class TerminatorsController < ApplicationController layout "callc" before_filter :check_localization before_filter :authorize before_filter :providers_enabled_for_reseller? before_filter :find_terminator, :only => [:provider_add, :providers, :destroy, :update, :edit] verify :method => :post, :only => [ :create , :destroy ,:update, :provider_remove, :provider_add ], :redirect_to => {:controller=>:callc, :action => :main }, :add_flash => { :notice => _('Dont_be_so_smart'), :params => {:dont_be_so_smart => true}} def index list render :action => 'list' end =begin rdoc Lists terminators =end def list @page_title = _('Terminators') @page_icon = "provider.png" @terminators = current_user.load_terminators end =begin rdoc Creates a terminator *Params*: +name+ - terminators name *Flash*: +Terminator_was_created+ - if terminator was successfully created +Terminator_was_not_created+ - if terminator was not successfully created *Redirect* +terminators+ =end def create term = => params[:name].to_s, :user => current_user) if flash[:status] = _('Terminator_was_created') else flash[:notice] = _('Terminator_was_not_created') end redirect_to :action => 'list' and return false end =begin rdoc Destroys terminator *Params*: +id+ - terminators id *Flash*: Terminator_was_destroyed - if terminator was successfully destroyed Terminator_was_not_destroyed - if terminator was not successfully destroyed *Redirect* +terminators+ =end def destroy if @terminator.destroy flash[:status] = _('Terminator_was_destroyed') Provider.update_all("terminator_id = 0", "terminator_id = #{}") else flash_errors_for(_('Terminator_was_not_destroyed'), @terminator) end redirect_to :action => 'list' and return false end =begin rdoc =end def edit @page_title = _('Terminator_edit') + ": " + @page_icon = "edit.png" end =begin rdoc Updates terminator. *Params*: +id+ - terminators id +name+ - new name for terminator *Flash*: Terminator_updated - if terminator was successfully updated Terminator_was_not_updated - if terminator was not successfully updated *Redirect* +terminators+ =end def update = params[:terminator][:name] if flash[:status] = _('Terminator_was_updated') else flash[:notice] = _('Terminator_was_not_updated') end redirect_to :action => 'list' and return false end =begin rdoc Shows and allows terminator providers management *Params*: +id+ - terminators id =end def providers @page_title = _('Terminator_providers') @page_icon = "provider.png" if current_user.usertype == 'reseller' @assigned = Provider.find(:all, :conditions => ["providers.terminator_id = ? AND (providers.user_id = ? OR (providers.common_use = 1 AND id IN (SELECT provider_id FROM common_use_providers where reseller_id = #{})))",,], :order => "name ASC") @not_assigned = Provider.find(:all, :conditions => ["providers.terminator_id = 0 AND (providers.user_id = ? OR (providers.common_use = 1 AND id IN (SELECT provider_id FROM common_use_providers where reseller_id = #{})))",], :order => "name ASC") else @assigned = Provider.find(:all, :conditions => ["providers.terminator_id = ? AND (providers.user_id = ? OR providers.common_use = 1)",,], :order => "name ASC") @not_assigned = Provider.find(:all, :conditions => ["providers.terminator_id = 0 AND (providers.user_id = ? OR providers.common_use = 1)",], :order => "name ASC") end end =begin rdoc Assigns Provider to Terminator. *Params*: +id+ - terminators id +provider_id+ - provider id *Flash*: Provider_was_assigned - if terminator was successfully updated Terminator_was_not_assigned - if terminator was not successfully updated *Redirect* +terminator_providers+ =end def provider_add prov = Provider.find(:first, :conditions => [" = ? AND (providers.user_id = ? or providers.common_use = 1)", params[:provider_id], session[:user_id]]) unless prov flash[:notice] = _('Provider_was_not_found') redirect_to :action => :terminators and return false end prov.terminator_id = if flash[:status] = _('Provider_was_assigned') else flash[:notice] = _('Provider_was_not_assigned') end redirect_to :action => 'providers', :id => params[:id] and return false end =begin rdoc Removes Provider to Terminator. *Params*: +id+ - terminators id +provider_id+ - provider id *Flash*: Provider_was_removed_from_terminator - if terminator was successfully updated Terminator_was_not_removed_from_terminator - if terminator was not successfully updated *Redirect* +terminator_providers+ =end def provider_remove prov = Provider.find(:first, :conditions => [" = ? AND (providers.user_id = ? or providers.common_use = 1)", params[:provider_id], session[:user_id]]) unless prov flash[:notice] = _('Provider_was_not_found') redirect_to :action => :list and return false end prov.terminator_id = 0 if flash[:status] = _('Provider_was_removed_from_terminator') else flash[:notice] = _('Provider_was_not_removed_from_terminator') end redirect_to :action => 'providers', :id => params[:id] and return false end private def find_terminator @terminator = current_user.load_terminator(params[:id]) unless @terminator flash[:notice] = _('Terminator_was_not_found') redirect_to :action => :list and return false end end end