class CreditNote < ActiveRecord::Base belongs_to :user has_one :payment has_one :tax #No need to unpay credit note if it is deleted. #before_destroy :unpay validates_presence_of :issue_date, :message => _('Credit_note_must_have_issue_date') validates_presence_of :price, :message => _('Price_has_to_be_specified_and_greater_than_0')#gal nereikia? validates_numericality_of :price, :greater_than => 0, :message => _('Price_has_to_be_specified_and_greater_than_0') validates_presence_of :price, :message => _('Price_with_tax_has_to_be_greater_than_0')#gal nereikia? validates_numericality_of :price, :greater_than => 0, :message => _('Price_with_tax_has_to_be_greater_than_0') validates_uniqueness_of :payment_id, :message => _('Payment_must_be_unique'), :allow_nil => true =begin if payment has not been made already, then paid credit note has to have set pay_date status='paid' new payment associated with it. amount equal to credit note price has to be aded to users whitch is associated with credit note. =end def pay unless self.payment_id payment = create_payment self.payment_id = self.status = 'paid' self.pay_date = add_to_balance end end =begin If payment was made and now we want to unpay - we have to delete payment and remove money from user's balance. But if there is no payment made, just method was called, we shouldnt destroy any payments or remove from balance, just set status to unpaid and pay pay_date to nil. Unpaid note's status has to be 'unpaid', pay_date and payment_id has to be set to NULL. TODO: make some kind of better association so that we could jus write self.payment.destroy insted of Payment.destroy(self.payment_id); self.payment_id = nil =end def unpay self.status = 'unpaid' self.pay_date = nil if self.payment_id Payment.destroy(self.payment_id) self.payment_id = nil remove_from_balance end end =begin *Returns* boolean, true or false depending whethter credit note is already paid or not =end def paid? self.status == 'paid' end =begin When price changes we must recalculate price with tax TODO: we cannot change price, especialy for paid notes. make this method private and set it only through constructor *Params* +price+ numeric datatype, price of note without taxs, in current users currency =end def price=price if User.current and User.current.currency converted_price = (price.to_f / User.current.currency.exchange_rate.to_f).to_f else converted_price = price end write_attribute(:price, converted_price) self.price_with_vat = calculate_price_with_vat end =begin Returns price converted to currency if current user has set it, else returns credit note price in system currency *Returns* +price+ float, credit note price without taxs =end def price price = read_attribute(:price) if User.current and User.current.currency price.to_f * User.current.currency.exchange_rate.to_f else price.to_f end end =begin Returns price with vat converted to currency if current user has set it, else returns credit note price with vat in system currency *Returns* +price+ float, credit note's price including taxs =end def price_with_vat price = read_attribute(:price_with_vat) if User.current and User.current.currency price.to_f * User.current.currency.exchange_rate.to_f else price.to_f end end =begin Before saveing issue date convert it from user time to system time TODO: should be private, because user can set issue date only when creating note =end def issue_date=datetime write_attribute(:issue_date, User.current.system_time(datetime)) end =begin Convert issue date that is saved in system time to user's time *Returns* +issue_date+ =end def issue_date issue_date = read_attribute(:issue_date) User.current.user_time(issue_date) end =begin Convert pay date that is saved in system time to user's time, if paydate is nil return it without any conversions *Returns* +pay_date+ datetime when note was paid in current users timezone =end def pay_date datetime = read_attribute(:pay_date) if datetime User.current.user_time(datetime) end end =begin Whenever user changes, price with tax has to be recalculated. So that we wouldn't loose information about taxes that were set at this moment we clone it and save for future references. Tax records that are no longer needed can not be destroyed because at this moment i can not know whether changes to the credit note will be saved or not. But there shoulnt be any situations where credit note user should/could be changed. TODO: make this method private and assign user only through constructor *Params* +user+ instance of User class =end def user=(user) if self.user_id != self.user_id = @tax = user.get_tax.clone # this is nasty but could not figure out how to do it the right way self.tax_id = self.price_with_vat = calculate_price_with_vat end end =begin List of credit note financial data(count of notes, price sum, price with vat sum) in system currency grouped by theyr status. *Params* +owner_id+ owner of users that the user is interested, but might be nil if current user is ordinary user +user_id+ user that has credit note assigned to, might be nil if admin, reseller or accountant is not interested in specific user. but has to be specified if user is of type 'user' +status+ if valid status of credit note, or none. valid are 'paid', 'unpaid', 'all'. might be nil, in that case all statuses will be selected +from_date, till_date+ date as string +usertype+ boolean, true if user that is interested in financial statements is of type 'user' *Returns* +credit_notes* array or smth iterable of CreditNote instances, that has count, price, price, with_vat and status =end def self.financial_statements(owner_id, user_id, status, from_date, till_date, ordinary_user=true) #if user not is of type 'user' he must supply user_id. or else invalid params are supplied if ordinary_user and not user_id raise "invalid parameters, 'user' must supply his own id" end select = ["SELECT COUNT(*) AS count, SUM(price) AS price, SUM(price_with_vat) as price_with_vat, status"] select << "FROM credit_notes" condition = ["issue_date BETWEEN '#{from_date}' AND '#{till_date}'"] if not ordinary_user select << "JOIN users ON = credit_notes.user_id" condition << "owner_id = #{owner_id}" end condition << "user_id = #{user_id}" if user_id and user_id != 'all' if status != 'all' and ['paid', 'unpaid'].include? status condition << "status = '#{status}'" end group_by = " GROUP BY status" query = select.join("\n") + ' WHERE ' + condition.join(" AND\n") + group_by Device.find_by_sql(query) end private =begin When saveing pay date convert it from user time to system time. unless it is nil then save it as it is. Only way to set pay date is when setting note to payd, so no one outside class(pay method) cannot set pay date, that is why this method is private *Params* +date+ =end def pay_date=datetime if datetime datetime = User.current.system_time(datetime) end write_attribute(:pay_date, datetime) end =begin It is posible to calculate price with tax only if tax and price are specified. Else this function can not calculate any meaningful value and returns nil. The catch is that null value cannot be saved to database. Method is created so that it does not take any params(like price or tax) intentionaly. So that the only way to change price with tax would be by changeing user or price. No tax conversion are applied here, price has to be set in right currency before calculating taxs. *Returns* +price_with_tax+ float, price(in system currency) with tax. but only if tax and price are specified, else nil if one of them is not specified. =end def calculate_price_with_vat if @tax and self.price if User.current and User.current.currency converted_price = (self.price.to_f / User.current.currency.exchange_rate.to_f).to_f else converted_price = self.price end price_with_vat = @tax.apply_tax(converted_price) return price_with_vat else nil end end =begin when credit note is paid, we have to create payment of type 'credit note' and associate it with credit note. this method should be executed only once, so if payment was already associated with note no way we can create one more payment. To be 100% sure creating payment and making association(and adding price amount to users balance) should be done in transaction.. Note that self.price and self.price_with_vat returns price in current users currency, so we shloud set payment.currency to exaclty that currency name(strange association huh?). =end def create_payment unless self.payment_id payment = payment.paymenttype = 'credit note' payment.amount = self.price payment.currency = payment.date_added = payment.shipped_at = payment.completed = 1 payment.user_id = payment.owner_id = self.user.owner_id = tax.count_tax_amount(self.price) return payment end end =begin very nasty but coudnt figure out how to make propper relationships to work =end def tax Tax.find(self.tax_id) end =begin When credit note is paid, it's price has to be added to user's balance =end def add_to_balance self.user.balance += self.price end =begin When credit note is unpaid, it's price has to be subtracted to user's balance =end def remove_from_balance self.user.balance -= self.price end end