class DestinationsController < ApplicationController layout "callc" before_filter :check_localization before_filter :authorize before_filter :find_destination, :only => [:edit, :update, :destroy] before_filter :find_direction, :only => [:list, :create, :stats, :new, :create] # GETs should be safe (see http://www.w3.dorg/2001/tag/doc/whenToUseGet.html) verify :method => :post, :only => [ :destroy, :create, :update ], :redirect_to => { :action => :list }, :add_flash => { :notice => _('Dont_be_so_smart'), :params => {:dont_be_so_smart => true}} def list @page_title = _('Destinations') @page = 1 @page = params[:page].to_i if params[:page] items_per_page = session[:items_per_page] @destinations2 = @direction.destinations_with_groups @total_pages = (@destinations2.size.to_f / items_per_page).ceil if @page > @total_pages redirect_to :action => :list, :page => @total_pages end @destinations = [] iend = items_per_page * @page - 1 iend = (@destinations2.size - 1) if iend > (@destinations2.size - 1) for i in (items_per_page * @page - items_per_page)..iend @destinations << @destinations2[i] if @destinations2[i] end @page_select_header_id = store_location end def new @page_title = _('Add_new_destination') @page_icon = "add.png" @destination ={:subcode=>'FIX'}) end def create @page_title = _('Add_new_destination') params[:destination]["direction_code"] = @direction.code dest = Destination.find(:first, :conditions => ["prefix = ?", params[:destination][:prefix]]) if dest flash[:notice] = _('Destination_exist_and_belong_to_Direction') + " : " + redirect_to :action => 'new', :id => @direction and return false end params[:destination]["direction_code"] = @direction.code @dest =[:destination]) # dg = Destinationgroup.find(:first, :conditions=>{:desttype=>@dest.subcode, :flag=>@direction.code.downcase}) # @dest.destinationgroup_id = if dg if flash[:status] = _('Destination_was_successfully_created') else flash[:notice] = _('Destination_was_not_successfully_created') end redirect_to :action => 'list', :id => @direction end def edit @page_title = _('Edit_destination') @page_icon = "edit.png" @direction = @destination.direction @page = params[:page] end def update params[:destination][:destinationgroup_id] = nil if params[:destination] and params[:destination][:destinationgroup_id] and params[:destination][:destinationgroup_id].to_s == "none" if @destination.update_attributes(params[:destination]) @direction = @destination.direction flash[:status] = _('Destination_was_successfully_updated') redirect_to :action => 'list', :id => @direction else flash[:notice] = _('Such_destination_exists_allready') redirect_to :action => 'edit', :id => @destination end end def destroy dd_id = if @destination.destroy flash[:status] = _('Destination_was_deleted') else flash_errors_for(_('Cant_delete_destination'), @destination) end redirect_back_or_default("/destinations/list/#{dd_id}") end #========================================= Destinations stats ====================================================== def stats @page_title = _('Destination_stats') @page_icon = "chart_bar.png" @destination = Destination.find_by_id(params[:des_id]) unless @destination flash[:notice]=_('Destination_was_not_found') redirect_to :controller=>:callc, :action=>:main and return false end change_date @html_flag = @direction.code @html_name = @html_prefix_name = _('Prefix') + " : " @html_prefix = @destination.prefix @calls, @Calls_graph, @answered_calls, @no_answer_calls, @busy_calls, @failed_calls = Direction.get_calls_for_graph({:a1=>session_from_date, :a2=>session_till_date, :destination=>@destination.prefix, :code=>@direction.code}) @sdate = Time.mktime(session[:year_from], session[:month_from], session[:day_from]) year, month, day = last_day_month('till') @edate = Time.mktime(year,month,day) @a_date = [] @a_calls = [] @a_billsec = [] @a_avg_billsec = [] @a_calls2 = [] @a_ars = [] @a_ars2 = [] @t_calls = 0 @t_billsec = 0 @t_avg_billsec = 0 @t_normative = 0 @t_norm_days = 0 @t_avg_normative = 0 i = 0 while @sdate < @edate @a_date[i] = @sdate.strftime("%Y-%m-%d") @a_calls[i] = 0 @a_billsec[i] = 0 @a_calls2[i] = 0 sql ="SELECT COUNT( as \'calls\', SUM(calls.billsec) as \'billsec\' FROM destinations, directions, calls WHERE (destinations.direction_code = directions.code) AND (directions.code ='#{@direction.code}' ) AND (destinations.prefix = #{q(@destination.prefix)}) AND (destinations.prefix = calls.prefix) "+ "AND calls.calldate BETWEEN '#{@a_date[i]} 00:00:00' AND '#{@a_date[i]} 23:23:59'" + "AND disposition = 'ANSWERED'" res = ActiveRecord::Base.connection.select_all(sql) @a_calls[i] = res[0]["calls"].to_i @a_billsec[i] = res[0]["billsec"].to_i @a_avg_billsec[i] = 0 @a_avg_billsec[i] = @a_billsec[i] / @a_calls[i] if @a_calls[i] > 0 @t_calls += @a_calls[i] @t_billsec += @a_billsec[i] sqll ="SELECT COUNT( as \'calls2\' FROM destinations, directions, calls WHERE (destinations.direction_code = directions.code) AND (directions.code ='#{@direction.code}' ) AND (destinations.prefix = #{q(@destination.prefix)}) AND (destinations.prefix = calls.prefix) "+ "AND calls.calldate BETWEEN '#{@a_date[i]} 00:00:00' AND '#{@a_date[i]} 23:23:59'" res2 = ActiveRecord::Base.connection.select_all(sqll) @a_calls2[i] = res2[0]["calls2"].to_i @a_ars2[i] = (@a_calls[i].to_f / @a_calls2[i]) * 100 if @a_calls2[i] > 0 @a_ars[i] = nice_number @a_ars2[i] @sdate += (60 * 60 * 24) i+=1 end index = i @t_avg_billsec = @t_billsec / @t_calls if @t_calls > 0 # Tariff and rate @rate = Rate.find(:all,:conditions => ["destination_id=?",]) @rate_details = [] @rate1 = [] @rate2 = [] for rat in @rate if rat.tariff.purpose == "provider" @rate1[] @rate_details[] = Ratedetail.find(:first, :conditions =>["rate_id=?",]) else if rat.tariff.purpose == "user_wholesale" @rate2[] @rate_details[] = Ratedetail.find(:first, :conditions =>["rate_id=?",]) end end end #===== Graph===================== #formating graph for Calls ine=0 @Calls_graph2 ="" while ine <= index -1 @Calls_graph2 +=@a_date[ine].to_s + ";" + @a_calls[ine].to_s + "\\n" ine=ine +1 end #formating graph for Calltime i=0 @Calltime_graph ="" for i in 0..@a_billsec.size-1 @Calltime_graph +=@a_date[i].to_s + ";" + (@a_billsec[i] / 60).to_s + "\\n" ine=ine +1 end #formating graph for Avg.Calltime ine=0 @Avg_Calltime_graph ="" while ine <= index -1 @Avg_Calltime_graph +=@a_date[ine].to_s + ";" + @a_avg_billsec[ine].to_s + "\\n" ine=ine +1 end #formating graph for Asr calls ine=0 @Asr_graph ="" while ine <= index -1 @Asr_graph +=@a_date[ine].to_s + ";" + @a_ars[ine].to_s + "\\n" ine=ine +1 end end =begin If at least one destination found redirect to confirmation page, else redirect back to /destination_groups/list and inform user that nothing was found =end def bulk_rename_confirm @prefix = params[:prefix] begin @destinations = Destination.dst_by_prefix(@prefix) rescue flash[:notice] = _('Invalid_prefix') redirect_to :controller => :directions, :action =>:list and return false end if @destinations.size > 0 @destination_count = @destinations.size @destination_name = params[:destination] else flash[:notice] = _('No_destinations_found') redirect_to :controller => :destination_groups, :action => :list end end =begin Update destination names by prefix that matches supplied pattern redirect back to /destination_groups/list and inform user that nothing was found =end def bulk_rename Destination.rename_by_prefix(params[:destination], params[:prefix]) flash[:status] = _('Destinations_were_renamed') redirect_to :controller => :destination_groups, :action => :list end private def find_direction @direction = Direction.find(:first, :conditions=>{:id=>params[:id]}) unless @direction flash[:notice]=_('Direction_was_not_found') redirect_to :controller=>:callc, :action=>:main and return false end end def find_destiantion @destination=Destination.find(:first, :conditions=>{:id=>params[:id]}) unless @destination flash[:notice]=_('Destination_was_not_found') redirect_to :controller=>:callc, :action=>:main and return false end end end