class Iplocation < ActiveRecord::Base require 'net/http' require 'uri' validates_presence_of :latitude, :longitude, :ip def Iplocation::get_location_from_hostip(ip, loc) if check_ip(ip) == true loc.ip = ip begin mas = Net::HTTP.get_response("", "/get_html.php?ip=#{ip}&position=true").body if mas and mas.length > 0 mas = mas.split("\n")[0].to_s.split(":")[1].to_s.split("(")[0].to_s.strip.titlecase if mas[0].split(":")[1].to_s.strip.size > 0 = mas[1].to_s.split(":")[1].to_s.strip.titlecase if mas[1].split(":")[1].strip.size > 0 loc.latitude = mas[2].split(":")[1].to_f loc.longitude = mas[3].split(":")[1].to_f else Iplocation::reset_location(loc) end rescue Exception => exc MorLog.my_debug("IpLocation error: #{exc.to_yaml}") Iplocation::reset_location(loc) end end return loc end def Iplocation::get_location_from_whatismyipaddress(ip, loc) if check_ip(ip) == true loc.ip = ip begin url = URI.parse(''+ip.to_s) # build the params string req = req.add_field("user-agent", "Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64) AppleWebKit/535.11 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/17.0.963.83 Safari/535.11") res1 =, url.port).start do |http| http.request(req) end res = res1.body if res and res.length > 0 lat = res.match(/Latitude:<\/th>(.*)<\/td><\/tr>/) lon = res.match(/Longitude:<\/th>(.*)<\/td><\/tr>/) cit = res.match(/City:<\/th>(.*)<\/td><\/tr>/) cou = res.match(/Country:<\/th>(.*)<\/td><\/tr>/) loc.longitude = lon[1].to_f if lon loc.latitude = lat[1].to_f if lat = cit[1].to_s.strip.titlecase if cit = cou[1].to_s.gsub(//, "").strip.titlecase if cou else Iplocation::reset_location(loc) end rescue Exception => exc MorLog.my_debug("IpLocation error: #{exc.to_yaml}") Iplocation::reset_location(loc) end end return loc end def Iplocation::get_location_from_ip_address(ip, loc) if check_ip(ip) == true loc.ip = ip begin url = URI.parse(''+ip.to_s) # build the params string req = req.add_field("user-agent", "Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64) AppleWebKit/535.11 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/17.0.963.83 Safari/535.11") res1 =, url.port).start do |http| http.request(req) end res = res1.body if res and res.length > 0 cou = res.match(/My IP address country:<\/th>.*\n.*.*\n(.*)<\/td>.*\n.*<\/tr>/) cit = res.match(/My IP address city:<\/th>.*\n.*.*\n(.*)<\/td>.*\n.*<\/tr>/) lat = res.match(/My IP address latitude:<\/th>.*\n.*.*\n(.*)<\/td>.*\n.*<\/tr>/) lon = res.match(/My IP address longitude:<\/th>.*\n.*.*\n(.*)<\/td>.*\n.*<\/tr>/) = cou[1].gsub(//, "").strip.titlecase if cou = cit[1].strip.titlecase if cit loc.longitude = lon[1].strip.to_f if lon loc.latitude = lat[1].strip.to_f if lat else Iplocation::reset_location(loc) end rescue Exception => exc MorLog.my_debug("IpLocation error: #{exc.to_yaml}") Iplocation::reset_location(loc) end end return loc end def Iplocation::get_location_from_google_geo(dst, dir, loc, prefix) if dst == "" and dir == "" return loc end begin if dst != "" address = dir+" "+dst res = Net::HTTP.get_response(URI.parse("{address.gsub(" ", "+")}&output=csv&sensor=false")).body.to_s.split(",") end if dst == "" or res[0] != "200" res = Net::HTTP.get_response(URI.parse("{dir.gsub(" ", "+")}&output=csv&sensor=false")).body.split(",") dst = "" end if dir == "Georgia" loc.ip = prefix loc.latitude = 42 loc.longitude = 44 = "" = "Georgia" else if res[0] == "200" loc.ip = prefix loc.latitude = res[2].to_f loc.longitude = res[3].to_f = "" = dst.lstrip if dst and dst != "" = dir.lstrip end end rescue Exception => exc MorLog.my_debug("IpLocation error: #{exc.to_yaml}") loc.ip = prefix Iplocation::reset_location(loc) end return loc end def Iplocation::get_location(ip, prefix = nil) loc = Iplocation.find(:first, :conditions => ["ip = ?", ip]) return loc if loc loc = if ip.to_s == "" loc.latitude = 0 loc.longitude = 0 return loc end if prefix == nil loc.latitude = 0 loc.longitude = 0 if loc.latitude == 0 and loc.longitude == 0 loc = Iplocation.get_location_from_whatismyipaddress(ip, loc) MorLog.my_debug("from whatismyipaddress") MorLog.my_debug(loc.to_yaml) end if loc.latitude == 0 and loc.longitude == 0 loc = Iplocation.get_location_from_ip_address(ip, loc) MorLog.my_debug("from ip_address") MorLog.my_debug(loc.to_yaml) end # ###NEVEIKIA!!!### # if loc.latitude == 0 and loc.longitude == 0 # loc = Iplocation.get_location_from_hostip(ip, loc) # MorLog.my_debug("from hostip") # MorLog.my_debug(loc.to_yaml) # end else dst = Destination.find(:first, :conditions => ["prefix = ?", ip]) if dst direction = dst.direction direction ? dir = : dir = "" dst = loc = get_location_from_google_geo(dst, dir, loc, ip) end end return loc end def check_ip return Iplocation::check_ip(self.ip) end def Iplocation::check_ip(ip) if ip and ip.size>0 digits = ip.split(".") if digits.size == 4 for digit in digits do if digit.to_i.to_s != digit or digit.to_i > 255 or digit.to_i < 0 return false end end return true else return false end else return false end end private def Iplocation::reset_location(loc) = "" = "" loc.latitude = 0 loc.longitude = 0 end end