 'Global_rules', 'Reguli globale' l.store 'Rule_added', 'Reguli adaugate' l.store 'Rule_enabled', 'Reguli pornite' l.store 'Rule_disabled', 'Reguli oprite' l.store 'Location_rule_edit', 'Editare regula locatie' l.store 'Rule_updated', 'Regula actulizata' l.store 'Rules', 'Reguli' l.store 'Cut', 'Taiere' l.store 'Enabled', 'Pornit' l.store 'Rule_deleted', 'Regula stearsa' l.store 'Billing', 'Facturare' l.store 'Accounting', 'Financiar' l.store 'Addons', 'Adaugari' l.store 'Custom_rates', 'Taxe' l.store 'Custom_rate_details', 'Detalii taxa' l.store 'Custom_rate_updated', 'Actualizare taxa' l.store 'Custom_rate_added', 'Taxa adaugata' l.store 'Custom_rate_deleted', 'Taxa stearsa' l.store 'Registration_notice', 'ATENTIE! Aceste setari sunt pentru ca dvs sa va configurati DEVICE.
pentru a va loga la sistem trebuie sa folositi setarile introduse anterior!' l.store 'Cant_delete_direction_destinations_exist', 'Directia nu poate fi stearsa- exista destinatii' l.store 'Cant_delete_destination_rates_exist', 'Destinatia nu poate fi stearsa - preturi au fost atasate' l.store 'Cant_delete_destination_group_rates_exist', 'Grupul destinatie nu poate fi sters- au fost atasate preturi' l.store 'Member_stats_updated', 'Statisticile membrilor actualizate' l.store 'Selfcost_tariff', 'Tarife costuri proprii' l.store 'Destination_group', 'Grup destinatie' l.store 'Day_setup', 'Zi instalare' l.store 'Free_day', 'Zi libera' l.store 'Work_day', 'Zi lucratoare' l.store 'Day_added', 'Zi adaugare' l.store 'Duplicate_date', 'Data duplicat' l.store 'Day_deleted', 'Zi stersa' l.store 'Day_edit', 'Zi editata' l.store 'Day_updated', 'Zi actualizata' l.store 'Year', 'An' l.store 'Month', 'Luna' l.store 'Day', 'Zi' l.store 'Rate_details_for_WDFD', 'Pentru zile lucratoare si zile libere' l.store 'Rate_details_for_WD', 'Pentru zile lucratoare' l.store 'Rate_details_for_FD', 'Pentru zile libere' l.store 'Combine_to_WDFD', 'Combina zile lucratoare cu zile libere' l.store 'Split_to_WDFD', 'Imparte in zile lucratoare si zile libere' l.store 'Rate_details_combined', 'Detalii preturi combinate' l.store 'Rate_details_split', 'Detalii preturi fiecare' l.store 'Day_type', 'Tipul zilei' l.store 'Work_day_and_Free_day', 'Zi lucratoare si zi libera' l.store 'Rate_details_updated', 'Preturi detalii actualizate' l.store 'Export_to_CSV', 'Exporta in CSV' l.store 'Quick_stats', 'Statistici rapide' l.store 'This_month', 'Luna curenta' l.store 'This_day', 'Astazi' l.store 'CDR_Rerating', 'Reevaluare CDR' l.store 'Rerating', 'Reevaluare' l.store 'Select_details_for_CDR_rerating', 'Selectati detalii pentru reevaluarea CDR' l.store 'Total_time', 'Timp total' l.store 'Total_provider_price', 'Pret total furnizor' l.store 'Total_user_price', 'Pret total utilizator' l.store 'Total_profit', 'Porfit total' l.store 'No_calls_to_rerate', 'Nu exista apeluri de reevaluat' l.store 'Rerate', 'Reevaluati' l.store 'Rerating_completed', 'Reevaluare completa' l.store 'Prior_rerating', 'Inainte de reevaluare' l.store 'After_rerating', 'Dupa reevaluare' l.store 'Difference', 'Diferenta' l.store 'Trunk', 'Trunchi' l.store 'Make_tariff', 'Creare tarif' l.store 'Make_user_tariff', 'Creare tarif utilizator' l.store 'Provider_tariff', 'Tarfi furnizor' l.store 'User_tariff', 'Tarif utilizator' l.store 'Total_rates', 'Preturi totale' l.store 'Add_amount', 'Adaugare suma' l.store 'Add_percent', 'Adaugare procentaj' l.store 'Please_enter_amount_or_percent', 'Va rugam adaugati suma sau procentajul de crestere a preturilor pentru utilizator' l.store 'Tariff_created', 'Tarif creat' l.store 'Change_provider', 'Schimbare furnizor' l.store 'Provider_changed', 'Furnizor schimbat' l.store 'Did_rate_edited', 'Pret DID editat' l.store 'Invoice_deleted', 'Factura stearsa' l.store 'Period_start_day', 'Ziua de inceput a perioadei' l.store 'Exchange_rate', 'Rata de schimb' l.store 'Currency', 'Valuta' l.store 'Currencies', 'Valute' l.store 'Currency_edit', 'Editare valuta' l.store 'Currency_details_updated', 'Editare detalii valuta' l.store 'Currency_created', 'Valuta creata' l.store 'Please_enter_details', 'Introduceti detalii' l.store 'Last_update', 'Ultima actualizare' l.store 'Currency_deleted', 'Valuta stearsa' l.store 'Cant_delete_this_currency_some_tariffs_are_using_it', 'Valuta nu poate fi stearsa – anumite tarife o folosesc' l.store 'Add_manual_payment', 'Adugare plata manuala' l.store 'Add_payment', 'Adaugare plata' l.store 'Please_add_correct_amount', 'Va rugam adaugati suma corecta' l.store 'Add_manual_payment_notice', 'Va rugam retinieti ca TVA-ul va fi scazut automat din suma adaugata' l.store 'Add_manual_payment_notice2', 'Verificati datele si daca sunt corecte -confirmati plata' l.store 'Users_data', 'Datele utilizatorului' l.store 'Current_balance', 'Balanta curenta' l.store 'Amount_with_VAT_converted_to', 'Suma cu TVA schimbata in' l.store 'New_user_balance', 'Balanta utilizator nou' l.store 'Amount_without_VAT', 'Suma cu TVA' l.store 'Payment_deleted', 'Plata stearsa' l.store 'Only_manual_payments_can_be_deleted', 'Doar platile manuale pot fi sterse' l.store 'Payment_added', 'Plata adaugata' l.store 'CallerIDs', 'ID-uri apelanti' l.store 'Added_at', 'Adaugat la' l.store 'CLI_created', 'CLI creat' l.store 'CLI_deleted', 'CLI sters' l.store 'CLI_edit', 'CLI editat' l.store 'CLI_updated', 'CLI updatat' l.store 'Automatic_Number_Identification', 'Identificare numar automata' l.store 'Other_services', 'Alte servicii' l.store 'Yes_with_ANI', 'Da cu ANI' l.store 'Trunk_with_ANI', 'Trunk cu ANI' l.store 'Provider_with_ANI', 'Furnizor cu ANI' l.store 'Cant_delete_provider_it_has_dids', 'Furnizorul nu poate fi sters- detine DID-uri' l.store 'VoiceMail', 'CasutaVocala' l.store 'Activated', 'Activata' l.store 'Call_Tracing', 'Urmarire apel' l.store 'Tracing', 'Urmarire' l.store 'Balance_with_VAT', 'Balanta cu TVA' l.store 'CT_blocked', 'Utilizatorul nu va putea suna in afara findca este blocat' l.store 'CT_finances_prepaid', 'Balanta utlizatorului preplatit trebuie sa fie mai mare decat 0 pentru ca acesta sa sune in exterior' l.store 'CT_finances_postpaid', 'Balanta si creditul utilizatorului preplatit trebuie sa fie mai mare de 0 pentru a i se permite acestuia sa sune in exterior' l.store 'CT_user_tariff_no_rates', 'Tariful utilizatorului nu are preturi -paelurile nu sunt posibile' l.store 'CT_lcr_no_providers', 'LCR trebuie sa aiba cel putin1 furnizor pentru a permite utilizatorului sa sune in exterior' l.store 'Total_providers', 'Furnizori totali' l.store 'CT_provider_tariff_no_rates', 'Tarfiul nu contine preturi. Toti furnizorii cu acest tarif sunt nefunctionali' l.store 'At_least_one_provider_has_rates', 'Cel putin 1 furnizor are preturi' l.store 'CT_lcr_all_providers_empty', 'Nici un furnizor nu are preturi- utilizatorii care folosesc LCR nu pot suna in exterior' l.store 'Call_Time', 'Ora apelului' l.store 'Please_enter_destination', 'Va rugam introduceti destinatia' l.store 'Localized_destination', 'Destinatie localizata' l.store 'Applied_rule', 'Regula aplicata' l.store 'User_rates', 'Preturi utilizatori' l.store 'CT_User_Good_status', 'Totul este OK pana acum. Va rugam selectati alte detalii pentru a merge mai departe' l.store 'CT_User_Bad_status', 'EROARE! Apelul nu poate fi facut. Verificati pentru erori!' l.store 'CT_No_User_rates', 'Nu exista preturi utilizator' l.store 'CT_No_Custom_rates', 'Nu exista taxe vamale' l.store 'CT_These_rates_will_be_used_to_calculate_call_price', 'Aceste taxe vor fi folosite pentru a calcula pretul apelului' l.store 'Providers_grouped_by', 'Furnizori grupati de' l.store 'Total_providers_for_this_call', 'Furnizori totali pentru acest apel' l.store 'Conn_Fee', 'Taxa conectare' l.store 'Active_providers_for_this_call', 'Furnizori activi pentru aces apel' l.store 'CT_Provider_has_no_rates_explanation', 'Acest furnizor nu are preturi pentru destinatia curenta si nu este obisnuit in a efectua acest apel' l.store 'CT_No_Providers_to_handle_this_call', 'EROARE! Nici unul din furnizori nu poate fi folosit pentru a efectua acest apel – nici unul nu are preturi fixate pentru aceasta destinatie!' l.store 'CT_No_rates_to_handle_this_call', 'EROARE! Utilizatorul nu are preturi sau taxe fixate pentru aceasta destinatie. Apelul va fi anulat!' l.store 'CT_Call_will_go_through', 'SUCCES! Bazat pe datele introduse apelul va fi efectuat!' l.store 'Vouchers', 'Vouchere' l.store 'Tag', 'Eticheta' l.store 'Use_date', 'Data utilizare' l.store 'Active_till', 'Activ pana la' l.store 'Add_vouchers', 'Adaugare vochere' l.store 'Here_you_can_add_one_voucher', 'Aici puteti adauga un voucher' l.store 'Here_you_can_add_many_vouchers', 'Aici puteti adauga mai multe vochere' l.store 'Please_enter_credit', 'Va rugam introduceti credit' l.store 'Please_enter_amount', 'Va rugam introduceti suma' l.store 'Created_vouchers', 'Vouchere create' l.store 'Voucher', 'Voucher' l.store 'Enter_voucher_number', 'Introduceti numarul voucherului' l.store 'Voucher_not_found', 'Voucherul nu a fost gasit' l.store 'Credit_in_default_currency', 'Credit in valuta de baza' l.store 'Balance_after_voucher_use', 'Balanta dupa utilizarea voucherului' l.store 'Voucher_used_to_update_balance_thank_you', 'Voucher utilizat pentru a actualiza balanta. Va multumim!' l.store 'Credit_with_VAT', 'Credit cu TVA' l.store 'Credit_without_VAT', 'Credit fara TVA' l.store 'New_vouchers', 'Vouchere noi' l.store 'T38_Support', 'T.38 Suport' l.store 'Cant_delete_user_it_has_payments', 'Utilizatorul nu poate fi sters deoarece are plati' l.store 'Tell_options', 'Optiuni Tell' l.store 'Tell_balance', 'Balanta tell' l.store 'Tell_time', 'Ora tell' l.store 'Tell_remaining_time_when_left', 'Timp tell ramas la plecare' l.store 'Repeat_remaining_time_every', 'Repetare timp ramas la plecare' l.store 'Bad_date', 'Data eronata' l.store 'Login_as', 'Logare ca' l.store 'Select_user_you_wish_to_login_as', 'Selectati userul sub care doriti sa va logati' l.store 'Logged_as', 'Logat ca' l.store 'Online', 'Online' l.store 'Offline', 'Offline' l.store 'Search_options', 'Optiuni cautare' l.store 'Search', 'Cautare' l.store 'Clear_search', 'Sterge cautare' l.store 'Cant_delete_user_has_calls', 'Utilizatorul nu poate fi sters -are apeluri' l.store 'Cant_delete_device_has_calls', 'Dispozitivul nu poate fi sters – are apeluri' l.store 'Vouchers_disabled_till', 'Vouchere oprite pana la' l.store 'Too_many_wrong_attempts_Vouchers_disabled_till', 'Prea multe incercari gresite. Vouchere oprite pana la' l.store 'Incoming_rate', 'Preturi de intrare' l.store 'DID_Provider_rate_explained', 'Preturi furnizor. Acestea vor trebui platite catre sau de catre furnizor pentru utilizarea acestui DID' l.store 'Provider_rate', 'Tarif furnizor' l.store 'Provider_price', 'Preturi furnizor' l.store 'User_rate', 'Tarif utilizator' l.store 'Loss_making_calls', 'Pierderi apeluri efectuate' l.store 'User_price', 'Pret utilizator' l.store 'Loss', 'Pierderi' l.store 'Assigned_to_dial_plan', 'Atasate planului telefonie' l.store 'DID_incoming_rate_explained', 'Pret de intrare. Acesta este paltit de catre utilizatorul care suna la acest DID' l.store 'DID_owner_rate_explained', 'Pret proprietar. Acest pret este platit de proprietaru; DID-ului daca cineva suna la acest DID' l.store 'Call_Flow', 'Flux apeluri' l.store 'Before_Call', 'Inainte de apel' l.store 'Local_device', 'Dispozitiv local' l.store 'External_number', 'Numar extern' l.store '__Select_device__', '---Selectati dispozitiv---' l.store 'Forward_not_functional_please_enter_dst', 'Inaintare nefunctionala. Va rugam selectati dispozitivul local sau itnroduceti numarul extern' l.store 'Extlines', 'Linii extensii' l.store 'Call', 'Apel' l.store 'Call_state', 'Stare apel' l.store 'Provider_rules', 'Reguli furnizor' l.store 'Rules', 'Reguli' l.store 'Provider_rule_edit', 'Editare reguli furnizor' l.store 'Busy_calls', 'Apeluri ocupate' l.store 'Error_calls', 'Apeluri eronate' l.store 'Without_VAT', 'Fara TVA' l.store 'VAT_percent', 'TVA %' l.store 'VAT', 'TVA' l.store 'With_VAT', 'Cu TVA' l.store 'Percent', '%' l.store 'Call_time', 'Ora apel' l.store 'Active_users', 'Utilizatori activi' l.store 'Price_for_calls_without_VAT', 'Pret apeluri fara TVA' l.store 'Price_for_calls_with_VAT', 'Pret apeluri cu TVA' l.store 'Total_call_price', 'Pret total apeluri' l.store 'Total_call_self_price', 'Pret total apeluri proprii' l.store 'Average_profit_per_call_min', 'Profit mediu per minut apel' l.store 'Average_profit_per_call', 'Profit mediu pe apel' l.store 'Average_profit_per_day', 'Profit mediu pe zi' l.store 'Average_profit_per_active_user', 'Profit mediu pe utilizator activ' l.store 'Average_call_duration', 'Durata medie apel' l.store 'PROFIT_REPORT', 'RAPORT PROFIT' l.store 'Device_ID', 'ID dispozitiv' l.store 'Providers_calls', 'Apeluri furnizor' l.store 'All', 'Toate' l.store 'Rates', 'Preturi' l.store 'Providers_rates', 'Preturi furnizor' l.store 'Users_rates', 'Preturi utilizator' l.store '*_Maximum_rate', '*Acest pret nu este exact, este maximul preturilor disponibile' l.store 'Amount_between', 'Suma intre' l.store 'Voucher_deleted', 'Voucher sters' l.store 'Credit_between', 'Credit intre' l.store 'Balance_between', 'Balanta intre' l.store 'Primary_device', 'Dispozitiv primar' l.store 'Number_from_DID', 'Numar din DID' l.store 'Email_sent_to_users', 'Email trimis utilizatorilor' l.store 'Emails', 'Emailuri' l.store 'Subject', 'Subiect' l.store 'Sent_to_users', 'Trimis utilizatorilor' l.store 'Send', 'Trimis' l.store 'Add_new_email', 'Adaugare email nou' l.store 'Send_email', 'Trimitere email' l.store 'Usertype', 'Tip utilizator' l.store 'First_name', 'Prenume' l.store 'Last_name', 'Nume' l.store 'Email_sent', 'Email trimis' l.store 'Message_text', 'Text mesaj' l.store 'Available_variables', 'Variabile disponibile' l.store 'User_first_name', 'Nume utilizator' l.store 'User_last_name', 'Prenume utilizator' l.store 'User_full_name', 'Nume complet utilizator' l.store 'Email_deleted', 'Email sters' l.store 'New_email', 'Email nou' l.store 'Email_was_successfully_created', 'Emailul a fost creat cu succes' l.store 'Email_was_not_created', 'Emailul nu a fost creat' l.store 'Email_was_successfully_updated', 'Emailul a fost actualizat cu succes' l.store 'Email_was_not_updated', 'Emailul nu a fost updatat' l.store 'None', 'Nici un/ nici o' l.store 'Destination_mass_update', 'Actualizare destinatii' l.store 'Dst_mass_update', 'Actualizare generala' l.store 'Destinations_updated', 'Destinatii actualizate' l.store 'Cant_delete_user_it_has_payments', 'Utilizatorul nu poate fi sters -are palti' l.store 'Member_devices', 'Dispozitivele membrilor' l.store 'Authentication_by_PIN', 'Autentificare prin PIN' l.store 'Fax', 'Fax' l.store 'No_services_to_subscribe', 'Nu exista servicii la care sa va abonati' l.store 'Memo', 'Memo' l.store 'Emails_to_send_PDF_fax', 'Emailuri trimitere fax PDF' l.store 'New_email_added', 'Email nou adaugat' l.store 'Please_fill_field', 'Va rugam completati campul' l.store 'Edit_email', 'Editare email' l.store 'Email_updated', 'Email actualizat' l.store 'Email_not_updated', 'Email neactualizat' l.store 'Email_deleted', 'Email sters' l.store 'Fax_detect', 'Detectare Fax' l.store 'Fax_device', 'Dispozitiv Fax' l.store 'Fax_detect_not_functional_please_select_fax_device', 'Detectare fax nefunctional – va rugam selectati dispozitiv fax' l.store 'Callflow_updated', 'Flux apeluri actualizat' l.store 'Such_CLI_exists', 'Such CLI exists' l.store 'User_wholesale', 'User wholesale' l.store 'Retail_tariffs', 'Retail tariffs' l.store 'Wholesale_tariffs', 'Wholesale tariffs' l.store 'Make_user_retail_tariff', 'Make user retail tariff' l.store 'User_wholesale_rates', 'User wholesale rates' l.store 'Retail', 'Retail' l.store 'Wholesale', 'Wholesale' l.store 'Hostname', 'Hostname' l.store 'Dial_Plans', 'Dial Plans' l.store 'New_dial_plan', 'New Dial Plan' l.store 'Ask_numberpin_times', 'Ask Number/PIN (times)' l.store 'Assigned_did', 'Assigned DID(s)' l.store 'Ask_pin_times', 'Ask PIN (times)' l.store 'Dial_Plan_edit', 'Edit Dial Plan' l.store 'Dial_Plan_new', 'New Dial Plan' l.store 'Calling_cards_dialplan', 'Calling Cards Dial Plan' l.store 'Authorization_by_pin_dialplan', 'Authorization by PIN Dial Plan' l.store 'Please_enter_name', 'Please enter name' l.store 'Wrong_values_no_such_calling_card_groups_exist_check_number_and_pin_length', 'Wrong values for number or/and pin lengths. No such Card Groups exist!' l.store 'Dialplan_is_assigned_to_did_cant_delete', 'Can\'t delete Dial Plan. It\s assigned to DID(s)' l.store 'Dialplan_deleted', 'Dial Plan deleted' l.store 'Dialplan_was_successfully_updated', 'Dial Plan successfully updated' l.store 'Dialplan_was_not_updated', 'Dial Plan not updated' l.store 'Ask_dst_times', 'Ask destination(times)' l.store 'Authorization_by_PIN', 'Authorization by PIN' l.store 'Setup', 'Setup' l.store 'Tariff_type', 'Tariff type' l.store 'Various', 'Various' l.store 'Faxes', 'Faxes' l.store 'Received', 'Received' l.store 'Corrupted', 'Corrupted' l.store 'Mistaken', 'Failed' l.store 'Size_on_HDD', 'Size on Server' l.store 'MB', 'MB' #MegaBytes l.store 'Calls_short', 'Calls' l.store 'Filename', 'Filename' l.store 'Receive_time', 'Receive time' l.store 'Sender', 'Sender' l.store 'Size', 'Size' l.store 'Calldate', 'Calldate' l.store 'Total_calls_invoice', 'Total calls' l.store 'price_invoice', 'price' l.store 'Quantity_invoice', 'Quantity' l.store 'Provider_disabled', 'Provider disabled' l.store 'Ask_only_pin', 'Ask only PIN' l.store 'Use_ANI', 'Use ANI' l.store 'Card_was_deleted', 'Card was deleted' l.store 'Dialplan_was_successfully_created', 'Dialplan successfully created' l.store 'Callback', 'Callback' l.store 'DID_on_Callback', 'DID on Callback' l.store 'DID_DP_Name', 'DID Dial Plan Name' l.store 'Wait_Time', 'Wait Time' l.store 'Callback_dialplan', 'Callback Dial Plan' l.store 'Initial_callback_device', 'Initial Callback device' l.store 'WEB_Callback', 'WEB Callback' l.store 'Save_changes', 'Save changes' l.store 'Company_Email', 'Company email' l.store 'Settings_saved', 'Settings saved' l.store 'Tariff_for_registered_users', 'Tariff for new users' l.store 'LCR_for_registered_users', 'LCR for new users' l.store 'Default_VAT_Percent', 'Default TAX percent' l.store 'Default_Country', 'Default country' l.store 'Asterisk_Server_IP', 'Asterisk server IP' l.store 'Default_CID_Name', 'Default CallerID Name' l.store 'Default_CID_Number', 'Default CallerID Number' l.store 'Invoice_Number_Start', 'Number Start' l.store 'Invoice_Number_Length', 'Number Length' l.store 'Invoice_Number_Type', 'Number Type' l.store 'Invoice_Period_Start_Day', 'Invoice period start' l.store 'Invoice_Show_Calls_In_Detailed', 'Show calls in detailed invoice' l.store 'Invoice_Address_Format', 'Address format' l.store 'Invoice_Address1', 'Address line 1' l.store 'Invoice_Address2', 'Address line 2' l.store 'Invoice_Address3', 'Address line 3' l.store 'Invoice_Address4', 'Address line 4' l.store 'Invoice_Bank_Details_Line1', 'Bank details line 1' l.store 'Invoice_Bank_Details_Line2', 'Bank details line 2' l.store 'Invoice_Bank_Details_Line3', 'Bank details line 3' l.store 'Invoice_Bank_Details_Line4', 'Bank details line 4' l.store 'Invoice_Bank_Details_Line5', 'Bank details line 5' l.store 'Invoice_End_Title', 'End title' l.store 'Vouchers_Enabled', 'Vouchers enabled' l.store 'Voucher_Number_Length', 'Number length' l.store 'Voucher_Disable_Time', 'Disable time' l.store 'Voucher_Attempts_to_Enter', 'Attempts to enter' l.store 'Temp_Dir', 'Temporal directory' l.store 'Spool_Dir', 'Spool directory' l.store 'MaxRetries', 'MaxRetries' l.store 'RetryTime', 'RetryTime' l.store 'WaitTime', 'WaitTime' l.store 'Paypal_Enabled', 'PayPal enabled' l.store 'PayPal_Email', 'PayPal Email' l.store 'PayPal_Default_Amount', 'Default amount' l.store 'PayPal_Min_Amount', 'Minimal amount' l.store 'PayPal_Test', 'Test' l.store 'Paypal_Default_Currency', 'Default currency' l.store 'Browser_Title', 'Browser title' l.store 'Email_Sending_Enabled', 'Sending enabled' l.store 'Email_Smtp_Server', 'SMTP server' l.store 'Email_Domain', 'Domain' l.store 'Email_Login', 'Login' l.store 'Email_Password', 'Password' l.store 'Email_Batch_Size', 'Batch size' l.store 'Send_Email_To_User_After_Registration', 'Send email to user after registration' l.store 'Send_Email_To_Admin_After_Registration', 'Send email to admin after registration' l.store 'C2C_Active', 'Click2Call active' l.store 'User_Wholesale_Enabled', 'User wholesale tariff enabled' l.store 'Days_for_did_close', 'Days for DID to close' l.store 'Agreement_Number_Length', 'Agreement number length' l.store 'Nice_Number_Digits', 'Number digits' l.store 'Items_Per_Page', 'Items per page' l.store 'Device_PIN_Length', 'Device PIN length' l.store 'Fax_Device_Enabled', 'Fax device enabled' l.store 'Email_Fax_From_Sender', 'Email2Fax From Sender' l.store 'Change_Zap', 'Change Zap' l.store 'Change_Zap_to', 'Change Zap to' l.store 'Copyright_Title', 'Copyright Title' l.store 'Settings', 'Settings' l.store 'Company', 'Company' l.store 'Version', 'Version' l.store 'Registration', 'Registration' l.store 'minutes', 'minutes' l.store 'Sorting_translations', 'Sorting - Drag&Drop translation to its new place' l.store 'Activating_translations', 'Activating - Click on translation to enable/disable it' l.store 'Refresh_translations', 'Refresh translations in upper right corner without relogin' l.store 'Translations', 'Translations' l.store 'No_available_dialplans', 'No available dial plans to create Callback' l.store 'Total_active_providers', 'Total active providers' l.store 'CT_lcr_no_active_providers', 'LCR should have at least 1 active provider in order user to dial-out' l.store 'CT_user_no_devices', 'User has no devices. He will not be able to dial out.' l.store 'Total_devices', 'Total devices' # 0.6 l.store 'Countries_call_time', 'Countries call time' l.store 'Countries_profit', 'Countries profit' l.store 'Allow_user_to_enter_vat', 'Allow user to enter TAX' l.store 'Create_payment_for_completed_invoice', 'Create payment for completed invoice' l.store 'User_retail', 'User retail' l.store 'User_is_blocked', 'User is blocked' l.store 'Cant_delete_user_it_has_dids', 'Can\'t delete user - it has DIDs' l.store 'Allow_loss_calls', 'Allow loss calls' l.store 'CID_from_DIDs', 'CID from DIDs' l.store 'Tariff_analysis', 'Tariff analysis' l.store 'Generate_CSV', 'Generate CSV' l.store 'User_wholesale_tariffs', 'User wholesale tariffs' l.store 'Invoice_by_CallerID', 'Invoice by CallerID' l.store 'Client_number', 'Client number' l.store 'TOTAL_TO_PAY', 'TOTAL TO PAY' l.store 'Not_hidden', 'Not hidden' l.store 'Hidden', 'Hidden' l.store 'Hidden_users', 'Hidden users' l.store 'Provider_enabled', 'Provider enabled' l.store 'Hide', 'Hide' l.store 'User_unhidden', 'User unhidden' l.store 'User_hidden', 'User hidden' l.store 'Unhide', 'Unhide' l.store 'RESELLER_MENU', 'RESELLER MENU' l.store 'IP_Authentication', 'IP Authentication' l.store 'Now', 'Now' l.store 'Active_Calls', 'Active Calls' l.store 'Page_refreshes_every', 'Page refreshes every' l.store 'CT_No_Cheap_Providers', 'No cheap providers' l.store 'CT_Provider_higher_rate_then_user', 'Provider\'s rate higher then user\'s' l.store 'Quick_Forwards_dialplan', 'Quick Forwards Dial Plan' l.store 'Quick_Forwards', 'Quick Forwards' l.store 'Enter_number', 'Enter number' l.store 'Number_deleted', 'Number deleted' l.store 'Destinations_CSV', 'Destinations CSV' l.store 'Dst_to_create_from_csv', 'Destinations to create from CSV' l.store 'Integrity_check', 'Integrity check' l.store 'Destinations_without_Destination_Groups', 'Destinations not assigned to Destination Groups' l.store 'Fix', 'Fix' l.store 'IP_Address', 'IP Address' l.store 'Active_calls', 'Active calls' l.store 'Field', 'Field' l.store 'Device_details', 'Device details' l.store 'VoiceMail_Settings', 'VoiceMail Settings' l.store 'VM_Server_Active', 'VoiceMail Server active' l.store 'Please_select_device', 'Please select device' l.store 'Please_enter_extension', 'Please enter extension' l.store 'VM_Server', 'VoiceMail Server' l.store 'VM_Extension', 'VoiceMail Extension (local)' l.store 'VM_Retrieve_Extension', 'VoiceMail Retrieve Extension (local)' l.store 'VM_Server_Device', 'VoiceMail Server connection/device' l.store 'Click2Call', 'Click2Call' l.store 'Users_subscribed_to_c2c', 'Users subscribed to Click2Call' l.store 'Subscribe_user_to_c2c_service', 'Subscribe user to Click2Call service' l.store 'User_subscribed_to_c2c_service', 'User subscribed to Click2Call service' l.store 'User_unsubscribed_from_c2c_service', 'User unsubscribed from Click2Call service' l.store 'Unsubscribe', 'Unsubscribe' l.store 'C2C_Campaigns', 'Click2Call Campaigns' l.store 'C2C_Add_Campaign', 'Add Click2Call Campaign' l.store 'No_devices_cant_create_campaigns', 'User has no devices - not possible to create campaign' l.store 'C2C_Edit_Campaign', 'Edit Click2Call campaign' l.store 'Campaign_updated', 'Campaign updated' l.store 'Comments', 'Comments' l.store 'Comment_fields', 'Comment fields' l.store 'Comment_field_added', 'Comment field added' l.store 'Comment_field_deleted', 'Comment field deleted' l.store 'Comment_field_updated', 'Comment field updated' l.store 'Comment_field_order', 'Comment field order' l.store 'Comment_field_reordering_explained', 'Drag&Drop comment field to reorder the list' l.store 'First_Dial', 'First Dial' l.store 'Unprocess', 'Unprocess' l.store 'Process', 'Process' l.store 'Comment', 'Comment' l.store 'Redial', 'Redial' l.store 'Call_marked_as_not_processed', 'Call marked as not processed' l.store 'Call_marked_as_processed', 'Call marked as processed' l.store 'Comments_updated', 'Comments updated' l.store 'Call_redialed', 'Call redialed' l.store 'seconds', 'seconds' l.store 'Process_SIPCHANINFO', 'Process SIPCHANINFO' l.store 'WebMoney_Purse', 'WebMoney purse' l.store 'WebMoney_Currency', 'WebMoney currency' l.store 'WebMoney_SIM_MODE', 'WebMoney SIM MODE' l.store 'WebMoney_Secret_key', 'WebMoney Secret Key' l.store 'Default_Amount', 'Default Amount' l.store 'Min_Amount', 'Min. Amount' l.store 'Upload_logo', 'Upload logo' l.store 'Payment_Settings', 'Payment settings' l.store 'Logo_settings', 'Logo settings' l.store 'AMI_Interface', 'AMI Interface' l.store 'AMI_Host', 'AMI Host' l.store 'AMI_Username', 'AMI Username' l.store 'AMI_Secret', 'AMI Secret' l.store 'Device_Range_MIN', 'Device range MIN' l.store 'Device_Range_MAX', 'Device range MAX' l.store 'Add_new_campaign', 'Add new campaign' l.store 'Operator', 'Operator' l.store 'Client', 'Client' l.store 'Campaign_added', 'Campaign added' l.store 'First_dial', 'First dial' l.store 'WEB_Callback_CID', 'WEB Callback CID' l.store 'Greeting_file_uploaded', 'Greeting file uploaded' l.store 'Cant_delete_user_has_campaigns', 'Can\'t delete user - he has campaigns' l.store 'Cant_delete_device_has_campaigns', 'Can\'t delete device - it is used in campaign' l.store 'Company_billsec', 'Company billsec' l.store 'Company_status', 'Company status' l.store 'Company_destination', 'Company destination' l.store 'Client_billsec', 'Client billsec' l.store 'Client_status', 'Client status' l.store 'Client_destination', 'Client destination' l.store 'Greeting_file_is_to_big', 'Greeting file is too big' l.store 'Greeting_file_is_not_wav_or_mp3', 'Greeting file is not wav or mp3' l.store 'Greeting_file_not_uploaded', 'Greeting file is not uploaded' l.store 'Cant_delete_device_has_forwarded_calls', 'Can\'t delete device - he has forwards' l.store 'Cant_delete_user_has_forwarded_calls', 'Can\'t delete user - he has forwards' l.store 'Playing_greeting_for_campaign', 'Playing greeting for campaign' l.store 'Greeting', 'Greeting' l.store 'Virtual_Device', 'Virtual Device' l.store 'Change_comment_field_order', 'Change comment field order' l.store 'Greeting_upload', 'Greeting upload' l.store 'Zero_size_file', 'Zero size file' l.store 'Logo_uploaded', 'Logo uploaded' l.store 'SIP_302_Reinvite_Support', 'SIP 302 Reinvite Support' l.store 'File_is_not_wav_or_mp3', 'File is not WAV or MP3' l.store 'File_is_too_big', 'File is too big' l.store 'File_not_uploaded', 'File not uploaded' l.store 'Cards_were_successfully_activated', 'Cards were successfully activated' l.store 'Cards_were_successfully_disabled', 'Cards were successfully disabled' l.store 'Card_interval', 'Card interval' l.store 'Active_cards', 'Active cards' l.store 'Disabled_cards', 'Disabled cards' l.store 'Action', 'Action' l.store 'Activate', 'Activate' l.store 'Disable', 'Disable' l.store 'Execute', 'Execute' l.store 'Pbx_functions', 'PBX functions' l.store 'Pbx_function_edit', 'PBX function edit' l.store 'Pbx_function_updated', 'PBX function updated' l.store 'Pbx_function_created', 'PBX function created' l.store 'Pbx_function_deleted', 'PBX function deleted' l.store 'Pbx_function_name', 'PBX function name' l.store 'Dialplan_name', 'Dialplan name' l.store 'AD_Sounds_Folder', 'Auto-Dialer Sounds Folder' l.store 'Add_card_payment', 'Add card payment' l.store 'Card_cannot_be_deleted', 'Card can not be deleted' l.store 'Batch_management', 'Batch management' l.store 'New_card_balance', 'New card balance' l.store 'Too_much_calls_to_show', 'Too much calls to show' l.store 'Pbx_functions_edit', 'PBX Function Edit' l.store 'Destination_rules', 'Destination rules' l.store 'CallerID_rules', 'CallerID Rules' l.store 'Provider_rules_dst', 'Provider rules Destination' l.store 'Provider_rules_src', 'Provider rules Source' l.store 'Global_destination_rules', 'Global destination rules' l.store 'Global_callerID_rules', 'Global CallerID rules' l.store 'ASR', 'ASR' l.store 'Direction_stats', 'Direction statistics' l.store 'Destination_stats', 'Destination statistics' l.store 'Destination_group_stats', 'Destination groups statistics' l.store 'CSV_Decimal', 'CSV Decimal Separator' l.store 'CSV_Separator', 'CSV Column Separator' l.store 'Min', 'Min' l.store 'Max', 'Max' l.store 'Cardgroups_are_using_this_tariff_cant_delete', 'Some Card Groups are using this tariff so not possible to delete it' l.store 'Device_timeout', 'Device Timeout' l.store 'Invalid_value', 'Invalid Value' l.store 'List_Payments', 'List Payments' l.store 'Registration_URL', 'Registration URL' l.store 'Change_Order', 'Change Order' l.store 'Drag_To_Change_Order', 'Drag&Drop to change Order' l.store 'Enter_extension', 'Enter extension' l.store 'Such_extension_exists', 'Such extension exists' l.store 'PBX_Functions_dialplan', 'PBX Functions dialplan' l.store 'Total_cards_imported', 'Total cards imported' l.store 'Wrong_length_for_card_number', 'Wrong length for card number' l.store 'Wrong_length_for_card_pin', 'Wrong length for card PIN' l.store 'Cards_imported', 'Cards imported' l.store 'Cards_were_successfully_deleted', 'Cards were successfully deleted' l.store 'p_Please_Fill_In','Please fill in credit card payment form below' l.store 'p_First_Name','First Name (as it appears on the credit card)' l.store 'p_Last_Name','Last Name (as it appears on the credit card)' l.store 'p_Company','Company' l.store 'p_Billing_Address','Billing Address' l.store 'p_State','State (US residents only)' l.store 'p_Province','State/Province (Non-US residents only)' l.store 'p_ZIP','ZIP/Postal code' l.store 'p_Phone','Phone number' l.store 'p_Fax','Fax number' l.store 'p_Email','Email address' l.store 'p_CCType','Credit Card Type' l.store 'p_Card_Number','Credit Card Number' l.store 'p_Exp_Month','Expiration Month' l.store 'p_Exp_Year','Expiration Year' l.store 'p_CCV','CCV Code' l.store 'p_what_is_it','what is it?' l.store 'p_Code_Not_Present','Code not on card' l.store 'p_Agree','Do you agree?' l.store 'p_Read_Agreed','I have read and agree to the Extrotel ' l.store 'p_Read_Agreed_Link','Terms of Service' l.store 'p_Required_Fields','Indicates required fields' l.store 'p_Proceed','Proceed with payment' l.store 'p_Approved','Your payment was approved.' l.store 'p_Rejected','Your credit card was rejected. Payment was declined.' l.store 'p_Invalid_Card','Invalid card number' l.store 'p_Card_Expired','Credit card expired' # ------ l.store 'ERROR', 'ERROR' l.store 'Calls_To_Dids', 'Calls to DIDs' l.store 'Total_calls_DID', 'DID Total calls' l.store 'Total_Calls_To_Dids', 'Total calls to DIDs' l.store 'API', 'API' l.store 'Main_page', 'Main page' l.store 'Postpaid', 'Postpaid' l.store 'Prepaid', 'Prepaid' l.store 'Hangup', 'Hangup' l.store 'Call_State', 'Call State' l.store 'User_subscriptions', 'User subscriptions' l.store 'User_calls', 'User calls' l.store 'Your_language_changed_to', 'Your language changed to' l.store 'Unknown', 'Unknown' l.store 'Comment_field_edit', 'Edit comment field' l.store 'Plase_select_greetings_file', 'Please select greetings file' l.store 'C2C_invoices', 'C2C Invoices' l.store 'Generate_C2C_invoices', 'Generate C2C Invoices' l.store 'C2C_Invoices', 'C2C Invoices' l.store 'C2C_user_price', 'C2C User Prices' l.store 'Price_updated', 'Price updated' l.store 'Price_not_updated', 'Price not updated' l.store 'Realtime', 'Realtime' l.store 'Cardgroup_cannot_be_deleted', 'Card Group can not be deleted' l.store 'Pin', 'PIN' l.store 'Card_image_uploaded', 'Card image uploaded' l.store 'Not_a_picture', 'Please select picture' l.store 'Image_to_big_max_size_500kb', 'Image file is too big' l.store 'Select_a_file', 'Select file' l.store 'Not_enough_columns', 'Not enough columns' l.store 'Cant_delete_device_has_forworded_calls', 'Device has forwarded calls - we can\'t delete it' l.store 'Cant_delete_device_has_diaplans', 'Device has dialplans - we can\'t delete it' l.store 'Extension_is_used', 'Extension is in use' l.store 'Default_device', 'Default Device' l.store 'DIDs', 'DIDs' l.store 'DID_not_e164_compatible', 'DID is not E.164 compatible. You should seriously consider making it E.164 compatible. Consult Manual for more details!' l.store 'Details_changed', 'Details changed' l.store 'Dialplan_was_not_created', 'Dial Plan was not created' l.store 'Dialplan_is_assigned_to_device_cant_delete', 'Dial Plan is assigned to device - we can not delete it' l.store 'Bulk_management', 'Bulk management' l.store 'Dids_interval_update', 'Update DIDs interval' l.store 'Dids_interval_rates', 'DIDs interval rates' l.store 'Dids_interval_delete', 'Delete DIDs interval' l.store 'Directions_stats', 'Directions stats' l.store 'Dg_destination_stats', 'Destinaiton Groups stats' l.store 'Currency_update_disabled', 'Currency update disabled' l.store 'Currency_update_enabled', 'Currency update enabled' l.store 'Currency_disabled', 'Currency disabled' l.store 'Currency_enabled', 'Currency enabled' l.store 'Default_currency', 'Default currency' l.store 'Currencies_rates_updated', 'Currencies rates updated' l.store 'Logo_to_big_max_size_100kb', 'Logo file too large. Upload smaller file.' l.store 'Permissions', 'Permissions' l.store 'New_Role', 'New role' l.store 'Cannot_Create_Role_already_exists', 'Can\'t create such role - it allready exists' l.store 'Role_Created', 'Role created' l.store 'Cannot_delete_role_users_exist', 'Can\'t delete role - some users with such role exists' l.store 'Role_Destroyed', 'Role deleted' l.store 'New_Right', 'New right' l.store 'Right_Created', 'Right created' l.store 'Right_Destroyed', 'Right deleted' l.store 'Import_user_data', 'Import user data' l.store 'Import_Users', 'Import Users' l.store 'Import_user_data_users', 'Import user data - Users' l.store 'Temp_User_ID_Cant_Be_Empty', 'Temporary User ID can\'t be empty' l.store 'LCR_Was_Not_Found_Default_Assigned', 'LCR was not found - default one assigned' l.store 'Tariff_Was_Not_Found_Default_Assigned', 'Tariff was not found - default assigned' l.store 'Import_Devices', 'Import Devices' l.store 'Import_user_data_devices', 'Import user data - Devices' l.store 'Temp_Device_ID_Cant_Be_Empty', 'Temporary Device ID can\'t be empty' l.store 'Temp_Device_ID_Already_Taken', 'Temporary Device ID allready taken' l.store 'User_Was_Not_Found', 'User was not found' l.store 'Invalid_Device_type', 'Invalid device type' l.store 'Device_Extension_Cant_Be_Empty', 'Device Extension can\'t be empty' l.store 'Device_Extension_Must_Be_Unique', 'Device Extension must be unique' l.store 'Username_Cant_Be_Empty', 'Username can\'t be empty' l.store 'Host_Cant_Be_Empty', 'Host can\'t be empty' l.store 'CLI_Name_Cant_Be_Empty', 'CLI Name can\'t be empty' l.store 'CLI_Number_Cant_Be_Empty', 'CLI Number can\'t be empty' l.store 'Import_DIDs', 'Import DIDs' l.store 'Import_user_data_DIDs', 'Import user data - DIDs' l.store 'Device_Was_Not_Found', 'Device was not found' l.store 'DID_Cant_Be_Empty', 'DID can\'t be empty' l.store 'DID_Cant_Start_With_Zero', 'DID can\'t start with zero' l.store 'DID_Must_Be_Unique', 'DID must be unique' l.store 'IVR_Voices', 'IVR Voices' l.store 'New_IVR_Voice', 'New IVR Voice' l.store 'IVR_Voice_Created', 'IVR Voice created' l.store 'IVR_Voice_Not_Created', 'IVR Voice not created - Make sure Voice Name does not have digits or special characters, only letters are allowed.' l.store 'IVR_Voice_Deleted', 'IVR Voice deleted' l.store 'Edit_IVR_Voice', 'Edit IVR Voice' l.store 'IVR_Voice_Updated', 'IVR Voice updated' l.store 'New_IVR_Sound_File', 'New IVR Sound File' l.store 'Sound_File_Was_Uploaded', 'Sound file was uploaded' l.store 'File_Not_Uploaded', 'File not uploaded' l.store 'Please_Select_Mp3_Or_Wav_file', 'Please upload MP3 or WAV file' l.store 'File_To_Small_Or_Not_Selected', 'File too small or not selected' l.store 'Sound_File_Deleted', 'Sound File deleted' l.store 'Edit_IVR_Sound_File', 'Edit IVR Sound File' l.store 'Sound_File_Updated', 'Sound File updated' l.store 'IVR_Timeperiods', 'IVR Time Periods' l.store 'New_IVR_Timeperiods', 'New IVR Time Periods' l.store 'Timeperiod_Created', 'Time Period created' l.store 'Error', 'Error' l.store 'IVR_Timeperiod_Deleted', 'IVR Time Period deleted' l.store 'IVR_Timeperiod_Not_Deleted', 'IVR Time Period not deleted' l.store 'Edit_IVR_Timeperiods', 'Edit IVR Time Periods' l.store 'Timeperiod_Updated', 'Time Periods updated' l.store 'IVR_Settings', 'IVR Settings' l.store 'IVRs', 'IVRs' l.store 'New_IVR', 'New IVR' l.store 'Edit_IVR', 'Edit IVR' l.store 'New_Block', 'New Block' l.store 'LCR_Details', 'LCR Details' l.store 'LinkPoint', 'LinkPoint' l.store 'PayPal', 'PayPal' l.store 'WebMoney', 'WebMoney' l.store 'Cyberplat', 'Cyberplat' l.store 'Amount_Missmatch', 'Amount Missmatch' l.store 'Unknown_Payment', 'Unknown Payment' l.store 'Unknown_Payment_ID', 'Unknown Payment ID' l.store 'Provider_servers', 'Provider servers' l.store 'Server_deleted', 'Server deleted' l.store 'Server_added', 'Server added' l.store 'Server_allready_exists', 'Server allready exists' l.store 'Servers', 'Servers' l.store 'Server_providers', 'Server providers' l.store 'Provider_allready_exists', 'Provider allready exists' l.store 'Server_new', 'New Server' l.store 'Server_edit', 'Edit Server' l.store 'Server_created', 'Server created' l.store 'Server_update', 'Server updated' l.store 'Providers_deleted', 'Providers deleted' l.store 'Server_disabled', 'Server disabled' l.store 'Server_enabled', 'Server enabled' l.store 'Users_subscribed_to_sms', 'Users subscribed to SMS service' l.store 'User_subscribed_to_sms_service', 'User subscribed to SMS service' l.store 'User_unsubscribed_from_sms_service', 'User unsubscribed from SMS service' l.store 'Sms_lcrs', 'SMS LCRs' l.store 'Sms_providers', 'SMS Providers' l.store 'No_SMS_tariffs_available', 'No SMS Tariffs available' l.store 'Sms_provider_created', 'SMS Provider created' l.store 'Sms_providers_edit', 'Edit SMS Providers' l.store 'Sms_provider_updated', 'SMS Provider updated' l.store 'Sms_provider_deleted', 'SMS Provider deleted' l.store 'Sms_tariffs', 'SMS Tariffs' l.store 'SMS_tariff_new', 'New SMS Tariff' l.store 'Sms_tariff_created', 'SMS Tariff created' l.store 'Sms_tariffs_edit', 'Edit SMS Tariff' l.store 'Sms_tariff_updated', 'SMS Tariff updated' l.store 'Sms_tariff_deleted', 'SMS Tariff deleted' l.store 'Sms_rates', 'SMS Rates' l.store 'SMS_Rates_for_tariff', 'SMS Rates for Tariff' l.store 'Sms_rate_edit', 'Edit SMS Rate' l.store 'Sms_rate_updated', 'SMS Rate updated' l.store 'Sms_rate_deleted', 'SMS Rate deleted' l.store 'Send_sms', 'Send SMS' l.store 'Sms_list', 'SMS list' l.store 'Last_calls', 'Last Calls' l.store 'Period', 'Period' l.store 'Hang_up_cause_codes_calls', 'Calls by HangupCause codes' l.store 'Calls_profit', 'Calls profit' l.store 'Subscriptions_profit', 'Profit from Subscriptions' l.store 'Counting', 'Counting' l.store 'System_stats', 'System stats' l.store 'DIDs_usage', 'DIDs usage' l.store 'Dynamic_Search', 'Dynamic search' l.store 'C2C_stats', 'Click2Call stats' l.store 'Hangup_cause_codes_stats', 'Stats by HangupCause codes' l.store 'Calls_by_src', 'Calls by Source' l.store 'Resellers', 'Resellers' l.store 'cardgroups_are_using_this_tariff_cant_delete', 'Some Card Group(s) is(are) using this Tariff - we can not delete it' l.store 'Tariff_list', 'Tariff list' l.store 'Import_XLS', 'Import XLS' l.store 'Change_tariff_for_users', 'Change Tariff for Users' l.store 'Updated_tariff_for_users', 'Update Tariff for Users' l.store 'Minimal_Time', 'Minimal Time' l.store 'Round', 'Round' l.store 'Min_provider', 'MIN Provider' l.store 'Max_provider', 'MAX Provider' l.store 'Cant_delete_user_has_forworded_calls', 'Can not delete this user - he has forwarded calls' l.store 'Cant_delete_reseller_whit_users', 'Can not delete this reseller - he has users' l.store 'Send_invoices', 'Send Invoices' l.store 'Unpaid', 'Unpaid' l.store 'PDF', 'PDF' l.store 'CSV', 'CSV' l.store 'Invoice_destinations', 'Invoice Destinations' l.store 'Invoice_CDR', 'Invoice CDR' l.store 'Playing', 'Playing' l.store 'Start', 'Start' l.store 'Mission_complete', 'Mission complete' l.store 'Processed', 'Processed' l.store 'ID', 'ID' l.store 'Try_Times', 'Try times' l.store 'Pause_Between_Calls', 'Pause between Calls' l.store 'Send_email_after_min', 'Send Email after (min)' l.store 'Subscribe', 'Subscribe' l.store 'Account', 'Account' l.store 'Card_image', 'Card Image' l.store 'PIN', 'PIN' l.store 'CLID', 'CLID' l.store 'Option', 'Option' l.store 'Empty', 'Empty' l.store 'SIP_URI', 'SIP URI' l.store 'Sip', 'SIP' l.store 'CLI', 'CLI' l.store 'Acc', 'ACC' l.store 'CLIs', 'CLIs' l.store 'Callflow', 'Call Flow' l.store 'Timeout', 'Timeout' l.store 'Call_limit', 'Call Limit' l.store 'Call_limit_notice', 'Leave 0 if you want unlimited sim. calls' l.store 'CallerID', 'CallerID' l.store 'canreinvite', 'canreinvite' l.store 'transfer', 'transfer' l.store 'Never', 'Never' l.store 'Route', 'Route' l.store 'Qualify', 'Qualify' l.store 'Audio', 'Audio' l.store 'Video', 'Video' l.store 'IP', 'IP' l.store 'Fromuser', 'Fromuser' l.store 'Fromdomain', 'Fromdomain' l.store 'Trustrpid', 'Trustrpid' l.store 'Sendrpid', 'Sendrpid' l.store 'Insecure', 'Insecure' l.store 'Progressinband', 'Progressinband' l.store 'Allow_duplicate_calls', 'Allow duplicate Calls' l.store 'Debug', 'Debug' l.store 'ok', 'Ok' l.store 'Dids_quantity', 'DIDs quantity' l.store 'By_provider', 'By Provider' l.store 'OK', 'Ok' l.store 'Make_dids', 'Make DIDs' l.store 'Free', 'Free' l.store 'Closed', 'Closed' l.store 'Export_to_csv', 'Export to CSV' l.store 'Reserved', 'Reserved' l.store 'Terminated', 'Terminated' l.store 'Flag', 'Flag' l.store 'Action_Synchronize', 'Sync. Actions' l.store 'Workday', 'Work Day' l.store 'Freeday', 'Free Day' l.store 'Explanation', 'Explanation' l.store 'Default_currency_change_note', 'ATTENTION! Change Default currency ONLY on fresh install. If you change it later - all billing will be ruined!' l.store 'Enable', 'Enable' l.store 'Yahoo', 'Yahoo' l.store 'Default', 'Default' l.store 'Translation_Code', 'Translation Code' l.store 'From_File', 'From file' l.store 'Import_Users_From_CSV', 'Import Users from CSV' l.store 'Import_Devices_From_CSV', 'Import Devices from CSV' l.store 'Import_DID_From_CSV', 'Import DIDs from CSV' l.store 'Clear_Temporary_Information', 'Clear temporary information' l.store 'Imported_users', 'Imported Users' l.store 'Include_first_line', 'Include first line' l.store 'Device_Data', 'Device data' l.store 'Temporary_Device_ID', 'Temporary Device ID' l.store 'Temporary_User_ID', 'Temporary User ID' l.store 'Caller_ID', 'Caller ID' l.store 'CLI_name', 'CLI Name' l.store 'CLI_number', 'CLI Number' l.store 'Errors', 'Errors' l.store 'Back_to_menu', 'Back to Menu' l.store 'Temporary_Device_id', 'Temporary Device ID' l.store 'Temporary_ID', 'Temporary ID' l.store 'Payment_type', 'Payment Type' l.store 'Credit_Unlimited', 'Unlimited Credit' l.store 'Payment_Type', 'Payment Type' l.store 'Warnings', 'Warnings' l.store 'Warning', 'Warning' l.store 'Lcr', 'LCR' l.store 'Lr_type', 'Location Rule type' l.store 'Pbx_function', 'PBX Function' l.store 'Action_Finder', 'Action Finder' l.store 'Generate_Permission_Dump', 'Generate Permission Dump' l.store 'Test', 'Test' l.store 'Controller', 'Controller' l.store 'Pdf', 'PDF' l.store 'Csv', 'CSV' l.store 'By_destinations', 'By Destinations' l.store 'Reload_time', 'Reload Time' l.store 'Usual_text', 'Usual Test' l.store 'Font_color', 'Font Color' l.store 'Font_size', 'Font Size' l.store 'Font_style', 'Font Style' l.store 'bold', 'bold' l.store 'italic', 'italic' l.store 'underline', 'underline' l.store 'Highlighted_text_color', 'Highlighted Text Color' l.store 'Highlighted_text_size', 'Highlighted Text Size' l.store 'Highlighted_text_style', 'Highlighted Text Style' l.store 'Header_footer_text', 'Header-Footer Text' l.store 'Background', 'Background' l.store 'Color', 'Color' l.store 'Row1_color', 'Row #1 Color' l.store 'Row2_color', 'Roe #2 Color' l.store '3_first_rows_color', 'Color of 3 first rows' l.store 'XML_API_Extension', 'XML API Extension' l.store 'Maximum_Active_Calls', 'Maximum Active Calls' l.store 'Active_Calls_Refresh_Interval', 'Active Calls refresh interval' l.store 'Fullscreen', 'Fullscreen' l.store 'Reload_Time', 'Reload Time' l.store 'Width', 'Width' l.store 'Height', 'Height' l.store 'Google_Maps', 'Google Maps' l.store 'WebMoney_Secret_key', 'WebMoney Secret Key' l.store 'Linkpoint_StoreID', 'LinkPoint StoreID' l.store 'Linkpoint_Currency', 'LinkPoint Currency' l.store 'Cyberplat_Enabled', 'Cyberplat Enabled' l.store 'Cyberplat_Test', 'Cyberlat Test' l.store 'Cyberplat_Currency', 'Cyberplat Currency' l.store 'Transaction_Fee', 'Transaction Fee' l.store 'Shop_IP', 'Shop IP' l.store 'Cyberplat_Info', 'Cyberplat Info' l.store 'Linkpoint', 'LinkPoint' l.store 'File_name', 'File Name' l.store 'File_Size', 'File Size' l.store 'Created_At', 'Created at' l.store 'Voice_Short_Name', 'Voice short Name' l.store 'Voice_Description', 'Voice Description' l.store 'Add_new_sound_file', 'Add new Sound File' l.store 'IVR_Sound_files', 'IVR Sound Files' l.store 'Add_New_IVR', 'Add new IVR' l.store 'Add_New_Timeperiod', 'Add new Time Period' l.store 'Add_New_Voice', 'Add new Voice' l.store 'IVR_voice', 'IVR Voice' l.store 'Short_Name', 'Short Name' l.store 'IVR_Voice_Dir', 'IVR Voice directory' l.store 'Refresh', 'Refresh' l.store 'IVR_Name', 'IVR Name' l.store 'First_Block_Name', 'First Block Name' l.store 'Add_New_Action', 'Add new Action' l.store 'Remove_This_Block', 'Remove this Block' l.store 'Add_New_Block', 'Add new Block' l.store 'Block_Name', 'Block Name' l.store 'Timeout_Response', 'Timeout Response' l.store 'Timeout_Digits', 'Timeout Digits' l.store 'Extensions', 'Extensions' l.store 'Weekday', 'Weekday' l.store 'Hour', 'Hour' l.store 'Minute', 'Minute' l.store 'Monday', 'Monday' l.store 'Tuesday', 'Tuesday' l.store 'Wednesday', 'Wednesday' l.store 'Thursday', 'Thursday' l.store 'Friday', 'Friday' l.store 'Saturday', 'Saturday' l.store 'Sunday', 'Sunday' l.store 'Logo', 'Logo' l.store 'CDR', 'CDR' l.store 'Import', 'Import' l.store 'Import_User_Data', 'Import User Data' l.store 'Stats', 'Stats' l.store 'SMS', 'SMS' l.store 'Calls_by_src', 'Calls by Source' l.store 'Hangup_cause', 'Hangup Cause' l.store 'Prefix_Finder', 'Prefix Finder' l.store 'Usage', 'Usage' l.store 'Google_maps', 'Google Maps' l.store 'SMS_Tariffs', 'SMS Tariffs' l.store 'ACCOUNTANT_MENU', 'ACCOUNTANT MENU' l.store 'Sms', 'SMS' l.store 'Manual', 'Manual' l.store 'MENU', 'MENU' l.store 'Shop', 'Shop' l.store 'Cardgroup', 'Card Group' l.store 'English', 'English' l.store 'Russian', 'Russian' l.store 'Cyberplat_disabled', 'Cyberplat disabled' l.store 'This_Is_Equal_To', 'This is equal to' l.store 'Transaction_fee', 'Transaction Fee' l.store 'Companyname', 'Company Name' l.store 'Designation', 'Designation' l.store 'VoIP', 'VoIP' l.store 'URL', 'URL' l.store 'VAT_Included', 'TAX included' l.store 'Transaction_date', 'Transaction Date' l.store 'Authorization_Code', 'Authorization Code' l.store 'Transaction_Identifier', 'Transaction Identifier' l.store 'Customer_Name', 'Customer Name' l.store 'Operation_Type', 'Operation Type' l.store 'Balance_Update', 'Balance update' l.store 'Error_code', 'Error Code' l.store 'p_Approved', 'p_Approved' l.store 'p_Rejected', 'p_Rejected' l.store 'p_Invalid_Card', 'p_Invalid_Card' l.store 'p_Card_Expired', 'p_Card_Expired' l.store 'p_Please_Fill_In', 'p_Please_Fill_In' l.store 'p_First_Name', 'p_First_Name' l.store 'p_Last_Name', 'p_Last_Name' l.store 'p_Company', 'p_Company' l.store 'p_Billing_Address', 'p_Billing_Address' l.store 'p_State', 'p_State' l.store 'p_Province', 'p_Province' l.store 'p_ZIP', 'p_ZIP' l.store 'p_Phone', 'p_Phone' l.store 'p_Fax', 'p_Fax' l.store 'p_Email', 'p_Email' l.store 'p_CCType', 'p_CCType' l.store 'p_Card_Number', 'p_Card_Number' l.store 'p_Exp_Month', 'p_Exp_Month' l.store 'p_Exp_Year', 'p_Exp_Year' l.store 'p_CCV', 'p_CCV' l.store 'p_what_is_it', 'p_what_is_it' l.store 'p_Code_Not_Present', 'p_Code_Not_Present' l.store 'p_Agree', 'p_Agree' l.store 'p_Read_Agreed', 'p_Read_Agreed' l.store 'p_Read_Agreed_Link', 'p_Read_Agreed_Link' l.store 'p_Proceed', 'p_Proceed' l.store 'p_Required_Fields', 'p_Required_Fields' l.store 'WebMoney_disabled', 'WebMoney disabled' l.store 'Payment_failed', 'Payment failed' l.store 'payment_successfull', 'Payment successfull' l.store 'User_name', 'User Name' l.store 'your_balance_was_updated_by', 'Your balance was updated by' l.store 'Pr_type', 'Pr_type' l.store 'Active?', 'Active?' l.store 'Url', 'URL' l.store 'Max_call_limit', 'Max Call Limit' l.store 'Add_server', 'Add Server' l.store 'Server', 'Server' l.store 'Interpret_NO_ANSWER_as_FAILED', 'Interpret NO ANSWER as FAILED' l.store 'Interpret_BUSY_as_FAILED', 'Interpret BUSY as FAILED' l.store 'days', 'days' l.store 'activation_from_registration', 'Activation from Registration' l.store 'activation_from_first_call', 'Activation from First Call' l.store 'Api_id', 'API ID' l.store 'Send_date', 'Send Date' l.store 'Status_code', 'Status COde' l.store 'Subscribe_user_to_sms_service', 'Subscribe User to SMS Service' l.store 'Provider_type', 'Provider Type' l.store 'clickatell', 'Clickatell' l.store 'Missed', 'Missed' l.store 'Countries_incomes', 'Countries incomes' l.store 'Number_of_dids', 'Number of DIDs' l.store 'Deleted', 'Deleted' l.store 'Inactive', 'Inactive' l.store 'Go_Live', 'Go Live' l.store 'Hang_up_cause_code', 'Hangup Cause Code' l.store 'Type_Prefix_To_Get_Destination', 'Enter Prefix to get Destination' l.store 'Type_Country', 'Enter Country' l.store 'ACD', 'ACD' l.store 'Reseller', 'Reseller' l.store 'Admin', 'Admin' l.store 'Accountants', 'Accountants' l.store 'FAX', 'FAX' l.store 'Users_retail', 'Retail Users' l.store 'Users_wholesale', 'Wholesale Users' l.store 'Total_destination_groups', 'Total Destination Groups' l.store 'Lcrs', 'LCRs' l.store 'Total_cardgroups', 'Total Card Groups' l.store 'Total_cards', 'Total Cards' l.store 'Complete', 'Complete' l.store 'Not_complete', 'Not complete' l.store 'Hangup_cause_codes', 'Hangup Cause Codes' l.store 'Cause_code', 'Cause Code' l.store 'Total_In_Page', 'Total in Page' l.store 'Select', 'Select' l.store 'To', 'To' l.store 'Rate_import_status', 'Rate import Status' l.store 'Make_wholesale_tariff', 'Make wholesale Tariff' l.store 'provider', 'provider' l.store 'user_wholesale', 'wholesale user' l.store 'minute', 'minute' l.store 'event', 'event' l.store 'Purpose', 'Purpose' l.store 'Without_subscriptions', 'Without Subscriptions' l.store 'With_subscriptions', 'With Subscriptions' l.store 'Sms_LCR', 'SMS LCR' l.store 'Sms_Tariff', 'SMS Tariff' l.store 'By_CallerID', 'By CallerID' l.store 'By_destinations', 'By Destinations' l.store 'Invoice_pdf', 'Invoice PDF' l.store 'Invoice_detailed_pdf', 'Detailed Invoice PDF' l.store 'Invoice_by_CallerID_pdf', 'Invoice by CallerID PDF' l.store 'Invoice_csv', 'Invoice CSV' l.store 'Invoice_detailed_csv', 'Detailed Invoice CSV' l.store 'Invoice_destinations_csv', 'Invoice Destinations CSV' l.store 'Chart', 'Chart' l.store 'Music', 'Music' l.store 'Cart', 'Cart' l.store 'Undo', 'Undo' l.store 'Rates_delete', 'Delete Rates' l.store 'No_Voices_To_Select_From', 'No Voices to select from' l.store 'No_SoundFiles_To_Select_From', 'No Sound Files to select from' l.store 'No_call', 'No Call' l.store 'Backup', 'Backup' l.store 'Backup_setings_updated', 'Backup Settings updated' l.store 'Backup_maneger', 'Backup Manager' l.store 'Backup_new', 'New Backup' l.store 'Backup_created', 'Backup created' l.store 'Bad_data', 'Bad data' l.store 'Backup_deleted', 'Backup deleted' l.store 'Backup_restore', 'Restore Backup' l.store 'Such_destination_exists_allready', 'Such Destination allready exists' l.store 'Can_Not_Delete_Some_Sound_File_Are_In_Use', 'Can not delete - some Sound Files are in use' l.store 'Can_Not_Delete_Voice_Is_In_Use', 'Can not delete - Voice is in use' l.store 'IVR_Voice_Was_Not_Updated', 'IVR Voice was not updated' l.store 'Sound_File_Can_Not_Be_Deleted_In_Use', 'Sound File is in use - can not be deleted' l.store 'Sound_File_Was_Not_Updated', 'Sound File was not updated' l.store 'Error_While_Creating_Timeperiod', 'Error while creating Time Period' l.store 'Cannot_Create_Timeperdiod_Without_Name', 'Enter Name to create Time Period' l.store 'IVR_Timeperiod_Is_In_Use', 'IVR Time Period is in use' l.store 'IVR_Extlines', 'IVR Extlines' l.store 'IVR_Deleted', 'IVR Deleted' l.store 'IVR_Is_In_Use', 'IVR is in use' l.store 'Sms_lcr_user', 'SMS LCR User' l.store 'User_updated', 'User updated' l.store 'Total_sms_price', 'Total SMS Price' l.store 'Margin%', 'Margin%' l.store 'Markup%', 'Markup%' l.store 'Calls_per_day', 'Calls per Day' l.store 'Users_without_invoices_this_period', 'Users without Invoices this period' l.store 'Backup_preferences', 'Backup Preferencies' l.store 'Backup_storage_directory_on_local_machine', 'Backup storage directory on local machine' l.store 'Keep_on_local_server', 'Keep on local server' l.store 'Dont_start_backup_if_disk_space_less_than', 'Don\'t start backup if disk space less than' l.store 'Backup_scheduling', 'Backup scheduling' l.store 'Run_backup_according_below_shedule', 'Run Backup according below schedule' l.store 'Every_month', 'Every month' l.store 'Day_of_month', 'Day of every month' l.store 'Every_day', 'Every day' l.store 'Day_of_week', 'Day of week' l.store 'New_backup', 'New Backup' l.store 'mini', 'mini' l.store 'full', 'full' l.store 'logout', 'Logout' l.store 'IVR', 'IVR' l.store 'Time_Interval', 'Time Interval' l.store 'Ivr', 'IVR' l.store 'IVR_dialplan', 'IVR Dial Plan' l.store 'Ivr_Dialplan', 'IVR Dial Plan' l.store 'Timeperiod', 'Time Period' l.store 'Dialplans_Not_Updated', 'Dial Plans not updated' l.store 'Fullscreen', 'Fullscreen' l.store 'Cyberplat_Disabled_Info', 'Cyberplat Disabled Info' l.store 'New_sound_file', 'New Sound File' l.store 'Extlines_For', 'Extlines for' l.store 'New_Timeperiod', 'New Time Period' l.store 'New_Voice', 'New Voice' l.store 'Ivr_Name', 'IVR Name' l.store 'System_May_Not_Be_Working_Propertly', 'System may not be working properly' l.store 'Please_Check_System_Integrity_Here', 'Please check System Integrity here' l.store 'Integrity_Check', 'Integrity Check' l.store 'Voices', 'Voices' l.store 'Timeperiods', 'Time Periods' l.store 'ADDONS', 'ADDONS' l.store 'Register', 'Register' l.store 'Register_extension', 'Register Extension' l.store 'Ssh_username', 'SSH Username' l.store 'Ssh_secret', 'SSH Secret' l.store 'Ssh_port', 'SSH Port' l.store 'SIP_Port', 'SIP Port' l.store 'characters_left', 'Characters left' l.store 'sms_number', 'SMS Number' l.store 'Margin', 'Margin' l.store 'Markup', 'Markup' l.store 'Fail', 'Fail' l.store 'Tariff_import_step_1_1_xls', 'Tariff import from XLS Step 1' l.store 'January', 'January' l.store 'February', 'February' l.store 'March', 'March' l.store 'April', 'April' l.store 'May', 'May' l.store 'June', 'June' l.store 'July', 'July' l.store 'August', 'August' l.store 'September', 'September' l.store 'October', 'October' l.store 'November', 'November' l.store 'December', 'December' l.store 'Phonebook', 'Phonebook' l.store 'Restore', 'Restore' l.store 'Unknown_Error', 'Unknown Error' l.store 'Profit_for', 'Profit for' l.store 'Message', 'Message' l.store 'Assign_did_to_Trunk', 'Assign DID to Trunk' l.store 'Assign_did_to_trunk_expanded', 'You can choose to which Trunk route calls from this DID. Trunk owner can be other company. Make sure you understand what you are doing here!' l.store 'No_free_trunks_for_did', 'ATTENTION! No available trunks in the system.' l.store 'Vouchers_interval_deleted', 'Vouchers interval deleted' l.store 'Bad_data_check_server_details_in_configuration', 'Bad/not enough server data - check server configuration' l.store 'Task_list', 'Task list' l.store 'Reminder_updated', 'Reminder updated' l.store 'Plan_was_not_created', 'Plan was not created' l.store 'Plan_was_destroyed', 'Plan deleted' l.store 'Plan_was_not_destroyed', 'Plan was deleted' l.store 'Edit_Plan', 'Edit Plan' l.store 'Plan_updated', 'Plan updated' l.store 'Plan_not_updated', 'Plan not updated' l.store 'Assign_Clients_to_Plan', 'Assign Clients to Plan' l.store 'All_Clients_assigned_to_this_Plan', 'All Clients assigned to this Plan' l.store 'Assign_Agents_to_Plan', 'Assign Agents to Plan' l.store 'Agents_sucessfully_assigned', 'Agents sucessfully assigned' l.store 'Update_Task', 'Update Task' l.store 'Task_was_updated', 'Task was updated' l.store 'Task_was_not_updated', 'Wask was not updated' l.store 'Task_was_destroyed', 'Task deleted' l.store 'Task_was_not_destroyed', 'Task not deleted' l.store 'Dont_Be_So_Smart', 'Dont be so smart!' l.store 'Task_Information', 'Task Information' l.store 'CallCenter_Clients', 'Call Center Clients' l.store 'Edit_Client', 'Edit Client' l.store 'Client_was_updated', 'Client was updated' l.store 'Client_was_not_updated', 'Client was not updated' l.store 'Client_was_destroyed', 'Client deleted' l.store 'Client_was_not_destroyed', 'Client not deleted' l.store 'Add_Client', 'Add Client' l.store 'Client_was_created', 'Client was created' l.store 'Client_was_not_created', 'Client was not created' l.store 'Client_Form', 'Client Form' l.store 'EMAIL_SENDING_ERROR', 'EMAIL SENDING ERROR' l.store 'One_Or_More_Cards_Were_Not_Added', 'One or more cards were not added' l.store 'Update_Failed', 'Updated failed' l.store 'Settings_Saved', 'Settings saved' l.store 'Did_interval_rate_edited', 'DID interval rate updated' l.store 'Cant_delete_destination_calls_to_this_destination_exist', 'Can not edit this destination - calls to this destination exists' l.store 'show_emails', 'Show email' l.store 'Cut_Equals_Add', 'Cut can not be equal to Add' l.store 'Add_Failed', 'Add failed' l.store 'Zero_exchange_rate', 'Zero exchange rate' l.store 'User_not_found', 'User not found' l.store 'locationrules_are_using_this_lcr_cant_delete', 'Location Rules are using this LCR - can not delete' l.store 'insufficient_balance', 'Insufficient balance' l.store 'Incoming_price', 'Incoming price' l.store 'Owner_price', 'Owner price' l.store 'First_activity', 'First activity' l.store 'First_day_subscriptions', 'First day subscriptions' l.store 'Action_log', 'Action log' l.store 'Action_updated', 'Action updated' l.store 'Tariff_Was_Not_Created', 'Tariff was not created' l.store 'locationrules_are_using_this_tariff_cant_delete', 'Location Rules are using this Tariff - can not delete' l.store 'Such_Tariff_Already_Exists', 'Such Tariff allready exists' l.store 'Cant_delete_user_has_actions_data', 'Can not delete this user - he has actions data' l.store 'Vouchers_tag', 'Vouchers tag' l.store 'Invoice_sent_by_mail', 'Invoice sent by email' l.store 'any', 'any' l.store 'sent', 'sent' l.store 'not_sent', 'not sent' l.store 'Invoice_sent_manually', 'Invoice sent manually' l.store 'all', 'all' l.store 'yes', 'yes' l.store 'no', 'no' l.store 'Sent_email', 'Sent email' l.store 'Not_send', 'Not sent' l.store 'Sent_manually', 'Sent manually' l.store 'Mark_as_sent', 'Mark as sent' l.store 'Mark_as_not_send', 'Mark as not sent' l.store 'Vouchers_tag_interval', 'Vouchers tag interval' l.store 'Vouchers_quantity', 'Vouchers quantity' l.store 'Donwload', 'Download' l.store 'Task', 'Task' l.store 'Total_Calls', 'Total Calls' l.store 'Calls_Per_Day', 'Calls per day' l.store 'No_Tasks_Assigned', 'No tasks assigned' l.store 'Clients', 'Clients' l.store 'Assign_All_Clients_To_Plan', 'Assign all Clients to Plan' l.store 'Client_ID', 'Client ID' l.store 'Agreement_Number', 'Agreement number' l.store 'Agreement_Date', 'Agreement date' l.store 'VAT_Number', 'TAX number' l.store 'No_Clients', 'No Clients' l.store 'Import_Clients_From_CSV', 'Import Clients from CSV' l.store 'Form', 'Form' l.store 'Form_Name', 'Form name' l.store 'Starts_At', 'Starts at' l.store 'Ends_At', 'Ends at' l.store 'User_Information', 'User information' l.store 'First_Name', 'First name' l.store 'Last_Name', 'Last name' l.store 'Clientid', 'Client ID' l.store 'Vat_Number', 'TAX number' l.store 'Vat_Percent', 'TAX percent' l.store 'No_Errors', 'No Errors' l.store 'No_Warnings', 'No Warnings' l.store 'Plan', 'Plan' l.store 'Assigned_Tasks', 'Assigned Tasks' l.store 'No_Assigned_Agents', 'No assigned Agents' l.store 'No_Free_Users', 'No free Users' l.store 'Client_Name', 'Client name' l.store 'No_Client_Assigned', 'No Client assigned' l.store 'Submit', 'Submit' l.store 'Fields', 'Fields' l.store 'Add_New_field', 'Add new field' l.store 'User_Info', 'User information' l.store 'Mob_Phone', 'MOB phone' l.store 'Connection_Fee_with_VAT', 'Connection fee with TAX' l.store 'With_CallerID', 'With CallerID' l.store 'From_device', 'From device' l.store 'Same_as_comes_unchanged', 'Same as comes - unchanged' l.store 'From_DIDs', 'From DIDs' l.store 'Custom', 'Custom' l.store 'Extlines_For_Ivr', 'Extension Lines for IVR' l.store 'Extlines_For_Block', 'Extlines for Block' l.store 'Format', 'Format' l.store 'Actions_errors', 'Actions errors' l.store 'Invoice_Balance_Line', 'Invoice Balance line' l.store 'Email_Pop3_Server', 'Email POP3 server' l.store 'Testing_email_sending', 'Test email sending' l.store 'Press_to_test', 'Press to test' l.store 'Show_Full_Src', 'Show Full Source (CallerID Name and Number)' l.store 'CCShop_show_values_without_VAT_for_user', 'Show values without TAX for user in Calling Card Shop' l.store 'Allow_Devices_To_Check_Ballance', 'Allow devices to check balance over HTTP' l.store 'Fax2Email_Folder', 'Fax2Email folder' l.store 'Key', 'Key' l.store 'backups', 'backups' l.store 'Backups', 'Backups' l.store 'Call_Center', 'Call Center' l.store 'Questionary', 'Questionary' l.store 'Tasks', 'Tasks' l.store 'Todays_Calls', 'Todays Calls' l.store 'Use_subject', 'Use subject' l.store 'Email_wait_time', 'Email wait time' l.store 'Wait_for_good_email', 'Wait for good email' l.store 'Email_good_keywords', 'Emails good keywords' l.store 'Wait_for_bad_email', 'Wait for bad email' l.store 'Email_bad_keywords', 'Email bad keywords' l.store 'Time_out_charge_user', 'Charge User after timeout' l.store 'Nan_keywords_charge_user', 'Charge user if no keywords' l.store 'Pay_sms_receiver', 'Pay SMS Receiver' l.store 'Domain', 'Domain' l.store 'sms_email', 'sms email' l.store 'Action_type', 'Action type' l.store 'Action_data', 'Action data' l.store 'link_to_did', 'link to DID' l.store 'Not_processed', 'Not processed' l.store 'user_price', 'user price' l.store 'In_first_day_subscriptions', 'In first day subscriptions' l.store 'Link_To_Get_Balance_In_Devices', 'Link to get Balance in devices' l.store 'Call_Center_Options', 'Call Center Options' l.store 'Call_Center_Agent', 'Call Center Agent' l.store 'YOU_HAVEA_REMINDER', 'YOU HAVE A REMINDER' l.store 'Add_New_Radiobuton', 'Add new Radiobutton' l.store 'Add_New_Checkbox', 'Add new Checkbox' l.store 'Add_New_Option', 'Add new Option' l.store 'Delete_Vouchers_interval', 'Delete Vouchers interval' l.store 'User_Not_Found', 'User not found' l.store 'Feature_Disabled', 'Feature disabled' l.store 'Backup_settings', 'Backup Settings' l.store 'Backup_manager', 'Backup Manager' l.store 'error', 'error' l.store 'Backup_not_created', 'Backup not created' l.store 'restore', 'restore' l.store 'New', 'New' l.store 'Form_was_successfully_created', 'Form was sucessfully created' l.store 'Canot_delete_form', 'Can not delete form' l.store 'Data_is_updated', 'Data is updated' l.store 'Data_is_saved', 'Data is saved' l.store 'clients_list', 'clients list' l.store 'Reminder_edit', 'Edit Reminder' l.store 'Reminder', 'Reminder' l.store 'Reminder_deleted', 'Reminder deleted' l.store 'Address_was_not_created', 'Address was not created' l.store 'Record_was_not_saved', 'Record was not saved' l.store 'Plans', 'Plans' l.store 'Plan_was_created', 'Plan was created' l.store 'Link_to_check_balance', 'Link to check balance' l.store 'Main_LCR', 'Main LCR' l.store 'Active_destinations', 'Active destinations' l.store 'Add_new_destinations', 'Add new destinations' l.store 'Routing_by_destinations', 'Routing by destinations' l.store 'By_Destinations', 'By destinations' l.store 'Usage', 'Usage' l.store 'From_DID', 'From DID' l.store 'calls_per_day', 'Calls per day' l.store 'Edit_Form', 'Edit Form' l.store 'Clients_list', 'Clients list' l.store 'No_more_client_to_call_to', 'No more Clients to call to' l.store 'Agents', 'Agents' l.store 'Agent_assigned', 'Agent assigned' l.store 'Agent_removed', 'Agent removed' l.store 'Agent_has_assigned_tasks', 'Agent has assigned tasks' l.store 'Agent_workplace', 'Agents\' workplace' l.store 'Group_was_created', 'Group was created' l.store 'Group_was_not_created', 'Group was not created' l.store 'Group_was_destroyed', 'Group deleted' l.store 'Group_was_not_destroyed', 'Group not deleted' l.store 'Group_was_updated', 'Group was updated' l.store 'Group_was_not_updated', 'Group was not updated' l.store 'Saved', 'Saved' l.store 'Such_prefix_allready_exists_in_this_LCR', 'Such prefix already exists in this LCR' l.store 'Prefix_error', 'Prefix error' l.store 'Edit_lcrpartial', 'Edit' l.store 'Lcrpartial_saved', 'Saved' l.store 'Lcrpartial_not_saved', 'Not saved' l.store 'Cyberplat_is_not_configured', 'Cyberplat is not configured' l.store '/lib/cyberplat/checker.ini_was_not_found', '/lib/cyberplat/checker.ini not found' l.store 'Call_Center_Task', 'Call Center Task' l.store 'Call_Next', 'Call Next' l.store 'Vat', 'TAX' l.store 'Vat_procent', 'TAX Percent' l.store 'Agent', 'Agent' l.store 'Not_assigned', 'Not assigned' l.store 'Editing_Form', 'Edit Form' l.store 'Calls_Total', 'Total Calls' l.store 'Assigned_Agents', 'Assigned Agents' l.store 'Free_Agents', 'Free Agents' l.store 'No_Free_Agents', 'No free Agents' l.store 'Default_value', 'Default value' l.store 'Client_Info', 'Cient Info' l.store 'Client_not_assigned_to_agent', 'Client not assigned to Agent' l.store 'IVR_editing_is_not_supported_on_IE', 'IVR editing is not suported in IE' l.store 'Main_Lcr', 'Main LCR' l.store 'Open', 'Open' l.store 'Too_many_calls_per_day', 'Too many calls per day' l.store 'Note_added', 'Note added' l.store 'Reminder_added', 'Reminder added' l.store 'Reminders', 'Reminders' l.store 'Form_Data_was_updated', 'Form updated' l.store 'Client_Data_was_updated', 'Client data updated' l.store 'Agent_has_no_device', 'Agent has no device' l.store 'Action_was_updated', 'Action updated' l.store 'Action_was_not_updated', 'Action not updated' l.store 'Action_was_destroyed', 'Action deleted' l.store 'Action_was_not_destroyed', 'Action not deleted' l.store 'Other_Fields', 'Other Fields' l.store 'Please_enter_number', 'Please enter number' l.store 'Cant_send_SMS_no_rate_for_this_destination', 'Can not send SMS - no rate for this Destination' l.store 'Next_Client', 'Next Client' l.store 'Note', 'Note' l.store 'Dialing', 'Dialing' l.store 'Next_client', 'Next Client' l.store 'Main', 'Main' l.store 'Server_to_use_for_call_center', 'Server to use for Call Center' l.store 'Other_fields', 'Other Fields' l.store 'Agreement_Number_must_be_unique', 'Agreement Number must be unique' l.store 'Vat_Number_must_be_unique', 'TAX Number must be unique' l.store 'Client_ID_must_be_unique', 'ClientID must be unique' l.store 'First_Name_is_not_present', 'First name is not present' l.store 'Last_Name_is_not_present.', 'Last name is not present' l.store 'Add_Note', 'Add Note' l.store 'Delete_Note', 'Delete Note' l.store 'Edit_Note', 'Edit Note' l.store 'Add_Reminder', 'Add Reminder' l.store 'Delete_Reminder', 'Delete Reminder' l.store 'Edit_Reminder', 'Edit Reminder' l.store 'Show_details', 'Show Details' l.store 'Hide_details', 'Hide Details' l.store 'Actions_with_DIDs', 'Actions with DIDs' l.store 'Current_DID_Usage', 'Current DID Usage' l.store 'Search_Historical_DID_Usage', 'Search Historical DID Usage' l.store 'Get_help_about_this_page', 'Get help about this page' l.store 'Calls_from_users', 'Calls from Users' l.store 'Backup_restored', 'Backup restored' l.store 'Delivery_Address_was_not_created', 'Delivery Address not created' l.store 'Other_Fields_was_not_created', 'Other fields not created' l.store 'Campaign_was_created', 'Campaign created' l.store 'Campaign_was_destroyed', 'Campaign deleted' l.store 'Campaign_was_not_destroyed', 'Campaign not deleted' l.store 'Edit_Campaign', 'Edit Campaign' l.store 'Campaign_not_updated', 'Campaign not updated' l.store 'All_Clients_assigned_to_this_Campaign', 'All Clients assigned to this Campaign' l.store 'Assign_Agents_to_Campaign', 'Assign Agents to Campaign' l.store 'Server_marked_as_not_gateway', 'Server marked as not Gateway' l.store 'Server_marked_as_gateway', 'Server marked as Gateway' l.store 'No_available_SMS_LCR', 'No available SMS LCR' l.store 'No_available_SMS_Tariff', 'No available SMS Tariff' l.store 'Load_stats', 'Load Stats' l.store 'Tariff_was_imported_from_CSV', 'Tariff was imported from CSV' l.store 'Selfcost', 'Selfcost' l.store 'Cost', 'Cost' l.store 'Form_is_closed_not_possible_to_edit', 'Form is closed - not possible to edit' l.store 'Assign_All_Clients_To_Campaign', 'Assign all Clients to Campaign' l.store 'Assign_Clients_by_Group', 'Asign Clients to Group' l.store 'VAT_Code', 'TAX Code' l.store 'Include', 'Include' l.store 'Exclude', 'Exclude' l.store 'No_change', 'No change' l.store 'No_Groups_to_select_from', 'No Groups to select from' l.store 'Client_Information', 'Client Information' l.store 'Delivery_Address', 'Delivery Address' l.store 'Main_Contact', 'Main COntact' l.store 'Client_id', 'Client ID' l.store 'Vat_Code', 'TAX Code' l.store 'Add_New_Contact', 'Add new Contact' l.store 'Contacts', 'Contacts' l.store 'Group_list', 'Group list' l.store 'Contact', 'Contact' l.store 'Make_main_Contact', 'Make main Contact' l.store 'Position', 'Position' l.store 'Mobile_Phone', 'Mobile Phone' l.store 'Updated_at', 'Updated at' l.store 'Show_Rates_without_Tax', 'Show rates without Tax' l.store 'Total_tax_name', 'Total Tax name' l.store 'Tax', 'Tax' l.store 'Tax_1', 'Tax 1' l.store 'Tax_2', 'Tax 2' l.store 'Tax_3', 'Tax 3' l.store 'Tax_4', 'Tax 4' l.store 'Accountant', 'Accountant' l.store 'Allow_set_PIN_for_Devices', 'Allow to set PIN for Devices' l.store 'Allow_set_PIN_for_CallingCards', 'Allow to set PIN for Calling Cards' l.store 'Allow_set_Passwords_for_Devices', 'Allow to set Passwords for Devices' l.store 'Allow_set_Passwords_for_Users', 'Allow to set Passwords for Users' l.store 'Allow_set_Passwords_for_VoiceMail', 'Allow to set Passwords for VoiceMail' l.store 'Allow_create_User', 'Allow to create User' l.store 'Allow_create_Device', 'Allow to create Device' l.store 'Skip_prerequest', 'Skip prerequest' l.store 'Gateway', 'Gateway' l.store 'Action_data_2', 'Action data 2' l.store 'Freed', 'Freed' l.store 'Simultaneous_Calls', 'Simultaneous Calls' l.store 'Call_Attempts', 'Call Attempts' l.store 'Call_belongs_to_resellers_user', 'Call belongs to reseller users' l.store 'Generate_Invoice', 'Generate Invoice' l.store 'User_must_have_unique_Name', 'User must have unique name' l.store 'Vat_Code_must_be_unique', 'TAX Code must be unique' l.store 'Name_is_not_present', 'Name is not present' l.store 'Total_Tax_value', 'Total Tax value' l.store 'Allow_API', 'Allow API' l.store 'Allow_GET_API', 'Allow GET API' l.store 'API_Secret_Key', 'API Secret Key' l.store 'Allow_manage_Callingcards', 'Allow manage Calling Cards' l.store 'Block_at', 'Block at' l.store 'Speed_Dials', 'Speed Dials' l.store 'Edit_Speed_Dial', 'Edit Speed Dial' l.store 'Updated', 'Updated' l.store 'Please_select_user', 'Please select User' l.store 'Edit_PhoneBook', 'Edit PhoneBook' l.store 'Speed_Dial', 'Speed Dial' l.store 'Banned', 'Banned' l.store 'Not_banned', 'Not banned' l.store 'Cli', 'CLI' l.store 'Use_for_Email_Callback', 'Use for Email Callback' l.store 'Not_use_for_Email_Callback', 'Do not use for Email Callback' l.store 'Unban', 'Unban' l.store 'Ban', 'Ban' l.store 'Not_use_for_email_callback', 'Do not use for Email Callback' l.store 'Use_for_email_callback', 'Use for Email Callback' l.store 'Web_Callback_Server', 'Web Callback Server' l.store 'Email_Callback_Pop3_Server', 'Email Callback POP3 Server' l.store 'Email_Callback_Login', 'Email Callback Login' l.store 'Email_Callback_Password', 'Email Callback Password' l.store 'Banned_CLIs_default_IVR_id', 'Banned CLIs default IVR' l.store 'Connection_test_passed', 'Connection test passed!' l.store 'Connection_test_failed', 'Connection test failed' l.store 'Calls_from_users', 'Calls from Users' l.store 'Block_at_conditional', 'Block at (conditional)' l.store 'Help', 'Help' l.store 'Ouroboros', 'Ouroboros' l.store 'Enter_Payment_Amount', 'Enter Payment Amount' l.store 'Provider_created', 'Provider created' l.store 'Week_Day', 'Week Day' l.store 'Invoice_sent', 'Invoice sent' l.store 'Fast_Start', 'Fast Start' l.store 'h245_Tunneling', 'h245 Tunneling' l.store 'Allow_manage_Tariffs', 'Allow to manage Tariffs' l.store 'Merchant_Code', 'Merchant Code' l.store 'Secret_key', 'Secret Key' l.store 'Ouroboros_Default_Amount', 'Default Amount' l.store 'Max_Amount', 'Maximum Amount' l.store 'Ouroboros_Currency', 'Currency' l.store 'Croatian', 'Croatian' l.store 'German', 'German' l.store 'Italian', 'Italian' l.store 'Spanish', 'Spanish' l.store 'Require_Confirmation', 'Require Confirmation' l.store 'Require_Confirmation_over', 'Require Confirmation over' l.store 'Retry_Count', 'Retry Count' l.store 'Fee', 'Fee' l.store 'Ouroboros_disabled', 'Ouroboros disabled' l.store 'Payment_was_not_successful', 'Payment failed' l.store 'Gross', 'Gross' l.store 'Ordered_at', 'Ordered at' l.store 'Shipped_at', 'Shipped at' l.store 'New_H323_Provider', 'New H323 Provider' l.store 'Trunk_Details', 'Trunk Details' l.store 'Till', 'Till' l.store 'Blocking', 'Blocking' l.store 'Server_notice', 'These are servers which belong to MOR system. DO NOT ADD your Providers here!' l.store 'Loss_calls', 'Loss calls' l.store 'Percent_changed', 'Percent changed' l.store 'Is_not_100%', 'Sum of all percents is not equal to 100' l.store 'Are_you_sure_you_want_to_sent_invoices_by_email', 'Are you sure you want to send invoices by email?' l.store 'Total_loss', 'Total loss' l.store 'Call_date', 'Call date' l.store 'Loss_Calls', 'Loss calls' l.store 'Change_Percent', 'Change Percent' l.store 'Current_percent', 'Current Percent' l.store 'New_percent', 'New Percent' l.store 'Payment_successful', 'Payment successful' l.store 'Payment_Details', 'Payment Details' l.store 'Transaction_ID', 'Transaction ID' l.store 'Order_ID', 'Order ID' l.store 'SIP_Specific', 'SIP Specific' l.store 'Latency', 'Latency' l.store 'Grace_Time', 'Grace Time' l.store 'Mixed', 'Mixed' l.store 'Info', 'Info' l.store 'IVR_Was_Created', 'IVR created' l.store 'IVR_Was_Not_Created', 'IVR not created' l.store 'Show_logo_on_register_page', 'Show logo on first page' l.store 'Show_Rates_without_Tax', 'Show rates without Tax' l.store 'Applay_to_all_Users', 'Apply to all Users' l.store 'Apply_to_all_Calling_Card_Groups', 'Apply to all Calling Cards' l.store 'Update_currencies_from_web', 'Update currencies from web' l.store 'Invoices_sent', 'Invoices sent' l.store 'There_is_no_such_prefix_in_db', 'There is no such prefix in DB' l.store 'Show_rates_for_users', 'Show rates for users' l.store 'Show_balance_line', 'Show balance line' l.store 'Generate_invoices_to_prepaid_users', 'Generate invoices for prepaid Users' l.store 'Vouchers_interval_activeted', 'Vouchers activated' l.store 'Vouchers_interval_deactiveted', 'Vouchers deactivated' l.store 'File_type_not_match', 'File type do not match' l.store 'Aggregate', 'Aggregate' l.store 'Summary', 'Summary' l.store 'No_tariffs_found', 'No Tariffs found' l.store 'Invoice_was_not_deleted', 'Invoice not deleted' l.store 'Total_price', 'Total price' l.store 'Buy', 'Buy' l.store 'Cards_were_successfully_bought', 'Cards bought' l.store 'Cannot_fill_unsold_Card', 'Cannot fill unsold Card' l.store 'Not_enough_columns_check_csv_separators', 'Not enough columns. Check CSV separators in settings' l.store 'Buy_Card', 'Buy Card' l.store 'Card_is_already_sold', 'Card is already sold' l.store 'Dids_interval_add_to_Trunk', 'Add DIDs to Trunk' l.store 'No_available_trunks', 'No available Trunks' l.store 'Pbx_is_assigned_to_DID', 'Function is assigned to DID' l.store 'User_taxes_set_successfully', 'Taxes set' l.store 'Cardgroup_taxes_set_successfully', 'Taxes set' l.store 'Addons_Settings', 'Addon Settings' l.store 'No_device', 'No Device' l.store 'Manual_payment', 'Manual Payment' l.store 'Terminators', 'Terminators' l.store 'Terminator_was_created', 'Terminator created' l.store 'Terminator_was_not_created', 'Terminator not created' l.store 'Terminator_was_destroyed', 'Terminator deleted' l.store 'Terminator_was_not_destroyed', 'Terminator not deleted' l.store 'Terminator_edit', 'Terminator edit' l.store 'Terminator_was_updated', 'Terminator updated' l.store 'Terminator_was_not_updated', 'Terminator not updated' l.store 'Terminator_providers', 'Terminator Providers' l.store 'Provider_was_assigned', 'Provider assigned' l.store 'Provider_was_not_assigned', 'Provider not assigned' l.store 'Provider_was_removed_from_terminator', 'Provider removed' l.store 'Provider_was_not_removed_from_terminator', 'Provider not removed' l.store 'Edit_Recording', 'Edit Recording' l.store 'Recording_was_updated', 'Recording updated' l.store 'Recording_was_not_updated', 'Recording not updated' l.store 'Users_have_been_updated', 'Users updated' l.store 'Recording_was_destroyed', 'Recording deleted' l.store 'Recording_was_not_destroyed', 'Recording not deleted' l.store 'Originator_IP', 'Originator IP' l.store 'Terminator_IP', 'Terminator IP' l.store 'Real_Duration', 'Real Duration' l.store 'Real_Billsec', 'Real Billsec' l.store 'Rate_already_set', 'Rate already set' l.store 'Rate_was_added', 'Rate was added' l.store 'Rate_was_not_added', 'Rate not added' l.store 'Prefix_was_not_found', 'Prefix was not found' l.store 'Username_has_already_been_taken', 'Username has already beed taken' l.store 'Activation', 'Activation' l.store 'Deactivation', 'Deactivation' l.store 'Please_select_month_to_generate_invoices_for_prepaid_users', 'Please select month to generate invoices for prepaid Users' l.store 'Generate_invoices_prepaid', 'Generate Invoices for prepaid Users' l.store 'Invoice_type', 'Invoice type' l.store 'Usable', 'Usable' l.store 'Deactivate', 'Deactivate' l.store 'Prepaid_users', 'Prepaid users' l.store 'Records', 'Records' l.store 'Pages', 'Pages' l.store 'Customer', 'Customer' l.store 'Billed', 'Billed' l.store 'Billed_Duration', 'Billed Duration' l.store 'First', 'First' l.store 'First_Page', 'First Page' l.store 'Last', 'Last' l.store 'Last_Page', 'Last Page' l.store 'Orig.', 'Orig.' l.store 'Term.', 'Term.' l.store 'Originator', 'Originator' l.store 'Any', 'Any' l.store 'Terminator', 'Terminator' l.store 'Billed_Time', 'Billed Time' l.store 'Invoice_sent_email', 'Send Invoices over Email' l.store 'Total_Price', 'Total Price' l.store 'Card_Group', 'CardGroup' l.store 'Taxes', 'Taxes' l.store 'Tax_Name', 'Tax Name' l.store 'Send_invoice', 'Send Invoice' l.store 'Fill_Card_Ballance', 'Fill Card Balance' l.store 'Unsold', 'Unsold' l.store 'Send_Recording_to_Email', 'Send Recording to Email' l.store 'Recordings_Email', 'Recordings Email' l.store 'Keep_Recordings_on_HDD_after_sent_to_email', 'Keep Recordings on Server after sent to Email' l.store 'Add_to_Trunk', 'Add to Trunk' l.store 'No_trunks', 'No Trunks' l.store 'Pinless', 'Pinless' l.store 'Frontpage_Text', 'FrontPage Text' l.store 'Default_Balance_for_new_User', 'Default Balance for new User' l.store 'Invoices_addresses', 'Invoices Addresses' l.store 'Postpaid_Settings', 'Postpaid Settings' l.store 'Prepaid_Settings', 'Prepaid Settings' l.store 'some_other_value', 'some other value' l.store 'Use_external_Server', 'Use external Server' l.store 'Recordings_Server', 'Recordings server' l.store 'Max_Space_for_Recording_on_HDD', 'Max space for Recordings on Server' l.store 'Mb', 'Mb' l.store 'Taken', 'Taken' l.store 'Disabled', 'Disabled' l.store 'Ouroboros_Link_name', 'Link Name' l.store 'Ouroboros_Link_url', 'Link URL' l.store 'Payments_to_CSV', 'Payments to CSV' l.store 'Create_Terminator', 'Create Terminator' l.store 'Add_Provider', 'Add Provider' l.store 'Forced_Enabled', 'Forced Enabled' l.store 'HDD_Quota', 'Server space' l.store 'Email_for_deleted_Recordings', 'Email for deleted Recordings' l.store 'No_Users', 'No Users' l.store 'Recording_was_not_found', 'Recording was not found' l.store 'Send_to_Email', 'Send to Email' l.store 'Recording_deleted_from_HDD', 'Recording deleted from Server' l.store 'Recording_is_missing', 'Recording is missing' l.store 'Recording_sent_to_Email', 'Recording sent to Email' l.store 'No_Recordings', 'No Recordings' l.store 'Change_Details', 'Change Details' l.store 'Quick_Add_New_Rate', 'Quick add new Rate' l.store 'Add_New_Rate', 'Add new Rate' l.store 'Add_rate', 'Add Rate' l.store 'All_rates_are_set', 'All Rates are set' l.store 'Use', 'Use' l.store 'Warning_Balance_Email', 'Warning Balance Email' l.store 'Show_zero_calls', 'Show zero Calls' l.store 'User_Taxes', 'User Taxes' l.store 'Subtotal', 'Subtotal' l.store 'Provider_unassigned', 'Provider unassigned' l.store 'Provider_assigned', 'Provider assigned' l.store 'Send_Invoice', 'Send Invoice' l.store 'Assign_Provider', 'Assign Provider' l.store 'Accountant_Groups', 'Accountant Groups' l.store 'group_was_not_created', 'Group was not created' l.store 'group_edit', 'Group edit' l.store 'Default_User_Saved', 'Default User saved' l.store 'Email_for_Invoice', 'Email for Invoice' l.store 'Round_finals_to_2_decimals', 'Round finals to 2 decimals' l.store 'Default_user', 'Default User' l.store 'Accountant_permissions', 'Accountant permissions' l.store 'Create_Group', 'Create Group' l.store 'Right', 'Right' l.store 'Read', 'Read' l.store 'Read_Edit', 'Write' l.store 'Target', 'Target' l.store 'User_was_not_found', 'User not found' l.store 'Device_was_not_found', 'Device not found' l.store 'Default_Password_length', 'Default Password length' l.store 'User_Password', 'User Password' l.store 'User_Type', 'User Type' l.store 'User_Lrc', 'User LCR' l.store 'User_Tariff', 'User Tariff' l.store 'User_Balance', 'User Balance' l.store 'User_Payment_type', 'User Payment type' l.store 'User_Call_limit', 'User Call Limit' l.store 'Device_Extension', 'Device Extension' l.store 'Device_Autentication', 'Device Authentication' l.store 'Decive_CallerID_Name', 'Device CallerID Name' l.store 'Device_CallerID_Number', 'Device CallerID Number' l.store 'Device_PIN', 'Device PIN' l.store 'Callingcard_PIN', 'Calling Card PIN' l.store 'Device_Password', 'Device Password' l.store 'VoiceMail_Password', 'Voicemail Password' l.store 'User_create', 'User Create' l.store 'Device_create', 'Device Create' l.store 'Callingcard_manage', 'Calling Card manage' l.store 'Tariff_manage', 'Tariff manage' l.store 'You_have_no_editing_permission', 'You do not have right to edit this' l.store 'You_have_no_view_permission', 'You do not right to view it' l.store 'You_have_no_permission', 'You have no permission' l.store 'Recordings_email_should_be_set_when_send_recordings_to_email_is_YES', 'Recordings email should be set when Send Recordings to Email is enabled' l.store 'deleted', 'deleted' l.store 'Destination_exist_and_belong_to_Direction', 'Destination exists and belongs to Direction' l.store 'Set_external_Server_options', 'Set external Server options' l.store 'DIDs_were_successfully_created', 'DIDs created' l.store 'There_were_errors', 'There were errors' l.store 'LCR_has_LCR_partials', 'LCR jhas LCR Partials' l.store 'group_name_must_be_unique', 'Group name must be unique' l.store 'group_name_must_be_set', 'Group name must be set' l.store 'Group_has_assigned_users', 'Group has assigned Users' l.store 'Service_must_have_a_name', 'Service must have name' l.store 'Cant_delete_self', 'Can not delete yourself' l.store 'Dynamic', 'Dynamic' l.store 'Invite', 'Invite' l.store 'No_invoices_found_in_selected_period', 'No Invoices found in selected period' l.store 'Destination_exist_and_belong_to_Direction', 'Destinations exists and belongs to Direction' l.store 'Destinations_assigned', 'Destinations assigned' l.store 'DIDs_were_successfully_created', 'DIDs created' l.store 'There_were_errors', 'There were errors' l.store 'IVR_Was_Created', 'IVR created' l.store 'LCR_has_LCR_partials', 'LCR has LCR partials' l.store 'Assign_Automatically', 'Assign Automatically' l.store 'Invoice_Number_Digits', 'Invoice Number digits' l.store 'Cancel', 'Cancel' l.store 'Destinations_Auto_assign_warning', 'Destinations auto assign Warning!' l.store 'Auto_assign_destinations_to_dg_warning', 'This step is dangerous! Make sure you know what you are doing.

As system can NOT always guess correctly which Destination belongs to which Destination Group, it is great risk that some Destinations will not be assigned correctly.

There is no real correct way to assign Destinations to Destination Groups. All depends on situation.

Incorrect assignment can lead to billing errors.

More info: http://wiki.kolmisoft.com/index.php/Integrity_Check' l.store 'Cards_created', 'Cards created' l.store 'Bad_number_range', 'Bad number range' l.store 'Please_select_csv_file', 'Please select CSV file' l.store 'Action_was_not_correct', 'Bad Action' l.store 'Select_Currency', 'Select Currency' l.store 'Device_not_found', 'Device not found' l.store 'LinkPoint_Result', 'LinkPoint Result' l.store 'Internal_Error_Contact_Administrator', 'Internal Error, contact Administrator' l.store 'Your_Payment_Was_Denied', 'Your payment was denied' l.store 'Your_Payment_Was_Suspected_Of_Fraud', 'Your payment suspected of fraud' l.store 'Unsecure_Transaction', 'Unsecure Transaction' l.store 'No_sms_tariff', 'No SMS Tariff' l.store 'Please_upload_file', 'Please upload file' l.store 'Zero_file', 'Zero file' l.store 'Zero_file_size', 'Zero file size' l.store 'Tariff_not_created', 'Tariff not created' l.store 'Please_select_period_to_generate_invoices_for_postpaid_users', 'Please select period to generate invoices for postpaid users' l.store 'Total_reseller_price', 'Total reseller price' l.store 'Record_forced', 'Record forced' l.store 'Payment_Was_Successful', 'Payment failed' l.store 'Total_Amount', 'Total Amount' l.store 'Payment_Was_Not_Successful', 'Payment failed' l.store 'Reason', 'Reason' l.store 'LinkPoint_disabled', 'LinkPoint disabled' l.store 'Recording_failed', 'Recording failed' l.store 'No_Ivr_Voices', 'No IVR Voices available' l.store 'No_Ivr_Sounds', 'No IVR Sound Files available' l.store 'This_page_does_not_include_calls_made_by_resellers_users', 'This page does not include calls made by Users which belong to Resellers. Only calls made by Resellers themselves are in this raport.' l.store 'This_page_does_not_include_incoming_calls', 'This page does not include incoming calls' l.store 'Asterisk_Servers', 'Asterisk Servers' l.store 'PayPal_User_Pays_Transfer_Fee', 'User pays transfer fee' l.store 'Reseller_users', 'Resellers\' Users' l.store 'Enable_reCAPTCHA', 'reCAPTCHA enable' l.store 'ReCAPTCHA_public_key', 'reCAPTCHA public key' l.store 'ReCAPTCHA_private_key', 'reCAPTCHA private key' l.store 'Get_reCAPTCHA_keys', 'Get reCAPTCHA keys' l.store 'Please_enter_captcha', 'Please enter captcha' l.store 'This_page_includes_calls_made_by_resellers_users', 'This page includes calls made by Resellers\' Users' l.store 'Provider_tariffs_explained', 'These tariffs have rates/prices from your Providers. These prices are paid TO Providers when they terminate calls FROM your system to PSTN.
This is self-cost for you, e.g. you buy calls using these prices.' l.store 'User_tariffs_explained', 'These tariffs have rates/prices from your Users or Providers. These prices are paid BY Users or Providers when they send calls TO your system e.g. when they are using your services.
This is sale-price for you, e.g. you sell with such prices.' l.store 'Account_is_blocked_cant_use_this_function', 'Account is blocked. Cannot use this function.' l.store 'Hide_Quick_Stats', 'Hide Quick Stats' l.store 'Valid_after_first_use', 'Valid after first use' l.store 'Called_from', 'Called from' l.store 'Called_to', 'Called to' l.store 'Invoice_not_found', 'Invoice not found' l.store 'Campaign_not_deleted', 'Campaign not deleted' l.store 'Numbers_not_imported', 'Numbers not imported' l.store 'Call_info', 'Call info' l.store 'Call_not_found', 'Call not found' l.store 'Currency_not_found', 'Currency not found' l.store 'Email_address_not_corect', 'Wrong format of Email Address' l.store 'Email_is_not_corect', 'Wrong format of Email Address' l.store 'Files_deleted', 'Files deleted' l.store 'Empty_Response', 'Empty response' l.store 'Providers_device_not_found', 'Providers device not found' l.store 'Canot_find_provider_with_id', 'Cannot find Provider with ID' l.store 'Tariff_not_found', 'Tariff not found' l.store 'Not_found', 'Not found' l.store 'Exchange_user_to_reseller_calls_table_values', 'Exchange User to Reseller Calls table values' l.store 'General_info', 'General info' l.store 'Hangup_cause_description', 'Hangup cause description' l.store 'UniqueID', 'UniqueID' l.store 'Server_not_found', 'Server not found' l.store 'Technology', 'Technology' l.store 'This_call_does_not_belong_to_reseller', 'This call does not belong to reseller' l.store 'DID_Number', 'DID Number' l.store 'DID_was_not_used_in_this_call', 'DID was not used in this call' l.store 'Delete_all_files', 'Delete all files' l.store 'Owner', 'Owner' l.store 'Please_set_invoice_params', 'Please set parameters' l.store 'Provider_not_found', 'Provider not found' l.store 'Provider_was_not_found', 'Provider not found' l.store 'Providers_was_not_saved', 'Provider not saved' l.store 'Terminator_was_not_found', 'Terminator not found' l.store 'Service_was_not_found', 'Service not found' l.store 'Service_was_not_created', 'Service not created' l.store 'Service_was_not_updated', 'Service not updated' l.store 'Service_was_not_deleted', 'Service not deleted' l.store 'Flat_rate_destinations', 'Flat-Rate Destinations' l.store 'Service_not_found', 'Service not found' l.store 'Destination_already_in_flatrate', 'Destination already belongs to Flat-Rate' l.store 'Destination_not_found', 'Destination not found' l.store 'Flatrate_destination_created', 'Flat-Rate Destination created' l.store 'Flatrate_destination_not_created', 'Flat-Rate Destination not created' l.store 'Flatrate_destination_not_found', 'Flat-Rate Destination not found' l.store 'Flatrate_destination_destroyed', 'Flat-Rate Destination deleted' l.store 'Flatrate_destination_not_destroyed', 'Flat-Rate Destination not deleted' l.store 'Direction_not_found', 'Direction not found' l.store 'Subscription_not_found', 'Subscription not found' l.store 'Tariff_was_not_found', 'Tariff not found' l.store 'Tariff_Was_Not_Found', 'Tariff not found' l.store 'Hide_payment_options_for_postpaid_users', 'Hide payment options for postpaid users' l.store 'Functionality', 'Functionality' l.store 'Allow_manage_Callingcards_for_resellers', 'Allow resellers to manage Calling Cards' l.store 'Active_Destinations', 'Active Destinations' l.store 'Included', 'Included' l.store 'Excluded', 'Excluded' l.store 'flat_rate', 'Flat-Rate' l.store 'Calling_card_groups', 'Calling Card groups' l.store 'Or', 'or' l.store 'Provider_should_have_name', 'Provider should have a name' l.store 'Service_must_have_a_service_type', 'Service must have a service type' l.store 'Quantity_should_be_digit', 'Quantity should be digit' l.store 'Price_should_be_digit', 'Price shoudl be digit' l.store 'Should_have_price', 'Should have price' l.store 'Should_have_quantity', 'Should have quantity' l.store 'Price_should_be_possitive', 'Price should be positive' l.store 'Quantity_should_be_possitive', 'Quantity should be positive' l.store 'Cardgroup_not_found', 'Cardgroup not found' l.store 'Record_calls_for_this_device', 'Record calls for this Device' l.store 'Hide_HELP_banner', 'Hide HELP banner' l.store 'Help_Banner_Notification', 'Press on this banner to get more help about this page. It is possible to turn off this banner in SETTINGS.' l.store 'Send_email_when_balance_drops_lower_then', 'Send email when balance drops lower then' l.store 'Allow_to_use_recording_functionality', 'Allow to use recording functionality' l.store 'Forced_record_calls_for_this_user', 'Forced record calls for this User' l.store 'Send_deleted_recordings_to_this_email', 'Send deleted recordings to this email' l.store 'Forced_record_calls_for_this_device', 'Forced record calls for this Device' l.store 'Card_was_not_found', 'Card was not found' l.store 'DID_Price', 'DID Price' l.store 'Hostname_is_not_valid', 'Hostname is not valid' l.store 'Please_enter_correct_email', 'Please enter correct email' l.store 'Press_this_button_to_continue', 'Press this button to continue' l.store 'Group_was_not_found', 'Group was not found' l.store 'Allow_Device_Username_Duplicate', 'Allow Device Username Duplicate' l.store 'Device_name_must_be_unique', 'Device name must be unique' l.store 'Action_was_not_found', 'Action was not found' l.store 'User_was_not_updated', 'User was not updated' l.store 'Username_has_already_been_taken', 'Username has already been taken' l.store 'Username_cannot_be_blank', 'Username cannot be blank' l.store 'IVR_Timeperiod_Not_Found', 'IVR timeperiod not found' l.store 'Lcr_was_not_found', 'LCR was not found' l.store 'Campaign_was_not_found', 'Campaign not found' l.store 'Number_was_not_found', 'Number not found' l.store 'Location_was_not_found', 'Location not found' l.store 'Location_rule_was_not_found', 'Location rule not found' l.store 'Dialplan_was_not_found', 'DialPlan not found' l.store 'Please_enter_valid_email', 'Please enter valid email' l.store 'Temporary_information_cleared', 'Temporary information cleared' l.store 'Direction_was_not_found', 'Direction not found' l.store 'Destination_was_not_found', 'Destination not found' l.store 'Destinationgroup_was_not_found', 'Destination Group not found' l.store 'Server_IP_is_not_valid', 'Server IP is not valid' l.store 'Provider_rule_was_not_found', 'Provider Rule not found' l.store 'Cardgroup_was_not_found', 'Card Group not found' l.store 'Commfield_was_not_found', 'Commfield not found' l.store 'User_was_not_created', 'User not created' l.store 'Backup_was_not_found', 'Backup not found' l.store 'Create_backup', 'Create Backup' l.store 'Return_from_restoring_backup', 'Return from restoring backup' l.store 'IVR_Voice_Not_Found', 'IVR Voice not found' l.store 'IVR_Was_Not_Found', 'IVR not found' l.store 'Cannot_connect_to_asterisk_server', 'Cannot connect to Asterisk Server' l.store 'LcrPartial_was_not_found', 'LCR Partial not found' l.store 'Callerid_was_not_found', 'CallerID not found' l.store 'Cardgroup_was_not_updated', 'Card Group not found' l.store 'DID_was_not_found', 'DID not found' l.store 'dialplan_was_not_found', 'Dial Plan not found' l.store 'Quickforwarddid_was_not_found', 'Quick Forward DID not found' l.store 'Email_was_not_found', 'Email not found' l.store 'Phonebook_was_not_found', 'Phonebook not found' l.store 'Rate_was_not_found', 'Rate not found' l.store 'Ratedetail_was_not_found', 'Rate Detail not found' l.store 'Aratedetail_was_not_found', 'Advanced Rate Detail not found' l.store 'Day_was_not_found', 'Day not found' l.store 'Call_status', 'Call status' l.store 'Please_select_period_to_generate_invoices', 'Please select period to generate invoices' l.store 'Cardgroup_name_must_be_unique', 'Card Group name must be unique' l.store 'Cardgroup_must_have_name', 'Card Group must have name' l.store 'DID_must_be_unique', 'DID must be unique' l.store 'Enter_DID', 'Enter DID' l.store 'Device_must_have_name', 'Device must have name' l.store 'Device_must_have_extension', 'Device must have extension' l.store 'Device_extension_must_be_unique', 'Device extension must be unique' l.store 'Recording', 'Recording' l.store 'Manage_DID', 'Manage DIDs' l.store 'Manage_subscriptions', 'Manage Subscriptions' l.store 'VM_setup_notice', 'Please note, that if you want to access VM from outside over DID, you need to setup it in PBX functions menu.' l.store 'Payment_was_not_found', 'Payment not found' l.store 'Forward_to_IVR', 'Forward to IVR' l.store 'LCR_changed_from', 'LCR changed from' l.store 'Tariff_changed_from', 'Tariff changed from' l.store 'LCR_Partials', 'LCR Partials' l.store 'Incoming_received_calls', 'Incoming received calls' l.store 'Incoming_made_calls', 'Incoming made calls' l.store 'Invoice_was_not_found', 'Invoice not found' l.store 'Device_not_updated', 'Device not updated' l.store 'Device_Range_inteval_is_not_valid', 'Device Range interval is not valid' l.store 'Recordings_addon_IP_is_not_valid', 'Recordings addon IP is not valid' l.store 'Recordings_addon_Port_is_not_valid', 'Recordings addon Port is not valid' l.store 'User_address_was_not_found', 'User address not found' l.store 'Allowed_IP_is_not_valid', 'Allowed IP is not valid' l.store 'Provider_not_deleted', 'Provider not deleted' l.store 'Connection_successful', 'Connection successful' l.store 'Connection_failed', 'Connection failed' l.store 'Cannot_test_dynamic_IP', 'Cannot test dynamic IP' l.store 'Time_left', 'Time left' l.store 'Minutes', 'Minutes' l.store 'Action_data_3', 'Action Data 3' l.store 'Action_data_4', 'Action Data 4' l.store 'Subscription', 'Subscription' l.store 'DID_must_consist_only_of_digits', 'DID must consists only of digits' l.store 'Provider_port_is_not_valid', 'Provider port is not valid' l.store 'Provider_has_calls', 'Provider has calls' l.store 'Please_enter_correct_recordings_email', 'Please enter correct recordings email' l.store 'Tariff_for_User', 'Tariff for User' l.store 'Lcr_for_User', 'LCR for Tariff' l.store 'Play_IVR_for_200_HGC', 'Play IVR for unauthenticated call' l.store 'ivr_for_200_hgc_explained', 'Which IVR to play when system does not know from where call came' l.store 'Testing_mode', 'Testing mode' l.store 'No_Vouchers_found_to_delete', 'No vouchers were found to delete' l.store 'No_Vouchers_found_to_deactivete', 'No vouchers were found to deactivate' l.store 'No_Vouchers_found_to_activete', 'No vouchers were found to activate' l.store 'Card_is_sold', 'The card was sold' l.store 'Fax_device_not_found', 'Fax device was not found' l.store 'Email_disabled', 'E-mail has been disabled' l.store 'Cant_delete_device_has_fax_detect', 'Can not delete this device - it is used in Call Flow for Fax Detect' l.store 'Subscription_disabled', 'Subscription disabled' l.store 'Subscription_deleted_and_money_returned', 'Subscription deleted and money returned' l.store 'Destroy_subscription_for_postpaid_user', 'Destroy subscription for postpaid user' l.store 'Delete_without_money_return', 'Delete without money return' l.store 'Delete_with_money_return', 'Delete with money return' l.store 'Disable_subscription', 'Disable Subscriptions' l.store 'Delete_with_whole_money_return', 'Delete with whole money return' l.store 'Destroy_subscription_for_prepaid_user', 'Destroy Subscription for prepaid user' l.store 'Delete_with_month_money_return', 'Delete with return money for the current month' l.store 'Add_connection_fee_amount', 'Add Connection Fee amount' l.store 'Add_connection_fee_percent', 'Add Connection Fee percent' l.store 'Testing', 'Testing' end