class Confline < ActiveRecord::Base validates_presence_of :name # Returns confline value of given name and user_ID def Confline::get_value(name, id = 0) cl = Confline.find(:first, :conditions => ["name = ? and owner_id = ?", name, id]) return cl.value if cl return "" end def self.by_params(*params) cl = Confline.find(:first, :conditions => ["name = ? and owner_id = ?", params.slice(0..-2).join("_"), params.last]) return cl.value if cl return "" end def self.by_params2(*params) cl = Confline.find(:first, :conditions => ["name = ? and owner_id = ?", params.slice(0..-2).join("_"), params.last]) return cl.value2 if cl return "" end def Confline::get_value2(name, id = 0) cl = Confline.find(:first, :conditions => ["name = ? and owner_id = ?", name, id]) return cl.value2 if cl return "" end =begin rdoc Check whether or what setting user has set to view dids in active calls, if nothing has been defaults to 'do not show' *Params* * +owner_id+ - that shows confline owner. if nothing has been passed default to admin *Returns* * +boolean+ - true or false depending on what user has set and whether he has set anything =end def self.active_calls_show_did?(owner_id = 0) get_value('Active_calls_show_did', owner_id) == "1" ? true : false end # Sets confline value. def Confline::set_value(name, value = 0, id = 0) cl = Confline.find(:first, :conditions => ["name = ? and owner_id = ?", name, id]) if cl if cl.value.to_s != value.to_s Action.add_action_hash(, {:action=>"Confline changed", :target_id=>, :target_type=>'confline', :data=>cl.value.to_s, :data2=>value.to_s, :data4=>name}) end cl.value = value else new_confline(name, value, id) end end def Confline::set_value2(name, value = 0, id = 0) cl = Confline.find(:first, :conditions => ["name = ? and owner_id = ?", name, id]) if cl if cl.value2.to_s != value.to_s Action.add_action_hash(, {:action=>"Confline changed", :target_id=>, :target_type=>'confline', :data=>cl.value2.to_s, :data2=>value.to_s, :data3=>'value2', :data4=>name}) end cl.value2 = value else #self.my_debug("Confline missing: " + name.to_s + " ---> Created") Confline.new_confline2(name, value, id) end end # creates new confline with given params def Confline::new_confline(name, value, id = 0) confline = = name.to_s confline.value = value.to_s confline.owner_id = id end def Confline::new_confline2(name, value, id = 0) confline = = name.to_s confline.value2 = value.to_s confline.owner_id = id end def Confline::get_tax_number(id = 0) cl = Confline.find(:all, :conditions => ["name Like 'Tax_%' and value2 = '1' AND owner_id = ?" , id]) return cl.size end def Confline::my_debug(msg), "a") { |f| f << "Confline.my_debug() is deprecated use MorLog.my_debug()\n" f << msg.to_s f << "\n" } end =begin rdoc =end def Confline::get(name, id = 0) cl = Confline.find(:first, :conditions => "name = '#{name}' and owner_id = #{id} ") return cl if cl return nil end =begin rdoc Sets Conflines with name format "Default_Object_action" and value = data. This action is used to store default objects in conflines table. *Params* * +object+ - Class name variable. User, Device etc. * +owner_id+ - that shows confline owner. * +data+ - hash of object properties. +object+ has method with same name as hash key, then hash value is used as default value. =end def Confline.set_default_object(object, owner_id, data) instance = data.each { |key, value| Confline.set_value("Default_#{object.to_s}_#{sanitize_sql(key)}", value, owner_id) if instance.respond_to?(key.to_sym) } end =begin rdoc Recreates +object+ from Confline fields. *Params* * +object+ - Class name variable. User, Device etc. * +owner_id+ - that shows confline owner. *Returns* +instance+ - instance of class +object+ with set default properties =end def Confline.get_default_object(object, owner_id = 0) instance = attributes = Confline.find(:all, :conditions => ["name LIKE 'Default_#{object.to_s}_%' AND owner_id = ?", owner_id]) attributes.each{ |confline| val = confline.value key ="Default_#{object.to_s}_", "") if key.include?("Default_#{object.to_s.downcase.to_s}_") key ="Default_#{object.to_s.downcase.to_s}_", "") end if object != Device or (object == Device and (!key.include?('voicemail') and !key.include?('type'))) instance.__send__((key+"=").to_sym, val) if instance.respond_to?(key.to_sym) end } instance end =begin rdoc Returns Tax object filled with default values from conflines. *Params* * +owner_id+ - that shows confline owner. *Returns* +tax+ - Tax object filled with default values. =end def Confline.get_default_tax(owner_id) tax ={ :tax1_enabled => 1, :tax2_enabled => Confline.get_value2("Tax_2",owner_id).to_i, :tax3_enabled => Confline.get_value2("Tax_3",owner_id).to_i, :tax4_enabled => Confline.get_value2("Tax_4",owner_id).to_i, :tax1_name => Confline.get_value("Tax_1",owner_id).to_s, :tax2_name => Confline.get_value("Tax_2",owner_id).to_s, :tax3_name => Confline.get_value("Tax_3",owner_id).to_s, :tax4_name => Confline.get_value("Tax_4",owner_id).to_s, :total_tax_name => Confline.get_value("Total_tax_name",owner_id).to_s, :tax1_value => Confline.get_value("Tax_1_Value",owner_id).to_f, :tax2_value => Confline.get_value("Tax_2_Value",owner_id).to_f, :tax3_value => Confline.get_value("Tax_3_Value",owner_id).to_f, :tax4_value => Confline.get_value("Tax_4_Value",owner_id).to_f } end def Confline.get_csv_separator(user_id = 0) sep = Confline.get_value("CSV_Separator", user_id) sep = "," if sep.blank? sep end def Confline.mor_11_extended? 1 == self.get_value("MOR_11_extend", 0).to_i end =begin Get information about chann spy functionality, whether it is enabled or not. Only admin can enable/disable it, hence no user_id is specified when calling get_value. *Returns* +disabled+ boolean, true if chan_spy is disabled, else false. notice that if setting would not be specified, false would be returned be default, meaning that chan spy is enabled by default. =end def Confline.chanspy_disabled? self.get_value("chanspy_disabled").to_i == 1 end =begin ERP settings are valid if login, pass and domain are set and not blank *Returns* +valid+ true if =end def self.valid_erp_settings?(user_id) login = Confline.get_value("ERP_login", user_id) pass = Confline.get_value("ERP_password", user_id) host = Confline.get_value("ERP_domain", user_id) not (host.blank? or login.blank? or pass.blank?) end def self.get_default_user_pospaid_errors ActiveRecord::Base.connection.select_all('SELECT owner_id FROM conflines WHERE name IN (\'Default_User_allow_loss_calls\', \'Default_User_postpaid\') AND value = 1 GROUP BY owner_id HAVING COUNT(*) > 1 ;') end end