class User < ActiveRecord::Base include SqlExport include UniversalHelpers require "digest/sha2" require 'uri' require 'net/http' cattr_accessor :current cattr_accessor :system_time_ofset has_many :devices, :conditions => "devices.accountcode != 0 and not like 'mor_server_%'", :include => [:user, :provider] has_many :actions belongs_to :lcr belongs_to :tariff belongs_to :sms_lcr has_many :lcrs belongs_to :sms_tariff has_many :phonebooks belongs_to :address has_many :devicegroups, :order => :added has_many :subscriptions, :order => :added has_many :payments, :conditions => "card = 0", :order => "date_added DESC" has_many :campaigns, :order => "name" has_many :invoices, :order => "period_start ASC" has_many :customrates has_many :vouchers #has_many :emails has_many :dids has_many :usergroups, :dependent => :destroy belongs_to :tax, :dependent => :destroy belongs_to :acc_group has_many :groups has_many :usergroups has_many :cs_invoices, :conditions => ["state = 'unpaid'"] has_many :all_cs_invoices, :class_name => 'CsInvoice' has_and_belongs_to_many :callshops, :join_table => "usergroups", :association_foreign_key => "group_id" has_many :providers, :dependent => :destroy has_many :terminators, :dependent => :destroy has_many :user_translations, :dependent => :destroy, :order => "user_translations.position ASC" has_many :dialplans, :dependent => :destroy has_many :pbxfunctions, :dependent => :destroy belongs_to :currency belongs_to :quickforwards_rule has_many :quickforwards_rules, :order => "name ASC" has_many :locations, :order => "name ASC" # warning balance sound has_one :ivr_sound_file, :foreign_key => "warning_balance_sound_file_id" has_and_belongs_to_many :monitorings has_many :ivrs has_many :owned_monitorings, :class_name => 'Monitoring', :foreign_key => 'owner_id' has_many :ivr_timeperiods has_many :ivr_voices has_many :ivr_sound_files has_many :cron_settings has_many :ringgroups, :include => [:dialplan, :did] has_many :common_use_providers has_many :cards has_many :sms_provider_tariffs, :class_name => 'SmsTariff', :foreign_key => 'owner_id', :conditions => "tariff_type = 'provider'", :order => 'name ASC' validates_uniqueness_of :username, :message => _('Username_has_already_been_taken') validates_presence_of :username, :message => _('Username_cannot_be_blank') #validates_presence_of :first_name, :last_name # after_create :after_create_localization, :create_balance_payment after_save :after_create_localization, :check_address def after_create_localization logger.fatal('after_create checkin usertype and location.size') logger.fatal(usertype.to_yaml) #uses resellers id if usertype.to_s == 'reseller' locations = Location.find(:first, :conditions => ['user_id=? and name=?', id, 'Default location']) if locations.blank? #create new default location if reseller has no localization create_reseller_localization else #if reseller has localization but default location id = 1, it means he has no new default location. lets create it value = Confline.get_value("Default_device_location_id", id) if != value.to_i and (!value.blank? or value != 1) Confline.set_value("Default_device_location_id",, id) if value.to_i == 1 elsif value.blank? or value.to_i == 1 create_reseller_localization end end end end def check_address unless self.address a = Address.create() self.address_id = end end def create_balance_payment if self.balance.to_f != 0.to_f payment = Payment.create_for_user(self, {:description=>'balance on user creation', :paymenttype => 'initial balance', :currency =>, :amount => read_attribute(:balance).to_f}) end end def create_reseller_localization logger.fatal(' in create_reseller_localization') logger.fatal(id.to_yaml) #uses resellers id loc ={:name => 'Default location', :user_id => id}) loc.user_id = id logger.fatal('Location created') #delete confline if exists device with location id = 1 and replace with new location id Confline.delete_all("owner_id = #{id} and name = 'Default_device_location_id'") Confline.new_confline("Default_device_location_id",, id) logger.fatal('confline') logger.fatal(Confline.get_value("Default_device_location_id", id)) logger.fatal(id) all_default_rules = Locationrule.find(:all, :conditions => "location_id = 1") for default_rules in all_default_rules rule ={:name =>, :enabled => 1, :lr_type => default_rules.lr_type}) rule.location_id = rule.cut = default_rules.cut if default_rules.cut rule.add = default_rules.add if default_rules.add rule.minlen = default_rules.minlen if !default_rules.minlen.blank? rule.maxlen = default_rules.maxlen if !default_rules.maxlen.blank? logger.fatal('rule created') end logger.fatal('going to update_resellers_device_location') #and update devices update_resellers_device_location( end def update_resellers_device_location(locationid) logger.fatal('in update_resellers_device_location') logger.fatal(locationid.to_yaml) logger.fatal('reseller id') logger.fatal(id.to_yaml) #uses new default location id and resellers id Device.update_all "location_id = #{locationid.to_i}", "(user_id IN (SELECT id from users where owner_id = #{id}) OR id IN (SELECT device_id FROM providers WHERE user_id = #{id})) and location_id = 1" logger.fatal('updated all devices') update_resellers_cardgroup_location(locationid) end def update_resellers_cardgroup_location(locationid) logger.fatal('in update_resellers_cardgroup_location') logger.fatal(locationid.to_yaml) logger.fatal('reseller id') logger.fatal(id.to_yaml) #uses new default location id and resellers id Cardgroup.update_all "location_id = #{locationid}", "owner_id = #{id} and location_id = 1" logger.fatal('updated all cardgroups') end def before_save if self.address and > 0 and !Email.address_validation( errors.add(:email, _("Please_enter_correct_email")) return false end if self.recordings_email.to_s.length > 0 and !Email.address_validation(self.recordings_email) errors.add(:email, _("Please_enter_correct_recordings_email")) return false end if usertype.to_s != 'reseller' self.own_providers = 0 end end def before_create if self.password == Digest::SHA1.hexdigest('') errors.add(:password, _("Please_enter_password")) return false end if self.password == Digest::SHA1.hexdigest(username) errors.add(:password, _("Please_enter_password_not_equal_to_username")) return false end end def before_destroy monitorings.each do |mon| mon.destroy if mon.users.size == 1 end end def default_translation if is_admin? or is_reseller? trans = self.user_translations.find(:first, :include => [:translation], :conditions => " = 1", :order => 'user_translations.position ASC') unless trans return self.owner.default_translation else return trans.translation end else return self.owner.default_translation end end def active_translations if is_admin? or is_reseller? trans = self.user_translations.find(:all, :include => [:translation], :conditions => " = 1", :order => 'user_translations.position ASC') unless trans and trans.size != 0 return self.owner.active_translations else return trans.collect(&:translation) end else return self.owner.active_translations end end def all_translations if is_admin? or is_reseller? trans = self.user_translations.find(:all, :include => [:translation]) unless trans and trans.size != 0 return self.owner.active_translations.collect(&:translation) else return trans.collect(&:translation) end else return self.owner.active_translations.collect(&:translation) end end def load_user_translations ut = user_translations unless ut and ut.size != 0 clone_owner_translations return self.user_translations(true) end ut end def clone_owner_translations UserTranslation.find(:all, :conditions => ["user_id = ?", self.owner_id]).each do |ut| UserTranslation.create(:user_id =>, :translation_id => ut.translation_id, :position => ut.position, :active => end end def hide_destination_end attributes["hide_destination_end"] == -1 ? Confline.get_value("Hide_Destination_End", self.owner_id).to_i : attributes["hide_destination_end"] end =begin Check whether user is admin type, only one user can be system admin, valid admin user has to got id = 0 and his usertype has to be set to 'admin' *Returns* +boolean+ - true if user is admin, otherwise false =end def is_admin? usertype == "admin" and id == 0 end def is_not_admin? usertype != "admin" and id != 0 end def is_accountant? usertype == "accountant" end def is_not_accountant? usertype != "accountant" end def is_reseller? usertype == "reseller" end def is_not_reseller? !is_reseller? end =begin Check whether user is of type 'user' *Returns* +boolean+ true if user is ordinary user, false otherwise =end def is_user? usertype == 'user' end def fax_devices Device.find(:all, :conditions => "user_id = #{} AND device_type = 'FAX' AND name not like 'mor_server_%'") end def reseller_users User.find(:all, :select => "*, #{SqlExport.nice_user_sql}", :conditions => "owner_id = #{}", :order => "nice_user ASC") end def owner @attributes["owner"] ||= User.find(:first, :conditions => ["id = ?", self.owner_id]) end def owner= (owner) @attributes["owner"] = owner end def all_calls Call.find(:all, :conditions => "user_id = '#{}'") end def groups Group.find_by_sql ["SELECT groups.* FROM groups, usergroups WHERE = usergroups.group_id AND usergroups.user_id = ? ORDER BY ASC",] end # retrieve calls for user # # available call types: # # all # answered # busy # no answer # failed # missed # missed_inc # missed_inc_all # missed_not_processed_inc # # directions: incoming/outgoing # *Params* # # *options[:limit] - number of values to be returned. # *options[:offset] - return starts from this possition. def calls(type, date_from, date_till, direction = "outgoing", order_by = "calldate", order = "DESC", device = nil, options = {}) calls = [] # ------ handle call type -------- call_type_sql = " AND disposition = '#{type}' " if type == "all" call_type_sql = "" end # special case if type[0..5] == "missed" call_type_sql = " AND disposition != 'ANSWERED'" if type[7..19] == "not_processed" call_type_sql += " AND processed = 0 " end end # ---------- handle device --------- device_sql = "" if device if direction == "incoming" device_sql= " AND dst_device_id = #{} " else device_sql = " AND src_device_id = #{} " end end # ---------- handle Hangupcausecode --------- hgc_sql = "" if options[:hgc] hgc_sql= " AND calls.hangupcause = #{options[:hgc].code} " end # -------- handle resellers --------- reseller_sql = "" #if self.usertype == "reseller" #reseller_sql = " OR calls.reseller_id = #{} " #end find = ['calls.*'] find << "DATE_FORMAT(calldate, \"%Y-%m-%d %H:%i:%S\") as `formated_calldate`" if options[:format_calldate] from = [] if options[:providers] == true find << " as 'provider_name'" from << "LEFT JOIN providers ON ( = calls.provider_id)" end if options[:destinations] == true find << "destinations.subcode AS 'destination_subcode'" find << " AS 'destination_name'" find << " AS 'direction_name'" from << "LEFT JOIN destinations ON (destinations.prefix = calls.prefix)" from << "LEFT JOIN directions ON (directions.code = destinations.direction_code)" end if options[:count] == true find = ["COUNT(*) AS 'total_count'"] end # -------- retrieve calls ----------- sql = "" if direction == "incoming" #incoming calls sql = "SELECT #{ find.join(',') } FROM calls #{from.join(' ')} JOIN devices ON ( = calls.dst_device_id) LEFT JOIN dids ON (calls.did_id = WHERE (calls.card_id = 0 AND (((devices.user_id = #{}) OR (dids.user_id = #{})) #{reseller_sql} )#{call_type_sql} #{device_sql} #{hgc_sql} AND ((calldate BETWEEN '#{date_from.to_s}' AND '#{date_till.to_s}'))) ORDER BY #{order_by} #{order} #{ 'LIMIT ' + options[:offset].to_s + ', ' + options[:limit].to_s if (options[:limit] and options[:offset])};" else # outgoing calls sql = "SELECT #{ find.join(',') } FROM calls #{from.join(' ')} WHERE (calls.card_id = 0 AND (calls.user_id = #{} #{reseller_sql}) #{call_type_sql} #{device_sql} #{hgc_sql} AND ((calldate BETWEEN '#{date_from.to_s}' AND '#{date_till.to_s}'))) ORDER BY #{order_by} #{order} #{ 'LIMIT ' + options[:offset].to_s + ', ' + options[:limit].to_s if (options[:limit] and options[:offset]) };" end Call.find_by_sql(sql) end =begin rdoc Similar to @user.calls. Instead it returns total number of calls and sum of basic calls params. =end def calls_total_stats(type, date_from, date_till, direction = "outgoing", device = nil, usertype = "user", hgc =nil) calls = [] # ------ handle call type -------- call_type_sql = " AND disposition = '#{type}' " if type == "all" call_type_sql = "" end # special case if type[0..5] == "missed" call_type_sql = " AND disposition != 'ANSWERED'" if type[7..19] == "not_processed" call_type_sql += " AND processed = 0 " end end # ---------- handle device --------- device_sql = "" if device if direction == "incoming" device_sql= " AND dst_device_id = #{} " else device_sql = " AND src_device_id = #{} " end end # ---------- handle Hangupcausecode --------- hgc_sql = "" if hgc hgc_sql= " AND hangupcause = #{hgc.code} " end # -------- handle resellers --------- reseller_sql = "" #if usertype == "reseller" #reseller_sql = " OR calls.reseller_id = #{} " #end # -------- retrieve calls ----------- if direction == "incoming" #incoming calls sql = "SELECT COUNT(*) AS 'total_calls', SUM(IF(calls.disposition = 'ANSWERED', 1, 0)) AS 'total_answered_calls', SUM(IF(calls.disposition = 'ANSWERED',calls.duration, 0)) AS 'total_duration', SUM(IF(calls.billsec > 0,calls.billsec, CEIL(calls.real_billsec) )) AS 'total_billsec', SUM(IF(calls.disposition = 'ANSWERED',#{SqlExport.replace_price('calls.user_price')}, 0)) AS 'total_user_price', SUM(IF(calls.disposition = 'ANSWERED',#{SqlExport.replace_price('calls.provider_price')}, 0)) AS 'total_provider_price', SUM(IF(calls.disposition = 'ANSWERED',#{SqlExport.replace_price('calls.reseller_price')}, 0)) AS 'total_reseller_price', SUM(IF(calls.disposition = 'ANSWERED',#{SqlExport.replace_price('calls.did_price')}, 0)) AS 'total_did_price', SUM(IF(calls.disposition = 'ANSWERED',#{SqlExport.replace_price('calls.did_prov_price')}, 0)) AS 'total_did_prov_price', SUM(IF(calls.disposition = 'ANSWERED',#{SqlExport.replace_price('calls.did_inc_price')}, 0)) AS 'total_did_inc_price' FROM calls JOIN devices ON ( = calls.dst_device_id) LEFT JOIN dids ON (calls.did_id = WHERE (calls.card_id = 0 AND (devices.user_id = #{} OR (dids.user_id = #{}) )#{call_type_sql} #{device_sql} #{hgc_sql} AND ((calldate BETWEEN '#{date_from.to_s}' AND '#{date_till.to_s}')));" #MorLog.my_debug(sql) calls = Call.find_by_sql(sql) else # outgoing calls calls = Call.find_by_sql("SELECT COUNT(*) AS 'total_calls', SUM(IF(calls.disposition = 'ANSWERED', 1, 0)) AS 'total_answered_calls', SUM(IF(calls.disposition = 'ANSWERED',calls.duration, 0)) AS 'total_duration', SUM(IF(calls.billsec > 0,calls.billsec, CEIL(calls.real_billsec) )) AS 'total_billsec', SUM(IF(calls.disposition = 'ANSWERED',#{SqlExport.replace_price('calls.user_price')}, 0)) AS 'total_user_price', SUM(IF(calls.disposition = 'ANSWERED',#{SqlExport.replace_price('calls.provider_price')}, 0)) AS 'total_provider_price', SUM(IF(calls.disposition = 'ANSWERED',#{SqlExport.replace_price('calls.reseller_price')}, 0)) AS 'total_reseller_price', SUM(IF(calls.disposition = 'ANSWERED',#{SqlExport.replace_price('calls.did_price')}, 0)) AS 'total_did_price', SUM(IF(calls.disposition = 'ANSWERED',#{SqlExport.replace_price('calls.did_prov_price')}, 0)) AS 'total_did_prov_price', SUM(IF(calls.disposition = 'ANSWERED',#{SqlExport.replace_price('calls.did_inc_price')}, 0)) AS 'total_did_inc_price' FROM calls WHERE (calls.card_id = 0 AND (calls.user_id = #{} #{reseller_sql}) #{call_type_sql} #{device_sql} #{hgc_sql} AND ((calldate BETWEEN '#{date_from.to_s}' AND '#{date_till.to_s}')));") end calls[0] end def date_query(date_from, date_till) # date query if date_from == "" date_sql = "" else if date_from.length > 11 date_sql = "AND calldate BETWEEN '#{date_from.to_s}' AND '#{date_till.to_s}'" else date_sql = "AND calldate BETWEEN '" + date_from.to_s + " 00:00:00' AND '" + date_till.to_s + " 23:59:59'" end end date_sql end def total_calls(type, date_from, date_till) t_calls = 0 for dev in self.devices t_calls += dev.total_calls(type, date_from, date_till) end t_calls end def total_duration(type, date_from, date_till) t_duration = 0 for dev in self.devices t_duration += dev.total_duration(type, date_from, date_till) end t_duration end def total_billsec(type, date_from, date_till) t_billsec = 0 for dev in self.devices t_billsec += dev.total_billsec(type, date_from, date_till) end t_billsec end def manager_in_groups groups = [] #my_debug "self.groups.size: "+self.groups.size.to_s for group in self.groups groups << group if group.gusertype(self) == "manager" #my_debug "group.gusertype(self): "+group.gusertype(self).to_s end groups end def last_login Action.find(:first, :conditions => ["user_id = ? AND action = 'login'",], :order => "date DESC") end def normative_perc(date) date_s = date.strftime("%Y-%m-%d") sql = 'SELECT, users.calltime_normative as \'normative\', COUNT(distinct as \'calls\', SUM(calls.duration) as \'duration\'' + 'FROM users join devices on ( = devices.user_id AND = '+ + ') left join calls on ((calls.src_device_id = OR calls.dst_device_id =' + 'AND calls.calldate BETWEEN \'' + date_s + ' 00:00:00\' AND \'' + date_s + ' 23:59:59\') AND disposition = \'ANSWERED\''+ 'GROUP BY, users.calltime_normative' res = ActiveRecord::Base.connection.select_all(sql) tn = 0 if res[0] tn = (res[0]["duration"].to_f * 100 / (res[0]["normative"].to_f * 3600)) if res[0]["normative"].to_f > 0 end tn.round.to_s end def new_calls(date) # date_s = date #.strftime("%Y-%m-%d") # # sql = # 'SELECT A.* FROM (SELECT calls.* FROM calls, devices WHERE calls.calldate BETWEEN \'' + date_s + ' 00:00:00\' AND \''+ date_s +' 23:59:59\' ' + # 'AND calls.src_device_id = AND devices.user_id = \'' + + '\' AND calls.disposition = \'ANSWERED\') as A ' + # 'left join calls on (calls.dst = A.dst AND calls.calldate < \'' + date_s + ' 00:00:00\')' + # 'GROUP BY A.dst HAVING COUNT(distinct = 0 ORDER BY A.calldate DESC' # # res = ActiveRecord::Base.connection.select_all(sql) # # res Call.last_calls_csv({:user => id, :from => date.to_s + ' 00:00:00', :till => date.to_s + ' 23:59:59', :call_type => 'answered', :current_user => self, :pdf => 1, :order => 'calldate'}) end def months_normative(month) date_s = month.to_s #.strftime("%Y-%m-%d") #format '2006-09' sql = 'SELECT SUM(calls.duration) * 100 / (B.total_days * users.calltime_normative * 3600) AS \'percent\' '+ 'FROM calls join devices ON ((calls.src_device_id = OR calls.dst_device_id = AND devices.user_id = \'' + + '\') join users ON ( = devices.user_id) join ' + ' (SELECT COUNT(A.days) AS \'total_days\' ' + ' FROM (SELECT SUBSTRING(calls.calldate,1,10) AS \'days\' ' + ' FROM calls join devices ON ((calls.src_device_id = OR calls.dst_device_id = AND devices.user_id = \'' + + '\') ' + ' WHERE calls.calldate BETWEEN \'' + date_s + '-01 00:00:00\' AND \'' + date_s + '-31 23:59:59\' AND calls.disposition = \'ANSWERED\' ' + ' GROUP BY SUBSTRING(calls.calldate,1,10)) AS A ) AS B ' + 'WHERE calls.calldate BETWEEN \'' + date_s + '-01 00:00:00\' AND \'' + date_s + '-31 23:59:59\' AND calls.disposition = \'ANSWERED\' ' + ' GROUP BY B.total_days, users.calltime_normative ' #my_debug(sql) res = ActiveRecord::Base.connection.select_all(sql) if res[0] mn = res[0]["percent"].to_i else mn = 0 end #saving to temporary table self.month_plan_perc = mn self.month_plan_updated = mn.to_i.to_s end def this_months_normative self.month_plan_perc end def primary_device_group Devicegroup.find(:first, :conditions => "user_id = #{}", :order => "added ASC") end def destroy_everything if self.payments.size == 0 and self.all_calls.size == 0 and self.dids.size == 0 and self.invoices.size == 0 and self.vouchers.size == 0 and self.reseller_users.size == 0 #flash[:notice] = 'Cant_delete_user_it_has_payments' #redirect_to :controller => "users", :action => 'list' conflines = Confline.find(:all, :conditions => ["owner_id = '#{}'"]) for conf in conflines conf.destroy end for dev in self.devices if dev.provider dev.user_id = -1 else dev.destroy_everything end end for devgr in self.devicegroups devgr.destroy_everything end self.address.destroy if self.address self.destroy end end def email addr = self.address addr ? : "" end def forwards_before_call Callflow.find_by_sql("SELECT callflows.* FROM callflows JOIN devices ON (devices.user_id = #{} AND callflows.device_id = WHERE action = 'forward' AND cf_type = 'before_call' AND data2 = 'local';") end =begin create conflines to user, if conflines exist they will be set to admin values =end def create_reseller_conflines resellers_device_location = Confline.get_value("Default_device_location_id", if self.usertype == "reseller" #sql = "DELETE FROM conflines WHERE owner_id = #{}" #ActiveRecord::Base.connection.execute(sql) Confline.delete_all("owner_id = #{}") Confline.new_confline('Company', Confline.get_value('Company'), Confline.new_confline('Company_Email', Confline.get_value('Company_Email'), Confline.new_confline('Version', Confline.get_value('Version'), Confline.new_confline('Copyright_Title', Confline.get_value('Copyright_Title'), Confline.new_confline('Admin_Browser_Title', Confline.get_value('Admin_Browser_Title'), Confline.new_confline('Logo_Picture', Confline.get_value('Logo_Picture'), Confline.new_confline('Show_Rates_Without_Tax', "0", #payments Confline.new_confline('Paypal_Default_Currency', Confline.get_value('Paypal_Default_Currenc'), Confline.new_confline('WebMoney_Default_Currency', Confline.get_value('WebMoney_Default_Currency'), Confline.new_confline('WebMoney_SIM_MODE', Confline.get_value('WebMoney_SIM_MODE'), Confline.new_confline('Paypal_Enabled', Confline.get_value('Paypal_Enabled'), Confline.new_confline('PayPal_Email', Confline.get_value('PayPal_Email'), Confline.new_confline('Paypal_Default_Currency', Confline.get_value('Paypal_Default_Currency'), Confline.new_confline('PayPal_Default_Amount', Confline.get_value('PayPal_Default_Amount'), Confline.new_confline('PayPal_Min_Amount', Confline.get_value('PayPal_Min_Amount'), Confline.new_confline('PayPal_Test', Confline.get_value('PayPal_Test'), Confline.new_confline('WebMoney_Enabled', Confline.get_value('WebMoney_Enabled'), Confline.new_confline('WebMoney_Purse', Confline.get_value('WebMoney_Purse'), Confline.new_confline('WebMoney_Default_Amount', Confline.get_value('WebMoney_Default_Amount'), Confline.new_confline('WebMoney_Min_Amount', Confline.get_value('WebMoney_Min_Amount'), Confline.new_confline('WebMoney_Test', Confline.get_value('WebMoney_Test'), #Default_device Confline.new_confline('Default_device_type', Confline.get_value("Default_device_type", 0), Confline.new_confline("Default_device_dtmfmode", Confline.get_value("Default_device_dtmfmode", 0), Confline.new_confline("Default_device_works_not_logged", Confline.get_value("Default_device_works_not_logged", 0), #set device location id to resellers default location id if exists or use admins Global location id if resellers_device_location Confline.new_confline("Default_device_location_id", resellers_device_location, else Confline.new_confline("Default_device_location_id", Confline.get_value("Default_device_location_id", 0), end Confline.new_confline("Default_device_timeout", Confline.get_value("Default_device_timeout", 0), Confline.new_confline("Default_device_record", Confline.get_value("Default_device_record", 0), Confline.new_confline("Default_device_call_limit", Confline.get_value("Default_device_call_limit", 0), Confline.new_confline("Default_device_nat", Confline.get_value("Default_device_nat", 0), Confline.new_confline("Default_device_voicemail_active", Confline.get_value("Default_device_voicemail_active", 0), Confline.new_confline("Default_device_trustrpid", Confline.get_value("Default_device_trustrpid", 0), Confline.new_confline("Default_device_sendrpid", Confline.get_value("Default_device_sendrpid", 0), Confline.new_confline("Default_device_t38pt_udptl", Confline.get_value("Default_device_t38pt_udptl", 0), Confline.new_confline("Default_device_promiscredir", Confline.get_value("Default_device_promiscredir", 0), Confline.new_confline("Default_device_progressinband", Confline.get_value("Default_device_progressinband", 0), Confline.new_confline("Default_device_videosupport", Confline.get_value("Default_device_videosupport", 0), Confline.new_confline("Default_device_allow_duplicate_calls", Confline.get_value("Default_device_allow_duplicate_calls", 0), Confline.new_confline("Default_device_tell_balance", Confline.get_value("Default_device_tell_balance", 0), Confline.new_confline("Default_device_tell_time", Confline.get_value("Default_device_tell_time", 0), Confline.new_confline("Default_device_tell_rtime_when_left", Confline.get_value("Default_device_tell_rtime_when_left", 0), Confline.new_confline("Default_device_repeat_rtime_every", Confline.get_value("Default_device_repeat_rtime_every", 0), Confline.new_confline("Default_device_permits", Confline.get_value("Default_device_permits", 0), Confline.new_confline("Default_device_qualify", Confline.get_value("Default_device_qualify", 0), Confline.new_confline("Default_device_host", Confline.get_value("Default_device_host", 0), Confline.new_confline("Default_device_ipaddr", Confline.get_value("Default_device_ipaddr", 0), Confline.new_confline("Default_device_port", Confline.get_value("Default_device_port", 0), Confline.new_confline("Default_device_regseconds", Confline.get_value("Default_device_regseconds", 0), Confline.new_confline("Default_device_canreinvite", Confline.get_value("Default_device_canreinvite", 0), Confline.new_confline("Default_device_canreinvite", Confline.get_value("Default_device_canreinvite", 0), Confline.new_confline("Default_device_istrunk", Confline.get_value("Default_device_istrunk", 0), Confline.new_confline("Default_device_ani", Confline.get_value("Default_device_ani", 0), Confline.new_confline("Default_device_callgroup", Confline.get_value("Default_device_callgroup", 0), Confline.new_confline("Default_device_pickupgroup", Confline.get_value("Default_device_pickupgroup", 0), Confline.new_confline("Default_device_fromuser", Confline.get_value("Default_device_fromuser", 0), Confline.new_confline("Default_device_fromuser", Confline.get_value("Default_device_fromdomain", 0), Confline.new_confline("Default_device_insecure", Confline.get_value("Default_device_insecure", 0), Confline.new_confline("Default_device_process_sipchaninfo", Confline.get_value("Default_device_process_sipchaninfo", 0), Confline.new_confline("Default_device_voicemail_box_email", Confline.get_value("Default_device_voicemail_box_email", 0), Confline.new_confline("Default_device_voicemail_box_password", Confline.get_value("Default_device_voicemail_box_password", 0), Confline.new_confline("Default_device_fake_ring", Confline.get_value("Default_device_fake_ring", 0), Confline.new_confline("Default_device_save_call_log", Confline.get_value("Default_device_save_call_log", 0), Confline.new_confline("Default_device_use_ani_for_cli", Confline.get_value("Default_device_use_ani_for_cli", 0), Confline.new_confline("Default_setting_device_caller_id_number", Confline.get_value("Default_setting_device_caller_id_number", 0), if Confline.mor_11_extended? #------------ codecs ---------------- for codec in Codec.find(:all) Confline.new_confline("Default_device_codec_#{}", Confline.get_value("Default_device_codec_#{}", 0), end Confline.new_confline("Default_device_cid_name", Confline.get_value("Default_device_cid_name", 0), Confline.new_confline("Default_device_cid_number", Confline.get_value("Default_device_cid_number", 0), Confline.new_confline("CSV_Separator", Confline.get_value("CSV_Separator", 0), Confline.new_confline("CSV_Decimal", Confline.get_value("CSV_Decimal", 0), # ---------- emails ----------------- self.create_reseler_emails end end def create_reseler_emails Confline.new_confline("Email_Batch_Size", Confline.get_value("Email_Batch_Size", 0).to_i, Confline.new_confline("Email_from", Confline.get_value("Email_from", 0).to_s, Confline.new_confline("Email_Smtp_Server", Confline.get_value("Email_Smtp_Server", 0), Confline.new_confline("Email_Domain", Confline.get_value("Email_Domain", 0), Confline.new_confline("Email_Login", Confline.get_value("Email_Login", 0), Confline.set_value2("Email_Login", 1, Confline.new_confline("Email_Password", Confline.get_value("Email_Password", 0), Confline.set_value2("Email_Password", 1, Confline.new_confline("Email_port", Confline.get_value("Email_port", 0), end def User.exists_resellers_confline_settings(id) con = Confline.find(:first, :conditions => "name = 'Email_Login' AND owner_id = #{id}") unless con reseller = User.find_by_id(id) reseller.create_reseler_emails else reseller = User.find_by_id(id) reseller.check_reseller_emails end end def create_reseller_emails emails = Email.find(:all, :conditions => "owner_id = 0 AND template = 1 AND (name != 'recording_new' and name != 'recording_delete') ") for email in emails em = = em.subject = email.subject em.body = email.body em.template =1 em.date_created = em.owner_id = end end def check_reseller_emails con = Confline.find(:first, :conditions => ["name = 'Email_From' and owner_id=?", id]) if con = "Email_from" end emails = Email.find(:all, :select => "emails.*", :joins => "LEFT JOIN (select * from emails where owner_id = #{} and template =1) as b ON ( =", :conditions => "emails.owner_id = 0 AND emails.template = 1 AND IS NULL AND ( != 'recording_new' AND != 'recording_delete')") for email in emails MorLog.my_debug("FIXING RESELLER EMAILS: #{} Email not found: #{}") em = = em.subject = email.subject em.body = email.body em.template =1 em.date_created = em.owner_id = end end def check_default_user_conflines if self.usertype == "reseller" conflines = Confline.find(:all, :conditions => "name LIKE 'Default_device%' AND owner_id = 0") for confline in conflines if not Confline.find(:first, :conditions => "name = '#{}' AND owner_id = #{}") Confline.new_confline(, confline.value, end end end end def User::get_hash(user_id) user = User.find(user_id.to_i) return user.uniquehash if user and user.uniquehash and user.uniquehash.length > 0 user.uniquehash = ApplicationController::random_password(10) return user.uniquehash end =begin rdoc Returns user hash. If user has no hash yet generates new one and returns it. =end def get_hash return(self.uniquehash) if (self.uniquehash and self.uniquehash.length > 0) self.uniquehash = ApplicationController::random_password(10) return self.uniquehash end #debug #put value into file for debugging def my_debug(msg), "a") { |f| f << msg.to_s f << "\n" } end def get_owner() owner = User.find(self.owner_id) return owner end def primary_device Device.find(:first, :conditions => ["id = ?", self.primary_device_id]) end def quick_stats(month_t, last_day, day_t) month_calls = 0 month_billsec = 0 month_selfcost = 0 month_cost = 0 day_calls = 0 day_billsec = 0 day_selfcost = 0 day_cost = 0 if self.usertype == "admin" # ---- month ---- # calls from admin users sql_res = "SELECT COUNT( as 'calls_count', SUM(calls.billsec) as 'sum_billsec', #{SqlExport.replace_price('SUM(calls.provider_price)', {:reference => 'call_selfcost'})}, #{SqlExport.replace_price('SUM(calls.user_price)', {:reference => 'call_cost'})} FROM calls USE INDEX (calldate) WHERE reseller_id = 0 AND calls.disposition= 'ANSWERED' AND calls.calldate BETWEEN '#{month_t}-01 00:00:00' AND '#{month_t}-#{last_day} 23:59:59';" res = ActiveRecord::Base.connection.select_all(sql_res) #calls from reseller users sql_res2 = "SELECT COUNT( as 'calls_count', SUM(calls.billsec) as 'sum_billsec', #{SqlExport.replace_price('SUM(calls.provider_price)', {:reference => 'call_selfcost'})}, #{SqlExport.replace_price('SUM(calls.reseller_price)', {:reference => 'call_cost'})} FROM calls USE INDEX (calldate) WHERE reseller_id != 0 AND calls.disposition= 'ANSWERED' AND calls.calldate BETWEEN '#{month_t}-01 00:00:00' AND '#{month_t}-#{last_day} 23:59:59';" res2 = ActiveRecord::Base.connection.select_all(sql_res2) month_calls = res[0]['calls_count'].to_i + res2[0]['calls_count'].to_i month_billsec = res[0]['sum_billsec'].to_i + res2[0]['sum_billsec'].to_i month_selfcost = res[0]['call_selfcost'].to_f + res2[0]['call_selfcost'].to_f month_cost = res[0]['call_cost'].to_f + res2[0]['call_cost'].to_f # ---- day ---- # calls from admin users sql_res = "SELECT COUNT( as 'calls_count', SUM(calls.billsec) as 'sum_billsec', #{SqlExport.replace_price('SUM(calls.provider_price)', {:reference => 'call_selfcost'})}, #{SqlExport.replace_price('SUM(calls.user_price)', {:reference => 'call_cost'})} FROM calls USE INDEX (calldate) WHERE reseller_id = 0 AND calls.disposition= 'ANSWERED' AND calls.calldate BETWEEN '#{day_t} 00:00:00' AND '#{day_t} 23:59:59';" res = ActiveRecord::Base.connection.select_all(sql_res) #calls from reseller users sql_res2 = "SELECT COUNT( as 'calls_count', SUM(calls.billsec) as 'sum_billsec', #{SqlExport.replace_price('SUM(calls.provider_price)', {:reference => 'call_selfcost'})}, #{SqlExport.replace_price('SUM(calls.reseller_price)', {:reference => 'call_cost'})} FROM calls USE INDEX (calldate) WHERE reseller_id != 0 AND calls.disposition= 'ANSWERED' AND calls.calldate BETWEEN '#{day_t} 00:00:00' AND '#{day_t} 23:59:59';" res2 = ActiveRecord::Base.connection.select_all(sql_res2) day_calls = res[0]['calls_count'].to_i + res2[0]['calls_count'].to_i day_billsec = res[0]['sum_billsec'].to_i + res2[0]['sum_billsec'].to_i day_selfcost = res[0]['call_selfcost'].to_f + res2[0]['call_selfcost'].to_f day_cost = res[0]['call_cost'].to_f + res2[0]['call_cost'].to_f end if self.usertype == "reseller" # ---- month ---- # calls from reseller sql_res = "SELECT COUNT( as 'calls_count', SUM(calls.billsec) as 'sum_billsec', #{SqlExport.replace_price('SUM(calls.user_price)', {:reference => 'call_selfcost'})}, #{SqlExport.replace_price('SUM(calls.user_price)', {:reference => 'call_cost'})} FROM calls USE INDEX (calldate) WHERE user_id = #{} AND calls.disposition= 'ANSWERED' AND calls.calldate BETWEEN '#{month_t}-01 00:00:00' AND '#{month_t}-#{last_day} 23:59:59';" res = ActiveRecord::Base.connection.select_all(sql_res) #calls from reseller users sql_res2 = "SELECT COUNT( as 'calls_count', SUM(calls.billsec) as 'sum_billsec', #{SqlExport.replace_price('SUM(calls.reseller_price)', {:reference => 'call_selfcost'})}, #{SqlExport.replace_price('SUM(calls.user_price)', {:reference => 'call_cost'})} FROM calls USE INDEX (calldate) WHERE reseller_id = #{} AND calls.disposition= 'ANSWERED' AND calls.calldate BETWEEN '#{month_t}-01 00:00:00' AND '#{month_t}-#{last_day} 23:59:59';" res2 = ActiveRecord::Base.connection.select_all(sql_res2) month_calls = res[0]['calls_count'].to_i + res2[0]['calls_count'].to_i month_billsec = res[0]['sum_billsec'].to_i + res2[0]['sum_billsec'].to_i month_selfcost = res[0]['call_selfcost'].to_f + res2[0]['call_selfcost'].to_f month_cost = res[0]['call_cost'].to_f + res2[0]['call_cost'].to_f # ---- day ---- # calls from reseller sql_res = "SELECT COUNT( as 'calls_count', SUM(calls.billsec) as 'sum_billsec', #{SqlExport.replace_price('SUM(calls.user_price)', {:reference => 'call_selfcost'})}, #{SqlExport.replace_price('SUM(calls.user_price)', {:reference => 'call_cost'})} FROM calls USE INDEX (calldate) WHERE user_id = #{} AND calls.disposition= 'ANSWERED' AND calls.calldate BETWEEN '#{day_t} 00:00:00' AND '#{day_t} 23:59:59';" res = ActiveRecord::Base.connection.select_all(sql_res) #calls from reseller users sql_res2 = "SELECT COUNT( as 'calls_count', SUM(calls.billsec) as 'sum_billsec', #{SqlExport.replace_price('SUM(calls.reseller_price)', {:reference => 'call_selfcost'})}, #{SqlExport.replace_price('SUM(calls.user_price)', {:reference => 'call_cost'})} FROM calls USE INDEX (calldate) WHERE reseller_id = #{} AND calls.disposition= 'ANSWERED' AND calls.calldate BETWEEN '#{day_t} 00:00:00' AND '#{day_t} 23:59:59';" res2 = ActiveRecord::Base.connection.select_all(sql_res2) day_calls = res[0]['calls_count'].to_i + res2[0]['calls_count'].to_i day_billsec = res[0]['sum_billsec'].to_i + res2[0]['sum_billsec'].to_i day_selfcost = res[0]['call_selfcost'].to_f + res2[0]['call_selfcost'].to_f day_cost = res[0]['call_cost'].to_f + res2[0]['call_cost'].to_f end if self.usertype != "admin" and self.usertype != "reseller" # ---- month ---- # calls from user sql_res = "SELECT COUNT( as 'calls_count', SUM(calls.billsec) as 'sum_billsec', #{SqlExport.replace_price('SUM(calls.user_price)', {:reference => 'call_selfcost'})}, #{SqlExport.replace_price('SUM(calls.user_price)', {:reference => 'call_cost'})} FROM calls USE INDEX (calldate) WHERE user_id = #{} AND calls.disposition= 'ANSWERED' AND calls.calldate BETWEEN '#{month_t}-01 00:00:00' AND '#{month_t}-#{last_day} 23:59:59';" res = ActiveRecord::Base.connection.select_all(sql_res) month_calls = res[0]['calls_count'].to_i month_billsec = res[0]['sum_billsec'].to_i month_selfcost = res[0]['call_selfcost'].to_f month_cost = res[0]['call_cost'].to_f # ---- day ---- # calls from user sql_res = "SELECT COUNT( as 'calls_count', SUM(calls.billsec) as 'sum_billsec', #{SqlExport.replace_price('SUM(calls.user_price)', {:reference => 'call_selfcost'})}, #{SqlExport.replace_price('SUM(calls.user_price)', {:reference => 'call_cost'})} FROM calls USE INDEX (calldate) WHERE user_id = #{} AND calls.disposition= 'ANSWERED' AND calls.calldate BETWEEN '#{day_t} 00:00:00' AND '#{day_t} 23:59:59';" res = ActiveRecord::Base.connection.select_all(sql_res) day_calls = res[0]['calls_count'].to_i day_billsec = res[0]['sum_billsec'].to_i day_selfcost = res[0]['call_selfcost'].to_f day_cost = res[0]['call_cost'].to_f end return month_calls, month_billsec, month_selfcost, month_cost, day_calls, day_billsec, day_selfcost, day_cost end # finds total outgoing calls made by this user and price for these calls in period # period is in string format date-time def own_outgoing_calls_stats_in_period(period_start, period_end, calldate_index = 0) total_calls = 0 calls_price = 0 zero_calls_sql = self.invoice_zero_calls_sql up = SqlExport.user_price_sql #val = ActiveRecord::Base.connection.select_all("SELECT count( as calls, SUM(#{up}) as price FROM calls JOIN devices ON (calls.src_device_id = WHERE disposition = 'ANSWERED' and devices.user_id = #{} AND calldate BETWEEN '#{period_start}' AND '#{period_end}' #{zero_calls_sql};") val = ActiveRecord::Base.connection.select_all("SELECT count( as calls, SUM(#{up}) as price FROM calls WHERE disposition = 'ANSWERED' and calls.user_id = #{} AND calldate BETWEEN '#{period_start}' AND '#{period_end}' #{zero_calls_sql};") val2 = ActiveRecord::Base.connection.select_all("SELECT count( as calls, SUM(#{up}) as price FROM calls JOIN devices ON (calls.dst_device_id = WHERE disposition = 'ANSWERED' and devices.user_id = #{} AND calldate BETWEEN '#{period_start}' AND '#{period_end}' #{zero_calls_sql};") #MorLog.my_debug("SELECT count( as calls, SUM(#{up}) as price FROM calls JOIN devices ON (calls.src_device_id = WHERE disposition = 'ANSWERED' and devices.user_id = #{} AND calldate BETWEEN '#{period_start}' AND '#{period_end}' #{zero_calls_sql};", 1) MorLog.my_debug("SELECT count( as calls, SUM(#{up}) as price FROM calls WHERE disposition = 'ANSWERED' and calls.user_id = #{} AND calldate BETWEEN '#{period_start}' AND '#{period_end}' #{zero_calls_sql};", 1) MorLog.my_debug("SELECT count( as calls, SUM(#{up}) as price FROM calls JOIN devices ON (calls.dst_device_id = WHERE disposition = 'ANSWERED' and devices.user_id = #{} AND calldate BETWEEN '#{period_start}' AND '#{period_end}' #{zero_calls_sql};", 1) if val total_calls += val[0]['calls'].to_i calls_price += val[0]['price'].to_f end if val2 total_calls += val2[0]['calls'].to_i calls_price += val2[0]['price'].to_f end return total_calls.to_i, calls_price.to_f end # finds total outgoing calls made by this reseller users and price for these calls in period # period is in string format date-time def users_outgoing_calls_stats_in_period(period_start, period_end, calldate_index = 0) total_calls = 0 calls_price = 0 sql = "SELECT count( as calls, SUM(#{SqlExport.admin_reseller_price_sql}) as price FROM calls #{SqlExport.left_join_reseler_providers_to_calls_sql} LEFT JOIN devices ON (dst_device_id = LEFT JOIN users ON (devices.user_id = WHERE disposition = 'ANSWERED' and (calls.reseller_id = #{id} or users.owner_id = #{id}) AND calldate BETWEEN '#{period_start}' AND '#{period_end}' #{self.invoice_zero_calls_sql(SqlExport.reseller_price_sql)}" res = ActiveRecord::Base.connection.select_all(sql) if res[0] total_calls = res[0]["calls"].to_i calls_price = res[0]["price"].to_f end return total_calls, calls_price end # finds total incoming calls RECEIVED by this user and price for these calls in period # period is in string format date-time def incoming_received_calls_stats_in_period(period_start, period_end, calldate_index = 0) total_calls = 0 calls_price = 0 sql = "SELECT count( as calls, #{SqlExport.replace_price("SUM(#{SqlExport.user_price_sql})", {:reference => 'price'})} FROM calls JOIN devices ON (calls.dst_device_id = WHERE disposition = 'ANSWERED' AND calldate BETWEEN '#{period_start}' AND '#{period_end}' AND devices.user_id = #{id} AND calls.did_price > 0;" res = ActiveRecord::Base.connection.select_all(sql) if res[0] total_calls = res[0]["calls"] calls_price = res[0]["price"] end return total_calls.to_i, calls_price.to_f end # finds total incoming calls MADE by this user and price for these calls in period (DID incoming) # period is in string format date-time def incoming_made_calls_stats_in_period(period_start, period_end, calldate_index = 0) total_calls = 0 calls_price = 0 sql = "SELECT count( as calls, #{SqlExport.replace_price("SUM(#{SqlExport.user_price_sql})", {:reference => 'price'})} FROM calls JOIN devices ON (calls.src_device_id = WHERE disposition = 'ANSWERED' AND calldate BETWEEN '#{period_start}' AND '#{period_end}' AND devices.user_id = #{id} AND calls.did_inc_price > 0;" res = ActiveRecord::Base.connection.select_all(sql) if res[0] total_calls = res[0]["calls"] calls_price = res[0]["price"] end return total_calls.to_i, calls_price.to_f end # finds subscriptions in given period # period is in string format date-time def subscriptions_in_period(period_start, period_end) period_start = period_start.to_s(:db) if period_start.class == Time or period_start.class == Date period_end = period_end.to_s(:db) if period_end.class == Time or period_end.class == Date subs = Subscription.find(:all, :include => [:service], :conditions => ["(? BETWEEN activation_start AND activation_end OR ? BETWEEN activation_start AND activation_end OR (activation_start > ? AND activation_end < ?)) AND subscriptions.user_id = ?", period_start, period_end, period_start, period_end,]) subs end # gets parameters for CSV file def csv_params owner_id = self.owner_id owner_id = if self.usertype == "reseller" sep = Confline.get_value("CSV_Separator", owner_id).to_s dec = Confline.get_value("CSV_Decimal", owner_id).to_s sep = Confline.get_value("CSV_Separator", 0).to_s if sep.to_s.length == 0 dec = Confline.get_value("CSV_Decimal", 0).to_s if dec.to_s.length == 0 sep = "," if sep.blank? dec = "." if dec.blank? return sep, dec end def create_default_device(options={}) owner_id =self.owner_id fextension = options[:free_ext] device ={:user_id =>, :devicegroup_id => options[:dev_group].to_i, :context => "mor_local", :device_type => options[:device_type].to_s, :extension => fextension, :pin => options[:pin].to_s, :secret => options[:secret].to_s}) device.description = options[:description] if options[:description] device.device_ip_authentication_record = options[:device_ip_authentication_record] if options[:device_ip_authentication_record] device.username = options[:username] ? options[:username] : fextension = options[:username] ? options[:username] : fextension device.dtmfmode = Confline.get_value("Default_device_dtmfmode", owner_id).to_s device.works_not_logged = Confline.get_value("Default_device_works_not_logged", owner_id).to_i if owner_id != 0 #kvieciam metoda owner = User.find_by_id(owner_id) owner.after_create_localization #after this value should be default location and reseller gets new default location if did not have it end # if reseller and location id == 1, create default location and set new location id set_location_id = Confline.get_value("Default_device_location_id", owner_id) if (set_location_id.blank? or set_location_id.to_i == 1) and owner and owner.is_reseller? device.check_location_id device.location_id = Confline.get_value("Default_device_location_id", owner_id).to_i logger.fatal('setting location_id:') logger.fatal(Confline.get_value("Default_device_location_id", owner_id)) logger.fatal('now device location id:') logger.fatal(device.location_id.to_yaml) else device.location_id = set_location_id end device.timeout = Confline.get_value("Default_device_timeout", owner_id) device.record = Confline.get_value("Default_device_record", owner_id).to_i device.recording_to_email = Confline.get_value("Default_device_recording_to_email", owner_id).to_i device.recording_keep = Confline.get_value("Default_device_recording_keep", owner_id).to_i device.record_forced = Confline.get_value("Default_device_record_forced", owner_id).to_i device.recording_email = Confline.get_value("Default_device_recording_email", owner_id).to_s device.call_limit = Confline.get_value("Default_device_call_limit", owner_id) device.server_id = Confline.get_value("Default_device_server_id") device.nat = Confline.get_value("Default_device_nat", owner_id).to_s device.voicemail_active = Confline.get_value("Default_device_voicemail_active", owner_id).to_i device.trustrpid = Confline.get_value("Default_device_trustrpid", owner_id).to_s device.sendrpid = Confline.get_value("Default_device_sendrpid", owner_id).to_s device.t38pt_udptl = Confline.get_value("Default_device_t38pt_udptl", owner_id).to_s device.promiscredir = Confline.get_value("Default_device_promiscredir", owner_id).to_s device.promiscredir = "no" if device.promiscredir != "yes" or device.promiscredir != "no" device.progressinband = Confline.get_value("Default_device_progressinband", owner_id).to_s device.videosupport = Confline.get_value("Default_device_videosupport", owner_id).to_s device.allow_duplicate_calls = Confline.get_value("Default_device_allow_duplicate_calls", owner_id).to_i device.tell_balance = Confline.get_value("Default_device_tell_balance", owner_id).to_i device.tell_time = Confline.get_value("Default_device_tell_time", owner_id).to_i device.tell_rtime_when_left = Confline.get_value("Default_device_tell_rtime_when_left", owner_id).to_i device.repeat_rtime_every = Confline.get_value("Default_device_repeat_rtime_every", owner_id).to_i device.qf_tell_time = Confline.get_value("Default_device_qf_tell_time", owner_id).to_i device.qf_tell_balance = Confline.get_value("Default_device_qf_tell_balance", owner_id).to_i device.permit = Confline.get_value("Default_device_permits", owner_id).to_s device.qualify = Confline.get_value("Default_device_qualify", owner_id) = Confline.get_value("Default_device_host", owner_id).to_s = "" if options[:device_type] == "H323" device.ipaddr = Confline.get_value("Default_device_ipaddr", owner_id).to_s device.ipaddr = "" if options[:device_type] == "H323" device.port = Confline.get_value("Default_device_port", owner_id).to_i device.port = "1720" if options[:device_type] == "H323" device.regseconds = Confline.get_value("Default_device_regseconds", owner_id).to_i device.canreinvite = Confline.get_value("Default_device_canreinvite", owner_id).to_s device.transfer = Confline.get_value("Default_device_canreinvite", owner_id).to_s device.istrunk = Confline.get_value("Default_device_istrunk", owner_id).to_i device.ani = Confline.get_value("Default_device_ani", owner_id).to_i device.callgroup = Confline.get_value("Default_device_callgroup", owner_id).to_s.blank? ? nil : Confline.get_value("Default_device_callgroup", owner_id).to_i device.pickupgroup = Confline.get_value("Default_device_pickupgroup", owner_id).to_s.blank? ? nil : Confline.get_value("Default_device_pickupgroup", owner_id).to_i device.fromuser = Confline.get_value("Default_device_fromuser", owner_id).to_s device.time_limit_per_day = Confline.get_value("Default_device_time_limit_per_day", owner_id).to_s device.transport = Confline.get_value("Default_device_transport", owner_id).to_s device.transport = 'udp' if !['tcp', 'udp', 'tcp,udp', 'udp,tcp'].include?(device.transport) device.fromdomain = Confline.get_value("Default_device_fromdomain", owner_id).to_s device.grace_time = Confline.get_value("Default_device_grace_time", owner_id).to_s device.insecure = Confline.get_value("Default_device_insecure", owner_id).to_s device.process_sipchaninfo = Confline.get_value("Default_device_process_sipchaninfo", owner_id).to_i device.fake_ring = Confline.get_value("Default_device_fake_ring", owner_id).to_i device.enable_mwi = Confline.get_value("Default_device_enable_mwi", owner_id).to_i device.save_call_log = Confline.get_value("Default_device_save_call_log", owner_id).to_i device.use_ani_for_cli = Confline.get_value("Default_device_use_ani_for_cli", owner_id) device.calleridpres = Confline.get_value("Default_device_calleridpres", owner_id).to_s device.change_failed_code_to = Confline.get_value("Default_device_change_failed_code_to", owner_id).to_i device.max_timeout = Confline.get_value("Default_device_max_timeout", owner_id).to_i device.language = Confline.get_value("Default_device_language", owner_id).to_s if not device.works_not_logged device.works_not_logged = 1 end if Confline.mor_11_extended? device.cid_from_dids = Confline.get_value("Default_setting_device_caller_id_number", owner_id).to_i == 3 ? 1 : 0 device.control_callerid_by_cids = Confline.get_value("Default_setting_device_caller_id_number", owner_id).to_i == 4 ? 1 : 0 device.callerid_advanced_control = Confline.get_value("Default_setting_device_caller_id_number", owner_id).to_i == 5 ? 1 : 0 end if # device.accountcode = # #------- VM ---------- pass = Confline.get_value("Default_device_voicemail_box_password", owner_id) pass = random_digit_password(4) if pass.to_s.length == 0 email = Confline.get_value("Default_device_voicemail_box_email", owner_id) address = self.address email = if address and > 0 device.update_cid(Confline.get_value("Default_device_cid_name", owner_id), Confline.get_value("Default_device_cid_number", owner_id), false) self.primary_device_id = # configure_extensions( end return device end =begin rdoc =end def assign_default_tax(tax={}, opt ={}) options = { :save => true }.merge(opt) if !tax or tax == {} if self.owner_id == 0 new_tax = Confline.get_default_tax(0) else new_tax = User.find_by_id(self.owner_id).get_tax.clone end else new_tax = end = new_tax if options[:save] == true if options[:save] == true end def assign_default_tax2 owner = self.owner_id tax ={ :tax1_enabled => 1, :tax2_enabled => Confline.get_value2("Tax_2", owner).to_i, :tax3_enabled => Confline.get_value2("Tax_3", owner).to_i, :tax4_enabled => Confline.get_value2("Tax_4", owner).to_i, :tax1_name => Confline.get_value("Tax_1", owner), :tax2_name => Confline.get_value("Tax_2", owner), :tax3_name => Confline.get_value("Tax_3", owner), :tax4_name => Confline.get_value("Tax_4", owner), :total_tax_name => Confline.get_value("Total_tax_name", owner), :tax1_value => Confline.get_value("Tax_1_Value", owner).to_f, :tax2_value => Confline.get_value("Tax_2_Value", owner).to_f, :tax3_value => Confline.get_value("Tax_3_Value", owner).to_f, :tax4_value => Confline.get_value("Tax_4_Value", owner).to_f, :compound_tax => Confline.get_value("Tax_compound", owner).to_i } tax[:total_tax_name] = "TAX" if tax[:total_tax_name].blank? tax[:tax1_name] = tax[:total_tax_name].to_s if tax[:tax1_name].blank? self.assign_default_tax(tax, {:save => true}) end =begin rdoc =end def random_digit_password(size = 8) chars = ((0..9).to_a) (1..size).collect { |a| chars[rand(chars.size)] }.join end def get_tax self.assign_default_tax if end def user_type postpaid == 1 ? "postpaid" : "prepaid" end def pay_subscriptions(year, month) changed = 0 all_data = [] MorLog.my_debug("---#{username}-----------------------------------------") return all_data if blocked.to_i == 1 time = Time.mktime(year, month, 1, 23, 59, 59) time = time.next_month if user_type == "prepaid" MorLog.my_debug(" #{time.year}-#{time.month}") period_start_with_time = time.beginning_of_month period_end_with_time = time.end_of_month.change(:hour => 23, :min => 59, :sec => 59) subscriptions = subscriptions_in_period(period_start_with_time, period_end_with_time) MorLog.my_debug(" Found subscriptions : #{subscriptions.size}") b=0 subscriptions.each { |sub| if !Action.find(:first, :conditions => ["action = 'subscription_paid' AND user_id = ? AND data = ? AND target_id = ?", id, "#{time.year}-#{time.month}",]) changed = 1 sub_price = sub.price_for_period(period_start_with_time, period_end_with_time) =>, :target_id =>, :target_type => "subscription", :date =>, :action => "subscription_paid", :data => "#{time.year}-#{time.month}", :data2 => sub_price).save # if setting does not allow dropping bellow zero and balance got bellow 0 setting_disallow_balance_drop_below_zero = Confline.get_value("Disallow_prepaid_user_balance_drop_below_zero", owner_id) balance_left = self.balance - sub_price if user_type == "prepaid" and balance_left.to_f < 0.to_f and setting_disallow_balance_drop_below_zero.to_i == 1 # and block user MorLog.my_debug(" Blocking prepaid user and sending email") block_and_send_email else # pay subsciption b += sub_price end MorLog.my_debug(" Paying subscription: #{} Price: #{sub_price} balance left #{self.balance}") all_data << {:price => sub_price, :subscription => sub, :msg => "Paid now"} Payment.subscription_payment(self, sub_price) # what is the purpose of this Action? It marks subscription as paid for next month and ruins the billing! # =>, :target_id =>, :target_type =>"subscription", :date =>, :action => "subscription_paid", :data => "#{}-#{}", :data2=>sub_price).save else MorLog.my_debug(" Service already paid: #{}") #all_data << {:price => 0, :price_with_tax => 0, :subscription => sub, :msg => "Alraedy payed"} end } self.balance -= b if self.postpaid? and (self.balance + < 0) and not self.credit_unlimited? changed = 1 MorLog.my_debug(" Blocking postpaid user and sending email") block_and_send_email end save if changed.to_i == 1 MorLog.my_debug("-END-#{username}-----------------------------------------") return all_data end def user_calls_to_csv(options={}) options[:hide_finances] ||= false sep, dec = self.csv_params disposition = [] if options[:direction] == "incoming" disposition << " ((devices.user_id = #{} ) OR (dids.user_id = #{}))" disposition << " calls.dst_device_id = #{options[:device].id} " if options[:device] else disposition << " calls.user_id = #{}" disposition << " calls.src_device_id = #{options[:device].id} " if options[:device] end disposition << " disposition = '#{options[:call_type]}' " if options[:call_type] != "all" disposition << " calls.hangupcause = #{options[:hgc].code} " if options[:hgc] disposition << " calls.card_id = 0" disposition << " calldate BETWEEN '#{options[:date_from]}' AND '#{options[:date_till]}'" default_currency = options[:default_currency] show_currency = options[:show_currency] if default_currency != show_currency curr3er = Currency.find(:first, :select => "exchange_rate as 'ex'", :conditions => "name = '#{show_currency}'") end # fm1 = " ROUND(" # fm2 =" ,#{options[:nice_number_digits]}) " r1 = dec == "." ? "" : "replace(" r2 = dec == "." ? "" : ", '.', '#{dec}')" n1 = "#{r1}" #"#{r1} FORMAT(" n2 = "#{r2}" #",#{options[:nice_number_digits]})#{r2}" c1 = default_currency != show_currency ? " * #{curr3er.ex.to_f} " : "" select = [] select2 = [] format = Confline.get_value('Date_format', self.owner_id).gsub('M', 'i') select2 << SqlExport.nice_date('calldate', {:reference => 'calldate', :format => format, :tz => options[:tx]}) select2 << "src, dst, direction" select2 << "prov_name" if options[:usertype] == "admin" select2 << "duration, disposition" select << "calls.calldate" select << "IF(#{options[:show_full_src].to_i} = 1 AND CHAR_LENGTH(clid)>0 AND clid REGEXP'\"' , CONCAT(src, ' ' ,REPLACE(SUBSTRING_INDEX(clid, '\"', 2), '\"', '('), ')'), src) as 'src'" options[:usertype] == 'user' ? select << hide_dst_for_user_sql(self, "csv", "calls.dst", {:as => "dst"}) : select << "calls.dst" select << "CONCAT(IF( IS NULL, '',, ' ', IF( IS NULL, '',, ' ', IF(destinations.subcode IS NULL, '',destinations.subcode)) as 'direction'" select << "IF( IS NULL, '', as 'prov_name' " if options[:usertype] == "admin" select << "IF(calls.billsec > 0, calls.billsec, CEIL(calls.real_billsec) ) as 'duration'" select << "calls.disposition" unless options[:hide_finances] if options[:direction] == "incoming" if options[:usertype] == "admin" select2 << SqlExport.replace_price("#{n1}user_price3#{n2}", {:reference => 'user_price3'}) select2 << SqlExport.replace_price("#{n1}provider_price3#{n2}", {:reference => 'provider_price3'}) select2 << SqlExport.replace_price("#{n1}did_price3#{n2}", {:reference => 'did_price3'}) select2 << SqlExport.replace_price("#{n1}(user_price3+provider_price3+did_price3)#{n2}", {:reference => 'profit'}) select << "#{n1}calls.did_prov_price#{c1}#{n2} as 'user_price3'" select << "#{n1}calls.did_inc_price#{c1}#{n2} as 'provider_price3'" select << "#{n1}calls.did_price#{c1}#{n2} as 'did_price3'" end if options[:usertype] == "reseller" select2 << SqlExport.replace_price("#{n1}did_price3#{n2}", {:reference => 'did_price3'}) select << "#{n1}calls.did_price#{c1}#{n2} as 'did_price3'" end if options[:usertype] == "user" select2 << SqlExport.replace_price("#{n1}user_price3#{n2}", {:reference => 'user_price3'}) select << "#{n1} calls.did_price #{c1} #{n2} as 'user_price3'" end else select2 << SqlExport.replace_price("#{n1}user_price3#{n2}", {:reference => 'user_price3'}) select << "#{n1} calls.user_price #{c1} #{n2} as 'user_price3'" if options[:usertype] != "admin" if options[:usertype] == "admin" select2 << SqlExport.replace_price("#{n1}provider_price3#{n2}", {:reference => 'provider_price3'}) select2 << SqlExport.replace_price("#{n1}(user_price3-provider_price3)#{n2}", {:reference => 'profit'}) select << "IF(calls.reseller_id > 0, calls.reseller_price#{c1} , calls.user_price#{c1}) as 'user_price3'" select << "IF(calls.provider_price IS NOT NULL, calls.provider_price#{c1}, 0) as 'provider_price3'" end if options[:usertype] == "reseller" select2 << SqlExport.replace_price("#{n1}provider_price3#{n2}", {:reference => 'provider_price3'}) select << "IF(calls.reseller_id = 0, calls.user_price#{c1}, calls.reseller_price#{c1}) as 'provider_price3'" select2 << SqlExport.replace_price("#{n1}(user_price3-provider_price3)#{n2}", {:reference => 'profit'}) end if options[:usertype] != "user" select2 << "IF( (((user_price3-provider_price3) / user_price3 ) *100) IS NULL, 0, #{n1}(((user_price3-provider_price3) / user_price3 ) *100) #{n2}) as 'm1'" select2 << "IF(( ((user_price3 / provider_price3) *100)-100 ) IS NULL, 0 , #{n1}( ((user_price3 / provider_price3) *100)-100 )#{n2}) as 'm2'" end end end if options[:usertype] == "admin" select << "calls.originator_ip as 'oip'" select << "calls.terminator_ip as 'tip'" select << "IF(calls.real_duration = 0, duration, real_duration) as 'real_duration2'" select << "IF(calls.real_billsec = 0, billsec, real_billsec) as 'real_billsec2'" select2 << "oip" select2 << "tip" select2 << "#{n1}real_duration2#{n2} as real_duration2" select2 << "#{n1}real_billsec2#{n2} as real_billsec2" end jn = [] jn << "LEFT JOIN destinations ON (calls.prefix = destinations.prefix)" jn << "LEFT JOIN directions ON (directions.code = destinations.direction_code)" jn << "JOIN devices ON ( = calls.dst_device_id)" if options[:direction] == "incoming" jn << "LEFT JOIN dids ON (calls.did_id =" if options[:direction] == "incoming" jn << "LEFT JOIN providers ON ( = calls.provider_id)" if options[:usertype] == "admin" filename = "CDR-#{" ", "_")}-#{options[:date_from].gsub(" ", "_").gsub(":", "_")}-#{options[:date_till].gsub(" ", "_").gsub(":", "_")}-#{".", "")}-#{options[:direction]}-#{show_currency}" sql = "SELECT * " if options[:test] != 1 sql += " INTO OUTFILE '/tmp/#{filename}.csv' FIELDS TERMINATED BY '#{sep}' OPTIONALLY ENCLOSED BY '#{''}' ESCAPED BY '#{"\\\\"}' LINES TERMINATED BY '#{"\\n"}' " end disp = disposition.join(" AND ") disp = "(#{disp}) OR (calls.reseller_id = #{} AND calldate BETWEEN '#{options[:date_from]}' AND '#{options[:date_till]}')" if options[:reseller].to_i == 1 sql += " FROM ("+ "SELECT #{select2.join(" , ")} FROM ((SELECT #{select.join(" , ")} FROM calls #{jn.join(" ")} WHERE #{disp} ORDER BY calls.calldate DESC)) as temp_a) as temp_c;" # MorLog.my_debug(sql) if options[:test].to_i == 1 mysql_res = ActiveRecord::Base.connection.select_all(sql) filename += mysql_res.to_yaml.to_s else mysql_res = ActiveRecord::Base.connection.execute(sql) end return filename end def user_last_calls_order(options={}) cond = [] cond << "(calldate BETWEEN '#{options[:from]}' AND '#{options[:till]}')" cond << "(dst_device_id = #{options[:device].id} OR src_device_id = #{options[:device].id})" if options[:device].to_i > 0 cond << " disposition = '#{options[:call_type]}' " if options[:call_type] != "all" cond << " calls.hangupcause = #{options[:hgc].code} " if options[:hgc] cond << "(calls.reseller_id = '#{}' OR devices.user_id = '#{}')" if self.usertype=='reseller' cond << "devices.user_id = '#{}'" if self.usertype=='user' jn = [] jn << 'LEFT JOIN users ON (calls.user_id =' jn << 'LEFT JOIN users AS resellers ON (calls.reseller_id =' jn << 'LEFT JOIN providers ON (calls.provider_id =' jn << 'LEFT JOIN dids ON (calls.did_id =' jn << 'LEFT JOIN cards ON (calls.card_id =' jn << 'JOIN devices ON (calls.src_device_id = OR calls.dst_device_id =' if self.usertype!='admin' and self.usertype != "accountant" jn2 = 'JOIN devices ON (calls.src_device_id = OR calls.dst_device_id =' if self.usertype!='admin' and self.usertype != "accountant" select = self.usertype=='reseller' ? ' DISTINCT calls.*' : 'calls.*' if options[:csv] == 1 s =[] format = Confline.get_value('Date_format', self.owner_id).gsub('M', 'i') s << SqlExport.nice_date('calldate', {:reference => 'calldate', :format => format, :tz => self.time_zone}) s << "calls.src" options[:usertype] == 'user' ? s << hide_dst_for_user_sql(self, "csv", "calls.dst", {:as => "dst"}) : s << "calls.dst" s << "IF(calls.billsec = 0, IF(calls.real_billsec = 0, 0, calls.real_billsec) ,calls.billsec)" if self.usertype != 'user' or (Confline.get_value('Show_HGC_for_Resellers').to_i == 1 and self.usertype == 'reseller') s << "CONCAT(calls.disposition, '(', calls.hangupcause, ')')" else s << 'calls.disposition' end if self.usertype == "admin" or self.usertype == "accountant" s << "calls.server_id" s << "IF( IS NULL, ''," s << "IF(calls.provider_rate IS NULL, 0, calls.provider_rate), IF(calls.provider_price IS NULL, 0, calls.provider_price)" if options[:can_see_finances] if (defined?(RS_Active) and RS_Active.to_i == 1) s << "CONCAT(resellers.first_name, ' ',resellers.last_name )" s << "IF(calls.reseller_rate IS NULL, 0 , #{SqlExport.replace_price('calls.reseller_rate')}), IF(calls.reseller_price IS NULL, 0 , #{SqlExport.replace_price('calls.reseller_price')})" if options[:can_see_finances] end s << "IF(calls.card_id = 0 ,CONCAT(IF(users.first_name IS NULL, ' ', users.first_name), ' ', IF(users.last_name IS NULL, ' ', users.last_name) ), CONCAT('Card/#', cards.number))" s << "IF(calls.user_rate IS NULL, 0, #{SqlExport.replace_price('calls.user_rate')}), IF(calls.user_price IS NULL, 0, #{SqlExport.replace_price('calls.user_price')})" if options[:can_see_finances] s << "IF(dids.did IS NULL, '' , dids.did)" s << "IF(calls.did_prov_price IS NULL, 0, #{SqlExport.replace_price('calls.did_prov_price')}), IF(calls.did_inc_price IS NULL, 0, #{SqlExport.replace_price('calls.did_inc_price')}), IF(calls.did_price IS NULL, 0 , #{SqlExport.replace_price('calls.did_price')})" if options[:can_see_finances] end if self.show_billing_info == 1 and options[:can_see_finances] if self.usertype == 'reseller' s << "IF(calls.reseller_price != 0 , IF(calls.reseller_price IS NULL, 0, #{SqlExport.replace_price('calls.reseller_price')}), IF(calls.did_price IS NULL, 0, #{SqlExport.replace_price('calls.did_price')}))" end if self.usertype == 'user' s << "IF(calls.user_price != 0 , IF(calls.user_price IS NULL, 0, #{SqlExport.replace_price('calls.user_price')}), IF(calls.did_price IS NULL, 0, #{SqlExport.replace_price('calls.did_price')}))" end end filename = "Last_calls-#{" ", "_")}-#{options[:from].gsub(" ", "_").gsub(":", "_")}-#{options[:till].gsub(" ", "_").gsub(":", "_")}-#{}" sep, dec = self.csv_params sql = "SELECT * " if options[:test] != 1 sql += " INTO OUTFILE '/tmp/#{filename}.csv' FIELDS TERMINATED BY '#{sep}' OPTIONALLY ENCLOSED BY '#{''}' ESCAPED BY '#{"\\\\"}' LINES TERMINATED BY '#{"\\n"}' " end sql += " FROM (SELECT #{s.join(', ')} FROM calls #{jn.join(' ')} WHERE #{cond.join(' AND ')} ORDER BY #{options[:order]} ) as C" if options[:test].to_i == 1 mysql_res = ActiveRecord::Base.connection.select_all(sql) filename += mysql_res.to_yaml.to_s else mysql_res = ActiveRecord::Base.connection.execute(sql) end return filename else calls = Call.find(:all, :select => select, :conditions => cond.join(' AND '), :joins => jn.join(' '), :order => options[:order], :limit => "#{((options[:page].to_i - 1) * options[:items_per_page]).to_i}, #{options[:items_per_page]}") calls_t = Call.count(:all, :conditions => cond.join(' AND '), :joins => jn2) return calls, calls_t.to_i end end def update_voicemail_boxes device_ids = Device.find(:all, :select => "id", :conditions => ["user_id = ?",]).map(&:id) VoicemailBox.update_all(["fullname = ?", [self.first_name.to_s, self.last_name.to_s].join(" ")], "device_id in (#{device_ids.join(", ")})") if device_ids.size > 0 end def self.check_users_balance User.update_all("warning_email_sent = '0'", "warning_email_active = '1' AND warning_email_sent = '1' AND balance > warning_email_balance") end def get_invoices_status invoice = self.send_invoice_types if (invoice % 2) ==1 if self.prepaid? prepaid = "Prepaid_" else prepaid= "" end invoice = Confline.get_value("#{prepaid}Invoice_default").to_i end invoice >= 256 ? i8= 256 : i8=0 invoice = invoice - i8 invoice >= 128 ? i7= 128 : i7=0 invoice = invoice - i7 invoice >= 64 ? i6= 64 : i6=0 invoice = invoice - i6 invoice >= 32 ? i5= 32 : i5=0 invoice = invoice - i5 invoice >= 16 ? i4= 16 : i4=0 invoice = invoice - i4 invoice >= 8 ? i3= 8 : i3=0 invoice = invoice - i3 invoice >= 4 ? i2= 4 : i2=0 invoice = invoice - i2 invoice >= 2 ? i1= 2 : i1=0 return i1, i2, i3, i4, i5, i6, i7, i8 end def User.find_all_for_select(owner_id = nil, options ={}) opts = {:select => "id, username, first_name, last_name, #{SqlExport.nice_user_sql}", :order => "nice_user"} opts[:select] += ", "+options[:select] unless options[:select].blank? if owner_id and if options[:exclude_owner] == true opts[:conditions] = ["users.owner_id = ? AND hidden=0", owner_id] else opts[:conditions] = [" = ? or users.owner_id = ? AND hidden=0", owner_id, owner_id] end end return User.find(:all, opts) end def find_all_for_select(options = {}) User.find_all_for_select(, options) end def activecalls Activecall.find(:all, :joins => "LEFT JOIN devices ON activecalls.src_device_id = OR activecalls.dst_device_id = LEFT JOIN users ON devices.user_id =", :conditions => ["devices.user_id = ?",]) end def booth_status # we assume that booth is occupied if user has present calls @booth_status ||= if cs_invoices.any? && activecalls_since(cs_invoices.first.created_at, {:ongoing => true}).any? "occupied" # we assume that booth is reserved if there are invoices but there are no calls elsif cs_invoices.any? "reserved" else "free" end @booth_status end def activecalls_since(time, options = {}) Activecall.find( :all, :joins => "LEFT JOIN devices ON activecalls.src_device_id = OR activecalls.dst_device_id = LEFT JOIN users ON devices.user_id =", :conditions => ["devices.user_id = ? AND start_time > ? #{"AND answer_time IS NOT NULL" if options[:ongoing]}",, time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")]) end def active_booth_calls returning call_count = 0 do active_calls = calls("answered", cs_invoices.first.created_at.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"),"%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")) call_count = active_calls.size if active_calls.any? end end def can_send_sms? out = true if self.sms_service_active == 0 or not self.sms_tariff or not self.sms_lcr out = false end out end def reseller_allow_providers_tariff? self.is_reseller? and own_providers == 1 end def is_allow_manage_providers? self.is_admin? or self.reseller_allow_providers_tariff? end def can_own_providers? self.own_providers == 1 end =begin reseller is allowed view hangup cause statistics if he can have own providers(that mean rs pro has to be enabled) and global setting allowing to view hgc statistics is set to true. It would be errorneus to use this method on any other user that's type is not reseller. =end def reseller_allowed_to_view_hgc_stats? if !self.is_reseller? raise "User type error" else Confline.get_value('Show_HGC_for_Resellers').to_i == 1 and (self.reseller_allow_providers_tariff? or !rs_active?) end end def load_lcrs(*arr) if self.is_accountant? if arr[1] and arr[1].include?(:conditions) arr[1][:conditions] += ' AND user_id = 0 ' else arr[1][:conditions] = 'user_id = 0' end Lcr.find(*arr) else if !own_providers? and self.is_reseller? if arr[1] and arr[1].include?(:conditions) arr[1][:conditions] += " AND id = #{lcr_id} " else arr[1][:conditions] = "id = #{lcr_id}" end Lcr.find(*arr) else lcrs.find(*arr) end # if usertype == 'reseller' # if arr[1] and arr[1].include?(:conditions) # arr[1][:conditions] += " AND (user_id = #{id} OR id = #{lcr_id})" # else # arr[1][:conditions] = " user_id = #{id} OR id = #{lcr_id}" # end # Lcr.find(*arr) # else # lcrs.find(*arr) # end end end def safe_attributtes(params, id) logger.fatal params[:time_zone] if ['reseller', 'user'].include?(usertype) allow_params = [:time_zone, :spy_device_id, :currency_id, :password, :warning_email_balance, :warning_email_hour, :first_name, :last_name, :clientid, :taxation_country, :vat_number, :acc_group_id] allow_params += [:accounting_number, :generate_invoice, :username, :tariff_id, :postpaid, :call_limit, :blocked, :agreement_number, :language, :warning_balance_sound_file_id, :warning_balance_call, :quickforwards_rule_id] if usertype == 'reseller' and id.to_i != allow_params += [:lcr_id] if params[:lcr_id] and reseller_allow_providers_tariff? and id.to_i != and User.current.load_lcrs(:first, :conditions => "id = #{params[:lcr_id]}") unless self.check_for_own_providers allow_params +=[:recording_hdd_quota, :recordings_email, :hide_destination_end, :cyberplat_active,] end return params.reject { |key, value| !allow_params.include?(key.to_sym) } else return params end end def load_providers(*arr) if self.is_reseller? if arr[1] and arr[1].include?(:conditions) arr[1][:conditions] += " AND (user_id = #{id} OR (common_use = 1 and IN (SELECT provider_id FROM common_use_providers where reseller_id = #{id})))" else arr[1][:conditions] = "(user_id = #{id} OR (common_use = 1 and IN (SELECT provider_id FROM common_use_providers where reseller_id = #{id})))" end Provider.find(*arr) else providers.find(*arr) end end # also counts providers for terminator def load_terminators if self.is_reseller? Terminator.find_by_sql("SELECT terminators.*, count( AS providers_size FROM terminators LEFT JOIN providers ON (providers.terminator_id = WHERE terminators.user_id = #{id} or providers.common_use = 1 AND IN (SELECT provider_id FROM common_use_providers where reseller_id = #{id}) GROUP BY;") else Terminator.find_by_sql("SELECT terminators.*, count( AS providers_size FROM terminators LEFT JOIN providers ON (providers.terminator_id = WHERE terminators.user_id = 0 GROUP BY;") end end def load_terminator(term_id) if self.is_reseller? Terminator.find_by_sql("SELECT terminators.* FROM terminators WHERE = #{term_id} AND (terminators.user_id = #{id} OR IN (SELECT terminator_id FROM providers WHERE providers.common_use = 1)) LIMIT 1;")[0] else Terminator.find(:first, :conditions => [" = ? AND terminators.user_id = 0", term_id]) end end def load_terminators_ids if self.is_reseller? Terminator.find_by_sql("SELECT FROM terminators LEFT JOIN providers ON (providers.terminator_id = WHERE terminators.user_id = #{id} or providers.common_use = 1 GROUP BY;").map { |t| } else Terminator.find(:all, :conditions => ["terminators.user_id = 0",]).map(&:id) end end def check_for_own_providers o = false if self.reseller_allow_providers_tariff? or (usertype == 'user' and self.owner and self.owner.reseller_allow_providers_tariff?) o = true end return o end def load_users(*arr) if arr[1] and arr[1].include?(:select) arr[1][:select] += " #{SqlExport.nice_user_sql}" else arr[1]= {} if not arr[1] arr[1][:select] = "*, #{SqlExport.nice_user_sql}" end arr[1][:order] = 'nice_user' if self.is_reseller? if arr[1] and arr[1].include?(:conditions) arr[1][:conditions] += " AND (user_id = #{id} AND hidden = 0)" else arr[1]= {} if not arr[1] arr[1][:conditions] = "owner_id = #{id} AND hidden = 0" end User.find(*arr) else User.find(*arr) end end def load_users_devices(*arr) if self.is_reseller? arr[1][:joins] ||= "" arr[1][:joins] += "LEFT JOIN users ON (devices.user_id =" arr[1][:select] = "devices.*" if arr[1] and arr[1].include?(:conditions) arr[1][:conditions] += " AND (users.owner_id = #{id} AND users.hidden = 0)" else arr[1][:conditions] = "users.owner_id = #{id} AND users.hidden = 0" end Device.find(*arr) else Device.find(*arr) end end def load_dids(*arr) if self.is_reseller? if arr[1] and arr[1].include?(:conditions) arr[1][:conditions] += " AND (dids.reseller_id = #{id})" else if arr[1] arr[1][:conditions] = "dids.reseller_id = #{id}" else arr << {:conditions => "dids.reseller_id = #{id}"} end end Did.find(*arr) else Did.find(*arr) end end def User.users_order_by(params, options) case options[:order_by].to_s.strip.to_s when "acc" order_by = "" when "nice_user" order_by = "nice_user" when "user" order_by = "nice_user" when "username" order_by = "users.username" when "usertype" order_by = "users.usertype" when "balance" order_by = "users.balance" when "account_type" order_by = "users.postpaid" else order_by = options[:order_by] end if order_by != "" order_by += (options[:order_desc].to_i == 0 ? " ASC" : " DESC") end return order_by end def convert_curr(rate) rate * User.current.currency.exchange_rate.to_f end # converted attributes for user in current user currency def balance b = read_attribute(:balance) if User.current and User.current.currency b.to_f * User.current.currency.exchange_rate.to_f else b.to_f end end def balance_with_vat self.get_tax.apply_tax(self.balance) end def balance= value if User.current and User.current.currency b = (value.to_f / User.current.currency.exchange_rate.to_f).to_f else b = value end write_attribute(:balance, b) end def credit c = read_attribute(:credit) if User.current and User.current.currency c.to_f != -1.to_f ? c.to_f * User.current.currency.exchange_rate.to_f : -1.to_f else c end end =begin TODO: prepaid user cannot have credit set especialy if credit is something invalid like 20, -1 etc. maybe 0 could be set but i doubt that, cause PREPAID USER DOES NOT HAVE CREDIT how is it posible to set something one does not have??? well at least we should rise exception, if not hide this method. but not today cause this might break to many things =end def credit= value #if prepaid? # raise "Cannot set credit for prepaid user" if User.current and User.current.currency c = value == -1 ? -1 : (value.to_f / User.current.currency.exchange_rate.to_f).to_f else c = value end write_attribute(:credit, c) end def warning_email_balance b = read_attribute(:warning_email_balance) if User.current and User.current.currency b.to_f * User.current.currency.exchange_rate.to_f else b.to_f end end def warning_email_balance= value if User.current and User.current.currency b = (value.to_f / User.current.currency.exchange_rate.to_f).to_f else b = value end write_attribute(:warning_email_balance, b) end def fix_when_is_rendering self.balance = balance * User.current.currency.exchange_rate.to_f = credit * User.current.currency.exchange_rate.to_f if credit != -1 self.warning_email_balance = warning_email_balance * User.current.currency.exchange_rate.to_f end def find_sound_files_for_ivrs(id = nil) if id res = ivr_sound_files.find(:all, :conditions => {:ivr_voice_id => id}) else res = ivr_sound_files end if res == nil or res.size == 0 return {} end res end def load_tariffs owner = self.get_correct_owner_id #@sms_tariffs = SmsTariff.find(:all, :conditions => "(tariff_type = 'user') AND owner_id = '#{owner}' ", :order => "tariff_type ASC, name ASC") if Confline.get_value("User_Wholesale_Enabled").to_i == 0 cond = " AND purpose = 'user' " else cond = " AND (purpose = 'user' OR purpose = 'user_wholesale') " end Tariff.find(:all, :conditions => "owner_id = '#{owner}' #{cond} ", :order => "purpose ASC, name ASC") end def User.create_from_registration(params, owner, reg_ip, free_ext, pin, pasw, nan, api=0) user = Confline.get_default_object(User, user.recording_enabled = 0 if !user.recording_enabled user.recording_forced_enabled = 0 if !user.recording_forced_enabled user.username = params[:username] user.password = Digest::SHA1.hexdigest(params[:password]) user.usertype = "user" user.first_name = params[:first_name] user.last_name = params[:last_name] user.clientid = params[:client_id] if params[:client_id].to_s != "" user.agreement_date = user.agreement_number = nan user.vat_number = params[:vat_number] if params[:vat_number].to_s != "" user.owner_id = user.acc_group_id = 0 #looking at code below and thinking 'FUBAR'? well mor currencies/money #is FUBAR, that's just a hack to get around. ticket #5041 user.balance = owner.to_system_currency(owner.to_system_currency(user.balance)) = 0 if user.prepaid? if user.owner_id != 0 reseller = User.find_by_id(user.owner_id) if reseller and reseller.own_providers.to_i == 1 lcr_id = Confline.get_value("Default_User_lcr_id", if reseller.load_lcrs(:first, :conditions => ['id=?', lcr_id]) user.lcr_id = lcr_id end else user.lcr_id = reseller.lcr_id if reseller end user.allow_loss_calls = reseller.allow_loss_calls if reseller end address = Confline.get_default_object(Address, address.direction_id = params[:country_id] if params[:country_id].to_s != "" address.state = params[:state] if params[:state].to_s != "" address.county = params[:county] if params[:county].to_s != "" = params[:city] if params[:city].to_s != "" address.postcode = params[:postcode] if params[:postcode].to_s != "" address.address = params[:address] if params[:address].to_s != "" = params[:phone] if params[:phone].to_s != "" address.mob_phone = params[:mob_phone] if params[:mob_phone].to_s != "" address.fax = params[:fax] if params[:fax].to_s != "" = params[:email] if params[:email].to_s != "" #If registering through API, taxation country by default is same #as country. ticket #5071 if api == 1 user.taxation_country = address.direction_id end tax = Confline.get_default_object(Tax, = tax user.address_id = # my_debug @user.to_yaml dev_group = dev_group.user_id = dev_group.address_id = = "primary" dev_group.added = dev_group.primary = 1 if Confline.get_value("Allow_registration_username_passwords_in_devices").to_i == 1 device = user.create_default_device({:device_type => params[:device_type], :dev_group =>, :free_ext => free_ext, :secret => params[:password], :username => user.username, :pin => pin}) else device = user.create_default_device({:device_type => params[:device_type], :dev_group =>, :free_ext => free_ext, :secret => pasw, :pin => pin}) end cb = (defined?(CALLB_Active) and (CALLB_Active == 1)) ? 1 : 0 if params[:mob_phone].to_s.gsub(/[^0-9]/, "").length > 0 cli ={:cli => params[:mob_phone].to_s.gsub(/[^0-9]/, ""), :device_id =>, :description => "Mobile Phone", :email_callback => cb, :added_at =>}) end if params[:phone].to_s.gsub(/[^0-9]/, "").length > 0 cli ={:cli => params[:phone].to_s.gsub(/[^0-9]/, ""), :device_id =>, :description => "Phone", :email_callback => cb, :added_at =>}) end if params[:fax].to_s.gsub(/[^0-9]/, "").length > 0 cli ={:cli => params[:fax].to_s.gsub(/[^0-9]/, ""), :device_id =>, :description => "Fax", :email_callback => cb, :added_at =>}) end begin if api.to_i == 1 a = { send_email_to_user = EmailsController.send_user_email_after_registration(user, device, params[:password], reg_ip, free_ext) EmailsController.send_admin_email_after_registration(user, device, params[:password], reg_ip, free_ext, } else send_email_to_user = EmailsController.send_user_email_after_registration(user, device, params[:password], reg_ip, free_ext) EmailsController.send_admin_email_after_registration(user, device, params[:password], reg_ip, free_ext, end rescue Exception => e notice = _('Email_not_sent_because_bad_system_configurations') end return user, send_email_to_user, device, notice end def User.validate_from_registration(params) notice = nil #error checking username = params[:username] if username.to_s.blank? notice = _('Please_enter_username') end if User.find(:first, :conditions => ["username = ?", username]) and notice.blank? notice = _('Such_username_is_allready_taken') end if params[:password] != params[:password2] and notice.blank? notice = _('Passwords_do_not_match') end if (!params[:password] or params[:password].length < 5 or (Confline.get_value("Allow_registration_username_passwords_in_devices").to_i == 1 and Confline.get_value("Allow_short_passwords_in_devices").to_i == 0 and params[:password].length < 8)) and notice.blank? notice = _('Password_is_too_short') end if params[:password].blank? and notice.blank? notice = _('Please_enter_password') end if params[:password] == username and notice.blank? notice = _('Please_enter_password_not_equal_to_username') end if params[:first_name].blank? and notice.blank? notice = _('Please_enter_first_name') end if params[:last_name].blank? and notice.blank? notice = _('Please_enter_last_name') end if (params[:country_id].blank? or !Direction.find(:first, :conditions => {:id => params[:country_id]})) and notice.blank? notice = _('Please_select_country') end if (params[:email].blank? or !Email.address_validation(params[:email])) and notice.blank? notice = _('Please_enter_email') end if !params[:email].to_s.blank? and Address.find(:first, :conditions => ['email=?', params[:email]]) and notice.blank? notice = _('This_email_address_is_already_in_use') end if params[:mob_phone].to_s.gsub(/[^0-9]/, "").length > 0 and notice.blank? if Callerid.count(:conditions => {:cli => params[:mob_phone].to_s.gsub(/[^0-9]/, "")}) > 0 notice = _('User_with_mobile_phone_already_exists') end end if params[:phone].to_s.gsub(/[^0-9]/, "").length > 0 and notice.blank? if Callerid.count(:conditions => {:cli => params[:phone].to_s.gsub(/[^0-9]/, "")}) > 0 notice = _('User_with_phone_already_exists') end end if params[:fax].to_s.gsub(/[^0-9]/, "").length > 0 and notice.blank? if Callerid.count(:conditions => {:cli => params[:fax].to_s.gsub(/[^0-9]/, "")}) > 0 notice = _('User_with_fax_already_exists') end end if (!params[:device_type] or !['SIP', 'IAX2'].include?(params[:device_type])) and notice.blank? notice = _('Enter_device_type') end u = User.find(:first, :conditions => ["uniquehash = ?", params[:id]]) if (!params[:id] or !u) and notice.blank? notice = _('Dont_be_so_smart') else if Confline.count(:conditions => "owner_id = #{} AND name LIKE 'Default_User_%'").to_i == 0 notice = _('Default_user_is_not_present') elsif (!Tariff.find(:first, :conditions => {:owner_id =>}) or !Tariff.find(:first, :conditions => {:id => Confline.get_value('Default_user_tariff_id',})) and notice.blank? notice = _('Tariff_not_found_cannot_create') else #if u.usertype != 'reseller' and u.own_providers != 0 u_id = u u_id = u = User.find(:first, :conditions => ["id=?", 0]) if u.usertype == 'reseller' and u.own_providers.to_i == 0 if (!u_id.lcrs.find(:first) or !u_id.lcrs.find(:first, :conditions => {:id => Confline.get_value('Default_user_lcr_id',})) and notice.blank? notice = _('Default_user_does_not_have_LCR') end #end end end if Confline.mor_11_extended? and notice.blank? and Confline.get_value("Registration_Enable_VAT_checking", == 1 if params[:vat_number] and params[:country_id] dr = Direction.find(:first, :conditions => {:id => params[:country_id]}) if params[:vat_number].blank? if Confline.get_value("Registration_allow_vat_blank", == 0 notice = _('Please_fill_field_TAX_Registration_Number') end else if dr and ['BG', 'CS', 'DA', 'DE', 'EL', 'EN', 'ES', 'ET', 'FI', 'FR', 'HU', 'IT', 'LT', 'LV', 'MT', 'NL', 'PL', 'PT', 'RO', 'SK', 'SL', 'SV'].include?(dr.code.to_s[0..1]) notice = _('TAX_Registration_Number_is_not_valid') if !User.check_vat_for_user(params[:vat_number], dr.code.to_s[0..1]) end end end end return notice end def update_from_edit(params, current_user, tax_from_params, monitoring_a, rec_a, api = 0) user_old = self.clone if api == 1 invoice = 0 invoice += params[:i1].to_i if params[:i1] invoice += params[:i2].to_i if params[:i2] invoice += params[:i3].to_i if params[:i3] invoice += params[:i4].to_i if params[:i4] invoice += params[:i5].to_i if params[:i5] invoice += params[:i6].to_i if params[:i6] invoice += params[:i7].to_i if params[:i7] invoice += params[:i8].to_i if params[:i8] self.send_invoice_types = invoice if params[:i1] or params[:i2] or params[:i3] or params[:i4] or params[:i5] or params[:i6] or params[:i7] or params[:i8] else i1=params[:i1] i2=params[:i2] i3=params[:i3] i4=params[:i4] i5=params[:i5] i6=params[:i6] i7=params[:i7] i8=params[:i8] invoice = i1.to_i+i2.to_i+i3.to_i+i4.to_i+i5.to_i+i6.to_i+i7.to_i+i8.to_i self.send_invoice_types = invoice end self.update_attributes(current_user.safe_attributtes(params[:user], Action.add_action_hash(, {:action => 'user_edited', :target_id =>, :target_type => "user"}) if api == 1 if params[:unlimited] and params[:unlimited].to_i == 1 = -1 else = params[:credit].to_f if params[:credit] = 0 if < 0 if params[:credit] end else if params[:unlimited].to_i == 1 and params[:user][:postpaid] == 1 = -1 else = params[:credit].to_f = 0 if < 0 end if self.postpaid? and Confline.mor_11_extended? #prepaid user cannot have minimal charge enabled #if minimal charge is 0 it means it is disabled #so if minimal charge is not numeric or was not even supplied we convert #it to 0 and dont bother any more. #view should take case that passed value is numeric or empty string, #so no need to check for that either. #but minimal charge daytime must be supplied if minimal charge is enabled. #if it is disabled set datetime to nil self.minimal_charge = params[:minimal_charge_value].to_i if params[:user][:postpaid] == 0 self.minimal_charge = 0 self.minimal_charge_start_at = nil elsif params[:minimal_charge_value].to_i != 0 and params[:minimal_charge_date] year = params[:minimal_charge_date][:year].to_i month = params[:minimal_charge_date][:month].to_i self.minimal_charge_start_at =, month, 1) elsif params[:minimal_charge_value].to_i == 0 self.minimal_charge_start_at = nil else #set to current datetime, when saveing model, it should cause error #because when minimal charge is disabled datetime should be disabled self.minimal_charge_start_at =,, 1) end end end if self and user_old if self.tariff_id.to_i != user_old.tariff_id.to_i tariff = nil tariff = Tariff.find(:first, :conditions => ["id = ?", self.tariff_id.to_i]) if self and self.tariff_id.to_i > 0 !tariff ? tariff_name = "" : tariff_name = tariff_old = nil tariff_old = Tariff.find(:first, :conditions => ["id = ?", user_old.tariff_id.to_i]) if user_old and user_old.tariff_id.to_i > 0 !tariff_old ? tariff_old_name = "" : tariff_old_name = Action.add_action_hash(, {:action => 'user_tariff_changed', :target_id =>, :target_type => "user", :data => tariff_old_name, :data2 => tariff_name}) end if user_old.user_type != self.user_type Action.add_action_hash(, {:action => 'user_type_change_to', :target_id =>, :target_type => "user", :data => self.user_type}) end if user_old.postpaid != self.postpaid Action.add_action_hash(, {:action => 'postpaid_change_to', :target_id =>, :target_type => "user", :data => self.postpaid}) end if != Action.add_action_hash(, {:action => 'user_credit_change', :target_id =>, :target_type => "user", :data =>, :data2 =>}) end if user_old.lcr_id != self.lcr_id Action.add_action_hash(, {:action => 'user_lcr_change', :target_id =>, :target_type => "user", :data => user_old.lcr_id, :data2 => self.lcr_id}) end self.update_voicemail_boxes if (user_old.first_name != self.first_name) or (user_old.last_name != self.last_name) end self.password = Digest::SHA1.hexdigest(params[:password][:password]) if params[:password] and !params[:password][:password].blank? if api == 1 if params[:agr_date][:year] and params[:agr_date][:month] and params[:agr_date][:day] self.agreement_date = params[:agr_date][:year].to_s + "-" + params[:agr_date][:month].to_s + "-" + params[:agr_date][:day].to_s end else self.agreement_date = params[:agr_date][:year].to_s + "-" + params[:agr_date][:month].to_s + "-" + params[:agr_date][:day].to_s end if api == 1 if params[:block_at_date][:year] and params[:block_at_date][:month] and params[:block_at_date][:day] self.block_at = params[:block_at_date][:year].to_s + "-" + params[:block_at_date][:month].to_s + "-" + params[:block_at_date][:day].to_s end else self.block_at = params[:block_at_date][:year].to_s + "-" + params[:block_at_date][:month].to_s + "-" + params[:block_at_date][:day].to_s end if api == 1 self.block_at_conditional = params[:block_at_conditional].to_i if params[:block_at_conditional] else self.block_at_conditional = params[:block_at_conditional].to_i end if api == 1 self.allow_loss_calls = params[:allow_loss_calls].to_i if params[:allow_loss_calls] else self.allow_loss_calls = params[:allow_loss_calls].to_i end if api == 1 self.warning_email_active = params[:warning_email_active].to_i if params[:warning_email_active] else self.warning_email_active = params[:warning_email_active].to_i end if api == 1 if params[:warning_email_balance] if self.warning_email_balance.to_f != params[:warning_email_balance].to_f self.warning_email_sent = 0 end end else if self.warning_email_balance.to_f != params[:warning_email_balance].to_f self.warning_email_sent = 0 end end if api == 1 self.invoice_zero_calls = params[:show_zero_calls].to_i if params[:show_zero_calls] else self.invoice_zero_calls = params[:show_zero_calls].to_i end #self.provider = params[:provider].to_i tax = tax_from_params unless self.assign_default_tax end if self.is_reseller? if api == 1 self.own_providers = params[:own_providers].to_i if params[:own_providers] else self.own_providers = params[:own_providers].to_i end end # this piece of code is not necessary because following code changes lcr_id for all user of reseller #change LCR for all users of reseller if self.is_reseller? and own_providers.to_i == 0 Action.add_action_hash(, {:action => 'reseller_lcr_change', :target_id => id, :target_type => "user", :data => user_old.lcr_id, :data2 => lcr_id}) User.find(:all, :conditions => ["owner_id = ?", id]).each { |res_user| res_user.lcr_id = lcr_id } Cardgroup.find(:all, :conditions => ["owner_id = ?", id]).each { |cg| cg.lcr_id =lcr_id } clean_after_own_providers_disable end if monitoring_a if api == 1 self.ignore_global_monitorings = params[:ignore_global_monitorings].to_i if params[:ignore_global_monitorings] else self.ignore_global_monitorings = params[:ignore_global_monitorings].to_i end end if api == 1 self.block_conditional_use = params[:block_conditional_use].to_i if params[:block_conditional_use] else self.block_conditional_use = params[:block_conditional_use].to_i end if rec_a if api == 1 self.recording_enabled = params[:recording_enabled].to_i if params[:recording_enabled] else self.recording_enabled = params[:recording_enabled].to_i end if api == 1 self.recording_forced_enabled = params[:recording_forced_enabled].to_i if params[:recording_forced_enabled] else self.recording_forced_enabled = params[:recording_forced_enabled].to_i end if api == 1 self.recording_hdd_quota = params[:user][:recording_hdd_quota].to_f * 1048576 if params[:user][:recording_hdd_quota] else self.recording_hdd_quota = params[:user][:recording_hdd_quota].to_f * 1048576 end end if self.address self.address.update_attributes(params[:address]) else a = Address.create(params[:address]) self.address_id = end if params[:warning_email_active] if params[:user] and params[:date] self.warning_email_hour = params[:user][:warning_email_hour].to_i != -1 ? params[:date][:user_warning_email_hour].to_i : params[:user][:warning_email_hour].to_i end end return self end def warning_email_hour b = read_attribute(:warning_email_hour) if b != -1 c = b.to_f + time_zone.to_f - User.system_time_ofset.to_f b = c.to_i > 24 ? c - 24 : c b = c.to_i < 0 ? c + 24 : b else b end b end def warning_email_hour= value if value != -1 b = value.to_f - time_zone.to_f + User.system_time_ofset.to_f c = b.to_i > 24 ? b - 24 : b c = b.to_i < 0 ? b + 24 : c else c = value end write_attribute(:warning_email_hour, c) end def validate_from_update(current_user, params, allow_edit, api = 0) notice = '' co = current_user.is_accountant? ? 0 : if current_user.is_accountant? and !allow_edit notice = _('You_have_no_editing_permission') end if current_user.is_reseller? and !params[:user][:usertype].blank? and params[:user][:usertype].to_s != "user" notice = _('Dont_be_so_smart') end if current_user.is_accountant? and !params[:user][:usertype].blank? and params[:user][:usertype] == "admin" notice = _('Dont_be_so_smart') end if !params[:user][:tariff_id].blank? and !Tariff.find(:first, :conditions => {:id => params[:user][:tariff_id], :owner_id => co}) notice = _('Tariff_not_found') end params[:user] = params[:user].each_value(&:strip!) params[:address] = params[:address].each_value(&:strip!) if params[:address] params[:user].delete(:balance) if api == 1 if params[:user][:generate_invoice] params[:user][:generate_invoice].to_i == 1 ? params[:user][:generate_invoice] = 1 : params[:user][:generate_invoice] = 0 end else params[:user][:generate_invoice].to_i == 1 ? params[:user][:generate_invoice] = 1 : params[:user][:generate_invoice] = 0 end #my_debug "generate_invoice: " + params[:user][:generate_invoice].to_s if api == 1 if params[:user][:cyberplat_active] params[:cyberplat_active].to_i == 1 ? params[:user][:cyberplat_active] = 1 : params[:user][:cyberplat_active] = 0 end else params[:cyberplat_active].to_i == 1 ? params[:user][:cyberplat_active] = 1 : params[:user][:cyberplat_active] = 0 end if params[:user][:call_limit] params[:user][:call_limit]=params[:user][:call_limit].strip if params[:user][:call_limit].to_i < 0 params[:user][:call_limit] = 0 end end if api == 1 if ["accountant", "reseller"].include?(params[:user][:usertype]) and params[:accountant_type] params[:user][:acc_group_id] = params[:accountant_type].to_i end else if ["accountant", "reseller"].include?(params[:user][:usertype]) params[:user][:acc_group_id] = params[:accountant_type].to_i else params[:user][:acc_group_id] = 0 end end # privacy if api == 1 if params[:privacy] if !params[:privacy][:gui] and !params[:privacy][:csv] and !params[:privacy][:pdf] if params[:privacy][:global].to_i == 1 params[:user][:hide_destination_end] = -1 end else params[:user][:hide_destination_end] = params[:privacy].values.sum { |v| v.to_i } end end else if params[:privacy] if params[:privacy][:global].to_i == 1 params[:user][:hide_destination_end] = -1 else params[:user][:hide_destination_end] = params[:privacy].values.sum { |v| v.to_i } end end end if params[:usertype] and !['user', 'accountant', 'reseller'].include?(params[:usertype]) params[:usertype] = usertype end ['tax2_enabled', 'tax3_enabled', 'tax4_enabled', 'own_providers', 'recording_enabled', 'recording_forced_enabled', 'compound_tax', 'show_zero_calls', 'unlimited', 'ignore_global_monitorings', 'block_conditional_use', 'warning_email_active'].each { |p| if params[p.to_sym].to_i > 0 params[p.to_sym] = 1 else params[p.to_sym] = 0 if params[p.to_sym] end } params[:user][:warning_balance_call] = params[:user][:warning_balance_call].to_i > 0 ? 1 : 0 if params[:user][:warning_balance_call] params[:user][:generate_invoice] = params[:user][:generate_invoice].to_i > 0 ? 1 : 0 if params[:user][:generate_invoice] params[:user][:postpaid] = params[:user][:postpaid].to_i > 0 ? 1 : 0 if params[:user][:postpaid] params[:user][:hidden] = params[:user][:hidden].to_i > 0 ? 1 : 0 if params[:user][:hidden] params[:user][:blocked] = params[:user][:blocked].to_i > 0 ? 1 : 0 if params[:user][:blocked] params[:privacy][:global] = params[:privacy][:global].to_i > 0 ? 1 : 0 if params[:privacy] if current_user.is_accountant? s ={} group = current_user.acc_group rights = AccRight.find( :all, :select => ", acc_group_rights.value", :joins => "LEFT JOIN acc_group_rights ON (acc_group_rights.acc_right_id = AND acc_group_rights.acc_group_id = #{})", :conditions => "acc_rights.right_type = 'accountant'" ) short = {"accountant" => "acc", "reseller" => "res"} rights.each { |right| name = "#{short[current_user.usertype]}_#{right[:name].downcase}".to_sym if right[:value].nil? s[name] = 0 else s[name] = ((right[:value].to_i >= 2 and group.only_view) ? 1 : right[:value].to_i) end } params = current_user.sanitize_user_params_by_accountant_permissions(s, params, self.clone) #'user[warning_balance_call]', 'user[generate_invoice]', 'privacy[global]', end return notice, params end def sanitize_user_params_by_accountant_permissions(session, params, user = nil) if self.is_accountant? if session[:acc_user_create_opt_1] != 2 params[:password] = nil end {:acc_user_create_opt_2 => [:usertype], :acc_user_create_opt_3 => [:lcr_id], :acc_user_create_opt_4 => [:tariff_id], :acc_user_create_opt_5 => [:balance], :acc_user_create_opt_6 => [:postpaid, :hidden], :acc_user_create_opt_7 => [:call_limit] }.each { |option, fields| fields.each { |field| params[:user].except!(field) if session[option] != 2 } } params[:password] = nil if user and user.usertype == "admin" end params end def sanitize_device_params_by_accountant_permissions(session, params, user = nil) if self.is_accountant? params[:device] = params[:device].except(:pin) if session[:acc_device_pin].to_i != 2 if params[:device] params[:device] = params[:device].except(:extension) if session[:acc_device_edit_opt_1] != 2 if params[:device] if session[:acc_device_edit_opt_2] != 2 and params[:device] params[:device] = params[:device].except(:name) params[:device] = params[:device].except(:secret) end params = params.except(:cid_name) if session[:acc_device_edit_opt_3] != 2 if !params.blank? params = params.except(:cid_number) if session[:acc_device_edit_opt_4] != 2 if !params.blank? end params end def dids_for_select(status = nil) cond = [" > 0"] var = [] cond << "dids.reseller_id = ?" and var << id if usertype == 'reseller' cond << "status = '#{status}' and reseller_id = 0" if !status.blank? and status == 'free' cond << "device_id != 0 or dialplan_id != 0" if !status.blank? and status == 'assigned' Did.find(:all, :conditions => [cond.join(" AND ")].concat(var), :order => "dids.did ASC") end def show_active_calls? (['user', 'reseller'].include?(usertype) and Confline.get_value("Show_Active_Calls_for_Users").to_i == 1) or ['admin', 'accountant'].include?(usertype) end def check_translation trans = Translation.find(:all, :joins => "LEFT JOIN (select translation_id from user_translations where user_id = #{id}) as ua ON ( = translation_id )", :conditions => "ua.translation_id is null") if trans and trans.size.to_i > 0 trans.each { |t| u ={:translation_id =>, :user_id => id, :position => t.position, :active => 0}) } end end def user_time(time) time + time_offset.hour end =begin *Returns* integer - difference in hours between user time and system time =end def time_offset time_zone - User.system_time_ofset.to_i end def system_time(time, only_date = 0) t = time.class == 'Time' ? time : time.to_time if only_date == 0 (t - time_zone.hour + User.system_time_ofset.to_i.hour).to_s(:db) else (t - time_zone.hour + User.system_time_ofset.to_i.hour).to_date.to_s(:db) end end def User.get_zones # Keys are Rails TimeZone names, values are TZInfo identifiers m = [ ["(GMT-11:00) International Date Line West, Midway Island, Samoa", "International Date Line West", -11], #["(GMT-11:00) Midway Island" , "Midway Island", -11], #["(GMT-11:00) Samoa" , "Samoa", -11], ["(GMT-10:00) Hawaii", "Hawaii", -10], ["(GMT-09:00) Alaska", "Alaska", -9], ["(GMT-08:00) Pacific Time (US & Canada), Tijuana", "Pacific Time (US & Canada)", -8], #["(GMT-08:00) Tijuana" , "Tijuana", -8], ["(GMT-07:00) Arizona, Chihuahua, Mazatlan, Mountain Time (US & Canada)", "Arizona", -7], #["(GMT-07:00) Chihuahua" , "Chihuahua", -7], #["(GMT-07:00) Mazatlan" , "Mazatlan", -7], #["(GMT-07:00) Mountain Time (US & Canada)" , "Mountain Time (US & Canada)", -7], ["(GMT-06:00) Central Time (US & Canada), Guadalajara, Mexico City, Saskatchewan", "Central America", -6], #["(GMT-06:00) Central Time (US & Canada)" , "Central Time (US & Canada)", -6], #["(GMT-06:00) Guadalajara" , "Guadalajara", -6], #["(GMT-06:00) Mexico City" , "Mexico City", -6], #["(GMT-06:00) Monterrey" , "Monterrey", -6], #["(GMT-06:00) Saskatchewan" , "Saskatchewan", -6], ["(GMT-05:00) Bogota, Eastern Time (US & Canada), Indiana (East), Lima, Quito", "Bogota", -5], #["(GMT-05:00) Eastern Time (US & Canada)" , "Eastern Time (US & Canada)", -5], #["(GMT-05:00) Indiana (East)" , "Indiana (East)", -5], #["(GMT-05:00) Lima" , "Lima", -5], #["(GMT-05:00) Quito" , "Quito", -5], ["(GMT-04:30) Caracas", "Caracas", -4.5], ["(GMT-04:00) Atlantic Time (Canada), Georgetown, La Paz, Santiago", "Atlantic Time (Canada)", -4], # ["(GMT-04:00) Georgetown" , "Georgetown", -4], # ["(GMT-04:00) La Paz" , "La Paz", -4], # ["(GMT-04:00) Santiago" , "Santiago", -4], ["(GMT-03:30) Newfoundland", "Newfoundland", -3.5], ["(GMT-03:00) Brasilia, Buenos Aires, Greenland", "Brasilia", -3], # ["(GMT-03:00) Buenos Aires" , "Buenos Aires", -3], # ["(GMT-03:00) Greenland" , "Greenland", -3], ["(GMT-02:00) Mid-Atlantic", "Mid-Atlantic", -2], ["(GMT-01:00) Azores, Cape Verde Is", "Azores", -1], # ["(GMT-01:00) Cape Verde Is." , "Cape Verde Is.", -1], ["(GMT+00:00) Casablanca, Dublin, Edinburgh, Lisbon, London, Monrovia", "Casablanca", 0], # ["(GMT+00:00) Dublin" , "Dublin", 0], # ["(GMT+00:00) Edinburgh" , "Edinburgh", 0], # ["(GMT+00:00) Lisbon" , "Lisbon", 0], # ["(GMT+00:00) London" , "London", 0], # ["(GMT+00:00) Monrovia" , "Monrovia", 0], #["(GMT+00:00) UTC" , "UTC", 0], ["(GMT+01:00) Amsterdam, Belgrade, Berlin, Madrid, Paris, Prage, Rome ", "Amsterdam", 1], # ["(GMT+01:00) Belgrade" , "Belgrade", 1], # ["(GMT+01:00) Berlin" , "Berlin", 1], # ["(GMT+01:00) Bern" , "Bern", 1], # ["(GMT+01:00) Bratislava" , "Bratislava", 1], # ["(GMT+01:00) Brussels" , "Brussels",1], # ["(GMT+01:00) Budapest" , "Budapest",1], # ["(GMT+01:00) Copenhagen" , "Copenhagen",1], # ["(GMT+01:00) Ljubljana" , "Ljubljana",1], # ["(GMT+01:00) Madrid" , "Madrid",1], # ["(GMT+01:00) Paris" , "Paris",1], # ["(GMT+01:00) Prague" , "Prague",1], # ["(GMT+01:00) Rome" , "Rome",1], # ["(GMT+01:00) Sarajevo" , "Sarajevo",1], # ["(GMT+01:00) Skopje" , "Skopje",1], # ["(GMT+01:00) Stockholm" , "Stockholm",1], # ["(GMT+01:00) Vienna" , "Vienna",1], # ["(GMT+01:00) Warsaw" , "Warsaw",1], # ["(GMT+01:00) West Central Africa" , "West Central Africa",1], # ["(GMT+01:00) Zagreb" , "Zagreb",1], ["(GMT+02:00) Athens, Cairo, Helsinki, Istanbul, Kyiv, Minsk, Riga, Tallinn, Vilnius", "Athens", 2], # ["(GMT+02:00) Bucharest" , "Bucharest",2], # ["(GMT+02:00) Cairo" , "Cairo",2], # ["(GMT+02:00) Harare" , "Harare",2], # ["(GMT+02:00) Helsinki" , "Helsinki",2], # ["(GMT+02:00) Istanbul" , "Istanbul",2], # ["(GMT+02:00) Jerusalem" , "Jerusalem",2], # ["(GMT+02:00) Kyiv" , "Kyiv",2], # ["(GMT+02:00) Minsk" , "Minsk",2], # ["(GMT+02:00) Pretoria" , "Pretoria",2], # ["(GMT+02:00) Riga" , "Riga",2], # ["(GMT+02:00) Sofia" , "Sofia",2], # ["(GMT+02:00) Tallinn" , "Tallinn",2], # ["(GMT+02:00) Vilnius" , "Vilnius",2], ["(GMT+03:00) Baghdad, Kuwait, Nairobi, Riyadh", "Baghdad", 3], # ["(GMT+03:00) Kuwait" , "Kuwait",3], # ["(GMT+03:00) Nairobi" , "Nairobi",3], # ["(GMT+03:00) Riyadh" , "Riyadh",3], ["(GMT+03:30) Tehran", "Tehran", 3.5], ["(GMT+04:00) Abu Dhabi, Baku, Moscow, Muscat, Tbilisi, Volgograd, Yerevan", "Abu Dhabi", 4], # ["(GMT+04:00) Baku" , "Baku",4], # ["(GMT+04:00) Moscow" , "Moscow",4], # ["(GMT+04:00) Muscat" , "Muscat",4], # ["(GMT+04:00) St. Petersburg" , "St. Petersburg",4], # ["(GMT+04:00) Tbilisi" , "Tbilisi",4], # ["(GMT+04:00) Volgograd" , "Volgograd",4], # ["(GMT+04:00) Yerevan" , "Yerevan",4], #["(GMT+04:30) Kabul" , "Kabul",4.5], ["(GMT+05:00) Islamabad, Karachi, Tashkent", "Islamabad", 5], # ["(GMT+05:00) Karachi" , "Karachi",5], # ["(GMT+05:00) Tashkent" , "Tashkent",5], ["(GMT+05:30) Chennai, Kolkata, Mumbai, New Delhi, Sri Jayawardenepura", "Chennai", 5.5], #["(GMT+05:30) Kolkata" , "Kolkata",5.5], #["(GMT+05:30) Mumbai" , "Mumbai",5.5], #["(GMT+05:30) New Delhi" , "New Delhi",5.5], #["(GMT+05:30) Sri Jayawardenepura" , "Sri Jayawardenepura",5.5], ["(GMT+05:45) Kathmandu", "Kathmandu", 5.75], ["(GMT+06:00) Almaty, Astana, Dhaka, Ekaterinburg", "Almaty", 6], # ["(GMT+06:00) Astana" , "Astana",6], # ["(GMT+06:00) Dhaka" , "Dhaka",6], # ["(GMT+06:00) Ekaterinburg" , "Ekaterinburg",6], ["(GMT+06:30) Rangoon", "Rangoon", 6.5], ["(GMT+07:00) Bangkok, Hanoi, Jakarta, Novosibirsk", "Bangkok", 7], # ["(GMT+07:00) Hanoi" , "Hanoi",7], # ["(GMT+07:00) Jakarta" , "Jakarta",7], # ["(GMT+07:00) Novosibirsk" , "Novosibirsk",7], ["(GMT+08:00) Beijing, Hong Kong, Krasnoyarsk, Kuala Lumpur, Perth, Singapore, Taipei", "Beijing", 8], # ["(GMT+08:00) Chongqing" , "Chongqing",8], # ["(GMT+08:00) Hong Kong" , "Hong Kong",8], # ["(GMT+08:00) Krasnoyarsk" , "Krasnoyarsk",8], # ["(GMT+08:00) Kuala Lumpur" , "Kuala Lumpur",8], # ["(GMT+08:00) Perth" , "Perth",8], # ["(GMT+08:00) Singapore" , "Singapore",8], # ["(GMT+08:00) Taipei" , "Taipei",8], # ["(GMT+08:00) Ulaan Bataar" , "Ulaan Bataar",8], # ["(GMT+08:00) Urumqi" , "Urumqi",8], ["(GMT+09:00) Irkutsk, Osaka, Sapporo, Seoul, Tokyo", "Irkutsk", 9], # ["(GMT+09:00) Osaka" , "Osaka",9], # ["(GMT+09:00) Sapporo" , "Sapporo",9], # ["(GMT+09:00) Seoul" , "Seoul",9], # ["(GMT+09:00) Tokyo" , "Tokyo",9], ["(GMT+09:30) Adelaide, Darwin", "Adelaide", 9.5], #["(GMT+09:30) Darwin" , "Darwin",9.5], ["(GMT+10:00) Brisbane, Canberra, Hobart, Melbourne, Port Moresby, Sydney, Yakutsk", "Brisbane", 10], # ["(GMT+10:00) Canberra" , "Canberra",10], # ["(GMT+10:00) Guam" , "Guam",10], # ["(GMT+10:00) Hobart" , "Hobart",10], # ["(GMT+10:00) Melbourne" , "Melbourne",10], # ["(GMT+10:00) Port Moresby" , "Port Moresby",10], # ["(GMT+10:00) Sydney" , "Sydney",10], # ["(GMT+10:00) Yakutsk" , "Yakutsk",10], ["(GMT+11:00) New Caledonia, Vladivostok", "New Caledonia", 11], # ["(GMT+11:00) Vladivostok" , "Vladivostok",11], ["(GMT+12:00) Auckland, Fiji, Kamchatka, Magadan, Marshall Is., Solomon Is., Wellington", "Auckland", 12], # ["(GMT+12:00) Fiji" , "Fiji",12], # ["(GMT+12:00) Kamchatka" , "Kamchatka",12], # ["(GMT+12:00) Magadan" , "Magadan",12], # ["(GMT+12:00) Marshall Is." , "Marshall Is.",12], # ["(GMT+12:00) Solomon Is." , "Solomon Is.",12], # ["(GMT+12:00) Wellington" , "Wellington",12], ["(GMT+13:00) Nuku'alofa", "Nuku'alofa", 13]] #}.each { |name, zone| name.freeze; zone.freeze } #m #.freeze.sort end =begin rdoc check wheter user can see did in active calls. only admin has right to set this option, so what all users(resellers) will see depends only on admins settings *Returns* * +boolean+ - true or false depending on admin's settings =end def active_calls_show_did? Confline.active_calls_show_did? end def alow_device_types_dahdi_virt return (usertype != "reseller" or (Confline.get_value("Resellers_Allow_Use_dahdi_Device", 0).to_i != 0)), (usertype != "reseller" or (Confline.get_value("Resellers_Allow_Use_Virtual_Device", 0).to_i != 0)) end def get_correct_owner_id if self.is_accountant? or self.is_admin? return 0 elsif self.is_reseller? return id else return owner_id end end def get_corrected_owner_id (usertype == 'accountant' or usertype == 'admin') ? 0 : id end def get_price_calculation_sqls if self.is_reseller? or self.owner_id != 0 up = SqlExport.user_price_sql rp = SqlExport.reseller_price_sql pp = SqlExport.reseller_provider_price_sql else up = SqlExport.admin_user_price_sql rp = SqlExport.admin_reseller_price_sql pp = SqlExport.admin_provider_price_sql end return up, rp, pp end def invoice_zero_calls_sql(up = 'calls.user_price') invoice_zero_calls.to_i == 0 ? " AND #{up} > 0 " : "" end =begin Check whether postpaid user has unlimited credit. TODO: there is smth fishy in db, postpaid users is equals to -1. so guess what result would this method return if you would ask postpaid user whehter he has unlimited credit. TRUE!! but this is standard in mor, fixing this might break smth. TODO: should i raise exception if user is not prepaid? conceptualy prepaid user cannot event know about such thing as unlimited credit, he does not event have credit. this might break a lot of things. *Returns* +boolean+ true if user has unlimited credit number, otherwise false. =end def credit_unlimited? #if self.prepaid? # raise "Prepaid users do not have credit" == -1 end =begin Check whether user is of postpaid type *Returns* *boolean* - true or false depending on wheter user is postpaid =end def postpaid? self.postpaid.to_i == 1 end =begin Check whether user is of prepaid type *Returns* *boolean* - true or false depending on wheter user is prepaid =end def prepaid? not self.postpaid? end =begin Information whether user is postpaid or prepaid in database is saved in database in as int - 0 for prepaid, 1 for postpaid. prepaid user cannot have any credit, so it is set to 0. Notice that 1)credit is set to 0 when user is set to prepaid and 2) when credit is set we check whether user is prepaid(and should rise exception) or not. TODO: should express to others that though i doublt whether it has any sense, cause user does not have credit(NULL, VOID etc), but not has credit equal to 0. =end def set_prepaid = 0 self.postpaid = 0 end =begin Information whether user is postpaid or prepaid in database is saved in database in as int - 0 for prepaid, 1 for postpaid. =end def set_postpaid self.postpaid = 1 end =begin Check whether minimal charge for this user is enabled *Returns* *boolean* - true or false depending on wheter minimal charge is enabled or disabled =end def minimal_charge_enabled? self.minimal_charge != 0 end =begin Check whether minimal charge should be added to invoice. answer depends on whether minimal charge is enabled and whether invoice period is greater than setting when to start chargeing minimal amount. but user cannot definetly decide that - he knows only that minimal charge is enabled or not and that it would be logical to add minimal amount to invoice that's period ends earlyer than minimal charge starts. we're checking whether minimal_charge_start_at is not nill even when minimal_charge is enabled but there CANNOT be a situation where minimal charge is enabled, but date is not specified. *Returns* *boolean* - true or false depending whether minimal charge should be added to invoice =end def add_on_minimal_charge? invoice_period_end self.minimal_charge_enabled? and self.minimal_charge_start_at and self.minimal_charge_start_at < invoice_period_end #Time.parse('2001-01-01 00:00:00') < invoice_period_end#Date.parse(self.minimal_charge_start_at) < invoice_period_end end def credit_notes(items_per_page=nil, offset=0, order_by='user_name', desc=1) condition = ['owner_id = ?', self.get_correct_owner_id] if ['user_name', 'number', 'issue_date', 'status', 'pay_date', 'price'].include? order_by order_by = order_by + " " + (desc == 1 ? "DESC" : "ASC") end if items_per_page CreditNote.find(:all, :include => :user, :conditions => condition, :limit => items_per_page, :offset => offset, :order => order_by) else CreditNote.find(:all, :include => :user, :conditions => condition, :order => order_by) end end def credit_note_count condition = ['owner_id = ?', self.get_correct_owner_id] CreditNote.count(:all, :include => :user, :conditions => condition) end =begin Convert amount from user currency to system currency. Note to future developers - do not check whether user has associated currency, if he has not, this would be a major bug, all hell should brake loose. *Params* +value+ amount in user's currency *Returns* +value_in_system_currency+ float, amount converted to system currency =end def to_system_currency(value) value.to_f / self.currency.exchange_rate.to_f end =begin Check whether accountant user has rights to edit specified permission *Params* +permission+ permission name. same name as it is saved in database *Returns* +allow_edit+ boolean, true if accountant is allowed to edit =end def accountant_allow_edit(permission) return accountant_right(permission) == 2 end =begin Check whether accountant user has rights to read specified permission *Params* +permission+ permission name. same name as it is saved in database *Returns* +allow_edit+ boolean, true if accountant is allowed to read =end def accountant_allow_read(permission) return accountant_right(permission) > 0 end =begin Check whether reseller user has rights to read specified permission *Params* +permission+ permission name. same name as it is saved in database *Returns* +allow_edit+ boolean, true if accountant is allowed to read =end def reseller_allow_read(permission) return reseller_right(permission) > 0 end def reseller_right(permission) if not self.is_reseller? raise "User is not reseller" elsif self.acc_group right = self.acc_group.acc_group_rights.find(:first, :conditions => " = '#{permission}'", :include => :acc_right) if right return right.value.to_i else return 0 end else return 0 end end =begin Check what permission has accountant - read, write or disabled If user is not accountant exception will be rised. If user has no rights, this means that referential integrity in database is broken, but since it is normal in mor, jus return 0 meaning that user has no rights User might have acc group but some rights may be not added(or permissiona name was invalid) in that case return 0 *Params* +permission+ permission name. same name as it is saved in database *Returns* +permission+ integer, value specified in database. =end def accountant_right(permission) if not self.is_accountant? raise "User is not accountant" elsif self.acc_group right = self.acc_group.acc_group_rights.find(:first, :conditions => " = '#{permission}'", :include => :acc_right) if right return right.value.to_i else return 0 end else return 0 end end =begin Check whether reseller has any common use providers. It would be invalid to call this methon on user that cannot have providers, so exception should be rised. *Returns* +boolean+ true if reseller has common use providers, otherwise false =end def has_own_providers? if self.is_reseller? common_use_provider_count > 0 else raise "User is not reseller, he cannot have providers" end end =begin Get users(resellers) that have only common to this user(reseller) providers. If this user has any own providers he it is not posible for him to have providers common with any other user. If this user is not reseller raise an exception. *Returns* +Array of User instances+ all resellers that have common providers or nil if reseller has no other resellers that would have common providers. =end def resellers_with_common_providers if self.is_reseller? if self.has_own_providers? return nil else #this query selects all resellers that have no own providers, hence #'usertype = 'reseller' AND provider_id IS NULL' #and joins them with common use providers of all resellers, hence that nasty #JOIN (SELECT ... GROUP BY reseller_id) provider_list #then we can filter only those users that have no own providers(but they have #common use providers) by comparing 'lists' of common use providers with list #of 'self' common use provider 'list'. query = "SELECT users.*, provider_list FROM users LEFT JOIN providers ON( = providers.user_id) JOIN (SELECT reseller_id, GROUP_CONCAT(provider_id ORDER BY provider_id) provider_list FROM common_use_providers GROUP BY reseller_id) common_use_providers ON reseller_id = WHERE usertype = 'reseller' AND != #{} AND IS NULL AND provider_list = (SELECT GROUP_CONCAT(provider_id ORDER BY provider_id) FROM common_use_providers WHERE reseller_id = #{} GROUP BY reseller_id)" User.find_by_sql(query) end else raise "User is not reseller, he cannot have providers" end end def integrity_recheck_user default_user_warning = false df = Confline.get_default_user_pospaid_errors default_user_warning = true if df and df.size.to_i > 0 #Confline.get_value('Default_User_allow_loss_calls', id).to_i == 1 and Confline.get_value('Default_User_postpaid', id).to_i == 1 users_postpaid_and_loss_calls = User.find(:all, :conditions => ["postpaid = 1 and allow_loss_calls = 1"]) if users_postpaid_and_loss_calls.size > 0 or default_user_warning return 1 else Confline.set_value("Integrity_Check", 0) return 0 end end def User.check_vat_for_user(vat = '', country = '') out = false begin b = URI.parse('') http =, b.port) request = request.set_form_data({'ms' => country, 'vat' => vat, 'iso' => country, 'requesterMs' => '', 'requesterIso' => '---', 'requesterVat' => ''}) response = http.request(request) out = response.body.include?('Yes, valid VAT number') rescue end return out end def is_callshop_manager? (defined?(CS_Active) && CS_Active == 1 && self.usergroups.find(:first, :include => :group, :conditions => ["usergroups.gusertype = 'manager' and groups.grouptype = 'callshop'"])) end def callshop_manager_group if (defined?(CS_Active) && CS_Active == 1) self.usergroups.find(:first, :include => :group, :conditions => ["usergroups.gusertype = 'manager' and groups.grouptype = 'callshop'"]) else return nil end end def allowed_to_assign_did_to_trunk? (Confline.get_value('Resellers_Allow_Assign_DID_To_Trunk').to_i == 1) end private =begin Number of common use providers that this user can use. Only reseller can have common use providers, returning something as nil, false, 0 would not be appropriat if this user cannot have providers at all, in that case we raise exception. *Returns* +integer+ 0 or more depending on how much common use providers are associated with reseller =end def common_use_provider_count if self.is_reseller? Provider.count(:all, :conditions => ["user_id = #{}"]).to_i else raise "User is not reseller, he cannot have providers" end end def block_and_send_email users = [self, owner] em= Email.find(:first, :conditions => ["name = 'block_when_no_balance' AND owner_id = ?", self.owner_id]) variables = Email.email_variables(self) num = EmailsController::send_email(em, Confline.get_value("Email_from", self.owner_id), users, variables) # num = Email.send_email(em, users, Confline.get_value("Email_from", self.owner_id), 'send_email', {:assigns=>variables, :owner=>variables[:owner]}) if num.to_s != _('Email_sent') Action.add_action2(, "error", 'Cant_send_email', num.to_s) end =>, :date =>, :action => "user_blocked", :data => "insufficient funds").save self.blocked = 1 end def blocked? self.blocked == 1 end def save_with_balance @save_with_balance_record end def clean_after_own_providers_disable lcrs = Lcr.find(:all, :conditions => {:user_id => id}) if lcrs lcrs.each { |l| lrules= Locationrule.find(:all, :conditions => "lcr_id='#{}'") lrules.each { |lr| lr.destroy } if lrules lpt = l.lcr_partials lpt.each { |t| t.destroy } if lpt lcrptov = l.lcrproviders lcrptov.each { |p| p.destroy } if lcrptov l.destroy } end end =begin Add some amount to user's balance. Note that after changeing balance we immediately save data to database, since we dont use transactions that's least what we should do. If adding amount to balance or creating payment fails - we do our best to revert everything... but still without using transactions there are lot's of ways to fail. Note that amount is expected to be in system's default currency, if not payment amount might be giberish. *Params* +amount+ amount to be added to balance and payment created with amount and tax in this users currency. *Returns* +boolean+ true changeing balance and creating payment succeeded, otherwise false. Note that no transactions are used, so if smth goes wrong data might be corrupted. =end def add_to_balance(amount, payment_type='Manual') self.balance += amount if exchange_rate = Currency.count_exchange_rate(, amount *= exchange_rate if payment_type == 'card_refill' tax_amount = 0 else tax_amount = self.get_tax.count_tax_amount(amount) end logger.fatal 'bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb' logger.fatal logger.fatal logger.fatal exchange_rate logger.fatal amount logger.fatal tax_amount payment = Payment.create_for_user(self, {:paymenttype => payment_type, :amount => amount, :tax => tax_amount, :shipped_at =>, :date_added =>, :completed => 1, :currency =>}) if return true else self.balance -= amount return false end else return false end end def rs_active? (defined?(RS_Active) and RS_Active.to_i == 1) end end