class CommonUseProvidersController < ApplicationController layout "callc" before_filter :check_localization before_filter :authorize before_filter :check_rs_pro_addon before_filter :find_data, :only=>[:edit, :update, :destroy] verify :method => :post, :only => [ :destroy, :create, :update, :delete ], :redirect_to => {:controller=>:callc, :action => :main }, :add_flash => { :notice => _('Dont_be_so_smart'), :params => {:dont_be_so_smart => true}} def index @page_title = _('Common_use_providers') @page_icon = "provider.png" session[:common_use_providers_list_options] ? @options = session[:common_use_providers_list_options] : @options = {} # page number is an exception because it defaults to 1 if params[:page] and params[:page].to_i > 0 @options[:page] = params[:page].to_i else @options[:page] = 1 if !@options[:page] or @options[:page] <= 0 end # same goes for order descending params[:order_desc] ? @options[:order_desc] = params[:order_desc].to_i : (@options[:order_desc] = 0 if !@options[:order_desc]) params[:order_by] ? @options[:order_by] = params[:order_by].to_s : @options[:order_by] == "acc" if !@options[:order_by] order_by = " " else if @options[:order_desc] == 0 order = "asc" else order = "desc" end order_by = "ORDER BY #{(@options[:order_by])+ ' '+ order}" end @total_pages = (CommonUseProvider.count.to_f / session[:items_per_page].to_f).ceil @options[:page] = @total_pages if @options[:page].to_i > @total_pages and @total_pages > 0 @fpage = ((@options[:page] -1 ) * session[:items_per_page]).to_i limit = " LIMIT #{@fpage}, #{session[:items_per_page].to_i}" #select records, common use providers, resellers pro, retail and wholesale tariffs @data = CommonUseProvider.find_by_sql("SELECT, concat(,' ',,'/', providers.server_ip, ':',providers.port) as provider_name, as tariff_name, #{SqlExport.nice_user_sql} from common_use_providers LEFT JOIN users ON ( = common_use_providers.reseller_id) LEFT JOIN providers ON ( = common_use_providers.provider_id) LEFT JOIN tariffs ON ( = common_use_providers.tariff_id) #{order_by} #{limit}") #@data = CommonUseProvider.find(:all, :include => [:user,:provider,:tariff], :order => (@options[:order_by]) + ' ' + order) @common_use_providers = Provider.find(:all, :conditions=>'common_use = 1',:order => 'name asc') @resellers = User.find(:all, :conditions => 'usertype = "reseller" AND own_providers = 1') @tariffs = Tariff.find(:all, :conditions => "purpose != 'provider' AND owner_id = 0",:order => "purpose ASC, name ASC") session[:common_use_providers_list_options] = @options end def create #check params, must be selected all if params[:select_provider].to_i != 0 and params[:select_reseller].to_i != 0 and params[:select_tariff].to_i != 0 #check record, must not be duplicate if check_record(params[:select_reseller], params[:select_provider]) flash[:notice] = _('Record_exists') else #create record data ={:provider_id=>params[:select_provider].to_i, :reseller_id => params[:select_reseller].to_i, :tariff_id => params[:select_tariff].to_i }) flash[:status] = _('Record_created') end else flash[:notice] = _("You_must_select_all_three_parameters") end #redirect to list redirect_to :action => :index end def edit @page_title = _('Common_use_providers_edit') @page_icon = "edit.png" @data = @commmon_use_provider @common_use_providers = Provider.find(:all, :conditions=>'common_use = 1',:order => 'name asc') @resellers = User.find(:all, :conditions => 'usertype = "reseller" AND own_providers = 1') @tariffs = Tariff.find(:all, :conditions => "purpose != 'provider' AND owner_id = 0",:order => "purpose ASC, name ASC") end def update #check record, must not be duplicate if check_record(params[:select_reseller], params[:select_provider],params[:id].to_i ) flash[:notice] = _('Record_exists') #redirect to edit redirect_to :action => :edit, :id => params[:id].to_i else #update record data = @commmon_use_provider data.reseller_id = params[:select_reseller] data.provider_id = params[:select_provider] data.tariff_id = params[:select_tariff] flash[:status] = _('Record_updated') #redirect to list redirect_to :action => :index end end def destroy #remove record data = @commmon_use_provider data.destroy ? flash[:status] = _('Record_deleted') : flash[:notice] = _('Record_not_deleted') #redirect to list redirect_to :action => :index end def let_resellers_use_all_common_use_providers if admin? providers = Provider.find(:all, :conditions=>'common_use = 1 and user_id = 0',:order => 'name asc') resellers = User.find(:all, :conditions => 'usertype = "reseller" AND own_providers = 1') #create record if resellers resellers.each do|reseller| #for reseller add all common use providers with default resellers tariff if providers providers.each do |provider| if !check_record(, data ={:provider_id=>, :reseller_id =>, :tariff_id => }) end end end end flash[:status] = _('Record_created') redirect_to :action => :index end else dont_be_so_smart redirect_to :controller => 'callc', :action => 'main' end end private def check_record(reseller, provider, id = nil) #check record if exists cond = "" #for update with no changes cond = "AND id != #{id}" if id if CommonUseProvider.find(:first,:conditions =>["reseller_id = ? AND provider_id = ? "+cond,reseller, provider]) return true end end def find_data @commmon_use_provider = CommonUseProvider.find(:first, :conditions=>{:id=>params[:id]}) unless @commmon_use_provider flash[:notice] =_('Commmon_Use_Provider_not_found') redirect_to :action=>:index end end def check_rs_pro_addon unless reseller_pro_active? dont_be_so_smart redirect_to :controller => :callc, :action => :main and return false end end end