class RinggroupsController < ApplicationController layout "callc" before_filter :check_localization before_filter :authorize before_filter :find_ringgroup, :only=>[:show, :edit, :destroy, :assign_device, :show_dids, :show_devices, :show_extlines, :device_sort, :update, :free_user_devices, :delete_device] # GETs should be safe (see verify :method => :post, :only => [ :destroy, :create, :update ], :redirect_to => { :action => :index } def index @page_title = _('Ring_groups') session[:ringgroups_list_options] ? @options = session[:ringgroups_list_options] : @options = {} # search params[:page] ? @options[:page] = params[:page].to_i : (@options[:page] = 1 if !@options[:page]) # order params[:order_desc] ? @options[:order_desc] = params[:order_desc].to_i : (@options[:order_desc] = 0 if !@options[:order_desc]) params[:order_by] ? @options[:order_by] = params[:order_by].to_s : @options[:order_by] == "acc" order_by = current_user.ringgroups.ringgroups_order_by(params, @options) cond =[]; var =[] arr = {} arr[:conditions] =[cond.join(' AND ')] + var if cond.size.to_i > 0 # page params @ringgroups_size = current_user.ringgroups.find(:all, arr).size.to_i @options[:page] = @options[:page].to_i < 1 ? 1 : @options[:page].to_i @total_pages = ( @ringgroups_size.to_f / session[:items_per_page].to_f).ceil @options[:page] = @total_pages if @options[:page].to_i > @total_pages.to_i and @total_pages.to_i > 0 @fpage = ((@options[:page] -1 ) * session[:items_per_page]).to_i @search = @options[:s_name].blank? ? 0 : 1 arr[:order] = order_by arr[:limit] = "#{@fpage}, #{session[:items_per_page].to_i}" @ringgroups = current_user.ringgroups.find(:all, arr) session[:ringgroups_list_options] = @options end def new @page_title = _('Ring_group_new') @page_icon = "add.png" @ringgroup = @ringgroup.timeout = 60 @dialplan = @dids = current_user.dids_for_select('assigned') end def create #check if extension entered ext = params[:dialplan][:data2] if not ext or ext.length == 0 flash[:notice] = _('Enter_extension') redirect_to :action => :index and return false end # check if such extension exist extline = Extline.find(:first, :conditions => "exten = '#{ext}'") if extline flash[:notice] = _('Such_extension_exists') redirect_to :action => :index and return false end if !params[:dialplan] or params[:dialplan][:name].blank? flash[:notice] = _('Name_cannot_be_blank') redirect_to :action => :index and return false end @ringgroup =[:ringgroup].merge({:name=>params[:dialplan][:name]})) if dialplan =[:dialplan].merge({:dptype => "ringgroup", :data1 =>})) @ringgroup.update_exline(ext) flash[:status] = _('Ring_Group_was_successfully_created') redirect_to :action=>:edit, :id=> else flash_errors_for(_('Ring_Group_not_created'), @ringgroup) redirect_to :action=>:index end end def edit @page_title = _('Ring_group_edit') @page_icon = "edit.png" @dids = current_user.dids_for_select('assigned') @free_dids = Did.free_dids_for_select(@ringgroup.did_id) @devices = @ringgroup.devices @dialplan = @ringgroup.dialplan @users = User.find(:all) @extlines = Extline.find(:all, :conditions=>['exten = ? AND app IN ("Set", "Dial", "Goto")', @dialplan.data2], :order=>"priority ASC") end def update if !params[:dialplan] or params[:dialplan][:name].blank? flash[:notice] = _('Name_cannot_be_blank') redirect_to :action => :index and return false end if @ringgroup.update_attributes(params[:ringgroup].reject{|k,v| k == 'user_id'}) @dialplan = @ringgroup.dialplan ext = @dialplan.data2.to_s @dialplan.update_attributes(params[:dialplan]) @ringgroup.update_exline(ext) flash[:status] = _('Ring_Group_was_successfully_updated') else flash_errors_for(_('Ring_Group_not_updated'), @ringgroup) end redirect_to :action=>:index end def destroy if @ringgroup.dialplan @ringgroup.delete_exline @ringgroup.dialplan.destroy end @ringgroup.ringgroups_devices.destroy_all() if @ringgroup.destroy flash[:status] = _('Ring_Group_was_successfully_deleted') else flash_errors_for(_('Ring_Group_not_deleted'), @ringgroup) end redirect_to :action=>:index end def assign_device r ={:device_id=>params[:device_id].to_i, :ringgroup_id =>}) r_old = RinggroupsDevice.find(:first, :conditions=>{:ringgroup_id =>}, :order=>'priority DESC') r.priority = r_old ? r_old.priority.to_i + 1 : 0 @ringgroup.update_exline @devices = @ringgroup.devices @users = User.find(:all) render :layout => false end def delete_device r = RinggroupsDevice.find(:first, :conditions=>{:device_id=>params[:device_id].to_i, :ringgroup_id =>}) r.destroy @ringgroup.update_exline @devices = @ringgroup.devices @users = User.find(:all) render :layout => false end def device_sort params[:sortable_list].each_index do |i| item = RinggroupsDevice.find(:first, :conditions=>{:device_id=>params[:sortable_list][i], :ringgroup_id=>}) item.update_attributes(:priority => i) end @ringgroup.update_exline @devices = @ringgroup.devices @users = User.find(:all) @dids = current_user.dids_for_select('free') @free_dids = Did.free_dids_for_select(@ringgroup.did_id) render :layout => false, :action => :edit, :id=>@ringgroup end def free_user_devices @free_devices = @ringgroup.free_devices(params[:user_id].to_i) render :layout => false end def show_dids @dialplan = @ringgroup.dialplan render :layout => false end def show_devices @devices = @ringgroup.devices render :layout => false end def show_extlines devices = @ringgroup.devices appdata = '' if devices devices.each_with_index{|d, i| if d.device_type.to_s == 'Virtual' if i > 0 appdata += "&Local/#{}@mor_local" else appdata += "Local/#{}@mor_local" end else if i > 0 appdata += "&#{d.device_type}/#{}" else appdata += "#{d.device_type}/#{}" end end } end appdata += "|#{params[:timeout]}|#{params[:options]}" @set, @dial, @goto = '' @set = "exten => #{params[:exten]},1,Set(CALLERID(NAME) = \"#{params[:prefix]}\"+${CALLERID(NAME)})" if !params[:prefix].blank? @dial = "exten => #{params[:exten]},2,Dial(#{appdata})" @goto = "exten => #{params[:exten]},3,Goto(mor|#{params[:did]}|1)" if params[:did].to_i > 0 render :layout => false end private def find_ringgroup @ringgroup = current_user.ringgroups.find(:first, :conditions=>{:id=>params[:id]}, :include=>[:dialplan]) unless @ringgroup flash[:notice] = _('Ringgroup_was_not_found') redirect_to :controller=>"ringgroups" and return false end end end