class RecordingsController < ApplicationController layout "callc" @@view = [:index, :list, :play_rec] @@edit = [:edit, :update, :setup, :update_recordings, :calls2recordings_disabled, :destroy, :destroy_recording] before_filter{ |c| allow_read, allow_edit = c.check_read_write_permission( @@view, @@edit, {:role => "accountant", :right => :acc_recordings_manage, :ignore => true}) c.instance_variable_set :@allow_read, allow_read c.instance_variable_set :@allow_edit, allow_edit true } User.content_columns.each do |column| in_place_edit_for :user, end before_filter :check_localization before_filter :authorize def index redirect_to :action => 'list_recordings' and return false end # GETs should be safe (see verify :method => :post, :only => [ :destroy_recording, :destroy, :update, :update_recordings, :list_users_update ], :redirect_to => { :controller=>:callc, :action => :main}, :add_flash => { :notice => _('Dont_be_so_smart'), :params => {:dont_be_so_smart => true}} def setup @page_title = _('Recordings') @page_icon = "music.png" @devices = Device.find_by_sql("SELECT devices.* FROM devices JOIN users ON (devices.user_id = WHERE user_id > 0 AND users.hidden = 0 ORDER BY extension ASC") end def update_recordings for dev in Device.find(:all, :order => "extension ASC") dev.record_forced = 0 dev.record_forced = 1 if params[] == "1" end redirect_to :action => 'setup' and return false end #maps calls to recordings def calls2recordings_disabled #cdr2calls recs = Recording.find(:all, :conditions => "call_id = '0'") temp = [] for rec in recs date_before ="%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S") date_after ="%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S") # my_debug date_before.to_s+date_after.to_s if call=Call.find(:first, :conditions => ["src_device_id = ? AND dst_device_id = ? AND calldate BETWEEN ? AND ?",rec.src_device_id, rec.dst_device_id, date_before, date_after]) rec.call_id = temp << call end end temp end def show @device = Device.find_by_id(params[:show_rec]) unless @device flash[:notice] = _('Device_not_found') redirect_to :controller => :callc, :action => :main and return false end @user = @device.user @page_title = _('Recordings') @page_icon = "music.png" #calls2recordings change_date from_t = session[:current_user_time_from] till_t = session[:current_user_time_till] @page = 1 @page = params[:page].to_i if params[:page] @from = ((@page-1) * session[:items_per_page]).to_i @to = (session[:items_per_page]).to_i @s_dev = #@recs = Recording.find(:all, :conditions => ["SUBSTRING(datetime,1,10) BETWEEN ? AND ? AND (src_device_id = ? OR dst_device_id = ?)",session_from_date,session_till_date,,], :order => "datetime DESC") # sql = "SELECT * FROM recordings WHERE SUBSTRING(datetime,1,10) BETWEEN '#{session_from_date}' AND '#{session_till_date}' AND (src_device_id = '#{}' OR dst_device_id = '#{}') ORDER BY datetime DESC " sql = "SELECT recordings.*, AS provider_name FROM recordings LEFT JOIN calls ON recordings.call_id = LEFT JOIN providers ON = calls.provider_id WHERE recordings.datetime BETWEEN '#{from_t}' AND '#{till_t}' AND (recordings.src_device_id = '#{}' OR recordings.dst_device_id = '#{}') ORDER BY recordings.datetime DESC LIMIT #{@from}, #{@to}" my_debug sql @recs = Recording.find_by_sql(sql) @total_pages = Recording.count(:all, :conditions=>"datetime BETWEEN '#{from_t}' AND '#{till_t}' AND (src_device_id = '#{}' OR dst_device_id = '#{}')") (@total_pages % session[:items_per_page] > 0) ? (@rest = 1) : (@rest = 0) @total_pages = @total_pages / session[:items_per_page] + @rest @page_select_options = {:action=>'show', :controller=>"recordings", :show_rec=>@s_dev} @show_recordings_with_zero_billsec = (Confline.get_value('Show_recordings_with_zero_billsec').to_i == 1 && mor_11_extend? ) end def play_rec @page_title = "" @rec = Recording.find_by_id(params[:rec]) unless @rec flash[:notice] = _('Recording_was_not_found') redirect_to :controller=>"callc", :action => 'main' and return false end @title = Confline.get_value("Admin_Browser_Title") @call = render(:layout => "play_rec") end =begin rdoc Plays recording in new popup window. *Params*: +id+ - Recording ID. =end def play_recording @page_title = "" @rec = Recording.find_by_id(params[:id]) unless @rec flash[:notice] = _('Recording_was_not_found') redirect_to :controller=>"callc", :action => 'main' and return false end @recording = "" if @rec server_path = get_server_path(@rec.local) a=check_user_for_recording(@rec) return false if !a @title = Confline.get_value("Admin_Browser_Title") @call = @recording = server_path.to_s + @rec.mp3 end render(:layout => "play_rec") end =begin rdoc Lists recordings for admin and reseller. =end def list @page_title = _('Recordings') @page_icon = "music.png" @server_path = get_server_path(1) @remote_server_path = get_server_path(0) if session[:usertype] == "admin" id = params[:id] else id = session[:user_id] end @user = User.find_by_id(id) change_date params[:page] ? @page = params[:page].to_i : @page = 1 params[:search_on] ? @search = params[:search_on].to_i : @search = 0 params[:s_source] ? @search_source = params[:s_source] : @search_source = "" params[:s_destination] ? @search_destination = params[:s_destination] : @search_destination = "" params[:date_from_link] ? @date_from = params[:date_from_link] : @date_from = session_from_datetime params[:date_till_link] ? @date_till = params[:date_till_link] : @date_till = session_till_datetime conditions_str = [] conditions_var = [] conditions_str << "recordings.datetime BETWEEN ? AND ?" conditions_var += [@date_from,@date_till] if !@search_source.blank? conditions_str << "recordings.src LIKE ?" conditions_var << @search_source end if !@search_destination.blank? conditions_str << "recordings.dst LIKE ?" conditions_var << @search_destination end if @user conditions_str << "recordings.user_id = ?" conditions_var << end @size = Recording.count(:conditions => [conditions_str.join(' AND ')] +conditions_var).to_i @items_per_page = Confline.get_value("Items_Per_Page").to_i @total_pages = (@size.to_f / @items_per_page.to_f).ceil @recordings = Recording.find(:all,:include => :call, :conditions =>[conditions_str.join(' AND ')] +conditions_var, :limit => @items_per_page, :offset => (@page-1)*@items_per_page, :order => "datetime DESC") @page_select_params = { :s_source => @search_source, :s_destination => @search_destination } @show_recordings_with_zero_billsec = (Confline.get_value('Show_recordings_with_zero_billsec').to_i == 1 && mor_11_extend? ) end =begin rdoc Lists recordings for user. =end def list_recordings @page_title = _('Recordings') @page_icon = "music.png" @user = User.find_by_id(session[:user_id]) @server_path = get_server_path(1) @remote_server_path = get_server_path(0) change_date params[:page] ? @page = params[:page].to_i : @page = 1 params[:search_on] ? @search = params[:search_on].to_i : @search = 0 params[:s_source] ? @search_source = params[:s_source] : @search_source = "" params[:s_destination] ? @search_destination = params[:s_destination] : @search_destination = "" params[:date_from_link] ? @date_from = params[:date_from_link] : @date_from = session_from_datetime params[:date_till_link] ? @date_till = params[:date_till_link] : @date_till = session_till_datetime conditions_str = [] conditions_var = [] conditions_str << "recordings.datetime BETWEEN ? AND ?" conditions_var += [@date_from,@date_till] conditions_str << "deleted = ?" conditions_var << 0 if @search_source != "" and @search_destination != "" conditions_str << "(recordings.src LIKE ? OR recordings.dst LIKE ? )" conditions_var += [@search_source,@search_destination] else if !@search_source.blank? conditions_str << "recordings.src LIKE ?" conditions_var << @search_source end if !@search_destination.blank? conditions_str << "recordings.dst LIKE ?" conditions_var << @search_destination end end conditions_str << "((recordings.user_id = ? AND visible_to_user = 1) OR (recordings.dst_user_id = ? AND visible_to_dst_user = 1))" conditions_var += [,] @size = Recording.count(:conditions => [conditions_str.join(' AND ')] +conditions_var).to_i @items_per_page = Confline.get_value("Items_Per_Page").to_i @total_pages = (@size.to_f / @items_per_page.to_f).ceil @recordings = Recording.find(:all,:include => :call, :conditions => [conditions_str.join(' AND ')] +conditions_var, :limit => @items_per_page, :offset => (@page-1)*@items_per_page, :order => "calldate DESC") @page_select_params = { :s_source => @search_source, :s_destination => @search_destination } @search = params[:clear].to_i if params[:clear] @show_recordings_with_zero_billsec = (Confline.get_value('Show_recordings_with_zero_billsec').to_i == 1 && mor_11_extend? ) end =begin rdoc Recording edit action for admin and reseller. =end def edit @page_title = _('Edit_Recording') @page_icon = "edit.png" @recording = Recording.find_by_id(params[:id]) unless @recording flash[:notice] = _('Recording_was_not_found') redirect_to :controller=>"callc", :action => 'main' and return false end a=check_user_for_recording(@recording) return false if !a end =begin rdoc Recording edit action for user. =end def edit_recording @page_title = _('Edit_Recording') @page_icon = "edit.png" @recording = Recording.find_by_id(params[:id]) unless @recording flash[:notice] = _('Recording_was_not_found') redirect_to :controller=>"callc", :action => 'main' and return false end a=check_user_for_recording(@recording) return false if !a end =begin rdoc Recording update action for admin and reseller. =end def update @recording = Recording.find_by_id(params[:id]) unless @recording flash[:notice] = _('Recording_was_not_found') redirect_to :controller=>"callc", :action => 'main' and return false end a=check_user_for_recording(@recording) return false if !a @recording.comment = params[:recording][:comment].to_s if flash[:notice] = _('Recording_was_updated') else flash[:notice] = _('Recording_was_not_updated') end redirect_to(:action => "list_recordings") and return false end =begin rdoc Recording update action for user =end def update_recording @recording = Recording.find_by_id(params[:id]) unless @recording flash[:notice] = _('Recording_was_not_found') redirect_to :controller=>"callc", :action => 'main' and return false end a=check_user_for_recording(@recording) return false if !a @recording.comment = params[:recording][:comment].to_s if flash[:notice] = _('Recording_was_updated') else flash[:notice] = _('Recording_was_not_updated') end redirect_to(:action => :recordings) and return false end =begin rdoc =end def list_users @page_title = _('Users') @page_icon = 'vcard.png' @roles = Role.find(:all, :conditions=>["name !='guest'"]) params[:search_on] ? @search = params[:search_on].to_i : @search = 0 params[:page] ? @page = params[:page].to_i : @page = 1 params[:s_username] ? @search_username = params[:s_username] : @search_username = "" params[:s_first_name] ? @search_fname = params[:s_first_name] : @search_fname = "" params[:s_last_name] ? @search_lname = params[:s_last_name] : @search_lname = "" params[:s_agr_number] ? @search_agrnumber = params[:s_agr_number] : @search_agrnumber = "" params[:sub_s] ? @search_sub = params[:sub_s] : @search_sub = -1 params[:user_type] ? @search_type = params[:user_type] : @search_type = -1 params[:s_acc_number] ? @search_account_number = params[:s_acc_number] : @search_account_number = "" params[:s_clientid] ? @search_clientid = params[:s_clientid] : @search_clientid = "" if session[:usertype] == "accountant" owner = User.find(session[:user_id].to_i) else owner = session[:user_id] end cond = " hidden = 0 AND owner_id = '#{owner}' " cond += " AND users.username LIKE '#{@search_username}%' " if @search_username.length > 0 cond += " AND first_name LIKE '#{@search_fname}%' " if @search_fname.length > 0 cond += " AND " if cond.length > 0 and @search_lname.length > 0 cond += " last_name LIKE '#{@search_lname}%' " if @search_lname.length > 0 cond += " AND " if cond.length > 0 and @search_agrnumber.length > 0 cond += " agreement_number LIKE '#{@search_agrnumber}%' " if @search_agrnumber.length > 0 cond += " AND accounting_number LIKE '#{@search_account_number}%' " if @search_account_number.length > 0 cond += " AND usertype = '#{@search_type}' " if @search_type.to_i != -1 cond += " AND clientid LIKE '#{@search_clientid}%' " if @search_clientid.length > 0 @items_per_page = Confline.get_value("Items_Per_Page").to_i @users = [] if @search_sub.to_i > -1 cond2 = "" cond2 = " subs = 0" if @search_sub.to_i == 0 cond2 = " subs > 0" if @search_sub.to_i == 1 @size = User.find_by_sql("select count(*) as number from (SELECT count( as subs , AS users_id FROM users LEFT OUTER JOIN subscriptions ON subscriptions.user_id = WHERE (#{cond}) GROUP BY as temp_table WHERE #{cond2}")[0]["number"].to_i @users = User.find_by_sql(" SELECT * FROM( SELECT users.*, count( as subs FROM users LEFT JOIN subscriptions ON subscriptions.user_id = WHERE (#{cond}) GROUP BY ORDER BY users.first_name ASC) AS temp_table WHERE (#{cond2}) LIMIT #{(@page-1)*@items_per_page}, #{@items_per_page}") else @size = User.count(:conditions => cond) @users = User.find(:all, :conditions => cond, :order => "users.first_name ASC", :limit => @items_per_page, :offset => (@page-1)*@items_per_page) if cond.length > 0 end @total_pages = (@size / @items_per_page.to_f).ceil @page_select_params = { :s_username => @search_username, :s_first_name => @search_fname, :s_last_name => @search_lname, :s_agr_number => @search_agrnumber, :sub_s => @search_sub, :user_type => @search_type, :s_acc_number => @search_account_number, :s_clientid => @search_clientid } end def recordings @page_title = _('Recordings') @page_icon = "music.png" change_date owner_id = correct_owner_id params[:page].to_i > 0 ? @page = params[:page].to_i : @page = 1 params[:search_on] ? @search = params[:search_on].to_i : @search = 0 params[:s_source] ? @search_source = params[:s_source] : @search_source = "" params[:s_destination] ? @search_destination = params[:s_destination] : @search_destination = "" params[:date_from_link] ? @date_from = params[:date_from_link] : @date_from = session_from_datetime params[:date_till_link] ? @date_till = params[:date_till_link] : @date_till = session_till_datetime params[:user_id] ? @user = params[:user_id] : @user = "all" params[:device_id] ? @device = params[:device_id].to_i : @device = "all" conditions_str = ["?"] conditions_var = ["1"] # conditions_str = ["users.owner_id = ?"] # conditions_var = [owner_id] conditions_str << "recordings.datetime BETWEEN ? AND ?" conditions_var += [@date_from,@date_till] if !@search_source.blank? conditions_str << "recordings.src LIKE ?" conditions_var << @search_source end if !@search_destination.blank? conditions_str << "recordings.dst LIKE ?" conditions_var << @search_destination end if !@user.blank? and @user != "all" conditions_str << "recordings.user_id = ?" conditions_var << @user.to_i @devices = Device.find(:all, :select=> "devices.*", :joins=>"LEFT JOIN users ON ( = devices.user_id)" , :conditions => ["users.owner_id = ? AND device_type != 'FAX' AND user_id = ? AND name not like 'mor_server_%'", owner_id, @user]) else @devices = Device.find(:all, :select=> "devices.*", :joins=>"LEFT JOIN users ON ( = devices.user_id)" , :conditions => ["users.owner_id = ? AND device_type != 'FAX' AND name not like 'mor_server_%'", owner_id]) end if !@device.blank? and @device != 'all' and @device.to_i != 0 conditions_str << "(recordings.src_device_id = ? OR recordings.dst_device_id = ?)" conditions_var += [@device, @device] end @users = User.find_all_for_select(corrected_user_id,{:exclude_owner=>true}) @recordings = Recording.find(:all, :select => "recordings.*", :joins => "LEFT JOIN users ON ( = recordings.user_id)", :conditions => [conditions_str.join(' AND ')] +conditions_var, :limit => session[:items_per_page], :offset => (@page-1)*session[:items_per_page], :order => "datetime DESC") @size = Recording.count(:joins => "LEFT JOIN users ON ( = recordings.user_id)", :conditions => [conditions_str.join(' AND ')] +conditions_var) @total_pages = @size / session[:items_per_page] @server_path = get_server_path(1) @remote_server_path = get_server_path(0) @show_recordings_with_zero_billsec = (Confline.get_value('Show_recordings_with_zero_billsec').to_i == 1 && mor_11_extend? ) end =begin rdoc =end def list_users_update params[:search_on] ? @search = params[:search_on].to_i : @search = 0 params[:fs_page] ? @page = params[:fs_page].to_i : @page = 1 params[:fs_username] ? @search_username = params[:fs_username] : @search_username = "" params[:fs_first_name] ? @search_fname = params[:fs_first_name] : @search_fname = "" params[:fs_last_name] ? @search_lname = params[:fs_last_name] : @search_lname = "" params[:fs_agr_number] ? @search_agrnumber = params[:fs_agr_number] : @search_agrnumber = "" params[:fsub_s] ? @search_sub = params[:fsub_s] : @search_sub = -1 params[:fuser_type] ? @search_type = params[:fuser_type] : @search_type = -1 params[:fs_acc_number] ? @search_account_number = params[:fs_acc_number] : @search_account_number = "" params[:fs_clientid] ? @search_clientid = params[:fs_clientid] : @search_clientid = "" users = {} params.each { |key, value| if key.scan(/recording_enabled_|recording_forced_enabled_|recording_hdd_quota_|recordings_email_/).size > 0 num = key.gsub(/recording_enabled_|recording_forced_enabled_|recording_hdd_quota_|recordings_email_/, "") if !users[num] users[num] = User.find_by_id(num) end end } users.each { |num,user| new = params[:"recording_enabled_#{num}"].to_i.to_s+params[:"recording_forced_enabled_#{num}"].to_i.to_s+params[:"recording_hdd_quota_#{num}"].to_s+params[:"recordings_email_#{num}"].to_s old = user.recording_enabled.to_s + user.recording_forced_enabled.to_s + user.recording_hdd_quota.to_s + user.recordings_email.to_s if new != old user.recording_enabled = params[:"recording_enabled_#{num}"].to_i user.recording_forced_enabled = params[:"recording_forced_enabled_#{num}"].to_i user.recording_hdd_quota = params[:"recording_hdd_quota_#{num}"].to_f * 1048576 user.recordings_email = params[:"recordings_email_#{num}"] end } flash[:notice] = _("Users_have_been_updated") redirect_to :action => :list_users, :page => @page, :s_username => @search_username, :s_first_name => @search_fname, :s_last_name => @search_lname, :s_agr_number => @search_agrnumber, :sub_s => @search_sub, :user_type => @search_type, :s_acc_number => @search_account_number, :s_clientid => @search_clientid and return false end =begin rdoc Destroys recording. Action for user. =end def destroy_recording @recording = Recording.find_by_id(params[:id]) unless @recording flash[:notice] = _('Recording_was_not_found') redirect_to :controller=>"callc", :action => 'main' and return false end a=check_user_for_recording(@recording) return false if !a if @recording.destroy_all flash[:notice] = _("Recording_was_destroyed") else flash[:notice] = _("Recording_was_not_destroyed") end redirect_to(:action => "recordings") and return false end =begin rdoc Destroys recording. =end def destroy rec = Recording.find_by_id(params[:id]) unless rec flash[:notice] = _('Recording_was_not_found') redirect_to :controller=>"callc", :action => 'main' and return false end a=check_user_for_recording(rec) return false if !a if rec.user_id != session[:user_id] and rec.dst_user_id != session[:user_id] dont_be_so_smart redirect_to :controller => "callc", :action => "main" and return false end # allow to delete when src/dst matches otherwise -> do invisible if rec.user_id == rec.dst_user_id or (rec.user_id == session[:user_id] and rec.visible_to_dst_user == 0) or (rec.dst_user_id == session[:user_id] and rec.visible_to_user == 0) if rec.destroy_all flash[:notice] = _("Recording_was_destroyed") else flash[:notice] = _("Recording_was_not_destroyed") end else # hide recording for src user because dst user still can see it if (rec.user_id == session[:user_id] and rec.visible_to_dst_user == 1) rec.visible_to_user = 0 flash[:notice] = _("Recording_was_destroyed") end # hide recording for dst user because src user still can see it if (rec.dst_user_id == session[:user_id] and rec.visible_to_user == 1) rec.visible_to_dst_user = 0 flash[:notice] = _("Recording_was_destroyed") end end redirect_to :action => :list_recordings end def bulk_management @page_title = _('Bulk_management') @page_icon = "music.png" @find_rec_size = -1 session[:recordings_delete_cond] = nil if params[:rec_action].to_i == 0 @devices = Device.find(:all, :include=>[:user], :conditions=>["users.owner_id = ? AND name not like 'mor_server_%'", correct_owner_id]) else cond = 'id = -1' @type = params[:rec_action].to_i if params[:rec_action].to_i == 1 @device = Device.find(:first, :conditions=>{:id=>params[:s_device]}) unless @device flash[:notice] = _('Device_was_not_found') redirect_back_or_default("/callc/main") end cond = "src_device_id = #{q(}" end if params[:rec_action].to_i == 2 change_date cond = "datetime BETWEEN '#{session_from_datetime}' AND '#{session_till_datetime}'" end session[:recordings_delete_cond] = cond @find_rec_size = Recording.count(:all, :conditions=>cond) end end def bulk_delete recordings = Recording.find(:all, :conditions=>session[:recordings_delete_cond]) for r in recordings unless r flash[:notice] = _('Recording_was_not_found') redirect_to :controller=>"callc", :action => 'main' and return false end a=check_user_for_recording(r) return false if !a if r.destroy_all flash[:notice] = _("Recordings_was_destroyed") else flash[:notice] = _("Recordings_was_not_destroyed") redirect_to(:action => "recordings") and return false end end redirect_to(:action => "recordings") and return false end private =begin rdoc =end def get_server_path(local = 1) if local == 0 server = Confline.get_value("Recordings_addon_IP") #server_port = Confline.get_value("Recordings_addon_Port") #server_port.to_s != "" ? server_path = "http://"+ server + ":" + server_port : server_path = "http://"+ server server_path = "http://#{server.to_s}/recordings/" else server_path = Web_URL + Web_Dir + "/recordings/" end server_path end =begin rdoc =end def check_user_for_recording(recording) if ((recording.user_id != session[:user_id] and recording.dst_user_id != session[:user_id])) and (session[:usertype] != "admin" and session[:usertype] != "reseller") dont_be_so_smart redirect_to :controller => "callc", :action => "main" and return false end if session[:usertype] == "reseller" and ((recording.user and recording.user.owner_id != session[:user_id]) and (recording.dst_user and recording.dst_user.owner_id != session[:user_id]) ) if recording.user_id != session[:user_id] dont_be_so_smart redirect_to :controller => "callc", :action => "main" and return false end end return true end end