class IvrController < ApplicationController layout "callc" before_filter :check_localization before_filter :authorize before_filter :find_ivr_action_silent, :only => [:update_data1, :update_data2, :action_params] before_filter :find_ivr_block_silent, :only => [:update_block_timeout_digits, :update_block_timeout_response, :update_block_name] before_filter :find_ivr, :only=>[:edit, :update_ivr_name, :destroy ] before_filter :find_ivr_block, :only=>[:add_ivr_extension, :ivr_extlines, :change_block, :add_block] before_filter :check_reseller # Global variables. Defines possile choices for extensions and actions $pos_actions = ['Playback', 'Change Voice','Delay', 'Hangup', 'Transfer To', 'Debug', 'Set Accountcode', 'Change CallerID (Number)'] $pos_extensions = %w(0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 # * i t) $pos_variables = ['MOR_ASK_DST_TIMES'] verify :method => :post, :only => [ :create, :update, :destroy], :redirect_to => {:controller=>:callc, :action => :main }, :add_flash => { :notice => _('Dont_be_so_smart'), :params => {:dont_be_so_smart => true}} def settings @page_title = _('IVR_Settings') @page_icon = "play.png" end def settings_change Confline.set_value("IVR_Voice_Dir", params[:voice_dir]) redirect_to :controller => "ivr", :action => "settings" end def index @page_title = _('IVRs') @page_icon = "play.png" @help_link = "" if session[:ivr_index_options] and session[:ivr_index_options][:page].to_i > 0 session_page_no = session[:ivr_index_options][:page] else session_page_no = 1 end @options = {} @options[:page] = ((params[:page].to_i < 1) ? session_page_no : params[:page].to_i) @total_ivrs = current_user.ivrs.count() @total_pages = ( @total_ivrs.to_f / session[:items_per_page].to_f).ceil @options[:page] = @total_pages if @options[:page].to_i > @total_pages.to_i and @total_pages.to_i > 0 fpage = ((@options[:page] - 1) * session[:items_per_page]).to_i session[:ivr_index_options] = {} unless session[:ivr_index_options] session[:ivr_index_options][:page] = @options[:page] @ivrs = current_user.ivrs.find(:all, :order => " name ASC", :offset => fpage.to_i, :limit => session[:items_per_page].to_i) end def new @page_title = _('New_IVR') @page_icon = "add.png" end def create @ivr = @block = = "New_Block" = params[:block_name].to_s if params[:block_name].to_s != "" = "New_Ivr" @ivr.start_block_id = = params[:ivr_name].to_s if params[:ivr_name].to_s != "" if @block.ivr_id = @block.timeout_response = 10 @block.timeout_digits = 3 flash[:status] = _('IVR_Was_Created') else @block.destroy flash[:notice] = _('IVR_Was_Not_Created') end redirect_to :action => :index end def edit @page_title = _('Edit_IVR') @page_icon = "edit.png" @help_link = "" @ivr_voices = current_user.ivr_voices.find(:first) @ivr_sound_files = current_user.ivr_sound_files.find(:first) @block = @ivr.start_block @blocks = IvrBlock.find(:all, :include => [:ivr_extensions, :ivr_actions], :conditions => ["ivr_id = ?", ]) @extensions = @block.ivr_extensions @actions = @block.ivr_actions end # Sets default values for added and changed actions. # # Actions : ['Playback', 'Delay', 'Change Voice', 'Hangup', 'Transfer To', 'Debug', 'Set Accountcode', 'Mor'] # Variables: ['MOR_DESTINATION'] # params[:id] must be set to ID of an coresponding action. # # * *Playback* # Answer is performed before this action # # * *Delay* # * *Change* *Voice* # * *Hangup* # * *Transfer* *To* # * *Debug* # * *Set* *Accountcode* # data1 - device name. # # * *Mor* - Sends user to MOR internal engine # Takes no params. # # * *Set* *Variable* - allows user to set some Asteris internal variable. # data1 - variable name. # data2 - variable value. def action_params @num = params[:action_name] # @action = IvrAction.find(:first, :conditions => ["id = ?", params[:id]]) # params.each { |key, val| # MorLog.my_debug("#{key} -> #{val}") # } = @num.to_s @action.data1 = "" @action.data2 = "" @action.data3 = "" @action.data4 = "" @action.data5 = "" @action.data6 = "" case when "Playback" voice = current_user.ivr_voices.find(:first) voice ? @action.data1 = voice.voice : @action.data1 = "" if !@action.data1.blank? sound_file = current_user.ivr_sound_files.find(:first, :joins => "LEFT JOIN ivr_voices ON ( = ivr_sound_files.ivr_voice_id)" , :conditions => ["ivr_voices.voice = ?", @action.data1]) end if sound_file @action.data2 = sound_file ? sound_file.path.to_s : "" end when "Delay" @action.data1 = 0 when "Change Voice" @action.data1 = current_user.ivr_voices.find(:first) ? current_user.ivr_voices.find(:first).voice.to_s : "" when "Hangup" @action.data1 = "Busy" when "Transfer To" @action.data1 ="IVR" @action.data2 =current_user.ivrs.find(:first).id when "Debug" @action.data1 = "#{}_was_reached." when "Set Accountcode" @action.data1 = current_user.load_users_devices(:first, :conditions => "user_id > -1").id when "Mor" when "Set Variable" @action.data1 = $pos_variables[0] @action.data2 = "0" when "Change CallerID (Number)" @action.data1 = 0 end critical_update(@action) render(:layout => false) end def update_block_name # @block is set in before filter @name = params[:data].to_s unless @name.blank? = @name end render :nothing => true end def update_ivr_name @name = params[:data].to_s if @ivr = @name if @name.to_s != "" end render :nothing => true and return false end def update_block_timeout_digits # @block is set in before filter @data = params[:data].to_i if @data.to_i >= 5 @block.timeout_digits = @data.to_i critical_update(@block) end render_javascript "$('block_timeout_digits').value = #{@block.timeout_digits};" end def update_block_timeout_response # @block is set in before filter @data = params[:data].to_i if @data.to_i >= 10 @block.timeout_response = @data.to_i critical_update(@block) end render_javascript "$('block_timeout_response').value = #{@block.timeout_response};" end def update_data1 @data = params[:data] case params[:number] when "2" @action.data2 = @data when "3" @action.data3 = @data when "4" @action.data4 = @data when "5" @action.data5 = @data when "6" @action.data6 = @data else @action.data1 = @data end if == "Delay" @action.data1 = 2 @action.data1 = @data.to_i if @data.to_i > 0 end if == "Transfer To" case @action.data1 when 'IVR' ivr = current_user.ivrs.find(:first) @action.data2 = ivr ? ivr.start_block_id : 0 when 'DID' did = current_user.load_dids(:first) @action.data2 = did ? did.did : 0 when 'Device' device = Device.find_by_sql("SELECT as id, users.first_name as first_name, users.last_name as last_name, devices.device_type as dev_type, as dev_name, devices.extension as dev_extension FROM devices LEFT JOIN users ON (devices.user_id = WHERE devices.user_id > -1 AND users.owner_id = #{}") @action.data2 = device[0] ? device[0].dev_extension : 0 when 'Block' block = @action.ivr_block.ivr.start_block_id @action.data2 = block ? block : 0 end end if == "Playback" if !@action.data1.blank? file = current_user.ivr_sound_files.find(:first, :joins => "LEFT JOIN ivr_voices ON ( = ivr_sound_files.ivr_voice_id)" , :conditions => ["ivr_voices.voice = ?", @action.data1]) end if file @action.data2 = file.path else @action.data2 = "" end end if == "Change CallerID (Number)" @action.data1 = @data.gsub(/\"|\'/, '') end critical_update(@action) if == "Transfer To" or == "Playback" render :layout => false else render :nothing => true and return false end end def update_data2 if @action and params[:data] @action.data2 = params[:data] critical_update(@action) end render :nothing => true and return false end def extension_extent @ext = IvrExtension.find(:first, :conditions => ["id = ?", params[:id]]) if @ext @data = request.raw_post.gsub("=", "") @data = "#" if @data == "" @ext.exten = @data.to_s critical_update(@ext) end render :nothing => true and return false end def extension_block @data = params[:data] if params[:id] != '0' and @data.to_i != 0 # Hack for IE... it sometimes sends zeros instead ob block numbers. @ext = IvrExtension.find(:first, :include => [:ivr_block], :conditions => ["ivr_block_id = ? AND exten = ?",params[:id], params[:ext]]) if @data.to_s == "-1" if @ext @ext.destroy critical_update(@ext) end else if @ext @ext.goto_ivr_block_id = @data.to_i else @ext = => params[:ext], :goto_ivr_block_id => @data.to_i, :ivr_block_id => params[:id]) end critical_update(@ext) end end render :nothing => true and return false end def add_ivr_action @ivr_voices = current_user.ivr_voices.find(:first) @ivr_sound_files = current_user.ivr_sound_files.find(:first) if params[:rm].to_s == 'true' @action = IvrAction.find(:first, :include => [:ivr_block], :conditions => [" = ?", params[:id]]) @action.destroy if @action else @action = => params[:block_id], :name => "Delay", :data1 => "0") end @actions = IvrAction.find(:all, :conditions => ["ivr_block_id = ?", params[:block_id]]) if @action @block = @action.ivr_block critical_update(@block) end render :layout => false end def add_ivr_extension # @block = IvrBlock.find(:first, :conditions => ["id = ?", params[:block_id]]) @ivr = @block.ivr if params[:rm].to_s == 'true' ext=IvrExtension.find(:first, :conditions=> ["id = ?", params[:id]]) ext.destroy else ext = ext.ivr_block = @block ext.goto_ivr_block_id = ext.exten= $pos_extensions[0] end @ivr_voices = current_user.ivr_voices.find(:first) @ivr_sound_files = current_user.ivr_sound_files.find(:first) @blocks = @ivr.ivr_blocks @extensions = @block.ivr_extensions critical_update(@block) render :layout => false end def add_block # @block = IvrBlock.find(:first, :include => [:ivr], :conditions => [" = ?", params[:block_id]]) unless @block flash[:notice] = _("Block_Not_Found") render :partial => "redirect_home" and return false else @ivr = @block.ivr if params[:rm].to_s == "true" if IvrExtension.find(:all, :conditions => ["goto_ivr_block_id = ? and ivr_block_id != ?",, ]).size == 0 and != @block.destroy @block = @ivr.start_block end else new_block = => _("New_Block"), :timeout_digits => 3, :timeout_response => 10) new_block.ivr = @ivr @block = new_block end @ivr_voices = current_user.ivr_voices.find(:first) @ivr_sound_files = current_user.ivr_sound_files.find(:first) @blocks = @ivr.ivr_blocks @extensions = @block.ivr_extensions @actions = @block.ivr_actions critical_update(@block) render(:layout => false) and return false end end def refresh_edit_window # reload servers to activate ivr changes - tmp workaround to activate ivr changes for server in Server.find(:all) if == 1 server.ami_cmd("extensions reload") end end unless (@block = IvrBlock.find(:first, :include => [:ivr], :conditions => [" = ?", params[:block_id].gsub('=', '')])) flash[:notice] = _("Block_Not_Found") redirect_to :controller => :callc, :action => :main and return false end @ivr_voices = current_user.ivr_voices.find(:first) @ivr_sound_files = current_user.ivr_sound_files.find(:first) @ivr = @block.ivr @blocks = @ivr.ivr_blocks @extensions = @block.ivr_extensions @actions = @block.ivr_actions render(:layout => false , :action => "add_block") end def change_block #@block = IvrBlock.find(:first, :conditions => "id = #{params[:block_id]}") @ivr = @block.ivr @blocks = @ivr.ivr_blocks @extensions = @block.ivr_extensions @actions = @block.ivr_actions render(:action => "add_block",:layout => false) end def ivr_extlines @page_title = _('IVR_Extlines') @page_icon = "asterisk.png" #@block = IvrBlock.find(:first, :conditions => "id = #{params[:block_id]}") @extlines = Extline.find(:all, :conditions => ["context = ?", 'ivr_block' + params[:block_id]]) end def destroy if !current_user.dialplans.find(:first, :conditions => ["dptype = 'ivr' and (data2 = ? or data4 = ? or data6 = ? or data7 = ? )",,,,]) @ivr.destroy flash[:status] = _("IVR_Deleted") else flash[:notice] = _("IVR_Is_In_Use") end redirect_to :controller => :ivr, :action => :index end # //IVR EDITING ################################################################ private =begin Is called when some value is changed and there is need to regenerate coresponding extlines. +object+ - IvrAction, IvrBlock, IvrExtension, IvrTimeperiod and of those objects are accepted as params. Finds IvrBlock and regenerates Extlines for this block. =end def critical_update(object) case object.class.to_s when 'IvrAction' block = object.ivr_block when 'IvrBlock' block = object when 'IvrExtension' block = object.ivr_block when 'IvrTimeperiod' plans = current_user.dialplans.find(:all, :conditions => ["dptype = 'ivr' and (data1 = ? or data3 = ? or data5 = ?)",,,]) for plan in plans do plan.regenerate_ivr_dialplan end else block = nil end if block block.regenerate_extlines end end def find_ivr_action_silent @action = IvrAction.find(:first, :conditions => ["id = ?", params[:id]]) unless @action render :nothing => true and return false end end def find_ivr_block_silent @block = IvrBlock.find(:first, :conditions => ["id = ?", params[:id]]) unless @block render :nothing => true and return false end end def find_ivr @ivr = current_user.ivrs.find(:first, :conditions => ["id = ?", params[:id]]) unless @ivr flash[:notice] = _('IVR_Was_Not_Found') redirect_to :controller => :ivr, :action => :index and return false end end def find_ivr_block @block = IvrBlock.find(:first, :conditions => ["id = ?", params[:block_id]]) unless @block flash[:notice] = _('IVR_Block_Was_Not_Found') redirect_to :controller => :ivr, :action => :index and return false end if !@block.ivr or @block.ivr.user_id != dont_be_so_smart redirect_to :controller => :callc, :action => :main and return false end end def check_reseller if reseller? and current_user.own_providers.to_i == 0 dont_be_so_smart redirect_to :controller => :callc, :action => :main end end end