class Provider < ActiveRecord::Base include SqlExport belongs_to :tariff belongs_to :device belongs_to :terminator has_many :providerrules has_many :calls has_many :dids belongs_to :device belongs_to :user has_many :lcrproviders has_many :common_use_providers has_many :serverproviders attr_protected :user_id attr_accessor :old_register_record attr_accessor :old_register_extension_record attr_accessor :old_register_line_record attr_accessor :max_timeout # old validates_format_of :server_ip, :with => /(^(?:25[0-5]|2[0-4]\d|1\d\d|[1-9]\d|\d)(?:[.](?:25[0-5]|2[0-4]\d|1\d\d|[1-9]\d|\d)){3}$)|(^[a-zA-Z]([a-zA-Z0-9-]{0,61}[a-zA-Z0-9])?\.[a-zA-Z]([a-zA-Z0-9-]{0,61}[a-zA-Z0-9])?(\.[a-zA-Z]([a-zA-Z0-9-]{0,61}[a-zA-Z0-9])?)?$)|dynamic/ , :message => _("Hostname_is_not_valid") validates_format_of :server_ip, :with => /(^(?:25[0-5]|2[0-4]\d|1\d\d|[1-9]\d|\d)(?:[.](?:25[0-5]|2[0-4]\d|1\d\d|[1-9]\d|\d)){3}$)|(^(([a-zA-Z0-9]|[a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9\-]*[a-zA-Z0-9])\.)+([A-Za-z]|[A-Za-z][A-Za-z0-9\-]*[A-Za-z0-9])$)|^dynamic$|^$/, :message => _("Hostname_is_not_valid") validates_presence_of :name, :message => _("Provider_should_have_name") validates_format_of :port, :with => /^\d+$|^$/, :message => _("Provider_port_is_not_valid") validates_uniqueness_of :name, :message => _('Provider_Name_Must_Be_Unique') #skype provider must have skype name, no blank field allowed validates_presence_of :login, :message => _("Skype_provider_should_have_name"), :if => lambda { |o| == "Skype" } before_save :before_save_timeout, :check_location_id, :check_login def before_save_timeout self.timeout = 30 if self.timeout.to_i < 30 true end def check_login if self.device and self.device.device_ip_authentication_record == 0 and login.blank? errors.add(:login, _('Provider_should_have_login')) return false end end def check_location_id if self.user and != 0 #if old location id - create and set value = Confline.get_value("Default_device_location_id", if value.blank? or value.to_i == 1 or !value self.user.after_create_localization else #if new - only update devices with location 1 self.user.update_resellers_device_location(value) end end end def before_destroy if Call.count(:conditions => ["provider_id = ?",]) > 0 errors.add(:calls, _('Provider_has_calls')) return false end if self.dids and self.dids.size > 0 errors.add(:dids, _('Cant_delete_provider_it_has_dids')) return false end if Lcr.count(:conditions => ["failover_provider_id = ?",]) > 0 errors.add(:lcrproviders, _('Cannot_delete_provider_it_is_assigned_as_failover_provider')) return false end for rule in self.providerrules rule.destroy end self.device.destroy if self.device end def after_create if tech == 'Skype' and Provider.count(:all, :conditions => ['tech = "Skype"']).to_i == 1 Confline.set_value("Skype_Default_Provider", id, 0) end end def type return "dynamic" if self.server_ip == "dynamic" return "hostname" if self.device.ipaddr.to_s == "" return "ip" end def network(type, host, ip, port) case type when "hostname" self.server_ip = host device = self.device = "prov" + = host.to_s device.ipaddr = "" self.port = device.port = port when "ip" self.server_ip = host device = self.device = "prov" + = host.to_s device.ipaddr = ip.to_s self.port = device.port = port when "dynamic" self.server_ip = "dynamic" device = self.device self.login.to_s.length > 0 ? = self.login : = "prov" + = "dynamic" device.ipaddr = "" self.port = device.port = "" else return false end return true end # is provider active in some LCR? # nil - provider does not belong to this LCR # 0 - disabled # 1 - active def active?(lcr_id) if lcrprov = Lcrprovider.find(:first, :conditions => "provider_id = #{} AND lcr_id = #{lcr_id.to_i}") return else return nil end end def validate end def serverprovider Serverprovider.find(:all, :conditions => ["server_id=?",]) end def servers servers = Server.find_by_sql("SELECT servers.* FROM servers, serverproviders WHERE serverproviders.provider_id = '#{}' AND serverproviders.server_id = servers.server_id ORDER BY servers.server_id;") end def hangup(date_start, date_end) hangup = Hangupcausecode.find_by_sql("SELECT hangupcausecodes.* FROM hangupcausecodes, calls WHERE (calls.provider_id = '#{}' and calls.callertype = 'Local') OR (calls.did_provider_id = '#{}' and calls.callertype = 'Outside') AND hangupcausecodes.code = calls.hangupcause AND calls.calldate BETWEEN '#{date_start}' AND '#{date_end}' ORDER BY;") end def calls(date_start, date_end) calls = Call.find_by_sql("SELECT calls.* FROM calls WHERE (calls.provider_id = '#{}' OR calls.did_provider_id = '#{}' ) AND calls.calldate BETWEEN '#{date_start}' AND '#{date_end}';") end def hangupcalls(hangupcausecode) hangupcalls = Call.find_by_sql("SELECT calls.* FROM calls WHERE (calls.provider_id = '#{}' OR calls.did_provider_id = '#{}') AND calls.hangupcause = '#{hangupcausecode.to_s}' AND calls.calldate BETWEEN '#{date_start}' AND '#{date_end}' ORDER BY;") end def codec?(codec) sql = "SELECT COUNT(*) as 'count' FROM providercodecs, codecs WHERE providercodecs.provider_id = '" + + "' AND providercodecs.codec_id = AND = '" + codec.to_s + "'" res = ActiveRecord::Base.connection.select_one(sql) res['count'] == '1' end def codecs_order(type, options={}) if options[:skype] Codec.find_by_sql("SELECT codecs.*, IF(providercodecs.priority is null, 100, providercodecs.priority) as bb FROM codecs LEFT Join providercodecs on (providercodecs.codec_id = and providercodecs.provider_id = #{}) where codec_type = '#{type}' AND name IN('g729', 'alaw', 'ulaw') ORDER BY bb asc,") else Codec.find_by_sql("SELECT codecs.*, IF(providercodecs.priority is null, 100, providercodecs.priority) as bb FROM codecs LEFT Join providercodecs on (providercodecs.codec_id = and providercodecs.provider_id = #{}) where codec_type = '#{type}' ORDER BY bb asc,") end end def codecs sql = "SELECT * FROM codecs, providercodecs WHERE providercodecs.provider_id = '" + + "' AND providercodecs.codec_id = ORDER BY providercodecs.priority" res = ActiveRecord::Base.connection.select_all(sql) codecs = [] for i in 0..res.size-1 codecs << Codec.find(res[i]["codec_id"]) end codecs end def update_codecs_with_priority(codecs) dc = {} Providercodec.find(:all, :conditions => ["provider_id = ?",]).each { |c| dc[c.codec_id] = c.priority; c.destroy } Codec.find(:all).each { |codec| =>, :provider_id =>, :priority => dc[].to_i).save if codecs[] == "1" } self.update_device_codecs end def update_device_codecs Devicecodec.find(:all, :conditions => ["device_id = ?",]).each { |codec| codec.destroy } self.codecs.each_with_index { |codec, index| =>, :codec_id =>, :priority => index.to_i).save } self.device.update_codecs if self.device end def calls_count(date_start, date_end) Call.count_by_sql "SELECT COUNT( FROM calls WHERE (calls.provider_id = '#{}' OR calls.did_provider_id = '#{}') AND calldate BETWEEN '#{date_start}' AND '#{date_end}'" end def calls_answered_count(date_start, date_end) Call.count_by_sql "SELECT COUNT( FROM calls WHERE (calls.provider_id = '#{}' OR calls.did_provider_id = '#{}') AND calldate BETWEEN '#{date_start}' AND '#{date_end}' AND disposition = 'ANSWERED'" end def calls_no_answer_count(date_start, date_end) Call.count_by_sql "SELECT COUNT( FROM calls WHERE (calls.provider_id = '#{}' OR calls.did_provider_id = '#{}') AND calldate BETWEEN '#{date_start}' AND '#{date_end}' AND disposition = 'NO ANSWER'" end def calls_busy_count(date_start, date_end) Call.count_by_sql "SELECT COUNT( FROM calls WHERE (calls.provider_id = '#{}' OR calls.did_provider_id = '#{}') AND calldate BETWEEN '#{date_start}' AND '#{date_end}' AND disposition = 'BUSY'" end def calls_failed_count(date_start, date_end) Call.count_by_sql "SELECT COUNT( FROM calls WHERE (calls.provider_id = '#{}' OR calls.did_provider_id = '#{}') AND calldate BETWEEN '#{date_start}' AND '#{date_end}' AND disposition = 'FAILED'" end def calls_billsec_sum(date_start, date_end) sql = "SELECT SUM(calls.provider_billsec) FROM calls WHERE (calls.provider_id = '#{}' OR calls.did_provider_id = '#{}') AND calldate BETWEEN '#{date_start}' AND '#{date_end}' AND disposition = 'ANSWERED'" res = ActiveRecord::Base.connection.select_value(sql) end def calls_price_sum(date_start, date_end) sql = "SELECT SUM(calls.provider_price) FROM calls WHERE (calls.provider_id = '#{}' OR calls.did_provider_id = '#{}') AND calldate BETWEEN '#{date_start}' AND '#{date_end}' AND disposition = 'ANSWERED'" res = ActiveRecord::Base.connection.select_value(sql) end def calls_user_price_sum(date_start, date_end) sql = "SELECT SUM(calls.user_price) FROM calls WHERE (calls.provider_id = '#{}' OR calls.did_provider_id = '#{}') AND calldate BETWEEN '#{date_start}' AND '#{date_end}' AND disposition = 'ANSWERED'" res = ActiveRecord::Base.connection.select_value(sql) end def calls_reseller_price_sum(date_start, date_end) sql = "SELECT SUM(calls.reseller_price) FROM calls WHERE (calls.provider_id = '#{}' OR calls.did_provider_id = '#{}') AND calldate BETWEEN '#{date_start}' AND '#{date_end}' AND disposition = 'ANSWERED'" res = ActiveRecord::Base.connection.select_value(sql) end # Calls.count_by_sql "SELECT COUNT( FROM calls WHERE calls.provider_id = '#{}' AND status = 'completed'" def reload exceptions = [] for server in self.servers begin server.ami_cmd('sip reload') server.ami_cmd('iax2 reload') rescue Exception => e exceptions << e end end exceptions end def h323_reload exceptions = [] for server in self.servers begin server.ami_cmd('h.323 reload') rescue Exception => e exceptions << e end end exceptions end def skype_reload exceptions = [] for server in self.servers begin server.ami_cmd('reload') rescue Exception => e exceptions << e end end exceptions end def provider_calls_csv(options = {}) sep = Confline.get_value("CSV_Separator", 0).to_s dec = Confline.get_value("CSV_Decimal", 0).to_s if options[:direction] == "incoming" disposition = " (calls.did_provider_id = #{} OR calls.src_device_id = #{self.device_id} )" else disposition = " calls.provider_id = #{} " end disposition += " AND disposition = '#{options[:call_type]}' " if options[:call_type] != "all" disposition += " AND calldate BETWEEN '#{options[:date_from]}' AND '#{options[:date_till]}'" # csv_header = [_("date"), _("called_from"), _("called_to"),_("Destination"), _("duration"), _("Billsec"), _("hangup_cause"), _("User_Price")+"("+options[:show_currency].to_s+")", _("Provider_price")+"("+options[:show_currency]+")", _("Profit")+"("+options[:show_currency]+")", _("Margin %"), _("Markup %")] exrate = Currency.count_exchange_rate(options[:default_currency], options[:show_currency]) # fm1 = " ROUND(" # fm2 =" ,#{options[:nice_number_digits]}) " r1 = dec == "." ? "" : "replace(" r2 = dec == "." ? "" : ", '.', '#{dec}')" n1 = "#{r1}" #"#{r1} FORMAT(" n2 = "#{r2}" #",#{options[:nice_number_digits]})#{r2}" c1 = options[:default_currency] != options[:show_currency] ? " * #{exrate.to_f} " : "" select2 = [] format = Confline.get_value('Date_format', 0).gsub('M', 'i') select2 << SqlExport.nice_date('calldate', {:reference => 'calldate', :format => format, :tz => options[:tx]}) select2 << "src , dst , direction , duration , billsec , disposition , #{n1}provider_price3#{n2} as provider_price3, #{n1}user_price3#{n2} as user_price3" select2 << "#{n1}(user_price3-provider_price3)#{n2} as 'profit'" select = [] select << "calls.calldate" select << "IF(#{options[:show_full_src].to_i} = 1 AND CHAR_LENGTH(clid)>0 AND clid REGEXP'\"' , CONCAT(src, ' ' ,REPLACE(SUBSTRING_INDEX(clid, '\"', 2), '\"', '('), ')'), src) as 'src'" select << "calls.dst" select << "CONCAT(IF( IS NULL, '',, ' ', IF( IS NULL, '',, ' ', IF(destinations.subcode IS NULL, '',destinations.subcode)) as 'direction'" select << "IF(calls.billsec > 0, calls.billsec, CEIL(calls.real_billsec) ) as 'duration'" if options[:direction].to_s == "incoming" select << "calls.did_billsec as 'billsec'" select << "calls.disposition" select << "IF(calls.provider_price IS NOT NULL, calls.did_prov_price#{c1}, 0) as 'provider_price3'" select2 << "'0' as 'm1'" select2 << "'0' as 'm2'" else select << "IF(calls.billsec = 0 AND calls.real_billsec > 0, calls.real_billsec, calls.billsec) as 'billsec'" select << "calls.disposition" select << "IF(calls.provider_price IS NOT NULL, calls.provider_price#{c1}, 0) as 'provider_price3'" select2 << "IF( (((user_price3-provider_price3) / user_price3 ) *100) IS NULL, 0, #{n1}(((user_price3-provider_price3) / user_price3 ) *100) #{n2}) as 'm1'" select2 << "IF(( ((user_price3 / provider_price3) *100)-100 ) IS NULL, 0 , #{n1}( ((user_price3 / provider_price3) *100)-100 ) #{n2}) as 'm2'" end select << "IF(calls.reseller_id > 0, calls.reseller_price#{c1} , calls.user_price#{c1}) as 'user_price3'" filename = "CDR-#{SqlExport.clean_filename(}-#{options[:date_from].gsub(" ", "_").gsub(":", "_")}-#{options[:date_till].gsub(" ", "_").gsub(":", "_")}-#{}-#{rand(20000).to_i}-#{options[:direction]}-#{options[:show_currency]}" sql = "SELECT * " if options[:test] != 1 sql += " INTO OUTFILE '/tmp/#{filename}.csv' FIELDS TERMINATED BY '#{sep}' OPTIONALLY ENCLOSED BY '#{''}' ESCAPED BY '#{"\\\\"}' LINES TERMINATED BY '#{"\\n"}' " end sql += " FROM ("+ # "SELECT '#{csv_header.join("'"+sep+"'")}'"+ # " UNION "+ "SELECT #{select2.join(" , ")} FROM ((SELECT #{select.join(" , ")} FROM calls LEFT JOIN destinations ON (calls.prefix = destinations.prefix) LEFT JOIN directions ON (directions.code = destinations.direction_code) WHERE #{disposition} ORDER BY calls.calldate DESC)) as temp_a) as temp_c;" if options[:test].to_i == 1 mysql_res = ActiveRecord::Base.connection.select_all(sql) filename += mysql_res.to_yaml.to_s else mysql_res = ActiveRecord::Base.connection.execute(sql) end return filename end #========== DEBUG =================== def my_debug(msg), "a") { |f| f << msg.to_s f << "\n" } end def Provider.providers_order_by(options) case options[:order_by].to_s.strip.to_s when "name" : order_by = "" when "id" : order_by = "" when "tech" : order_by = "" when "channel" : order_by = "" when "login" : order_by = "providers.login" when "password" : order_by = "providers.password" when "server_ip" : order_by = "providers.server_ip" when "tariff" : order_by = "" else options[:order_by] ? order_by = options[:order_by] : order_by = "" options[:order_desc] = 1 end order_by += " ASC" if options[:order_desc].to_i == 0 and order_by != "" order_by += " DESC" if options[:order_desc].to_i == 1 and order_by != "" return order_by end def Provider.find_all_for_select find(:all, :select => "id, name", :order => ' ASC') end def Provider.find_all_with_calls_for_stats(current_user, options={}) s = [] exrate = Currency.count_exchange_rate(options[:default_currency], options[:show_currency]) c1 = options[:default_currency] != options[:show_currency] ? " * #{exrate.to_f} " : "" s << ',,' s << 'COUNT( as pcalls' s << "SUM(IF(b.DISPOSITION='ANSWERED',1,0)) AS 'answered'" s << "SUM(IF(b.DISPOSITION='BUSY',1,0)) AS 'busy'" s << "SUM(IF(b.DISPOSITION='NO ANSWER',1,0)) AS 'no_answer'" s << "SUM(IF(b.DISPOSITION='FAILED' AND hangupcause < 200 ,1,0)) AS 'failed'" s << "SUM(IF(b.DISPOSITION='FAILED' AND hangupcause > 199 ,1,0)) AS 'failed_locally'" s << "SUM(b.billsec) AS billsec" if current_user.is_admin? con = '' s << "(SUM(b.provider_price)#{c1}) as 'selfcost_price'" s << "(SUM(IF(b.reseller_id > 0, b.reseller_price, b.user_price))#{c1}) AS 'sel_price'" s << "(SUM(IF(b.reseller_id > 0, b.reseller_price, b.user_price) - b.provider_price )#{c1}) AS 'profit'" else con = "OR (providers.common_use = 1 AND IN (SELECT provider_id FROM common_use_providers where reseller_id = #{}))" s << "(SUM(IF(providers.common_use = 1, b.reseller_price,b.provider_price))#{c1}) as 'selfcost_price'" s << "(SUM(b.user_price)#{c1}) AS 'sel_price'" s << "(SUM(b.user_price - IF(providers.common_use = 1, b.reseller_price,b.provider_price))#{c1} ) AS 'profit'" end jcond = ["calls.calldate BETWEEN '#{options[:date_from]}' AND '#{options[:date_till]}'"] jcond << "calls.prefix LIKE '#{options[:s_prefix]}'" if !options[:s_prefix].blank? if current_user.is_reseller? jcond << "(calls.reseller_id = #{} OR calls.user_id = #{})" end joins = [] joins << "LEFT JOIN (SELECT, calls.DISPOSITION, calls.hangupcause, calls.did_provider_id, IF(calls.billsec > 0, calls.billsec, CEIL(calls.real_billsec) ) as 'billsec', calls.provider_id, calls.provider_price, calls.user_price, calls.reseller_price, calls.reseller_id FROM calls WHERE #{jcond.join(' AND ')} ) as b ON (b.provider_id = OR b.did_provider_id =" cond = ["(providers.user_id = #{} #{con})"] cond << " = #{options[:p_id]}" if options[:p_id] sql = "SELECT #{s.join(' , ')} FROM providers #{joins.join(' ')} WHERE #{cond.join(' AND ')} GROUP BY ORDER BY ASC" Provider.find_by_sql(sql) end def set_old self.old_register_record = self.register self.old_register_extension_record = self.reg_extension self.old_register_line_record = self.reg_line end def change_register_params? self.old_register_record != self.register or self.old_register_extension_record != self.reg_extension or self.old_register_line_record != self.reg_line end def old_register; @old_register_record; end def old_register_extension; @old_register_extension_record; end def old_register_line; @old_register_line_record; end def create_serverproviders(servers) if servers ss = [] servers.each { |s| sp = Serverprovider.find(:first, :conditions => "server_id = #{s[0].to_i} AND provider_id = #{id}") if not sp serverprovider ={:server_id => s[0].to_i, :provider_id => id}) end ss << s[0].to_i } ActiveRecord::Base.connection.execute("DELETE FROM serverproviders WHERE provider_id = '#{id}' AND server_id NOT IN (#{ss.join(',')})") end end =begin ticket #5618 =end def max_timeout self.device.max_timeout end =begin ticket #5618 provider must have a device =end def max_timeout=(timeout) self.device.max_timeout = timeout end def is_dahdi? == 'dahdi' end end