class TestController < ApplicationController before_filter :authorize_admin, :except => [:fake_form] require 'google4r/checkout' include Google4R::Checkout def create_user # opts = {} # params[:tax] ? opts[:tax] = params[:tax] : opts[:tax] = false # params[:address] ? opts[:address] = params[:address] : opts[:address] = false user = User.find(:first, :order => "id desc").clone user.username = user.username.to_s + "no_adr" user.tax_id = 999999 user.address_id = nil render :text => "OK" end def time @time = end def raise_exception params[:this_is_fake_exception] = "YES" case params[:id] when "Errno::ENETUNREACH" raise Errno::ENETUNREACH when "Transactions" raise ActiveRecord::Transactions::TransactionError, 'Transaction aborted' when "RuntimeError" raise RuntimeError, 'No route to host' when "Errno::EHOSTUNREACH" raise Errno::EHOSTUNREACH when "Errno::ETIMEDOUT" raise Errno::ETIMEDOUT when "SystemExit" raise SystemExit when "SocketError" raise SocketError when "NoMemoryError" raise NoMemoryError when "DNS_TEST" raise 'getaddrinfo: Temporary failure in name resolution' when "SyntaxError" raise SyntaxError when 'Google_account_not_active' raise GoogleCheckoutError, {:message => 'Seller Account 666666666666666 is not active.', :response_code => '', :serial_number => '6666666-6666-6666-6666-666666666666'} when "OpenSSL::SSL::SSLError" Confline.set_value("Last_Crash_Exception_Class", "") raise OpenSSL::SSL::SSLError when "Google_500" params[:this_is_fake_exception] = "" raise RuntimeError, 'Unexpected response code (Net::HTTPInternalServerError): 500 - Internal Server Error' when "Cairo" raise LoadError, 'Could not find the ruby cairo bindings in the standard locations or via rubygems. Check to ensure they\'re installed correctly' when "Gems" raise LoadError, 'in the standard locations or via rubygems. Check to en' when "MYSQL" Confline.set_value("Last_Crash_Exception_Class", "") sql = "alter table users drop first_name ;" test = ActiveRecord::Base.connection.execute(sql) us = User.find(0) us.first_name when "test_exceptions" Confline.set_value("Last_Crash_Exception_Class", "") params[:this_is_fake_exception] = "" raise SyntaxError when "pdf_limit" PdfGen::Count.check_page_number(4, 1) end end def nice_exception_raiser params[:this_is_fake_exception] = "YES" if params[:exc_class] raise eval(params[:exc_class].to_s), params[:exc_message].to_s end end def last_exception render :text => Confline.get_value("Last_Crash_Exception_Class", 0).to_s end def remove_duplicates i = 0 sql = "SELECT user_id, data, target_id, count(*) as 'size' FROM actions WHERE action = 'subscription_paid' GROUP BY user_id, data, target_id HAVING size > 1" duplicates = ActiveRecord::Base.connection.execute(sql) duplicates.each { |dub| (dub[3].to_i - 1).times { action = Action.find(:first, :include => [:user], :conditions => ["action = 'subscription_paid' AND user_id = ? AND data = ? AND target_id = ?", dub[0].to_i, dub[1], dub[2].to_i]) user = action.user user.balance += action.data2.to_f MorLog.my_debug(" Action reverted User: #{}, action.data2: #{action.data2}") action.destroy i += 1 } } render :text => "DONE! Removed: #{i}" end def load_delta_sql #MorLog.my_debug(params[:path]) #MorLog.my_debug(params[:path].join("/")) #MorLog.my_debug(File.exist?("#{RAILS_ROOT}/config/routes.rb")) filename = "#{RAILS_ROOT}/selenium/tests/#{params[:path].join("/").gsub(/[^A-Za-z_\/]/, "")}.sql" if File.exist?(filename) command = "mysql -u mor -pmor mor < #{filename}" MorLog.my_debug(command) rez = `#{command}` MorLog.my_debug("DELTA SQL FILE WAS LOADED: #{filename}") else MorLog.my_debug("Delta SQL file was not found: #{filename}") rez = "Not Found" end renew_session(User.find(0)) render :text => rez end def restart `mor -l` end def fake_form @all_fields = params.reject { |key, value| ['controller', 'action', 'path_to_action'].include?(key) } @data = params[:path_to_action] end def run_ma_script script_path = File.expand_path("#{RAILS_ROOT}/lib/scripts/monitoring_script.rb") if File.exist?(script_path) MorLog.my_debug("SCRIPT WAS FOUND") script = "/usr/bin/ruby #{script_path} #{params[:params].to_s.strip.gsub(/(^"|"$)/, "")}" MorLog.my_debug(script) out = `#{script}` MorLog.my_debug(out) render :text => "DONE (#{out})" else MorLog.my_debug("SCRIPT WAS NOT FOUND") render :text => "script not found" end end def test_api allow, values =API::check_params_with_all_keys(params, request) render :text => values[:system_hash] end def make_select @tables = ActiveRecord::Base.connection.tables @table = @tables.include?(params[:table]) ? params[:table] : nil if params[:id] and @table if @table.to_s != 'sessions' @select = @table.singularize.titleize.gsub(' ', '').constantize.find(:first, :conditions => {:id => params[:id]}) else @select = ActiveRecord::Base.connection.select_all("SELECT * FROM #{params[:table]} WHERE id = #{params[:id].to_i}") end end end end