class CardgroupsController < ApplicationController layout "callc" before_filter :check_localization before_filter :check_calingcards_enabled before_filter :authorize before_filter :check_if_can_see_finances, :only => [:new, :create] #before_filter :authorize_admin before_filter :find_card_group, :only => [:destroy, :show, :edit, :update, :cards_to_csv, :upload_card_image, :gmp_list] @@card_view_res = [] @@card_edit_res = [:list, :search, :show, :new, :create, :edit, :update, :destroy, :cards_to_csv, :upload_card_image] before_filter(:only => @@card_view_res+@@card_edit_res) { |c| allow_read, allow_edit = c.check_read_write_permission(@@card_view_res, @@card_edit_res, {:role => "reseller", :right => :res_calling_cards, :ignore => true}) c.instance_variable_set :@allow_read_res, allow_read c.instance_variable_set :@allow_edit_res, allow_edit true } def index redirect_to :action => :list end # GETs should be safe (see verify :method => :post, :only => [:destroy, :create, :update], :redirect_to => {:action => :list} def list a=check_addon return false if !a @allow_manage = !(session[:usertype] == "accountant" and (session[:acc_callingcard_manage].to_i == 0 or session[:acc_callingcard_manage].to_i == 1)) @allow_read = !(session[:usertype] == "accountant" and (session[:acc_callingcard_manage].to_i == 0)) if @allow_read == false dont_be_so_smart redirect_to :controller => "callc", :action => "main" and return false end @page_title = _('Card_groups') @help_link = "" user_id = get_user_id() session[:cardgroup_search_options] ||= {} @search, @options = 0, { "s_number" => "", "s_pin" => "", "s_balance_max" => "", "s_balance_min" => "", "s_sold" => "", "s_caller_id" => '' } # total death with many cards #@cardgroups = Cardgroup.find(:all, :include => [:tax, :cards], :conditions=>["cardgroups.owner_id = ? AND cards.hidden = 0", user_id]) @cardgroups = Cardgroup.find(:all, :include => [:tax], :conditions => ["cardgroups.owner_id = ? and hidden = 0", user_id]) end def search a=check_addon return false if !a @allow_manage = !(session[:usertype] == "accountant" and (session[:acc_callingcard_manage].to_i == 0 or session[:acc_callingcard_manage].to_i == 1)) @allow_read = !(session[:usertype] == "accountant" and (session[:acc_callingcard_manage].to_i == 0)) if @allow_read == false dont_be_so_smart redirect_to :controller => "callc", :action => "main" and return false end @page_title = _('Card_groups') @help_link = "" user_id = get_user_id() @show_pin = !(session[:usertype] == "accountant" and session[:acc_callingcard_pin].to_i == 0) @page_select_params = {} session[:cardgroup_search_options] ||= {} logger.fatal 'aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa' logger.fatal params.inspect @options = { "s_number" => "", "s_pin" => "", "s_balance_max" => "", "s_balance_min" => "", "s_sold" => "", "s_caller_id" => '' } logger.fatal @options.inspect @options = @options.merge(session[:cardgroup_search_options]) logger.fatal @options.inspect #@options = @options.merge(params.only(*@options.keys)) logger.fatal((@options.keys & params.keys).inspect) logger.fatal((params.reject {|key, value | not (@options.keys & params.keys).include? key}).inspect) @options = @options.merge(params.reject {|key, value | not (@options.keys & params.keys).include? key}) logger.fatal @options.inspect session[:cardgroup_search_options] = @options logger.fatal session[:cardgroup_search_options].inspect @page = params[:page].to_i @cards, @card_count =, @options, {:page => @page, :per_page => session[:items_per_page]}) @total_pages = (@card_count / session[:items_per_page].to_f).ceil end def show @allow_manage = !(session[:usertype] == "accountant" and (session[:acc_callingcard_manage].to_i == 0 or session[:acc_callingcard_manage].to_i == 1)) @page_title = _('Card_group_details') @page_icon = "details.png" @help_link = "" @cardgroup = @cg check_user_for_cardgroup(@cardgroup) # Dialplan <-> Did association is broken: did belongs to dialplan but dialplan DOES NOT have many dids for some insane reason! @assigned_dids = current_user.dialplans.find(:all, :conditions => {:data1 => @cardgroup.number_length, :data2 => @cardgroup.pin_length}).inject([]) { |dids, dialplan| dids.push(dialplan.dids) }.flatten end def new @allow_manage = !(session[:usertype] == "accountant" and (session[:acc_callingcard_manage].to_i == 0 or session[:acc_callingcard_manage].to_i == 1)) unless @allow_manage flash[:notice] = _("You_have_no_editing_permission") redirect_to :controller => :callc, :action => :main and return false end @page_title = _('New_card_group') @page_icon = "add.png" if session[:tmp_new_cardgroup].nil? @cardgroup = @price_with_vat = 0 else @cardgroup = session[:tmp_new_cardgroup] if @price_with_vat = @cardgroup.price + @cardgroup.get_tax.count_tax_amount(@cardgroup.price) else @price_with_vat = @cardgroup.price end end user_id = get_user_id() user= User.find_by_id(user_id) if session[:tmp_new_tax].nil? if session[:usertype].to_s == "reseller" tax = user.get_tax else tax = tax.assign_default_tax({}, {:save => false}) end else tax = session[:tmp_new_tax] end check_addon if reseller? and !current_user.reseller_allow_providers_tariff? @lcrs = current_user.lcrs.find(:all, :conditions => ["id = ?", user.lcr_id], :order => "name ASC") else @lcrs = current_user.lcrs.find(:all, :order => "name ASC") end @locations = current_user.locations = tax if Confline.get_value("User_Wholesale_Enabled").to_i == 0 cond = " AND purpose = 'user' " else cond = " AND (purpose = 'user' OR purpose = 'user_wholesale') " end @tariffs= Tariff.find(:all, :conditions => "owner_id = #{user_id} #{cond}") if @tariffs.empty? flash[:notice] = _('No_tariffs_found') redirect_to :action => 'list' and return false end @currencies = Currency.get_active end def create @cardgroup =[:cardgroup]) check_addon change_date price_with_vat = params[:price_with_vat].to_f tax = tax_from_params = tax_save = @cardgroup.price = @cardgroup.valid_from = nice_date_from_params(params[:date_from]) + " 00:00:00" @cardgroup.valid_till = nice_date_from_params(params[:date_till]) + " 23:59:59" @cardgroup.owner_id = get_user_id() @cardgroup.allow_loss_calls = params[:allow_loss_calls].to_i @cardgroup.disable_voucher = params[:disable_voucher].to_i if session[:usertype].to_s == "reseller" and current_user.own_providers.to_i == 0 user= User.find_by_id(get_user_id()) @cardgroup.lcr = Lcr.find(:all, :conditions => "id = '#{user.lcr_id}'", :order => "name ASC")[0] end if and tax_save session[:tmp_new_cardgroup] = nil session[:tmp_new_tax] = nil flash[:status] = _('Cardgroup_was_successfully_created') redirect_to :action => 'show', :id => else session[:tmp_new_cardgroup] = @cardgroup session[:tmp_new_tax] = if @cardgroup.fix_when_is_rendering flash_errors_for(_('Cardgroup_was_not_created'), @cardgroup) redirect_to :action => 'new' end end def edit @page_title = _('Card_group_edit') @page_icon = "edit.png" @cardgroup = @cg @cardgroup.assign_default_tax if check_user_for_cardgroup(@cardgroup) user_id = get_user_id() user= User.find_by_id(user_id) if reseller? and !current_user.reseller_allow_providers_tariff? @lcrs = current_user.lcrs.find(:all, :conditions => ["id = ?", user.lcr_id], :order => "name ASC") else @lcrs = current_user.lcrs.find(:all, :order => "name ASC") end @locations = current_user.locations if Confline.get_value("User_Wholesale_Enabled").to_i == 0 cond = " AND purpose = 'user' " else cond = " AND (purpose = 'user' OR purpose = 'user_wholesale') " end @tariffs= Tariff.find(:all, :conditions => "owner_id = #{user_id} #{cond}") @price_with_vat =@cardgroup.price.to_f + @cardgroup.get_tax.count_tax_amount(@cardgroup.price.to_f).to_f @cardgroup.valid_from = ( + " 00:00:00") if @cardgroup.valid_from.blank? or @cardgroup.valid_from.to_s == '0000-00-00 00:00:00' @cardgroup.valid_till = ( + " 23:59:59") if @cardgroup.valid_till.blank? or @cardgroup.valid_till.to_s == '0000-00-00 00:00:00' t = @cardgroup.valid_from.to_time @year_from = t.year @month_from = t.month @day_from = t = @cardgroup.valid_till.to_time @year_till = t.year @month_till = t.month @day_till = #my_debug @year_till @currencies = Currency.get_active @cardgroup.fix_when_is_rendering end def update @cardgroup = @cg check_user_for_cardgroup(@cardgroup) change_date @cardgroup.update_attributes(params[:cardgroup]) @price_with_vat = price_with_vat = params[:price_with_vat].to_f tax = tax_from_params @cardgroup.get_tax.update_attributes(tax) @cardgroup.price = @cardgroup.get_tax.count_amount_without_tax(price_with_vat) @cardgroup.valid_from = session_from_date + " 00:00:00" @cardgroup.valid_till = session_till_date + " 23:59:59" @cardgroup.allow_loss_calls = params[:allow_loss_calls].to_i @cardgroup.disable_voucher = params[:disable_voucher].to_i if flash[:status] = _('Cardgroup_was_successfully_updated') redirect_to :action => 'show', :id => @cardgroup else @currencies = Currency.get_active flash_errors_for(_('Cardgroup_was_not_updated'), @cardgroup) user_id = get_user_id() if reseller? and !current_user.reseller_allow_providers_tariff? @lcrs = current_user.lcrs.find(:all, :conditions => ["id = ?", user.lcr_id], :order => "name ASC") else @lcrs = current_user.lcrs.find(:all, :order => "name ASC") end @locations = current_user.locations if Confline.get_value("User_Wholesale_Enabled").to_i == 0 cond = " AND purpose = 'user' " else cond = " AND (purpose = 'user' OR purpose = 'user_wholesale') " end @cardgroup.fix_when_is_rendering @tariffs= Tariff.find(:all, :conditions => "owner_id = #{user_id} #{cond}") render :action => 'edit' end end def destroy @cg.validate_before_destroy if @cg.respond_to?(:errors) and @cg.errors.size.to_i > 0 flash_errors_for(_('Cardgroup_cannot_be_deleted'), @cg) redirect_to :action => 'list' and return false end if @cg.destroy_or_hide flash[:status] = _('Cardgroup_was_deleted') redirect_to :action => 'list' else flash_errors_for(_('Cardgroup_cannot_be_deleted'), @cg) redirect_to :action => 'list' and return false end end def cards_to_csv params[:file].to_s == "false" ? @file = false : @file = true show_pin = !(session[:usertype] == "accountant" and session[:acc_callingcard_pin].to_i == 0) cg = @cg a=check_user_for_cardgroup(cg) return false if !a cards = sep, dec = current_user.csv_params csv_string = _("Number")+sep if show_pin == true csv_string += _("Pin")+sep end if can_see_finances? csv_string += _("Balance")+sep+_("Sold")+sep end csv_string += _("First_use")+sep+_("Daily_charge_paid_till") csv_body = [csv_string] for card in cards csv_line = ['"'+card.number.to_s+'"'] csv_line << '"''"' if show_pin == true if can_see_finances? csv_line << card.balance.to_s.gsub(".", dec) csv_line << card.sold end csv_line << (card.first_use ? nice_date_time(card.first_use) : "") csv_line << (card.daily_charge_paid_till ? nice_date(card.daily_charge_paid_till) : "") csv_body << csv_line.join(sep) end if @file filename = "Cards-#{}.csv" send_data(csv_body.join("\n"), :type => 'text/csv; charset=utf-8; header=present', :filename => filename) else render :text => csv_body.join("\n"), :layput => false end end def upload_card_image path = Actual_Dir + '/public/images/cards/' @cardgroup=@cg a=check_user_for_cardgroup(@cardgroup) return false if !a if params[:Card_image] @file = params[:Card_image] if @file.size > 0 if @file.size < 524288 @filename = sanitize_filename(@file.original_filename) @ext = @filename.split(".").last.downcase if @ext == 'jpg' or @ext == 'jpeg' or @ext == 'png' or @ext == 'gif' system("rm #{path}#{@cardgroup.image}") @filename=( + "."+@ext.to_s + '/public/images/cards/' + @filename, "wb") do |f| f.write(params[:Card_image].read) end @cardgroup.image = @filename flash[:status] = _('Card_image_uploaded') else flash[:notice] = _('Not_a_picture') end else flash[:notice] = _('Image_to_big_max_size_500kb') end else flash[:notice] = _('Zero_size_file') end else flash[:notice] = _('Select_a_file') end redirect_to :action => 'show', :id => and return false end def loss_calls @page_title = _('Loss_calls') @page_icon = "call.png" check_addon user_id = get_user_id() change_date @search_cardgroup = -1 @search_cardgroup = params[:s_cardgroup] if params[:s_cardgroup] @cgs = Cardgroup.find(:all, :conditions => "owner_id = '#{user_id}' AND hidden = 0", :order => "name Asc") # MorLog.my_debug @cgs.size cond = "" if @search_cardgroup.to_i != -1 cond += " AND cards.cardgroup_id = '#{@search_cardgroup.to_i}' " end sql = "SELECT cards.*, cardgroups.price, calls.calldate, calls.dst, calls.user_price FROM cards JOIN calls ON (calls.card_id = JOIN cardgroups ON (cards.cardgroup_id = WHERE calls.calldate BETWEEN '#{session_from_datetime}' AND '#{session_till_datetime}' AND cards.balance < '0' AND cards.owner_id = '#{user_id}' #{cond} ORDER BY , calldate ASC " #MorLog.my_debug "_______________________________(sql)______________________________________________" # MorLog.my_debug sql price = 0.to_f card_id = 0 @cards_calls = Card.find_by_sql(sql) @cards_callsv = [] @c_c = @cards_calls @cards_calls = [] i=0 @t_cards = 0 @t_price = 0.to_f for call in @c_c if card_id.to_i == price += call.user_price.to_f if price.to_f >= call.price.to_f @t_price += call.user_price.to_f # MorLog.my_debug " Pridejo #{}, nes #{price.to_i} >= #{call.price.to_i}" @cards_callsv << call end else card_id = price = 0.to_f @t_cards +=1 price += call.user_price.to_f if price.to_f >= call.price.to_f @t_price += call.user_price.to_f #MorLog.my_debug " Pridejo #{}, nes #{price.to_i} >= #{call.price.to_i}" @cards_callsv << call end end i=i+1 end end def gmp_list @page_title = _('Ghost_minutes_percents') @page_icon = "view.png" @help_link = "" @gmps = CcGhostminutepercent.find(:all, :conditions => "cardgroup_id = '#{}'") end def gmp_create @cg = Cardgroup.find_by_id(params[:cg].to_i) unless @cg flash[:notice] = _('Cardgroup_now_found') redirect_to :action => 'list' and return false end prefix = params[:prefix].to_s.strip if prefix.length == 0 flash[:notice] = _('Empty_prefix') redirect_to :action => 'gmp_list', :id => and return false end percent = params[:percent].to_f if percent == 0 flash[:notice] = _('Bad_percent') redirect_to :action => 'gmp_list', :id => and return false end old_gmp = CcGhostminutepercent.find(:first, :conditions => "cardgroup_id = '#{}' AND prefix = '#{prefix}' AND percent = '#{percent}'") if old_gmp flash[:notice] = _('Duplicate_record') redirect_to :action => 'gmp_list', :id => and return false end gmp = gmp.cardgroup_id = gmp.prefix = prefix gmp.percent = percent flash[:status] = _('Record_created') redirect_to :action => 'gmp_list', :id => end def gmp_destroy gmp = CcGhostminutepercent.find_by_id(params[:id].to_i) unless gmp flash[:notice] = _('Record_not_found') redirect_to :action => 'list' and return false end @cg = gmp.cardgroup unless @cg flash[:notice] = _('Cardgroup_now_found') redirect_to :action => 'list' and return false end gmp.destroy flash[:status] = _('Record_deleted') redirect_to :action => 'gmp_list', :id => end def gmp_edit @page_title = _('Ghost_minutes_percent_edit') @page_icon = "edit.png" @help_link = "" @gmp = CcGhostminutepercent.find_by_id(params[:id].to_i) unless @gmp flash[:notice] = _('Record_not_found') redirect_to :action => 'list' and return false end @cg = @gmp.cardgroup unless @cg flash[:notice] = _('Cardgroup_now_found') redirect_to :action => 'list' and return false end end def gmp_update @gmp = CcGhostminutepercent.find_by_id(params[:id].to_i) unless @gmp flash[:notice] = _('Record_not_found') redirect_to :action => 'list' and return false end @cg = @gmp.cardgroup unless @cg flash[:notice] = _('Cardgroup_now_found') redirect_to :action => 'list' and return false end prefix = params[:prefix].to_s.strip if prefix.length == 0 flash[:notice] = _('Empty_prefix') redirect_to :action => 'gmp_list', :id => and return false end percent = params[:percent].to_i if percent == 0 flash[:notice] = _('Bad_percent') redirect_to :action => 'gmp_list', :id => and return false end old_gmp = CcGhostminutepercent.find(:first, :conditions => "cardgroup_id = '#{}' AND prefix = '#{prefix}' AND percent = '#{percent}'") if old_gmp flash[:notice] = _('Duplicate_record') redirect_to :action => 'gmp_list', :id => and return false end @gmp.prefix = prefix @gmp.percent = percent flash[:notice] = _('Record_updated') redirect_to :action => 'gmp_list', :id => end def cardgroups_stats @page_title = _('Cardgroup_Stats') check_addon change_date session[:card_groups_stats_options] ? @options = session[:card_groups_stats_options] : @options = {} #params[:page] ? @options[:page] = params[:page].to_i : (@options[:page] = 1 if !@options[:page] or params[:page].to_i <= 0) params[:s_only_first_use] ? @options[:s_only_first_use] = params[:s_only_first_use].to_i : (params[:clean] or !session[:card_groups_stats_options]) ? @options[:s_only_first_use] = 0 : @options[:s_only_first_use] = session[:card_groups_stats_options][:s_only_first_use] user_id = get_user_id() arr = {:joins => 'LEFT JOIN cards ON (cards.cardgroup_id =', :conditions => ["cardgroups.owner_id = ?", user_id]} sum_if = "SUM(IF(cards.first_use IS NOT NULL AND (cards.first_use BETWEEN '#{session_from_datetime}' AND '#{session_till_datetime}')," if @options[:s_only_first_use].to_i == 1 arr[:select]="COUNT( as c_id, #{sum_if}1,0)) as c_siz, #{sum_if}cards.balance,0)) as sum_b" else arr[:select]="COUNT( as c_id, #{sum_if}1,0)) as c_siz, SUM(balance) as sum_b" end @cg_total = Cardgroup.find(:all, arr) arr[:select]=",, " + arr[:select] arr[:group]='' @cgs = Cardgroup.find(:all, arr) end def aggregate @page_title = _('Aggregate') change_date user_id = get_user_id() #2011.11.18 #3047 reseller doesnt have rights to view callcards/aggregate, #cant find any link from menu to link to this page and acording to ticket #he shouldnt. but theres some doubt because code looks like he could #2012.04.04 #5379 apprarently rs pro should be able to see this page if he #has cc addon enabled #2012.05.15 me again. seems like any reseller with calling cards addon should #have rights to view this page if current_user.usertype.include?('reseller') and not calling_cards_active? dont_be_so_smart redirect_to :controller => :callc, :action => :main and return false end #if we have some options preset in session we can retreave them if not new options hash is created. session[:aggregate_cards_list_options] ? @options = session[:aggregate_cards_list_options] : @options = {} params[:page] ? @options[:page] = params[:page].to_i : (@options[:page] = 1 if !@options[:page]) params[:destination_grouping] ? @options[:destination_grouping] = params[:destination_grouping].to_i : (@options[:destination_grouping] = 1 if !@options[:destination_grouping]) params[:order_desc] ? @options[:order_desc] = params[:order_desc].to_i : (@options[:order_desc] = 1 if !@options[:order_desc]) params[:order_by] ? @options[:order_by] = params[:order_by].to_s : (@options[:order_by] = "direction" if !@options[:order_by]) params[:cardgroup] ? @options[:cardgroup] = params[:cardgroup] : (@options[:cardgroup] = "any" if !@options[:cardgroup]) params[:prefix] ? @options[:prefix] = params[:prefix].gsub(/[^0-9]/, "") : (@options[:prefix] = "" if !@options[:prefix]) @options[:order] = Call.calls_order_by(params, @options) @cardgroups = Cardgroup.find(:all, :include => [:tax], :conditions => ["owner_id = ? AND hidden = 0", user_id]) @options[:csv] = params[:csv].to_i @options[:from]= session_from_datetime @options[:till]= session_till_datetime @options[:user_id]=user_id if params[:csv].to_i == 1 session[:aggregate_cards_list_options] = @options settings_owner_id = (["reseller", "admin"].include?(session[:usertype]) ? session[:user_id] : session[:owner_id]) @options[:collumn_separator] = Confline.get_csv_separator(settings_owner_id) @options[:current_user] = current_user filename = Call.cardgroup_aggregate(@options.merge({:test => params[:test]})) filename = load_file_through_database(filename) if Confline.get_value("Load_CSV_From_Remote_Mysql").to_i == 1 if filename filename = archive_file_if_size(filename, "csv", Confline.get_value("CSV_File_size").to_f) if params[:test].to_i != 1 send_file(filename) else render :text => filename end else flash[:notice] = _("Cannot_Download_CSV_File_From_DB_Server") redirect_to :controller => :callc, :action => :main and return false end else @result_full = Call.cardgroup_aggregate(@options) @result = [] @total_calls = @result_full.size # calculate total values of dataset. @total = {:duration => 0, :user_price => 0, :provider_price => 0, :total_calls => 0, :asr => 0, :acd => 0, :answered_calls => 0, :profit => 0, :margin => 0, :markup => 0} @result_full.each { |row| @total[:duration] += row.duration.to_f @total[:total_calls] += row.total_calls.to_i @total[:answered_calls] += row.answered_calls.to_i @total[:user_price] += row.user_price.to_f @total[:provider_price] += row.provider_price.to_f @total[:profit] += row.user_price.to_f - row.provider_price.to_f } @total[:total_calls] == 0 ? @total[:asr] = 0 : @total[:asr] = @total[:answered_calls].to_f/@total[:total_calls].to_f*100 @total[:answered_calls] == 0 ? @total[:acd] = 0 : @total[:acd] = @total[:duration].to_f / @total[:answered_calls].to_f @total[:margin] = ((@total[:user_price] - @total[:provider_price]) / @total[:user_price]) * 100 if @total[:provider_price].to_f != 0.to_f @total[:markup] = ((@total[:user_price] / @total[:provider_price]) * 100) - 100 if @total[:provider_price].to_f != 0.to_f # fetch required number of items. @result = [] @total_pages = (@total_calls.to_f / session[:items_per_page].to_f).ceil @options[:page] = @total_pages if @options[:page] > @total_pages start = session[:items_per_page]*(@options[:page]-1) (start..(start+session[:items_per_page])-1).each { |i| @result << @result_full[i] if @result_full[i] } session[:aggregate_cards_list_options] = @options end end private def check_user_for_cardgroup(cardgroup) if session[:usertype].to_s == "accountant" if cardgroup.owner_id != 0 or session[:acc_callingcard_manage].to_i == 0 dont_be_so_smart redirect_to(:controller => "cardgroups", :action => "list") and return false end end if session[:usertype].to_s == "reseller" if cardgroup.owner_id != session[:user_id] or session[:res_calling_cards].to_i != 2 MorLog.my_debug("Redirect") dont_be_so_smart redirect_to :controller => "cardgroups", :action => "list" and return false MorLog.my_debug("post_check") end end if session[:usertype].to_s == "admin" if cardgroup.owner_id != session[:user_id] dont_be_so_smart redirect_to :controller => "callc", :action => "main" and return false end end a=check_addon return false if !a return true end def get_user_id() user_id = session[:user_id] user_id = 0 if session[:usertype].to_s == "accountant" return user_id end def check_addon if !calling_cards_active? or (session[:res_calling_cards].to_i != 2 and session[:usertype] == "reseller") or (session[:acc_callingcard_manage].to_i == 0 and session[:usertype] == "accountant") MorLog.my_debug("Redirect: from check_addon") dont_be_so_smart redirect_to :controller => "callc", :action => "main" and return false else return true end end def find_card_group @cg = Cardgroup.find(:first, :include => [:tariff, :lcr, :location, :tax], :conditions => [' and cardgroups.hidden = 0', params[:id]]) unless @cg flash[:notice] = _('Cardgroup_was_not_found') redirect_to :action => 'list' and return false end check_user_for_cardgroup(@cg) end end