class DialplansController < ApplicationController layout "callc" before_filter :check_localization before_filter :authorize before_filter :find_dialplan, :only => [:list_extlines, :edit, :update, :destroy, :did_assign_to_dp] # GETs should be safe (see verify :method => :post, :only => [:destroy, :create, :update, :did_assign_to_dp], :redirect_to => {:action => :dialplans}, :add_flash => {:notice => _('Dont_be_so_smart'), :params => {:dont_be_so_smart => true}} @@CC_End_ivr = ['End IVR #1', 'End IVR #2', 'End IVR #3', 'End IVR #4', 'End IVR #5'] @@ANI_End_ivr = ['End IVR #1', 'End IVR #2', 'End IVR #3'] def dialplans @page_title = _('Dial_Plans') @ccdps = [] @ccdps = current_user.dialplans.find(:all, :select => 'dialplans.*, AS balance_ivr', :joins => "LEFT JOIN ivrs ON dialplans.data12 =", :conditions => "dptype = 'callingcard'", :order => "name ASC") if cc_active? @abpdps = current_user.dialplans.find(:all, :conditions => "dptype = 'authbypin'", :order => "name ASC") @cbdps = current_user.dialplans.find(:all, :conditions => "dptype = 'callback'", :order => "name ASC") if callback_active? @ivr_dialplans = current_user.dialplans.find(:all, :conditions => "dptype = 'ivr'", :order => "name ASC") @cc_end_ivr = @@CC_End_ivr @ani_end_ivr = @@ANI_End_ivr @quickforward_dialplans = current_user.dialplans.find(:all, :select => "dialplans.*, users.username AS user_name, devices.username AS device_name, devices.device_type", :joins => "LEFT JOIN devices ON dialplans.data3 = LEFT JOIN users ON = devices.user_id", :conditions => "dptype = 'quickforwarddids' and != 1", :order => " ASC") end def list_extlines @page_title = _('Extlines') @page_icon = "asterisk.png" @extlines = Extline.find(:all, :conditions => "exten = 'dialplan#{}'", :order => "exten ASC, priority ASC") @ivr1 = current_user.ivrs.find(:first, :conditions => "id = #{@dp.data2}") if @dp.data2 and @dp.data2.to_s.size > 0 @ivr2 = current_user.ivrs.find(:first, :conditions => "id = #{@dp.data4}") if @dp.data4 and @dp.data4.to_s.size > 0 @ivr3 = current_user.ivrs.find(:first, :conditions => "id = #{@dp.data6}") if @dp.data6 and @dp.data6.to_s.size > 0 @ivr4 = current_user.ivrs.find(:first, :conditions => "id = #{@dp.data7}") if @dp.data7 and @dp.data7.to_s.size > 0 @ivr1_blocks = @ivr1.ivr_blocks if @ivr1 @ivr2_blocks = @ivr2.ivr_blocks if @ivr2 @ivr3_blocks = @ivr3.ivr_blocks if @ivr3 @ivr4_blocks = @ivr4.ivr_blocks if @ivr4 end def edit @page_title = _('Dial_Plan_edit') @page_icon = "edit.png" @cbdids = Did.find_by_sql("SELECT dids.* FROM dids JOIN dialplans ON (dids.dialplan_id = WHERE dialplans.dptype != 'callback' AND reseller_id = #{}") @cbdevices = Device.find(:all, :conditions => "user_id != -1 AND users.owner_id = #{} AND name not like 'mor_server_%'", :include => [:user], :order => "name ASC") @cardgroups = Cardgroup.find_by_sql("SELECT, cardgroups.number_length, cardgroups.pin_length FROM cardgroups WHERE owner_id = #{} AND hidden = 0 group by number_length , pin_length ") if @dp.dptype == "ivr" @dialplan = @dp @ivrs = current_user.ivrs.find(:all) @timeperiods = current_user.ivr_timeperiods.find(:all) @help_link = "" end if @dp.dptype == "callback" and callback_active? @free_dids = Did.find(:all, :conditions => ['status = "free" AND reseller_id = ?',], :order => 'did ASC') @help_link = "" end if @dp.dptype == 'authbypin' @users = current_user.find_all_for_select if @dp.data5.blank? @user_id = "" else device_used = Device.find_by_id(@dp.data5.to_i) @user_id = device_used.user_id end @cc_dialplans = Dialplan.find(:all, :conditions => {:dptype => 'callingcard', :user_id => current_user.get_corrected_owner_id}) end if @dp.dptype == 'callingcard' and mor_11_extend? @balance_ivrs = current_user.ivrs.find(:all) end if @dp.dptype == 'quickforwarddids' @users = current_user.find_all_for_select if @dp.data3.to_s.length > 0 and selected_device = Device.find(:first, :select => ' user_id, device_id', :joins => "JOIN users ON = devices.user_id", :conditions => "users.owner_id = #{} AND = #{@dp.data3.to_i}") @devices = Device.find(:all, :conditions => "user_id = #{selected_device.user_id}") @selected_user_id = selected_device.user_id @selected_device_id = selected_device.user_id else @devices = [] @selected_user_id = '' end end @cc_end_ivr = @@CC_End_ivr @ani_end_ivr = @@ANI_End_ivr end def dialplans_device_ajax @device_selected = params[:device_id].to_i @device = [] if params[:id] @device = Device.find(:all, :conditions => ['user_id =? AND name not like "mor_server_%"', params[:id]]) end render :layout => false end def did_assign_to_dp did = Did.find_by_id(params[:did_id]) unless did flash[:notice]=_('Did_was_not_found') redirect_to :action => :dialplans and return false end did.dialplan_id = did.status = "active" add_action2(session[:user_id], 'did_assigned_to_dp',, @free_dids = Did.free_dids_for_select @ringgroup = params[:ringgroup].to_i render :layout => false end def update unless params[:dialplan] flash[:notice] = _('Dont_Be_So_Smart') redirect_to :action => 'dialplans' and return false end if params[:dialplan][:name].length == 0 flash[:notice] = _('Please_enter_name') redirect_to :action => 'edit', :id => and return false end = params[:dialplan][:name].strip if @dp.dptype == "callingcard" @cardgroup = Cardgroup.find(:first, :conditions => "id = #{params[:dialplan_number_pin_length]} AND hidden = 0") unless @cardgroup flash[:notice]=_('Cardgroup_was_not_found') redirect_to :action => :dialplans and return false end @dp.data1=@cardgroup.number_length @dp.data2=@cardgroup.pin_length #tell time - data3 @dp.data3 = @dp.tell_time_status(params[:dialplan][:data3], params[:tell_seconds]) @dp.data4 = params[:dialplan][:data4] ? 1 : 0 @dp.data7 = params[:dialplan][:data7] ? 1 : 0 @dp.data8 = params[:dialplan][:data8] ? 1 : 0 @dp.data5 = params[:dialplan][:data5].strip if params[:dialplan][:data5].to_i > 0 @dp.data6 = params[:dialplan][:data6].strip if params[:dialplan][:data6].to_i > 0 @dp.data9 = params[:end_ivr].to_i + 1 @dp.data10 = params[:dialplan][:data10].to_i @dp.data11 = params[:dialplan][:data11].to_f if @dp.data11.to_i == 0 @dp.data12 = '' else @dp.data12 = params[:dialplan][:data12].to_i end end if @dp.dptype == "authbypin" if params[:dialplan][:data1].to_i > 0 or (params[:dialplan][:data3].to_i == 1 and params[:dialplan][:data1].to_i >= 0) @dp.data1 = params[:dialplan][:data1].strip elsif params[:dialplan][:data3].to_i == 0 and params[:dialplan][:data1].to_i == 0 @dp.data1 = 1 end @dp.data2 = params[:dialplan][:data2].strip if params[:dialplan][:data2].to_i > 0 @dp.data3 = params[:dialplan][:data3] ? 1 : 0 @dp.data4 = params[:dialplan][:data4] ? 1 : 0 @dp.data6 = params[:dialplan][:data6].to_i == 1 ? "1" : "0" if params[:dialplan][:data3].to_i != 0 @dp.data5 = params[:users_device] else @dp.data5 = "" end if Dialplan.find(:first, :conditions => {:id => params[:dialplan][:data7].to_i, :user_id => current_user.get_corrected_owner_id}) @dp.data7 = params[:dialplan][:data7].to_i else @dp.data7 = 0 end @dp.data8 = params[:dialplan][:data8].to_i + 1 end if callback_active? and @dp.dptype == "callback" and params[:dialplan] @dp.data1 = params[:dialplan][:data1].strip if params[:dialplan][:data1] @dp.data2 = params[:dialplan][:data2].strip @dp.data3 = params[:dialplan][:data3].strip @dp.data4 = params[:dialplan][:data4] ? params[:dialplan][:data4].to_i : 0 @dp.data5 = params[:dialplan][:data5].strip @dp.data6 = params[:dialplan][:data6].strip end if @dp.dptype == "ivr" @dp.update_attributes(params[:dialplan]) end if @dp.dptype == "quickforwarddids" @dp.data10 = 0 if params[:dialplan][:data10].to_i == 0 if params[:dialplan][:data10].to_i == 0 and params[:users_device].to_i == 0 flash[:notice] = _('Select_device_or_set_diversion') redirect_to :action => 'edit', :id => and return false end if params[:dialplan][:data10].to_i == 0 if not User.find(:first, :joins => "JOIN devices ON devices.user_id =", :conditions => " = #{params[:users_device].to_i} AND users.owner_id = #{current_user.get_corrected_owner_id}") flash[:notice] = _('Device_was_not_found') redirect_to :action => 'edit', :id => and return false else @dp.data3 = params[:users_device].to_i @dp.data10 = 0 end else @dp.data10 = 1 @dp.data3 = nil end end if add_action(session[:user_id], 'dp_edited', if @dp.dptype == "ivr" session[:integrity_check] = DidsController::reformat_dialplans end if @dp.dptype == "ivr" @dp.regenerate_ivr_dialplan end flash[:status] = _('Dialplan_was_successfully_updated') else flash[:notice] = _('Dialplan_was_not_updated') end redirect_to :action => 'dialplans' and return false end def new @page_title = _('Dial_Plan_new') @page_icon = "add.png" @dp ={:data2 => 5}) @cbdids = Did.find_by_sql("SELECT dids.* FROM dids JOIN dialplans ON (dids.dialplan_id = WHERE dialplans.dptype != 'callback' AND dids.reseller_id = #{}") @cardgroups = Cardgroup.find_by_sql("SELECT, cardgroups.number_length, cardgroups.pin_length FROM cardgroups WHERE owner_id = #{} AND hidden = 0 group by number_length , pin_length ") @cbdevices = Device.find(:all, :conditions => "user_id != -1 AND users.owner_id = #{} AND name not like 'mor_server_%'", :include => [:user], :order => "name ASC") @cc_dialplans = Dialplan.find(:all, :conditions => {:dptype => 'callingcard', :user_id => current_user.get_corrected_owner_id}) @balance_ivrs = current_user.ivrs.find(:all) @ivrs = current_user.ivrs.find(:all) @timeperiods = current_user.ivr_timeperiods.find(:all) @dp_data5 = 3 @dp_data6 = 3 @dp_data1 = 3 @dp_data2 = 3 @dp_data7 = false @cc_end_ivr = @@CC_End_ivr @ani_end_ivr = @@ANI_End_ivr @users = current_user.find_all_for_select @users_used = "" end def create if !params[:dialplan] or params[:dialplan][:name].length == 0 flash[:notice] = _('Please_enter_name') redirect_to :action => 'new' and return false end params[:dialplan][:name]=params[:dialplan][:name].strip dp =[:dialplan]) if params[:dialplan][:dptype] == "callingcard" @cardgroup = Cardgroup.find(:first, :conditions => "id = #{params[:dialplan_number_pin_length]} AND hidden = 0") unless @cardgroup flash[:notice]=_('Cardgroup_was_not_found') redirect_to :action => :dialplans and return false end if @cardgroup dp.data1=@cardgroup.number_length dp.data2=@cardgroup.pin_length else redirect_to :action => 'dialplans' and return false end end if dp.dptype == "callingcard" dp.data7 = 0 if not dp.data7 #tell time - data3 dp.data3 = dp.tell_time_status(dp.data3, params[:tell_seconds]) dp.data4 = 0 if not dp.data4 dp.data5 = 3 if dp.data5.length == 0 dp.data6 = 3 if dp.data6.length == 0 dp.data9 = params[:end_ivr].to_i + 1 dp.data11 = params[:dialplan][:data11].to_f if dp.data11.to_i == 0 dp.data12 = '' else dp.data12 = params[:dialplan][:data12].to_i end end if dp.dptype == "quickforwarddids" dp.data10 = 0 if dp.data10.to_s.length == 0 if dp.data10 == 0 and params[:users_device].to_i == 0 flash[:notice] = _('Select_device_or_set_diversion') redirect_to :action => 'new' and return false end if dp.data10 == 0 and not User.find(:first, :joins => "JOIN devices ON devices.user_id =", :conditions => " = #{params[:users_device].to_i} AND users.owner_id = #{current_user.get_corrected_owner_id}") flash[:notice] = _('Device_was_not_found') redirect_to :action => 'new' and return false else dp.data3 = params[:users_device].to_i end end if dp.dptype == "authbypin" if params[:dialplan][:data1].to_i > 0 or (params[:dialplan][:data3].to_i == 1 and params[:dialplan][:data1].to_i >= 0) dp.data1 = params[:dialplan][:data1].strip elsif params[:dialplan][:data3].to_i == 0 and params[:dialplan][:data1].to_i == 0 dp.data1 = 3 end dp.data2 = 3 if dp.data2.length == 0 dp.data3 = 0 if not dp.data3 dp.data4 = 0 if not dp.data4 dp.data5 = params[:users_device] dp.data6 = params[:dialplan][:data6].to_i == 1 ? "1" : "0" dp.data7 = params[:dialplan][:data7].to_i dp.data8 = params[:dialplan][:data8].to_i + 1 end if callback_active? and dp.dptype == "callback" dp.data2 = 5 if dp.data2.length == 0 end if if dp.dptype == "ivr" dp.regenerate_ivr_dialplan end add_action(session[:user_id], 'dp_created', flash[:status] = _('Dialplan_was_successfully_created') else flash[:notice] = _('Dialplan_was_not_created') end redirect_to :action => 'dialplans' and return false end def destroy if @dp.dptype != "ivr" if not @dp.dids.empty? flash[:notice] = _('Dialplan_is_assigned_to_did_cant_delete') redirect_to :action => 'dialplans' and return false end if @dp.dptype == 'authbypin' and @dp.data7.to_i > 0 flash[:notice] = _('Calling_card_dialplan_is_assigned_to_this_dialpan') redirect_to :action => 'dialplans' and return false end if @dp.dptype == 'callingcard' if Dialplan.count(:all, :conditions => {:dptype => 'authbypin', :data7 =>}).to_i > 0 flash[:notice] = _('Dialplan_is_associated_with_other_dialplans') redirect_to :action => 'dialplans' and return false end end end add_action(session[:user_id], 'dp_deleted', name = @dp.destroy_all flash[:status] = _('Dialplan_deleted') + ": " + name redirect_to :action => 'dialplans' and return false end private def find_dialplan @dp = Dialplan.find(:first, :conditions => {:id => params[:id]}) unless @dp flash[:notice]=_('Dialplan_was_not_found') redirect_to :controller => :callc, :action => :main and return false end unless @dp.user_id.to_i == dont_be_so_smart redirect_to :controller => "callc", :action => "main" and return false end end end