class Lcr < ActiveRecord::Base has_many :lcr_partials #, :dependent => :destroy belongs_to :user has_many :lcrproviders #, :dependent => :destroy before_destroy :validate_before_destroy #validates_uniqueness_of :name =begin rdoc =end def validate_before_destroy if User.find(:all, :conditions => ["lcr_id = ?", id]).size > 0 errors.add(:users, _('LCR_not_deleted_because_it_is_used_by_some_user(s)')) return false end lrules= Locationrule.find(:all, :conditions => "lcr_id='#{id}'") if lrules.size.to_i > 0 errors.add(:locationrules, lrules.size.to_s + " " + _('locationrules_are_using_this_lcr_cant_delete')) return false end if self.lcr_partials.count > 0 errors.add(:lcr_partials, self.lcr_partials.count.to_s + " " + _('lcr_partials_are_using_this_lcr_cant_delete')) return false end end def providers(order = nil) order1 = "" if self.order.to_s == "percent" order1= " lcrproviders.percent DESC, asc; " else if self.order.to_s == "priority" order1= " lcrproviders.priority ASC, asc; " else if order.to_s.downcase == "asc" or order.to_s.downcase == "desc" order1= " lcrproviders.priority #{order}; " else order1 = " ASC; " end end end sql = "SELECT providers.* , lcrproviders.percent, lcrproviders.priority FROM providers JOIN lcrproviders ON ( = lcrproviders.provider_id) WHERE lcrproviders.lcr_id = #{} ORDER BY #{order1}" return Provider.find_by_sql(sql) end def failover_provider sql = "SELECT providers.* FROM providers JOIN lcrs ON ( = lcrs.failover_provider_id) WHERE = #{}" Provider.find_by_sql(sql)[0] end def failover_provider=(provider) if provider self.failover_provider_id = else self.failover_provider_id = nil end end def active_providers Provider.find_by_sql ["SELECT providers.* FROM providers, lcrproviders WHERE = lcrproviders.provider_id AND active = 1 AND lcrproviders.lcr_id = ? AND providers.hidden = 0 ORDER BY ASC",] end def add_provider(prov) if self.order.to_s == "percent" @prs = Lcrprovider.find(:all, :conditions => ["lcr_id = ?",]) if @prs lcr_percent = 10000 / (@prs.size + 1) for pr in @prs pr.percent = lcr_percent end else lcr_percent = 10000 end Lcrprovider.create({:lcr_id => id, :provider_id =>, :percent => lcr_percent}) else lprov = Lcrprovider.find(:first, :conditions => ["lcr_id = ?",], :order => "priority desc") Lcrprovider.create({:lcr_id => id, :provider_id =>, :priority => (lprov ? lprov.priority.to_i + 1 : 1)}) end end def remove_provider(prov_id) if self.order.to_s == "percent" @pr2 = Lcrprovider.find(:first, :conditions => ["lcr_id = ? AND provider_id = ?",, prov_id.to_s]) if @pr2 @prs = Lcrprovider.find(:all, :conditions => ["lcr_id = ? AND id != ?",,]) if @prs.size > 0 lcr_percent = 10000 / @prs.size for pr in @prs pr.percent = lcr_percent end end end end Lcrprovider.destroy_all(["lcr_id = ? AND provider_id = ?",, prov_id.to_s]) end def provider_active(provider_id) sql = "SELECT active FROM lcrproviders WHERE lcr_id = '#{}' AND provider_id = '#{provider_id}' " res = ActiveRecord::Base.connection.select_value(sql) res == "1" end def lcr_partials_destinations sql = "SELECT directions.*, as lid, lcr_partials.prefix as prefix, lcr_partials.lcr_id, as 'lname', lcrs.order, as 'lcr_id', destinations.subcode as 'dest_subcode', as 'dest_name' FROM lcr_partials LEFT JOIN lcrs on ( = lcr_partials.lcr_id) LEFT JOIN destinations on (destinations.prefix = lcr_partials.prefix) LEFT JOIN directions on (destinations.direction_code = directions.code) WHERE main_lcr_id = '#{}' ORDER BY ASC, lcr_partials.prefix ASC" MorLog.my_debug sql return ActiveRecord::Base.connection.select_all(sql) end def equalize_percent providers = Lcrprovider.find(:all, :select => "lcrproviders.*", :joins => "RIGHT JOIN providers ON ( = lcrproviders.provider_id)", :conditions => ["lcr_id = ?",]) percent = 10000/providers.size if providers and providers.size > 0 providers.each { |provider| provider.percent = percent } end def Lcr.lcrs_order_by(params, options) case params[:order_by].to_s.strip.to_s when "id" : order_by = " " when "name" : order_by = " " when "order" : order_by = " lcrs.order " else options[:order_by] ? order_by = "name" : order_by = "name" options[:order_desc] = 1 end order_by += " ASC" if options[:order_desc].to_i == 0 and order_by != "" order_by += " DESC" if options[:order_desc].to_i == 1 and order_by != "" return order_by end def provider_change_status(prov_id) value = self.provider_active(prov_id) ? 0 : 1 Lcrprovider.update_all("active = #{value}", ['lcr_id = ? AND provider_id = ?', id, prov_id]) return value end def lcr_name (User.current.lcr_id == id and User.current.usertype == 'reseller') ? _('DEFAULT_LCR') : end def make_tariff(options={}) # if lrc contains common use provider, use admins tariff fo reseller s = [] # select fields , csv collums s << SqlExport.column_escape_null("", "dir_name") s << SqlExport.column_escape_null("", "name") s << "prefix, subcode" t_name = "Temp_#{id}_#{}" if options[:current_user].usertype == 'reseller' and options[:current_user].tariff.purpose == 'user' tariffs = Tariff.find_by_sql("SELECT DISTINCT(providers.tariff_id) as tid FROM lcrproviders left JOIN providers ON ( = provider_id AND providers.common_use = 0) left JOIN tariffs ON ( = providers.tariff_id) WHERE lcr_id = #{id} and tariff_id is not null") t_ids = { |i| i.tid } create_temp_table = "CREATE TABLE #{t_name}_2 AS (SELECT destinationgroup_id, #{SqlExport.replace_dec("MIN( price * exchange_rate)", options[:column_dem], 'rate_min')}, #{SqlExport.replace_dec("MAX( price * exchange_rate)", options[:column_dem], 'rate_max')} FROM rates JOIN aratedetails ON ( = rate_id) JOIN tariffs ON ( = tariff_id) JOIN currencies ON ( = tariffs.currency) WHERE tariff_id IN (#{options[:current_user].tariff_id}) group by destinationgroup_id);" ActiveRecord::Base.connection.execute(create_temp_table) cretate_table_2 = " CREATE TABLE #{t_name}_1 AS (SELECT destination_id as did, #{SqlExport.replace_dec("MIN( rate * exchange_rate)", options[:column_dem], 'rate_min')}, #{SqlExport.replace_dec("MAX( rate * exchange_rate)", options[:column_dem], 'rate_max')} FROM rates JOIN ratedetails ON ( = rate_id) JOIN tariffs ON ( = tariff_id) JOIN currencies ON ( = tariffs.currency) WHERE tariff_id IN (#{t_ids.size.to_i > 0 ? t_ids.join(' , ') : -100}) GROUP BY destination_id);" ActiveRecord::Base.connection.execute(cretate_table_2) sql_m = "SELECT #{s.join(' , ')} , rate_min, rate_max FROM ( SELECT as vi, rate_min,rate_max from destinations JOIN #{t_name}_2 ON (#{t_name}_2.destinationgroup_id = destinations.destinationgroup_id) UNION ALL SELECT did AS vi , rate_min, rate_max FROM #{t_name}_1 ) AS V JOIN destinations ON ( = LEFT JOIN directions ON (destinations.direction_code = directions.code) GROUP BY vi ORDER BY dir_name ASC" else cond = " tariff_id IN (SELECT DISTINCT(providers.tariff_id) FROM lcrproviders JOIN providers ON ( = provider_id) WHERE lcr_id = #{id} ) AND tariffs.owner_id = #{options[:current_user].id} " if options[:current_user].usertype == 'reseller' cond = " (tariff_id IN (SELECT DISTINCT(providers.tariff_id) FROM lcrproviders JOIN providers ON ( = provider_id) WHERE lcr_id = #{id} ) AND tariffs.owner_id = #{options[:current_user].id}) OR = #{options[:current_user].tariff_id} " end sql_m = "SELECT #{s.join(' , ')}, MIN(rate * exchange_rate) AS rate_min, MAX(rate * exchange_rate) AS rate_max FROM rates JOIN ratedetails ON ( = rate_id) JOIN tariffs ON ( = tariff_id) JOIN currencies ON ( = tariffs.currency) JOIN destinations ON (rates.destination_id = LEFT JOIN directions ON (destinations.direction_code = directions.code) WHERE #{cond} GROUP BY destination_id #{'HAVING rate_min != 0 AND rate_max != 0' if Confline.get_value('Show_zero_rates_in_LCR_tariff_export').to_i == 0} ORDER BY dir_name ASC" end filename = "Make_LCR_tariff-#{SqlExport.clean_filename(name)}-#{options[:curr]}-#{}_#{options[:rand]}" sql = "SELECT dir_name, name, subcode, prefix, #{SqlExport.replace_dec('rate_min', options[:column_dem], 'rate_min')}, #{SqlExport.replace_dec('rate_max', options[:column_dem], 'rate_max')} " if options[:test] != 1 sql += " INTO OUTFILE '/tmp/#{filename}.csv' FIELDS TERMINATED BY '#{options[:collumn_separator]}' OPTIONALLY ENCLOSED BY '#{''}' ESCAPED BY '#{"\\\\"}' LINES TERMINATED BY '#{"\\n"}' " end sql += " FROM (#{sql_m}) AS c" if options[:test].to_i == 1 mysql_res = ActiveRecord::Base.connection.select_all(sql) MorLog.my_debug(sql) MorLog.my_debug("------------------------------------------------------------------------") MorLog.my_debug(mysql_res.to_yaml) filename += mysql_res.to_yaml.to_s else mysql_res = ActiveRecord::Base.connection.execute(sql) end ActiveRecord::Base.connection.execute("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS #{t_name}_2;") ActiveRecord::Base.connection.execute("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS #{t_name}_1;") return filename end def new_location(cut, add, dst) loc_dst = Location.nice_locilization(cut, add, dst) # read LCR Partials sql = "SELECT lcr_partials.prefix as 'prefix', as 'lcr_id', lcrs.order FROM lcr_partials JOIN lcrs ON ( = lcr_partials.lcr_id) WHERE main_lcr_id = '#{id}' AND prefix=SUBSTRING('#{loc_dst}',1,LENGTH(prefix)) ORDER BY LENGTH(prefix) DESC LIMIT 1;" #my_debug sql ActiveRecord::Base.connection.select_one(sql) end =begin Create identical lcrs - clone all lcrs from resellerA and assign them to resellerB. As well as information associated with lcr - data in lcr_partials and lcrproviders tables. In case both resellers does not have identical list of providers or one of them does not have any providers at all return false, i dont think it's necesary to raise an exception, though it would be an option. Note: three insert into .. select .. statements would be enough for this operation but, since there is no way to identify which ones lcrs are new and whats theyr id so at this moment we have to generate queries in a loop. Though doing it this way is more rails/oo way, butto do this task in only three queries would be posible if say would be unique for each user. *Params* +resellerA+ User instance where usertype == reseller, reseller who's lcrs should be cloned. +resellerB+ User instance where usertype == reseller, reseller to who new lcrs should be assigned +lcr_list+ array of lcr_ids ie array containing numbers greater than 0. any non numeric thing or number less than 1 will be silently ignored. *Retuns* + =end def self.clone_lcrs(resellerA, resellerB, lcr_list) if not CommonUseProvider.common_use_providers?(resellerA, resellerB) return false else #construct where clause, which speficies user_id of lcr specifies lcr id if #at least one valid lcr id is given in lcr_list. query_condition = "user_id = #{}" if lcr_list and lcr_list.size > 0 lcr_list.reject! { |lcr_id| lcr_id.to_i == 0 } lcr_list = lcr_list.join(',') if lcr_list.length > 0 query_condition += " AND id IN (#{lcr_list})" end end #find all resellerA's lcrs and iterate through them, cloning each lcr #and cloning partials resellerA_lcrs = Lcr.find(:all, :conditions => [query_condition]) if resellerA_lcrs resellerA_lcrs.each do |original_lcr| new_lcr = = new_lcr.order = original_lcr.order new_lcr.user_id = new_lcr.first_provider_percent_limit = original_lcr.first_provider_percent_limit if LcrPartial.clone_partials(new_lcr, Lcrprovider.clone_providers(new_lcr, return true else return false end end return true else return false end end end =begin Check whether no failover provider should be used for this lcr *Returns* +boolean+ - true if no failover providers should be user, false otherwise =end def no_failover? (self.no_failover.to_i != 0 ? true : false) end def destroy_all lrules= Locationrule.find(:all, :conditions => "lcr_id='#{id}'") lrules.each { |lr| lr.destroy } if lrules lpt = self.lcr_partials lpt.each { |t| t.destroy } if lpt lcrptov = self.lcrproviders lcrptov.each { |p| p.destroy } if lcrptov end end