class Call < ActiveRecord::Base include SqlExport include CsvImportDb belongs_to :user belongs_to :provider belongs_to :device, :foreign_key => "accountcode" has_many :cc_actions has_one :recording belongs_to :card belongs_to :server has_and_belongs_to_many :cs_invoices validates_presence_of :calldate, :message => _("Calldate_cannot_be_blank") #def device # Device.find(self.accountcode)nice_billsec #end # # Nasty hack to overide provider method. Used in CallController.advanced_list and coresponding view. # MK: provider is only Termination provider, if some method needs did provider, then it should use did_provider method # MK: callertype=Local/Outside does not show correctly if call is outgoing or incomming, MOR also has calls which are incoming+outgoing at the same time alias_method :provider_by_id, :provider def provider #if self.callertype == 'Local' #outgoing call return Provider.find(:first, :conditions => "id = #{self.provider_id.to_i}") #end #if self.callertype == 'Outside' #incoming call # return Provider.find(:first, :conditions => "id = #{self.did_provider_id}") #end #return nil end def did_provider return Provider.find(:first, :conditions => "id = #{self.did_provider_id.to_i}") end def nice_billsec #it is used to show correct billsec for flat-rates call, because call.billsec = 0 for flatrates, but real_billsec > 0 # billsec = 0 because to do not ruin rerating and to handle call which part is billed by flat-rate, another part by normal rate billsec = self.billsec billsec = self.real_billsec.ceil if billsec == 0 and self.real_billsec > 0 billsec end def Call.nice_billsec_sql "IF((billsec = 0 AND real_billsec > 0), CEIL(real_billsec), billsec) as 'nice_billsec'" end def Call.nice_answered_cond_sql(search_not = true) if User.current.usertype.to_s == 'user' and Confline.get_value('Change_ANSWER_to_FAILED_if_HGC_not_equal_to_16_for_Users').to_i == 1 if search_not " (calls.disposition='ANSWERED' AND calls.hangupcause='16') " else " (calls.disposition='ANSWERED' OR (calls.disposition='ANSWERED' AND calls.hangupcause!='16') ) " end else " calls.disposition='ANSWERED' " end end def Call.nice_failed_cond_sql if User.current.usertype.to_s == 'user' and Confline.get_value('Change_ANSWER_to_FAILED_if_HGC_not_equal_to_16_for_Users').to_i == 1 " (calls.disposition='FAILED' OR (calls.disposition='ANSWERED' and calls.hangupcause!='16')) " else " calls.disposition='FAILED' " end end def Call.nice_disposition if User.current.usertype.to_s == 'user' and Confline.get_value('Change_ANSWER_to_FAILED_if_HGC_not_equal_to_16_for_Users').to_i == 1 " IF(calls.disposition = 'ANSWERED',IF((calls.disposition='ANSWERED' AND calls.hangupcause='16'), 'ANSWERED', 'FAILED'),disposition)" else " calls.disposition" end end def reseller res = nil res = User.find(:first, :conditions => "id = #{self.reseller_id}") if self.reseller_id.to_i > 0 res end def destinations de = nil de = Destination.find(self.prefix) if self.prefix and self.prefix.to_i > 0 de end def is_card_call? user_id == -1 end def is_not_card_call? user_id != -1 end # # Returns hash with call debuginfo if that info exists otherwise returns nil def getDebugInfo debug = 0 debug += self.peerip.size if self.peerip debug += self.recvip.size if self.recvip debug += self.sipfrom.size if self.sipfrom debug += self.uri.size if self.uri debug += self.useragent.size if self.useragent debug += self.peername.size if self.peername #debug += self.t38passthrough.size if self.t38passthrough if debug != 0 debuginfo = self.peerip ? debuginfo["peerip"] = self.peerip.to_s : debuginfo["peerip"] = "" self.recvip ? debuginfo["recvip"] = self.recvip.to_s : debuginfo["recvip"] ="" self.sipfrom ? debuginfo["sipfrom"] = self.sipfrom.to_s : debuginfo["sipfrom"] = "" self.useragent ? debuginfo["useragent"] = self.useragent.to_s : debuginfo["useragent"] ="" self.peername ? debuginfo["peername"] = self.peername.to_s : debuginfo["peername"] = "" self.uri ? debuginfo["uri"] = self.uri.to_s : debuginfo["uri"] ="" self.t38passthrough ? debuginfo["t38passthrough"] = self.t38passthrough.to_s : debuginfo["t38passthrough"] = "" return debuginfo else return nil end end def Call::get_calls_by_calldate(a1,a2, disposition = nil) sql = "SELECT a.calldate, COUNT(b.calldate) AS c FROM calls a, calls b WHERE b.calldate <= a.calldate AND a.calldate <= DATE_ADD(b.calldate, INTERVAL b.duration SECOND) AND a.calldate BETWEEN '#{a1}' AND '#{a2}' AND b.calldate BETWEEN '#{a1}' AND '#{a2}' " if disposition sql += " AND a.disposition = '#{disposition}' AND b.disposition = '#{disposition}' " end sql+= " GROUP BY a.calldate " # MorLog.my_debug sql Call.find_by_sql(sql) end =begin rdoc =end def Call::total_calls_by_direction_and_disposition(start_date, end_date, users = []) #parameters: # start_date - min date for filtering out calls, expected to be date/datetime # instance or date/datetime as string # end_date - max date for filtering out calls, expected to be date instance or date as # string. # users - array of user id's #returns - array of hashs. total call count for incoming and outgoing, answered, not answered, # busy and failed calls grouped by disposition and direction originated or received by # specified users. if no users were specified - for all users Call.total_calls_by([], {:outgoing => true, :incoming => true}, start_date, end_date, {:direction => true, :disposition => true}, users) end def Call::answered_calls_day_by_day(start_date, end_date, users = []) #parameters: # start_date - min date for filtering out calls, expected to be date/datetime # instance or date/datetime as string # end_date - max date for filtering out calls, expected to be date instance or date as # string. # users - array of user id's #returns answered call count, total billsec, and average billsec for everyday in datetime #interval for specified users or if no user is specified - for all users day_by_day_stats = Call.total_calls_by(['ANSWERED'], {:outgoing => true, :incoming => true}, start_date, end_date, {:date => true}, users) start_date = Date.strptime(start_date, "%Y-%m-%d").to_date end_date = Date.strptime(end_date, "%Y-%m-%d").to_date date = [] calls = [] billsec = [] avg_billsec = [] index = 0 i = 0 start_date.upto(end_date) do |day| day_stats = day_by_day_stats[i] if day_stats['calldate'] and day.to_date == day_stats['calldate'].to_date date[index] = day_stats['calldate'].strftime("%Y-%m-%d") calls[index] = day_stats['total_calls'].to_i billsec[index] = day_stats['total_billsec'].to_i avg_billsec[index] = day_stats['average_billsec'].to_i i += 1 else date[index] = day calls[index] = 0 billsec[index] = 0 avg_billsec[index] = 0 end index += 1 end calls << day_by_day_stats.last['total_calls'] billsec << day_by_day_stats.last['total_billsec'] avg_billsec << day_by_day_stats.last['average_billsec'] return date, calls, billsec, avg_billsec end def Call::total_calls_by(disposition, direction, start_date, end_date, group_options = [], users = []) #parameters: # disposition - expected array of dispositions deffined as # strings(why not incapsulate strings by creating class Disposition?) # direction - call direction(outgoing, incoming or both) expected array # of posible directions as contstans or whatever it is:/(again why not # incapsulate it in separate class?) # start_date - min date for filtering out calls, expected to be date/datetime # instance or date/datetime as string # end_date - max date for filtering out calls, expected to be date instance or date as # string. if datetime or datetime sring will be passed QUERY WILL FAIL # users - array of user id's, if not supplied, but direction is it will default to all # incoming and/or outgoing calls #returns: # whatever Calls.find returns, and the last element in array will be totals/averages of all fetched values select = [] select << "COUNT(*) AS 'total_calls'" select << "SUM(calls.billsec) AS 'total_billsec'" select << "AVG(calls.billsec) AS 'average_billsec'" condition = [] condition << "calls.calldate BETWEEN '#{start_date.to_s}' AND '#{end_date.to_s} 23.59.59'" #if disposition is not specified or it is all 4 types(answered, failed, busy, no answer), #there is no need to filter it condition << "calls.disposition IN ('#{disposition.join(', ')}')" if !disposition.empty? and disposition.length < 4 join = [] if users.empty? if direction.include?(:incoming) and direction.include?(:outgoing) condition << "calls.user_id IS NOT NULL" else condition << 'calls.user_id != -1 AND calls.user_id IS NOT NULL' if direction.include?(:outgoing) condition << 'calls.user_id = -1' if direction.include?(:incoming) end else #no mater weather we are allready checking devices for user_id, call.user_id might still be NULL, else we would select #to many failed calls condition << "calls.user_id IS NOT NULL" if direction.include?(:outgoing) and direction.include?(:incoming) condition << "(dst_devices.user_id IN (#{users.join(', ')}) OR src_devices.user_id IN (#{users.join(', ')}))" end if direction.include?(:incoming) join << 'LEFT JOIN devices dst_devices ON calls.dst_device_id =' condition << "dst_devices.user_id IN (#{users.join(', ')}" if !direction.include?(:outgoing) end if direction.include?(:outgoing) join << 'LEFT JOIN devices src_devices ON calls.src_device_id =' condition << "src_devices.user_id IN (#{users.join(', ')})" if !direction.include?(:incoming) end end #dont group at all, group by date, direction and/or disposition #accordingly, we should select those fields from table group = [] if group_options[:date] select << "DATE(calls.calldate) AS 'calldate'" group << 'DATE(calls.calldate)' end if group_options[:disposition] select << 'calls.disposition' group << 'calls.disposition' if group_options[:disposition] end if group_options[:direction] if users.empty? select << "IF(calls.user_id = -1, 'incoming', 'outgoing') AS 'direction'" group << 'direction' else if direction.include?(:incoming) select << "IF(dst_devices.user_id IN (#{users.join(', ')}), 'incoming', 'outgoing') AS 'direction'" group << 'direction' end if direction.include?(:outgoing) and !direction.include?(:incoming) select << "IF(src_device.user_id IN (#{users.join(', ')}), 'outgoing', 'incoming') AS 'direction'" group << 'direction' end end end statistics = Call.find(:all, :select => select.join(', '), :joins => join.join(' '), :conditions => condition.join(' AND '), :group => group.join(', ')) #calculating total billsec, total calls and average billsec total_calls = 0 total_billsec = 0 for stats in statistics total_calls += stats['total_calls'].to_i total_billsec += stats['total_billsec'].to_i end average_billsec = total_calls == 0 ? 0 : total_billsec/total_calls #return array of hashs, bet we should definetly return some sort of Statistics class statistics << {'total_calls' => total_calls, 'total_billsec' => total_billsec, 'average_billsec' => average_billsec} end def Call::summary_by_terminator(cond, terminator_cond, order_by, user) if user.usertype == "reseller" provider_billsec = "SUM(IF(calls.disposition = 'ANSWERED', calls.reseller_billsec, 0)) AS 'provider_billsec'" provider_price = SqlExport.replace_price("SUM(#{SqlExport.reseller_provider_price_sql})",{:reference=> 'provider_price'}) cond << "users.owner_id = #{}" else provider_billsec = "SUM(IF(calls.disposition = 'ANSWERED', calls.provider_billsec, 0)) AS 'provider_billsec'" provider_price = SqlExport.replace_price("SUM(#{SqlExport.admin_provider_price_sql})", {:reference=> 'provider_price'}) end #limit terminators to allowed ones. term_ids = user.load_terminators_ids if term_ids.size == 0 cond << "provider.terminator_id = 0" else cond << "provider.terminator_id IN (#{term_ids.join(", ")})" end sql = " SELECT #{SqlExport.nice_user_sql}, AS 'provider_name', AS 'prov_id', COUNT(*) AS 'total_calls', SUM(IF(calls.disposition = 'ANSWERED', 1,0)) AS 'answered_calls', SUM(IF(calls.disposition = 'ANSWERED', calls.billsec, 0)) AS 'exact_billsec', #{[provider_billsec, provider_price].join(",\n ")} FROM calls FORCE INDEX (calldate) LEFT JOIN devices ON (calls.src_device_id = LEFT JOIN users ON ( = devices.user_id) INNER JOIN ( SELECT,, providers.terminator_id FROM providers INNER JOIN terminators ON (providers.terminator_id = #{terminator_cond.to_s == '' ? '' : ' WHERE = '+ terminator_cond.to_s }) AS provider ON ( = calls.provider_id) LEFT JOIN destinations ON (destinations.prefix = calls.prefix) LEFT JOIN directions ON (destinations.direction_code = directions.code) #{SqlExport.left_join_reseler_providers_to_calls_sql} WHERE(" + cond.join(" AND ")+ ") GROUP BY #{order_by.size > 0 ? 'ORDER BY ' +order_by : ''} " MorLog.my_debug "ddddddddddddddddddddddd" MorLog.my_debug sql Call.find_by_sql(sql) end =begin rdoc =end def Call::summary_by_originator(cond, terminator_cond, order_by, user) if user.usertype == "reseller" cond << "users.owner_id = #{}" originator_billsec= "SUM(IF(calls.user_billsec IS NULL AND calls.disposition = 'ANSWERED', 0, calls.user_billsec)) AS 'originator_billsec'" originator_price = "SUM(IF(calls.user_price IS NULL AND calls.disposition = 'ANSWERED', 0, #{SqlExport.replace_price(SqlExport.user_price_sql)})) AS 'originator_price'" else originator_billsec= "SUM(IF(owner_id = 0 AND calls.disposition = 'ANSWERED', IF(calls.user_billsec IS NULL, 0, calls.user_billsec), if(calls.reseller_billsec IS NULL, 0, calls.reseller_billsec))) AS 'originator_billsec'" originator_price = "SUM(#{SqlExport.replace_price(SqlExport.admin_user_price_sql)}) AS 'originator_price'" end #limit terminators to allowed ones. term_ids = user.load_terminators_ids if term_ids.size == 0 cond << "provider.terminator_id = 0" else cond << "provider.terminator_id IN (#{term_ids.join(", ")})" end sql = " SELECT #{SqlExport.nice_user_sql}, COUNT(*) AS 'total_calls', SUM(IF(calls.disposition = 'ANSWERED', 1,0)) AS 'answered_calls', devices.user_id AS 'dev_user_id', SUM(IF(calls.disposition = 'ANSWERED', calls.billsec, 0)) AS 'exact_billsec', #{[originator_billsec, originator_price].join(",\n")} FROM calls FORCE INDEX (calldate) LEFT JOIN devices ON (calls.src_device_id = LEFT JOIN users ON ( = devices.user_id) INNER JOIN ( SELECT,, providers.terminator_id FROM providers INNER JOIN terminators ON (providers.terminator_id = #{terminator_cond.to_s == '' ? '' : ' WHERE = '+ terminator_cond.to_s }) AS provider ON ( = calls.provider_id) LEFT JOIN destinations ON (destinations.prefix = calls.prefix) LEFT JOIN directions ON (destinations.direction_code = directions.code) #{SqlExport.left_join_reseler_providers_to_calls_sql} WHERE(" + cond.join(" AND ")+ ") GROUP BY devices.user_id #{order_by.size > 0 ? 'ORDER BY ' +order_by : ''} " Call.find_by_sql(sql) end =begin rdoc =end def get_correct_user_price(usertype) if usertype == "admin" or usertype == "accountant" if reseller_id.to_i == 0 return User.current.convert_curr(user_price).to_f else return User.current.convert_curr(reseller_price).to_f end end return User.current.convert_curr(user_price).to_f end =begin rdoc =end def get_correct_provider_price(usertype) if usertype == "reseller" return User.current.convert_curr(reseller_price).to_f end if usertype == "user" if reseller_id.to_i == 0 return User.current.convert_curr(provider_price).to_f else return User.current.convert_curr(reseller_price).to_f end end MorLog.my_debug(self.provider_price) return User.current.convert_curr(provider_price).to_f end def Call.calls_order_by(params, options) case options[:order_by].to_s.strip.to_s when "time" then order_by = "calls.calldate" when "src" then order_by = "calls.src" when "dst" then order_by = "calls.dst" when "nice_billsec" then order_by = "nice_billsec" when "hgc" then order_by = "calls.hangupcause" when "server" then order_by = "calls.server_id" when "p_name" then order_by = "" when "p_rate" then order_by = "calls.provider_rate" when "p_price" then order_by = "calls.provider_price" when "reseller" then order_by = "nice_reseller" when "r_rate" then order_by = "calls.reseller_rate" when "r_price" then order_by = "calls.reseller_price" when "user" then order_by = "nice_user" when "u_rate" then order_by = "calls.user_rate" when "u_price" then order_by = "calls.user_price" when "number" then order_by = "dids.did" when "d_provider" then order_by = "calls.did_prov_price" when "d_inc" then order_by = "calls.did_inc_price" when "d_owner" then order_by = "calls.did_price" when "prefix" then order_by = "calls.prefix" when "direction" then order_by = "destinations.direction_code" when "destination" then order_by = "" when "duration" then order_by = "duration" when "answered_calls" then order_by = "answered_calls" when "total_calls" then order_by = "total_calls" when "cardgroup" then order_by = "" when "asr" then order_by = "asr" when "acd" then order_by = "acd" when "markup" then order_by = "markup" when "margin" then order_by = "margin" when "user_price" then order_by = "user_price" when "provider_price" then order_by = "provider_price" when "profit" then order_by = "profit" else order_by = options[:order_by] end if order_by != "" order_by += (options[:order_desc].to_i == 0 ? " ASC" : " DESC") end return order_by end def call_log c_l = CallLog.find(:first, :conditions=>["uniqueid = ?", self.uniqueid]) return c_l end def Call.last_calls(options={}) cond, var, jn = Call.last_calls_parse_params(options) select = ["calls.*", Call.nice_billsec_sql] select << SqlExport.nice_user_sql #select << 'calls.user_id, users.first_name, users.last_name, card_id, cards.number' select << Call.nice_disposition + ' AS disposition' ['did_price', 'did_inc_price', 'did_prov_price'].each{|co| select << "(#{co} * #{options[:exchange_rate]} ) AS #{co}_exrate"} #if reseller pro - change common use provider price, rate to reseller tariff rate, price select << "(#{SqlExport.reseller_rate_sql} * #{options[:exchange_rate]} ) AS reseller_rate_exrate" if options[:current_user].usertype == 'reseller' if options[:current_user].reseller_allow_providers_tariff? select << "(#{SqlExport.reseller_provider_rate_sql} * #{options[:exchange_rate]} ) AS provider_rate_exrate" select << "(#{SqlExport.reseller_provider_price_sql} * #{options[:exchange_rate]} ) AS provider_price_exrate" end select << "(#{SqlExport.user_price_sql} * #{options[:exchange_rate]} ) AS user_price_exrate" select << "(#{SqlExport.reseller_price_sql} * #{options[:exchange_rate]} ) AS reseller_price_exrate" select << "(#{SqlExport.user_rate_sql} * #{options[:exchange_rate]} ) AS user_rate_exrate" select << "(#{SqlExport.reseller_profit_sql} * #{options[:exchange_rate]} ) AS profit" else if options[:current_user].usertype == 'user' select << "(#{SqlExport.user_price_sql} * #{options[:exchange_rate]} ) AS user_price_exrate" select << "(#{SqlExport.user_rate_sql} * #{options[:exchange_rate]} ) AS user_rate_exrate" else select << "(#{SqlExport.admin_user_price_no_dids_sql} * #{options[:exchange_rate]} ) AS user_price_exrate" select << "(#{SqlExport.admin_reseller_price_no_dids_sql} * #{options[:exchange_rate]} ) AS reseller_price_exrate" select << "(#{SqlExport.admin_user_rate_sql} * #{options[:exchange_rate]} ) AS user_rate_exrate" select << "(#{SqlExport.admin_provider_rate_sql} * #{options[:exchange_rate]}) AS provider_rate_exrate " select << "(#{SqlExport.admin_provider_price_sql} * #{options[:exchange_rate]} ) AS provider_price_exrate" select << "(#{SqlExport.admin_profit_sql}) * #{options[:exchange_rate]} AS profit" end end select << "IF( > 0, #{SqlExport.nice_user_sql("resellers", nil)}, '') AS 'nice_reseller'" Call.find(:all, :select=> select.join(", \n") , :conditions=>[cond.join(" \nAND "), *var], :joins=>jn.join(" \n"), :order=>options[:order], :limit=>"#{((options[:page].to_i - 1 ) * options[:items_per_page].to_i).to_i}, #{options[:items_per_page].to_i}") end def Call.last_calls_total(options={}) cond, var, jn = Call.last_calls_parse_params(options) Call.count(:all, :joins=>jn.join(" \n"), :conditions=>[cond.join(' AND '), *var]).to_i end def Call.last_calls_total_stats(options={}) options[:exchange_rate] ||= 1 cond, var, jn = Call.last_calls_parse_params(options) #if reseller pro - change common use provider price, rate to reseller tariff rate, price if options[:current_user].usertype == 'reseller' prov_price = "(SUM(#{SqlExport.reseller_provider_price_sql}) * #{options[:exchange_rate].to_f}) as total_provider_price" profit = "(SUM(#{SqlExport.reseller_profit_sql}) * #{options[:exchange_rate].to_f}) AS total_profit" user_price = SqlExport.user_price_sql reseller_price = SqlExport.reseller_price_sql else prov_price = "(SUM(#{SqlExport.admin_provider_price_sql}) * #{options[:exchange_rate].to_f}) as total_provider_price" profit = "(SUM(#{SqlExport.admin_profit_sql}) * #{options[:exchange_rate].to_f}) AS total_profit" user_price = SqlExport.admin_user_price_no_dids_sql reseller_price = SqlExport.admin_reseller_price_no_dids_sql end Call.find( :first, :select => " COUNT(*) as total_calls, SUM(IF((billsec IS NULL OR billsec = 0), IF(real_billsec IS NULL, 0, real_billsec), billsec)) as total_duration, SUM(#{SqlExport.user_price_sql}) * #{options[:exchange_rate].to_f} as total_user_price_with_dids, SUM(#{user_price}) * #{options[:exchange_rate].to_f} as total_user_price, SUM(#{reseller_price}) * #{options[:exchange_rate].to_f} as total_reseller_price, SUM(#{SqlExport.admin_reseller_price_sql}) * #{options[:exchange_rate].to_f} as total_reseller_price_with_dids, SUM(did_price) * #{options[:exchange_rate].to_f} as total_did_price, SUM(did_prov_price) * #{options[:exchange_rate].to_f} as total_did_prov_price, SUM(did_inc_price) * #{options[:exchange_rate].to_f} as total_did_inc_price, " + prov_price+"," + profit, :joins=>jn.join(" \n"), :conditions=>[cond.join(' AND '), *var]) end def Call.last_calls_csv(options={}) cond, var, jn = Call.last_calls_parse_params(options) s =[] format = Confline.get_value('Date_format', options[:current_user].owner_id).gsub('M', 'i') #calldate2 - because something overwites calldate when changing date format time_offset = options[:current_user].time_offset s << SqlExport.column_escape_null(SqlExport.nice_date('calls.calldate', {:format=>format, :offset=>time_offset}), "calldate2") s << SqlExport.column_escape_null("calls.src", "src") if options[:pdf].to_i == 1 s << SqlExport.column_escape_null("calls.clid", "clid") end options[:usertype] == 'user' ? s << hide_dst_for_user_sql(self, "csv", SqlExport.column_escape_null("calls.localized_dst"), {:as => "dst"}) : s << SqlExport.column_escape_null("calls.localized_dst", "dst") s << SqlExport.column_escape_null("calls.prefix", "prefix") if options[:current_user].usertype != 'reseller' s << "CONCAT(#{SqlExport.column_escape_null("")}, ' ', #{SqlExport.column_escape_null("destinations.subcode")}, ' ', #{SqlExport.column_escape_null("")}) as destination" s << Call.nice_billsec_sql if options[:current_user].usertype != 'user' or (Confline.get_value('Show_HGC_for_Resellers').to_i == 1 and options[:current_user].usertype == 'reseller') s << SqlExport.column_escape_null("CONCAT(#{SqlExport.column_escape_null("calls.disposition")}, '(', #{SqlExport.column_escape_null("calls.hangupcause")}, ')')", 'dispod') else s << SqlExport.column_escape_null(Call.nice_disposition, 'dispod') end if options[:current_user].usertype == "admin" or options[:current_user].usertype == "accountant" s << SqlExport.column_escape_null("calls.server_id", "server_id") s << SqlExport.column_escape_null("", "provider_name") if options[:can_see_finances] s << SqlExport.replace_dec("(IF(calls.provider_rate IS NULL, 0, #{SqlExport.admin_provider_rate_sql}) * #{options[:exchange_rate]} )", options[:column_dem],'provider_rate') s << SqlExport.replace_dec("(IF(calls.provider_price IS NULL, 0, #{SqlExport.admin_provider_price_sql}) * #{options[:exchange_rate]} )",options[:column_dem],'provider_price') end if (defined?(RS_Active) and RS_Active.to_i == 1) nice_reseller = "IF( != 0,IF(LENGTH(resellers.first_name+resellers.last_name) > 0, CONCAT(resellers.first_name, ' ',resellers.last_name ), resellers.username), ' ')" s << "IF(#{nice_reseller} IS NULL, ' ', #{nice_reseller}) as 'nice_reseller'" if options[:can_see_finances] s << SqlExport.replace_dec("(#{SqlExport.admin_reseller_rate_sql} * #{options[:exchange_rate]} ) ",options[:column_dem],'reseller_rate') s << SqlExport.replace_dec("(#{SqlExport.admin_reseller_price_sql} * #{options[:exchange_rate]} ) ",options[:column_dem],'reseller_price') end end s << "IF(calls.card_id = 0 ,CONCAT(IF(users.first_name IS NULL, '', users.first_name), ' ', IF(users.last_name IS NULL, '', users.last_name)), CONCAT('Card#', IF(cards.number IS NULL, '', cards.number))) as 'user'" if options[:can_see_finances] s << SqlExport.replace_dec("(IF(calls.user_rate IS NULL, 0, #{SqlExport.user_rate_sql}) * #{options[:exchange_rate]} )",options[:column_dem],'user_rate') s << SqlExport.replace_dec("(IF(calls.user_price IS NULL, 0, #{SqlExport.user_price_sql}) * #{options[:exchange_rate]} ) ",options[:column_dem],'user_price') end s << "IF(dids.did IS NULL, '' , dids.did) AS 'did'" if options[:can_see_finances] s << SqlExport.replace_dec("(IF(calls.did_prov_price IS NULL, 0, calls.did_prov_price) * #{options[:exchange_rate]} ) ",options[:column_dem], 'did_prov_price') s << SqlExport.replace_dec("(IF(calls.did_inc_price IS NULL, 0, calls.did_inc_price) * #{options[:exchange_rate]} ) ",options[:column_dem], 'did_inc_price') s << SqlExport.replace_dec("(IF(calls.did_price IS NULL, 0 , calls.did_price) * #{options[:exchange_rate]} ) ",options[:column_dem], 'did_price') end end if options[:current_user].show_billing_info == 1 and options[:can_see_finances] if options[:current_user].usertype == 'reseller' if options[:current_user].reseller_allow_providers_tariff? s << SqlExport.column_escape_null("", "provider_name") if options[:can_see_finances] #if reseller pro - change common use provider price, rate to reseller tariff rate, price s << SqlExport.replace_dec("(IF(calls.provider_rate IS NULL, 0, #{SqlExport.reseller_provider_rate_sql}) * #{options[:exchange_rate]} )",options[:column_dem], 'provider_rate') s << SqlExport.replace_dec("(IF(calls.provider_price IS NULL, 0, #{SqlExport.reseller_provider_price_sql}) * #{options[:exchange_rate]} ) ",options[:column_dem], 'provider_price') end end s << SqlExport.replace_dec("(#{SqlExport.reseller_rate_sql} * #{options[:exchange_rate]} ) ",options[:column_dem], 'reseller_rate') s << SqlExport.replace_dec("(#{SqlExport.reseller_price_sql} * #{options[:exchange_rate]} ) ",options[:column_dem], 'reseller_price') s << "IF(calls.card_id = 0 ,CONCAT(IF(users.first_name IS NULL, '', users.first_name), ' ', IF(users.last_name IS NULL, '', users.last_name)), CONCAT('Card#', IF(cards.number IS NULL, '', cards.number))) as 'user'" s << SqlExport.replace_dec("(#{SqlExport.user_rate_sql} * #{options[:exchange_rate]} ) ",options[:column_dem], 'user_rate') s << SqlExport.replace_dec("(IF(#{SqlExport.user_price_sql} != 0 , (#{SqlExport.user_price_sql}), 0) * #{options[:exchange_rate]} ) ",options[:column_dem], 'user_price') end if options[:current_user].usertype == 'user' s << SqlExport.replace_dec("((#{SqlExport.user_price_sql}) * #{options[:exchange_rate]} ) ", options[:column_dem], "user_price") end end if options[:current_user].usertype == "admin" or options[:current_user].usertype == "accountant" if options[:can_see_finances] s << SqlExport.replace_dec("(#{SqlExport.admin_profit_sql} * #{options[:exchange_rate]})",options[:column_dem],'profit') end elsif options[:current_user].usertype == 'reseller' if options[:can_see_finances] s << SqlExport.replace_dec("(#{SqlExport.reseller_profit_sql} * #{options[:exchange_rate]})",options[:column_dem], 'profit') end s << "IF(dids.did IS NULL , '' , dids.did) AS 'did'" end filename = "Last_calls-#{options[:current_user].id.to_s.gsub(" ", "_")}-#{options[:from].gsub(" ", "_").gsub(":", "_")}-#{options[:till].gsub(" ", "_").gsub(":", "_")}-#{}" sql = "SELECT * " if options[:test] != 1 and options[:pdf].to_i == 0 sql += " INTO OUTFILE '/tmp/#{filename}.csv' FIELDS TERMINATED BY '#{options[:collumn_separator]}' #{'OPTIONALLY' if not Confline.mor_11_extended?} ENCLOSED BY \"\'\" ESCAPED BY '#{"\\\\"}' LINES TERMINATED BY '#{"\\n"}' " end #Call.last_calls_parse_params might return "LEFT JOIN destinations ..." #if condition below is met, in that case we should not join destinations again #it is very important to join tables in this paricular order DO NOT CHANGE IT sql += " FROM (SELECT #{s.join(', ')} FROM calls " unless options[:s_country] and !options[:s_country].blank? sql += "LEFT JOIN destinations ON (destinations.prefix = IF(calls.prefix IS NULL, '', calls.prefix)) " end sql += jn.join(' ') sql += "LEFT JOIN directions ON (directions.code = destinations.direction_code)" sql += "WHERE #{ ActiveRecord::Base.sanitize_sql([cond.join(' AND '), *var])} ORDER BY #{options[:order]} ) as C" if options[:test].to_i == 1 mysql_res = ActiveRecord::Base.connection.select_all(sql) MorLog.my_debug(sql) MorLog.my_debug("------------------------------------------------------------------------") MorLog.my_debug(mysql_res.to_yaml) filename += mysql_res.to_yaml.to_s else if options[:pdf].to_i == 1 filename = Call.find_by_sql(sql) else mysql_res = ActiveRecord::Base.connection.execute(sql) end end return filename end def Call.calls_for_laod_stats(options={}) cond= ['calldate BETWEEN ? AND ?'] var = [options[:a1], options[:a2]] if options[:s_server].to_i != -1 and options[:current_user].usertype != 'reseller' cond << 'server_id = ?' ; var << options[:s_server].to_i end if options[:s_user].to_i != -1 cond << 'user_id = ? ' ; var << options[:s_user] # AND b.user_id = '#{@search_user}' " if options[:s_device].to_i != -1 cond << 'src_device_id = ?' ; var << options[:s_device] # AND b.src_device_id = '#{@search_device}'" end end if options[:s_reseller].to_i != -1 cond << 'calls.reseller_id = ? ' ; var << options[:s_reseller] end if options[:s_direction.to_i] != -1 case options[:s_direction.to_s].to_s when "outgoing" cond << 'did_id= 0' when "incoming" cond << "did_id > 0 AND callertype = 'Local'" when "mixed" cond << "did_id > 0 AND callertype = 'Outside'" end end if options[:s_provider].to_i != -1 cond << 'provider_id = ?'; var << options[:s_provider] end if options[:s_did].to_i != -1 and options[:current_user].usertype != 'reseller' cond << "did_id= ?" ; var << options[:s_did] end if options[:current_user].usertype == "reseller" cond << "(calls.reseller_id = ? OR calls.user_id = ? OR calls.dst_user_id = ?)" var += [options[:current_user].id, options[:current_user].id, options[:current_user].id] end c2 = Call.find(:all, :conditions=>[cond.join(' AND ').to_s] + var, :select=>'calldate, duration') cond << "disposition = 'ANSWERED'" calls1 = Call.find(:all, :conditions=>[cond.join(' AND ').to_s] + var, :select=>'calldate, duration') return calls1, c2 end def Call.country_stats(options={}) cond = [] var = [] if options[:user_id] if options[:user_id] != "-1" cond << 'calls.user_id = ? ' var << options[:user_id] end end if options[:current_user].usertype == "reseller" cond << "(calls.reseller_id = ? OR calls.user_id = ? OR calls.dst_user_id = ?)" var += [options[:current_user].id, options[:current_user].id, options[:current_user].id] user_price = SqlExport.replace_price(SqlExport.user_price_sql) provider_price =SqlExport.replace_price(SqlExport.reseller_provider_price_sql) else user_price = SqlExport.replace_price(SqlExport.admin_user_price_sql) provider_price =SqlExport.replace_price(SqlExport.admin_provider_price_sql) end cond << "calls.calldate BETWEEN ? AND ?" var += ["#{options[:a1]}", "#{options[:a2]}"] cond << 'calls.disposition = "ANSWERED"' calls_all = Call.find(:all, :conditions=>[cond.join(' AND ').to_s] + var, :select=>"COUNT(*) as 'calls', SUM(IF(calls.billsec > 0, calls.billsec, CEIL(calls.real_billsec) )) as 'billsec', SUM(#{provider_price}) as 'selfcost', SUM(#{user_price}) as 'price', SUM(#{user_price}-#{provider_price}) as calls_profit", :joins=>"LEFT JOIN destinations ON (destinations.prefix = calls.prefix) JOIN destinationgroups ON (destinations.destinationgroup_id = #{SqlExport.left_join_reseler_providers_to_calls_sql}") calls = Call.find(:all, :conditions=>[cond.join(' AND ').to_s] + var, :select=>"destinations.direction_code as 'direction_code',, destinationgroups.flag as 'dg_flag', as 'dg_name', destinationgroups.desttype as 'dg_type', COUNT(*) as 'calls', SUM(IF(calls.billsec > 0, calls.billsec, CEIL(calls.real_billsec) )) as 'billsec', SUM(#{provider_price}) as 'selfcost', SUM(#{user_price}) as 'price'", :joins=>"LEFT JOIN destinations ON (destinations.prefix = calls.prefix) JOIN destinationgroups ON (destinations.destinationgroup_id = #{SqlExport.left_join_reseler_providers_to_calls_sql}", :group=>'', :order=>' ASC, destinationgroups.desttype ASC') calls_for_pie_graph = Call.find(:all, :conditions=>[cond.join(' AND ').to_s] + var, :select=>" as 'dg_name', destinationgroups.desttype as 'dg_type',SUM(IF(calls.billsec > 0, calls.billsec, CEIL(calls.real_billsec) )) as 'billsec'", :joins=>"LEFT JOIN destinations ON (destinations.prefix = calls.prefix) JOIN destinationgroups ON (destinations.destinationgroup_id = #{SqlExport.left_join_reseler_providers_to_calls_sql}", :group=>'', :order=>'billsec desc') calls_for_price = Call.find(:all, :conditions=>[cond.join(' AND ').to_s] + var, :select=>" as 'dg_name', destinationgroups.desttype as 'dg_type', SUM(#{user_price}) as 'price'", :joins=>"LEFT JOIN destinations ON (destinations.prefix = calls.prefix) JOIN destinationgroups ON (destinations.destinationgroup_id = #{SqlExport.left_join_reseler_providers_to_calls_sql}", :group=>'', :order=>'price desc') calls_for_profit = Call.find(:all, :conditions=>[cond.join(' AND ').to_s] + var, :select=>" as 'dg_name', destinationgroups.desttype as 'dg_type', SUM(#{user_price}-#{provider_price}) as calls_profit", :joins=>"LEFT JOIN destinations ON (destinations.prefix = calls.prefix) JOIN destinationgroups ON (destinations.destinationgroup_id = #{SqlExport.left_join_reseler_providers_to_calls_sql}", :group=>'', :order=>'calls_profit desc') #---------- Graphs ------------ # Countries times for pie all = 0 country_times_pie= "\"" if calls_for_pie_graph and calls_for_pie_graph.size.to_i > 0 calls_for_pie_graph.each_with_index{|c,i| pull = i == 1 ? 'true' : 'false' if i < 6 country_times_pie += c.dg_name.to_s + " " + c.dg_type + ";" + (c.billsec.to_i / 60).to_s + ";" + pull + "\\n" else all += c.billsec end } country_times_pie += _('Others') + ";" + (all.to_i / 60).to_s + ";false\\n" else country_times_pie += _('No_result') + ";1;false\\n" end country_times_pie += "\"" #------- Countries profit graph ---------- all = 0 countries_profit_pie = "\"" if calls_for_profit and calls_for_profit.size.to_i > 0 calls_for_profit.each_with_index{|c,i| pull = i == 1 ? 'true' : 'false' if i < 6 countries_profit_pie += c.dg_name.to_s + " " + c.dg_type + ";" + (Email.nice_number(c.calls_profit.to_f)).to_s + ";" + pull + "\\n" else all += c.calls_profit.to_f end } countries_profit_pie+= _('Others') + ";" + Email.nice_number(all.to_f > 0.to_f ? all.to_f : 0).to_s + ";false\\n" else countries_profit_pie+= _('No_result') + ";1;false\\n" end countries_profit_pie += "\"" #------- Countries incomes graph ---------- all = 0 countries_incomes_pie = "\"" if calls_for_price and calls_for_price.size.to_i > 0 calls_for_price.each_with_index{|c,i| pull = i == 1 ? 'true' : 'false' if i < 6 countries_incomes_pie += c.dg_name.to_s + " " + c.dg_type + ";" + Email.nice_number(c.price.to_f).to_s + ";" + pull + "\\n" else all += c.price.to_f end } countries_incomes_pie+= _('Others') + ";" + Email.nice_number(all.to_f).to_s + ";false\\n" else countries_incomes_pie+= _('No_result') + ";1;false\\n" end countries_incomes_pie += "\"" return calls, country_times_pie, countries_profit_pie, countries_incomes_pie, calls_all end def Call.hangup_cause_codes_stats(options={}) cond = [] ; var = [] if options[:user_id].to_i != -1 cond << 'calls.user_id = ? ' ; var << options[:user_id] end if options[:device_id].to_i != -1 cond << "(calls.src_device_id = ? OR calls.dst_device_id = ?)" var +=[options[:device_id].to_i, options[:device_id].to_i] end if options[:provider_id].to_i != -1 cond << "((calls.provider_id = ? and calls.callertype = 'Local') OR (calls.did_provider_id = ? and calls.callertype = 'Outside'))" var +=[options[:provider_id].to_i, options[:provider_id].to_i] end des = '' if options[:country_code] and !options[:country_code].blank? cond << "destinations.direction_code = ? "; var << options[:country_code] des = 'LEFT JOIN destinations ON (calls.prefix = destinations.prefix)' end if options[:current_user].usertype == "reseller" cond << "(calls.reseller_id = ? OR calls.user_id = ? OR calls.dst_user_id = ?)" var += [options[:current_user].id, options[:current_user].id, options[:current_user].id] end cond << "calls.calldate BETWEEN ? AND ?" var += [options[:current_user].system_time("#{options[:a1]} 00:00:00"), options[:current_user].system_time("#{options[:a2]} 23:59:59")] sql = "SELECT calls_hc.hc_code, calls_hc.calls,, hangupcausecodes.code, hangupcausecodes.description FROM( SELECT calls.hangupcause AS 'hc_code', count( AS 'calls' FROM calls #{des} WHERE #{ ActiveRecord::Base.sanitize_sql([cond.join(' AND '), *var])} GROUP BY hc_code) AS calls_hc LEFT JOIN hangupcausecodes ON (calls_hc.hc_code = hangupcausecodes.code) ORDER BY hc_code ASC" calls = Call.find_by_sql(sql) sql2 = "SELECT calls_hc.hc_code, calls_hc.calls,, hangupcausecodes.code, hangupcausecodes.description FROM( SELECT calls.hangupcause AS 'hc_code', count( AS 'calls' FROM calls #{des} WHERE #{ ActiveRecord::Base.sanitize_sql([cond.join(' AND '), *var])} GROUP BY hc_code) AS calls_hc LEFT JOIN hangupcausecodes ON (calls_hc.hc_code = hangupcausecodes.code) ORDER BY calls DESC" code_calls = Call.find_by_sql(sql2) format = Confline.get_value('Date_format', options[:current_user].owner_id).gsub('%H:%M:%S', '') date_period = [] a1 = !options[:a1].blank? ? options[:a1] : '2004' a2 = !options[:a2].blank? ? options[:a2] : a2 = a1 if a1.to_date > a2.to_date "#{a1} 00:00:00".to_date.upto("#{a2} 23:59:59".to_date) do |date| date_period << "select '#{date.to_s}' as call_date2" end day_calls = Call.find_by_sql( "SELECT * FROM (SELECT * FROM (SELECT * FROM (#{date_period.join(" UNION ")}) AS v) AS d) AS u LEFT JOIN (SELECT DATE(calldate) as call_date, #{SqlExport.nice_date('DATE(calldate)', {:reference=> 'call_date_formated', :format=>format, :tz=>options[:current_user].time_zone})}, SUM(IF(calls.hangupcause = '16', 1,0)) as 'calls', SUM(IF(calls.hangupcause != '16', 1,0)) as 'b_calls' FROM calls LEFT JOIN hangupcausecodes ON (calls.hangupcause = hangupcausecodes.code ) #{des} WHERE #{ ActiveRecord::Base.sanitize_sql([(cond+["calls.hangupcause != ''"]).join(' AND '), *var])} GROUP BY call_date ) AS p ON (u.call_date2 = DATE(p.call_date) )") #---------- Graphs ------------ # Hangup causes codes for pie all = 0 hcc_pie= "\"" calls_size = 0 if code_calls and code_calls.size.to_i > 0 code_calls.each_with_index{|c,i| pull = i == 1 ? 'true' : 'false' if i < 6 hcc_pie += c.hc_code.to_s + ";" + (c.calls.to_i).to_s + ";" + pull + "\\n" else all += c.calls.to_i end calls_size +=c.calls.to_i } hcc_pie += _('Others') + ";" + all.to_s + ";false\\n" else hcc_pie += _('No_result') + ";1;false\\n" end hcc_pie += "\"" # Hangup causes codes for line hcc_graph = [] day_calls.each_with_index{|c, i| hcc_graph << c.call_date_formated.to_s + ";" + c.calls.to_i.to_s + ";"+c.b_calls.to_i.to_s } return calls, hcc_pie, hcc_graph.join("\\n"), calls_size end def Call.country_stats_csv(options={}) cond = ["calls.calldate BETWEEN ? AND ? AND calls.disposition = 'ANSWERED' "] var =[options[:from].to_s + ' 00:00:00', options[:till].to_s + ' 23:59:59'] jn = ['LEFT JOIN destinations ON (destinations.prefix = calls.prefix)',"JOIN destinationgroups ON (destinations.destinationgroup_id ={SqlExport.left_join_reseler_providers_to_calls_sql}"] if options[:s_user].to_i != -1 cond << 'calls.user_id = ? '; var << options[:s_user] end if options[:current_user].usertype == "reseller" cond << "(calls.reseller_id = ? OR calls.user_id = ? OR calls.dst_user_id = ?)" var += [options[:current_user].id, options[:current_user].id, options[:current_user].id] user_price = SqlExport.replace_price(SqlExport.user_price_sql) provider_price =SqlExport.replace_price(SqlExport.reseller_provider_price_sql) else user_price = SqlExport.replace_price(SqlExport.admin_user_price_sql) provider_price = SqlExport.replace_price(SqlExport.admin_provider_price_sql) end s =[] s << SqlExport.replace_sep("", options[:collumn_separator], nil, "dg_name" ) s << SqlExport.column_escape_null("destinationgroups.desttype", "dg_type") s << SqlExport.column_escape_null("COUNT(*)", 'calls') s << SqlExport.column_escape_null("SUM(IF(calls.billsec > 0, calls.billsec, CEIL(calls.real_billsec) ))", 'billsec') unless options[:hide_finances] s << SqlExport.column_escape_null("SUM(#{provider_price})", 'selfcost') s << SqlExport.column_escape_null("SUM(#{user_price})", 'price') s << SqlExport.column_escape_null("SUM(#{user_price} - #{provider_price})", 'profit') end filename = "Country_stats-#{options[:from].gsub(" ", "_").gsub(":", "_")}-#{options[:till].gsub(" ", "_").gsub(":", "_")}-#{}" sql = "SELECT * " if options[:test] != 1 sql += " INTO OUTFILE '/tmp/#{filename}.csv' FIELDS TERMINATED BY '#{options[:collumn_separator]}' OPTIONALLY ENCLOSED BY '#{''}' ESCAPED BY '#{"\\\\"}' LINES TERMINATED BY '#{"\\n"}' " end sql += " FROM (SELECT #{s.join(', ')} FROM calls #{jn.join(' ')} WHERE #{ ActiveRecord::Base.sanitize_sql([cond.join(' AND '), *var])} GROUP BY ORDER BY ASC, destinationgroups.desttype ASC ) as C" if options[:test].to_i == 1 mysql_res = ActiveRecord::Base.connection.select_all(sql) MorLog.my_debug(sql) MorLog.my_debug("------------------------------------------------------------------------") MorLog.my_debug(mysql_res.to_yaml) filename += mysql_res.to_yaml.to_s else mysql_res = ActiveRecord::Base.connection.execute(sql) end return filename end def Call.cardgroup_aggregate(options={}) group_by = [] options[:destination_grouping] == 1 ? group_by << "destinations.direction_code, destinations.prefix" : group_by << "destinations.direction_code, destinations.subcode" group_by << "cards.cardgroup_id" if options[:cardgroup] == "any" cond = ["calldate BETWEEN ? AND ?"] var = [options[:from], options[:till]] if options[:prefix].to_s != "" cond << "calls.prefix LIKE ?" var << options[:prefix].gsub(/[^0-9]/, "").to_s + "%" end if options[:cardgroup] == "any" cond << "cards.cardgroup_id IN (SELECT id FROM cardgroups WHERE owner_id = ?)" var << options[:user_id] else cond << "cards.cardgroup_id = ?" var << options[:cardgroup].to_i end s = [] if options[:csv].to_i == 0 s << "IF(calls.prefix = '', 'No prefix found', calls.prefix ) AS prefix, as 'dir_name', destinations.direction_code AS 'code', destinations.subcode AS 'subcode', AS 'dest_name'" else if options[:destination_grouping].to_i == 1 s << SqlExport.column_escape_null("CONCAT(, ' ', destinations.subcode, ' ',, ' (', calls.prefix, ') ' )", "direct_name", 'No prefix found') else s << SqlExport.column_escape_null("CONCAT(, ' ', destinations.subcode, ' (', calls.prefix, ') ')", "direct_name", 'No prefix found') end end s << " AS 'cardgroup_name'" s << SqlExport.column_escape_null("SUM(IF(calls.disposition = 'ANSWERED', calls.billsec, 0))", 'duration', 0) s << SqlExport.column_escape_null("SUM(IF(calls.disposition = 'ANSWERED', 1,0))", 'answered_calls', 0) s << SqlExport.column_escape_null("COUNT(*)", 'total_calls', 0) s << SqlExport.column_escape_null("SUM(IF(calls.disposition = 'ANSWERED', 1,0))/COUNT(*)*100", 'asr', 0) s << SqlExport.column_escape_null("SUM(IF(calls.disposition = 'ANSWERED', calls.billsec, 0))/SUM(IF(calls.disposition = 'ANSWERED', 1,0))", 'acd', 0) s << SqlExport.column_escape_null("SUM(calls.provider_price)", "provider_price", 0) s << SqlExport.column_escape_null("SUM(calls.user_price)", "user_price", 0) s << SqlExport.column_escape_null("SUM(calls.user_price) - SUM(calls.provider_price)", 'profit', 0) s << SqlExport.column_escape_null("IF((SUM(calls.user_price) != 0 OR SUM(calls.provider_price) != 0),(((SUM(calls.user_price) - SUM(calls.provider_price)) / SUM(calls.user_price)) * 100),0)", 'margin', 0) s << SqlExport.column_escape_null("IF((SUM(calls.user_price) != 0 OR SUM(calls.provider_price) != 0),(((SUM(calls.user_price) / SUM(calls.provider_price)) * 100 ) - 100), 0)",'markup', 0) order = !options[:order].to_s.blank? ? 'ORDER BY ' + options[:order] : '' group = group_by.size > 0 ? 'GROUP BY ' +group_by.join(", ") : '' jn = ["LEFT JOIN devices ON (calls.src_device_id =", "LEFT JOIN users ON ( = devices.user_id)", "JOIN cards ON ( = calls.card_id)", "LEFT JOIN cardgroups ON ( = cards.cardgroup_id)", "LEFT JOIN destinations ON (destinations.prefix = calls.prefix)", "LEFT JOIN directions ON (directions.code = destinations.direction_code)"] if options[:csv].to_i == 1 filename = "Cardgroups_aggregate-#{options[:from].gsub(" ", "_").gsub(":", "_")}-#{options[:till].gsub(" ", "_").gsub(":", "_")}-#{}" sql = "SELECT * " if options[:test].to_i != 1 sql += " INTO OUTFILE '/tmp/#{filename}.csv' FIELDS TERMINATED BY '#{options[:collumn_separator]}' OPTIONALLY ENCLOSED BY '#{''}' ESCAPED BY '#{"\\\\"}' LINES TERMINATED BY '#{"\\n"}' " end sql += " FROM (SELECT #{s.join(', ')} FROM calls #{jn.join(' ')} WHERE #{ ActiveRecord::Base.sanitize_sql([cond.join(' AND '), *var])} #{group} #{order} ) as C" if options[:test].to_i == 1 mysql_res = ActiveRecord::Base.connection.select_all(sql) MorLog.my_debug(sql) MorLog.my_debug("------------------------------------------------------------------------") MorLog.my_debug(mysql_res.to_yaml) filename += mysql_res.to_yaml.to_s else mysql_res = ActiveRecord::Base.connection.execute(sql) end return filename else sql = "SELECT #{s.join(', ')} FROM calls #{jn.join(' ')} WHERE #{ ActiveRecord::Base.sanitize_sql([cond.join(' AND '), *var])} #{group} #{order} " mysql_res = Call.find_by_sql(sql) return mysql_res end end def Call.analize_cdr_import(name, options) CsvImportDb.log_swap('analyze') MorLog.my_debug("CSV analyze_file #{name}", 1) arr = {} current_user = arr[:calls_in_db] = Call.count(:all, :conditions=>{:reseller_id => current_user}).to_i arr[:clis_in_db] = Callerid.count(:all, :joins=>'JOIN devices ON ( = callerids.device_id) JOIN users ON (devices.user_id =', :conditions=>"users.owner_id = #{current_user}").to_i if options[:step] and options[:step] == 8 arr[:step] = 8 ActiveRecord::Base.connection.execute("UPDATE #{name} SET f_error = 0, nice_error = 0 where id > 0") else ActiveRecord::Base.connection.execute("UPDATE #{name} SET not_found_in_db = 0, f_error = 0, nice_error = 0 where id > 0") end if options[:imp_clid] and options[:imp_clid] >= 0 #set flag on not found and count them found_clis = ActiveRecord::Base.connection.select_all("SELECT col_#{options[:imp_clid]} FROM #{name} JOIN callerids ON (callerids.cli = replace(col_#{options[:imp_clid]}, '\\r', ''))") idsclis = ["'not_found'"] found_clis.each{|id| idsclis << id["col_#{options[:imp_clid]}"].to_s} ActiveRecord::Base.connection.execute("UPDATE #{name} SET not_found_in_db = 1 where col_#{options[:imp_clid]} not in (#{idsclis.compact.join(',')})") end #set flag on bad dst | code : 3 ActiveRecord::Base.connection.execute("UPDATE #{name} SET f_error = 1, nice_error = 3 where replace(replace(col_#{options[:imp_dst]}, '\\r', ''), ' ', '') REGEXP '^[0-9]+$' = 0 and f_error = 0") #set flag on bad calldate | code : 4 ActiveRecord::Base.connection.execute("UPDATE #{name} SET f_error = 1, nice_error = 4 where replace(replace(col_#{options[:imp_calldate]}, '\\r', ''), ' ', '') REGEXP '^[0-9 :-]+$' = 0 and f_error = 0 ") #set flag on bad billsec | code : 5 ActiveRecord::Base.connection.execute("UPDATE #{name} SET f_error = 1, nice_error = 5 where replace(replace(col_#{options[:imp_billsec]}, '\\r', ''), ' ', '') REGEXP '^[0-9]+$' = 0 and f_error = 0") #set flag on bad clis and count them unless options[:import_user] ActiveRecord::Base.connection.execute("UPDATE #{name} SET f_error = 1, nice_error = 1 where replace(replace(col_#{options[:imp_clid]}, '\\r', ''), ' ', '') REGEXP '^[0-9]+$' = 0 and not_found_in_db = 1") end cond = options[:import_user] ? " AND user_id = #{options[:import_user]} " : '' #" calls.cli " ActiveRecord::Base.connection.execute("UPDATE #{name} JOIN calls ON (calls.calldate = timestamp(replace(col_#{options[:imp_calldate]}, '\\r', '')) ) SET f_error = 1, nice_error = 2 WHERE dst = replace(col_#{options[:imp_dst]}, '\\r', '') and billsec = replace(col_#{options[:imp_billsec]}, '\\r', '') #{cond} and f_error = 0" ) arr[:cdr_in_csv_file] = ActiveRecord::Base.connection.select_value("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM #{name} where f_error = 0").to_i arr[:bad_clis] = ActiveRecord::Base.connection.select_value("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM #{name} where f_error = 1").to_i if options[:step] and options[:step] == 8 arr[:new_clis_to_create] = ActiveRecord::Base.connection.select_value("SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT(col_#{options[:imp_clid]})) FROM #{name} WHERE nice_error != 1 and not_found_in_db = 1").to_i if options[:imp_clid] and options[:imp_clid] >= 0 arr[:clis_to_assigne] = Callerid.count(:all, :conditions=>{:device_id=>-1}).to_i else arr[:new_clis_to_create] = ActiveRecord::Base.connection.select_value("SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT(col_#{options[:imp_clid]})) FROM #{name} LEFT JOIN callerids on (callerids.cli = replace(col_#{options[:imp_clid]}, '\\r', '')) WHERE nice_error != 1 and is null and not_found_in_db = 1").to_i if options[:imp_clid] and options[:imp_clid] >= 0 arr[:clis_to_assigne] = Callerid.count(:all, :conditions=>{:device_id=>-1}).to_i + arr[:new_clis_to_create].to_i end arr[:existing_clis_in_csv_file] = ActiveRecord::Base.connection.select_value("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM #{name} where not_found_in_db = 0 and f_error = 0").to_i arr[:new_clis_in_csv_file] = ActiveRecord::Base.connection.select_value("SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT(col_#{options[:imp_clid]})) FROM #{name} where not_found_in_db = 1").to_i if options[:imp_clid] and options[:imp_clid] >= 0 arr[:cdrs_to_insert] = ActiveRecord::Base.connection.select_value("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM #{name} where f_error = 0").to_i return arr end def Call.insert_cdrs_from_csv(name, options) provider = Provider.find(:first, :include => [:tariff], :conditions => [" = ?", options[:import_provider]]) if options[:import_user] res = ActiveRecord::Base.connection.select_all("SELECT *, as dev_id FROM #{name} JOIN devices ON ( = #{options[:import_device]}) WHERE f_error = 0 and do_not_import = 0") else res = ActiveRecord::Base.connection.select_all("SELECT *, as dev_id FROM #{name} JOIN callerids ON (callerids.cli = replace(col_#{options[:imp_clid]}, '\\r', '')) JOIN devices ON (callerids.device_id = WHERE f_error = 0 and do_not_import = 0") end imported_cdrs = 0 for r in res billsec = r["col_#{options[:imp_billsec]}"].to_i call = => billsec, :dst => CsvImportDb.clean_value(r["col_#{options[:imp_dst]}"].to_s).gsub(/[^0-9]/, ""), :calldate =>r["col_#{options[:imp_calldate]}"], :card_id => 0, :lastdata => "", :dstchannel => "", :uniqueid => "", :dcontext => "", :lastapp => "", :channel => "", :userfield => "") duration = CsvImportDb.clean_value(r["col_#{options[:imp_duration]}"]).to_i duration = billsec if duration == 0 or options[:imp_duration] == -1 disposition = "" disposition = CsvImportDb.clean_value r["col_#{options[:imp_disposition]}"] if options[:imp_disposition] > -1 if disposition.length == 0 disposition = "ANSWERED" if billsec > 0 disposition = "NO ANSWER" if billsec == 0 end call.clid = CsvImportDb.clean_value r["col_#{options[:imp_clid]}"] if options[:imp_clid] > -1 call.clid = "" if call.clid.to_s.length == 0 call.src = CsvImportDb.clean_value(r["col_#{options[:imp_src_number]}"]).gsub(/[^0-9]/, "") if options[:imp_src_number] > -1 call.src = call.clid.to_i.to_s if call.src.to_s.length == 0 call.src = "" if call.src.to_s.length == 0 call.duration = duration call.disposition = disposition call.accountcode = r['dev_id'] call.src_device_id = r['dev_id'] call.user_id = r['user_id'] call.provider_id = call.localized_dst = call.dst user = User.find(call.user_id) call.reseller_id = user.owner_id call = call.count_cdr2call_details(provider.tariff_id, user) if call.valid? if user.balance -= call.user_price imported_cdrs += 1 end end errors = ActiveRecord::Base.connection.select_all("SELECT * FROM #{name} where f_error = 1") return imported_cdrs, errors end # counts details for the call imported from csv # # Upgrade: selfcost_tariff_id and user_id can be Tariff or User objects so # not to perform find and not to stress database. # def count_cdr2call_details(selfcost_tariff_id, user_id, user_test_tariff_id = 0) @prov_exchange_rate_cache ||= {} @tariffs_cache ||= {} if user_id.class == User user = user_id user_id = else user = User.find(:first,:include => [:tariff], :conditions => [" = ?", user_id]) end user.to_yaml # testing tariff if user_test_tariff_id > 0 tariff = Tariff.find_by_id(user_test_tariff_id) CsvImportDb.clean_value "Using testing tariff with id: #{user_test_tariff_id}" else tariff = user.tariff end dst = CsvImportDb.clean_value self.dst.to_s #.gsub(/[^0-9]/, "") device_id = self.accountcode time = self.calldate.strftime("%H:%M:%S") if selfcost_tariff_id.class == Tariff prov_tariff = selfcost_tariff_id selfcost_tariff_id = @tariffs_cache["t_#{selfcost_tariff_id}".to_sym] ||= prov_tariff else prov_tariff = @tariffs_cache["t_#{selfcost_tariff_id}".to_sym] ||= Tariff.find(selfcost_tariff_id) end prov_exchange_rate = @prov_exchange_rate_cache["p_#{}".to_sym] ||= prov_tariff.exchange_rate #my_debug "" # get daytype and localization settings day = self.calldate.to_s(:db) sql = "SELECT A.*, (SELECT IF((SELECT daytype FROM days WHERE date = '#{day}') IS NULL, (SELECT IF(WEEKDAY('#{day}') = 5 OR WEEKDAY('#{day}') = 6, 'FD', 'WD')), (SELECT daytype FROM days WHERE date = '#{day}'))) as 'dt' FROM devices JOIN locations ON ( = devices.location_id) LEFT JOIN (SELECT * FROM locationrules WHERE enabled = 1 AND lr_type = 'dst' AND LENGTH('#{dst}') BETWEEN minlen AND maxlen AND (SUBSTRING('#{dst}',1,LENGTH(cut)) = cut OR LENGTH(cut) = 0 OR ISNULL(cut)) ORDER BY location_id DESC ) AS A ON (A.location_id = OR A.location_id = 1) WHERE = #{device_id} ORDER BY LENGTH(cut) DESC LIMIT 1;" res = ActiveRecord::Base.connection.select_one(sql) if res and res['device_id'].blank? and res['did_id'].blank? daytype = res['dt'] loc_add = res['add'] loc_cut = res['cut'] loc_tariff_id = res['tariff_id'] if loc_tariff_id.to_i > 0 and user_test_tariff_id.to_i == 0 # change tariff because of localization tariff = @tariffs_cache["t_#{loc_tariff_id}".to_sym] ||= Tariff.find_by_id(loc_tariff_id) end #my_debug sql #my_debug "calldate: #{day}, time: #{time}, daytype: #{daytype}, loc_add: #{loc_add}, loc_cut: #{loc_cut}, loc_add: #{loc_add}, src: #{call.src}, dst: #{dst}, tariff_id: #{tariff_id}, self_tariff_id: #{selfcost_tariff_id}" #localization # start = 0 # start = loc_cut.length if loc_cut orig_dst = dst # dst = loc_add.to_s + dst[start, dst.length] dst = Location.nice_locilization(loc_cut, loc_add,orig_dst) MorLog.my_debug "Before Localication: #{orig_dst}, after localization-> dst: #{dst}, cut: #{loc_cut.to_s}, add: #{loc_add.to_s} " # initial values price = 0 max_rate = 0 user_exchange_rate = 1 temp_prefix = "" user_billsec = 0 s_prefix = "" s_rate = 0 s_increment = 1 s_min_time = 0 s_conn_fee = 0 s_billsec = 0 s_price = 0 # checking maybe called to own DID? did = nil did = Did.find(:first, :conditions => "did = '#{dst}' AND dids.user_id = #{user_id}") own_did = 0 own_did = 1 if did if own_did == 1 MorLog.my_debug "Call to own DID - call will not be charged" user_billsec = self.billsec self.dst_device_id = did.device_id if user_billsec > 0 self.hangupcause = 16 else self.hangupcause = 0 end self.did_id = self.real_duration = user_billsec self.real_billsec = user_billsec self.reseller_id = user.owner_id end if own_did == 0 #data for selfcost dst_array = [] dst.length.times{|i| dst_array << dst[0, i+1]} if dst_array.size > 0 sql = "SELECT A.prefix, ratedetails.rate, ratedetails.increment_s, ratedetails.min_time, ratedetails.connection_fee "+ "FROM rates JOIN ratedetails ON (ratedetails.rate_id = AND (ratedetails.daytype = '#{daytype}' OR ratedetails.daytype = '' ) AND '#{time}' BETWEEN ratedetails.start_time AND ratedetails.end_time) JOIN (SELECT destinations.* FROM destinations " + "WHERE destinations.prefix IN ('#{dst_array.join("', '")}') ORDER BY LENGTH(destinations.prefix) DESC) " + "as A ON ( = rates.destination_id) WHERE rates.tariff_id = #{selfcost_tariff_id} ORDER BY LENGTH(A.prefix) DESC LIMIT 1;" end #my_debug sql res = ActiveRecord::Base.connection.select_one(sql) if res s_prefix = res['prefix'] s_rate = res['rate'].to_f s_increment = res['increment_s'].to_i s_min_time = res['min_time'].to_i s_conn_fee = res['connection_fee'].to_f end s_increment = 1 if s_increment == 0 if (self.billsec % s_increment == 0) s_billsec = (self.billsec / s_increment).floor * s_increment else s_billsec = ((self.billsec / s_increment).floor + 1 ) * s_increment end s_billsec = s_min_time if s_billsec < s_min_time s_price = (s_rate * s_billsec) / 60 + s_conn_fee # MorLog.my_debug "PROVIDER's: prefix: #{s_prefix}, rate: #{s_rate}, increment: #{s_increment}, min_time: #{s_min_time}, conn_fee: #{s_conn_fee}, billsec: #{s_billsec}, price: #{s_price}, exchange_rate = #{prov_exchange_rate}" #====================== data for USER ============== price, max_rate, user_exchange_rate, temp_prefix, user_billsec = self.count_call_rating_details_for_user(tariff, time, daytype, dst, user) MorLog.my_debug "USER: call_id: #{}, user_price: #{price}, max_rate: #{max_rate}, exchange_rate: #{user_exchange_rate}, tmp_prefix: #{temp_prefix}, user_billsec: #{user_billsec}" #====================== data for RESELLER ============== if self.reseller_id.to_i > 0 reseller = User.find(:first, :conditions => "id = #{self.reseller_id.to_i}" ) tariff = @tariffs_cache["t_#{reseller.tariff_id.to_i}".to_sym] ||= Tariff.find(:first, :conditions => "id = #{reseller.tariff_id.to_i}") if reseller if reseller and tariff res_price, res_max_rate, res_exchange_rate, res_temp_prefix, res_billsec = self.count_call_rating_details_for_user(tariff, time, daytype, dst, reseller) MorLog.my_debug "RESELLER: call_id: #{}, user_price: #{res_price}, max_rate: #{res_max_rate}, exchange_rate: #{res_exchange_rate}, tmp_prefix: #{res_temp_prefix}, user_billsec: #{res_billsec}" end end end # own_did == 0 # ========= Calculation =========== #new self.provider_rate = s_rate / prov_exchange_rate self.user_rate = max_rate / user_exchange_rate self.provider_billsec = s_billsec self.user_billsec = user_billsec self.provider_price = 0 self.user_price = 0 #call.dst = orig_dst self.localized_dst = dst if self.reseller_id.to_i > 0 self.reseller_rate = res_max_rate / res_exchange_rate self.reseller_billsec = res_billsec self.reseller_price = 0 end #call.prefix = res[0]["prefix"] if res[0] if temp_prefix.to_s.length > s_prefix.to_s.length self.prefix = temp_prefix else self.prefix = s_prefix end if !res_temp_prefix.blank? and self.prefix if self.reseller_id.to_i > 0 and res_temp_prefix.to_s.length > self.prefix.to_s.length self.prefix = res_temp_prefix end end #need to find prefix for error fixing when no prefix is in calls table - this should not happen anyways, so maybe no fix is neccesary? if self.disposition == "ANSWERED" # call.prov_price = s_price # call.price = price #new self.provider_price = s_price / prov_exchange_rate self.user_price = price / user_exchange_rate if self.reseller_id.to_i > 0 self.reseller_price = res_price / res_exchange_rate end end # tmp hack to handle dids for reseller # disabled because =begin if call.did_id.to_i > 0 call.provider_rate = 0 call.provider_price = 0 call.user_price = 0 call.user_rate = 0 call.reseller_rate = 0 call.reseller_price = 0 end =end else MorLog.my_debug "#{} SQL not found--------------------------------------------" MorLog.my_debug sql end self end def count_call_rating_details_for_user(tariff, time, daytype, dst, user) @count_call_rating_details_for_user_exchange_rate_cache ||= {} if tariff.purpose == "user" # sql = "SELECT A.prefix, aratedetails.* FROM rates JOIN aratedetails ON (aratedetails.rate_id = ) JOIN destinationgroups " + #"ON ( = rates.destinationgroup_id) JOIN (SELECT destinations.* FROM destinations " + #"WHERE destinations.prefix=SUBSTRING('#{dst}', 1, LENGTH(destinations.prefix)) ORDER BY LENGTH(destinations.prefix) DESC LIMIT 1) as A " + #"ON (A.destinationgroup_id = WHERE rates.tariff_id = #{tariff_id} ORDER BY ASC" dst_array = [] dst.length.times{|i| dst_array << dst[0, i+1]} sql = "SELECT B.prefix as 'prefix', aid, afrom, adur, atype, around, aprice, acid, acfrom, acdur, actype, acround, acprice " + "FROM (SELECT A.prefix, as 'aid', aratedetails.from as 'afrom', aratedetails.duration as 'adur', aratedetails.artype as 'atype', aratedetails.round as 'around', aratedetails.price as 'aprice', as 'acid', acustratedetails.from as 'acfrom', acustratedetails.duration as 'acdur', acustratedetails.artype as 'actype', acustratedetails.round as 'acround', acustratedetails.price as 'acprice', SUM( as 'sacid' " + "FROM rates JOIN aratedetails ON (aratedetails.rate_id = AND '#{time}' BETWEEN aratedetails.start_time AND aratedetails.end_time AND (aratedetails.daytype = '#{daytype}' OR aratedetails.daytype = '')) " + "JOIN destinationgroups ON ( = rates.destinationgroup_id) " + "JOIN (SELECT destinations.* FROM destinations WHERE destinations.prefix IN ('#{dst_array.join("', '")}') AND destinationgroup_id IN (SELECT rates.destinationgroup_id from rates where rates.tariff_id = #{})" + "ORDER BY LENGTH(destinations.prefix) DESC LIMIT 1) as A ON (A.destinationgroup_id = " + "LEFT JOIN customrates ON (customrates.destinationgroup_id = AND customrates.user_id = #{}) " + "LEFT JOIN acustratedetails ON (acustratedetails.customrate_id = AND '#{time}' BETWEEN acustratedetails.start_time AND acustratedetails.end_time AND (acustratedetails.daytype = '#{daytype}' OR acustratedetails.daytype = '')) " + "WHERE rates.tariff_id = #{} GROUP BY, ) AS B GROUP BY IF(B.sacid > 0,B.acid,B.aid) " + "ORDER BY acfrom ASC, actype ASC, afrom ASC, atype ASC " # sql = "SELECT B.prefix as 'prefix', aid, afrom, adur, atype, around, aprice, acid, acfrom, acdur, actype, acround, acprice FROM ( # SELECT * FROM ( # SELECT A.prefix, as 'aid', aratedetails.from as 'afrom', aratedetails.duration as 'adur', aratedetails.artype as 'atype', aratedetails.round as 'around', aratedetails.price as 'aprice', as 'acid', acustratedetails.from as 'acfrom', acustratedetails.duration as 'acdur', acustratedetails.artype as 'actype', acustratedetails.round as 'acround', acustratedetails.price as 'acprice', SUM( as 'sacid' FROM rates # JOIN aratedetails ON (aratedetails.rate_id = AND '#{time}' BETWEEN aratedetails.start_time AND aratedetails.end_time AND (aratedetails.daytype = '#{daytype}' OR aratedetails.daytype = '')) " + #"JOIN destinationgroups ON ( = rates.destinationgroup_id) " + #"JOIN (SELECT destinations.* FROM destinations WHERE destinations.prefix IN ('#{dst_array.join("', '")}')) as A ON (A.destinationgroup_id = " + #"LEFT JOIN customrates ON (customrates.destinationgroup_id = AND customrates.user_id = #{}) " + # "LEFT JOIN acustratedetails ON (acustratedetails.customrate_id = AND '#{time}' BETWEEN acustratedetails.start_time AND acustratedetails.end_time AND (acustratedetails.daytype = '#{daytype}' OR acustratedetails.daytype = '')) " + # "WHERE rates.tariff_id = #{} AND aid is not null ORDER BY LENGTH(prefix) DESC LIMIT 1 # ) AS C GROUP BY aid, acid # ) AS B GROUP BY IF(B.sacid > 0,B.acid,B.aid) # ORDER BY acfrom ASC, actype ASC, afrom ASC, atype ASC;#" #my_debug sql res = ActiveRecord::Base.connection.select_all(sql) custom_rates = 0 billsec = 0 price = 0 max_rate = 0.0 for r in res if res[0]['acid'] and res[0]['acid'].length > 0 #my_debug "custom rates" custom_rates = 1 r_from = r['acfrom'] r_duration = r['acdur'] r_artype = r['actype'] r_round = r['acround'] r_price = r['acprice'] cr = true else #my_debug "no custom rates" r_from = r['afrom'] r_duration = r['adur'] r_artype = r['atype'] r_round = r['around'] r_price = r['aprice'] cr = false end # MorLog.my_debug "from: #{r_from}, duration: #{r_duration}, artype: #{r_artype}, round: #{r_round}, price: #{r_price}" if r_from.to_i <= self.billsec #this arate is suitable for this call if r_artype == "minute" #my_debug "1. minute, price: #{price}" max_rate = r_price.to_f if max_rate < r_price.to_f #count the time frame for us to bill if r_duration.to_i == (-1) #unlimited frame end #my_debug call.billsec.to_i billsec = self.billsec.to_i - r_from.to_i + 1 else if self.billsec < (r_from.to_i + r_duration.to_i) billsec = self.billsec - r_from.to_i + 1 else billsec = r_duration.to_i end end #my_debug "2. minute, price: #{price}, billsec: #{billsec}" #round time frame # if (billsec % r_round.to_i) == 0 #if round is 0, mistake in db?- must be changed to 1 if r_round.to_i == 0 r_round = 1 end billsec = (billsec.to_f / r_round.to_f).ceil * r_round.to_i #my_debug "==0" #my_debug((billsec.to_f / r_round.to_f)).to_s # else #my_debug "!=0" # billsec = ((billsec.to_f / r_round.to_f) + 1).ceil * r_round.to_i # end #my_debug "3. minute, price: #{price}, billsec: #{billsec}" #my_debug((r_price.to_f * billsec.to_f) / 60 ).to_s #count the price for the time frame price += (r_price.to_f * billsec.to_f) / 60 #my_debug "4. minute, price: #{price}" else #event price += r_price.to_f billsec = 0 #my_debug "5. event, price: #{price}" end #minute-event end #suitable arate end user_billsec = 0 total_arates = res.size lfrom = res[total_arates - 1]["afrom"].to_i if cr == false lfrom = res[total_arates - 1]["acfrom"].to_i if cr == true if res.size > 0 if (billsec + lfrom) > self.billsec user_billsec = billsec else user_billsec = self.billsec end end if custom_rates == 1 user_exchange_rate = 1 else user_exchange_rate = @count_call_rating_details_for_user_exchange_rate_cache["te_#{}".to_sym] ||= tariff.exchange_rate end temp_prefix = "" temp_prefix = res[0]["prefix"] if res[0] else #tariff.purpose == "user_wholesale" #======================= user wholesale =============== sql = "SELECT A.prefix, ratedetails.rate, ratedetails.increment_s, ratedetails.min_time, ratedetails.connection_fee as 'cf' FROM rates JOIN ratedetails ON (ratedetails.rate_id = AND (ratedetails.daytype = '#{daytype}' OR ratedetails.daytype = '' ) AND '#{time}' BETWEEN ratedetails.start_time AND ratedetails.end_time) JOIN (SELECT destinations.* FROM destinations WHERE destinations.prefix=SUBSTRING('#{dst}', 1, LENGTH(destinations.prefix)) ORDER BY LENGTH(destinations.prefix) DESC) as A ON ( = rates.destination_id) WHERE rates.tariff_id = #{} LIMIT 1;" #my_debug sql res = ActiveRecord::Base.connection.select_one(sql) uw_prefix = "" uw_rate = 0 uw_increment = 1 uw_min_time = 0 uw_conn_fee = 0 if res uw_prefix = res['prefix'] uw_rate = res['rate'].to_f uw_increment = res['increment_s'].to_i uw_min_time = res['min_time'].to_i uw_conn_fee = res['cf'].to_f end uw_billsec = 0 uw_price = 0 uw_increment = 1 if uw_increment == 0 if (self.billsec % uw_increment == 0) uw_billsec = (self.billsec / uw_increment).floor * uw_increment else uw_billsec = ((self.billsec / uw_increment).floor + 1 ) * uw_increment end uw_billsec = uw_min_time if uw_billsec < uw_min_time #my_debug (call.billsec.to_f / uw_increment) #my_debug (call.billsec.to_f / uw_increment).floor #my_debug (call.billsec / uw_increment).floor * uw_increment #my_debug uw_billsec uw_price = (uw_rate * uw_billsec) / 60 + uw_conn_fee price = uw_price max_rate = uw_rate user_exchange_rate = @count_call_rating_details_for_user_exchange_rate_cache["te_#{}".to_sym] ||= tariff.exchange_rate temp_prefix = uw_prefix user_billsec = uw_billsec end return price, max_rate, user_exchange_rate, temp_prefix, user_billsec end private def Call.last_calls_parse_params(options={}) jn = ['LEFT JOIN users ON (calls.user_id =', 'LEFT JOIN users AS resellers ON (calls.reseller_id =', 'LEFT JOIN dids ON (calls.did_id =', 'LEFT JOIN cards ON (calls.card_id =', SqlExport.left_join_reseler_providers_to_calls_sql ] cond = ["(calls.calldate BETWEEN ? AND ?)"] var = [options[:from], options[:till]] if options[:current_user].usertype == "reseller" and !options[:user] cond << "(calls.reseller_id = ? OR calls.user_id = ? OR calls.dst_user_id = ?)" var += [options[:current_user].id, options[:current_user].id, options[:current_user].id] end if options[:call_type] != "all" if ['answered', 'failed'].include?(options[:call_type].to_s) cond << Call.nice_answered_cond_sql if options[:call_type].to_s == 'answered' cond << Call.nice_failed_cond_sql if options[:call_type].to_s == 'failed' else cond << "calls.disposition = ?" var << options[:call_type] end end if options[:hgc] cond << "calls.hangupcause = ?" var << options[:hgc].code end unless options[:destination].blank? cond << "localized_dst like ?" var << "#{options[:destination]}%" end if options[:s_country] and !options[:s_country].blank? cond << "destinations.direction_code = ? "; var << options[:s_country] jn << 'LEFT JOIN destinations ON (calls.prefix = destinations.prefix)' end if options[:device] cond << "(calls.dst_device_id = ? OR calls.src_device_id = ?)" var += [options[:device].id, options[:device].id] end if options[:user] jn << "LEFT JOIN devices AS dst_device ON ( = calls.dst_device_id)" cond << "(calls.user_id = ? OR dst_device.user_id = ?)" var += [options[:user].id, options[:user].id] end if options[:did] cond << "calls.did_id = ?" var << options[:did].id elsif !options[:s_did_pattern].to_s.strip.blank? cond << "dids.did LIKE ?" var << '%' + options[:s_did_pattern].to_s.strip + '%' end #find_calls_only_with_did if options[:only_did] and options[:only_did].to_i == 1 cond<<"calls.did_id > ?" var << '0' end if options[:provider] cond << "(calls.provider_id = ? or calls.did_provider_id=?)" var += [options[:provider].id, options[:provider].id] end if options[:reseller] cond << "calls.reseller_id = ?" var << options[:reseller].id end if options[:s_reseller_did] != 'all' and !options[:s_reseller_did].blank? cond << "dids.reseller_id = ?" var << options[:s_reseller_did] end if options[:caller_id] and not options[:caller_id].blank? cond << "calls.clid LIKE ?" var << '%' + options[:caller_id] + '%' end # this is nasty but oh well. return cond, var, jn end end