class Card < ActiveRecord::Base belongs_to :cardgroup has_many :calls, :order => "calldate DESC" has_many :activecalls has_many :cclineitems belongs_to :user validates_uniqueness_of :number, :allow_nil => true, :message => _('Number_is_already_taken') validates_uniqueness_of :pin, :allow_nil => true, :message => _('PIN_is_already_taken') validates_uniqueness_of :callerid, :allow_nil => true, :allow_nil => true, :if => lambda { |card| !card.callerid.blank? }, :message => _('Callerid_must_be_unique') before_save :validate_pin_length, :validate_number_length def validate_number_length if self.number and self.number.length != self.cardgroup.number_length.to_i errors.add(:number, _('Bad_number_length_should_be') + ": " + self.cardgroup.number_length.to_s) false else true end end def validate_pin_length if and != self.cardgroup.pin_length errors.add(:pin, _('Bad_pin_length_should_be') + ": " + self.cardgroup.pin_length.to_s) false else true end end def Card.delete_from_sql(options={}) cards_deleted = 0 query = "DELETE cards FROM cards JOIN (SELECT FROM cards LEFT JOIN payments ON (payments.user_id = and paymenttype='Card') LEFT JOIN calls ON (calls.card_id = LEFT JOIN activecalls ON (activecalls.card_id = WHERE IS NULL AND IS NULL AND IS NULL AND cards.cardgroup_id = #{options[:cardgroup_id]} AND cards.number BETWEEN #{options[:start_num]} AND #{options[:end_num]} GROUP BY LIMIT 10000) tmp USING(id)" begin rows_affected = ActiveRecord::Base.connection.delete(query) cards_deleted += rows_affected end while rows_affected > 0 query = "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM (SELECT FROM cards LEFT JOIN payments ON (payments.user_id = and paymenttype='Card') LEFT JOIN calls ON (calls.card_id = LEFT JOIN activecalls ON (activecalls.card_id = WHERE ( IS NOT NULL OR IS NOT NULL OR IS NOT NULL) AND cards.cardgroup_id = #{options[:cardgroup_id]} AND cards.number BETWEEN #{options[:start_num]} AND #{options[:end_num]} GROUP BY tmp" cards_not_deleted = ActiveRecord::Base.connection.select_value(query).to_i return cards_deleted, cards_not_deleted end def Card.delete_and_hide_from_sql(options={}) cards_deleted, cards_not_deleted = Card.delete_from_sql(options) if cards_not_deleted.to_i > 0 cards_hidden = Card.hide_from_sql(options.merge!({:force => true})) end return cards_deleted, cards_hidden end def Card.hide_from_sql(options={}) cards_hidden = 0 if options[:force] query = "UPDATE cards SET callerid = NULL, number = CONCAT('DELETED_#{}_', number), pin = CONCAT('DELETED_#{}_', pin), hidden = 1 WHERE cards.cardgroup_id = #{options[:cardgroup_id]} AND cards.number BETWEEN #{options[:start_num]} AND #{options[:end_num]} LIMIT 10000;" begin rows_affected = ActiveRecord::Base.connection.update(query) cards_hidden += rows_affected end while rows_affected > 0 else query = "UPDATE cards SET callerid = NULL, number = CONCAT('DELETED_#{}_', number), pin = CONCAT('DELETED_#{}_', pin), hidden = 1 FROM cards JOIN (SELECT FROM cards LEFT JOIN payments ON (payments.user_id = and paymenttype='Card') LEFT JOIN calls ON (calls.card_id = LEFT JOIN activecalls ON (activecalls.card_id = WHERE ( IS NOT NULL OR IS NOT NULL OR IS NOT NULL) AND cards.cardgroup_id = #{options[:cardgroup_id]} AND cards.number BETWEEN #{options[:start_num]} AND #{options[:end_num]} GROUP BY LIMIT 10000) tmp USING(id)" begin rows_affected = ActiveRecord::Base.connection.update(query) cards_hidden += rows_affected end while rows_affected > 0 end return cards_hidden end def, conditions, options) cond, vars = [], [] cond << ['owner_id = ?']; vars << user_id unless conditions['s_number'].empty? cond << "number LIKE ?" vars << "#{conditions['s_number']}%" end unless conditions['s_pin'].empty? cond << "pin LIKE ?" vars << "#{conditions['s_pin']}%" end unless conditions['s_caller_id'].empty? cond << "callerid LIKE ?" vars << "#{conditions['s_caller_id']}%" end unless conditions['s_balance_min'].empty? cond << "balance >= ?" vars << conditions['s_balance_min'].to_f end unless conditions['s_balance_max'].empty? cond << "balance <= ?" vars << conditions['s_balance_max'].to_f end if conditions['s_sold'] == "yes" cond << "sold = 1" elsif conditions['s_sold'] == "no" cond << "sold = 0" else cond << "(sold = 1 OR sold = 0)" end return find(:all, :conditions => [cond.join(" AND "), *vars], :limit => "#{options[:page] * options[:per_page]}, #{options[:per_page]}"), count(:all, :conditions => [cond.join(" AND "), *vars]) end def before_create #ticket #4876 card number should be unique for whole system. check validates_uniuqenes_of #card_f = Card.find(:first, :select=>"cards.*, AS 'ccg_name'", :conditions => ["number = ?", self.number.to_s], :joins=>"LEFT JOIN cardgroups ON (cards.cardgroup_id =") #if card_f # errors.add(:number, _("Card_with_this_number_already_exists") + " : " + self.number.to_s + " (#{card_f.ccg_name}) ") if (card_f.owner_id == self.owner_id or self.owner_id == 0 ) and card_f.cardgroup_id != self.cardgroup_id # return false #end if errors.add(:pin, _("Card_pin_is_blank") + " : " + self.number.to_s) return false end end def before_save if self.language.to_s.blank? self.language = 'en' end end def is_owned_by?(user) user_id = user.usertype == 'accountant' ? 0 : owner_id == user_id end def is_not_owned_by?(user) user_id = user.usertype == 'accountant' ? 0 : owner_id != user_id end def payments pa = nil pa = Payment.find(self.user_id) if self.user_id and self.user_id.to_i > 0 pa end def destroy_with_check if not self.has_calls? and not self.has_activecalls? and not Payment.find(:first, :conditions => ["paymenttype = ? and user_id = ?", "Card",]) self.destroy else #if Confline.mor_11_extended? self.hide #end end end # converted attributes for user in current user currency def balance b = read_attribute(:balance) if User.current and User.current.currency b.to_f * User.current.currency.exchange_rate.to_f else b.to_f end end def balance= value if User.current and User.current.currency b = (value.to_f / User.current.currency.exchange_rate.to_f).to_f else b = value end write_attribute(:balance, b) end def Card.get_order_by(params, options) case options[:order_by].to_s.strip.to_s when "number" then order_by = "number" when "name" then order_by = "name" when "pin" then order_by = "pin" when "caller_id" then order_by = "callerid" when "balance" then order_by = "balance" when "first_use" then order_by = "first_use" when "daily_charge" then order_by = "daily_charge_paid_till" when "sold" then order_by = "sold" when "language" then order_by = "language" when "user" then order_by = "nice_user" else order_by = options[:order_by] end order_by += " ASC" if options[:order_desc].to_i == 0 and order_by != "" order_by += " DESC" if options[:order_desc].to_i == 1 and order_by != "" return order_by end def disable_voucher if cardgroup.disable_voucher == true voucher = Voucher.find(:first, :conditions => {:number => number}) if voucher voucher.use_date = if Action.add_action_hash(User.current, {:action => 'Disable_Voucher_when_Card_is_used', :target_id =>, :target_type => 'Voucher', :data => number, :data2 => id}) end end end end def has_calls? self.calls and self.calls.size > 0 end def has_activecalls? self.activecalls and self.activecalls.size > 0 end =begin Add some amount to card. Note that after changeing balance we immediately save the card, since we dont use transactions that's least what we should do. If adding amount to balance or creating payment fails - we do our best to revert everything... but still without useing transactions there are lot's of ways to fail. *Params* +amount+ amount to be added to balance and payment created in system currency +add_payment+ if true payment should be created, else only action notifying about money transaction. *Returns* +boolean+ true changeing balance and(if needed) creating payment succeeded, otherwise false. Note that no transactions are used, so if smth goes wrong data might be corrupted. =end def add_to_balance(amount, add_payment=true) self.balance += amount if if add_payment if Payment.add_for_card(self, amount * Currency.count_exchange_rate(Currency.get_default, self.cardgroup.tell_balance_in_currency)) return true else self.balance -= amount return false end else Action.add_action_hash(User.current, {:action => 'Added to cards balance', :target_id =>, :target_type => "card", :data => Email.nice_number(amount)}) return true end else return false end end =begin Disable the card, to do that we need to set it as not sold. =end def disable self.sold = false end =begin Sell card, obviuosly to do that we need to set appropriate setting. But note that card is saved as soon as it is set as sold. Then Payment is created and also saved. Thats because we do our best not to let anyone to create payment without setting card as sold or vice versa. Though as you can see we do not use transactions, but instead if setting as sold or creating payment fails - we do our best to revert everything... but still there are lot's of ways to fail. Please note that if card is already sold, card cannot be sold and appropriate errors are added. *Params* +currency+ currency name for the payment, unless supplied cardgroups tell_balance_in_currency +owner_id+ im not shure wthas that for, jus to make gui work with this method *Returns* +boolean+ true if card was set as sold and payment generated succesfully, otherwise false =end def sell(currency=nil, owner_id=nil) if self.sold? errors.add(:sold, 'Cannot sell already sold card') return false else self.sold = true if #This is jus a crapy hack to make this method work with api and gui if currency and owner_id balance = self.balance else balance = self.balance * Currency.count_exchange_rate(Currency.get_default, self.cardgroup.tell_balance_in_currency) end if Payment.add_for_card(self, balance, currency, owner_id) self.disable_voucher return true else self.sold = false return false end else return false end end end def sell_from_bach(email, currency, user_id) if self.sold? errors.add(:sold, 'Cannot sell already sold card') return false else self.sold = true if p = Payment.add_for_card(self, self.balance, currency, user_id) = email if return true else return false end else return false end end end =begin Check whether the card is sold or not. Before thinking about selling the card should check whether it is not sold at this moment, cause no one can sell already sold card. *Returns* +boolean+ true if card is sold, false otherwise =end def sold? (self.sold == 1) end =begin Check whether that card is disabled. Card may be sold OR disabled, so if card is disabled you can assume that it is not sold and vice versa. *Returns* +boolean+ true if card is disabled, otherwise false =end def disabled? not self.sold? end =begin =end def set_unique_pin begin pin = random_number(self.cardgroup.pin_length) end while Card.find(:first, :conditions => {:pin => pin}) = pin end =begin =end def set_unique_number begin number = random_number(self.cardgroup.number_length) end while Card.find(:first, :conditions => {:number => number, :cardgroup_id => self.cardgroup_id}) self.number = number end def balance_with_vat self.cardgroup.get_tax.count_tax_amount(self.balance) + balance end =begin Checks if card is hidden or not. Card can be hidden and no one should be able to unhide it. =end def hidden? self.hidden == 1 end =begin Hide the card so that no one could see it and set pin and caller id to nil, so that new cards with these parameters could be created. =end def hide Action.add_action_hash(User.current, {:action => 'Card hidden permanently', :target_id =>, :target_type => "card", :data => self.callerid, :data2 =>, :data3 => self.number}) = 'DELETED_#{}_' + self.callerid = nil self.number = 'DELETED_#{}_' + self.number.to_s self.hidden = 1 end private =begin Don't think that card shoudl be responsible for generating random number but.. This is a method to generate card's random pin and number that can consist only of numbers. *Returns* +string+ of numbers only, with length as specified =end def random_number(length) number = '' length.times { number << rand(10).to_s } return number end end