class DidRatesController < ApplicationController layout "callc" before_filter :check_localization before_filter :authorize before_filter { |c| view = [:index] edit = [:edit] allow_read, allow_edit = c.check_read_write_permission(view, edit, {:role => "accountant", :right => :acc_manage_dids_opt_1, :ignore => true}) c.instance_variable_set :@allow_read, allow_read c.instance_variable_set :@allow_edit, allow_edit true } before_filter :check_reseller before_filter :find_did, :only => [:index] before_filter :find_did_rate, :only=>[:edit, :update, :manage] # GETs should be safe (see verify :method => :post, :only => [ :destroy, :create, :update ], :redirect_to => { :action => :list } def index @page_title = _('Did_rates') @page_icon = 'coins.png' @did.check_did_rates @did_prov_rates_c = @did.did_prov_rates @did_incoming_rates_c = @did.did_incoming_rates @did_owner_rates_c = @did.did_owner_rates @did_prov_rates_f = @did.did_prov_rates("FD") @did_incoming_rates_f = @did.did_incoming_rates("FD") @did_owner_rates_f = @did.did_owner_rates("FD") @did_prov_rates_w = @did.did_prov_rates("WD") @did_incoming_rates_w = @did.did_incoming_rates("WD") @did_owner_rates_w = @did.did_owner_rates("WD") store_location end def edit @did = @did_rate.did @page_title = _('Edit_Did_rates')+ ": " + @did.did @page_icon = 'edit.png' end def update if (params[:did_rate] and params[:did_rate][:end_time]) and ((nice_time2(@did_rate.start_time) > params[:did_rate][:end_time]) or (params[:did_rate][:end_time] > "23:59:59")) flash[:notice] = _('Bad_time') redirect_to :action => :edit, :id => and return false end rdetails = @did_rate.did_rate_details if @did_rate.update_attributes(params[:did_rate]) # we need to create new rd to cover all day if (nice_time2(@did_rate.end_time) != "23:59:59") and ((rdetails[(rdetails.size - 1)] == @did_rate) ) st = @did_rate.end_time + 1.second nrd = nrd.start_time = st.to_s nrd.end_time = "23:59:59" nrd.rate = @did_rate.rate nrd.connection_fee = @did_rate.connection_fee nrd.did_id = @did_rate.did_id nrd.increment_s = @did_rate.increment_s nrd.min_time = @did_rate.min_time nrd.daytype = @did_rate.daytype nrd.rate_type = @did_rate.rate_type if Action.add_action_hash(current_user, {:action=>'did_rate_created', :target_id=>, :target_type=>"Didrate", :data=>nrd.did_id}) end end Action.add_action_hash(current_user, {:action=>'did_rate_edited', :target_id=>, :target_type=>"Didrate", :data=>@did_rate.did_id}) flash[:status] = _('Rate_details_was_successfully_updated') redirect_to :action => :index, :id => @did_rate.did_id else render :action => :edit end end def manage rdetails = @did_rate.did_rate_details_all rdaction = params[:rdaction] if rdaction == "COMB_WD" for rd in rdetails if rd.daytype == "WD" rd.daytype = "" else rd.destroy end end flash[:status] = _('Rate_details_combined') end if rdaction == "COMB_FD" for rd in rdetails if rd.daytype == "FD" rd.daytype = "" else rd.destroy end end flash[:status] = _('Rate_details_combined') end if rdaction == "SPLIT" for rd in rdetails nrd = nrd.start_time = rd.start_time nrd.end_time = rd.end_time nrd.rate = rd.rate nrd.connection_fee = rd.connection_fee nrd.did_id = rd.did_id nrd.increment_s = rd.increment_s nrd.min_time = rd.min_time nrd.daytype = "FD" nrd.rate_type = rd.rate_type rd.daytype = "WD" end flash[:status] = _('Rate_details_split') end redirect_to :action => :index, :id => @did_rate.did_id end private def find_did @did = Did.find(:first, :conditions =>["id = ?", params[:id]]) unless @did flash[:notice]=_('DID_was_not_found') redirect_to :controller=>:dids, :action=>:list and return false end if @did.reseller_id != session[:user_id] and session[:usertype].to_s == 'reseller' flash[:notice]=_('DID_was_not_found') redirect_to :controller=>:dids, :action=>:list and return false end end def check_reseller if current_user.usertype == 'reseller' dont_be_so_smart redirect_to :controller => :callc, :action => :main and return false end end def find_did_rate @did_rate = Didrate.find(:first, :conditions =>["id = ?", params[:id]]) unless @did_rate flash[:notice]=_('Rate_was_not_found') redirect_to :controller=>:callc, :action=>:main and return false end end end