class UserMailer < ActionMailer::Base #require 'pdf/writer' def sent(email_to, email_from, email, assigns = {}) #MorLog.my_debug " #{email_to}, #{email_from}, #{email}, #{assigns}" email_builder =,assigns) email_from = Confline.get_value("Email_from") if email_from.blank? recipients email_to subject email.subject from "#{email_from} <#{email_from}>" content_type "text/#{email.format.to_s}" body email_builder.render( :inline => nice_body(email.body), :locals => assigns ) end def nice_body(email_body) p = email_body.gsub(/(<%=?\s*\S+\s*%>)/) { |s| s.gsub(/<%=/, '??!!@proc#@').gsub(/%>/, '??!!@proc#$')} p = p.gsub(/<%=|<%|%>/, '').gsub('??!!@proc#@', '<%=').gsub('??!!@proc#$', '%>') p.gsub(/(<%=?\s*\S+\s*%>)/) { |s| s if Email::ALLOWED_VARIABLES.include?(s.match(/<%=?\s*(\S+)\s*%>/)[1]) } end =begin rdoc Sends email with attachments Atachemnt is Array of Hash elements each hash must have 3 elements: * +:content_type+ - string representing MIME type of file. "application/pdf" for PDF files, "text/csv" - CSV files. * +:file_name+ - name of the file. * +:file+ - content of the file. =end def sent_with_attachments(email_to, email_from, email, attachments = [], assigns = {}) email_builder =,assigns) recipients email_to subject email.subject from "#{email_from} <#{email_from}>" content_type "text/#{email.format.to_s}" body email_builder.render( :inline => nice_body(email.body), :locals => assigns ) attachments.each {|attach| attachment :content_type => attach[:content_type], :filename =>attach[:filename] do |a| a.body = attach[:file] end } end def sent_sms(email_to, number, email_from, email, assigns = {}) # MorLog.my_debug("email_to = #{email_to}, number = #{number}, email_from = #{email_from}, email = #{}, assigns = #{assigns.to_yaml}") email_builder =,assigns) # email_from = Confline.get_value("Email_from") recipients email_to subject number from "#{email_from} <#{email_from}>" content_type "text/#{email.format.to_s}" body email_builder.render( :inline => nice_body(email.body), :locals => assigns ) end def UserMailer.create_umail(user, type, email, options={}) case type when 'sms_email_sent' tmail = UserMailer.create_sent_sms(options[:email_to_address], options[:to], options[:from], email, {:body=> options[:message]}) when 'send_email' tmail = UserMailer.create_sent(options[:email_to_address], options[:from], email, options[:assigns]) when 'send_email_with_attachment' tmail = UserMailer.create_sent_with_attachments(options[:email_to_address], options[:from], email, options[:attachments], options[:assigns]) when 'send_all' variables = Email.email_variables(user) tmail = UserMailer.create_sent(options[:email_to_address], options[:from], email, variables) end tmail end def my_debug(msg), "a") { |f| f << msg.to_s f << "\n" } end end