class DidsController < ApplicationController layout "callc" before_filter :check_localization #before_filter :authorize_admin, :except => [:quickforwarddids, :quickforwarddid_edit, :quickforwarddid_update, :quickforwarddid_destroy] before_filter :authorize before_filter :check_user_for_dids, :except=>[:personal_dids, :quickforwarddids, :quickforwarddid_edit, :quickforwarddid_update, :quickforwarddid_destroy ] before_filter { |c| view = [:index, :list, :show, :did_rates, :dids_export_to_csv] edit = [:new, :create, :edit, :update, :destroy, :edit_rate, :bulk_management, :confirm_did, :assign_to_dp] allow_read, allow_edit = c.check_read_write_permission(view, edit, {:role => "accountant", :right => :acc_manage_dids_opt_1, :ignore => true}) c.instance_variable_set :@allow_read, allow_read c.instance_variable_set :@allow_edit, allow_edit true } before_filter :check_device_presence, :only => [ :update ] before_filter :find_dids, :only => [:dids_interval_edit, :dids_interval_trunk, :dids_interval_add_to_trunk, :dids_interval_rates, :dids_interval_add_to_user, :dids_interval_delete, :delete, :dids_interval_assign_dialplan] before_filter :find_provider, :only => [:create] before_filter :check_dids_creation, :only=>[:new, :create, :confirm_did] before_filter :check_did_params, :only=>[:update] Didrate.content_columns.each do |column| in_place_edit_for :didrate, end def index list render :action => 'list' end # GETs should be safe (see verify :method => :post, :only => [ :destroy, :create, :update ], :redirect_to => { :action => :list } =begin if language was not passed as search parameter, set it to default value 'all'. keep in mind we should refactor, cause 'all' is duplicated in controler and view. =end def list @page_title = _('DIDs') @page_icon = "did.png" @help_link = "" @iwantto_links = [ ['Learn_more_about_DIDs',""], ['Understand_DID_billing', ""], ['Check_DIDs_assigned_to_me',""], ['Configure_DID_to_ring_some_Device',""], ['Forward_DID_to_external_number',""], ['Charge_DID_on_a_monthly_basis', ''], ['Block_DID', ""]] unless current_user.usertype == 'reseller' @providers = current_user.load_providers(:all, {}) end sql = "SELECT DISTINCT language FROM dids ORDER by language" @languages = ActiveRecord::Base.connection.select_all(sql) #seach params[:search_on] ? @search = 1 : @search = 0 params[:page] ? @page = params[:page].to_i : @page = 1 [:search_did, :search_provider, :search_language, :search_status, :search_user, :search_device].each do |param| set_search_param(param) end @search_language = 'all' if !params[:s_language] @search_device = "" if !@search_device.match(/^\d+$/) @users = current_user.load_users(:all, {}) if @search_user and @search_user.to_i.to_s == @search_user @devices = Device.find(:all, :select => "id, device_type, extension, name, username", :conditions => ["devices.user_id = ? AND name not like 'mor_server_%'", @search_user.to_i], :order => " ASC") else @devices = current_user.load_users_devices(:all, {}) end cond = [" > 0"] var = [] cond << "did like ?" and var << @search_did.to_str.strip if @search_did.to_s.strip.length > 0 cond << "dids.provider_id = ?" and var << @search_provider if @search_provider.to_s.length > 0 cond << "dids.language = ? " and var << @search_language.to_s if @search_language.to_s != 'all' if @search_status.length > 0 if ['free','active'].include?(@search_status) and admin? cond << "dids.status = ? AND reseller_id = 0" and var << @search_status elsif @search_status == 'reserved' and admin? cond << "dids.status = ? OR reseller_id > 0" and var << @search_status else cond << "dids.status = ?" and var << @search_status end end cond << "dids.user_id = ?" and var << @search_user if @search_user.to_s.length > 0 cond << "dids.device_id = ?" and var << @search_device if @search_device.to_s.length > 0 cond << "dids.reseller_id = ?" and var << if current_user.usertype == 'reseller' total_dids = Did.count(:all, :conditions => [cond.join(" AND ")].concat(var)).to_f @total_pages = (total_dids / session[:items_per_page].to_f).ceil @page = @total_pages if @page > @total_pages @page = 1 if @page < 1 @show_did_rates = !(session[:usertype] == "accountant" and session[:acc_manage_dids_opt_1] == 0 or reseller?) iend = session[:items_per_page] * (@page-1) @dids = Did.find(:all,:include=>[:user, :device, :provider, :dialplan], :conditions => [cond.join(" AND ")].concat(var), :order => "dids.did ASC", :limit => session[:items_per_page], :offset => iend) @search = (var.size > 0 ? 1 : 0) end def show @did = Did.find_by_id(params[:id]) unless @did flash[:notice]=_('DID_was_not_found') redirect_to :action=>:index and return false end end def new @did = @page_title = _('New_did') @page_icon = 'add.png' if current_user.usertype == 'reseller' @providers = current_user.providers.find(:all, :conditions=>['hidden=?',0], :order => "name ASC") else @providers = Provider.find(:all, :conditions=>['hidden=?',0], :order => "name ASC") end end def create_did_rates(did, cache = nil) if cache values = ["'2000-01-01 23:59:59', 1, 'provider', 0.0, 0, 0.0, #{}, '2000-01-01 00:00:00'", "'2000-01-01 23:59:59', 1, 'owner', 0.0, 0, 0.0, #{}, '2000-01-01 00:00:00'", "'2000-01-01 23:59:59', 1, 'incoming', 0.0, 0, 0.0, #{}, '2000-01-01 00:00:00'" ] cache.add(values, true) else #create didrate for provider =>, :rate_type => 'provider').save #create didrate for owner =>, :rate_type => 'owner' ).save #create didrate for incoming =>, :rate_type => 'incoming').save end end =begin @provider is set in before_filter =end def create if params[:amount] == "one" # Create just one did pr = (current_user.usertype == 'reseller' and current_user.own_providers.to_i == 0) ? Confline.get_value("DID_default_provider_to_resellers").to_i.to_s : params[:provider] @did = => params[:did].to_s.strip, :provider_id => pr, :reseller_id=> if create_did_rates(@did) add_action(session[:user_id], 'did_created', flash[:status] = _('Did_was_successfully_created') redirect_to :action => 'list' else flash_errors_for(_('Did_was_not_created'), @did) redirect_to :action => 'new' end else #creating did interval int_start = params[:did_start].to_s.strip int_end = params[:did_end].to_s.strip if int_end <= int_start flash[:notice] = _('Bad_interval_start_and_end') redirect_to :action => 'new' else pr = (current_user.usertype == 'reseller' and current_user.own_providers.to_i == 0) ? Confline.get_value("DID_default_provider_to_resellers").to_i.to_s : params[:provider] did_rate_cache ="didrates", "`end_time`, `increment_s`, `rate_type`, `rate`, `min_time`, `connection_fee`, `did_id`, `start_time`") action_cache ="actions", "`data3`, `data`, `data4`, `target_id`, `action`, `date`, `processed`, `user_id`, `data2`, `target_type`") for d in int_start..int_end did = :did => d, :status => "free", :user_id => 0, :device_id => 0, :subscription_id => 0, :reseller_id =>, :provider_id => pr.strip) if create_did_rates(did, did_rate_cache) add_action(session[:user_id], 'did_created',, action_cache) end end did_rate_cache.flush action_cache.flush flash[:status] = _('Did_interval_was_successfully_created') redirect_to :action => 'list' end end end def confirm_did @page_title = _('New_did') @page_icon = 'add.png' @provider = nil if current_user.usertype == 'reseller' p = params[:did] ? params[:did][:provider_id] : nil pr_id = allow_manage_providers_tariffs? ? p : Confline.get_value("DID_default_provider_to_resellers").to_i.to_s @provider = Provider.find(:first, :conditions=>["id=?", pr_id]) else @provider = Provider.find(:first, :conditions=>["id=?",params[:did][:provider_id]]) if params[:did] and params[:did][:provider_id] end if !@provider or (current_user.usertype == 'reseller' and @provider and !current_user.providers.find(:first, :conditions=>['hidden=? AND id = ?',0,]) and != Confline.get_value("DID_default_provider_to_resellers").to_i) flash[:notice]=_('Provider_was_not_found') redirect_to :action=>:list and return false end @amount = params[:amount] if @amount == "one" @did = params[:did][:did] if @did.length < 10 or @did[0..0].to_i == 0 @notice = _('DID_not_e164_compatible') end else @start=params[:did_start] @end=params[:did_end] if @start.length != @end.length flash[:notice]=_('DIDs_has_to_be_equal_in_length') redirect_to :action=>:new and return false end if (@start[0..0].to_i == 0 or @start.length < 10) or (@end[0..0].to_i == 0 or @end.length < 10) @notice = _('DID_not_e164_compatible') end end end def edit if reseller? @did = Did.find(:first, :include => [:user, :dialplan], :conditions => [" = ? AND dids.reseller_id = ?", params[:id],]) else @did = Did.find(:first, :include => [:user, :dialplan], :conditions => [" = ?", params[:id]]) end unless @did flash[:notice]=_('DID_was_not_found') redirect_to :action=>:index and return false end @page_title = _('Edit')+ ": " + @did.did @page_icon = 'edit.png' if current_user.usertype == 'reseller' @providers = current_user.providers.find(:all, :conditions=>['hidden=?',0], :order => "name ASC") else @providers = Provider.find(:all, :conditions=>['hidden=?',0], :order => "name ASC") end @back_controller = "dids" @back_action = "list" @back_controller = params[:back_controller] if params[:back_controller] @back_action = params[:back_action] if params[:back_action] #users @free_users = User.find(:all, :order => "users.first_name ASC, users.last_name ASC", :conditions => (reseller? ? ["hidden = 0 AND owner_id = ?",] : "hidden = 0") ) #devices @free_devices = [] if (@did.user) @free_devices = @did.user.devices end #trunks sql = "SELECT devices.* FROM devices left join users on (devices.user_id = where devices.istrunk = 1 and users.owner_id = '#{session[:user_id]}'" @available_trunks = Device.find_by_sql(sql) #assign possible choices what to do with did @choice_free = @did.reseller ? (reseller? ? false : true) : false @choice_reserved = false @choice_active = false @choice_closed = false @choice_terminated = false #DialPlan variables (DID's for dialplan) @choice_free_dp = false @choice_active_dp = false @reseller_can_assing_to_trunk = Confline.get_value('Resellers_Allow_Assign_DID_To_Trunk').to_i == 1 if @did.status == "free" if @did.reseller and !reseller? @choice_reserved = false @choice_terminated = false @choice_free_dp = false else @choice_reserved = true @choice_terminated = true @choice_free_dp = true end end if @did.status == "reserved" @choice_free = true @choice_active = true end if @did.status == "active" @choice_active = true @choice_closed = true @choice_active_dp = true if @did.dialplan or @did.dialplan_id.to_i > 0 end if @did.status == "closed" @choice_free = true @choice_active = true @choice_terminated = true end if @did.status == "terminated" @choice_free = true end if @choice_free_dp @ccdps = current_user.dialplans.find(:all, :conditions => "dptype = 'callingcard'", :order => "name ASC") @abpdps = current_user.dialplans.find(:all, :conditions => "dptype = 'authbypin'", :order => "name ASC") @cbdps = current_user.dialplans.find(:all, :conditions => "dptype = 'callback' AND data1 != #{}", :order => "name ASC") if callback_active? if mor_11_extend? @qfddps = current_user.dialplans.find(:all, :conditions => "dptype = 'quickforwarddids' AND id != 1", :order => "name ASC") else @qfddps = current_user.dialplans.find(:all, :conditions => "dptype = 'quickforwarddids'", :order => "name ASC") end @pbxfdps = current_user.dialplans.find(:all, :conditions => "dptype = 'pbxfunction'", :order => "name ASC") @ivrs = current_user.dialplans.find(:all, :conditions => "dptype = 'ivr'", :order => "name ASC") @vm_extension = Confline.get_value("VM_Retrieve_Extension", 0) @ringdps = current_user.dialplans.find(:all, :conditions => "dptype = 'ringgroup'", :order => "name ASC") end @tone_zones = ['at', 'au', 'be', 'br', 'ch', 'cl', 'cn', 'cz', 'de', 'dk', 'ee', 'es', 'fi', 'fr', 'gr', 'hu', 'it', 'lt', 'mx', 'ml', 'no', 'nz', 'pl', 'pt', 'ru', 'se', 'sg', 'uk', 'us', 'us-old', 'tw', 've', 'za'] end def update if params[:id] status = params[:status].to_s.strip if reseller? did = Did.find(:first, :conditions => [" = ? AND dids.reseller_id = ?", params[:id],]) else did = Did.find(:first, :conditions => [" = ?", params[:id]]) end unless did flash[:notice]=_('DID_was_not_found') redirect_to :action=>:index and return false end did.tonezone = params[:did][:tonezone] if params[:did] and params[:did][:tonezone] did.sound_file_id = params[:did][:sound_file_id] if params[:did] and params[:did].has_key?(:sound_file_id) ["t_digit", "t_response", "grace_time"].each do |key| did[key] = params[:did][key] if params[:did] and params[:did].has_key?(key) end update_did(did, status, 1) add_action(session[:user_id], 'did_edited', else find_dids # finds @dids ant sets @opts (additional request params) status = params[:status].to_s.strip for did in @dids update_did(did, status, 0) add_action(session[:user_id], 'did_edited', end if params[:status].to_s == 'free' params[:user_id] = "" end @opts[:user] = params[:user_id] if params[:user_id] end if params[:id] redirect_to :action => 'edit', :id =>params[:id] and return false else # @opts is beeing set in find_dids method if params[:back] redirect_to({:action => 'dids_interval_add_to_trunk'}.merge(@opts)) and return false else redirect_to(:action => 'list') and return false #ticket #5946 #redirect_to({:action => 'dids_interval_edit'}.merge(@opts)) and return false end end end def update_did(did, status, comment) if status == "provider" did.language = params[:did][:language].to_s.strip did.provider_id = params[:did][:provider_id].to_s.strip if params[:did][:provider_id] unless current_user.usertype == 'reseller' old_did_number = did.did if params[:did][:did] and params[:did][:did]!= did.did did.did = params[:did][:did].to_i end did.call_limit = params[:did][:call_limit].to_i did.call_limit = 0 if did.call_limit < 0 did.comment = params[:did][:comment].to_s.strip if comment.to_i == 1 did.user_id = params[:user_id] if params[:user_id] did.device_id = params[:device_id] if params[:device_id] else did.reseller_comment = params[:did][:reseller_comment].to_s.strip if comment.to_i == 1 end did.cid_name_prefix = params[:did][:cid_name_prefix] if if params[:did][:did] != old_did_number add_action2(session[:user_id], 'did_changed_did_number',,"From: "+old_did_number.to_s) end Action.add_action_hash(session[:user_id], {:target_type => 'provider', :target_id => params[:did][:provider_id], :action => 'did_edit_provider', :data =>}) flash[:status] = _('Details_changed') else flash[:notice] = _("DID_must_be_unique") end end if status == "free" if reseller? did.make_free_for_reseller else did.make_free end extlines_did_not_active( add_action(session[:user_id], 'did_made_available', ) flash[:status] = _('DID_made_available') # redirect_to :action => 'edit', :id => and return false end if status == "active" old_dev_id = did.device_id if did.assign(params[:device_id]) a=configure_extensions(did.device_id, {:no_redirect => true, :current_user=>current_user}) return false if !a if old_dev_id > 0 dev = Device.find_by_id(old_dev_id) if dev dev.primary_did_id = 0 a= configure_extensions(old_dev_id, {:no_redirect => true, :current_user=>current_user}) return false if !a end end Action.add_action_hash(session[:user_id], {:target_type => 'device', :target_id =>, :action => 'did_assigned', :data =>}) flash[:status] = _('DID_assigned') else flash_errors_for(_("Could_not_assign_did"), did) end end if status == "closed" did.close a=configure_extensions(did.device_id, {:no_redirect => true, :current_user=>current_user}) return false if !a extlines_did_not_active( add_action(session[:user_id], 'did_closed', ) flash[:status] = _('DID_closed') end #check if not assigned to reseller and user not reseller or user is reseller and did assigned to reseller if status == "reserved" and ((did.reseller_id == 0 and !reseller?) or (reseller? and did.reseller_id != 0)) did.reserve(params[:user_id]) extlines_did_not_active( add_action2(session[:user_id], 'did_reserved',, params[:user_id] ) flash[:status] = _('DID_reserved') end if status == "terminated" if did.device_id != 0 a=configure_extensions(did.device_id, {:no_redirect => true, :current_user=>current_user}) return false if !a end did.terminate extlines_did_not_active( add_action(session[:user_id], 'did_terminated', flash[:status] = _('DID_terminated') end end def assign_to_dp if params[:id] @page_title = _('Assign_to_dialplan') did = Did.find_by_id(params[:id]) unless did flash[:notice]=_('DID_was_not_found') redirect_to :action=>:index and return false end if params[:dp_id].to_i > 0 dp = Dialplan.find_by_id(params[:dp_id]) unless dp flash[:notice]=_('Dialplan_was_not_found') redirect_to :action=>:index and return false end did.dialplan_id = else if params[:dp_id] == "voicemail" end end flash[:status] = _('Did_assigned_to_dp') + ": " + did.status = "active" add_action2(session[:user_id], 'did_assigned_to_dp',, redirect_to :action => 'edit', :id => else find_dids # finds @dids ant sets @opts (additional request params) if params[:dp_id].to_i > 0 dp = Dialplan.find_by_id(params[:dp_id]) unless dp flash[:notice]=_('Dialplan_was_not_found') redirect_to({:action => 'dids_interval_assign_dialplan'}.merge(@opts)) and return false end end for di in @dids if dp di.dialplan_id = end di.status = "active" add_action2(session[:user_id], 'did_assigned_to_dp',, end flash[:status]=_('Dids_interval_assigned_to_dialplan') redirect_to({:action => 'dids_interval_assign_dialplan'}.merge(@opts)) and return false end end def assign_to_dp_old_disabled #take array of cg depending of number/pin length sql = "SELECT number_length, pin_length FROM cardgroups GROUP BY number_length, pin_length ORDER BY number_length ASC" res = ActiveRecord::Base.connection.select_all(sql) @ccg = [] for r in res cg = [] cg[0] = r["number_length"] cg[1] = r["pin_length"] sql = "SELECT name FROM cardgroups WHERE number_length = #{cg[0]} AND pin_length = #{cg[1]} ORDER BY name ASC" res2 = ActiveRecord::Base.connection.select_all(sql) c = [] for r2 in res2 c << r2["name"] end cg << c @ccg << cg end end def assign_dp assign_type = params[:assign_type].strip @did = Did.find_by_id(params[:id]) unless @did flash[:notice]=_('DID_was_not_found') redirect_to :action=>:index and return false end if assign_type == "callingcard" number_length = params[:number_length].strip pin_length = params[:pin_length].strip answer = params[:answer].strip #assign dp to did assign_did_to_calling_card_dp(@did, answer, number_length, pin_length) add_action2(session[:user_id], 'did_assign_did_to_calling_card_dp', flash[:status] = _('Did_assigned_to_dp') + ": " + @did.did end if assign_type == "authbypin" assign_did_to_auth_by_pin_dp(@did) add_action2(session[:user_id], 'did_assign_did_to_auth_by_pin_dp', flash[:status] = _('Did_assigned_to_dp') + ": " + @did.did end redirect_to :action => 'list' end def destroy did = Did.find_by_id(params[:id]) unless did flash[:notice]=_('DID_was_not_found') redirect_to :action=>:index and return false end didrates = did.didrates id = if did.destroy didrates.each{ |dr| dr.destroy } flash[:status] = _('Did_deleted') add_action(session[:user_id], 'did_deleted', id) else flash[:notice] = _('Did_can_not_delete') end redirect_to :action => 'list' end def quickforwarddids @page_title = _('Quick_Forwards') default = { :items_per_page=> session[:items_per_page].to_i, :page => "1", :order_by => "did", :order_desc => 0, } @options = ((params[:clear] || !session[:quickforwarddids_stats]) ? default : session[:quickforwarddids_stats]) default.each{|key, value| @options[key] = params[key] if params[key]} @options[:order_by_full] = @options[:order_by] + (@options[:order_desc].to_i == 1 ? " DESC": " ASC") @qfd_dialplan = Dialplan.find(:first, :conditions => "dptype = 'quickforwarddids'", :order => "name ASC") user_id = session[:user_id] #select admins set rules user = current_user.owner_id != 0 ? current_user.owner : current_user if user.quickforwards_rule if user.quickforwards_rule.rule_regexp.blank? regexp = '$' else regexp = user.quickforwards_rule.rule_regexp.delete('%') end end #if no rule set or blank - no dids for user cond = user.quickforwards_rule ? "AND dids.did REGEXP('^(#{regexp})')" : "AND dids.did REGEXP('^$')" sql = "SELECT quickforwarddids.*, dids.did FROM quickforwarddids JOIN dids ON ( = quickforwarddids.did_id) JOIN dialplans ON (dids.dialplan_id = WHERE dialplans.dptype = 'quickforwarddids' #{cond} AND quickforwarddids.user_id = '#{user_id}' GROUP BY ORDER BY dids.did ASC" # sql = "SELECT as 'dids_id', dids.did, quickforwarddids.* FROM dids JOIN dialplans ON (dids.dialplan_id = AND dialplans.dptype = 'quickforwarddids') LEFT JOIN quickforwarddids ON (quickforwarddids.did_id = AND quickforwarddids.user_id = '#{user_id}') ORDER BY dids.did ASC" #@dids = [] @dids2 = ActiveRecord::Base.connection.select_all(sql) did_id = [] @dids2.each{|p| did_id << p['did_id']} if @dids2 did_cond = @dids2.size.to_i > 0 ? " AND NOT IN (#{did_id.join(',')}) " : '' sql = "SELECT * FROM (SELECT 0 AS qid, dids.did, 1 as not_edit, as did_id, '' as number, '' as description FROM dids JOIN dialplans ON (dids.dialplan_id = WHERE dialplans.dptype = 'quickforwarddids' #{cond} #{did_cond} GROUP BY dids.did UNION SELECT as qid, dids.did, 0 as not_edit, as did_id, number, description FROM quickforwarddids JOIN dids ON ( = quickforwarddids.did_id) JOIN dialplans ON (dids.dialplan_id = WHERE dialplans.dptype = 'quickforwarddids' #{cond} AND quickforwarddids.user_id = '#{user_id}' GROUP BY AS v ORDER BY #{@options[:order_by_full]}" #if resellers user - select dids according to admins rule to reseller, then resellers rule to user if current_user.owner.usertype == "reseller" resellers_user = current_user if !resellers_user.quickforwards_rule or resellers_user.quickforwards_rule.rule_regexp.blank? regexp_second = '$' else regexp_second = resellers_user.quickforwards_rule.rule_regexp.delete('%') end sql2 = "SELECT * FROM (#{sql}) AS c WHERE did REGEXP('^(#{regexp_second})') ORDER BY #{@options[:order_by_full]}" @dids = ActiveRecord::Base.connection.select_all(sql2) else @dids = ActiveRecord::Base.connection.select_all(sql) end end def quickforwarddid_edit @page_title = _('Quick_Forwards') @page_icon = "edit.png" user_id = session[:user_id] @qfdid = Quickforwarddid.find(:first, :conditions =>["did_id =? AND user_id = ?", params[:id], user_id]) if not @qfdid @qfdid = @qfdid.did_id = params[:id] @qfdid.user_id = user_id end @did = @qfdid.did end def quickforwarddid_update if params[:number].length == 0 flash[:notice] = _('Enter_number') redirect_to :action => 'quickforwarddid_edit', :id => params[:did_id] and return false end if params[:id] qfdid = Quickforwarddid.find_by_id(params[:id]) unless qfdid flash[:notice]=_('Quickforwarddid_was_not_found') redirect_to :action=>:index and return false end else qfdid = qfdid.did_id = params[:did_id] qfdid.user_id = session[:user_id] end qfdid.did_id = params[:did_id] qfdid.user_id = session[:user_id] qfdid.number = params[:number] qfdid.description = params[:description] add_action2(session[:user_id], 'quickforwarddid_edit', qfdid.did_id, redirect_to :action => 'quickforwarddids' end def quickforwarddid_destroy q = Quickforwarddid.find_by_id(params[:id]) unless q flash[:notice]=_('Quickforwarddid_was_not_found') redirect_to :action=>:index and return false end q.destroy add_action(session[:user_id], 'quickforwarddid_deletedt', params[:id] ) flash[:status] = _('Number_deleted') redirect_to :action => 'quickforwarddids' end def bulk_management @page_title = _('Bulk_management') @page_icon = "edit.png" @from=params[:from] if params[:from] @till=params[:till] if params[:till] unless reseller? @providers = Provider.find(:all, :conditions=>['hidden=?',0], :order => "name ASC") sql = "SELECT count( FROM devices left join users on (devices.user_id = where devices.istrunk = 1 and users.owner_id = '#{session[:user_id]}'" @trunk = Device.count_by_sql(sql) end @users = User.find(:all, :select => "id, username, first_name, last_name, #{SqlExport.nice_user_sql}", :conditions => ["hidden = 0 AND owner_id = ?",], :order => "nice_user ASC") @devices = current_user.load_users_devices(:all, {}) !params[:did_action].blank? and (1..4).include?(params[:did_action].to_i) ? @did_action = params[:did_action].to_i : @did_action = 1 @did_action = 1 if @trunk.to_i == 0 and @did_action == 4 end def confirm_did_action params[:did_action] = 0 if reseller? and ![1,3,5].include?(params[:did_action].to_i) opts = {:from => params[:did_start], :till=>params[:did_end]} if opts[:from].blank? or opts[:till].blank? flash[:notice] = _('Enter_DID_interval') redirect_to :action => :bulk_management and return false end if opts[:from].to_i > opts[:till].to_i flash[:notice] = _('Bad_interval_start_and_end') redirect_to :action => :bulk_management and return false end opts[:user] = params[:user].to_i if params[:user] and !params[:user].strip.blank? opts[:device] = params[:device].to_i if params[:device] and !params[:device].strip.blank? opts[:active] = params[:active].to_i case params[:did_action].to_i when 1 then opts[:action] = :dids_interval_edit when 2 then opts[:action] = :dids_interval_delete when 3 then opts[:action] = :dids_interval_rates when 4 then opts[:action] = :dids_interval_trunk when 5 then opts[:action] = :dids_interval_add_to_user when 6 then opts[:action] = :dids_interval_assign_dialplan else flash[:notice] = _("Action_was_not_correct") opts = {:action => :bulk_management} end redirect_to opts and return false end def dids_interval_add_to_user @page_title = _('Dids_interval_add_to_user') @page_icon = "edit.png" #accountant can manage as admin if accountant? user_id = 0 else user_id = end @users = User.find(:all, :select =>", users.username, users.first_name, users.last_name, #{SqlExport.nice_user_sql}", :conditions => ["hidden = 0 AND owner_id = ?",user_id ], :order => "nice_user ASC") user = @users.first @devices = (user ? user.devices : []) end def add_to_user @from = params[:from].to_i @till = params[:till].to_i @opts = {:from => @from, :till => @till} var = [@from, @till] cond = ["dids.did BETWEEN ? AND ?"] num = 0 if reseller? cond << "reseller_id = ?" var << end if params[:user] and !params[:user].strip.blank? @user = User.find(:first, :conditions => {:id => params[:user].strip}) if @user and @user.owner_id == correct_owner_id cond << "dids.user_id = ?" var << @opts[:user] = logger.fatal params[:device] if params[:device] and not (params[:device].strip.blank? or params[:device].strip.downcase == 'all') @device = current_user.load_users_devices(:first, :conditions=>" = '#{params[:device]}'") if @device cond << "dids.device_id = ?" var << @opts[:device] = else flash[:notice] = _("Device_not_found") redirect_to({:action => 'dids_interval_add_to_user'}.merge(@opts)) and return false end end else dont_be_so_smart redirect_to :controller => :callc, :action => :main and return false end end @s_user = User.find(:first, :conditions => [" = ?", params[:s_user]]) if @s_user and @s_user.owner_id == correct_owner_id if params[:s_device] and not (params[:s_device].strip.blank? or params[:s_device].strip.downcase == 'all') @s_device = current_user.load_users_devices(:first, :conditions=>" = '#{params[:s_device]}'") unless @s_device flash[:notice] = _("Device_not_found") redirect_to({:action => 'dids_interval_add_to_user'}.merge(@opts)) and return false end end if @s_device num = Did.update_all("user_id = #{}, device_id = #{}, status = 'active'", [cond.join(" AND "), *var]) else if @s_user.usertype=='reseller' num = Did.update_all("reseller_id = #{}, user_id = 0, device_id = 0, status = 'free'", [cond.join(" AND "), *var]) else num = Did.update_all("user_id = #{}, device_id = 0, status = 'reserved'", [cond.join(" AND "), *var]) end end flash[:status] = [num.to_s, _('DIDs_were_updated')].join(" ") redirect_to({:action => 'list'}) and return false else flash[:notice] = _('User_Was_Not_Found') end redirect_to({:action => 'dids_interval_add_to_user'}.merge(@opts)) end # @dids, @from, @till, (@user, @device) in before filter def dids_interval_add_to_trunk @page_title = _('Dids_interval_add_to_Trunk') @page_icon = "trunk.png" sql = "SELECT devices.* FROM devices left join users on (devices.user_id = where devices.istrunk = 1 and users.owner_id = '#{session[:user_id]}'" @available_trunks = Device.find_by_sql(sql) if @available_trunks.size.to_i == 0 flash[:notice] = _('No_available_trunks') redirect_to :controller =>"dids", :action=>"list" end end # @dids, @from, @till, (@user, @device) in before filter def dids_interval_trunk @page_title = _('Dids_interval_add_to_Trunk') @page_icon = "trunk.png" sql = "SELECT count( FROM devices left join users on (devices.user_id = where devices.istrunk = 1 and users.owner_id = '#{session[:user_id]}'" @available_trunks = Device.count_by_sql(sql) if @available_trunks.to_i == 0 flash[:notice] = _('No_available_trunks') redirect_to :controller =>"dids", :action=>"list" end @free_users = User.find(:all, :conditions => "hidden = 0") end # @dids, @from, @till, (@user, @device) in before filter def dids_interval_edit @page_title = _('Dids_interval_update') @page_icon = "edit.png" if reseller? @free_users = User.find(:all, :conditions => ["hidden = 0 AND owner_id = ?",]) else @providers = Provider.find(:all, :conditions=>['hidden=?',0], :order => "name ASC") @free_users = User.find(:all, :conditions => "hidden = 0") end end # @dids, @from, @till, (@user, @device) in before filter def dids_interval_rates @page_title = _('Dids_interval_rates') @page_icon = "edit.png" for did in @dids did.did_prov_rates did.did_incoming_rates did.did_owner_rates end end def edit_rate if params[:till] if params[:user] if reseller? add_condition = "and user_id = #{params[:user].to_i}" else add_condition = "and (reseller_id = #{params[:user].to_i} or user_id = #{params[:user].to_i})" end else add_condition = "" end if reseller? @dids = Did.find(:all, :conditions=>["did >= ? AND did <= ? AND dids.reseller_id = ? #{add_condition}",params[:from], params[:till],]) else @dids = Did.find(:all, :conditions=>["did >= ? AND did <= ? #{add_condition}",params[:from], params[:till]]) end for did in @dids if params[:provider] for rate in did.did_prov_rates update_rate(, params[:rate], params[:con_fee], params[:inc], params[:min_time]) end end if params[:incoming] for rate in did.did_incoming_rates update_rate(, params[:rate], params[:con_fee], params[:inc], params[:min_time]) end end if params[:owner] for rate in did.did_owner_rates update_rate(, params[:rate], params[:con_fee], params[:inc], params[:min_time]) end end if params[:interval] for rate in did.did_incoming_rates update_rate(, params[:irate], params[:icon_fee], params[:iinc], params[:imin_time]) end unless reseller? for rate in did.did_prov_rates update_rate(, params[:prate], params[:pcon_fee], params[:pinc], params[:pmin_time]) end for rate in did.did_owner_rates update_rate(, params[:orate], params[:ocon_fee], params[:oinc], params[:omin_time]) end end end flash[:status] = _('Did_interval_rate_edited') end redirect_to :action => 'dids_interval_rates', :from => params[:from], :till=>params[:till], :user =>params[:user] else update_rate(params[:id], params[:rate], params[:con_fee], params[:inc], params[:min_time]) redirect_back_or_default("/dids/list") end end def update_rate(id, rate, fee, increments, min_time) didrates_conditions = {:readonly => false, :select => "didrates.*"} if current_user.usertype == 'reseller' didrates_conditions[:conditions] = [" = ? AND dids.reseller_id = ?", id,] didrates_conditions[:joins] = "LEFT JOIN dids ON (didrates.did_id =" else didrates_conditions[:conditions] = [" = ?", id] end dr = Didrate.find(:first, didrates_conditions) if dr dr.rate = rate dr.connection_fee = fee dr.increment_s = increments dr.min_time = min_time add_action2(session[:user_id], 'did_rate_edited', dr.did_id, flash[:status] = _('Did_rate_edited') else flash[:notice] = _('Rate_was_not_found') end end # @dids, @from, @till, (@user, @device) in before filter def dids_interval_delete @page_title = _('Dids_interval_delete') @page_icon = "edit.png" @providers = Provider.find(:all, :conditions=>['hidden=?',0], :order => "name ASC") end # @dids, @from, @till, (@user, @device) in before filter def dids_interval_assign_dialplan @page_title = _('Dids_interval_assign_to_dialplan') @page_icon = "edit.png" @ccdps = Dialplan.find(:all, :conditions => "dptype = 'callingcard'", :order => "name ASC") @abpdps = Dialplan.find(:all, :conditions => "dptype = 'authbypin'", :order => "name ASC") @cbdps = Dialplan.find(:all, :conditions => "dptype = 'callback' AND data1 NOT IN ('#{{|d|}.join("','")}')", :order => "name ASC") @qfddps = Dialplan.find(:all, :conditions => "dptype = 'quickforwarddids'", :order => "name ASC") @pbxfdps = Dialplan.find(:all, :conditions => "dptype = 'pbxfunction'", :order => "name ASC") @ivrs = Dialplan.find(:all, :conditions => "dptype = 'ivr'", :order => "name ASC") @vm_extension = Confline.get_value("VM_Retrieve_Extension", 0) end # @dids, @from, @till, (@user, @device) in before filter def delete status = params[:status].to_s.strip if status == 'provider' for did in @dids update_did(did, "free", 0) update_did(did, "terminated", 0) did.didrates.each{|dr| dr.destroy} add_action(session[:user_id], 'did_deleted', flash[:status] = _('Did_deleted') did.destroy end end if status != 'provider' status = [nil, 'free', 'terminated', nil, 'closed'][params[:dids_action].to_i] for did in @dids if did.device_id.to_i != 0 and status == 'closed' update_did(did, status, 0) add_action(session[:user_id], 'did_edited', end if status != 'closed' update_did(did, status, 0) add_action(session[:user_id], 'did_edited', end end end if params[:id] redirect_to :action => 'edit', :id =>params[:id] else redirect_to({:action => 'dids_interval_delete'}.merge(@opts)) end end def dids_export_to_csv @providers = Provider.find(:all, :conditions=>['hidden=?',0], :order => "name ASC") sql = "SELECT DISTINCT language FROM dids ORDER by language" @languages = ActiveRecord::Base.connection.select_all(sql) @users = User.find(:all, :conditions => "hidden = 0", :order => "first_name ASC") @devices = Device.find(:all, :conditions => "user_id > 0 AND name not like 'mor_server_%'", :order => "name ASC") #seach @search = 0 @search = 1 if params[:search_on] @search_did = "" @search_did = params[:s_did] if params[:s_did] @search_provider = "" @search_provider = params[:s_provider] if params[:s_provider] @search_language = "" @search_language = params[:s_language] if params[:s_language] @search_status= "" @search_status = params[:s_status] if params[:s_status] @search_user = "" @search_user = params[:s_user] if params[:s_user] @search_device = "" @search_device = params[:s_device] if params[:s_device] cond = "" cond += " AND did like '#{@search_did}' " if @search_did.length > 0 cond += " AND provider_id = '#{@search_provider}' " if @search_provider.length > 0 cond += " AND language = '#{@search_language}' " if @search_language.length > 0 if @search_status.length > 0 if ['free','active'].include?(@search_status) cond += " AND status = '#{@search_status}' AND reseller_id = 0" elsif @search_status == 'reserved' cond += " AND status = '#{@search_status}' OR reseller_id > 0" else cond += " AND status = '#{@search_status}'" end end cond += " AND user_id = '#{@search_user}' " if @search_user.length > 0 cond += " AND device_id = '#{@search_device}' " if @search_device.length > 0 #@dids = Did.find(:all, :order => "did ASC") sql = "SELECT dids.* FROM dids WHERE id > 0 #{cond} ORDER BY did ASC" @dids = Did.find_by_sql(sql) sep, dec = current_user.csv_params csv_string = "DID#{sep}Provider#{sep}Language#{sep}Status#{sep}User/Dial_Plan#{sep}Device#{sep}Call_limit#{sep}Comment\n" for did in @dids if did.user_id != 0 user_d_plan= did.user.first_name + " " + did.user.last_name else if did.dialplan_id == 0 and did.status != "free" user_d_plan = did.user.first_name + " " + did.user.last_name else user_d_plan = if did.dialplan end end csv_string += "#{did.did.to_s}#{sep}#{}#{sep}#{did.language}#{sep}#{did.status.capitalize}#{sep}#{user_d_plan}#{sep}#{nice_device(did.device)}#{sep}#{did.call_limit}#{sep}#{did.comment}\n" user_d_plan = '' end filename = "DIDs.csv" send_data(csv_string, :type => 'text/csv; charset=utf-8; header=present', :filename => filename) end def regenerate_dialplan dialplan = Dialplan.find(:first, :conditions =>["id = ? ", params[:id]]) unless dialplan flash[:notice]=_('Quickforwarddid_was_not_found') redirect_to :action=>:index and return false end dialplan.regenerate_ivr_dialplan dialplan.data8 = 0 #session[:integrity_check] = FunctionsController.integrity_recheck redirect_to :controller => "dialplans", :action => "dialplans" end def reformat_dialplans @dialplans = Dialplan.find(:all, :conditions => "dptype = 'ivr' and data8 = 1") for dialplan in @dialplans dialplan.regenerate_ivr_dialplan dialplan.data8 = 0 end #session[:integrity_check] = FunctionsController.integrity_recheck redirect_to :controller=>"functions", :action => "integrity_check" end def DidsController::reformat_dialplans @dialplans = Dialplan.find(:all, :conditions => "dptype = 'ivr' and data8 = 1") for dialplan in @dialplans dialplan.regenerate_ivr_dialplan dialplan.data8 = 0 end end #FunctionsController.integrity_recheck def personal_dids @page_title = _('DIDs') @page_icon = "did.png" user = User.find(:first, :conditions => ["id = ?", session[:user_id].to_i]) params[:page] ? @page = params[:page].to_i : @page = 1 @total_pages = (Did.count(:all, :conditions => ["user_id = ?",])/session[:items_per_page].to_f).ceil @dids = Did.find(:all, :conditions => ["user_id = ?",], :offset => session[:items_per_page]*(@page-1), :limit => session[:items_per_page]) end private def check_user_for_dids if current_user.usertype == 'user' flash[:notice] = _('You_are_not_authorized_to_view_this_page') redirect_to :controller => "callc", :action => "login" and return false end end def set_search_param(param) session[:did_search_options] ||= {} key = param.to_s.gsub(/search/,'s') result = if params.has_key?(key) params.fetch(key) elsif session[:did_search_options].has_key?(key) session[:did_search_options].fetch(key) else "" end session[:did_search_options][key] = result.to_s instance_variable_set "@#{param}", result.to_s end def check_device_presence if params[:status] && params[:status] == "active" && params[:device_id] device = Device.find_by_id(params[:device_id]) unless device flash[:notice] = _('Device_not_found') redirect_to :action => "list" end end end def find_provider @provider = Provider.find(:first, :conditions => {:id => params[:provider]}) unless @provider flash[:notice] = _('Provider_was_not_found') redirect_to :action => 'new' end end def find_dids @from = params[:from].to_i @till =params[:till].to_i active = params[:active].to_i @opts = {:from => @from, :till => @till, :active=>active.to_i} var = [@from, @till] cond = ["dids.did BETWEEN ? AND ?"] if params[:did] and params[:did][:provider_id] and !params[:did][:provider_id].strip.blank? @provider = Provider.find(:first, :conditions => {:id => params[:did][:provider_id]}) var << params[:did][:provider_id].to_i cond << "dids.provider_id = ?" end if reseller? cond << "dids.reseller_id = ?" var << end if params[:user] and !params[:user].strip.blank? @user = User.find(:first, :conditions => {:id => params[:user].strip}) if @user # find dids that assigned to user or reseller if @user.usertype == 'reseller' cond << "dids.reseller_id = ?" else cond << "dids.user_id = ?" end var << params[:user].strip @opts[:user] = if params[:device] and !params[:device].strip.blank? @device = Device.find(:first, :conditions => {:id => params[:device].strip, :user_id =>}) if @device cond << "dids.device_id = ?" var << params[:device].strip @opts[:device] = end end end end if active.to_i == 1 cond << 'dids.status = ?'; var << 'active' end @dids = Did.find(:all, :conditions=>[cond.join(" AND "), *var]) end def check_dids_creation if !allow_manage_dids? and !['admin', 'accountant'].include?(current_user.usertype) dont_be_so_smart redirect_to :controller => "callc", :action => 'main' and return false end if current_user.usertype == 'reseller' and params[:provider] and current_user.own_providers.to_i == 1 and !current_user.providers.find(:first, :conditions=>" = #{params[:provider]}") and params[:provider] != Confline.get_value("DID_default_provider_to_resellers").to_i dont_be_so_smart redirect_to :controller => "callc", :action => 'main' and return false end if current_user.usertype == 'reseller' and params[:provider] and current_user.own_providers.to_i == 0 and params[:provider].to_i != Confline.get_value("DID_default_provider_to_resellers").to_i dont_be_so_smart redirect_to :controller => "callc", :action => 'main' and return false end end def check_did_params if !['reserved', "terminated", "free", "closed", "active"].include?(params[:status]) and (!params[:did] or !params[:status]) dont_be_so_smart redirect_to :controller => :callc, :action => :main and return false end if params[:status] == 'reserved' u = User.find(:first, :conditions => ["id = ?", params[:user_id]]) if current_user.usertype == 'reseller' and (!params[:user_id] or !u or u.owner_id != correct_owner_id) dont_be_so_smart redirect_to :controller => :callc, :action => :main and return false end end if params[:status] == "active" device = Device.find(:first, :conditions => ["id = ?", params[:device_id]]) if current_user.usertype == 'reseller' and (!device or !Device.find(:first, :joins=>"LEFT JOIN users ON (devices.user_id =", :conditions=>" = #{} and (users.owner_id = #{} or = #{})")) dont_be_so_smart redirect_to :controller => :callc, :action => :main and return false end end if params[:did] and params[:did][:provider_id] if current_user.usertype == 'reseller' and params[:did][:provider_id] and current_user.own_providers.to_i == 1 and !current_user.providers.find(:first, :conditions=>" = #{params[:did][:provider_id]}") and params[:did][:provider_id] != Confline.get_value("DID_default_provider_to_resellers").to_i dont_be_so_smart redirect_to :controller => "callc", :action => 'main' and return false end if current_user.usertype == 'reseller' and params[:did][:provider_id] and current_user.own_providers.to_i == 0 and params[:did][:provider_id].to_i != Confline.get_value("DID_default_provider_to_resellers").to_i dont_be_so_smart redirect_to :controller => "callc", :action => 'main' and return false end end end end