class CallshopController < ApplicationController layout "callshop", :except => [ :new, :free_booth, :topup_booth, :invoice_print, :invoice_edit, :comment_update ] before_filter :check_localization before_filter :check_addon skip_before_filter :redirect_callshop_manager #skip_before_filter :set_current_user @@invoice_searchable_cols = ["created_at", "balance", "state", "comment", "invoice_type"] @@invoice_default_search = {:order_by => "created_at", :order_dir => "DESC", :page => 1} @@callshop_view = [] @@callshop_edit = [:show, :show_json, :new, :reserve_booth, :update, :free_booth, :release_booth, :comment_update, :topup_booth, :topup_update, :invoices, :invoice_print, :invoice_edit, :get_number_data] before_filter(:only => @@callshop_view+@@callshop_edit) { |c| allow_read, allow_edit = c.check_read_write_permission(@@callshop_view, @@callshop_edit, {:role => "reseller", :right => :res_call_shop, :ignore => true}) c.instance_variable_set :@callshop, allow_read c.instance_variable_set :@callshop, allow_edit true } before_filter :find_shop_and_authorize, :except => [ :new, :show_json, :get_number_data] # manager view def show @users = @cshop.users unless @users flash[:notice] = _("Usesr_Were_Not_Found") redirect_to :controller => :callc, :action => :main and return false end session[:callshop] = {} session[:callshop][:booths] ||= @users.collect{|user|} @users.each{|user| store_invoice_in_session(user, user.cs_invoices.first) } end # load JSON using data about users from variable that is set in show_v2 def show_json if session[:callshop] and session[:callshop][:booths] and session[:callshop][:booths].size > 0 booths = status_for_ajax(session[:callshop][:booths]) json_hash = { # :free_booths => booths.collect{|b| b[:state] if b[:state] == "free"}.compact.size, # :active_calls => booths.collect{|b| b[:state] if b[:state] == "occupied"}.compact.size, :booths => booths} render :json => json_hash.to_json else render :text => "{}" end end # reservation form (mean to be used by xhr) # in case we cant find current user redirect to login page def new @invoice = => params[:user_id]) if current_user @currency = else redirect_to :controller => "callc", :action => "logout" and return false end end # reservation action (xhr) def reserve_booth @invoice =[:invoice].merge!({ :callshop_id => params[:id] })) @user = @invoice.user @old_invoice = @user.cs_invoices.first unless @old_invoice tax = @user.get_tax.clone @invoice.tax_id = @invoice.balance_with_tax = params[:invoice][:balance].to_f user_type = (params[:invoice][:invoice_type].to_s == "postpaid" ? 1 : 0) balance = (user_type == 1 ? 0 : params[:invoice][:balance].to_f) if params[:add_with_tax_new].to_i == 1 and balance = @invoice.balance_with_tax = params[:invoice][:balance].to_f @invoice.balance = balance else @invoice.balance_with_tax = end @user.update_attributes({:balance => balance, :postpaid => user_type, :blocked => 0}) end store_invoice_in_session(@user, @invoice) respond_to do |format| format.json { render :json => @invoice.attributes.merge(:created_at => nice_date_time(@invoice.created_at)).to_json } end end # balance update topup action (xhr) def update @invoice = CsInvoice.find_by_id(params[:invoice_id]) @user = @invoice.user if params[:increase] && params[:increase] != "true" params[:invoice][:balance] = 0 if @invoice.balance - params[:invoice][:balance].to_f <= 0 # so it won't get negative end if params[:add_with_tax].to_i == 1 and params[:invoice][:balance_with_tax] = params[:invoice][:balance].to_f params[:invoice][:balance] =[:invoice][:balance]).to_f else if params[:invoice][:balance_with_tax] =[:invoice][:balance]).to_f end end @invoice.update_attributes(params[:invoice]) if params[:invoice][:balance] @user.update_attributes({:balance => params[:invoice][:balance].to_f}) end store_invoice_in_session(@user, @invoice) respond_to do |format| format.json { render :json => "OK".to_json } end end # booth summary form (xhr) def free_booth @booth = User.find_by_id(params[:user_id]) @invoice = @booth.cs_invoices.first if @invoice begin # terminated calls if any server_id, channel = params.values_at(:server, :channel) unless server_id.blank? or channel.blank? server = Server.find(:first, :conditions => "id = #{server_id.to_i}") if server server.ami_cmd("soft hangup #{channel}") end MorLog.my_debug "Hangup channel: #{channel} on server: #{server_id}" end rescue Exception => e @status = _('Unable_to_terminate_calls_check_connectivity') end end end # booth release action (xhr) def release_booth @user = User.find_by_id(params[:user_id]) @invoice = @user.cs_invoices.first if @invoice @user.update_attributes(:balance => 0, :blocked => 1) opts = { :state => (params[:full_payment].eql?("true")) ? "full" : "partial" } calls = @invoice.calls if calls and calls.size > 0 @invoice.update_attributes({:comment => params[:comment], :balance => params[:balance], :paid_at => }.merge(opts)) else @invoice.destroy end @user.cs_invoices.find(:all , :conditions => ["state = 'unpaid'"]).each(&:destroy) store_invoice_in_session(@user, nil) render :text => "OK" else render :text => _("Invoice_not_found") end end # comment update form (xhr) def comment_update @invoice = User.find_by_id(params[:user_id]).cs_invoices.first end # booth topup form (xhr) def topup_booth @invoice = CsInvoice.find(:first, :conditions => ["cs_invoices.user_id = ? AND state = 'unpaid'", params[:user_id]]) end def topup_update logger.debug " >> Finding targets" @invoice = CsInvoice.find(:first, :include => [:user,:tax], :conditions => [" = ?", params[:invoice_id]]) @user = @invoice.user params[:invoice][:balance_with_tax] = params[:invoice][:balance].to_f if params[:increase] and params[:invoice] and !params[:invoice][:balance] if params[:add_with_tax].to_i == 1 and params[:invoice][:balance] = round_to_cents([:invoice][:balance]).to_f) end if params[:increase] == "true" logger.debug " >> Increasing balance by #{params[:invoice][:balance].to_f}" @user.balance += params[:invoice][:balance].to_f @invoice.balance += params[:invoice][:balance].to_f @invoice.balance_with_tax += params[:invoice][:balance_with_tax].to_f else logger.debug " >> Decreasing balance by #{params[:invoice][:balance].to_f}" @user.balance -= params[:invoice][:balance].to_f @invoice.balance -= params[:invoice][:balance].to_f @invoice.balance_with_tax -= params[:invoice][:balance_with_tax].to_f end @user.balance = @invoice.balance = @invoice.balance_with_tax = 0 if @user.balance < 0 store_invoice_in_session(@user, @invoice) else logger.debug " >> Not enough params" logger.debug " >> Increase? #{params[:increase]}" logger.debug " >> Adjustment: #{params[:invoice][:balance]}" if params[:invoice] and params[:invoice][:balance] end render :text => "OK" end # invoices view def invoices @search_params = session[:callshop_invoices_order] ||= @@invoice_default_search @currency = @search_params = invoices_parse_params(params, @search_params) @total_invoices = @cshop.invoices.count(:conditions => ["paid_at IS NOT NULL"]) @total_pages = (@total_invoices.to_f / session[:items_per_page].to_f).ceil @search_params[:page] = correct_page_number(@search_params[:page], @total_pages) @invoices = @cshop.invoices.find(:all, :conditions => ["paid_at IS NOT NULL"], :order => invoices_order(@search_params), :offset => (@search_params[:page].to_i - 1) * session[:items_per_page], :limit => session[:items_per_page] ) respond_to do |format| format.html {} format.json { invoices ={|invoice| { :id =>, :issue_date => invoice.created_at.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"), :amount => format_money(invoice.balance, @currency), :status => invoice_state(invoice), :comment => invoice.comment, :user_type => invoice.invoice_type } } render :text => {:invoices => invoices, :pages => page_select_header(@search_params[:page].to_i, @total_pages,{},{}, "array" )}.to_json } end session[:callshop_invoices_order] = @search_params end # invoice print def invoice_print @invoice = CsInvoice.find_by_id(params[:invoice_id]) end def invoice_edit @invoice = CsInvoice.find_by_id(params[:invoice_id]) end def get_number_data number = params[:number] arguments = { "" => "direction_name", "directions.code" => "code", "destinations.prefix" => "prefix", "destinations.subcode" => "subcode", "" => "dest_name", "" => "rate_id" } joins = [ "LEFT JOIN directions on (destinations.direction_code = directions.code)", "LEFT JOIN rates ON (rates.destination_id =", ] sql = "SELECT #{{|key, value| "#{key} AS #{value}"}.join(", ")} FROM destinations #{joins.join("\n")} WHERE prefix = SUBSTRING('#{number}', 1, LENGTH(destinations.prefix)) ORDER BY LENGTH(destinations.prefix) DESC LIMIT 1" rez = ActiveRecord::Base.connection.select_all(sql) result = [] if rez and rez[0] rez = rez[0] MorLog.my_debug("..........................") MorLog.my_debug(sql) destination = [rez["direction_name"], rez["subcode"], rez["dest_name"]].compact result = [{:type => "with_flag", :flag => rez["code"].downcase, :name => _("Destination"), :value=> destination.join(" ")} , {:name => "SOMENAME", :value => "somevalue"}] end render :json => result.to_json end private def find_shop_and_authorize @cshop = Callshop.find_by_id(params[:id], :include => { :users => [ :cs_invoices ] }, :order => "usergroups.position asc", :conditions => ["usergroups.gusertype = 'user'"] ) unless @cshop reset_session flash[:notice] = _('Callshop_was_not_found_or_is_empty') redirect_to :controller => "callc", :action => "main" and return false end unless session[:cs_group] && == session[:cs_group].group_id reset_session flash[:notice] = _('You_are_not_authorized_to_manage_callshop') redirect_to :controller => "callc", :action => "main" and return false end @currency = end def check_addon unless defined?(CS_Active) && CS_Active == 1 reset_session flash[:notice] = _("Callshop_not_enabled") redirect_to :controller => "callc", :action => "main" and return false end end def invoices_parse_params(params, search_params) search_params[:page] = params[:page] if params[:page] and params[:page].to_i > 0 search_params[:order_by] = params[:order_by].to_s if params[:order_by] and @@invoice_searchable_cols.include?(params[:order_by].to_s) search_params[:order_dir] = params[:order_dir].upcase if params[:order_dir] and ["ASC", "DESC"].include?(params[:order_dir].upcase) search_params end def invoices_order(search_params) col = @@invoice_searchable_cols.include?(search_params[:order_by]) ? search_params[:order_by] : @@invoice_default_search[:order_by] dir = ["ASC", "DESC"].include?(search_params[:order_dir].upcase) ? search_params[:order_dir].upcase : @@invoice_default_search[:order_dir] "#{col} #{dir}" end def status_for_ajax(users) session[:callshop] ||= {} #MorLog.my_debug( session[:callshop].inspect) session[:callshop][:cs_invoices] ||= {} old_countries = session[:callshop][:countries] ||= {} countries = {} columns = { :id => "", :number => "activecalls.dst", :prefix => "activecalls.prefix", #here getting only answer time :duration => "activecalls.answer_time", :user_rate => "activecalls.user_rate", :user_type => "users.postpaid", :timestamp => "activecalls.start_time", :balance => "ABS(users.balance)", } sql = "SELECT #{{|key, value| "#{value} AS #{key.to_s}"}.join(", ")} FROM users LEFT JOIN activecalls ON ( = activecalls.user_id) WHERE IN (#{users.join(", ")});" #MorLog.my_debug("-----------------------------------------------\n" + sql.to_s) rez = ActiveRecord::Base.connection.select_all(sql) all_booths = rez.inject([]){ |booths, row| booth = {:id => nil, :created_at => nil, :number => nil, :duration => nil, :user_rate => nil, :country => nil, :user_type => nil, :timestamp => nil, :balance => nil, :state => nil} row.each{|key, value| booth[key.to_sym] = value if booth.has_key?(key.to_sym)} # parse values from SQL #replaced duration counting from sql NOW() to #booth[:duration] = nice_time(booth[:duration]) booth[:duration] = nice_time( Time.parse(booth[:duration].to_s)) booth[:user_type] = (booth[:user_type].to_i == 1 ? "postpaid" : "prepaid") if booth[:number] if countries[booth[:number]].blank? countries[booth[:number]] ||= old_countries[booth[:number]] ||= Direction.name_by_prefix(row["prefix"]) end booth[:country] = countries[booth[:number]] end # Add invoice data if invoice = session[:callshop][:cs_invoices][booth[:id].to_s] booth[:comment] = invoice[:comment] booth[:created_at] = invoice[:created_at] updated = invoice[:updated_at] if updated booth[:timestamp] = booth[:timestamp] ? DateTime.parse(booth[:timestamp]).to_time.to_i : updated else booth[:timestamp] = nil end else booth[:number] = booth[:comment] = booth[:user_rate] = booth[:timestamp] = booth[:duration] = booth[:balance] = nil end booth[:state] = booth_state(booth) booths.push(booth) } session[:callshop][:countries] = countries all_booths end def booth_state(booth) if !booth[:created_at].blank? and !booth[:duration].blank? "occupied" else booth[:created_at] ? "reserved" : "free" end end def store_invoice_in_session(user, invoice) invoice = {:comment => invoice.comment, :created_at => nice_date_time(invoice.created_at), :updated_at => invoice.updated_at.to_i} if invoice user = if user.class == User session[:callshop] ||= {} session[:callshop][:cs_invoices] ||= {} session[:callshop][:cs_invoices][user.to_s] = invoice end end