class Activecall < ActiveRecord::Base belongs_to :provider belongs_to :user belongs_to :did belongs_to :server def src_device Device.find(:first , :conditions => ["id = ?", self.src_device_id]) end def dst_device Device.find(:first , :conditions => ["id = ?", self.dst_device_id]) end def destination Destination.find(:first, :conditions => ["prefix = ?", self.prefix]) end def duration - Time.parse(answer_time.to_s) end def get_user_rate(user = nil, destination = nil) # user = self.user unless user # destination = self.destination unless destination # # user_rate = nil # user_rate = self.user_rate # unless user_rate and destination # rate = Rate.find(:first, :include => [:ratedetails], :conditions => ["rates.tariff_id = ? AND rates.destination_id = ?", user.tariff_id,]).ratedetails[0] # user_rate = rate.rate.to_f # end user_rate = self.user_rate ? self.user_rate.to_f : 0.to_f return User.current.get_rate(user_rate) end def Activecall.count_for_user(user) if user and and user.usertype if user.usertype == "admin" or user.usertype == 'accountant' return Activecall.count else if user.usertype == "reseller" #reseller user_sql = " WHERE activecalls.user_id = #{} OR = #{} OR activecalls.owner_id = #{} " else #user user_sql = " WHERE activecalls.user_id = #{} OR = #{} " end sql = " SELECT COUNT(*) FROM activecalls LEFT JOIN devices AS dst ON ( = activecalls.dst_device_id) LEFT JOIN users AS dst_usr ON ( = dst.user_id) #{user_sql}" return ActiveRecord::Base.connection.select_value(sql) end end return 0 end end