class LocationsController < ApplicationController require "yaml" layout "callc" before_filter :check_localization before_filter :authorize #before_filter :check_permsission before_filter :find_location, :only => [:location_rules, :location_devices, :location_destroy] before_filter :find_location_rule, :only => [:location_rule_edit, :location_rule_update, :location_rule_change_status, :location_rule_destroy] # GETs should be safe (see verify :method => :post, :only => [:location_destroy, :location_rule_update, :location_rule_change_status, :location_rule_destroy, :location_change], :redirect_to => {:action => :index}, :add_flash => {:notice => _('Dont_be_so_smart'), :params => {:dont_be_so_smart => true}} def index flash[:notice] = _('Dont_be_so_smart') redirect_to :controller => :callc, :action => :main and return false end def localization @page_title = _('Localization') @help_link = "" @locations = current_user.locations end def location_rules @page_title = _('Location_rules') @page_icon = 'page_white_gear.png' @help_link = "" if current_user.usertype == 'admin' @users = User.find(:all, :select => "users.*, #{SqlExport.nice_user_sql}", :joins => "JOIN devices ON ( = devices.user_id)", :conditions => "hidden = 0 and > 0 ", :order => "nice_user ASC", :group => '') else @users = User.find(:all, :select => "users.*, #{SqlExport.nice_user_sql}", :joins => "JOIN devices ON ( = devices.user_id)", :conditions => "hidden = 0 and > 0 AND owner_id = #{correct_owner_id}", :order => "nice_user ASC", :group => '') end @rules = @location.locationrules(:all, :include => [:device]) if Confline.get_value("User_Wholesale_Enabled").to_i == 0 cond = " AND purpose = 'user' " else cond = " AND (purpose = 'user' OR purpose = 'user_wholesale') " end @tariffs = Tariff.find(:all, :conditions => "owner_id = '#{session[:user_id]}' #{cond} ", :order => "purpose ASC, name ASC") #find current users lcr with check what type reseller @lcrs = current_user.load_lcrs(:all, :order => "name ASC") @grules_dst = Locationrule.find(:all, :conditions => ["location_id =? and lr_type =?", 1, "dst"], :order => "name ASC") @grules_src = Locationrule.find(:all, :conditions => ["location_id =? and lr_type =?", 1, "src"], :order => "name ASC") @rules_dst = Locationrule.find(:all, :conditions => ["location_id =? and lr_type =?",, "dst"], :order => "name ASC") @rules_src = Locationrule.find(:all, :conditions => ["location_id =? and lr_type =?",, "src"], :order => "name ASC") cond = [" > 0"] var = [] cond << "dids.reseller_id = ?" and var << if current_user.usertype == 'reseller' @dids = Did.find(:all, :include => [:user, :device, :provider, :dialplan], :conditions => [cond.join(" AND ")].concat(var), :order => "dids.did ASC") end =begin in before filter : rule (:find_location_rule) =end def location_rule_edit @page_title = _('Location_rule_edit') @page_icon = 'edit.png' @help_link = "" if Confline.get_value("User_Wholesale_Enabled").to_i == 0 cond = " AND purpose = 'user' " else cond = " AND (purpose = 'user' OR purpose = 'user_wholesale') " end @tariffs = Tariff.find(:all, :conditions => "owner_id = '#{session[:user_id]}' #{cond} ", :order => "purpose ASC, name ASC") #find current users lcr with check what type reseller @lcrs = current_user.load_lcrs(:all, :order => "name ASC") if current_user.usertype == 'admin' @users = User.find(:all, :select => "users.*, #{SqlExport.nice_user_sql}", :joins => "JOIN devices ON ( = devices.user_id)", :conditions => "hidden = 0 and > 0 ", :order => "nice_user ASC", :group => '') else @users = User.find(:all, :select => "users.*, #{SqlExport.nice_user_sql}", :joins => "JOIN devices ON ( = devices.user_id)", :conditions => "hidden = 0 and > 0 AND owner_id = #{correct_owner_id}", :order => "nice_user ASC", :group => '') end @devices = Device.find(:all, :conditions => ["user_id =? AND name not like 'mor_server_%'", @rule.device.user_id]) if @rule.device cond = [" > 0"] var = [] cond << "dids.reseller_id = ?" and var << if current_user.usertype == 'reseller' @dids = Did.find(:all, :include => [:user, :device, :provider, :dialplan], :conditions => [cond.join(" AND ")].concat(var), :order => "dids.did ASC") end =begin in before filter : rule (:find_location_rule) =end def location_rule_update if params[:name].blank? #or (params[:cut].length == 0 and params[:add].length ==0) flash[:notice] = _('Please_enter_name') redirect_to :action => 'location_rule_edit', :id => and return false end = params[:name] @rule.cut = params[:cut] if params[:cut] @rule.add = params[:add] if params[:add] @rule.minlen = params[:minlen] if !params[:minlen].blank? @rule.maxlen = params[:maxlen] if !params[:maxlen].blank? @rule.tariff_id = params[:tariff] if params[:tariff] @rule.lcr_id = params[:lcr] if params[:lcr] @rule.did_id = params[:did] if params[:did] @rule.device_id = params[:device_id_from_js] if params[:device_id_from_js] ? flash[:status] = _('Rule_updated') : flash_errors_for(_('Rule_not_updated'), @rule) redirect_to :action => 'location_rules', :id => @rule.location_id end =begin in before filter : rule (:find_location_rule) =end def location_rule_change_status if @rule.enabled == 0 @rule.enabled = 1; st =_('Rule_enabled') else @rule.enabled = 0; st = _('Rule_disabled') end ? flash[:status] = st : flash[:notice] = _('Update_Failed') redirect_to :action => 'location_rules', :id => @rule.location_id end =begin in before filter : rule (:find_location_rule) =end def location_rule_destroy location_id = @rule.location_id @rule.destroy ? flash[:status] = _('Rule_deleted') : flash[:notice] = _('Rule_not_deleted') redirect_to :action => 'location_rules', :id => location_id end def location_rule_add rule ={:name => params[:name], :enabled => 1, :lr_type => params[:lr_type]}) rule.location_id = params[:location_id] rule.cut = params[:cut] if params[:cut] rule.add = params[:add] if params[:add] rule.minlen = params[:minlen] if !params[:minlen].blank? rule.maxlen = params[:maxlen] if !params[:maxlen].blank? rule.tariff_id = params[:tariff] if params[:tariff] rule.lcr_id = params[:lcr] if params[:lcr] rule.did_id = params[:did] if params[:did] rule.device_id = params[:device_id_from_js] if params[:device_id_from_js] and params[:device_id_from_js].to_i > 0 if flash[:status] = _('Rule_added') else flash_errors_for(_('Rule_not_created'), rule) end redirect_to :action => 'location_rules', :id => params[:location_id] end def location_devices @page_title = _('Location_devices') @page_icon = 'device.png' @devices = @location.devices @locations = current_user.locations end def location_change device = Device.find_by_id(params[:id]) unless device flash[:notice]=_('Device_was_not_found') redirect_to :action => :localization and return false end old_loc = device.location_id device.location_id = params[:location] if flash[:notice] = _('Device_location_changed_and_moved_to_another_group') else flash_errors_for(_('Device_location_dont_changed'), device) end redirect_to :action => 'location_devices', :id => old_loc and return false end def location_add loc ={:name => params[:name]}) ? flash[:status] = _('Location_added') : flash_errors_for(_('Please_enter_name'), loc) redirect_to :action => 'localization' and return false end def location_destroy devices = @location.devices.count cardgroups = Cardgroup.find(:all, :conditions => "location_id = #{} AND hidden = 0").size if devices == 0 and cardgroups == 0 and @location.destroy_all flash[:status] = _('Location_deleted') elsif devices > 0 or cardgroups >0 flash[:notice] = _('Location_is_assigned_to_device_or_cardgroup') else flash_errors_for(_('Location_not_deleted'), @location) end redirect_to :action => 'localization' end #Ticket 3495 ------------ def import_admins_locations @page_title = _('Import_admins_locations_with_rules') if reseller? @locations = Location.find(:all, :conditions => {:user_id => 0}, :order => "name ASC") else dont_be_so_smart redirect_to :controller => 'callc', :action => 'main' end end def admins_location_rules if reseller? @page_title = _('Admins_location_rules') @location = Location.find_by_id(params[:id]) @rules = @location.locationrules @grules_dst = Locationrule.find(:all, :conditions => ["location_id =? and lr_type =?", 1, "dst"], :order => "name ASC") @grules_src = Locationrule.find(:all, :conditions => ["location_id =? and lr_type =?", 1, "src"], :order => "name ASC") @rules_dst = Locationrule.find(:all, :conditions => ["location_id =? and lr_type =?",, "dst"], :order => "name ASC") @rules_src = Locationrule.find(:all, :conditions => ["location_id =? and lr_type =?",, "src"], :order => "name ASC") render :action => :location_rules else dont_be_so_smart redirect_to :controller => 'callc', :action => 'main' end end def delete_and_import_admins_location if reseller? #find all resellers locations and delete them @locations = Location.find(:all, :conditions => {:user_id => correct_owner_id}, :order => "name ASC") for location in @locations location.destroy_all end #create new default location current_user.create_reseller_localization location_id = Confline.get_value("Default_device_location_id", #change all devices and cardgroups locations (providers location id is in his device location_id) Device.update_all "location_id = #{location_id}", "user_id IN (SELECT id from users where owner_id = #{}) OR id IN (SELECT device_id FROM providers WHERE user_id = #{})" Cardgroup.update_all "location_id = #{location_id}", "owner_id = #{}" #get all admins locations with rules admins_locations = Location.find(:all, :conditions => ['locations.user_id=? and != ?', 0, 'Global'], :include => [:locationrules]) for a_location in admins_locations loc ={:name =>, :user_id => a_location.user_id}) loc.user_id = a_location.user_id logger.fatal('Location created') for a_rules in a_location.locationrules rule ={:name =>, :enabled => 1, :lr_type => a_rules.lr_type}) rule.location_id = rule.cut = a_rules.cut if a_rules.cut rule.add = a_rules.add if a_rules.add rule.minlen = a_rules.minlen if !a_rules.minlen.blank? rule.maxlen = a_rules.maxlen if !a_rules.maxlen.blank? logger.fatal('rule created') end end redirect_to :action => 'localization' flash[:status] = _('Old_Locations_deleted_and_new_Locations_added') end end #----------- private def find_location_rule @rule = Locationrule.find_by_id(params[:id]) unless @rule flash[:notice]=_('Location_rule_was_not_found') redirect_to :action => :localization and return false end check_location_rule_owner end def find_location @location = Location.find_by_id(params[:id]) unless @location flash[:notice]=_('Location_was_not_found') redirect_to :action => :localization and return false end check_location_owner end def check_location_owner unless @location.user_id == correct_owner_id dont_be_so_smart redirect_to :controller => "callc", :action => 'main' and return false end end def check_location_rule_owner unless @rule.location and @rule.location.user_id == correct_owner_id dont_be_so_smart redirect_to :controller => "callc", :action => 'main' and return false end end def check_permsission unless allow_manage_providers? dont_be_so_smart redirect_to :controller => "callc", :action => 'main' and return false end end end