class Destination < ActiveRecord::Base #belongs_to :direction, :foreign_key => "direction_code" has_many :rates has_many :flatrate_destinations, :dependent => :destroy has_many :calls, :finder_sql => 'SELECT * FROM calls WHERE prefix = \'#{prefix}\'' belongs_to :destinationgroup validates_uniqueness_of :prefix validates_presence_of :prefix, :subcode, :direction_code def before_destroy th ={@c=Call.find(:first, :select=>'id', :conditions => "prefix = '#{prefix}'")} if rates.size > 0 errors.add(:rates, _("rates_exist") + ": " + prefix) return false end th.join if @c errors.add(:calls, _("calls_to_this_destination_exist") + ": " + prefix) return false end end def direction Direction.find(:first, :conditions => ["code = ?", self.direction_code], :order => " name ASC") end def calls Call.find(:all, :conditions => ["prefix = ?", prefix]) end def sms_rates(tariff) SmsRate.find(:first, :conditions => ["prefix=? AND sms_tariff_id=?", prefix,]) end def Destination.auto_assignet_to_dg sql = "UPDATE destinations LEFT JOIN destinationgroups ON (destinationgroups.flag = destinations.direction_code ) SET destinations.destinationgroup_id = WHERE destinations.destinationgroup_id = 0 AND destinations.direction_code != '' AND destinations.subcode = destinationgroups.desttype" res = ActiveRecord::Base.connection.execute(sql) sql2 = "UPDATE destinations LEFT JOIN destinationgroups ON (destinationgroups.flag = destinations.direction_code ) SET destinations.destinationgroup_id = WHERE destinations.destinationgroup_id = 0 AND LIKE '%MOB%' AND destinationgroups.desttype = 'MOB' AND destinations.direction_code != ''" res = ActiveRecord::Base.connection.execute(sql2) sql3 = "UPDATE destinations LEFT JOIN destinationgroups ON (destinationgroups.flag = destinations.direction_code ) SET destinations.destinationgroup_id = WHERE destinations.destinationgroup_id = 0 AND LIKE '%NGN%' AND destinationgroups.desttype = 'NGN' AND destinations.direction_code != ''" res = ActiveRecord::Base.connection.execute(sql3) sql4 = "UPDATE destinations LEFT JOIN destinationgroups ON (destinationgroups.flag = destinations.direction_code ) SET destinations.destinationgroup_id = WHERE destinations.destinationgroup_id = 0 AND LIKE '%FIX%' AND destinationgroups.desttype = 'FIX' AND destinations.direction_code != ''" res = ActiveRecord::Base.connection.execute(sql4) sql5 = "UPDATE destinations LEFT JOIN destinationgroups ON (destinationgroups.flag = destinations.direction_code ) SET destinations.destinationgroup_id = WHERE destinations.destinationgroup_id = 0 AND destinations.direction_code != ''" res = ActiveRecord::Base.connection.execute(sql5) end def Destination.select_destination_assign_dg(page) limit = Confline.get_value("Items_Per_Page").to_i offset = limit*(page-1) sql = "SELECT * FROM ( SELECT * FROM ( SELECT * FROM ( SELECT, prefix,, AS dgid, AS dgn, destinationgroups.desttype, direction_code, 1 AS p FROM destinations JOIN destinationgroups ON (flag = direction_code ) WHERE destinationgroup_id = 0 AND (( LIKE '%MOB%' AND desttype= 'MOB') OR (( LIKE '%special%' OR LIKE '%premium%') AND desttype= 'NGN') OR (( LIKE '%proper%') AND desttype= 'FIX')) GROUP BY id ORDER BY direction_code ) AS v1 UNION SELECT * FROM ( SELECT, prefix,, AS dgid, AS dgn, destinationgroups.desttype, direction_code, 4 AS p FROM destinations JOIN destinationgroups ON (flag = direction_code ) WHERE destinationgroup_id = 0 AND desttype = subcode GROUP BY id ORDER BY direction_code ) AS v2 UNION SELECT * FROM ( SELECT, prefix,, AS dgid, AS dgn, destinationgroups.desttype, direction_code, 5 AS p FROM destinations JOIN directions ON (directions.code = destinations.direction_code) JOIN destinationgroups ON (flag = direction_code ) WHERE destinationgroup_id = 0 AND = GROUP BY id ORDER BY direction_code ) AS v3 ) AS v4 ORDER BY p ASC ) AS v5 GROUP BY id ORDER BY name LIMIT #{limit} OFFSET #{offset}" destination = Destination.find_by_sql(sql) return destination end def find_rates_and_tariffs(user_id , callshop = 0) if callshop.to_i > 0 Rate.find(:all, :conditions=>['(destination_id = ? or destinationgroup_id in (select destinationgroup_id from destinations where id = ?)) AND tariff_id in ( select tariff_id from users where id in ( select user_id from usergroups where group_id = ? and gusertype != "manager") )', id,id, callshop], :include=>[:tariff, :ratedetails]) else Rate.find(:all, :conditions=>['(destination_id = ? or destinationgroup_id in (select destinationgroup_id from destinations where id = ?)) AND tariffs.owner_id =?', id,id, user_id], :include=>[:tariff, :ratedetails]) end end =begin Renames all destination names that have certaint prefix pattern. *Params* name - destination name, may be blank. if logner than 255 symbols, name will be truncated prefix - prefix pattern. Hybrid of mysql's REGEXP and LIKE =end def self.rename_by_prefix(name, prefix) update = "name = ?", name.to_s condition = prefix_pattern_condition(prefix) Destination.update_all(update, condition) end =begin Finds all destinations that match supplied prefix pattern *Params* prefix - prefix pattern. Hybrid of mysql's REGEXP and LIKE *Returns* destinations - array containing all found destinations =end def self.dst_by_prefix(prefix) condition = prefix_pattern_condition(prefix) find(:all, :conditions => condition, :include => :destinationgroup) end =begin *Params* prefix - prefix pattern. Hybrid of mysql's REGEXP and LIKE *Returns* condition - condition with regular expression =end def self.prefix_pattern_condition(prefix) condition = "prefix REGEXP ?", prefix_pattern(prefix) end =begin Deletes % if it is supplied in pattern, because this is not a metacharacter of regexp and supplied pattern is hybrid of mysql's REGXEP and LIKE. if you would pass prefix X, search would look for pattern Y: 12%3 -> ^123(thats a system wide feature, heck knows why. AJ) 123% -> ^123 %123 -> ^123(thats a system wide feature, heck knows why. AJ) 123 -> ^123$ =end def self.prefix_pattern(prefix) '^' + (prefix.to_s.include?('%') ? prefix.to_s.delete("%") : prefix.to_s + '$') end end