class SmsProvider < ActiveRecord::Base require 'enumerator' require 'uri' belongs_to :sms_tariff SMS_ALLOWED_VARIABLES = ["SRC", "DST", "MSG", "USRFIRSTNAME", "USRLASTNAME", "CALLERID"] before_save :validate_prov def validate_prov unless self.sms_provider_domain !~ /(\d{1,3})\.(\d{1,3})\.(\d{1,3})\.(\d{1,3})/ errors.add(:sms_provider_domain, _('Domain_has_to_be_valid')) return false end self.must_have_valid_variables if self.api? self.uri_parse_ok if self.api? end def test_login out = "" begin log = self.connect_to_clickatell if log[0].to_s == 'ERR:' out = "Error" else out = "Ok" end rescue Exception => e MorLog.log_exception(e,, 'sms', 'providers') out = "Error" end return out end def send_sms_clickatell(sms, options={}) log = self.connect_to_clickatell if log[0].to_s == 'ERR:' if log[1].to_s.gsub(/,/, '').to_i <= 7 sms.status_code = "0" + log[1].to_s.gsub(/,/, '') else sms.status_code = log[1].to_s.gsub(/,/, '') end sms.user_rate = 0 sms.user_price = 0 sms.reseller_rate = 0 sms.reseller_price = 0 sms.provider_rate = 0 sms.provider_price = 0 else string = "" string += "&from=#{self.sms_from}" if !self.sms_from.blank? if options[:unicode].to_i != 0 string += "&unicode=1" mtext = CGI.escape(options[:message].to_s.strip.unpack("U*").collect { |s| ("0"*3+ s.to_i.to_s(16))[-4..-1] }.join("")) else mtext= CGI.escape(options[:message].to_s.strip) end message_id = Net::HTTP.get_response("", "/http/sendmsg?api_id=#{self.api_id.to_s.strip}&password=#{self.password.to_s.strip}&user=#{self.login.to_s.strip}&to=#{options[:to].to_s.strip}&callback=3&concat=#{options[:sms_numbers].to_s}&text=#{mtext}#{string}") code = message_id.body.split(" ") if code[0].to_s == 'ERR:' if code[1].to_s.gsub(/,/, '').to_i <= 7 sms.status_code = "0" + code[1].to_s.gsub(/,/, '').to_s else sms.status_code = code[1].to_s.gsub(/,/, '').to_s end else sms.clickatell_message_id = code[1].to_s end end #MorLog.my_debug "{self.api_id.to_s.strip}&password=#{self.password.to_s.strip}&user=#{self.login.to_s.strip}&to=#{options[:to].to_s.strip}&callback=3&concat=#{options[:sms_numbers].to_s.to_s}&text=#{mtext}#{string}" #return sms.sms_status_code_tip end def send_sms_api(sms, user, options={}) if options[:unicode].to_i != 0 mtext = CGI.escape(options[:message].to_s.strip.unpack("U*").collect { |s| ("0"*3+ s.to_i.to_s(16))[-4..-1] }.join("")) else mtext= CGI.escape(options[:message].to_s.strip) end pr_device = user.primary_device cli = pr_device ? CGI.escape(pr_device.callerid.to_s) : '' message_id = Net::HTTP.get_response(URI.parse(nice_url(options[:to], mtext, 'src', user.first_name.to_s, user.last_name.to_s, cli.to_s))) code = message_id.body Action.add_action_hash(user, {:action => "SMS_api_response"}) if code.include?(email_good_keywords) sms.status_code = 0 sms.freze_user_balance_for_sms(user, sms.user_price) if user.owner_id != 0 sms.freze_user_balance_for_sms(user.owner, sms.reseller_price) end else sms.status_code = 6 end end def send_sms_email(sms, user, options={}) email = Email.find(:first, :conditions => ["name = 'sms'"]) unless email email ={:name => "sms", :template => 1, :format => "html", :owner_id => 0, :body => "", :subject => "", :date_created =>}) end opt = options.merge({:email_to_address => options[:to].strip + self.sms_provider_domain.strip, :sms_id =>, :email_from_user => user, :owner => user.owner_id}) to = [] to << user Email.send_email(email, to, Confline.get_value("Email_from"), "sms_email_sent", opt) if self.wait_for_good_email.to_i != 1 and self.wait_for_bad_email.to_i != 1 user.frozen_balance = user.frozen_balance.to_f - Email.nice_number(options[:user_price].to_f).to_f if options[:reseller] == 1 user_r = sms.reseller user_r.frozen_balance = user_r.frozen_balance.to_f - Email.nice_number(options[:reseller_price].to_f).to_f end end sms.status_code = 0 #return sms.sms_status_code_tip end def connect_to_clickatell begin login = Net::HTTP.get_response("", "/http/auth?api_id=#{self.api_id}&password=#{self.password}&user=#{self.login}") log = login.body.split(" ") rescue Exception => e MorLog.log_exception(e,, 'sms', 'providers') log = [] log[0] = 'ERR:' end log end def api? provider_type.to_s == 'api' end def must_have_valid_variables login.scan(/<%=?(\s*\S+\s*)%>|<%[^=]?[0-9a-zA-Z +=]*%>/).flatten.each do |var| unless !var.blank? and SMS_ALLOWED_VARIABLES.include?(var.strip) errors.add(:api, _('invalid_variable')) return false end end end def uri_parse_ok begin Net::HTTP.get_response(URI.parse(nice_url('dst', 'msg', 'src', 'first_name', 'last_name', 'cli'))) rescue Exception => e logger.fatal e.to_yaml errors.add(:api, _('invalid_url')) return false end end def nice_url(dst, msg, src, first_user, last_user, cli) #logger.fatal login login.gsub(/<%= DST %>/, dst).gsub(/<%= MSG %>/, msg).gsub(/<%= SRC %>/, src).gsub(/<%= USRFIRSTNAME %>/, first_user).gsub(/<%= USRLASTNAME %>/, last_user).gsub(/<%= CALLERID %>/, cli).strip end end