class UsersController < ApplicationController layout "callc" include SqlExport #before_filter :check_localization, :authorize_admin before_filter :authorize, :except => [:daily_actions] before_filter :check_localization, :except => [:daily_actions] before_filter { |c| view = [:list, :index, :reseller_users, :show, :edit, :device_groups, :custom_rates, :user_acustrates_full, :user_acustrates, :default_user] edit = [:new, :create, :update, :destroy, :hide, :device_group_edit, :device_group_update, :device_group_new, :device_group_create, :device_group_delete, :update_personal_details, :user_custom_rate_add_new, :user_delete_custom_rate, :artg_destroy, :ard_manage, :user_ard_time_edit, :user_custom_rate_update, :user_custom_rate_update, :user_custom_rate_delete, :default_user_update] allow_read, allow_edit = c.check_read_write_permission(view, edit, {:role => "accountant", :right => :acc_user_manage, :ignore => true}) c.instance_variable_set :@allow_read, allow_read c.instance_variable_set :@allow_edit, allow_edit true } before_filter :find_user, :only => [:update, :device_group_create, :device_groups, :device_group_new, :custom_rates, :user_custom_rate_add_new, :user_acustrates_full, :monitorings] before_filter :find_user_from_session, :only => [:update_personal_details, :personal_details] before_filter :find_devicegroup, :only => [:device_group_delete, :device_group_update, :device_group_edit] before_filter :find_customrate, :only => [:user_delete_custom_rate, :artg_destroy, :ard_manage, :user_ard_time_edit, :user_acustrates, :user_custom_rate_add] before_filter :find_ard, :only => [:user_custom_rate_delete, :user_custom_rate_update] before_filter :find_ard_all, :only => [:artg_destroy, :user_ard_time_edit, :user_acustrates] before_filter :check_params, :only => [:create, :update, :default_user_update] before_filter :check_with_integrity, :only => [:edit, :list, :new, :default_user, :users_postpaid_and_allowed_loss_calls, :default_user_errors_list] # GETs should be safe (see verify :method => :post, :only => [:destroy, :create, :update, :update_personal_details], :redirect_to => {:action => :list}, :add_flash => {:notice => _('Dont_be_so_smart'), :params => {:dont_be_so_smart => true}} User.content_columns.each do |column| in_place_edit_for :user,, :empty_text => '...' end def index list render :action => 'list' end def list @page_title = _('Users') @page_icon = 'vcard.png' @help_link = "" @default_currency = Currency.find(:first).name @roles = Role.find(:all, :conditions => ["name !='guest'"]) default = { :items_per_page => session[:items_per_page].to_i, :page => "1", :order_by => "nice_user", :order_desc => 0, :s_username => "", :s_first_name => "", :s_last_name => "", :s_agr_number => "", :s_acc_number => "", :s_clientid => "", :sub_s => "-1", :user_type => "-1", :s_email => "", :s_id => "" } if params[:clean] @options = default else @options = ((params[:clear] || !session[:user_list_stats]) ? default : session[:user_list_stats]) end default.each { |key, value| @options[key] = params[key] if params[key] } @options[:order_by_full] = @options[:order_by] + (@options[:order_desc] == 1 ? " DESC" : " ASC") @options[:order] = User.users_order_by(params, @options) owner = correct_owner_id cond = ["users.hidden = 0 AND users.owner_id = ?"] joins, group_by, var = [], nil, [owner] select = ["users.*", "tariffs.purpose", "#{SqlExport.nice_user_sql}"] add_contition_and_param(@options[:user_type], @options[:user_type], "users.usertype = ?", cond, var) if @options[:user_type].to_i != -1 add_contition_and_param(@options[:s_id], @options[:s_id], " = ?", cond, var) if @options[:s_id].to_i != -1 add_contition_and_param(@options[:s_agr_number], @options[:s_agr_number].to_s+"%", "users.agreement_number LIKE ?", cond, var) if !@options[:s_agr_number].blank? add_contition_and_param(@options[:s_acc_number], @options[:s_acc_number].to_s+"%", "users.accounting_number LIKE ?", cond, var) if !@options[:s_acc_number].blank? add_contition_and_param(@options[:s_email], @options[:s_email].to_s, "email = ?", cond, var) if !@options[:s_email].blank? ["first_name", "username", "last_name", "clientid"].each { |col| add_contition_and_param(@options["s_#{col}".to_sym], "%"+@options["s_#{col}".intern].to_s+"%", "users.#{col} LIKE ?", cond, var) } unless @options[:s_email].blank? joins << "LEFT JOIN addresses ON (users.address_id =" end if @options[:sub_s].to_i > -1 group_by = " HAVING subscriptions_count#{@options[:sub_s].to_i == 0 ? " = 0" : " > 0"}" select << "count( as 'subscriptions_count'" joins << "LEFT JOIN subscriptions ON ( = subscriptions.user_id)" end # /////// joins << "LEFT JOIN tariffs ON users.tariff_id =" # page params @user_size = User.find(:all, :select => select.join(","), :joins => joins.join(" "), :conditions => [cond.join(" AND "), *var], :group => group_by) @options[:page] = @options[:page].to_i < 1 ? 1 : @options[:page].to_i @total_pages = (@user_size.size.to_f / session[:items_per_page].to_f).ceil @options[:page] = @total_pages if @options[:page].to_i > @total_pages.to_i and @total_pages.to_i > 0 fpage = ((@options[:page] -1) * session[:items_per_page]).to_i #we need to left join acc_groups, addreses and lcrs. When COUNTING users this data is irelevant, #so no need for extra joins there #Select addresses.county(that's right),,,, acc_groups_name #so that rails wouldnt generate extra queries. if @options[:s_email].blank? joins << "LEFT JOIN addresses ON users.address_id =" end joins << "LEFT JOIN lcrs ON users.lcr_id =" joins << "LEFT JOIN acc_groups ON users.acc_group_id =" select << ", addresses.county" select << " AS lcr_name" select << " AS tariff_name" select << " AS acc_group_name" @users = User.find(:all, :select => select.join(","), :joins => joins.join(" "), :conditions => [cond.join(" AND "), *var], :order => @options[:order], :group => group_by, :limit => "#{fpage}, #{session[:items_per_page].to_i}") @search = ((cond.size > 1 or @options[:sub_s].to_i > -1) ? 1 : 0) session[:user_list_stats] = @options end def reseller_users @page_title = _('Reseller_users') @page_icon = 'vcard.png' @reseller = User.find(:first, :conditions => ["id = ?", params[:id]]) if params[:id].to_i > 0 if not @reseller flash[:notice] = _("Not_found") redirect_to :controller => "stats", :action => "resellers" and return false end @users = @reseller.reseller_users end def hidden @page_title = _('Hidden_users') @page_icon = 'vcard.png' # @user_pages, @users = paginate :users, :per_page => 40 @default_currency = Currency.find(:first).name @roles = Role.find(:all, :conditions => ["name !='guest'"]) default = { :items_per_page => session[:items_per_page].to_i, :page => "1", :order_by => "nice_user", :order_desc => 0, :s_username => "", :s_first_name => "", :s_last_name => "", :s_agr_number => "", :s_acc_number => "", :s_clientid => "", :sub_s => "-1", :user_type => "-1", :s_email => "", :s_id => "" } if params[:clean] @options = default else @options = ((params[:clear] || !session[:user_hiden_stats]) ? default : session[:user_hiden_stats]) end default.each { |key, value| @options[key] = params[key] if params[key] } @options[:order_by_full] = @options[:order_by] + (@options[:order_desc] == 1 ? " DESC" : " ASC") @options[:order] = User.users_order_by(params, @options) owner = correct_owner_id cond = ["users.hidden = 1 AND users.owner_id = ?"] joins, var = [], [owner] select = ["users.*", "#{SqlExport.nice_user_sql}"] add_contition_and_param(@options[:user_type], @options[:user_type], "users.usertype = ?", cond, var) if @options[:user_type].to_i != -1 add_contition_and_param(@options[:s_id], @options[:s_id], " = ?", cond, var) if @options[:s_id].to_i != -1 add_contition_and_param(@options[:s_agr_number], @options[:s_agr_number].to_s+"%", "users.agreement_number LIKE ?", cond, var) if !@options[:s_agr_number].blank? add_contition_and_param(@options[:s_acc_number], @options[:s_acc_number].to_s+"%", "users.accounting_number LIKE ?", cond, var) if !@options[:s_acc_number].blank? add_contition_and_param(@options[:s_email], @options[:s_email].to_s, "email = ?", cond, var) if !@options[:s_email].blank? ["first_name", "username", "last_name", "clientid"].each { |col| add_contition_and_param(@options["s_#{col}".to_sym], "%"+@options["s_#{col}".intern].to_s+"%", "users.#{col} LIKE ?", cond, var) } unless @options[:s_email].blank? joins << "LEFT JOIN addresses ON (users.address_id =" end if @options[:sub_s].to_i > -1 group_by = " HAVING subscriptions_count#{@options[:sub_s].to_i == 0 ? " = 0" : " > 0"}" select << "count( as 'subscriptions_count'" joins << "LEFT JOIN subscriptions ON ( = subscriptions.user_id)" end # /////// joins and joins.size > 0 ? joins = joins.join(" ") : joins = nil # page params @user_size = User.find(:all, :select => select.join(","), :joins => joins, :conditions => [cond.join(" AND "), *var], :group => group_by) @options[:page] = @options[:page].to_i < 1 ? 1 : @options[:page].to_i @total_pages = (@user_size.size.to_f / session[:items_per_page].to_f).ceil @options[:page] = @total_pages if @options[:page].to_i > @total_pages.to_i and @total_pages.to_i > 0 fpage = ((@options[:page] -1) * session[:items_per_page]).to_i @users = User.find(:all, :select => select.join(","), :joins => joins, :conditions => [cond.join(" AND "), *var], :order => @options[:order], :group => group_by, :limit => "#{fpage}, #{session[:items_per_page].to_i}") @search = ((cond.size > 1 or @options[:sub_s].to_i > -1) ? 1 : 0) session[:user_hiden_stats] = @options end def hide user = User.find(:first, :conditions => ["id = ?", params[:id]]) unless user flash[:notice] = _('User_was_not_found') redirect_to :action => 'list' and return false end if user.hidden == 1 user.hidden = 0 flash[:status] = _('User_unhidden')+": "+nice_user(user) redirect_to :action => 'list' else user.hidden = 1 flash[:status] = _('User_hidden')+": "+nice_user(user) redirect_to :action => 'hidden' end end def show @user = User.find(:first, :conditions => ["id = ?", params[:id]]) end def new @page_title = _('New_user') @page_icon = "add.png" @help_link = "" check_for_accountant_create_user @lcrs = current_user.load_lcrs(:all, :order => "name ASC") @groups = AccGroup.find(:all, :conditions => "group_type = 'accountant'") @groups_resellers = AccGroup.find(:all, :conditions => "group_type = 'reseller'") #@sms_lcrs = SmsLcr.find(:all) if session[:usertype] == "accountant" owner = User.find(session[:user_id].to_i).owner_id.to_i else owner = session[:user_id] end #@sms_tariffs = SmsTariff.find(:all, :conditions => "(tariff_type = 'user') AND owner_id = '#{owner}' ", :order => "tariff_type ASC, name ASC") if Confline.get_value("User_Wholesale_Enabled").to_i == 0 cond = " AND purpose = 'user' " else cond = " AND (purpose = 'user' OR purpose = 'user_wholesale') " end @tariffs = Tariff.find(:all, :conditions => "owner_id = '#{owner}' #{cond} ", :order => "purpose ASC, name ASC") @countries = Direction.find(:all, :order => "name ASC") @default_country_id = Confline.get_value("Default_Country_ID").to_i if @lcrs.empty? and allow_manage_providers? flash[:notice] = _('No_lcrs_found_user_not_functional') redirect_to :action => 'list' and return false end if @tariffs.empty? flash[:notice] = _('No_tariffs_found_user_not_functional') redirect_to :action => 'list' and return false end @user = Confline.get_default_object(User, owner) @user.agreement_date = @user.owner_id = owner @address = Confline.get_default_object(Address, owner) @tax = Confline.get_default_object(Tax, owner) = @tax @user.address = @address @user.agreement_number = next_agreement_number if Confline.get_value("Default_User_recording_enabled").to_i == 1 @user.recording_enabled = 1 end @i = @user.get_invoices_status end def create #MorLog.my_debug params.to_yaml @page_title = _('New_user') @page_icon = "add.png" check_for_accountant_create_user sanitize_user_params_by_accountant_permissions params[:user] = params[:user].each_value(&:strip!) params[:address] = params[:address].each_value(&:strip!) if params[:address] #accountant cannot create accountant if session[:usertype] == 'accountant' and ['accountant'].include?(params[:user][:usertype]) dont_be_so_smart redirect_to :controller => "callc", :action => 'main' and return false end if ["accountant", "reseller"].include?(params[:user][:usertype]) if params[:accountant_type].to_i == 0 dont_be_so_smart redirect_to :controller => "callc", :action => 'main' and return false else params[:user][:acc_group_id] = params[:accountant_type].to_i end else params[:user][:acc_group_id] = 0 end if params[:privacy] if params[:privacy][:global].to_i == 1 params[:user][:hide_destination_end] = -1 else params[:user][:hide_destination_end] = params[:privacy].values.sum { |v| v.to_i } end end params[:cyberplat_active].to_i == 1 ? params[:user][:cyberplat_active] == 1 : params[:user][:cyberplat_active] == 0 params[:user][:generate_invoice].to_i == 1 ? params[:user][:generate_invoice] = 1 : params[:user][:generate_invoice] = 0 # if !Email.address_validation(params[:address][:email]) and params[:address][:email].to_s.length > 0 # flash[:notice] = _('Please_enter_correct_email') # redirect_to :action => 'new' and return false # end owner_id = correct_owner_id if session[:usertype] == "reseller" and params[:user][:usertype] != "user" dont_be_so_smart redirect_to :controller => "callc", :action => 'main' and return false end if session[:usertype] == "accountant" and params[:user][:usertype] == "admin" dont_be_so_smart redirect_to :controller => "callc", :action => 'main' and return false end @user = Confline.get_default_object(User, owner_id) @user.attributes= params[:user] @user.owner_id = owner_id @user.warning_email_balance = params[:user][:warning_email_balance].to_f @user.warning_email_active = params[:user][:warning_email_active].to_i @user.password = Digest::SHA1.hexdigest(params[:password][:password].strip) @user.recording_hdd_quota = (params[:user][:recording_hdd_quota].to_f * 1048576).to_i @user.agreement_date = params[:agr_date][:year].to_s + "-" + params[:agr_date][:month].to_s + "-" + params[:agr_date][:day].to_s @invoice = invoice_params_for_user @user.send_invoice_types = @invoice @user.cyberplat_active = params[:cyberplat_active].to_i if params[:unlimited] == "1" = -1 else = params[:credit].to_f = 0 if < 0 end @lcrs = current_user.load_lcrs(:all, :order => "name ASC") @tariffs = Tariff.find(:all, :conditions => "purpose = 'user' AND owner_id = '#{session[:user_id]}'") @countries = Direction.find(:all, :order => "name ASC") @user.block_conditional_use = params[:block_conditional_use].to_i @user.allow_loss_calls = params[:allow_loss_calls].to_i tax = Tax.create(tax_from_params) @user.tax_id = @user.warning_email_active = params[:warning_email_active].to_i @user.invoice_zero_calls = params[:show_zero_calls].to_i @user.own_providers = params[:own_providers].to_i if @user.usertype == 'reseller' if monitoring_enabled_for(current_user) @user.ignore_global_monitorings = params[:ignore_global_monitorings].to_i end #reseller support if @user.owner_id != 0 reseller = User.find(@user.owner_id) unless reseller.can_own_providers? @user.lcr_id = reseller.lcr_id end #ticket #5246 #@user.allow_loss_calls = reseller.allow_loss_calls end if rec_active? @user.recording_enabled = params[:recording_enabled].to_i @user.recording_forced_enabled = params[:recording_forced_enabled].to_i else @user.recording_enabled = 0 @user.recording_forced_enabled = 0 end @user.balance = params[:user][:balance].to_f if params[:warning_email_active] @user.warning_email_hour = params[:user][:warning_email_hour].to_i != -1 ? params[:date][:warning_email_hour].to_i : params[:user][:warning_email_hour].to_i end @address =[:address]) if @user.address_id = else if @user.address.destroy if @user.address @i = @user.get_invoices_status flash_errors_for(_('User_was_not_created'), @address) render :action => 'new' and return false end if @user.postpaid? and Confline.mor_11_extended? @user.minimal_charge = params[:minimal_charge_value].to_i if params[:minimal_charge_value].to_i != 0 and params[:minimal_charge_date] year = params[:minimal_charge_date][:year].to_i month = params[:minimal_charge_date][:month].to_i day = 1 @user.minimal_charge_start_at =, month, day) elsif params[:minimal_charge_value].to_i == 0 @user.minimal_charge_start_at = nil end end if @user.valid? and @user.create if @user.usertype == "reseller" @user.create_reseller_conflines @user.create_reseller_emails end devgroup = devgroup.init_primary(, "primary", @user.address_id) Action.add_action_hash(session[:user_id], {:target_id =>, :target_type => "user", :action => "user_created"}) flash[:status] = _('user_created') redirect_to :action => 'list' and return false else if @user.address.destroy if @user.address @user.fix_when_is_rendering @i = @user.get_invoices_status @groups = AccGroup.find(:all, :conditions => "group_type = 'accountant'") @groups_resellers = AccGroup.find(:all, :conditions => "group_type = 'reseller'") flash_errors_for(_('User_was_not_created'), @user) render :action => 'new' and return false end end def edit @return_controller = "users" @return_action = "list" @return_controller = params[:return_to_controller] if params[:return_to_controller] @return_action = params[:return_to_action] if params[:return_to_action] redirect_to :action => 'list' and return false if not params[:id] @user = User.find(:first, :include => [:address, :tax], :conditions => [" = ?", params[:id]]) redirect_to :action => 'list' and return false if not @user check_owner_for_user( @page_title = _('users_settings')+": "+nice_user(@user) @page_icon = "edit.png" @help_link = "" @i = @user.get_invoices_status @lcrs = current_user.load_lcrs(:all, :order => "name ASC") session[:usertype] == "accountant" ? owner = 0 : owner = session[:user_id] #@sms_tariffs = SmsTariff.find(:all, :conditions => "(tariff_type = 'user') AND owner_id = '#{owner}' ", :order => "tariff_type ASC, name ASC") if Confline.get_value("User_Wholesale_Enabled").to_i == 0 cond = " AND purpose = 'user' " else cond = " AND (purpose = 'user' OR purpose = 'user_wholesale') " end @tariffs = Tariff.find(:all, :conditions => "owner_id = '#{owner}' #{cond} ", :order => "purpose ASC, name ASC") @countries = Direction.find(:all, :order => "name ASC") #for backwards compatibility - user had no address before, so let's give it to him if not @user.address address = @user.address_id = end if ! or @user.tax_id.to_i == 0 @user.assign_default_tax end @total_recordings_size = Recording.find(:all, :first, :select => "SUM(size) AS 'total_size'", :conditions => ["user_id = ? AND deleted = 0",])[0]["total_size"].to_f @address = @user.address @groups = AccGroup.find(:all, :conditions => "group_type = 'accountant'") @groups_resellers = AccGroup.find(:all, :conditions => "group_type = 'reseller'") @chanspy_disabled = Confline.chanspy_disabled? #if @user.usertype == 'user' or @user.usertype == 'accountant' @devices = @user.devices(:conditions => "device_type != 'FAX'") # else # @devices = Device.find_all_for_select(corrected_user_id) # end flash[:notice] = _('No_lcrs_found_user_not_functional') if @lcrs.empty? flash[:notice] = _('No_tariffs_found_user_not_functional') if @tariffs.empty? end # sets @user in before filter def update a = check_owner_for_user( return false unless a notice, par = @user.validate_from_update(current_user, params, @allow_edit) if !notice.blank? flash[:notice] = notice redirect_to :controller => :callc, :action => :main and return false end @user.update_from_edit(par, current_user, tax_from_params, monitoring_enabled_for(current_user), rec_active?) @return_controller = "users" @return_action = "list" if if @user.usertype == "reseller" @user.check_default_user_conflines end # @user.address.update_attributes(params[:address]) #my_debug @user.send_invoice_types flash[:status] = _('user_details_changed')+": "+nice_user(@user) redirect_to(:action => :edit, :id => and return false else check_owner_for_user( @i = @user.get_invoices_status @lcrs = current_user.load_lcrs(:all, :order => "name ASC") #@sms_lcrs = SmsLcr.find(:all) if session[:usertype] == "accountant" owner = User.find(session[:user_id].to_i) else owner = session[:user_id] end if Confline.get_value("User_Wholesale_Enabled").to_i == 0 cond = " AND purpose = 'user' " else cond = " AND (purpose = 'user' OR purpose = 'user_wholesale') " end @tariffs = Tariff.find(:all, :conditions => "owner_id = '#{owner}' #{cond} ", :order => "purpose ASC, name ASC") @countries = Direction.find(:all, :order => "name ASC") #for backwards compatibility - user had no address before, so let's give it to him if not @user.address address = @user.address_id = end @user.fix_when_is_rendering @user.assign_default_tax if ! or @user.tax_id.to_i == 0 @total_recordings_size = Recording.find(:all, :first, :select => "SUM(size) AS 'total_size'", :conditions => ["user_id = ? AND deleted = 0",])[0]["total_size"].to_f @address = @user.address @groups = AccGroup.find(:all, :conditions => "group_type = 'accountant'") @groups_resellers = AccGroup.find(:all, :conditions => "group_type = 'reseller'") #if @user.usertype == 'user' or @user.usertype == 'accountant' @devices = @user.devices(:conditions => "device_type != 'FAX'") # else # @devices = Device.find_all_for_select(corrected_user_id) # end flash_errors_for(_('User_was_not_updated'), @user) render :action => 'edit' end end def destroy return_controller = "users" return_action = "list" return_controller = params[:return_to_controller] if params[:return_to_controller] return_action = params[:return_to_action] if params[:return_to_action] user = User.find(:first, :conditions => ["id = ?", params[:id]]) unless user flash[:notice] = _('User_was_not_found') redirect_to :action => "list" and return false end error = check_owner_for_user(user) if !error dont_be_so_smart and return false end devices = user.devices for device in devices if device.has_forwarded_calls flash[:notice] = _('Cant_delete_user_has_forwarded_calls') redirect_to :controller => return_controller, :action => return_action and return false end end # actions = Action.find(:all, :conditions=> "data = '#{}' AND (action != 'did%' OR action ='did_reserved')") # my_debug("data = '#{}' AND (action != 'did%' OR action ='did_reserved')") # for action in actions # flash[:notice] = _('Cant_delete_user_has_actions_data') # redirect_to :controller => return_controller, :action => return_action and return false # end if == session[:user_id] flash[:notice] = _('Cant_delete_self') redirect_to :controller => return_controller, :action => return_action and return false end if user.dids.size > 0 flash[:notice] = _('Cant_delete_user_it_has_dids') redirect_to :controller => return_controller, :action => return_action and return false end if user.all_calls.size > 0 flash[:notice] = _('Cant_delete_user_has_calls') redirect_to :controller => return_controller, :action => return_action and return false end if user.payments.size > 0 flash[:notice] = _('Cant_delete_user_it_has_payments') redirect_to :controller => return_controller, :action => return_action and return false end if user.usertype == 'reseller' rusers = User.count(:all, :conditions => ["owner_id = ?",]).to_i if rusers > 0 flash[:notice] = _('Cant_delete_reseller_whit_users') redirect_to :controller => return_controller, :action => return_action and return false end end if params[:id].to_i != 0 user.destroy_everything flash[:status] = _('User_deleted') else flash[:notice] = _('Cant_delete_sysadmin') end redirect_to :controller => return_controller, :action => return_action end ############# Device groups ########### =begin in before filter : user (:find_user) =end def device_groups @page_title = _('Device_groups') @page_icon = "groups.png" @devicegroups = @user.devicegroups #for backwards compatibility - user had no device group before, so let's create one for him if not @user.primary_device_group devgroup = devgroup.init_primary(, "primary", @user.address_id) end end =begin in before filter : devicegroup (:find_devicegroup) =end def device_group_edit @page_title = _('Device_group_edit') @page_icon = "edit.png" @user = @devicegroup.user @countries = Direction.find(:all, :order => "name ASC") @address = @devicegroup.address end =begin in before filter : devicegroup (:find_devicegroup) =end def device_group_update @devicegroup.update_attributes(params[:devicegroup]) @address = @devicegroup.address @address.update_attributes(params[:address]) if flash[:status] = _('Dev_groups_details_changed') redirect_to :action => 'device_groups', :id => else @user = @devicegroup.user @countries = Direction.find(:all, :order => "name ASC") flash_errors_for(_('Dev_group_details_not_changed'), @address) render :action => :device_group_edit end end =begin in before filter : user (:find_user) =end def device_group_new @page_title = _('Device_group_new') @page_icon = "add.png" @devicegroup = @devicegroup.added = = _('Please_change') @countries = Direction.find(:all, :order => "name ASC") end =begin in before filter : user (:find_user) =end def device_group_create @address =[:address]) @devicegroup = =>, :name => params[:devicegroup][:name], :added => if @devicegroup.address_id = if flash[:status] = _('Dev_group_created') redirect_to :action => 'device_groups', :id => and return false else @countries = Direction.find(:all, :order => "name ASC") flash_errors_for(_('Dev_group_not_created'), @devicegroup) render :action => :device_group_new end else @countries = Direction.find(:all, :order => "name ASC") flash_errors_for(_('Dev_group_not_created'), @address) render :action => :device_group_new end end =begin in before filter : devicegroup (:find_devicegroup) =end def device_group_delete user_id = @devicegroup.user_id if @devicegroup.destroy_everything flash[:status] = _('Dev_group_deleted') else flash[:notice] = _('Dev_group_not_deleted') end redirect_to :action => 'device_groups', :id => user_id end # in before filter : user (find_user_from_session) def personal_details @page_title = _('Personal_details') @page_icon = "edit.png" @address = @user.address @countries = Direction.find(:all, :order => "name ASC") @total_recordings_size = Recording.find(:all, :first, :select => "SUM(size) AS 'total_size'", :conditions => ["user_id = ?",])[0]["total_size"].to_f @i = @user.get_invoices_status @disallow_email_editing = Confline.get_value("Disallow_Email_Editing", == "1" if not @user.address address = @user.address_id = end if current_user.usertype == 'user' or current_user.usertype == 'accountant' @devices = current_user.devices(:conditions => "device_type != 'FAX'") else @devices = Device.find_all_for_select(corrected_user_id) end end # in before filter : user (find_user_from_session) def update_personal_details usertype = @user.usertype unless current_user.check_for_own_providers @invoice = invoice_params_for_user @user.send_invoice_types = @invoice end @user.update_attributes(current_user.safe_attributtes(params[:user].each_value(&:strip!), @user.usertype = usertype @user.warning_email_active = params[:warning_email_active].to_i @user.password = Digest::SHA1.hexdigest(params[:password][:password]) if params[:password][:password].length > 0 @user.warning_email_hour = params[:user][:warning_email_hour].to_i != -1 ? params[:date][:user_warning_email_hour].to_i : params[:user][:user_warning_email_hour].to_i if !@user.address a = Address.create(params[:address].each_value(&:strip!)) if params[:address] @user.address_id = else if Confline.get_value("Disallow_Email_Editing", == "1" and != @user.address.update_attributes(params[:address].except('email').each_value(&:strip!)) if params[:address] else @user.address.update_attributes(params[:address].each_value(&:strip!)) if params[:address] end end if #renew_session(@user) session[:first_name] = @user.first_name session[:last_name] = @user.last_name session[:show_currency] = flash[:status] = _('Personal_details_changed') redirect_to :controller => "callc", :action => 'main' else if current_user.usertype == 'user' or current_user.usertype == 'accountant' @devices = current_user.devices(:conditions => "device_type != 'FAX'") else @devices = Device.find_all_for_select(corrected_user_id) end @countries = Direction.find(:all, :order => "name ASC") @total_recordings_size = Recording.find(:all, :first, :select => "SUM(size) AS 'total_size'", :conditions => ["user_id = ?",])[0]["total_size"].to_f @i = @user.get_invoices_status @address = @user.address flash_errors_for(_('User_was_not_updated'), @user) render :action => 'personal_details' end end # ============== CUSTOM RATES =============== =begin in before filter : user (:find_user) =end def custom_rates @page_title = _('Custom_rates') @page_icon = "coins.png" @tariff = @user.tariff @crates = @user.customrates sql = "SELECT FROM destinationgroups, users, customrates WHERE customrates.user_id = AND customrates.destinationgroup_id = AND user_id = #{} ORDER BY" udestgroups = ActiveRecord::Base.connection.select_all(sql) udg = [] for i in udestgroups udg << i["id"].to_i end @destgroups = [] for dg in Destinationgroup.find(:all, :order => "name ASC") @destgroups << dg if not udg.include?( end end =begin in before filter : user (:find_user) =end def user_custom_rate_add_new rate = rate.user_id = rate.destinationgroup_id = params[:dg_new] ard = ard.from = 1 ard.duration = -1 ard.artype = "minute" ard.round = 1 ard.price = 0 ard.customrate_id = flash[:status] = _('Custom_rate_added') redirect_to :action => 'custom_rates', :id => end =begin in before filter : customrate (:find_customrate) =end def user_delete_custom_rate user_id = @customrate.user_id @customrate.destroy_all flash[:status] = _('Custom_rate_deleted') redirect_to :action => 'custom_rates', :id => user_id end =begin in before filter : customrate (:find_customrate) ; ards (:find_ard_all) =end def artg_destroy dt = params[:dt] ? params[:dt] : '' pet = nice_time2(@ards[0].start_time - 1.second) @ards.eatch { |a| a.destroy } pards = Acustratedetail.find(:all, :conditions => ["customrate_id = ? AND end_time = ? AND daytype = ?",, pet, dt]) if not pards or (pards and pards.size.to_i == 0) flash[:notice] = _('Acustratedetails_not_found') redirect_to(:controller => "callc", :action => "main") and return false end pards.eatch { |pa| pa.end_time = "23:59:59"; } flash[:status] = _('Rate_details_updated') redirect_to :action => 'user_acustrates_full', :id => @customrate.user_id, :dg => @customrate.destinationgroup_id end =begin in before filter : customrate (:find_customrate) =end def ard_manage rdetails = @customrate.acustratedetails rdaction = params[:rdaction] if rdaction == "COMB_WD" for rd in rdetails if rd.daytype == "WD" rd.daytype = "" else rd.destroy end end flash[:status] = _('Rate_details_combined') end if rdaction == "COMB_FD" for rd in rdetails if rd.daytype == "FD" rd.daytype = "" else rd.destroy end end flash[:status] = _('Rate_details_combined') end if rdaction == "SPLIT" for rd in rdetails nrd = nrd.start_time = rd.start_time nrd.end_time = rd.end_time nrd.from = rd.from nrd.duration = rd.duration nrd.customrate_id = rd.customrate_id nrd.artype = rd.artype nrd.round = rd.round nrd.price = rd.price nrd.daytype = "FD" rd.daytype = "WD" end flash[:status] = _('Rate_details_split') end redirect_to :action => 'user_acustrates_full', :id => @customrate.user_id, :dg => @customrate.destinationgroup_id end =begin in before filter : user (:find_user) =end def user_acustrates_full @page_title = _('Custom_rate_details') @page_icon = "coins.png" @dgroup = Destinationgroup.find(params[:dg]) @custrate = @dgroup.custom_rate( @rate = @custrate @ards = @custrate.acustratedetails if @ards[0].daytype == "" @WDFD = true sql = "SELECT start_time, end_time FROM acustratedetails WHERE daytype = '' AND customrate_id = #{} GROUP BY start_time ORDER BY start_time ASC" res = ActiveRecord::Base.connection.select_all(sql) @st_arr = [] @et_arr = [] for r in res @st_arr << r["start_time"] @et_arr << r["end_time"] end else @WDFD = false sql = "SELECT start_time, end_time FROM acustratedetails WHERE daytype = 'WD' AND customrate_id = #{} GROUP BY start_time ORDER BY start_time ASC" res = ActiveRecord::Base.connection.select_all(sql) @Wst_arr = [] @Wet_arr = [] for r in res @Wst_arr << r["start_time"] @Wet_arr << r["end_time"] end sql = "SELECT start_time, end_time FROM acustratedetails WHERE daytype = 'FD' AND customrate_id = #{} GROUP BY start_time ORDER BY start_time ASC" res = ActiveRecord::Base.connection.select_all(sql) @Fst_arr = [] @Fet_arr = [] for r in res @Fst_arr << r["start_time"] @Fet_arr << r["end_time"] end end end =begin in before filter : customrate (:find_customrate); ards (:find_ard_all) =end def user_ard_time_edit dt = params[:daytype] ? params[:daytype] : '' et = params[:date][:hour] + ":" + params[:date][:minute] + ":" + params[:date][:second] st = params[:st] if st.to_s > et.to_s flash[:notice] = _('Bad_time') redirect_to :action => 'user_acustrates_full', :id => @customrate.user_id, :dg => @customrate.destinationgroup_id and return false end rdetails = @customrate.acustratedetails_by_daytype(params[:daytype]) ard = Acustratedetail.find(:first, :conditions => ["customrate_id = ? AND start_time = ? AND daytype = ?",, st, dt]) unless ard flash[:notice] = _('Acustratedetail_not_found') redirect_to(:controller => "callc", :action => "main") and return false end # we need to create new rd to cover all day if (et != "23:59:59") and ((rdetails[(rdetails.size - 1)].start_time == ard.start_time)) nst = Time.mktime('2000', '01', '01', params[:date][:hour], params[:date][:minute], params[:date][:second]) + 1.second for a in @ards na = na.from = a.from na.duration = a.duration na.artype = a.artype na.round = a.round na.price = a.price na.customrate_id = a.customrate_id na.start_time = nst na.end_time = "23:59:59" na.daytype = a.daytype a.end_time = et end end flash[:status] = _('Rate_details_updated') redirect_to :action => 'user_acustrates_full', :id => @customrate.user_id, :dg => @customrate.destinationgroup_id end =begin in before filter : customrate (:find_customrate); ards (:find_ard_all) =end def user_acustrates @user = @customrate.user @page_title = _('Custom_rate_details') @page_icon = "coins.png" @dgroup = @customrate.destinationgroup @st = params[:st] @dt = params[:dt] ? params[:dt] : '' @et = nice_time2(@ards[0].end_time) @can_add = false lard = @ards[@ards.size - 1] if (lard.duration != -1 and lard.artype == "minute") or (lard.artype == "event") @can_add = true @from = lard.from + lard.duration if lard.artype == "minute" @from = lard.from if lard.artype == "event" end end =begin in before filter : ard (:find_ard) =end def user_custom_rate_update rate = @ard.customrate @dgroup = rate.destinationgroup @user = rate.user artype = params[:artype] duration = params[:duration].to_i infinity = params[:infinity] duration = -1 if infinity == "1" and artype == "minute" duration = 0 if artype == "event" round = params[:round].to_i price = params[:price].to_f round = 1 if round < 1 @ard.from = params[:from] @ard.artype = artype @ard.duration = duration @ard.round = round @ard.price = price rate_id = @ard.customrate_id st = nice_time2 @ard.start_time dt = @ard.daytype flash[:status] = _('Custom_rate_updated') redirect_to :action => 'user_acustrates', :id => rate_id, :st => st, :dt => dt end =begin in before filter : customrate (:find_customrate) =end def user_custom_rate_add @ard = artype = params[:artype] duration = params[:duration].to_i infinity = params[:infinity] duration = -1 if infinity == "1" and artype == "minute" duration = 0 if artype == "event" round = params[:round].to_i price = params[:price].to_f round = 1 if round < 1 rate_id = st = params[:st] et = params[:et] dt = params[:dt] dt = "" if not params[:dt] @ard.from = params[:from] @ard.artype = artype @ard.duration = duration @ard.round = round @ard.price = price @ard.customrate_id = @ard.daytype = dt @ard.start_time = st @ard.end_time = et flash[:status] = _('Custom_rate_updated') redirect_to :action => 'user_acustrates', :id => rate_id, :st => st, :dt => dt end =begin in before filter : ard (:find_ard) =end def user_custom_rate_delete rate_id = @ard.customrate_id st = nice_time2 @ard.start_time dt = @ard.daytype @ard.destroy flash[:status] = _('Custom_rate_updated') redirect_to :action => 'user_acustrates', :id => rate_id, :st => st, :dt => dt end =begin rdoc =end def default_user @page_title = _('Default_user') @page_icon = "edit.png" owner = correct_owner_id if Confline.find(:all, :conditions => ["name LIKE 'Default_Tax_%' AND owner_id = ?", owner]).size > 0 @tax = Confline.get_default_object(Tax, owner) else @tax = if session[:usertype] == "reseller" reseller = User.find_by_id(owner) @tax = reseller.get_tax.clone else @tax.assign_default_tax({}, {:save => false}) end end @user = Confline.get_default_object(User, owner) @user.owner_id = owner # owner_id nera default data. taigi reikia ji papildomai nustatyt @address = Confline.get_default_object(Address, owner) = @tax @user.address = @address @groups = AccGroup.find(:all, :conditions => "group_type = 'accountant'") @groups_resellers = AccGroup.find(:all, :conditions => "group_type = 'reseller'") @lcrs = current_user.load_lcrs(:all, :order => "name ASC") if Confline.get_value("User_Wholesale_Enabled").to_i == 0 cond = " AND purpose = 'user' " else cond = " AND (purpose = 'user' OR purpose = 'user_wholesale') " end @tariffs = Tariff.find(:all, :conditions => "owner_id = '#{owner}' #{cond} ", :order => "purpose ASC, name ASC") @countries = Direction.find(:all, :order => "name ASC") @password_length = Confline.get_value("Default_User_password_length", owner).to_i @password_lenght = 8 if @password_length < 1 if @lcrs.empty? and allow_manage_providers? flash[:notice] = _('No_lcrs_found_user_not_functional') redirect_to :action => 'list' and return false end if @tariffs.empty? flash[:notice] = _('No_tariffs_found_user_not_functional') redirect_to :action => 'list' and return false end @i = @user.get_invoices_status end =begin rdoc =end def default_user_update owner = correct_owner_id #User.set_default_user(owner, params[:user]) @invoice = invoice_params_for_user params[:user][:send_invoice_types] = @invoice params[:user][:generate_invoice] = params[:user][:generate_invoice].to_i params[:user][:recording_enabled] = params[:recording_enabled] params[:user][:recording_forced_enabled] = params[:recording_forced_enabled] params[:user][:allow_loss_calls] = params[:allow_loss_calls].to_i params[:user][:block_conditional_use] = params[:block_conditional_use].to_i params[:user][:block_at] = params[:block_at_date][:year].to_s + "-" + params[:block_at_date][:month].to_s + "-" + params[:block_at_date][:day].to_s params[:user][:warning_email_active]= params[:warning_email_active].to_i params[:user][:invoice_zero_calls] = params[:show_zero_calls].to_i params[:user][:acc_group_id] = params[:accountant_type] params[:user][:cyberplat_active] = params[:cyberplat_active].to_i params[:user][:balance] = current_user.convert_curr(params[:user][:balance].to_f) params[:user][:recording_hdd_quota] = (params[:user][:recording_hdd_quota].to_f*1048576).to_i # params[:user][:agreement_date] = params[:agr_date][:year].to_s + "-" + params[:agr_date][:month].to_s + "-" + params[:agr_date][:day].to_s if params[:unlimited].to_i == 1 params[:user][:credit] = -1 else params[:user][:credit] = params[:credit].to_f params[:user][:credit] = 0 if params[:user][:credit] < 0 end if monitoring_enabled_for(current_user) params[:user][:ignore_global_monitorings] = params[:ignore_global_monitorings].to_i end # privacy if params[:privacy] if params[:privacy][:global].to_i == 1 params[:user][:hide_destination_end] = -1 else params[:user][:hide_destination_end] = params[:privacy].values.sum { |v| v.to_i } end end if !Email.address_validation(params[:address][:email]) and params[:address][:email].to_s.length.to_i > 0 flash[:notice] = _("Email_address_not_corect") redirect_to :action => :default_user and return false end if params[:warning_email_active] params[:user][:warning_email_hour] = params[:user][:warning_email_hour].to_i != -1 ? params[:date][:user_warning_email_hour].to_i : params[:user][:warning_email_hour].to_i end Confline.set_default_object(User, owner, params[:user]) Confline.set_default_object(Address, owner, params[:address]) tax = tax_from_params tax[:total_tax_name] = "TAX" if tax[:total_tax_name].blank? tax[:tax1_name] = params[:total_tax_name].to_s if params[:tax1_name].blank? Confline.set_default_object(Tax, owner, tax) params[:password_length] = 8 if params[:password_length].to_i < 1 Confline.set_value("Default_User_password_length", params[:password_length].to_i, owner) flash[:status] = _("Default_User_Saved") redirect_to :action => :default_user end =begin lets hope thats temporary hack so that we wouldnt duplicate code when dinamicaly generating queries. may be someday we wouldnt be generating them this way. =end def users_sql joins = [] joins << "LEFT JOIN tariffs ON users.tariff_id =" joins << "LEFT JOIN addresses ON users.address_id =" joins << "LEFT JOIN lcrs ON users.lcr_id =" select = [] select << "users.*" select << ", addresses.county" select << " AS lcr_name" select << " AS tariff_name" return select.join(","), joins.join(" ") end def users_weak_passwords if current_user.usertype == 'admin' select, join = users_sql @users = User.find(:all, :select => select, :joins => join, :conditions => ["password = SHA1('') or password = SHA1(username)"]) end end def users_postpaid_and_allowed_loss_calls if current_user.is_admin? select, join = users_sql @users_postpaid_and_loss_calls = User.find(:all, :select => select, :joins => join, :conditions => ["postpaid = 1 and allow_loss_calls = 1"]) end end def default_user_errors_list if current_user.is_admin? select, join = users_sql ownr = Confline.get_default_user_pospaid_errors ids = []; ownr.each { |o| ids << o['owner_id'] } @users_postpaid_and_loss_calls = User.find(:all, :select => select, :joins => join, :conditions => [" in (#{ids.join(',')})"]) end render :action => :users_postpaid_and_allowed_loss_calls end private def check_owner_for_user(user) if user.class != User user = User.find(:first, :conditions => ["id = ? ", user]) end if !user flash[:notice] = _('User_was_not_found') redirect_to :action => "list" and return false end if session[:usertype] == "accountant" owner_id = User.find(session[:user_id].to_i) if user.usertype == "admin" or user.usertype == "accountant" flash[:notice] = _('You_have_no_permission') redirect_to :action => "list" and return false end else owner_id = session[:user_id] end if user.owner_id != owner_id flash[:notice] = _('You_have_no_permission') redirect_to :action => "list" and return false end return true end =begin rdoc Checks if accountant is allowed to create devices. =end def check_for_accountant_create_user if session[:usertype] == "accountant" and session[:acc_user_create] != 2 dont_be_so_smart redirect_to(:controller => "callc", :action => "main") and return false end end =begin rdoc Clears values accountant is not allowed to send. =end def sanitize_user_params_by_accountant_permissions(user = nil) if session[:usertype] == 'accountant' if session[:acc_user_create_opt_1] != 2 if params[:action] != "update" length = Confline.get_value("Default_User_password_length", correct_owner_id).to_i length = 8 if length <= 0 params[:password] = {} if params[:password].nil? params[:password][:password] = random_password(length) else params[:password] = nil end end {:acc_user_create_opt_2 => [:usertype], :acc_user_create_opt_3 => [:lcr_id], :acc_user_create_opt_4 => [:tariff_id], :acc_user_create_opt_5 => [:balance], :acc_user_create_opt_6 => [:postpaid, :hidden], :acc_user_create_opt_7 => [:call_limit] }.each { |option, fields| fields.each { |field| params[:user].except!(field) if session[option] != 2 } } params[:password] = nil if user and user.usertype == "admin" end end def check_params unless params[:user] dont_be_so_smart redirect_to(:controller => "callc", :action => "main") and return false end end def find_user @user = User.find(:first, :conditions => {:id => params[:id]}) unless @user and @user.owner_id == current_user.get_correct_owner_id flash[:notice] = _('User_not_found') redirect_to(:controller => "callc", :action => "main") and return false end end def find_user_from_session @user = User.find_by_id(session[:user_id]) unless @user flash[:notice] = _('User_not_found') redirect_to(:controller => "callc", :action => "main") and return false end end def find_devicegroup @devicegroup = Devicegroup.find(:first, :include => [:user], :conditions => [" = ? AND users.owner_id = ?", params[:id],]) unless @devicegroup flash[:notice] = _('Dev_group_not_found') redirect_to(:controller => "callc", :action => "main") and return false end end def find_customrate @customrate =Customrate.find_by_id(params[:id]) unless @customrate flash[:notice] = _('Customrate_not_found') redirect_to(:controller => "callc", :action => "main") and return false end end def find_ard @ard = Acustratedetail.find_by_id(params[:id]) unless @ard flash[:notice] = _('Acustratedetail_not_found') redirect_to(:controller => "callc", :action => "main") and return false end end def find_ard_all if params[:action] == 'user_ard_time_edit' dt = params[:daytype] ? params[:daytype] : '' else dt = params[:dt] ? params[:dt] : '' end @ards = Acustratedetail.find(:all, :conditions => ["customrate_id = ? AND start_time = ? AND daytype = ?",, params[:st], dt], :order => "acustratedetails.from ASC, artype ASC") if not @ards or (@ards and @ards.size.to_i == 0) flash[:notice] = _('Acustratedetails_not_found') redirect_to(:controller => "callc", :action => "main") and return false end end def check_with_integrity session[:integrity_check] = current_user.integrity_recheck_user if current_user end end