class Tariff < ActiveRecord::Base include CsvImportDb has_many :rates has_many :providers has_many :users has_many :cardgroups has_many :common_use_providers validates_uniqueness_of :name, :message => _('Name_must_be_unique'), :scope => [:owner_id] def real_currency Currency.find(:first, :conditions => ['name = ?', self.currency]) end # select rates by their countries (directions) first letter for easier management def rates_by_st(st, sql_start, per_page) Rate.find_by_sql ["SELECT, rates.tariff_id, rates.destination_id FROM destinations, rates, directions WHERE rates.tariff_id = ? AND = rates.destination_id AND directions.code = destinations.direction_code AND like ? GROUP BY ORDER BY ASC, destinations.prefix ASC LIMIT " + sql_start.to_s + "," + per_page.to_s,, st.to_s+'%'] end # select rates by their countries (directions) first letter for easier management def rates_count_by_st(st) Rate.count_by_sql ["SELECT COUNT(*) FROM destinations, rates, directions WHERE rates.tariff_id = ? AND = rates.destination_id AND directions.code = destinations.direction_code AND like ? ORDER BY ASC, destinations.prefix ASC",, st.to_s+'%'] end # destinations which have rate assigned for this tariff def destinations Destination.find_by_sql ["SELECT destinations.* FROM destinations, tariffs, rates WHERE rates.tariff_id = ? AND = rates.destination_id GROUP BY ORDER BY destinations.prefix ASC",] end # destinations which haven't rate assigned for this tariff def free_destinations adests = Destination.find(:all) dests = self.destinations fdests = [] fdests = adests - dests # for dest in adests # fdests << dest if !dests.include?(dest) # end fdests end # destinations which haven't rate assigned for this tariff by first letter def free_destinations_by_st(st) adests = Destination.find_by_sql ["SELECT destinations.* FROM destinations, directions WHERE directions.code = destinations.direction_code AND like ? ORDER BY ASC, destinations.prefix ASC", st.to_s+'%'] dests = self.destinations fdests = [] #for dest in adests #MorLog.my_debug dest.prefix + " " + dest.direction_code # fdests << dest if !dests.include?(dest) #end fdests = adests - dests end =begin rdoc Returns destinations that have no assigned rates. *Params*: +direction+ - Direction, or *Flash*: +notice+ - messages that are passed through flash[:notice] *Redirect* +action+ - where action redirects =end def free_destinations_by_direction(direction, options ={}) destinations = [] extra = {} extra[:limit] = options[:limit].to_i if options[:limit] and options[:limit].to_i extra[:offset] = options[:offset].to_i if options[:offset] and options[:offset].to_i if direction.class == String destinations = Destination.find(:all, {:select => "destinations.*, directions.code AS 'dir_code', AS 'dir_name' ", :joins => "LEFT JOIN directions ON (directions.code = destinations.direction_code) LEFT JOIN (SELECT * FROM rates where tariff_id = #{}) as rates ON (rates.destination_id =", :conditions => ["destinations.direction_code = ? AND IS NULL", code]}.merge(extra)) end if direction.class == Direction destinations = Destination.find(:all, {:select => "destinations.*, directions.code AS 'dir_code', AS 'dir_name' ", :joins => "LEFT JOIN directions ON (directions.code = destinations.direction_code) LEFT JOIN (SELECT * FROM rates where tariff_id = #{}) as rates ON (rates.destination_id =", :conditions => ["destinations.direction_code = ? AND IS NULL", direction.code]}.merge(extra)) end options[:with_count] == true destinations end def add_new_rate(dest_id, rate_value, increment, min_time, ghost_percent = nil, mor_11_extended = false) rate = rate.tariff_id = rate.destination_id = dest_id rate.ghost_min_perc = ghost_percent if mor_11_extended rate_det = rate_det.rate = rate_value.to_f rate_det.increment_s = increment.to_i rate_det.min_time = min_time.to_i rate.ratedetails << rate_det end def delete_all_rates if purpose != 'user' sql = "DELETE ratedetails, rates FROM ratedetails, rates WHERE ratedetails.rate_id = AND rates.tariff_id = '#{}'" res = ActiveRecord::Base.connection.execute(sql) #just in case - sometimes helps after crashed rate import from CSV file sql = "DELETE FROM rates WHERE rates.tariff_id = '#{}'" res = ActiveRecord::Base.connection.execute(sql) else sql = "DELETE aratedetails, rates FROM aratedetails, rates WHERE aratedetails.rate_id = AND rates.tariff_id = '#{}'" res = ActiveRecord::Base.connection.execute(sql) #just in case - sometimes helps after crashed rate import from CSV file sql = "DELETE FROM rates WHERE rates.tariff_id = '#{}'" res = ActiveRecord::Base.connection.execute(sql) end # for rate in self.rates # rate.destroy_everything # end end def exchange_rate(cur = nil) if cur Currency.count_exchange_rate(cur,currency) else sql = "SELECT exchange_rate FROM currencies, tariffs WHERE = tariffs.currency AND = '#{}'" res = ActiveRecord::Base.connection.select_one(sql) res["exchange_rate"].to_f end end def make_wholesale_tariff(amount = 0, percent = 0, fee_amount = 0, fee_percent = 0, type = "provider") tname = "#{}" tname += " + #{amount}" if amount tname += " + #{percent}%" if percent amount = amount.to_f percent = percent.to_f fee_amount = fee_amount.to_f fee_percent = fee_percent.to_f utariff = = tname utariff.purpose = type utariff.currency = self.currency utariff.owner_id = self.owner_id Tariff.transaction do if new_tariff_id = count_details = 0 ratedetails_sql = [] rates_sql = "SELECT, ratedetails.end_time, ratedetails.start_time, ratedetails.rate, ratedetails.connection_fee, ratedetails.rate_id, ratedetails.increment_s, ratedetails.min_time, ratedetails.daytype,, rates.tariff_id, rates.destination_id FROM ratedetails LEFT join rates ON ( = ratedetails.rate_id) WHERE rates.tariff_id = #{};" rates_array = ActiveRecord::Base.connection.execute(rates_sql) rates = {} rates_array.each{ |line| rates[line[9]] = ActiveRecord::Base.connection.insert("INSERT INTO rates (`tariff_id`, `destination_id`, `destinationgroup_id`) VALUES(#{new_tariff_id}, #{line[11]}, NULL)").to_i if !rates[line[9]] # THIS WILL HELP TO FIND CORRECT LINES rd = {:id => line[0], :start_time => line[2], :end_time => line[1] , :rate => line[3] , :connection_fee => line[4] , :rate_id => line[5] , :increment_s => line[6] , :min_time => line[7] , :daytype => line[8]} connection_fee= line[4].to_f connection_fee += fee_amount connection_fee += connection_fee*fee_percent/100 price = line[3].to_f price += amount price += price*percent/100 count_details += 1 ratedetails_sql << "'#{line[2]}','#{line[1]}', #{line[6]}, '#{line[8]}', #{price}, #{rates[line[9]]}, #{line[7]}, #{connection_fee}" if count_details > 2000 ActiveRecord::Base.connection.insert("INSERT INTO ratedetails (`start_time`, `end_time`, `increment_s`, `daytype`, `rate`, `rate_id`, `min_time`, `connection_fee`) VALUES(#{ratedetails_sql.join("),(")})") count_details = 0 ratedetails_sql = [] end } ActiveRecord::Base.connection.insert("INSERT INTO ratedetails (`start_time`, `end_time`, `increment_s`, `daytype`, `rate`, `rate_id`, `min_time`, `connection_fee`) VALUES(#{ratedetails_sql.join("),(")})") if count_details > 0 else return false end end return utariff end =begin rdoc Makes new retail tariff from existing one. *Params* +amount+ - amount to add to rate price. +percent+ - amount to add to rate in percents. +fee_amount+ - amount to add to conncetion fee price. +fee_percent+ - amount to add to connection fee in percents. +owner+ - owner of new tariff. =end def make_retail_tariff(amount = 0, percent = 0, fee_amount = 0, fee_percent = 0, owner = 0) trates = 0 # total_rates insert_header = "INSERT INTO aratedetails (`duration`, `price`, `end_time`, `from`, `artype`, `rate_id`, `round`, `start_time`)" tariff = Tariff.transaction do tname = "#{}" tname += " + #{amount}" if amount != 0 tname += " + #{percent}%" if percent != 0 = tname tariff.purpose = 'user' tariff.currency = self.currency tariff.owner_id = owner if count_details = 0 ratedetails_sql = [] ActiveRecord::Base.connection.execute("DROP TEMPORARY TABLE IF EXISTS tmp_dest_groups;") sql = "CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE tmp_dest_groups SELECT destinations.destinationgroup_id AS id, MAX(rate) AS rate FROM destinations JOIN rates ON ( = rates.destination_id) JOIN ratedetails ON (ratedetails.rate_id = WHERE rates.tariff_id = #{} AND ratedetails.rate = (SELECT MAX(rate) FROM ratedetails AS r WHERE = r.rate_id) group by destinations.destinationgroup_id; " res = ActiveRecord::Base.connection.execute(sql) sql = "create index tmp_id_index on tmp_dest_groups(id)" res = ActiveRecord::Base.connection.execute(sql) sql = "SELECT, rates.destination_id, rates.tariff_id, ratedetails.rate, ratedetails.increment_s, ratedetails.connection_fee, destinations.destinationgroup_id, ratedetails.min_time FROM destinationgroups JOIN destinations ON (destinations.destinationgroup_id = JOIN rates ON ( = rates.destination_id) JOIN ratedetails ON (ratedetails.rate_id = JOIN tmp_dest_groups ON ( = WHERE rates.tariff_id = #{} AND tmp_dest_groups.rate = ratedetails.rate GROUP BY;" res = ActiveRecord::Base.connection.execute(sql) ActiveRecord::Base.connection.execute("DROP TEMPORARY TABLE IF EXISTS tmp_dest_groups;") res.each { |line| trates += 1 new_rate = line[3].to_f new_increment = line[4].to_f new_connfee = line[5].to_f min_time = line[7].to_f new_rate += amount.to_f new_rate += new_rate/100 * percent.to_f new_connfee += fee_amount.to_f new_connfee += new_connfee/100 * fee_percent.to_f # `duration`, `price`, `end_time`, `from`, `artype`, `rate_id`, `round`, `start_time` rate_id = ActiveRecord::Base.connection.insert("INSERT INTO rates (`tariff_id`, `destination_id`, `destinationgroup_id`) VALUES(#{}, #{line[2]}, #{line[0]})").to_i if new_connfee != 0 count_details += 1 ratedetails_sql << "0, #{new_connfee}, '23:59:59', 1, 'event', #{rate_id}, 0, '00:00:00'" end if min_time != 0 count_details += 1 ratedetails_sql << "#{min_time}, #{new_rate}, '23:59:59', 1, 'minute', #{rate_id}, #{min_time}, '00:00:00'" end count_details += 1 ratedetails_sql << "-1, #{new_rate}, '23:59:59', #{min_time + 1}, 'minute', #{rate_id}, #{new_increment}, '00:00:00'" if count_details > 2000 # "INSERT INTO aratedetails (`duration`, `price`, `end_time`, `from`, `artype`, `rate_id`, `round`, `start_time`)" ActiveRecord::Base.connection.insert("#{insert_header} VALUES (#{ratedetails_sql.join("),(")})") count_details = 0 ratedetails_sql = [] end } ActiveRecord::Base.connection.insert("#{insert_header} VALUES (#{ratedetails_sql.join("),(")})") if count_details > 0 else return false end end return trates end def generate_user_rates_csv(session) sql = "SELECT rates.* FROM rates LEFT JOIN destinationgroups on ( = rates.destinationgroup_id) WHERE rates.tariff_id ='#{id}' ORDER BY, destinationgroups.desttype ASC" rates = Rate.find_by_sql(sql) sep = Confline.get_value("CSV_Separator").to_s dec = Confline.get_value("CSV_Decimal").to_s csv_string = Localization._t("Destination", session[:lang])+sep+Localization._t("Subcode", session[:lang])+sep+_("Rate")+"("+session[:show_currency].to_s+")"+sep+Localization._t("Round", session[:lang])+"\n" exrate = Currency.count_exchange_rate(self.currency, session[:show_currency]) for rate in rates arate_details, arate_cur = get_user_rate_details(rate, exrate) csv_string += !rate.destinationgroup ? "0#{sep}0#{sep}" : "#{," ")}#{sep}#{rate.destinationgroup.desttype}#{sep}" csv_string += arate_details.size == 0 ? "0#{sep}0\n" : "#{nice_number(arate_cur, session).to_s.gsub(".", dec)}#{sep}#{arate_details[0]['round'].to_s.gsub(".", dec)}\n" end csv_string end def tariffs_api_wholesale sql = "SELECT as 'direction', as 'destination', destinations.prefix, destinations.subcode, directions.code, ratedetails.start_time, ratedetails.end_time, ratedetails.rate, ratedetails.connection_fee, ratedetails.increment_s, ratedetails.min_time, ratedetails.daytype FROM rates LEFT JOIN ratedetails ON ( = ratedetails.rate_id) LEFT JOIN destinations ON (rates.destination_id = LEFT JOIN directions ON (directions.code = destinations.direction_code) WHERE rates.tariff_id = #{} ORDER BY ASC;" result = ActiveRecord::Base.connection.select_all(sql) return result end def tariffs_api_retail sql = "SELECT,, destinationgroups.desttype, aratedetails.price, aratedetails.round, aratedetails.duration, aratedetails.artype, aratedetails.start_time, aratedetails.end_time, aratedetails.daytype, aratedetails.from FROM rates LEFT JOIN destinationgroups on ( = rates.destinationgroup_id) LEFT JOIN aratedetails on (aratedetails.rate_id = WHERE rates.tariff_id ='#{id}' ORDER BY, destinationgroups.desttype, aratedetails.from, aratedetails.daytype ,aratedetails.start_time, ASC" result = ActiveRecord::Base.connection.select_all(sql) return result end def generate_providers_rates_csv(session) sql = "SELECT as 'direction', as 'destination', destinations.prefix, destinations.subcode, directions.code, ratedetails.start_time, ratedetails.end_time, ratedetails.rate, ratedetails.connection_fee, ratedetails.increment_s, ratedetails.min_time, ratedetails.daytype FROM rates LEFT JOIN ratedetails ON ( = ratedetails.rate_id) LEFT JOIN destinations ON (rates.destination_id = LEFT JOIN directions ON (directions.code = destinations.direction_code) WHERE rates.tariff_id = #{} ORDER BY ASC;" res = ActiveRecord::Base.connection.select_all(sql) sep = Confline.get_value("CSV_Separator").to_s dec = Confline.get_value("CSV_Decimal").to_s # currencies exrate = Currency.count_exchange_rate(self.currency, session[:show_currency]) csv_string = FasterCSV.generate(:col_sep => sep) do |csv| csv << [ Localization._t("Direction", session[:lang]), # r["direction"] Localization._t("Destination", session[:lang]), # r["destination"] Localization._t("Prefix", session[:lang]), # r["prefix"] Localization._t("Subcode", session[:lang]), # r["subcode"] Localization._t("Country_code", session[:lang]), # r["code"] Localization._t("Rate", session[:lang])+"("+session[:show_currency].to_s+")", # rate Localization._t("Connection_Fee", session[:lang])+"("+session[:show_currency].to_s+")", # con_fee Localization._t("Increment", session[:lang]), # r["increment_s"] Localization._t("Minimal_Time", session[:lang]), # r["min_time"] Localization._("Start_Time", session[:lang]), # r["start_time"] Localization._t("End_Time", session[:lang]), # r["end_time"] Localization._t("Week_Day", session[:lang]) # r["daytype"] ] for r in res rate, con_fee = Currency.count_exchange_prices({:exrate=>exrate, :prices=>[r["rate"].to_f, r["connection_fee"].to_f]}) csv << [ r["direction"].to_s.gsub(sep," "), r["destination"].to_s.gsub(sep," "), r["prefix"], r["subcode"], r["code"], nice_number(rate, session).gsub(".", dec), nice_number(con_fee, session).gsub(".", dec), r["increment_s"], r["min_time"], r["start_time"], r["end_time"], r["daytype"] ] end end end def generate_personal_wholesale_rates_csv(session) sql = "SELECT rates.* FROM rates, destinations, directions WHERE rates.tariff_id = #{id} AND rates.destination_id = AND destinations.direction_code = directions.code ORDER by ASC;" rates = Rate.find_by_sql(sql) sep = Confline.get_value("CSV_Separator").to_s dec = Confline.get_value("CSV_Decimal").to_s csv_string = Localization._t("Direction", session[:lang]) + sep + Localization._t("Prefix", session[:lang]) + sep + Localization._t("Subcode", session[:lang]) + sep + Localization._t("Rate", session[:lang]) + "(" + (session[:show_currency]).to_s+")"+ sep + Localization._t("Connection_Fee", session[:lang]) + "(" + (session[:show_currency]).to_s + ")" + sep + Localization._t("Increment", session[:lang]) + sep + Localization._t("Minimal_Time", session[:lang]) + "\n" exrate = Currency.count_exchange_rate(self.currency, session[:show_currency]) for rate in rates rate_details, rate_cur = get_provider_rate_details(rate, exrate) csv_string += "#{," ")}" if rate.destination && rate.destination.direction csv_string += "#{sep}#{rate.destination.prefix}#{sep}#{rate.destination.subcode}#{sep}" if rate.destination csv_string += "0#{sep}0#{sep}0#{sep}" if !rate.destination csv_string += "#{rate_cur.to_s.gsub(".", dec)}#{sep}#{rate_details[0]['connection_fee'].to_s.gsub(".", dec)}#{sep}#{rate_details[0]['increment_s'].to_s.gsub(".", dec)}#{sep}" + "#{rate_details[0]['min_time'].to_s.gsub(".", dec)}\n" if rate_details.size > 0 csv_string += "0#{sep}0#{sep}0#{sep}0\n" if rate_details.size == 0 end return csv_string end def check_types_periods(options={}) if options[:time_from] a1, a2 = options[:time_from][:hour].to_s + ":" + options[:time_from][:minute].to_s + ":" + options[:time_from][:second].to_s, options[:time_till][:hour].to_s + ":" + options[:time_till][:minute].to_s + ":" + options[:time_till][:second].to_s else a1, a2 = options[:time_from_hour].to_s + ":" + options[:time_from_minute].to_s + ":" + options[:time_from_second].to_s, options[:time_till_hour].to_s + ":" + options[:time_till_minute].to_s + ":" + options[:time_till_second].to_s end day_type = ["wd", "fd",].include?(options[:rate_day_type].to_s) ? options[:rate_day_type].to_s : '' #In case new rate detail's time and daytype is identical to allready existing rate details it will #be updated so we don't think it is a collision #In case new rate details time is WD and there already is FD there cannot be time collisions. and vice versa #In all other cases we need to check for time colissions. Note bug that was originaly here - function does not #work if time wraps around e.g. period is between 23:00 and 01:00 #UPDATE mor has peculiar way to check for time collisions - if at least a minute is set for all days, no other #tariff detail can be set to fd/wd and vice versa ratesd = Ratedetail.find(:all, :joins => "LEFT JOIN rates ON (ratedetails.rate_id =", :conditions => ["rates.tariff_id = '#{id}' AND CASE WHEN daytype = '#{day_type}' AND start_time = '#{a1}' AND end_time = '#{a2}' THEN 0 WHEN '#{day_type}' IN ('WD', 'FD') AND daytype IN ('WD', 'FD') AND daytype != '#{day_type}' THEN 0 WHEN (daytype = '' AND '#{day_type}' != '') OR (daytype IN ('WD', 'FD') AND '#{day_type}' NOT IN ('WD', 'FD')) THEN 1 ELSE ('#{a1}' BETWEEN start_time AND end_time) OR ('#{a2}' BETWEEN start_time AND end_time) OR (start_time BETWEEN '#{a1}' AND '#{a2}') OR (end_time BETWEEN '#{a1}' AND '#{a2}') END != 0"]) notice_2 = '' # checking time periods for collisions if ratesd and ratesd.size.to_i > 0 notice_2 = _('Tarrif_import_incorect_time') notice_2 += '
* ' + _('Please_select_period_without_collisions') # redirect_to :action => "import_csv", :id =>, :step => "2" and return false end ratesd = Ratedetail.find(:first, :select => "SUM(IF(daytype = '',1,0)) all_sum, SUM(IF(daytype != '',1,0)) wd_fd_sum ", :joins => "LEFT JOIN rates ON (ratedetails.rate_id =", :conditions => ["rates.tariff_id = '#{id}'"]) if ratesd.wd_fd_sum.to_i == 0 rate_types = [[_("All"), "all"], [_("Work_Days"), "wd"], [_("Free_Days"), "fd"]] else rate_types = [_("Work_Days"), "wd"], [_("Free_Days"), "fd"] end return rate_types, notice_2 end def head_of_file(path, n = 1) CsvImportDb.head_of_file(path, n) end def save_file(file, path = "/tmp/") CsvImportDb.save_file(id, file, path) end def load_csv_into_db(tname, sep, dec, fl, path = "/tmp/") colums ={} colums[:colums] = [{:name=>"f_subcodes", :type=>"VARCHAR(50)", :default=>''},{:name=>"short_prefix", :type=>"VARCHAR(50)", :default=>''},{:name=>"f_country_code", :type=>"INT(4)", :default=>0},{:name=>"f_lata", :type=>"INT(4)", :default=>0},{:name=>"f_error", :type=>"INT(4)", :default=>0}, {:name=>"nice_error", :type=>"INT(4)", :default=>0},{:name=>"ned_update", :type=>"INT(4)", :default=>0}, {:name=>"not_found_in_db", :type=>"INT(4)", :default=>0}, {:name=>"id", :type=>'INT(11)', :inscrement=>' NOT NULL auto_increment '}] CsvImportDb.load_csv_into_db(tname, sep, dec, fl, path, colums) end def analize_file(name, options) CsvImportDb.log_swap('analize') MorLog.my_debug("CSV analize_file #{name}", 1) arr = {} arr[:destinations_in_db] = Destination.count.to_i arr[:directions_in_db] = Direction.count.to_i arr[:destinations_in_csv_file] = (ActiveRecord::Base.connection.select_value("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM #{name}").to_i - 1).to_s arr[:rates_to_update] = Rate.count(:all, :conditions=>['tariff_id = ?', id], :joins=>"JOIN destinations ON (rates.destination_id = JOIN #{name} ON (destinations.prefix = replace(col_#{options[:imp_prefix]}, '\\r', ''))") arr[:tariff_rates] = Rate.count(:all, :conditions=>{:tariff_id=>id}) # set error flag on dublicates | code : 12 ActiveRecord::Base.connection.execute("UPDATE #{name} SET f_error = 1, nice_error = 12 WHERE col_#{options[:imp_prefix]} IN (SELECT prf FROM (select col_#{options[:imp_prefix]} as prf, count(*) as u from #{name} group by col_#{options[:imp_prefix]} having u > 1) as imf )") # set error flag on not int prefixes | code : 13 ActiveRecord::Base.connection.execute("UPDATE #{name} SET f_error = 1, nice_error = 13 WHERE replace(col_#{options[:imp_prefix]}, '\\r', '') REGEXP '^[0-9]+$' = 0") unless ["admin", "accountant"].include?(User.current.usertype) # set error flag on not found destinations if reseller | code : 14 ActiveRecord::Base.connection.execute("UPDATE #{name} LEFT JOIN destinations ON (replace(col_#{options[:imp_prefix]}, '\\r', '') = destinations.prefix) SET f_error = 1, nice_error = 14 WHERE IS NULL AND f_error = 0") end if options[:imp_cc] != -1 # set error flag where country_code is not found in DB | code : 11 ActiveRecord::Base.connection.execute("UPDATE #{name} LEFT JOIN directions ON (replace(col_#{options[:imp_cc]}, '\\r', '') = directions.code) SET f_error = 1, nice_error = 11 WHERE IS NULL AND f_error = 0") end # set flag not_found_in_db ActiveRecord::Base.connection.execute("UPDATE #{name} LEFT JOIN destinations ON (replace(col_#{options[:imp_prefix]}, '\\r', '') = destinations.prefix) SET not_found_in_db = 1 WHERE IS NULL AND f_error = 0") if options[:imp_lata].to_i >= 0 # set lata flag for USA prefix ActiveRecord::Base.connection.execute("UPDATE #{name} SET f_lata = 1 WHERE replace(col_#{options[:imp_lata]}, '\\r', '') != '' AND not_found_in_db = 1") end # set flags self.csv_import_prefix_analize(name, options) if options[:imp_update_dest_names].to_i == 1 and options[:imp_dst] >= 0 # set flag on destination name update ActiveRecord::Base.connection.execute("UPDATE #{name} join destinations on (replace(col_#{options[:imp_prefix]}, '\\r', '') = destinations.prefix) SET ned_update = 1 WHERE != replace(col_#{options[:imp_dst]}, '\\r', '')") end if options[:imp_update_subcodes].to_i == 1 and options[:imp_dst] >= 0 # set flag on destination name update ActiveRecord::Base.connection.execute("UPDATE #{name} join destinations on (replace(col_#{options[:imp_prefix]}, '\\r', '') = destinations.prefix) SET ned_update = ned_update + 2 WHERE destinations.subcode != replace(col_#{options[:imp_dst]}, '\\r', '')") end arr[:bad_destinations] = ActiveRecord::Base.connection.select_value("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM #{name} WHERE f_error = 1").to_i arr[:destinations_to_create] = ActiveRecord::Base.connection.select_value("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM #{name} WHERE f_error = 0 AND not_found_in_db = 1").to_i arr[:destinations_to_update] = ActiveRecord::Base.connection.select_value("SELECT COUNT(*) AS d_all FROM #{name} WHERE ned_update IN (1, 3)").to_i if options[:imp_update_dest_names].to_i == 1 and options[:imp_dst] >= 0 arr[:subcodes_to_update] = ActiveRecord::Base.connection.select_value("SELECT COUNT(*) AS d_all FROM #{name} WHERE ned_update IN (2, 3)").to_i if options[:imp_update_subcodes].to_i == 1 and options[:imp_dst] >= 0 arr[:new_rates_to_create] = ActiveRecord::Base.connection.select_value("SELECT COUNT(*) AS r_all FROM #{name} join destinations on (replace(col_#{options[:imp_prefix]}, '\\r', '') = destinations.prefix) LEFT join rates on ( = rates.destination_id and rates.tariff_id = #{id}) WHERE IS NULL").to_i + arr[:destinations_to_create].to_i arr[:new_destinations_in_csv_file] = ActiveRecord::Base.connection.select_value("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM #{name} WHERE not_found_in_db = 1").to_i arr[:existing_destinations_in_csv_file] = ActiveRecord::Base.connection.select_value("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM #{name} WHERE not_found_in_db = 0 AND f_error = 0").to_i return arr end def create_deatinations(name, options, options2) CsvImportDb.log_swap('create_destinations_start') MorLog.my_debug("CSV create_deatinations #{name}", 1) count = 0 s = [] ; ss=[] ["prefix", "direction_code", "subcode", "name", "city", "state", "lata", "tier", "ocn"].each{ |col| if !options["imp_#{col}".to_sym].blank? and options["imp_#{col}".to_sym].to_i > -1 or ["direction_code", "subcode"].include?(col) case col when "direction_code" sbg = "short_prefix" cc = options[:imp_cc].to_i >= 0 ? "IF(replace(col_#{options[:imp_cc]}, '\\r', '') IN (SELECT code FROM directions),replace(col_#{options[:imp_cc]}, '\\r', ''),#{sbg})" : "#{sbg}" if options[:imp_lata].to_i >= 0 s << " IF(length(replace(col_#{options[:imp_lata]}, '\\r', '')) > 0, 'USA', #{cc})" else s << "#{cc}" end when "subcode" if options[:imp_subcode] >= 0 s << "replace(col_#{options["imp_#{col}".to_sym]}, '\\r', '')" else s << "f_subcodes" end else s << 'replace(col_' + (options["imp_#{col}".to_sym]).to_s + ", '\\r', '')" end ss << col elsif col == "name" and !options[:imp_dst].blank? and options[:imp_dst].to_i > -1 ss << "name" s << 'replace(col_' + (options[:imp_dst]).to_s + ", '\\r', '')" end } if options[:imp_lata].to_i >= 0 s1 = ActiveRecord::Base.connection.select_value("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM #{name} WHERE f_lata = 1 AND not_found_in_db = 1 AND f_error = 0").to_i n = s1/1000 +1 n.times{| i| #insert USA dest usa_sql = "INSERT INTO destinations (#{ss.join(',')}) SELECT #{s.join(',')} FROM #{name} WHERE f_lata = 1 AND not_found_in_db = 1 AND f_error = 0 LIMIT #{i * 1000}, 1000" begin Confline.set_value('Destination_create',1, ActiveRecord::Base.connection.execute(usa_sql) count += ActiveRecord::Base.connection.select_value("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM #{name} WHERE f_lata = 1 AND not_found_in_db = 1 AND f_error = 0 LIMIT #{i * 1000}, 1000").to_i ensure Confline.set_value('Destination_create',0, end } end s2 = ActiveRecord::Base.connection.select_value("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM #{name} WHERE f_country_code = 1 AND f_error = 0 AND not_found_in_db = 1 AND f_lata = 0").to_i n = s2/1000 +1 n.times{| i| in_rd = "INSERT INTO destinations (#{ss.join(',')}) SELECT #{s.join(',')} FROM #{name} WHERE f_country_code = 1 AND f_error = 0 AND not_found_in_db = 1 AND f_lata = 0 LIMIT #{i * 1000}, 1000" begin Confline.set_value('Destination_create',1, ActiveRecord::Base.connection.execute(in_rd) count += ActiveRecord::Base.connection.select_value("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM #{name} WHERE f_country_code = 1 AND f_error = 0 AND not_found_in_db = 1 AND f_lata = 0 LIMIT #{i * 1000}, 100000").to_i ensure Confline.set_value('Destination_create',0, end } if options[:imp_cc] >= 0 s3 = ActiveRecord::Base.connection.select_value("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM #{name} WHERE f_country_code = 0 AND f_error = 0 AND not_found_in_db = 1 AND f_lata = 0").to_i n = s3/1000 +1 n.times{| i| n_rd = "INSERT INTO destinations (#{ss.join(',')}) SELECT #{s.join(',')} FROM #{name} WHERE f_country_code = 0 AND f_error = 0 AND not_found_in_db = 1 AND f_lata = 0 LIMIT #{i * 1000}, 1000" begin Confline.set_value('Destination_create',1, ActiveRecord::Base.connection.execute(n_rd) count += ActiveRecord::Base.connection.select_value("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM #{name} WHERE f_country_code = 0 AND f_error = 0 AND not_found_in_db = 1 AND f_lata = 0 LIMIT #{i * 1000}, 1000").to_i ensure Confline.set_value('Destination_create',0, end } end CsvImportDb.log_swap('create_destinations_end') return count end def update_destinations(name, options, options2) CsvImportDb.log_swap('update_destinations_start') MorLog.my_debug("CSV update_destinations #{name}", 1) count = ActiveRecord::Base.connection.select_value("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM #{name} WHERE ned_update IN (1, 3)").to_i sql ="UPDATE destinations JOIN #{name} ON (replace(col_#{options[:imp_prefix]}, '\\r', '') = destinations.prefix) SET name = replace(col_#{options[:imp_dst]}, '\\r', '') WHERE ned_update IN (1, 3)" ActiveRecord::Base.connection.update(sql) CsvImportDb.log_swap('update_destinations_end') return count end def update_subcodes(name, options, options2) CsvImportDb.log_swap('update_subcodes_start') MorLog.my_debug("CSV update_subcodes #{name}", 1) count = ActiveRecord::Base.connection.select_value("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM #{name} WHERE ned_update IN (2, 3)").to_i sql ="UPDATE destinations JOIN #{name} ON (replace(col_#{options[:imp_prefix]}, '\\r', '') = destinations.prefix) SET subcode = replace(col_#{options[:imp_subcode]}, '\\r', '') WHERE ned_update IN (2, 3)" ActiveRecord::Base.connection.update(sql) CsvImportDb.log_swap('update_subcodes_end') return count end def update_rates_from_csv(name, options, options2) CsvImportDb.log_swap('update_rates_from_csv_start') MorLog.my_debug("CSV update_rates_from_csv #{name}", 1) #bad_prefix_sql = options2[:bad_destinations].to_i > 0 ? "AND replace(col_#{options[:imp_prefix]}, '\\r', '') NOT IN (#{options2[:bad_prefixes].join(',')})" : '' ["wd", "fd"].include?(options[:imp_date_day_type].to_s) ? day_type = options[:imp_date_day_type].upcase : day_type = "" type_sql = day_type.blank? ? '' : " AND ratedetails.daytype = '#{day_type.to_s}' " if options[:manual_connection_fee] and !options[:manual_connection_fee].blank? conection_fee = options[:manual_connection_fee] elsif !options[:imp_connection_fee].blank? and options[:imp_connection_fee].to_i > -1 conection_fee = "replace(col_#{options[:imp_connection_fee]}, '\\r', '')" else conection_fee = 0 end if options[:manual_increment] and !options[:manual_increment].blank? increment_s = options[:manual_increment] elsif !options[:imp_increment_s].blank? and options[:imp_increment_s].to_i > -1 increment_s = "replace(col_#{options[:imp_increment_s]}, '\\r', '')" else increment_s = 1 end if options[:manual_min_time] and !options[:manual_min_time].blank? min_time = options[:manual_min_time] elsif !options[:imp_min_time].blank? and options[:imp_min_time].to_i > -1 min_time = "replace(col_#{options[:imp_min_time]}, '\\r', '')" else min_time = 0 end if options[:manual_ghost_percent] and !options[:manual_ghost_percent].blank? ghost_percent = options[:manual_ghost_percent] elsif !options[:imp_ghost_percent].blank? and options[:imp_ghost_percent].to_i > -1 ghost_percent = "replace(col_#{options[:imp_ghost_percent]}, '\\r', '')" else ghost_percent = 'NULL' end count = ActiveRecord::Base.connection.select_value("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM ratedetails, (SELECT AS nrate_id, #{name}.* FROM rates join destinations ON ( = rates.destination_id) JOIN #{name} ON (replace(col_#{options[:imp_prefix]}, '\\r', '') = destinations.prefix) where rates.tariff_id = #{id} AND f_error = 0 AND not_found_in_db = 0) AS temp WHERE ratedetails.rate_id = nrate_id #{type_sql} AND start_time = '#{options[:imp_time_from_type]}' AND end_time = '#{options[:imp_time_till_type]}'") if Confline.mor_11_extended? count = ActiveRecord::Base.connection.select_value("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM rates join destinations ON ( = rates.destination_id) JOIN #{name} ON (replace(col_#{options[:imp_prefix]}, '\\r', '') = destinations.prefix) where rates.tariff_id = #{id} AND f_error = 0 AND not_found_in_db = 0") sql = "UPDATE rates, destinations, #{name} SET ghost_min_perc = #{ghost_percent} WHERE = rates.destination_id AND replace(col_#{options[:imp_prefix]}, '\\r', '') = destinations.prefix AND rates.tariff_id = #{id} AND f_error = 0 AND not_found_in_db = 0" ActiveRecord::Base.connection.update(sql) else count = ActiveRecord::Base.connection.select_value("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM ratedetails, (SELECT AS nrate_id, #{name}.* FROM rates join destinations ON ( = rates.destination_id) JOIN #{name} ON (replace(col_#{options[:imp_prefix]}, '\\r', '') = destinations.prefix) where rates.tariff_id = #{id} AND f_error = 0 AND not_found_in_db = 0) AS temp WHERE ratedetails.rate_id = nrate_id #{type_sql} AND start_time = '#{options[:imp_time_from_type]}' AND end_time = '#{options[:imp_time_till_type]}'") end sql = "UPDATE ratedetails, (SELECT AS nrate_id, #{name}.* FROM rates join destinations ON ( = rates.destination_id) JOIN #{name} ON (replace(col_#{options[:imp_prefix]}, '\\r', '') = destinations.prefix) where rates.tariff_id = #{id} AND f_error = 0 AND not_found_in_db = 0) AS temp SET ratedetails.rate = replace(replace(replace(col_#{options[:imp_rate]}, '\\r', ''), '#{options[:dec]}', '.'), '$', ''), ratedetails.connection_fee = #{conection_fee}, increment_s = #{increment_s}, min_time = #{min_time} WHERE ratedetails.rate_id = nrate_id #{type_sql} AND start_time = '#{options[:imp_time_from_type]}' AND end_time = '#{options[:imp_time_till_type]}'" ActiveRecord::Base.connection.update(sql) CsvImportDb.log_swap('update_rates_from_csv_end') return count end def create_rates_from_csv(name,options, options2) CsvImportDb.log_swap('create_rates_from_csv_start') MorLog.my_debug("CSV create_rates_from_csv #{name}", 1) #bad_prefix_sql = options2[:bad_destinations].to_i > 0 ? "AND replace(col_#{options[:imp_prefix]}, '\\r', '') NOT IN (#{options2[:bad_prefixes].join(',')})" : '' count = ActiveRecord::Base.connection.select_value("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM #{name} join destinations on (replace(col_#{options[:imp_prefix]}, '\\r', '') = destinations.prefix) LEFT join rates on ( = rates.destination_id and rates.tariff_id = #{id}) WHERE IS NULL AND f_error = 0") if options[:manual_ghost_percent] and !options[:manual_ghost_percent].blank? ghost_percent = options[:manual_ghost_percent] elsif !options[:imp_ghost_percent].blank? and options[:imp_ghost_percent].to_i > -1 ghost_percent = "replace(col_#{options[:imp_ghost_percent]}, '\\r', '')" else ghost_percent = 'NULL' end sql="INSERT INTO rates (tariff_id, destination_id #{Confline.mor_11_extended? ? ', ghost_min_perc' : ''}) SELECT #{id}, #{Confline.mor_11_extended? ? ", #{ghost_percent}" : ''} FROM #{name} join destinations on (replace(col_#{options[:imp_prefix]}, '\\r', '') = destinations.prefix) LEFT join rates on ( = rates.destination_id and rates.tariff_id = #{id}) WHERE IS NULL AND f_error = 0" ActiveRecord::Base.connection.update(sql) CsvImportDb.log_swap('create_rates_from_csv') return count end def insert_ratedetails(name, options, options2) CsvImportDb.log_swap('insert_ratedetails_start') MorLog.my_debug("CSV insert_ratedetails #{name}", 1) # bad_prefix_sql = options2[:bad_destinations].to_i > 0 ? "AND replace(col_#{options[:imp_prefix]}, '\\r', '') NOT IN (#{options2[:bad_prefixes].join(',')})" : '' s = [] ; ss=[] collums = ["rate", "increment_s", "min_time", "connection_fee", "daytype"] collums.each{ |col| case col when "daytype" ["wd", "fd"].include?(options[:imp_date_day_type].to_s) ? day_type = options[:imp_date_day_type].upcase : day_type = "" s1 = day_type.blank? ? "''" : " '#{day_type.to_s}' " when "connection_fee" if options[:manual_connection_fee] and !options[:manual_connection_fee].blank? s1 = options[:manual_connection_fee] elsif !options[:imp_connection_fee].blank? and options[:imp_connection_fee].to_i > -1 s1 = "replace(col_#{options[:imp_connection_fee]}, '\\r', '')" else s1 = 0 end when "increment_s" if options[:manual_increment] and !options[:manual_increment].blank? s1 = options[:manual_increment] elsif !options[:imp_increment_s].blank? and options[:imp_increment_s].to_i > -1 s1 = "replace(col_#{options[:imp_increment_s]}, '\\r', '')" else s1 = 1 end when "min_time" if options[:manual_min_time] and !options[:manual_min_time].blank? s1 = options[:manual_min_time] elsif !options[:imp_min_time].blank? and options[:imp_min_time].to_i > -1 s1 = "replace(col_#{options[:imp_min_time]}, '\\r', '')" else s1 = 0 end when "rate" s1 = "replace(replace(col_#{options[:imp_rate]}, '\\r', ''), '#{options[:dec]}', '.')" else s1= 'replace(col_' + (options["imp_#{col}".to_sym]).to_s + ", '\\r', '')" end s << s1 ss << col } #ticket #4845. im not joining ratedetails based only on rate_id table cause it might return more than #1 row for each rate and in that case multiple new rates might be imported. Instead im joining on rate_id, #daytype, start/end time to exclude rate details that has to be updated, not inserted as new. #Note that i'm relying 100% that checks were made to ensure that after inserting new ratedetails there cannot #be any duplications, we should pray for that. count = ActiveRecord::Base.connection.select_value("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM #{name} join destinations on (replace(col_#{options[:imp_prefix]}, '\\r', '') = destinations.prefix) join rates on ( = rates.destination_id and rates.tariff_id = #{id}) left join ratedetails on (ratedetails.rate_id = AND ratedetails.daytype = '#{(['wd','fd'].include?(options[:imp_date_day_type].to_s) ? options[:imp_date_day_type].to_s : '')}' AND ratedetails.start_time = '#{options[:imp_time_from_type]}' AND ratedetails.end_time = '#{options[:imp_time_till_type]}') WHERE IS NULL AND f_error = 0") in_rd = "INSERT INTO ratedetails (rate_id, start_time, end_time, #{ss.join(',')}) SELECT, '#{options[:imp_time_from_type]}', '#{options[:imp_time_till_type]}', #{s.join(',')} FROM #{name} join destinations on (replace(col_#{options[:imp_prefix]}, '\\r', '') = destinations.prefix) join rates on ( = rates.destination_id and rates.tariff_id = #{id}) left join ratedetails on (ratedetails.rate_id = AND ratedetails.daytype = '#{(['wd','fd'].include?(options[:imp_date_day_type].to_s) ? options[:imp_date_day_type].to_s : '')}' AND ratedetails.start_time = '#{options[:imp_time_from_type]}' AND ratedetails.end_time = '#{options[:imp_time_till_type]}') WHERE IS NULL AND f_error = 0" ActiveRecord::Base.connection.execute(in_rd) CsvImportDb.log_swap('insert_ratedetails_end') return count end def Tariff.clean_after_import(tname, path = "/tmp/") CsvImportDb.clean_after_import(tname, path) end def csv_import_prefix_analize(name, options) MorLog.my_debug("CSV csv_import_prefix_analize #{name}", 1) # retrieve direction_codes to hash direction_codes = {} res = ActiveRecord::Base.connection.select_all("SELECT direction_code, prefix FROM destinations;") res.each{|r| direction_codes[r["prefix"]] = r["direction_code"]} #counting destinations allready in MOR destination_data = ActiveRecord::Base.connection.select_all("SELECT prefix, name FROM destinations") prefixes ={|pr| pr["prefix"].to_s.gsub(/\s/, '')} # 0 - empty line - skip # 1 - everything ok # 2 - cc(country_code) = usa # 3 - cc from csv # 4 - prefix from shorter prefix # ERRORS # 10 - no cc from csv - can't create destination # 11 - bad cc from csv - can't create destination # 12 - duplicate short_prefix = '' subcodes = '' bad = [] new_destinations = ActiveRecord::Base.connection.select_all("SELECT *, #{name}.id AS i_id FROM #{name} left join destinations on (replace(col_#{options[:imp_prefix]}, '\\r', '') = destinations.prefix) WHERE not_found_in_db = 1 AND f_error = 0 AND f_lata = 0;") MorLog.my_debug("Use temp table : #{name}") prefixes = Hash[*prefixes.collect{ |v| [v.to_s, 1] }.flatten] new_destinations.each_with_index{ |row, i| prefix = row["col_#{options[:imp_prefix]}"].to_s.strip.gsub(/\s/, '') pr = row["col_#{options[:imp_prefix]}"] country_code = row["col_#{options[:imp_cc]}"].to_s #country_code if country_code.blank? or options[:imp_cc] == -1 prefix = row["col_#{options[:imp_prefix]}"].to_s.strip.gsub(/\s/, '') pfound = 0 plength = prefix.length j = 1 while j < plength and pfound == 0 tprefix = prefix[0,plength-j] pfound = 1 if prefixes[tprefix].to_i == 1 j += 1 end if pfound == 1 short_prefix = direction_codes[tprefix.to_s] if options[:imp_subcode].to_i < 0 string = prefix.to_i.to_s[0..(prefix.to_i.to_s.length.to_i-2)] dan = true dest = nil while (!dest and string.length.to_i > 1) dest = Destination.find(:first, :conditions=> ["prefix like ?", string.to_s+'%']) if dest subcodes = dest.subcode.to_s dan = false else string = string.to_s[0..(string.length.to_i-2)].to_s end end if string.length.to_i == 1 and dan == true subcodes = 'NGN' end ActiveRecord::Base.connection.execute("UPDATE #{name} SET f_country_code = 1, short_prefix = '#{short_prefix}', f_subcodes = '#{subcodes}' WHERE id = #{row['i_id']}") else ActiveRecord::Base.connection.execute("UPDATE #{name} SET f_country_code = 1, short_prefix = '#{short_prefix}', f_subcodes = col_#{options[:imp_subcode].to_i} WHERE id = #{row['i_id']}") end else bad << row['i_id'] end end MorLog.my_debug(i.to_s + " status/update_rate counted", 1) if i % 1000 == 0 } if bad and bad.size.to_i > 0 # set error flag on not int prefixes | code : 13 ActiveRecord::Base.connection.execute("UPDATE #{name} SET f_error = 1, nice_error = 10 WHERE id IN (#{bad.join(',')})") end end private def get_user_rate_details(rate, exrate) arate_details = Aratedetail.find(:all, :conditions => "rate_id = #{} AND artype = 'minute'", :order => "price DESC") arate_cur = Currency.count_exchange_prices({:exrate=>exrate, :prices=>[arate_details[0]['price'].to_f]}) if arate_details.size > 0 return arate_details, arate_cur end def nice_number(number, session) if !session[:nice_number_digits] confline = Confline.get_value("Nice_Number_Digits") session[:nice_number_digits] ||= confline.to_i if confline and confline.to_s.length > 0 session[:nice_number_digits] ||= 2 if !session[:nice_number_digits] end session[:nice_number_digits] = 2 if session[:nice_number_digits] == "" n = "" n = sprintf("%0.#{session[:nice_number_digits]}f",number.to_f) if number if session[:change_decimal] n = n.gsub('.',session[:global_decimal]) end n end def get_provider_rate_details(rate, exrate) rate_details = Ratedetail.find(:all, :conditions => ["rate_id = ?", ], :order => "rate DESC") if rate_details.size > 0 rate_increment_s = rate_details[0]['increment_s'] rate_cur, rate_free = Currency.count_exchange_prices({:exrate=>exrate, :prices=>[rate_details[0]['rate'].to_f, rate_details[0]['connection_fee']]}) end return rate_details, rate_cur end end module ActiveRecord module ConnectionAdapters class MysqlAdapter private def connect_with_local_infile @connection.options(Mysql::OPT_LOCAL_INFILE, 1) connect_without_local_infile end alias_method_chain :connect, :local_infile end end end