class CurrenciesController < ApplicationController layout "callc" before_filter :check_localization, :except=>[:calculate] before_filter :authorize, :except=>[:calculate] before_filter :find_currecy, :only=>[:currencies_change_update_status, :currencies_change_status, :currencies_change_default, :edit, :update, :destroy] def calculate @without_tax = (params[:curr1].to_s == params[:curr2].to_s ? round_to_cents(params[:amount].to_f) : exchange(params[:amount], params[:curr1], params[:curr2]).to_f) @without_tax = params[:min_amount].to_f if !params[:min_amount].blank? and @without_tax.to_f < params[:min_amount].to_f @without_tax = params[:max_amount].to_f if !params[:max_amount].blank? and !params[:max_amount] and @without_tax.to_f > params[:max_amount].to_f @tax_in_amount = params[:tax_in_amount].to_s if @tax_in_amount == 'excluded' @with_tax =[:user].to_i, @without_tax.to_f) @with_tax, @without_tax = @without_tax, @with_tax else @with_tax =[:user].to_i, @without_tax.to_f) end result = { :without_tax => round_to_cents(@without_tax.to_f), :with_tax => round_to_cents(@with_tax.to_f) } respond_to do |format| format.json { render :json => result.to_json } end end def currencies @page_title = _('Currencies') @page_icon = "money_dollar.png" @currs = Currency.find(:all, :order => "id ASC") end def currencies_change_update_status @currency.curr_update = @currency.curr_update == 1 ? 0 : 1 if flash[:status] = @currency.curr_update == 1 ? _('Currency_update_enabled') : _('Currency_update_disabled') else flash_errors_for(_('Currency_not_updated'), @currency) end redirect_to :action => 'currencies' end def currencies_change_status = == 1 ? 0 : 1 if flash[:status] = == 1 ? _('Currency_enabled') : _('Currency_disabled') else flash_errors_for(_('Currency_not_updated'), @currency) end redirect_to :action => 'currencies' end def change_default @page_title = _('Default_currency') @page_icon = 'money_dollar.png' @currs = Currency.find(:all) end def currencies_change_default curr = @currency.set_default_currency if curr session[:default_currency] = curr flash[:status] = _('Currencies_rates_updated') else flash[:notice] = _('Error_Please_Try_Again_Later') end redirect_to :action=>:change_default end def update_currencies_rates if params[:all].to_i == 1 begin Currency.transaction do Currency.update_currency_rates end rescue Exception => e end else @currency = Currency.find(:first, :conditions=>['id=?',params[:id]]) unless @currency flash[:notice] = _('Currency_was_not_found') redirect_back_or_default("/currencies/currencies") end @currency.update_rate if @currency.exchange_rate == 0 flash[:notice] = _('Yahoo_could_not_find_currency') redirect_to :action => 'currencies' and return false end end flash[:status] = _('Currencies_rates_updated') redirect_to :action => 'currencies' end def edit @page_title = _('Currency_edit') @page_icon = 'edit.png' end def update @currency.full_name = params[:full_name] if params[:exchange_rate].to_f > 0.to_f @currency.exchange_rate = params[:exchange_rate].to_f @currency.exchange_rate = 1 if == 1 @currency.last_update = else = 0 @currency.last_update = end if flash[:status] = _('Currency_details_updated') else flash_errors_for(_('Currency_details_not_updated'), @currency) end redirect_to :action => 'currencies' end def destroy total_tariffs = @currency.tariffs.size if ( != 1) and (total_tariffs == 0) and (@currency.curr_edit != 1)#AND check if some tariff etc uses this currency session[:show_currency] = session[:default_currency] if session[:show_currency] == @currency.destroy flash[:status] = _('Currency_deleted') else flash[:notice] = _('Cant_delete_this_currency_some_tariffs_are_using_it') if total_tariffs != 0 end redirect_to :action => 'currencies' end private def exchange(amount, curr1, curr2) amount = amount.to_f *, curr2) if defined? ActiveProcessor.configuration.currency_exchange return round_to_cents(amount) end def round_to_cents(amount) sprintf("%.2f", amount) end def find_currecy @currency = Currency.find(:first, :conditions=>['id=?',params[:id]]) unless @currency flash[:notice] = _('Currency_was_not_found') redirect_back_or_default("/currencies/currencies") and return false end end end