module FunctionsHelper def signup_url Web_URL.to_s + Web_Dir + "/callc/signup_start/" + current_user.get_hash end def homepage_url Web_URL.to_s + Web_Dir + "/callc/login/" + current_user.get_hash end =begin Wrapper to create settings grouping. *Params* +name+ - ID for group. Every group must have unique ID in HTML page. Othevise it would be impossible to create gruop. +height+ - height of the box. +width+ - width of the box. +block+ - HTML code to be wraped inside block. *Helpers* It is designed to be used with other settings helpers. * setting_group_boolean - true/false settings * settings_group_text - text field with numeric * settings_group_number - text field with text value =end def settings_group(nice_name, id, width, height, &block) res = ["
"] res << "
" res << "" res << capture(&block) res << "
" res << "
" res << "
" dtree_group_script(nice_name, id, width, height) concat(res.join("\n"), block.binding) end =begin Simple helper to generate script yhat shows tabs. =end def dtree_group_script(name ,div_name, width, height) content_for :scripts do content_tag(:script, "initTabs('#{div_name}', Array('#{name}'),0,#{width},#{height});", :type=>"text/javascript") end end =begin Boolean setting. *Params* +name+ - nice name. It will be displayed as a text near checkbox. +prop_name+ - HTML name value. This will be sent to params[:prop_name] when you submit the form. +conf_name+ - Confline name. This value will be selected when form is being generated. =end def setting_group_boolean(name, prop_name, conf_name, options = {}) opts ={}.merge(options) settings_group_line(name, options[:tip]){ "#{check_box_tag prop_name, "1", Confline.get_value(conf_name, session[:user_id]).to_i == 1}#{opts[:sufix]}" } end =begin Text setting. *Params* +name+ - nice name. It will be displayed as a text near text field. +prop_name+ - HTML name value. This will be sent to params[:prop_name] when you submit the form. +conf_name+ - Confline name. This value will be selected when form is being generated. =end def settings_group_text(name, prop_name, conf_name, options = {}, html_options = {}) opts = {:sufix => ""}.merge(options) html_opts ={ :class => "input", :size => "35", :maxlength => "50"}.merge(html_options) settings_group_line(name, html_options[:tip]){ "#{text_field_tag(prop_name, Confline.get_value(conf_name, session[:user_id]) , html_opts )}#{opts[:sufix]}" } end =begin numeric setting. *Params* +name+ - nice name. It will be displayed as a text near text field. +prop_name+ - HTML name value. This will be sent to params[:prop_name] when you submit the form. +conf_name+ - Confline name. This value will be selected when form is being generated. =end def settings_group_number(name, prop_name, conf_name, options = {}, html_options = {}) opts = {:sufix => ""}.merge(options) html_opts ={ :class => "input", :size => "35", :maxlength => "50"}.merge(html_options) settings_group_line(name, html_options[:tip]){ "#{text_field_tag(prop_name, Confline.get_value(conf_name, session[:user_id]).to_i, html_opts)}#{opts[:sufix]}" } end def disabled_if_not(curr_func, name) "; display: none;" if curr_func.pf_type != name end def disabled_if(curr_func, *names) "; display: none;" if names.include?(curr_func.pf_type) end end