class Monitoring < ActiveRecord::Base has_and_belongs_to_many :users belongs_to :owner, :class_name => 'User', :foreign_key => 'owner_id' # Period in past type to differentiate between minutes hours and days attr_writer :period_in_past_type # This is set if we're updating monitoring for single user. That means we need to create a new one and make one association. attr_accessor :user # Used to differentiate between new record and existent one attr_accessor :existent_record MONITORING_TYPES = { 1 => 'Monitoring_call_price_sum_over_past_period', 2 => 'Monitoring_simultaneous_call_over_past_period' }.freeze validate do |monitoring| monitoring.amount_must_be_greater_than_zero monitoring.period_must_be_greater_than_thirty_minutes monitoring.must_have_at_least_one_action monitoring.monitoring_type_must_be_specified end def before_create !self.is_duplicate? if !self.user_type.to_s.blank? self.owner_id = User.current.get_correct_owner_id ur = User.find(:first, :conditions=>{:id =>self.user}) if ur and ur.owner_id != self.owner_id errors.add(:owner, _('Dont_be_so_smart')) return false end end def before_update !self.is_duplicate? end def after_create self.associate self.reload self.add_monitoring_action('create') end def after_update self.reload self.add_monitoring_action('update') end def add_monitoring_action(act) case act when 'create' typ = 'created' when 'update' typ = 'updated' when 'destroy' typ = 'destroyed' end Action.add_action_hash(User.current, { :action => "monitoring_#{act}", :data => "Monitoring #{typ}", :data2 => "period: #{self.parse_period} | limit: #{self.amount} #{}", :data3 => "email: #{} | block: #{self.block} | users: #{( self.users.any? ) ?" ") : _(self.user_type.capitalize).downcase}", :target_id =>, :target_type => "monitoring" }) end # we should ensure monitoring uniqueness (validation does not fit here by design) def self.new_or_existent_from_params(params) monit = new(params) if existent = find(:first, {:conditions => { :period_in_past => monit.period_in_past, :mtype => monit.mtype, :block => monit.block, :email =>, :amount => monit.amount, :user_type => monit.user_type, :monitoring_type => monit.monitoring_type}}) existent.existent_record = true existent.user = monit.user return existent else monit.existent_record = false return monit end end def parse_period case self.period_in_past_type when "minutes" _("Thirty_minutes") when "hours" "#{self.period_in_past / 60} #{_('Hour_hours')}" when "days" "#{self.period_in_past / 1440} #{_('Day_days')}" end end def is_duplicate? typ = self.user_type.to_s.blank? ? " IS " : ' = ' if Monitoring.find(:first, {:conditions =>["period_in_past=? AND mtype=? AND block=? AND email=? AND amount=? AND user_type#{typ}? AND id!=? AND owner_id =?", self.period_in_past, self.mtype, self.block,, self.amount, self.user_type,, self.owner_id]}) return true else return false end end def amount_must_be_greater_than_zero if ['above', 'bellow'].include? self.monitoring_type and (!self.amount or self.amount <= 0.0) errors.add(:amount, _('Amount_must_be_greater_than_zero')) return false else return true end end def monitoring_type_must_be_specified unless ['above', 'bellow', 'simultaneous'].include? self.monitoring_type errors.add(:amount, _('Choose_monitoring_type')) return false end end def period_must_be_greater_than_thirty_minutes if !self.period_in_past or self.period_in_past < 30 errors.add(:amount, _('Period_must_be_greater_than_thirty_minutes')) return false end end def must_have_at_least_one_action if ! and !self.block errors.add_to_base(_('Monitoring_must_either_be_blocking_or_notifying')) return false end end def period_in_past_type # if period is in minutes (less than 1 hour) @period_in_past_type ||= if period_in_past.blank? or period_in_past < 60 "minutes" # if period is in hours (between 1 and 23hours) elsif period_in_past >= 60 and period_in_past < 1380 "hours" # if period is in days (more than 23 hours) else "days" end end def after_initialize if self.monitoring_type == 'simultaneous' self.mtype = 2 else self.mtype = 1 # monitoring type: calls price sum in past period, change me when new monitoring types will be added! end end # associates or deassociates user with monitoring def associate # we were adding new monitoring system-wide if user_type.blank? user = User.find_by_id(@user) user.monitorings << self unless user.monitorings.include?(self) end end def destroy_or_deassociate(user = nil) # means we delete monitoring for all users if user.blank? self.destroy # means that we deassociate single user with monitoring else self.users.delete(User.find_by_id(user)) # if there are no users left destory monitoring if self.users.empty? self.destroy end end end def monitoring_types MONITORING_TYPES[mtype] end def block_user? block end def send_email? email end def existent? @existent_record end def simultaneous_calls find_all_users_sql = self.owner_id == 0 ? '' : " AND users.owner_id = #{self.owner_id} " if user_type && user_type =~ /postpaid|prepaid/ # monitoring for postpaids and prepaids users = User.find(:all, :select => 'callsA.dst dst, callsA.calldate calldateA, callsA.src srcA, callsB.calldate calldateB, callsB.dst dstB, callsB.src srcB', :conditions => ["callsA.calldate between callsB.calldate and callsB.calldate + INTERVAL callsB.duration SECOND AND callsA.uniqueid != callsB.uniqueid AND users.blocked = 0 AND users.postpaid = ? AND users.ignore_global_monitorings = 0 #{find_all_users_sql}", ((self.user_type == "postpaid") ? 1 : 0) ], :joins => "JOIN calls callsA ON (callsA.user_id = AND callsA.calldate > DATE_SUB(NOW(), INTERVAL #{self.period_in_past.to_i} MINUTE)) JOIN calls callsB ON (callsA.dst = callsB.dst AND callsA.calldate > DATE_SUB(NOW(), INTERVAL #{self.period_in_past.to_i} MINUTE))") elsif user_type && user_type =~ /all/ # monitoring for all users users = User.find(:all, :select => 'callsA.dst dst, callsA.calldate calldateA, callsA.src srcA, callsB.calldate calldateB, callsB.dst dstB, callsB.src srcB', :conditions => ["callsA.calldate between callsB.calldate and callsB.calldate + INTERVAL callsB.duration SECOND AND callsA.uniqueid != callsB.uniqueid AND users.blocked = 0 AND users.ignore_global_monitorings = 0 #{find_all_users_sql}"], :group => "", :joins => "JOIN calls callsA ON (callsA.user_id = AND callsA.calldate > DATE_SUB(NOW(), INTERVAL #{self.period_in_past.to_i} MINUTE)) JOIN calls callsB ON (callsA.dst = callsB.dst AND callsA.calldate > DATE_SUB(NOW(), INTERVAL #{self.period_in_past.to_i} MINUTE))") else # monitoring for individual users users = User.find(:all, :select => 'callsA.dst dst, callsA.calldate calldateA, callsA.src srcA, callsB.calldate calldateB, callsB.dst dstB, callsB.src srcB', :conditions => ["callsA.calldate between callsB.calldate and callsB.calldate + INTERVAL callsB.duration SECOND AND callsA.uniqueid != callsB.uniqueid AND users.blocked = 0 AND users.ignore_global_monitorings = 0 #{find_all_users_sql}",], :joins => "JOIN calls callsA ON (callsA.user_id = AND callsA.calldate > DATE_SUB(NOW(), INTERVAL #{self.period_in_past.to_i} MINUTE)) JOIN calls callsB ON (callsA.dst = callsB.dst AND callsA.calldate > DATE_SUB(NOW(), INTERVAL #{self.period_in_past.to_i} MINUTE))") end return users end end