class PermissionsController < ApplicationController layout "callc" before_filter :check_localization before_filter :authorize_admin before_filter :check_group_type before_filter :find_permissions_group, :only => [:destory, :edit, :update] =begin rdoc Lists accountant groups. =end def index redirect_to :controller=>:callc, :action => :main end def list if params[:group_type].to_s == "accountant" @page_title = _('Accountant_Groups') @help_link = "" else @page_title = _('Reseller_Groups') @help_link = "" end @page_icon = "group.png" @groups = AccGroup.find(:all, :conditions => ["group_type = ?", params[:group_type]]) end =begin rdoc Creates a accountant group. *Params*: * +name+ - goup name *Flash*: * +Group_was_created+ - if group was successfully created. * +Group_was_not_created+ - if group was not successfully created. *Redirect* * +groups_list+ =end def create group = => params[:name].to_s) group.group_type = params[:group_type] group.description = params[:description].to_s if group.create_empty_permissions flash[:status] = _('Group_was_created') else flash_errors_for(_('Group_was_not_created'), group) end redirect_to :action => 'list', :group_type => params[:group_type] and return false end =begin rdoc Destroys group *Params*: * +id+ - group id *Flash*: * Group_was_destroyed - if group was successfully destroyed * Group_was_not_destroyed - if group was not successfully destroyed *Redirect* * +groups_list+ =end def destory if @group.destroy User.update_all("acc_group_id = NULL", ["acc_group_id = ?",]) flash[:status] = _('Group_was_destroyed') else flash_errors_for(_('Group_was_not_destroyed'), @group) end redirect_to :action => 'list', :group_type => params[:group_type] and return false end =begin rdoc Opens edit form for accountant group. *Params*: * +id+ - group id =end def edit @page_title = _('group_edit') + ": " + @page_icon = "edit.png" @help_link = "" cond = ["right_type = ?"]; var = [@group.group_type] permis = [] if @group.group_type == 'reseller' permis << "'Call_Shop'" if call_shop_active? permis << "'Payment_Gateways'" if payment_gateway_active? permis << "'Calling_Cards'" if calling_cards_active? permis << "'SMS'" if sms_active? permis << "'Monitorings'" if monitorings_addon_active? cond << " nice_name IN (#{permis.join(' , ')})" if permis.size.to_i > 0 elsif @group.group_type != 'reseller' permis << "'Callingcard'" unless calling_cards_active? cond << "permission_group NOT IN (#{permis.join(' , ')})" if permis.size.to_i > 0 end if (permis and permis.size.to_i > 0) or @group.group_type != 'reseller' @rights = AccRight.find(:all, :conditions => [cond.join(" AND ")].concat(var), :order => "permission_group") else @rights = [] end end =begin rdoc Updates accountant group. =end def update = params[:name].to_s @group.only_view = params[:only_view].to_i @group.description = params[:group][:description].to_s if acc_group_rights = @group.acc_group_rights rights = AccRight.find(:all, :conditions => ["right_type = ?", @group.group_type]) rights.each { |right| gr ={ |r| r.acc_right_id == }[0] gr = => @group, :acc_right => right) if gr.nil? if (params["right_#{}".to_sym] and params["right_#{}".to_sym].to_i != gr.value) or gr.new_record? or @group.only_view params["right_#{}".to_sym] ? gr.value = params["right_#{}".to_sym].to_i : gr.value = 0 gr.value = 1 if gr.value > 1 and @group.only_view end } flash[:status] = _('Group_was_updated') else flash_errors_for(_('Group_was_not_updated'), @group) end redirect_to :action => 'edit', :id => params[:id], :group_type => params[:group_type] and return false end private def find_permissions_group @group = AccGroup.find(:first, :conditions => ["id = ? AND group_type = ?", params[:id], params[:group_type]]) unless @group flash[:notice] = _("Group_was_not_found") redirect_to :action => :groups_list and return false end end def check_group_type unless ["reseller", "accountant"].include?(params[:group_type]) flash[:notice] = _("Group_was_not_found") redirect_to :controller => :callc, :action => :main and return false end end end