class PaymentsController < ApplicationController filter_parameter_logging :number require "digest" layout "callc" before_filter :check_localization, :except => [:paypal_ipn, :webmoney_result, :cyberplat_result, :ouroboros_accept, :linkpoint_ipn] before_filter :authorize, :except => [:paypal_ipn, :webmoney_result, :cyberplat_result, :ouroboros_accept, :linkpoint_ipn] before_filter :check_if_can_see_finances, :only => [:index, :list, :payments_csv, :show, :new, :create, :update, :destroy] before_filter :find_user_session, :only => [:paypal, :paypal_pay, :personal_payments, :ouroboros, :ouroboros_pay, :webmoney, :webmoney_pay, :cyberplat, :cyberplat_pay, :linkpoint_pay, :confirm_payment] before_filter :find_payment, :only => [ :confirm_payment, :change_description ] @@payments_view = [:list, :payments_csv] @@payments_edit = [:manual_payment, :manual_payment_status] before_filter(:only => @@payments_view+@@payments_edit) { |c| allow_read, allow_edit = c.check_read_write_permission(@@payments_view, @@payments_edit, {:role => "accountant", :right => :acc_payments_manage, :ignore => true}) c.instance_variable_set :@allow_read, allow_read c.instance_variable_set :@allow_edit, allow_edit true } def index list redirect_to :action => 'list' end # GETs should be safe (see verify :method => :post, :only => [ :destroy, :create, :update ], :redirect_to => { :action => :list } def list @page_title = _('Payments') @page_icon = "creditcards.png" change_date session[:payments_list_c] ? @options = session[:payments_list_c] : @options = {} [:s_transaction,:s_completed, :s_username, :s_first_name, :s_last_name, :s_paymenttype, :s_amount_min, :s_amount_max, :s_currency, :s_number, :s_pin].each{|key| if params[:clear].to_i == 1 @options[key] = "" else params[key] ? @options[key] = params[key].to_s : (@options[key] = "" if !@options[key]) end } hide_uncompleted_payment = Confline.get_value("Hide_non_completed_payments_for_user", 0).to_i cond = ["date_added BETWEEN ? AND ?"] cond << "payments.owner_id = ?" cond_param = [q(session_from_datetime), q(session_till_datetime), correct_owner_id] if hide_uncompleted_payment == 1 cond << " (payments.pending_reason != 'Unnotified payment' or payments.pending_reason is null)" end ["username", "first_name", "last_name"].each{ |col| add_contition_and_param(@options["s_#{col}".to_sym], @options["s_#{col}".intern].to_s+"%", "users.#{col} LIKE ?" , cond, cond_param)} ["number", "pin"].each{ |col| add_contition_and_param(@options["s_#{col}".to_sym], @options["s_#{col}".intern].to_s+"%", "cards.#{col} LIKE ?" , cond, cond_param)} ["paymenttype", "currency", "completed"].each{ |col| add_contition_and_param(@options["s_#{col}".to_sym], @options["s_#{col}".intern].to_s, "payments.#{col} = ?" , cond, cond_param)} ["transaction"].each{ |col| add_contition_and_param(@options["s_#{col}".to_sym], @options["s_#{col}".intern].to_s+"%", "payments.transaction_id LIKE ?" , cond, cond_param)} cond << "amount >= '#{current_user.to_system_currency(q(@options[:s_amount_min]))}' " if !@options[:s_amount_min].blank? cond << "amount <= '#{current_user.to_system_currency(q(@options[:s_amount_max]))}' " if !@options[:s_amount_max].blank? @payments = Payment.find(:all, :select=>"payments.*, payments.user_id as 'user_id', payments.first_name as 'payer_first_name', payments.last_name as 'payer_last_name', users.username, users.first_name, users.last_name, cards.number,, as card_id", :joins=>"left join users on (payments.user_id = and payments.card = '0') left join cards on (payments.user_id = and payments.card != '0') left join cardgroups on (cards.cardgroup_id =", :conditions=>[cond.join(" AND ")] + cond_param) @search = 1 sql = "SELECT DISTINCT SUBSTRING(date_added,1,10) as 'pdate' FROM payments ORDER BY SUBSTRING(date_added,1,10) ASC" @payment_dates = ActiveRecord::Base.connection.select_all(sql) sql = "SELECT DISTINCT paymenttype as 'ptype' FROM payments ORDER BY paymenttype ASC" @payment_types = ActiveRecord::Base.connection.select_all(sql) sql = "SELECT DISTINCT currency as 'pcurr' FROM payments ORDER BY currency ASC" @payment_currencies = ActiveRecord::Base.connection.select_all(sql) @page = 1 @page = params[:page].to_i if params[:page] and params[:page].to_i > 0 @total_pages = (@payments.size.to_f / session[:items_per_page].to_f).ceil @page = @total_pages if params[:page].to_i > @total_pages @all_payments = @payments @payments= [] iend = ((session[:items_per_page].to_i * @page) - 1) iend = @all_payments.size - 1 if iend > (@all_payments.size - 1) for i in ((@page - 1) * session[:items_per_page].to_i)..iend @payments << @all_payments[i] end @total_amaunt= 0.to_f @total_amaunt_completed = 0.to_f @total_fee= 0.to_f @total_fee_completed= 0.to_f @total_amaunt_with_vat= 0.to_f @total_amaunt_with_vat_completed= 0.to_f for payment in @payments pa = payment.payment_amount # if payment.paymenttype == "paypal" or payment.paymenttype == "manual" # user = payment.user # if user # #tax = user.get_tax # pa = payment.payment_amount if payment.paymenttype == "manual" # #pa = tax.apply_tax(payment.gross) if payment.paymenttype == "paypal" # pa = payment.payment_amount if payment.paymenttype == "paypal" # end # end # pa = payment.gross if ["webmoney", "cyberplat", "linkpoint", "voucher", "ouroboros", "subscription"].include?(payment.paymenttype.to_s) # pa = payment.amount if payment.paymenttype == "invoice" @total_amaunt += get_price_exchange(pa, payment.currency) @total_fee += get_price_exchange(payment.fee, payment.currency) digits = (payment.paymenttype == "invoice" and payment.invoice) ? nice_invoice_number_digits(payment.invoice.invoice_type) : 0 awv = payment.payment_amount_with_vat(digits) @total_amaunt_with_vat += get_price_exchange(awv, payment.currency) #Ticket 3421 if payment.completed.to_i != 0 @total_amaunt_completed += get_price_exchange(pa, payment.currency) @total_fee_completed += get_price_exchange(payment.fee, payment.currency) @total_amaunt_with_vat_completed += get_price_exchange(awv, payment.currency) end end session[:payments_list_c] = @options store_location end def payments_csv change_date session[:payments_list_c] ? @options = session[:payments_list_c] : @options = {} [:s_completed, :s_username, :s_first_name, :s_last_name, :s_paymenttype, :s_amount_min, :s_amount_max, :s_currency, :s_number, :s_pin].each{|key| params[key] ? @options[key] = params[key].to_s : (@options[key] = "" if !@options[key]) } cond = ["date_added BETWEEN ? AND ?"] cond << "payments.owner_id = ?" cond_param = [q(session_from_datetime), q(session_till_datetime), correct_owner_id] ["username", "first_name", "last_name"].each{ |col| add_contition_and_param(@options["s_#{col}".to_sym], @options["s_#{col}".intern].to_s+"%", "users.#{col} LIKE ?" , cond, cond_param)} ["number", "pin"].each{ |col| add_contition_and_param(@options["s_#{col}".to_sym], @options["s_#{col}".intern].to_s+"%", "cards.#{col} LIKE ?" , cond, cond_param)} ["paymenttype", "currency", "completed"].each{ |col| add_contition_and_param(@options["s_#{col}".to_sym], @options["s_#{col}".intern].to_s, "payments.#{col} = ?" , cond, cond_param)} cond << "amount >= '#{q(@options[:s_amount_min])}' " if !@options[:s_amount_min].blank? cond << "amount <= '#{q(@options[:s_amount_max])}' " if !@options[:s_amount_max].blank? payments = Payment.find(:all, :select=>"payments.*, payments.user_id as 'user_id', users.username, users.first_name, users.last_name, cards.number,, as card_id", :joins=>"left join users on (payments.user_id = and payments.card = '0') left join cards on (payments.user_id = and payments.card != '0') left join cardgroups on (cards.cardgroup_id =", :conditions=>[cond.join(" AND ")] + cond_param) sep = Confline.get_value("CSV_Separator",0).to_s dec = Confline.get_value("CSV_Decimal",0).to_s csv_string = "#{_('User')}/#{_('Card')}#{sep}#{_('Date')}#{sep}#{_('Confirm_date')}#{sep}#{_('Type')}#{sep}#{_('Amount')}#{sep}#{_('Fee')}#{sep}#{_('Amount_with_VAT')}#{sep}#{_('Currency')}#{sep}#{_('Completed')}*\n" total_amaunt= 0.to_f total_fee= 0.to_f total_amaunt_with_vat= 0.to_f for payment in payments if payment.card == 0 name = nice_user(payment) else name = payment.number end tag = "" if payment.paymenttype.to_s == "voucher" and voucher = payment.voucher tag = " (" + voucher.tag.to_s + ")" end pa = payment.amount user = payment.user if (payment.paymenttype == "paypal" or payment.paymenttype == "manual") and user tax = user.get_tax pa = payment.payment_amount if payment.paymenttype == "manual" pa = tax.apply_tax(payment.amount) if payment.paymenttype == "paypal" end pa = payment.gross if payment.paymenttype == "webmoney" or payment.paymenttype == "cyberplat" digits = (payment.paymenttype == "invoice" and payment.invoice) ? nice_invoice_number_digits(payment.invoice.invoice_type) : 0 awv = payment.payment_amount_with_vat(digits) completed = _('Yes') if payment.completed.to_i == 0 completed = _('No') completed += " (" + payment.pending_reason + ")" if payment.pending_reason end csv_string += "#{name.to_s}#{sep}#{nice_date_time payment.date_added}#{sep}#{nice_date_time payment.shipped_at}#{sep}#{payment.paymenttype.capitalize.to_s + tag.to_s}#{sep}#{pa.to_s.gsub(".", dec).to_s}#{sep}#{payment.fee.to_s.gsub(".", dec).to_s}#{sep}#{awv.to_s.gsub(".", dec).to_s}#{sep}#{payment.currency}#{sep}#{completed}\n" total_amaunt += get_price_exchange(pa, payment.currency) total_fee += get_price_exchange(payment.fee, payment.currency) total_amaunt_with_vat += get_price_exchange(awv, payment.currency) end dc = csv_string += "#{_('Total')}#{sep}#{sep}#{sep}#{sep}#{total_amaunt.to_s.gsub(".", dec).to_s}(#{dc})#{sep}#{total_fee.to_s.gsub(".", dec).to_s}(#{dc})#{sep}#{sep}#{total_amaunt_with_vat.to_s.gsub(".", dec).to_s}(#{dc })#{sep}#{sep}\n" filename = "Payments.csv" session[:payments_list_c] = @options if params[:test].to_i == 1 render :text=> "Payments_csv_is_ok\n\n"+csv_string else send_data(csv_string, :type => 'text/csv; charset=utf-8; header=present', :filename => filename) end end ########## Linkpoint ########################## # added by A.Mazunin 16.04.2008 # # LinkpointCentral Payment System Integration # ############################################### def linkpoint @enabled = Confline.get_value("Linkpoint_Enabled", 0).to_i unless @enabled == 1 render :text => "" and return false end @page_title = _('LinkPoint') @page_icon = "money.png" @currency = Confline.get_value("Linkpoint_Default_Currency") end def linkpoint_pay #@user in before filter unless Confline.get_value("Linkpoint_Enabled").to_i == 1 render :text => "" and return false end Action.add_error(session[:user_id], "Linkpoint_user_URL_mismatches_WebURL",{:data2 => Web_URL + Web_Dir, :data3 => request.protocol +}) unless check_request_url @page_title = _('LinkPoint') @page_icon = "money.png" @enabled = Confline.get_value("Linkpoint_Enabled", 0).to_i @linkpoint_ipn = Web_URL + Web_Dir + "/payments/linkpoint_ipn" @amount = Confline.get_value("Linkpoint_Default_Amount").to_f @amount = params[:amount].to_f if params[:amount] lp_min_amount = Confline.get_value("Linkpoint_Min_Amount").to_f @amount = lp_min_amount if @amount < lp_min_amount @amount_with_vat = @user.get_tax.count_tax_amount(@amount) + @amount @currency = Confline.get_value("Linkpoint_Default_Currency") @payment = @payment.paymenttype = 'linkpoint' @payment.amount = @amount_with_vat @payment.currency = @currency @payment.date_added = @payment.completed = 0 @payment.gross = @amount @payment.first_name = session[:first_name] @payment.last_name = session[:last_name] = @amount_with_vat - @amount @payment.user_id = session[:user_id] @payment.pending_reason = 'Unnotified payment' @payment.owner_id = @user.owner_id end def linkpoint_ipn unless Confline.get_value("Linkpoint_Enabled").to_i == 1 render :text => "" and return false end my_debug('linkpoint success accessed') @page_title = _('LinkPoint_Result') @page_icon = "money.png" @success = false if request.raw_post notify = @payment = Payment.find(:first, :conditions => ["id = ?", notify.transaction_id]) @test = Confline.get_value("Linkpoint_Test").to_i if request.protocol == "https://" or Confline.get_value("Linkpoint_Allow_HTTP").to_i == 1 if notify.complete? if @payment if @payment.pending_reason == 'Unnotified payment' if @user = User.find(@payment.user_id) @success = true @payment.shipped_at = @payment.completed = 1 @payment.pending_reason = 'Complete payment' @payment.transaction_id = "" @payment.user_id = @payment.date_added = if not @payment.date_added #@payment.residence_country = @payment.hash = notify.approval_code if @test == 0 @user.balance += sprintf("%.2f", (@payment.gross.to_f * Currency.count_exchange_rate(@payment.currency, Currency.find(1).name))).to_f end MorLog.my_debug('Linkpoint: Success') else @reason = _("Internal_Error_Contact_Administrator") MorLog.my_debug('Linkpoint: User was not found') MorLog.my_debug("ID : #{@payment.user_id}") end else @reason = _("Internal_Error_Contact_Administrator") MorLog.my_debug('Linkpoint: Payment is invalid') MorLog.my_debug("Payment: #{@payment.pending_reason}") MorLog.my_debug("Expected: Unnotified payment") end else @reason = _("Internal_Error_Contact_Administrator") MorLog.my_debug('Linkpoint: Payment was not found') MorLog.my_debug("ID : #{notify.transaction_id}") end else @reason = _("Internal_Error_Contact_Administrator") MorLog.my_debug('Linkpoint: Transaction was not completed') MorLog.my_debug("Expected: APPROVED") MorLog.my_debug("Got: #{notify.status}") if notify.status == "DECLINED" @payment.pending_reason = "Denied" @reason = _("Your_Payment_Was_Denied") end if notify.status == "FRAUD" @payment.pending_reason = "" @reason = _("Your_Payment_Was_Suspected_Of_Fraud") end end else @reason = _("Unsecure_Transaction") MorLog.my_debug('Linkpoint: Unsecure access attempt. Suspected hack.') MorLog.my_debug("Payment: '#{request.protocol}'") MorLog.my_debug("Expected: 'https://'") end else @reason = _("Empty_Response") MorLog.my_debug('Linkpoint: Empty response.') end end ############ PAYPAL ############ def paypal #@user in before filter @page_title = _('PayPal') @page_icon = "money.png" if session[:paypal_enabled].to_i == 0 dont_be_so_smart redirect_to :controller => "callc", :action => "main" and return false end @pp_min_amount = Confline.get_value("PayPal_Min_Amount", @user.owner_id) @pp_max_amount = Confline.get_value("PayPal_Max_Amount", @user.owner_id) @currency = Confline.get_value("Paypal_Default_Currency", @user.owner_id) end def paypal_pay #@user in before filter @page_title = _('PayPal') @page_icon = "money.png" if session[:paypal_enabled].to_i == 0 dont_be_so_smart redirect_to :controller => "callc", :action => "main" and return false end #ticket 3698 custom_redirect = Confline.get_value('PayPal_Custom_redirect', @user.owner_id).to_i custom_redirect_successful_payment = Confline.get_value('Paypal_return_url', @user.owner_id) custom_redirect_canceled_payment = Confline.get_value('Paypal_cancel_url', @user.owner_id) if custom_redirect and custom_redirect.to_i == 1 @paypal_return_url = Web_URL + "/" + custom_redirect_successful_payment.to_s @paypal_cancel_url = Web_URL + "/" + custom_redirect_canceled_payment.to_s else @paypal_return_url = Web_URL + Web_Dir + "/payments/personal_payments" @paypal_cancel_url = Web_URL + Web_Dir + "/callc/main" end @paypal_ipn_url = Web_URL + Web_Dir + "/payments/paypal_ipn" @amount = Confline.get_value("PayPal_Default_Amount", @user.owner_id).to_f @amount = params[:amount].to_f if params[:amount] pp_min_amount = Confline.get_value("PayPal_Min_Amount", @user.owner_id).to_f pp_max_amount = Confline.get_value("PayPal_Max_Amount", @user.owner_id).to_f @amount = pp_min_amount if pp_min_amount > 0.0 && @amount < pp_min_amount @amount = pp_max_amount if pp_max_amount > 0.0 && @amount > pp_max_amount @amount_with_vat = @user.get_tax.count_tax_amount(@amount) + @amount #testing if Confline.get_value("PayPal_Test", @user.owner_id).to_i == 1 @paypal_url = Paypal::Notification.test_ipn_url else @paypal_url = Paypal::Notification.ipn_url end @currency = Confline.get_value("Paypal_Default_Currency", @user.owner_id) @payment = do |p| p.gross = @amount p.amount = @amount_with_vat p.completed = 0 p.paymenttype = 'paypal' = Confline.get_value("PayPal_Email", @user.owner_id) p.user_id = p.date_added = p.pending_reason = 'Unnotified payment' p.owner_id = @user.owner_id p.currency = @currency.to_s end end def paypal_ipn MorLog.my_debug('paypal_ipn accessed', true) notify = if notify.reversed? @payment = Payment.find(:first, :conditions => ["id = ?", notify.item_id]) else @payment = Payment.find(:first, :conditions => ["id = ? AND completed = 0", notify.item_id]) end if @payment @user = @payment.user if @user if Confline.get_value("PayPal_Enabled", @user.owner_id).to_i == 0 dont_be_so_smart redirect_to :controller => "callc", :action => "main" and return false end if Confline.get_value("PayPal_Test", @user.owner_id).to_i == 1 @paypal_url = Paypal::Notification.test_ipn_url else @paypal_url = Paypal::Notification.ipn_url end if notify.acknowledge(@paypal_url) MorLog.my_debug("notify acknowledged : #{}", true) MorLog.my_debug("found user : #{}", true) paypal_email = Confline.get_value("PayPal_Email", @user.owner_id).to_s # we keep original amount (which he specified in payment form) in custom field so that we could compare if paypal_email.to_s.downcase.strip == and @payment.amount.to_f == notify.custom.to_f MorLog.my_debug("business email is valid", true) if notify.complete? @payment.fee = notify.fee.to_f @payment.amount = notify.gross.to_f @payment.gross = notify.gross.to_f - = @payment.paymenttype = 'paypal' @payment.currency = notify.currency.to_s @payment.transaction_id = notify.transaction_id.to_s @payment.first_name = notify.first_name.to_s @payment.last_name = notify.last_name.to_s @payment.payer_email = notify.payer_email.to_s @payment.residence_country = notify.residence_country.to_s @payment.payer_status = notify.payer_status.to_s @payment.user_id = @payment.date_added = if not @payment.date_added @payment.pending_reason = notify.pending_reason.to_s @payment.pending_reason = "Denied" if notify.status == "Denied" @payment.pending_reason = "Reversed" if notify.reversed? @payment.owner_id = @user.owner_id @payment.completed = 1 confirmation = Confline.get_value("PayPal_Payment_Confirmation", @user.owner_id).to_s if confirmation.blank? or confirmation == "none" or (confirmation == "suspicious" and notify.payer_email.to_s == @payment.shipped_at = (notify.complete?) ? : nil MorLog.my_debug("User balance before payment: #{@user.balance}") @user.balance += sprintf("%.2f", @payment.gross * Currency.count_exchange_rate(@payment.currency, Currency.find(1).name)).to_f if @payment.fee.to_f != 0.0 and Confline.get_value("PayPal_User_Pays_Transfer_Fee", @user.owner_id).to_i == 1 @user.balance -= sprintf("%.2f", @payment.fee * Currency.count_exchange_rate(@payment.currency, Currency.find(1).name)).to_f fee_payment = @payment.clone fee_payment.paymenttype = "paypal_fee" fee_payment.fee = 0 = 0 fee_payment.shipped_at = fee_payment.completed = 1 fee_payment.pending_reason = "Completed" fee_payment.amount = @payment.fee*-1 fee_payment.gross = @payment.fee*-1 Action.add_action(, "PayPal", "User paid paypal fee: #{@payment.fee} #{@payment.currency}") end MorLog.my_debug("PayPal balance") MorLog.my_debug( "User balance after payment: #{@user.balance}") Action.add_action(, "PayPal", "Payment completed: #{@payment.amount} #{@payment.currency}") MorLog.my_debug('transaction succesfully completed', true) else # confirmation is required for all payments @payment.completed = 0 @payment.pending_reason = "Waiting for confirmation" Action.add_action(, "PayPal", "Payment waiting for approval: #{} #{@payment.payer_email} #{@payment.amount} #{@payment.currency}") MorLog.my_debug('transaction waiting for confirmation', true) if Confline.get_value("PayPal_Email_Notification", @user.owner_id).to_i == 1 email = Email.find(:first, :conditions => { :name => 'payment_notification_integrations', :owner_id => @user.owner_id }) user = User.find_by_id(@user.owner_id) variables = Email.email_variables(user, nil, { :payment => @payment, :payment_notification => notify, :payment_type => "paypal" }) EmailsController::send_email(email, Confline.get_value("Email_from",, [user], variables) MorLog.my_debug('confirmation email sent', true) end end elsif notify.reversed? @payment.paypal_refund_payment(notify, @user) else MorLog. my_debug("transaction pending: #{notify.status}", true) end else MorLog.my_debug('Hack attempt: Email is not equal as paypal account email or sum was changed by editing HTML', true) MorLog.my_debug("Expected: '#{paypal_email.to_s.downcase}'", true) MorLog.my_debug("Paypal: '#{}'", true) Action.add_action(, "PayPal", "Hack attempt - Email #{} is not equal as paypal account email #{paypal_email.to_s.downcase} or sum was changed by editing HTML") end else MorLog.my_debug('notify NOT acknowledged', true) end else MorLog.my_debug('transaction NOT completed (User NOT found)', true) dont_be_so_smart redirect_to :controller => "callc", :action => "main" and return false end else MorLog.my_debug('transaction NOT completed (Payment NOT found)') dont_be_so_smart redirect_to :controller => "callc", :action => "main" and return false end render :nothing => true end # before_filter # find_user_session # find_payment def confirm_payment unless @payment.user.owner_id == || @user.is_admin? flash[:notice] = _("Not_authorized_to_confirm_payment") redirect_to :controller => "callc", :action => "main" and return false end user = @payment.user exchange_rate = Currency.count_exchange_rate(@payment.currency, Currency.find(1).name) # round to cents rounds to floor. user.balance += round_to_cents(@payment.payment_amount * exchange_rate.to_f) if @payment.paymenttype == "paypal" and @payment.fee.to_f != 0.0 and Confline.get_value("PayPal_User_Pays_Transfer_Fee", user.owner_id).to_i == 1 # sprintf rounds to ceiling. user.balance -= sprintf("%.2f", @payment.fee * exchange_rate).to_f fee_payment = @payment.clone fee_payment.paymenttype = "paypal_fee" fee_payment.fee = 0 = 0 fee_payment.completed = 1 fee_payment.pending_reason = "Completed" fee_payment.amount = @payment.fee*-1 fee_payment.gross = @payment.fee*-1 fee_payment.shipped_at = Action.add_action(, "PayPal", "User paid paypal fee: #{@payment.fee} #{@payment.currency}") end Action.add_action_hash(, { :action => "payment_confirmation", :data => "Payment confirmed", :data2 => "payment id: #{}", :data3 => "#{@payment.amount} #{@payment.currency}" }) MorLog.my_debug('transaction succesfully confirmed') @payment.update_attributes({ :completed => 1, :pending_reason => "Completed", :shipped_at => }) flash[:status] = _('Payment_confirmed') redirect_back_or_default("/payments/list") end def fix_paypal_payments change_date @payments = Payment.find(:all, :conditions =>["paymenttype = 'paypal' AND date_added BETWEEN ? AND ? ", session_from_datetime, session_till_datetime ]) MorLog.my_debug("DELETE FROM payments WHERE id IN (#{{|p|}.join(",")});") insert = [] insert_header = "INSERT INTO payments (`id`, `tax`, `completed`, `paymenttype`, `shipped_at`, `hash`, `pending_reason`, `amount`, `transaction_id`, `card`, `owner_id`, `fee`, `gross`, `user_id`, `vat_percent`, `last_name`, `bill_nr`, `currency`, `date_added`, `payer_status`, `payer_email`, `residence_country`, `email`, `first_name`)" @payments.each{|payment| insert << "(#{},#{},#{payment.completed},'#{payment.paymenttype}','#{payment.shipped_at.to_s(:db) if payment.shipped_at}','#{payment.hash}','#{payment.pending_reason}',#{payment.amount},'#{payment.transaction_id}',#{payment.card},#{payment.owner_id},#{payment.fee},#{payment.gross},#{payment.user_id},#{payment.vat_percent},'#{payment.last_name}',#{payment.bill_nr},'#{payment.currency}','#{payment.date_added.to_s(:db) if payment.date_added}', '#{payment.payer_status}','#{payment.payer_email}','#{payment.residence_country}','#{}','#{payment.first_name}')".gsub("''", "NULL").gsub(",,", ",NULL,") if payment.gross.to_f == 0.0 payment.gross = payment.amount.to_f - else payment.amount = payment.gross.to_f payment.gross = payment.amount.to_f - end if insert.size > 1000 MorLog.my_debug("#{insert_header} VALUES#{insert.join(",")};") insert = [] end } MorLog.my_debug("#{insert_header} VALUES#{insert.join(",")};") flash[:notice] = _("Payments_converted") redirect_to :controller => "callc", :action => "global_settings" and return false end ########### PERSONAL ########## def personal_payments #@user in before filter @page_title = _('Payments') @page_icon = "creditcards.png" @payments = @user.payments end #--------------- manual payments ------------ def manual_payment @page_title = _('Add_manual_payment') @page_icon = "add.png" @users = [] unless params[:user_id].blank? user = User.find(:first,:include => [:tax], :conditions => [" = ?", params[:user_id]]) unless user flash[:notice] = _('User_was_not_found') redirect_to :controller => "callc", :action => "main" and return false end @users = [user].compact else @user = nil (session[:usertype] == "admin" or session[:usertype] == "accountant") ? owner_id = 0 : owner_id = session[:user_id].to_i @users = User.find(:all, :conditions => ["hidden = 0 AND owner_id = ?", owner_id], :order => "first_name ASC") if !@users or @users.size == 0 flash[:notice] = _('No_users_to_make_payments') redirect_to :controller => :payments, :action => :list and return false end end @currs = Currency.find(:all, :conditions => ["active = '1'"]) end def manual_payment_status @page_title = _('Add_manual_payment') @page_icon = "add.png" @user = User.find(:first,:include => [:tax], :conditions => [" = ?" ,params[:user]]) unless @user Action.add_action(session[:user_id], "error", "User: #{params[:user]} was not found") if session[:user_id].to_i != 0 dont_be_so_smart redirect_to :controller => "callc", :action => "main" and return false end if !params[:amount].blank? @amount = params[:amount].to_f @am_typ = "ammount" @real_amount = @user.get_tax.apply_tax(@amount) else @am_typ = "amount_with_tax" @real_amount = params[:amount_with_tax].to_f #if !params[:amount_with_tax].blank? @amount = @user.get_tax.count_amount_without_tax(@real_amount) end @curr = params[:p_currency] @curr_amount = @amount.to_f @curr_real_amount = @real_amount.to_f @description = params[:description] @exchange_rate = count_exchange_rate(, @curr) @amount = @amount.to_f / @exchange_rate.to_f @real_amount = @real_amount.to_f / @exchange_rate.to_f if @amount.to_f == 0.to_f flash[:notice] = _('Please_add_correct_amount') redirect_to :action => 'manual_payment' end end def manual_payment_finish user = User.find(:first,:include => [:tax], :conditions => [" = ?", params[:user]]) amount = params[:amount].to_f real_amount = params[:real_amount].to_f currency = params[:p_currency] exchange_rate = count_exchange_rate(,currency) unless user Action.add_action(session[:user_id], "error", "User: #{params[:user]} was not found") if session[:user_id].to_i != 0 dont_be_so_smart redirect_to :controller => "callc", :action => "main" and return false end curr_amount = amount / exchange_rate.to_f curr_real_amount = real_amount / exchange_rate.to_f user.balance += curr_amount paym = paym.paymenttype = 'manual' paym.amount = real_amount paym.currency = currency paym.date_added = paym.shipped_at = paym.completed = 1 paym.user_id = paym.owner_id = user.owner_id = user.get_tax.count_tax_amount(amount) paym.description = params[:description].to_s invoice_amount = (curr_amount/ current_user.current.currency.exchange_rate.to_f).to_f invoice_amount_real = (curr_real_amount/ current_user.current.currency.exchange_rate.to_f).to_f if user.postpaid == 0 and user.generate_invoice == 1 number_type = Confline.get_value("Prepaid_Invoice_Number_Type").to_i invoice = invoice.user_id = invoice.period_start = invoice.period_end = invoice.issue_date = invoice.paid = 1 invoice.number = "" invoice.invoice_type = "prepaid" invoice.price = invoice_amount invoice.price_with_vat = invoice_amount_real invoice.number = generate_invoice_number(Confline.get_value("Prepaid_Invoice_Number_Start"), Confline.get_value("Prepaid_Invoice_Number_Length").to_i, number_type,, invoice.number_type = number_type invdetail = invdetail.invoice_id = if currency.to_s != = _('Manual_payment') + "(#{params[:amount].to_f} #{currency.to_s})" else = _('Manual_payment') end invdetail.price = invoice_amount_real invdetail.quantity = 1 invdetail.invdet_type = 0 else Action.add_action_hash(current_user, :target_id =>, :target_type => 'user', :action => "invoice_not_created") end flash[:status] = _('Payment_added') redirect_to :action => 'list' end def delete_payment paym = Payment.find(:first, :conditions => ["id = ?", params[:id]]) unless paym flash[:notice] = _('Payment_was_not_found') redirect_to :action => 'list' and return false end if not ["manual", "credit note"].include? paym.paymenttype flash[:notice] = _('Only_manual_or_credit_note_payments_can_be_deleted') redirect_to :action => 'list' and return false end if paym.owner_id != flash[:notice] = _('Forbidden_to_delete_payments') dont_be_so_smart redirect_to :action => 'list' and return false end user = User.find(:first, :include=>[:tax], :conditions => [" = ?", paym.user_id]) if user and user.class == User real_amount = user.get_tax.count_amount_without_tax(paym.amount) / Currency::count_exchange_rate(, paym.currency) user.balance -= real_amount end paym.destroy if paym.paymenttype == "credit note" paym.destroy_credit_note end flash[:notice] = _('Payment_deleted') redirect_to :action => 'list' end ########### WebMoney ######### def webmoney #@user in before filter @page_title = _('WebMoney') @page_icon = "money.png" @enabled = Confline.get_value("WebMoney_Enabled", @user.owner_id).to_i @currency = Confline.get_value("WebMoney_Default_Currency", @user.owner_id) end =begin rdoc =end def webmoney_pay #@user in before filter @page_title = _('WebMoney') @page_icon = "money.png" @enabled = Confline.get_value("WebMoney_Enabled", @user.owner_id).to_i if @enabled == 1 @webmoney_result_url = Web_URL + Web_Dir + "/payments/webmoney_result" @webmoney_fail_url = Web_URL + Web_Dir + "/payments/webmoney_fail" @webmoney_success_url = Web_URL + Web_Dir + "/payments/webmoney_success" #@user = User.find(session[:user_id]) @user_id = session[:user_id] @amount = Confline.get_value("WebMoney_Default_Amount", @user.owner_id).to_f @amount = params[:amount].to_f if params[:amount] wm_min_amount = Confline.get_value("WebMoney_Min_Amount", @user.owner_id).to_f @amount = wm_min_amount if @amount < wm_min_amount @test = Confline.get_value('WebMoney_Test', @user.owner_id) @test_mode = Confline.get_value('WebMoney_SIM_MODE', @user.owner_id) @amount_with_vat = @user.get_tax.apply_tax(@amount) @currency = confline('WebMoney_Default_Currency') @description = session[:company] + " balance update" @payment = @payment.paymenttype = 'webmoney' @payment.amount = @amount_with_vat @payment.currency = Confline.get_value('WebMoney_Default_Currency', @user.owner_id) @payment.date_added = @payment.completed = 0 @payment.gross = @amount @payment.first_name = session[:first_name] @payment.last_name = session[:last_name] = @amount_with_vat - @amount @payment.user_id = session[:user_id] @payment.pending_reason = 'Unnotified payment' @payment.owner_id = @user.owner_id @payment_id = end end def webmoney_result my_debug "" my_debug "===== Webmoney result reached =====" my_debug params.to_yaml #@user = User.find(params[:user]) @enabled = Confline.get_value("WebMoney_Enabled", 0).to_i @test = Confline.get_value('WebMoney_Test', 0).to_i @skip_prerequest = Confline.get_value('Webmoney_skip_prerequest', 0).to_i if params[:LMI_PREREQUEST].to_i == 1 && @enabled == 1 @payment = Payment.find(params[:LMI_PAYMENT_NO]) if @payment if @payment.amount.to_f == params[:LMI_PAYMENT_AMOUNT].to_f if params[:LMI_PAYEE_PURSE].to_s == confline("WebMoney_Purse").to_s @payment.pending_reason = 'Notified payment' @view_var = "YES" render(:layout => false) and return false else @viev_var = "Wrong purse." end else @view_var = "Amount mismach." end else @view_var = "Payment not found." end else @payment = Payment.find(:first, :conditions => "id = #{params[:LMI_PAYMENT_NO].to_i}") if @payment if @payment.pending_reason.to_s == 'Notified payment' or @skip_prerequest == 1 if @payment.amount.to_f == params[:LMI_PAYMENT_AMOUNT].to_f if params[:LMI_MODE].to_i == confline('WebMoney_Test').to_i if params[:LMI_PAYEE_PURSE].to_s == confline('WebMoney_Purse').to_s @hash_str = '' @hash_str += params[:LMI_PAYEE_PURSE].to_s @hash_str += params[:LMI_PAYMENT_AMOUNT].to_s @hash_str += params[:LMI_PAYMENT_NO].to_s @hash_str += params[:LMI_MODE].to_s @hash_str += params[:LMI_SYS_INVS_NO].to_s @hash_str += params[:LMI_SYS_TRANS_NO].to_s @hash_str += params[:LMI_SYS_TRANS_DATE].to_s # If Server does not using SSL, Secret Key is not in request, # so we need to store it in database # Fixed by A.Mazunin # if params[:LMI_SECRET_KEY].to_s=='' # @hash_str += confline('WebMoney_Purse').to_s # else # @hash_str +=params[:LMI_SECRET_KEY].to_s # end secret_key = Confline.get_value("WebMoney_Secret_key").to_s if secret_key and secret_key.length>0 @hash_str+= secret_key end @hash_str += params[:LMI_PAYER_PURSE].to_s @hash_str += params[:LMI_PAYER_WM].to_s @hash = Digest::MD5.hexdigest(@hash_str).to_s.upcase if @hash == params[:LMI_HASH].to_s @payment.completed = 1 @payment.transaction_id = params[:LMI_SYS_TRANS_NO] @payment.shipped_at = @payment.payer_email = params[:LMI_PAYER_PURSE] @payment.hash = params[:LMI_HASH] @payment.bill_nr = params[:LMI_SYS_INVS_NO] @payment.pending_reason = '' @user = User.find(params[:user]) #@user.balance += params[:gross].to_f @user.balance += params[:gross].to_f*Currency.count_exchange_rate(@payment.currency,@user.currency).to_f else MorLog.my_debug('Hash mismatch') MorLog.my_debug(' System hash:' + @hash) MorLog.my_debug(' WM hash:' + params[:LMI_HASH].to_s) end else MorLog.my_debug('Payment notification : Merchant purse missmach') MorLog.my_debug(' SYSTEM:' + confline('WebMoney_Purse')) MorLog.my_debug(' WM :' + params[:LMI_PAYEE_PURSE]) end else MorLog.my_debug('Payment notification : Mode missmach') MorLog.my_debug(' SYSTEM:' + confline('WebMoney_Test')) MorLog.my_debug(' WM :' + params[:LMI_MODE].to_s) end else MorLog.my_debug('Payment notification : payment amount missmach') MorLog.my_debug(' SYSTEM :' + @payment.amount.to_s) MorLog.my_debug(' WM :' + params[:LMI_PAYMENT_AMOUNT].to_s) end else MorLog.my_debug('Payment notification : Payment was not prerequested') end else MorLog.my_debug('Payment notification : Payment was not found') end render :nothing => true and return false end end def webmoney_success MorLog.my_debug "" MorLog.my_debug "===== Webmoney success reached =====" MorLog.my_debug params.to_yaml if params[:LMI_PAYMENT_NO].to_i > 0 MorLog.my_debug "payment_id received" @payment = Payment.find(:first, :conditions => ["id = ?", params[:LMI_PAYMENT_NO]]) @user = User.find(session[:user_id]) @amount = @payment.gross else MorLog.my_debug "payment_id not received" redirect_to :controller => "callc", :action => 'main' and return false end end def webmoney_fail if params[:LMI_PAYMENT_NO].to_i > 0 and @payment = Payment.find(:first, :conditions => ["id =?", params[:LMI_PAYMENT_NO].to_i]) @payment.destroy end end ################# Cyberplat #################################################### def cyberplat #@user in before filter @page_title = _('Cyberplat') @page_icon = "money.png" @enabled = Confline.get_value("Cyberplat_Enabled", @user.owner_id).to_i @user_enabled = @user.cyberplat_active.to_i @currencies = Currency.get_active @disabled_message = Confline.get_value2("Cyberplat_Disabled_Info", @user.owner_id) end def cyberplat_pay #@user in before filter if !File.exist?("#{Actual_Dir}/lib/cyberplat/checker.ini") flash[:notice] = _("Cyberplat_is_not_configured") Action.add_error(session[:user_id], _('Cyberplat')+": "+_("/lib/cyberplat/checker.ini_was_not_found")) redirect_to :controller => "callc", :action => "main" and return false end @page_title = _('Cyberplat') @page_icon = "money.png" @enabled = Confline.get_value("Cyberplat_Enabled", @user.owner_id).to_i @user_enabled = @user.cyberplat_active.to_i @test = Confline.get_value("Cyberplat_Test", @user.owner_id).to_i @fee = Confline.get_value("Cyberplat_Transaction_Fee", @user.owner_id).to_f @cp_default_curr = Confline.get_value("Cyberplat_Default_Currency", @user.owner_id) @cp_default_curr = "RUB" if @cp_default_curr == "RUR" @user_curr = @cp_default_curr @user_curr = params[:user_currency] if params[:user_currency] @language = params[:cp_language] @disabled_message = Confline.get_value2("Cyberplat_Disabled_Info", @user.owner_id) if @enabled == 1 if @test == 1 @submit_url = "" else @submit_url = "" end @cyberplat_result_url = Web_URL + Web_Dir + "/payments/cyberplat_result" @user = User.find(:first, :include => [:tax], :conditions => [" = ?", session[:user_id]]) @user_id = session[:user_id] @user_amount = Confline.get_value("Cyberplat_Default_Amount", @user.owner_id).to_f @user_amount = params[:amount].to_f if params[:amount] @user_amount = sprintf("%.2f", @user_amount).to_f @amount = sprintf("%.2f", @user_amount * Currency.count_exchange_rate(@user_curr, @cp_default_curr)).to_f cp_min_amount = Confline.get_value("Cyberplat_Min_Amount", @user.owner_id).to_f if @amount < cp_min_amount @user_amount = cp_min_amount * Currency.count_exchange_rate(@cp_default_curr, @user_curr) @amount = cp_min_amount end @user_vat_sum = @user.get_tax.count_tax_amount(@amount) @user_amount_with_vat = @user_amount + @user_vat_sum @user_fee_sum = @user_amount_with_vat*(@fee/100) @user_amount_with_vat += @user_fee_sum @user_amount_with_vat = sprintf("%.2f", @user_amount_with_vat ).to_f @description = session[:company] + " balance update" @vat_sum = sprintf("%.2f", @user_vat_sum).to_f @amount_with_vat = @amount + @vat_sum @fee_sum = @amount_with_vat*(@fee/100) @fee_sum = sprintf("%.2f", @fee_sum).to_f @amount_with_vat += @fee_sum @amount_with_vat = sprintf("%.2f", @amount_with_vat).to_f @payment = @payment.paymenttype = 'cyberplat' @payment.amount = @amount_with_vat @payment.currency = @cp_default_curr @payment.date_added = @payment.completed = 0 @payment.gross = @amount @payment.fee = @fee_sum @payment.first_name = session[:first_name] @payment.last_name = session[:last_name] = @vat_sum @payment.user_id = session[:user_id] @payment.pending_reason = 'Unnotified payment' @payment.owner_id = @user.owner_id @payment_id = end end def cyberplat_result @page_title = _('Cyberplat') @page_icon = "money.png" #@payment = Payment.find(:first, :conditions => "id = #{params[:orderid]}") if params[:orderid] == nil or (@payment = Payment.find(:first, :conditions => "id = #{params[:orderid]}")) == nil redirect_to :controller => 'callc', :action => 'main' and return false end @user = @payment.user @enabled = (Confline.get_value("Cyberplat_Enabled", @user.owner_id).to_i and @user.cyberplat_active.to_i) @test = Confline.get_value("Cyberplat_Test", @user.owner_id).to_i @cp_default_curr = Confline.get_value("Cyberplat_Default_Currency", @user.owner_id) checker_tmp = Confline.get_value("Cyberplat_Temporary_Directory", 0) if @payment and @enabled == 1"#{checker_tmp}/message2.txt", 'w') {|f| f.write(params[:reply]) } system("#{Actual_Dir}/lib/cyberplat/checker.exe -c -f #{Actual_Dir}/lib/cyberplat/checker.ini #{checker_tmp}/message2.txt > #{checker_tmp}/message3.txt") msg = """#{checker_tmp}/message3.txt", "r") do |infile| while (line = infile.gets) msg +=line end end system("rm #{checker_tmp}/message2.txt") system("rm #{checker_tmp}/message3.txt") MorLog.my_debug(msg) b = msg.split("&") z = [] for s in b do k = [] k[0] = s.split("=")[0] k[1] = s.split("=")[1] z += k end @status = z[z.index("Status")+1].to_i if z.index("Status") @transaction_id = z[z.index("TransactionID")+1].to_i if z.index("TransactionID") @order_id = z[z.index("OrderID")+1].to_i if z.index("OrderID") @transaction_amount = z[z.index("TransactionAmount")+1].to_f/100 if z.index("TransactionAmount") @transaction_currency = z[z.index("TransactionCurrency")+1] if z.index("TransactionCurrency") @error_code = z[z.index("ErrorCode")+1].to_i if z.index("ErrorCode") @description = z[z.index("Description")+1] if z.index("Description") @customer_title = z[z.index("CustomerTitle")+1] if z.index("CustomerTitle") @customer_name = z[z.index("CustomerName")+1] if z.index("CustomerName") @payment_details = z[z.index("PaymentDetails")+1] if z.index("PaymentDetails") @transaction_date = z[z.index("TransactionDate")+1] if z.index("TransactionDate") @auth_code = z[z.index("AuthCode")+1] if z.index("AuthCode") @terminal = z[z.index("Terminal")+1] if z.index("Terminal") if @status == 0 if == @order_id if @payment.pending_reason == "Unnotified payment" if @payment.amount == @transaction_amount @payment.completed = 1 @payment.transaction_id = @transaction_id @payment.shipped_at = @payment.payer_email = @payment.pending_reason = '' @user.balance += sprintf("%.2f",@payment.gross * Currency.count_exchange_rate(@payment.currency, Currency.find(1).name)).to_f email = Email.find(:first, :conditions => "name = 'cyberplat_announce' AND owner_id = #{@user.owner_id}") users = [] users << @user users << User.find(@user.owner_id) variables = email_variables(user, nil, {:amount => @transaction_amount, :currency => @transaction_currency, :date => @transaction_date, :auth_code => @auth_code, :trans_id => @transaction_id , :customer_name => @customer_name ,:description => @payment_details}) EmailsController.send_email(email, session[:company_email], users, variables) else @status = 1 @error_code = 1 @description = _("Amount_Missmatch") my_debug("Amount missmatch") my_debug("Payment amount: "+@payment.amount.to_s) my_debug("Transaction amount: "+@transaction_amount.to_s) end else @status = 2 @error_code = 2 @description = _("Unknown_Payment") my_debug("Unnotified payment") end else @status = 3 @error_code = 3 @description = _("Unknown_Payment_ID") my_debug("Unnotified payment") my_debug("PaymentID and orderID are not equal") my_debug("PaymentID" my_debug("orderID"+@order_id) end else my_debug("Wrong status: "+ @status.to_s) end else my_debug("Payment not enabled or not found") end end ################# /Cyberplat ################################################### ################# Ouroboros #################################################### =begin rdoc Sets basic data for primary Ouroboros payment window. =end def ouroboros #@user in before filter @page_title = _('Ouroboros') @page_icon = "money.png" @enabled = Confline.get_value("Ouroboros_Enabled", @user.owner_id).to_i @currencies = Currency.get_active @currency = Confline.get_value("Ouroboros_Default_Currency", @user.owner_id) @default_amount = Confline.get_value("Ouroboros_Default_Amount", @user.owner_id) @min_amount = Confline.get_value("Ouroboros_Min_Amount", @user.owner_id) MorLog.my_debug('Ouroboros payment : access', 1) MorLog.my_debug("Ouroboros payment : user - #{}", 1) end def ouroboros_pay #@user in before filter @page_title = _('Ouroboros') @page_icon = "money.png" @enabled = Confline.get_value("Ouroboros_Enabled", @user.owner_id).to_i MorLog.my_debug('Ouroboros payment : pay', 1) MorLog.my_debug("Ouroboros payment : user - #{}", 1) if @enabled == 1 if params[:amount].to_f <= 0.0 flash[:notice] = _('Enter_Payment_Amount') redirect_to :action => "ouroboros" and return false end @address = @user.address unless @address flash[:notice] = _('User_address_was_not_found') redirect_to :controller=>"callc", :action=>"main" and return false end @dir = @address.direction if @address.direction_id.to_i > 0 @direction = if !@dir.nil? @merchant_code = Confline.get_value("Ouroboros_Merchant_Code", @user.owner_id) @lang = Confline.get_value("Ouroboros_Language", @user.owner_id) #@amount = Confline.get_value("Ouronboros_Default_Amount", @user.owner_id).to_f @secret_key = Confline.get_value("Ouroboros_Secret_key", @user.owner_id) @ob_min_amount = Confline.get_value("Ouroboros_Min_Amount", @user.owner_id).to_f @ob_max_amount = Confline.get_value("Ouroboros_Max_Amount", @user.owner_id).to_f @currency = Confline.get_value('Ouroboros_Default_Currency', @user.owner_id) @retry_count = Confline.get_value("Ouroboros_Retry_Count", @user.owner_id) @completition = Confline.get_value("Ouroboros_Completion",@user.owner_id ) @completition_over = Confline.get_value("Ouroboros_Completion_Over", @user.owner_id) @policy = Ouroboros::Payment.format_policy(@ob_max_amount, @retry_count, @completition, @completition_over) @amount = Ouroboros::Payment.format_amount(params[:amount], @ob_min_amount, @ob_max_amount) @ouroboros_return_url = Web_URL + Web_Dir + "/payments/ouroboros_result" @ouroboros_cancel_url = Web_URL + Web_Dir + "/callc/main" #@ouroboros_cancel_url = Web_URL + Web_Dir + "/payments/ouroboros_cancel" @ouroboros_accept_url = Web_URL + Web_Dir + "/payments/ouroboros_accept" @amount_with_vat = @user.get_tax.apply_tax(@amount) @description = session[:company] + " balance update" @payment = @payment.paymenttype = 'ouroboros' @payment.amount = @amount_with_vat @payment.currency = @currency @payment.date_added = @payment.completed = 0 @payment.gross = @amount @payment.first_name = session[:first_name] @payment.last_name = session[:last_name] = @amount_with_vat - @amount @payment.user_id = session[:user_id] @payment.pending_reason = 'Unnotified payment' @payment.owner_id = @user.owner_id MorLog.my_debug("Ouroboros payment : payment - #{}", 1) if @payment end end # /pay by gateway =begin rdoc =end def ouroboros_accept MorLog.my_debug('Ouroboros payment : accept', 1) @payment = Payment.find(:first, :conditions => "id = #{params[:order_id].to_i}") if @payment @user = @payment.user MorLog.my_debug("Ouroboros payment : user - #{}", 1) @enabled = Confline.get_value("Ouroboros_Enabled", @user.owner_id).to_i if @enabled.to_i == 1 if @payment.pending_reason.to_s == 'Unnotified payment' key = Confline.get_value("Ouroboros_Secret_key", @user.owner_id) @hash = Ouroboros::Hash.reply_hash(params, key) if @hash == params[:signature] if params[:amount].to_f == @payment.amount.to_f*100 @currency = Confline.get_value('Ouroboros_Default_Currency', @user.owner_id) rate = count_exchange_rate(session[:default_currency], @payment.currency) @user.balance += @payment.gross.to_f / rate @payment.completed = 1 @payment.transaction_id = params[:tid] @payment.shipped_at = @payment.payer_email = @payment.hash = params[:signature] @payment.pending_reason = '' MorLog.my_debug("Ouroboros payment : payment - #{}", 1) if @payment MorLog.my_debug("Ouroboros payment : amount - #{@payment.gross.to_f / rate}", 1) @error = 0 else @error = 5 MorLog.my_debug('Ouroboros payment : Amount missmach') MorLog.my_debug(' SYSTEM :' + @payment.amount.to_s) MorLog.my_debug(' Ouroboros :' + (params[:amount].to_f/100).to_s) end else @error = 4 MorLog.my_debug('Ouroboros payment : Hash missmach') MorLog.my_debug(' SYSTEM :' + @hash) MorLog.my_debug(' Ouroboros :' + params[:signature]) end else @error = 3 MorLog.my_debug('Ouroboros payment : Unnotified payment.') MorLog.my_debug(' SYSTEM : ' + @payment.pending_reason.to_s) MorLog.my_debug(' Ouroboros : Notified payment') end else @error = 2 MorLog.my_debug('Ouroboros payment : Ouroboros disabled') MorLog.my_debug(' SYSTEM : '+ @enabled.to_s) end else @error = 1 MorLog.my_debug('Ouroboros payment : Payment was not found') end end ################# /Ouroboros ################################################### def change_description if @payment.owner_id == correct_owner_id @payment.description= params[:description] end render :layout => false end private def find_user_session @user = User.find(:first,:include => [:tax], :conditions => [" = ?", session[:user_id]]) unless @user flash[:notice] = _('User_was_not_found') redirect_to :controller => :callc, :action => :main end end def find_payment @payment = Payment.find_by_id(params[:id]) unless @payment flash[:notice] = _('Payment_was_not_found') redirect_to :controller => :callc, :action => :main end end =begin rdoc Santitizes params for sql input. =end def get_price_exchange(price, cur) exrate = Currency.count_exchange_rate(cur, rate_cur = Currency.count_exchange_prices({:exrate=>exrate, :prices=>[price.to_f]}) return rate_cur.to_f end end