class Locationrule < ActiveRecord::Base belongs_to :location belongs_to :tariff belongs_to :lcr belongs_to :did belongs_to :device def before_save current = User.current if current usertype = current.usertype if ['admin', 'accountant'].include?(usertype) uid = 0 else uid = end if !['admin', 'accountant'].include?(usertype) unless location.user_id == uid errors.add(:location, _("Location_error")) return false end end end if cut.blank? and add.blank? errors.add(:cut_add, _("Cut_and_Add_canot_be_empty")) return false end end validates_uniqueness_of :cut, :scope => [:add, :location_id], :message => _('Rule_Must_Be_Unique'), :if => :check_min_and_max validates_presence_of :name, :message => _('Rule_must_have_name') def check_min_and_max Locationrule.count(:all, :conditions=>["NOT ((? < minlen AND ? < minlen) OR (? > maxlen and ? > maxlen ) ) AND location_id = ? AND locationrules.add = ? and cut = ? AND id != ? AND lr_type = ?", minlen, maxlen, minlen, maxlen,location_id,add, cut, id.to_i, lr_type]).to_i > 0 end end