class SmsController < ApplicationController # include SMSFu layout :mobile_standard #before_filter :cdr2calls, :check_localization before_filter :check_localization, :except => [:sms_result] #before_filter :authorize_admin, :except => [:quickforwarddids, :quickforwarddid_edit, :quickforwarddid_update, :quickforwarddid_destroy] before_filter :authorize before_filter :check_sms_addon, :except => [:sms_result] before_filter :find_session_user, :only => [:send_sms, :user_rates, :sms, :tariffs] before_filter :find_user, :only => [:lcr_edit_user, :lcr_update_user] before_filter :find_lcr, :only => [:send_sms, :sms] before_filter :find_provider, :only => [:send_sms, :sms] before_filter :find_user_tariff, :only => [:send_sms, :user_rates, :sms] before_filter :find_number, :only =>[:send_sms] before_filter :find_lcr_from_id, :only => [:lcr_providers, :try_to_add_provider, :lcr_edit, :lcr_update, :lcr_destroy, :lcr_details, :remove_lcr_provider, :lcr_provider_change_status, :lcr_providers_sort, :providers_sort_save] before_filter :find_provider_from_id, :only => [:provider_edit, :provider_update, :provider_destroy] before_filter :find_tariff_from_id, :only => [:tariff_edit, :delete_all_rates, :rates_update, :rate_try_to_add, :rate_new, :rates, :tariff_destroy, :tariff_update, :tariff_edit] @@callshop_view = [] @@callshop_edit = [:users, :user_subscribe_to_sms, :lcrs, :lcr_new, :lcr_create, :lcr_providers, :try_to_add_provider, :lcr_edit, :lcr_update, :lcr_destroy, :lcr_details, :remove_lcr_provider, :lcr_provider_change_status, :lcr_providers_sort, :providers_sort_save, :lcr_edit_user, :lcr_update_user,:providers, :provider_new, :provider_create, :provider_edit, :provider_update, :provider_destroy, :tariffs, :tariff_new, :tariff_create, :tariff_edit, :tariff_update, :tariff_destroy, :rates, :rate_new, :rate_try_to_add, :rates_update, :rate_destroy, :delete_all_rates] before_filter(:only => @@callshop_view+@@callshop_edit) { |c| allow_read, allow_edit = c.check_read_write_permission(@@callshop_view, @@callshop_edit, {:role => "reseller", :right => :res_sms_addon, :ignore => true}) c.instance_variable_set :@callshop, allow_read c.instance_variable_set :@callshop, allow_edit true } def index sms_list render :action => 'sms_list' end verify :method => :post, :only => [ :destroy, :create, :update, :lcr_destroy, :lcr_create, :lcr_update, :provider_update, :provider_create, :provider_destroy, :tariff_create, :tariff_destroy, :tariff_update, :rate_update, :rate_create, :rate_destroy], :redirect_to => {:controller=>:callc, :action => :main }, :add_flash => { :notice => _('Dont_be_so_smart'), :params => {:dont_be_so_smart => true}} def users @page_title = _('Users_subscribed_to_sms') @page_icon = "user.png" @active_users = User.find(:all, :select=>"*, #{SqlExport.nice_user_sql}", :conditions => ["sms_service_active = 1 AND owner_id = ? AND hidden = 0", session[:user_id]], :order => "nice_user ASC") @not_active_users = User.find(:all, :select=>"*, #{SqlExport.nice_user_sql}", :conditions => ["sms_service_active = 0 AND owner_id = ? AND hidden = 0", session[:user_id]], :order => "nice_user ASC") end def user_subscribe_to_sms @user = User.find(params[:user_id]) @lcr = SmsLcr.find(:first) if not @lcr if reseller? flash[:notice] = _('No_available_SMS_LCR_reseller') else flash[:notice] = _('No_available_SMS_LCR') end redirect_to :action => 'users' and return false end @tariff = SmsTariff.find(:first, :conditions=>["tariff_type = 'user' AND owner_id = ? ", session[:user_id]]) if not @tariff flash[:notice] = _('No_available_SMS_Tariff') redirect_to :action => 'users' and return false end if @user.sms_service_active == 0 @user.sms_service_active = 1 @user.sms_lcr_id = @user.sms_tariff_id = flash[:status] = _('User_subscribed_to_sms_service') + ": " + nice_user(@user) else @user.sms_service_active = 0 flash[:status] = _('User_unsubscribed_from_sms_service') + ": " + nice_user(@user) end redirect_to :action => 'users' and return false end #--------------- lcr -------------------------- def lcrs @page_title = _('Sms_lcrs') #@page_icon = "" @lcrs = SmsLcr.find(:all, :order => "name ASC") end def lcr_new @page_title = _('LCR_new') @page_icon = "add.png" @lcr = end def lcr_create @page_title = _('LCR_new') @page_icon = "add.png" @lcr =[:lcr].each_value(&:strip!)) if flash[:status] = _('Lcr_was_successfully_created') redirect_to :action => 'lcrs' else render :action => 'lcr_new' end end =begin in before filter : lcr (:find_lcr_from_id) =end def lcr_providers @page_title = _('Providers_for_LCR')# + ": " + @page_icon = "provider.png" @providers = @lcr.sms_providers("asc") @all_providers = SmsProvider.find(:all) @other_providers = [] for prov in @all_providers @other_providers << prov if !@providers.include?(prov) end flash[:notice] = _('No_provaiders_available') if @all_providers.empty? end =begin in before filter : lcr (:find_lcr_from_id) =end def try_to_add_provider prov_id = params[:select_prov] if prov_id != "0" @prov = SmsProvider.find_by_id(prov_id) @lcr.add_sms_provider(@prov) flash[:status] = _('Provider_added') else flash[:notice] = _('Please_select_provider_from_the_list') end redirect_to :action => 'lcr_providers', :id => @lcr end =begin in before filter : lcr (:find_lcr_from_id) =end def lcr_edit @page_title = _('LCR_edit') @page_icon = "edit.png" end =begin in before filter : lcr (:find_lcr_from_id) =end def lcr_update @page_title = _('LCR_edit') @page_icon = "edit.png" if @lcr.update_attributes(params[:lcr].each_value(&:strip!)) flash[:status] = _('Lcr_was_successfully_updated') redirect_to :action => 'lcrs', :id => @lcr else render :action => 'lcr_edit' end end =begin in before filter : lcr (:find_lcr_from_id) =end def lcr_destroy #check if no users uses this lcr if User.find(:all, :conditions => ["sms_lcr_id = ?",]).size > 0 flash[:notice] = _('Lcr_not_deleted') else flash[:status] = _('Lcr_deleted') @lcr.destroy end redirect_to :action => 'lcrs' end =begin in before filter : lcr (:find_lcr_from_id) =end def lcr_details @page_title = _('LCR_Details') @page_icon = "view.png" @user = User.find(:all, :select=>"*, #{SqlExport.nice_user_sql}", :conditions => ["sms_lcr_id = ?",], :order => "nice_user ASC" ) end =begin in before filter : lcr (:find_lcr_from_id) =end def remove_lcr_provider prov_id = params[:prov] @lcr.remove_sms_provider(prov_id) flash[:status] = _('Provider_removed') redirect_to :action => 'lcr_providers', :id => @lcr end =begin in before filter : lcr (:find_lcr_from_id) =end def lcr_provider_change_status prov_id = params[:prov] if @lcr.sms_provider_active(prov_id) value = 0 flash[:status] = _('Provider_disabled') else value = 1 flash[:status] = _('Provider_enabled') end sql = "UPDATE sms_lcrproviders SET active = #{value} WHERE sms_lcr_id = #{} AND sms_provider_id = #{prov_id}" res = ActiveRecord::Base.connection.update(sql) redirect_to :action => 'lcr_providers', :id => end =begin in before filter : lcr (:find_lcr_from_id) =end def lcr_providers_sort if (@lcr.order.to_s != 'priority') dont_be_so_smart redirect_to :controller => "callc", :action => 'main' end @page_title = _('Change_Order') + ": " + @page_icon = "arrow_switch.png" @items = @lcr.sms_providers("asc") end =begin in before filter : lcr (:find_lcr_from_id) =end def providers_sort_save params[:sortable_list].each_index do |i| item = SmsLcrprovider.find(:first, :conditions => "sms_provider_id = #{params[:sortable_list][i]} AND sms_lcr_id = #{params[:id]}" ) item.priority = i end @page_title = _('Change_Order') + ": " + @items = @lcr.sms_providers("asc") render :layout => false, :action => :providers_sort end def lcr_edit_user @page_title = _('Sms_lcr_user') @page_icon = "edit.png" @sms_lcrs = SmsLcr.find(:all, :order => "name ASC") @sms_tariffs = SmsTariff.find(:all, :conditions => "(tariff_type = 'user') AND owner_id = '#{session[:user_id]}' ", :order => "tariff_type ASC, name ASC") end =begin in before filter : user (:find_user) =end def lcr_update_user @user.sms_lcr_id = params[:lcr_id] if session[:usertype] == 'admin' @user.sms_tariff_id = params[:tariff_id] flash[:status] = _('User_updated') redirect_to :action => 'lcr_edit_user', :id => end #--------------- providers -------------------------- def providers @page_title = _('Sms_providers') @page_icon = "provider.png" @providers = SmsProvider.find(:all) end def provider_new @page_title = _('New_provider') @page_icon = "add.png" @provider = @tariffs = current_user.sms_provider_tariffs @action = "new" if @tariffs.size == 0 flash[:notice] = _('No_SMS_tariffs_available') redirect_to :action => 'providers' end @new_provider = true end def provider_create sms_prov =[:provider].each_value(&:strip!)) if sms_prov.api? and mor_11_extend? sms_prov.login = params[:api_string].to_s sms_prov.email_good_keywords = params[:api_good_keywords].to_s end sms_prov.priority = 1 if flash[:status] = _('Sms_provider_created') redirect_to :action => 'providers' and return false else flash_errors_for(_('Sms_provider_not_created'), sms_prov) @api_string = sms_prov.login @api_keywords = sms_prov.email_good_keywords @provider = sms_prov @tariffs = current_user.sms_provider_tariffs render :action => :provider_new and return false end end =begin in before filter : provider (:find_provider_from_id) =end def provider_edit @page_title = _('Sms_providers_edit') @page_icon = "edit.png" @tariffs = current_user.sms_provider_tariffs @api_string = @provider.login.to_s @api_keywords = @provider.email_good_keywords end =begin in before filter : provider (:find_provider_from_id) =end def provider_update @provider.attributes = params[:provider].each_value(&:strip!) if params[:provider][:wait_for_good_email] @provider.wait_for_good_email = params[:provider][:wait_for_good_email] else @provider.wait_for_good_email = 0 end @provider.email_good_keywords = params[:provider][:email_good_keywords] if params[:provider][:email_good_keywords] if params[:provider][:wait_for_bad_email] @provider.wait_for_bad_email = params[:provider][:wait_for_bad_email] else @provider.wait_for_bad_email = 0 end if @provider.api? and mor_11_extend? @provider.login = params[:api_string].to_s @provider.email_good_keywords = params[:api_good_keywords].to_s end if flash[:status] = _('Sms_provider_updated') redirect_to :action => 'providers' and return false else flash_errors_for(_('Sms_provider_not_updated'), @provider) @api_string = @provider.login.to_s @api_keywords = @provider.email_good_keywords @tariffs = current_user.sms_provider_tariffs render :action => :provider_edit and return false end end =begin in before filter : provider (:find_provider_from_id) =end def provider_destroy unless @provider flash[:notice] = _('Sms_provider_not_found') redirect_to :action => 'providers' and return false end @provider.destroy flash[:status] = _('Sms_provider_deleted') redirect_to :action => 'providers' end #---------- tariffs ---------------------- =begin in before filter : user (:find_session_user) =end def tariffs @page_title = _('Sms_tariffs') @prov_tariffs = @user.sms_provider_tariffs @user_tariffs = SmsTariff.find(:all, :conditions => "tariff_type = 'user' AND owner_id = '#{}'", :order => "name ASC") #deleting not necessary session vars - just in case after crashed csv rate import session[:file] = nil session[:status_array] = nil session[:update_rate_array] = nil session[:short_prefix_array] = nil session[:bad_lines_array] = nil session[:bad_lines_status_array] = nil session[:manual_connection_fee] = nil session[:manual_increment] = nil session[:manual_min_time] = nil end def tariff_new @page_title = _('SMS_tariff_new') @page_icon = "add.png" @tariff = @currs = Currency.get_active end def tariff_create sms_tariff =[:tariff].each_value(&:strip!)) sms_tariff.owner_id = session[:user_id] flash[:status] = _('Sms_tariff_created') redirect_to :action => 'tariffs' end =begin in before filter : tariff (:find_tariff_from_id) =end def tariff_edit @page_title = _('Sms_tariffs_edit') @page_icon = "edit.png" a=check_user_id_with_session(@tariff.owner_id) return false if !a @currs = Currency.get_active # @user_wholesale_enabled = (confline("User_Wholesale_Enabled") == "1") end =begin in before filter : tariff (:find_tariff_from_id) =end def tariff_update @tariff.update_attributes(params[:tariff].each_value(&:strip!)) @tariff.owner_id = session[:user_id] flash[:status] = _('Sms_tariff_updated') redirect_to :action => 'tariffs' end =begin in before filter : tariff (:find_tariff_from_id) =end def tariff_destroy a=check_user_id_with_session(@tariff.owner_id) return false if !a if @tariff.destroy flash[:status] = _('Sms_tariff_deleted') else flash_errors_for(_('Sms_tariff_not_deleted'), @tariff) end redirect_to :action => 'tariffs' end #---------- Rates ---------------------- =begin in before filter : tariff (:find_tariff_from_id) =end def rates @page_title = _('Sms_rates') #@page_icon = "" a=check_user_id_with_session(@tariff.owner_id) return false if !a @page_title = _('SMS_Rates_for_tariff') +": " + @st = "A" @st = params[:st].upcase if params[:st] @rates = @tariff.rates_by_st(@st,0,10000) @total_pages = (@rates.size.to_f / session[:items_per_page].to_f).ceil @page = 1 @page = params[:page].to_i if params[:page] @page = @total_pages if @page > @total_pages @all_rates = @rates @rates = [] iend = ((session[:items_per_page] * @page) - 1) iend = @all_rates.size - 1 if iend > (@all_rates.size - 1) for i in ((@page - 1) * session[:items_per_page])..iend @rates << @all_rates[i] end @rates = @rates.compact #---- @use_lata = false @use_lata = true if @st == "U" @letter_select_header_id = @page_select_header_id = @dests = @tariff.free_destinations_by_st(@st) end =begin in before filter : tariff (:find_tariff_from_id) =end def rate_new @page_title = _('Add_new_rate_to_tariff') +": " + @page_icon = "add.png" # st - from which letter starts rate's direction (usualy country) @st = "A" @st = params[:st].upcase if params[:st] @dests = @tariff.free_destinations_by_st(@st) @letter_select_header_id = @page_select_header_id = end =begin in before filter : tariff (:find_tariff_from_id) =end def rate_try_to_add st = "A" st = params[:st].upcase if params[:st] for dest in @tariff.free_destinations_by_st(st) #add only rates which are entered if params[(].length > 0 @tariff.add_new_rate( dest.prefix.to_s , params[(]) end end flash[:status] = _('Rates_updated') redirect_to :action => 'rates', :id => params[:id], :st => st # render :action => 'debug' end =begin in before filter : tariff (:find_tariff_from_id) =end def rates_update @st = params[:st].to_s if @tariff and @st.length != 1 dont_be_so_smart redirect_to :controller => :callc, :action=>:main and return false end a=check_user_id_with_session(@tariff.owner_id) return false if !a @rates = @tariff.rates_by_st(@st,0,10000) @rates.each{ |r| if params[:rate] and params[:rate]["id_#{}".to_sym] and params[:rate]["id_#{}".to_sym][:price] and r.price.to_f != params[:rate]["id_#{}".to_sym][:price].to_f r.price = params[:rate]["id_#{}".to_sym][:price].to_f end } flash[:status] = _('Sms_rate_updated') redirect_to :action => 'rates', :id => params[:id], :st => @st, :page => params[:page] end def rate_destroy sms_rate = SmsRate.find_by_id(params[:id]) sms_rate.destroy if sms_rate flash[:status] = _('Sms_rate_deleted') redirect_to :action => 'rates', :id=>params[:tariff], :st => params[:st], :page => params[:page] end =begin in before filter : tariff (:find_tariff_from_id) =end def delete_all_rates a=check_user_id_with_session(@tariff.owner_id) return false if !a @tariff.delete_all_rates flash[:status] = _('All_rates_deleted') redirect_to :action => 'list' end #------------------ SMS sending ----------------------------- def sms @page_title = _('Send_sms') #@page_icon = "" if @user.sms_service_active == 0 flash[:notice] = session[:usertype] == "admin" ? _('User_not_subscribed_to_SMS') : dont_be_so_smart redirect_to :action => :index and return false end @addresses = Phonebook.find(:all, :conditions=>["user_id=?", session[:user_id]]) if @request.env["HTTP_X_MOBILE_GATEWAY"] respond_to do |format| format.wml { render :action => 'sms.wml.builder'} #format.html end end end def send_sms require 'rubygems' require 'clickatell' sms_numbers = params[:sms_counter] message = params[:body] for number in @all_numbers if number.class.to_s == "Phonebook" number = number.number end sms = sms.sending_date = sms.user_id = sms.reseller_id = @user.owner_id sms.number = number sms.sms_send(@user, @user_tariff, number, @lcr, sms_numbers.to_f, message, params) end if sms.status_code.to_s == "0" flash[:status] = sms.sms_status_code_tip else flash[:notice] = sms.sms_status_code_tip end if @request.env["HTTP_X_MOBILE_GATEWAY"] redirect_to :controller=>'callc', :action=>'main', :sms_notice => sms.sms_status_code_tip.to_s else if @request.env["HTTP_USER_AGENT"].match("Safari") redirect_to :controller=>'callc', :action => "main_for_pda" and return false else redirect_to :action=>'sms_list' and return false end end end def sms_result @api_id = params[:api_id].to_s @from = params[:from].to_s @to = params[:to].to_s @text = params[:text].to_s @dated = params[:timestamp].to_s @apiMsgId = params[:apiMsgId].to_s @status = params[:status].to_s @charge = params[:charge].to_s @sms = SmsMessage.find(:first, :conditions=>["clickatell_message_id = ?", @apiMsgId]) if @sms sms_callback_action = Action.find(:first, :conditions=>["target_id = ? AND target_type = 'SMS' AND action = 'SMS_callback' AND data3 != 0 ",]) @user = @sms.user charge = false # "callback : #{params.to_yaml}" # @charge.to_f > 0.to_f and !sms_callback_action if @charge.to_f > 0.to_f and !sms_callback_action @sms.charge_user charge = true end #sms_callback_no_charge_action = Action.find(:first, :conditions=>["target_id = ? AND target_type = 'SMS' AND action = 'SMS_callback' AND data3 != 0",]) # @charge.to_f <= 0.to_f and !sms_callback_no_charge_action if @charge.to_f <= 0.to_f and !sms_callback_action @sms.return_sms_price_to_user charge = true end @sms.status_code = @status.to_s Action.add_action_hash(@user, {:action=>"SMS_callback", :data=> @status, :data4=> params.inspect.to_s[0..255], :data2=>@charge.to_f, :target_id=>, :target_type=>"SMS", :data3=>charge}) else Action.add_error(0, "SMS_callback", {:data4=> params.inspect.to_s[0..255], :target_type=>"SMS", :data2=>"SMS_not_found"}) end render :nothing => true end def sms_list @page_title = _('Sms_list') #@page_icon = "" @page = 1 @page = params[:page].to_i if params[:page] @sms = SmsMessage.find(:all, :conditions => ["user_id= ?", session[:user_id]]) @total_pages = (@sms.size.to_f / session[:items_per_page].to_f).ceil @all_sms = @sms @sms = [] @a_number = [] iend = ((session[:items_per_page] * @page) - 1) iend = @all_sms.size - 1 if iend > (@all_sms.size - 1) for i in ((@page - 1) * session[:items_per_page])..iend @sms << @all_sms[i] end @t_sms = 0 @t_sms_price = 0 for sms in @sms if [0, 4].include?(sms.status_code.to_i) and sms.user_rate.to_f != 0.0 @t_sms += sms.user_price / sms.user_rate @t_sms_price += sms.user_price else @t_sms += 0 @t_sms_price += 0 end end end def user_rates # @user_tariff - in before filter @page_title = _('Sms_rates') @st = (params[:st] ? params[:st].upcase : "A") @page = (params[:page] ? params[:page].to_i : 1) ex = Currency.count_exchange_rate(@user_tariff.currency, ex @rates = @user_tariff.rates_by_st(@st,0,10000, {:exchange_rate => ex}) @total_pages = (@rates.size.to_f / session[:items_per_page].to_f).ceil @all_rates = @rates @rates = [] iend = ((session[:items_per_page] * @page) - 1) iend = @all_rates.size - 1 if iend > (@all_rates.size - 1) for i in ((@page - 1) * session[:items_per_page])..iend @rates << @all_rates[i] end #---- @use_lata = false @use_lata = true if @st == "U" @letter_select_header_id = @page_select_header_id = @dests = @user_tariff.free_destinations_by_st(@st) end def get_users_numbers(n) if n.to_s == 'All' number = Phonebook.find(:all, :conditions=>"user_id='#{session[:user_id]}'") else number = n end end # Prefix Finder ################################################################ def prefix_finder_find @phrase = params[:prefix].to_s.gsub(/\D/, "") sql = "SELECT destinations.*, as dirname FROM destinations Join sms_rates on (sms_rates.prefix = destinations.prefix) LEFT Join directions on (directions.code = destinations.direction_code) WHERE destinations.prefix = SUBSTRING(#{q(@phrase)}, 1, LENGTH(destinations.prefix)) Order by LENGTH(destinations.prefix) DESC LIMIT 1" @dest = Destination.find_by_sql(sql) if @phrase != '' if !@dest or @dest.blank? or @phrase.blank? @results = _('Cant_send_SMS_no_rate_for_this_destination') else @user= User.find(session[:user_id]) @tariff = SmsTariff.find(:first, :conditions => ["id = ?", @user.sms_tariff_id]) @results = "" if @tariff ex = Currency.count_exchange_rate(@tariff.currency, @rate = SmsMessage.sms_rate(@user.sms_tariff_id, @phrase) for dest in @dest @results = dest.dirname.to_s+" "+dest.subcode.to_s+" " end @price = "" if @rate @price = @rate.price * ex @results += " / 1 SMS: "+@price.to_s+" "+ #@tariff.currency.to_s else @results += " - " +_('Cant_send_SMS_no_rate_for_this_destination') end end end render(:layout => false) end # /Prefix Finder ############################################################### def find_sms_price @phrase = request.raw_post || request.query_string if @phrase != '' @result = _('Total_sms_price') + " : " + nice_number(@phrase.to_i * params[:price].to_i) end render(:layout => false) end def form_sms @phrase = request.raw_post || request.query_string if (params[:prid].to_s != 'NaNsms_email') and (params[:prid].to_s != 'NaNclickatell') @provider = SmsProvider.find(params[:prid]) if params[:prid] end if (params[:prov_t].to_s == 'sms_email') or (params[:prid].to_s == 'NaNsms_email') if (params[:prid].to_s != 'NaNsms_email') @provider = SmsProvider.find(params[:prid]) end render(:layout => false) else render :partial => 'clickatell_provider_form', :layout => false end end private def format_number(number) pre_formatted = number.gsub("-","").strip formatted = (pre_formatted.length == 11 && pre_formatted[0,1] == "1") ? pre_formatted[1..pre_formatted.length] : pre_formatted return is_valid?(formatted) ? formatted : (raise"Phone number (#{number}) is not formatted correctly")) end def is_valid?(number) return (number.length >= 5 && number[/^.\d+$/]) ? true : false end def check_sms_addon if !sms_active? or ((session[:sms_service_active].to_i == 0 and session[:res_sms_addon].to_i != 2 ) and session[:usertype] != 'admin') dont_be_so_smart redirect_to :controller=>:callc, :action => :main and return false end end def find_session_user @user = User.find(:first, :conditions=>["id=?",session[:user_id]]) unless @user flash[:notice] = _('User_was_not_found') redirect_to :controller=>:callc, :action => :main and return false end end def find_user @user = User.find(:first, :conditions=>["id=?",params[:id]]) unless @user flash[:notice] = _('User_was_not_found') redirect_to :controller=>:callc, :action => :main and return false end end def find_lcr @lcr = @user.sms_lcr unless @lcr flash[:notice] = _('No_available_SMS_LCR') redirect_to :controller=>:callc, :action => :main and return false end end def find_lcr_from_id @lcr = SmsLcr.find(:first, :conditions=>["id=?",params[:id]]) unless @lcr flash[:notice] = _('No_available_SMS_LCR') redirect_to :controller=>:callc, :action => :main and return false end end def find_provider @providers = @lcr.sms_providers if !@providers or @providers.size.to_i < 1 flash[:notice] = _('No_available_SMS_Provider') redirect_to :controller=>:callc, :action => :main and return false end end def find_provider_from_id @provider = SmsProvider.find(:first, :conditions=>["id=?",params[:id]]) unless @provider flash[:notice] = _('No_available_SMS_Provider') redirect_to :controller=>:callc, :action => :main and return false end end def find_user_tariff @user_tariff = @user.sms_tariff unless @user_tariff action ={:user_id=>session[:user_id], :date=>, :action=>'error', :data=>_('No_sms_tariff'), :data2=>request.request_uri}) flash[:notice] = _('No_SMS_tariffs_available') redirect_to :controller=>:callc, :action => :main and return false end end def find_tariff_from_id @tariff = SmsTariff.find(:first, :conditions=>["id=?",params[:id]]) unless @tariff dont_be_so_smart redirect_to :controller=>:callc, :action => :main and return false end end def find_number if @request.env["HTTP_X_MOBILE_GATEWAY"] sms_numbers = 1 params[:number] = params[:number1] if params[:number1] if params[:number2].to_i != 0 params[:number] = params[:number2] end end @all_numbers = get_users_numbers(params[:number]) if params[:number].to_s.length == 0 or @all_numbers.size == 0 flash[:notice] = _('Please_enter_number') redirect_to :controller=>'sms', :action=>'sms' and return false end end end