class CreditNoteController < ApplicationController layout "callc" before_filter :link_to_user?, :only => [:list, :edit] before_filter :link_to_financial_operations?, :only => [:list, :edit] before_filter :can_edit_financial_data?, :only => [:pay, :unpay, :destroy, :new, :create] before_filter :can_view_financial_data?, :only => [:list, :edit] before_filter :can_view_credit_notes? def list @page_title = _('Credit_notes') items_per_page = session[:items_per_page] @total_pages = (credit_notes_count.to_f / items_per_page.to_f).ceil page_no = current_page page_no = @total_pages if page_no.to_i > @total_pages.to_i and @total_pages.to_i > 0 page_no = 1 if page_no < 1 offset = ((page_no -1 ) * items_per_page).to_i @notes = credit_notes(items_per_page, offset) #set issue and paid dates that will be visible for user as default search options @issue_date_from, @issue_date_till = date_from_till(search_options[:issue_date_from], search_options[:issue_date_till]) @paid_date_from, @paid_date_till = date_from_till(search_options[:paid_date_from], search_options[:paid_date_till]) @options = search_options @show_search = show_search? @options @options[:page] = page_no @options[:order_by], @options[:order_desc] = order_by session[:credit_note_list] = @options end def new @page_title = _('New_credit_note') @page_icon = "add.png" @users = User.find_all_for_select(correct_owner_id,{:exclude_owner=>true}) unless @users flash[:notice] = _("There_is_no_users") end issue_date = params[:issue_date] ?[:issue_date][:year], params[:issue_date][:month], params[:issue_date][:day]) : @note = @note.issue_date = end def create if current_user.is_accountant? condition = ["owner_id = 0 AND id = #{params[:user][:id].to_i}"] elsif current_user.is_reseller? or current_user.is_admin? condition = ["owner_id = #{} AND id = #{params[:user][:id].to_i}"] end user = User.find(:first, :conditions => condition) if user @note = @note.user = user issue_date = params[:issue_date] if issue_date @note.issue_date = Time.mktime(issue_date[:year].to_i, issue_date[:month].to_i, issue_date[:day].to_i, issue_date[:hour].to_i, issue_date[:minute].to_i) else @note.issue_date = end @note.number = params[:number] @note.price = params[:price].to_f @note.comment = params[:comment] if flash[:status] = _('Credit_note_created') redirect_to :controller => :credit_note, :action => :edit, :id => else flash[:notice] = _('Failed_to_save_credit_note') @users = User.find_all_for_select(correct_owner_id,{:exclude_owner=>true}) render :action => :new end else flash[:notice] = _('User_not_found') redirect_to :controller => :credit_note, :action => :list end end =begin User can edit, delete, update only his own users credit notes. If failed to find such credit note does redirect to list. =end def edit @page_title = _('Credit_note') @page_icon = "edit.png" @note = find_credit_note(params[:id]) unless @note flash[:notice] = _('Credit_note_not_found') redirect_to :controller => :credit_note, :action => :list end end def destroy note = find_credit_note(params[:id]) if note note.destroy flash[:status] = _('Credit_note_deleted') else flash[:notice] = _('Credit_note_not_found') end redirect_to :controller => :credit_note, :action => :list end def update @note = find_credit_note(params[:id]) if @note @note.comment = params[:comment] if flash[:status] = _('Credit_note_changed') else flash[:notice] = _('Failed_to_save_credit_note') end redirect_to :controller => :credit_note, :action => :edit, :id => else flash[:notice] = _('Credit_note_not_found') redirect_to :controller => :credit_note, :action => :list end end def pay @note = find_credit_note(params[:id]) if @note redirect_to :controller => :credit_note, :action => :edit, :id => else flash[:notice] = _('Credit_note_not_found') redirect_to :controller => :credit_note, :action => :list end end def unpay @note = find_credit_note(params[:id]) if @note @note.unpay redirect_to :controller => :credit_note, :action => :edit, :id => else flash[:notice] = _('Credit_note_not_found') redirect_to :controller => :credit_note, :action => :list end end private =begin Makes from/till date from passed parameter, but if one of them was not passed defaults to from/till date that is saved in session *Params* +from+ hash containing :year, :month and :day +till+ hash containing :year, :month and :day *Returns* +[from, till]+ array containing date from and date till =end def date_from_till(from, till) if from and till till = Time.mktime(till[:year], till[:month], till[:day]) from = Time.mktime(from[:year], from[:month], from[:day]) else from = Time.mktime(session[:year_from], session[:month_from], session[:day_from]) till = Time.mktime(session[:year_till], session[:month_till], session[:day_till]) end return from, till end =begin Count number of credit notes filtered by conditons supplied option hash. All conditions are joined with AND. *Params* +options+ hash of user specified search options *Returns* +credit_note_count+ number of notes that were found for current user =end def credit_notes_count condition = credit_note_conditions CreditNote.count(:all, :include => :user, :conditions => condition.join(' AND ')) end =begin *Params* +limit+ limit of maximum credit notes that should be returned +offset+ number of credit notes that should be skipped +options+ hash of user specified options *Returns* *credit_notes* list of credit notes that current user can view or edit, filtered by supplied search conditions =end def credit_notes(limit, offset) condition = credit_note_conditions order, desc = order_by desc = (desc == 1 ? 'ASC' : 'DESC') CreditNote.find(:all, :select=>"credit_notes.*, #{SqlExport.nice_user_sql}, users.username, users.last_name, users.first_name", :joins => 'LEFT JOIN users ON ( = credit_notes.user_id)', :conditions => condition.join(' AND '), :limit => limit, :offset => offset, :order => order + ' ' + desc) end =begin Based on user specified search conditions creates an array of conditions from whitch we may construct sql query. One of the most important things it does is that it creates condition so that current user can select only his users credit notes *Returns* +conditios+ array of conditions for sql query =end def credit_note_conditions if current_user.is_accountant? condition = ["owner_id IN (0, #{})"] elsif current_user.is_reseller? or current_user.is_admin? condition = ["owner_id = #{}"] end options = search_options condition << "status = '#{options[:status]}'" if ['paid', 'unpaid'].include? options[:status] condition << "first_name LIKE '#{options[:first_name].strip}%'" if options[:first_name] condition << "last_name LIKE '#{options[:last_name].strip}%'" if options[:last_name] condition << "username LIKE '#{options[:username].strip}%'" if options[:username] condition << "price >= #{current_user.to_system_currency(options[:amount_min].to_f)}" if options[:amount_min] condition << "price <= #{current_user.to_system_currency(options[:amount_max].to_f)}" if options[:amount_max] if options[:status] == 'paid' and options[:paid_date_from] and options[:paid_date_till] from = options[:paid_date_from] from = current_user.system_time(from[:year] + '-' + from[:month] + '-' + from[:day] + ' 00:00:00') till = options[:paid_date_till] till = current_user.system_time(till[:year] + '-' + till[:month] + '-' + till[:day] + ' 23:59:59') condition << "pay_date BETWEEN '#{from}' AND '#{till}'" end if options[:issue_date_from] and options[:issue_date_till] from = options[:issue_date_from] from = current_user.system_time(from[:year] + '-' + from[:month] + '-' + from[:day] + ' 00:00:00') till = options[:issue_date_till] till = current_user.system_time(till[:year] + '-' + till[:month] + '-' + till[:day] + ' 23:59:59') condition << "issue_date BETWEEN '#{from}' AND '#{till}'" end return condition end =begin Find certain current user's credit note. User can wiev, edit only his users credit notes, hence owner_id = *Params* +credit_note_id+ valid credit note's id *Returns* +credit_note+ instance of CreditNote or nil if no credit note were found =end def find_credit_note(credit_note_id) if current_user.is_accountant? CreditNote.find(:first, :include => :user, :conditions => ['users.owner_id IN (0, ?) AND = ?',, credit_note_id.to_i]) elsif current_user.is_reseller? or current_user.is_admin? CreditNote.find(:first, :include => :user, :conditions => ['users.owner_id = ? AND = ?',, credit_note_id.to_i]) end end =begin Options set in params hash override parameters saved in session. Clear all search parameters if user set :clear. Return only parameters that have some meaning This method is very specific for CreditNoteController.list method, i doubt anyone else should ever use it and especialy(!) edit it for any other purposes. Note that not all users can view financial data, so they cannot supply search params involving financial data. *Returns* +options+ hash of user specified(or system default) parameters =end def search_options session[:credit_note_list] ? options = session[:credit_note_list] : options = {} valid_options = [:nice_user, :first_name, :last_name, :issue_date_from, :issue_date_till] if can_view_finances? valid_options += [:status, :amount_min, :amount_max, :paid_date_from, :paid_date_till] end valid_options.each{|key| if params[:clear].to_i == 1 or meaningless? params[key] options.delete(key) elsif params[key] options[key] = params[key] end } logger.fatal options.to_yaml return options end =begin parameter is meaningless if it is nil or if it is string and when striped it is blank *Params* +param+ at this moment expected to be nil, hash or string *Returns* +meaningless+ boolean, true if parameter it is meaningless =end def meaningless?(param) (param.is_a?(String) and param.strip.blank?) end =begin Get current page. if page number was passed in params then return it, else page number may be saved in session, if so return it, else default to first_page. This method is very specific for CreditNoteController.list method, i doubt anyone else should ever use it and especialy(!) edit it for any other purposes. *Returns* +page_number+ page number in credit note list =end def current_page first_page = 1 if params[:page] params[:page].to_i elsif session[:credit_note_list] and session[:credit_note_list][:page] session[:credit_note_list][:page].to_i else first_page end end =begin If search options contains any non default values of paid_date/issue_date from/till, status or there are more search options than these, this means that user specified some search parameters and we should show search menu. Default for paid_date/issue_date from/till is today, default for status is all. If none of these params are specified theres no need to show search menu. =end def show_search? search_options if search_options [:issue_date_from, :issue_date_till, :paid_date_from, :paid_date_till].each { |key| date = search_options[key] if date date =[:year].to_i, date[:month].to_i, date[:day].to_i) return true if date != end } if ['paid', 'unpaid'].include? search_options[:status] return true elsif ([:username, :first_name, :last_name, :amount_min, :amount_max] & search_options.keys).size > 0 return true else return false end else false end end =begin get information by whitch columns list should be ordered. if order_by in params is specified return it, else check whether order_by was saved in session, if not return default(first_name). if :desc is not specified in any hash(session, params) return default(1). This method is very specific for CreditNoteController.list method, i doubt anyone else should ever use it and especialy(!) edit it for any other purposes. *Returns* +[order_by, order_desc]+ array containing by whitch column to order and in what order(asc/desc) =end def order_by valid_params = ['number', 'nice_user', 'issue_date'] if can_view_finances? valid_params += ['status', 'pay_date', 'price'] end order_by = 'first_name' desc = 1 if params[:order_by] and valid_params.include? params[:order_by] desc = params[:order_desc].to_i if params[:order_desc] return params[:order_by], desc elsif session[:credit_note_list] and session[:credit_note_list][:order_by] and valid_params.include? session[:credit_note_list][:order_by] desc = session[:credit_note_list][:order_desc].to_i if session[:credit_note_list][:order_desc] return session[:credit_note_list][:order_by], desc else return order_by, desc end end =begin If user can edit other user's data and he can see credit note of that user it means that we can create link(in the view) to that user. But no matter what we should not halt filter chain, hence return true =end def link_to_user? @link_to_user = can_edit_users? return true end =begin Accountant without manage invoices privilege cannot see any credit note information. Neither can ordinary users. If user has no rights to view credit notes redirect him to callc/main =end def can_view_credit_notes? if current_user.is_admin? or current_user.is_reseller? or (current_user.is_accountant? and current_user.accountant_allow_read('invoices_manage')) true else dont_be_so_smart redirect_to :controller => "callc", :action => "main" and return false end end =begin Only admin, reseller and accountant with certain permissions can edit credit note financial data =end def can_edit_finances? current_user and (current_user.is_admin? or current_user.is_reseller? or (current_user.is_accountant? and current_user.accountant_allow_edit('see_financial_data') and current_user.accountant_allow_read('invoices_manage'))) end =begin Only admin, reseller and accountant with certain permissions can view financial data =end def can_view_finances? current_user and ((current_user.is_admin? or current_user.is_reseller? or (current_user.is_accountant? and current_user.accountant_allow_read('see_financial_data') and current_user.accountant_allow_read('invoices_manage')))) end =begin User without appropriat permissions to edit financial data cannot access some credit notes pages, he should be redirected to callc/main. =end def can_edit_financial_data? if can_edit_finances? true else dont_be_so_smart redirect_to :controller => "callc", :action => "main" and return false end end =begin If user can edit financial data, we can pass variable to appropriat views, so that links to financial data would be rendered. =end def link_to_financial_operations? @link_to_finances = can_edit_finances? return true end =begin If user can view financial data, we can pass variable to appropriat views, so that financial data would be rendered. =end def can_view_financial_data? @can_view_finances = can_view_finances? return true end end