class Audio def Audio::convert(src, dst, rm = nil, path = "", filename = "") MorLog.my_debug(src) MorLog.my_debug(dst) #path = Confline.get_value("Temp_Dir") convert_cmd = "/usr/local/mor/ #{src} #{dst}" MorLog.my_debug convert_cmd system(convert_cmd) MorLog.my_debug("Rm : " + rm.to_s) if rm and rm.to_i == 1 Audio.rm_sound_file(src) end # send files to remote Asterisk servers if we know file name if path.length > 0 and filename.length > 0 servers = Server.find(:all, :conditions => "server_ip != '' AND active = 1") for server in servers MorLog.my_debug("moving audio file #{filename} to server #{server.server_ip}, path: #{path}") # move cp_cmd = "/usr/bin/scp -P #{server.ssh_port} #{dst} root@#{server.server_ip}:/tmp/#{filename} " mv_cmd = "/usr/bin/ssh root@#{server.server_ip} -p #{server.ssh_port} -f mv /tmp/#{filename} #{path} " MorLog.my_debug(cp_cmd) MorLog.my_debug(mv_cmd) system(cp_cmd) system(mv_cmd) end end end def Audio.nice_file_name(string) File.basename(string, '.*').gsub('.', '_') end def Audio.rm_sound_file(src) rm_cmd = "rm -fr \'#{src}\'" MorLog.my_debug(rm_cmd) system(rm_cmd) # delete file from remote Asterisk servers servers = Server.find(:all, :conditions => "server_ip != '' AND active = 1") for server in servers MorLog.my_debug("deleting audio file #{rm_cmd} from server #{server.server_ip}") rm_cmd = "/usr/bin/ssh root@#{server.server_ip} -p #{server.ssh_port} -f #{rm_cmd} " MorLog.my_debug(rm_cmd) system(rm_cmd) end end def Audio.usible_name(dst, aa) if File.exists?(dst) aa.to_s + else aa end end def Audio.create_file(file, object, server_path) path , final_path = object.final_path notice = '' if file and notice.blank? if file.size.to_i > 0 and notice.blank? if file.size.to_i < 10485760 and notice.blank? filename = File.basename(file.original_filename.gsub(/[^\w\.\_]/,'_'), '_') ext = filename.split(".").last #MorLog.my_debug ext if (ext.downcase == 'mp3' or ext.downcase == 'wav') and notice.blank? aa = Audio.nice_file_name(filename) new_name = Audio.usible_name("#{final_path}/#{aa}.wav", aa) #MorLog.my_debug new_name src = path + aa + "." +ext.downcase, "wb") do |f| f.write( end dst = "#{final_path}#{final_path.chars.to_a.last == '/' ? '' : '/'}#{new_name}.wav" Audio.convert(src, dst, 1, server_path, new_name) if !File.exists?(dst) and notice.blank? notice = _("File_not_uploaded_please_check_file_system_permissions") else Action.add_action_hash(User.current, {:action=>'Sound_file_addet', :data=> new_name, :data2=>dst,:target_id=>, :target_type=>object.class.to_s.downcase}) end else notice = _("File_is_not_wav_or_mp3") end else notice = _("File_is_too_big") end else notice =_('Please_select_file') end else notice = _("File_not_uploaded") end return notice , new_name.to_s # + '.wav' end end