class CallsController < ApplicationController include SqlExport layout "callc" before_filter :check_localization before_filter :authorize before_filter :find_call, :only => [ :call_info ] =begin rdoc Agregated call summary. Bu user/provider/destination. =end def index redirect_to :controller=>"callc", :action => 'main' end =begin redoc *Performance* * 2009-09-03 - 1105427 calls - 85.85609 sec * 2009-09-03 - 1105427 calls - 79.46851 sec Added "LEFT JOIN devices" for accurate results. =end def aggregate @page_title = _('Aggregate') @help_link = '' change_date #if we have some options preset in session we can retreave them if not new options hash is created. session[:aggregate_list_options] ? @options = session[:aggregate_list_options] : @options = {} params[:page] ? @options[:page] = params[:page].to_i : (@options[:page] = 1 if !@options[:page]) params[:order_desc] ? @options[:order_desc] = params[:order_desc].to_i : (@options[:order_desc] = 1 if !@options[:order_desc]) params[:destination_grouping] ? @options[:destination_grouping] = params[:destination_grouping].to_i : (@options[:destination_grouping] = 1 if ! @options[:destination_grouping]) # default values for first collumn (selects and fields) if !session[:aggregate_list_options] or params[:search].to_i == 1 (params[:originator] and params[:originator].to_s != "") ? @options[:originator] = params[:originator] : @options[:originator] = "any" (params[:terminator] and params[:terminator].to_s != "") ? @options[:terminator] = params[:terminator] : @options[:terminator] = "any" (params[:prefix] and params[:prefix].to_s != "") ? @options[:prefix] = params[:prefix].gsub(/[^0-9]/, "") : @options[:prefix] = "" #default values for show/do not show checkboxes and collumns (params[:unique_id_show] and params[:unique_id_show].to_s != "") ? @options[:unique_id_show] = params[:unique_id_show].to_i : @options[:unique_id_show] = 1 (params[:destination_show] and params[:destination_show].to_s != "") ? @options[:destination_show] = params[:destination_show].to_i : @options[:destination_show] = 1 (params[:customer_orig_show] and params[:customer_orig_show].to_s != "") ? @options[:customer_orig_show] = params[:customer_orig_show].to_i : @options[:customer_orig_show] = 1 (params[:customer_term_show] and params[:customer_term_show].to_s != "") ? @options[:customer_term_show] = params[:customer_term_show].to_i : @options[:customer_term_show] = 1 (params[:ip_address_orig_show] and params[:ip_address_orig_show].to_s != "") ? @options[:ip_address_orig_show] = params[:ip_address_orig_show].to_i : @options[:ip_address_orig_show] = 1 (params[:ip_address_term_show] and params[:ip_address_term_show].to_s != "") ? @options[:ip_address_term_show] = params[:ip_address_term_show].to_i : @options[:ip_address_term_show] = 1 if can_see_finances? (params[:price_orig_show] and params[:price_orig_show].to_s != "") ? @options[:price_orig_show] = params[:price_orig_show].to_i : @options[:price_orig_show] = 1 (params[:price_term_show] and params[:price_term_show].to_s != "") ? @options[:price_term_show] = params[:price_term_show].to_i : @options[:price_term_show] = 1 end (params[:billed_time_orig_show] and params[:billed_time_orig_show].to_s != "") ? @options[:billed_time_orig_show] = params[:billed_time_orig_show].to_i : @options[:billed_time_orig_show] = 1 (params[:billed_time_term_show] and params[:billed_time_term_show].to_s != "") ? @options[:billed_time_term_show] = params[:billed_time_term_show].to_i : @options[:billed_time_term_show] = 1 end @options[:order_by], order_by = agregate_order_by(params, @options) if (@options[:destination_grouping].to_i == 1 and @options[:order_by] == "") or (@options[:destination_grouping].to_i == 2 and @options[:order_by] == "") order_by = "" @options[:order_by] = "" end @options[:terminator] != "any" ? terminator_cond = @options[:terminator] : terminator_cond = "" # groups by those params that are not in search conditions group_by = [] @options[:destination_grouping] == 1 ? group_by << "destinations.direction_code, destinations.prefix" : group_by << "destinations.direction_code, destinations.subcode" if @options[:customer_orig_show].to_i == 1 or @options[:customer_term_show].to_i == 1 group_by << "devices.user_id" if @options[:originator] == "any" group_by << "providers.terminator_id" if @options[:terminator] == "any" end # form condition array for sql cond = ["calldate BETWEEN '" + session_from_datetime + "' AND '" + session_till_datetime + "'"] cond << "users.owner_id = #{}" if reseller? #cond << "calls.user_id != -1" # This allows to filter invalid calls cond << "( = #{q(@options[:originator].to_i)} OR usrs.owner_id = #{q(@options[:originator].to_i)})" if @options[:originator] != "any" cond << "calls.prefix LIKE '#{@options[:prefix].gsub(/[^0-9]/, "")}%'" if @options[:prefix].to_s != "" if terminator_cond.to_s != '' cond << "providers.terminator_id = #{terminator_cond.to_s}" else cond << "providers.terminator_id > 0" end #limit terminators to allowed ones. term_ids = current_user.load_terminators_ids if term_ids.size == 0 cond << "providers.terminator_id = 0" else cond << "providers.terminator_id IN (#{term_ids.join(", ")})" end cond << "NOT (billsec = 0 AND disposition = 'ANSWERED')" # terminator requires other conditions if reseller? originating_billed = SqlExport.replace_price("SUM(IF(calls.disposition = 'ANSWERED', if(calls.user_price is NULL, 0, calls.user_price), 0))", {:reference=> 'originating_billed'}) originating_billsec = "SUM(IF(calls.disposition = 'ANSWERED', IF(calls.user_billsec IS NULL, 0, calls.user_billsec), 0)) AS 'originating_billsec'" terminator_billed = SqlExport.replace_price("SUM(IF(calls.disposition = 'ANSWERED', calls.reseller_price, 0))", {:reference=> 'terminating_billed'}) terminator_billsec = "SUM(IF(calls.disposition = 'ANSWERED', calls.reseller_billsec, 0)) AS 'terminating_billsec'" else # Check if call belongs to resellers user if yes then admins income is reseller perice originating_billed = SqlExport.replace_price("SUM(IF(users.owner_id = 0 AND calls.disposition = 'ANSWERED', if(calls.user_price is NULL, 0, calls.user_price), if(calls.reseller_price IS NULL, 0, calls.reseller_price)))", {:reference=> 'originating_billed'}) originating_billsec = "SUM(IF(users.owner_id = 0 AND calls.disposition = 'ANSWERED', IF(calls.user_billsec IS NULL, 0, calls.user_billsec), if(calls.reseller_billsec IS NULL, 0, calls.reseller_billsec))) AS 'originating_billsec'" terminator_billed = SqlExport.replace_price("SUM(IF(calls.disposition = 'ANSWERED', calls.provider_price, 0))", {:reference=> 'terminating_billed'}) terminator_billsec = "SUM(IF(calls.disposition = 'ANSWERED', calls.provider_billsec, 0)) AS 'terminating_billsec'" end sql = " SELECT #{SqlExport.nice_user_sql}, calls.prefix, destinations.direction_code AS 'code', destinations.subcode AS 'subcode', AS 'dest_name', users.username AS 'username', users.first_name AS 'first_name', users.last_name AS 'last_name', providers.terminator_id AS 'terminator_id', #{[originating_billed, terminator_billed, originating_billsec, terminator_billsec].join(",\n")}, SUM(IF(calls.disposition = 'ANSWERED', calls.billsec, 0)) AS 'duration', COUNT(*) AS 'total_calls', SUM(IF(calls.disposition = 'ANSWERED', 1,0)) AS 'answered_calls', SUM(IF(calls.disposition = 'ANSWERED', 1,0))/COUNT(*)*100 AS 'asr', SUM(IF(calls.disposition = 'ANSWERED', calls.billsec, 0))/SUM(IF(calls.disposition = 'ANSWERED', 1,0)) AS 'acd', #{SqlExport.nice_user_sql} FROM calls FORCE INDEX (calldate) LEFT JOIN devices ON (calls.src_device_id = LEFT JOIN users ON ( = devices.user_id) INNER JOIN providers ON ( = calls.provider_id) #{"LEFT JOIN terminators ON ( = providers.terminator_id)" if @options[:order_by] == ""} #{"JOIN users usrs ON = calls.user_id" if @options[:originator] != "any"} LEFT JOIN destinations ON (destinations.prefix = calls.prefix) WHERE(" + cond.join(" AND ")+ ") #{group_by.size > 0 ? 'GROUP BY ' +group_by.join(", ") : ''} #{order_by.size > 0 ? 'ORDER BY ' +order_by : ''}" # my_debug sql @result_full = Call.find_by_sql(sql) @result = [] @total_calls = @result_full.size # calculate total values of dataset. @total = {:billed_orig => 0, :billed_term => 0, :billsec_orig => 0, :billsec_term => 0, :duration => 0, :total_calls => 0, :asr => 0, :acd =>0, :answered_calls => 0} @result_full.each { |row| @total[:billed_orig] += row.originating_billed.to_f @total[:billed_term] += row.terminating_billed.to_f @total[:billsec_orig] +=row.originating_billsec.to_f @total[:billsec_term] += row.terminating_billsec.to_f @total[:duration] += row.duration.to_f @total[:total_calls] += row.total_calls.to_i @total[:answered_calls] += row.answered_calls.to_i } @total[:total_calls] == 0 ? @total[:asr] = 0 : @total[:asr] = @total[:answered_calls].to_f/@total[:total_calls].to_f*100 @total[:answered_calls] == 0 ? @total[:acd] = 0 : @total[:acd] = @total[:duration].to_f / @total[:answered_calls].to_f # fetch required number of items. @result = [] @total_pages = (@total_calls.to_f / session[:items_per_page].to_f).ceil @options[:page] = @total_pages if @options[:page] > @total_pages start = session[:items_per_page]*(@options[:page]-1) (start..(start+session[:items_per_page])-1).each {|i| @result << @result_full[i] if @result_full[i] } session[:aggregate_list_options] = @options # no need to store these 2 in session as they are not options but values from database. @options = load_parties(@options) if @options[:terminator] == "any" @terminator_providers_count = any_terminator_providers_count(@options[:terminators]) else @terminator_providers_count = terminator_providers_count(@options[:terminators], @options[:terminator]) end end =begin rdoc Call summary. =end def summary @page_title = _('Summary') change_date session[:summary_list_options] ? @options = session[:summary_list_options] : @options = {} params[:page] ? @options[:page] = params[:page].to_i : (@options[:page] = 1 if !@options[:page]) params[:term_order_desc] ? @options[:term_order_desc] = params[:term_order_desc].to_i : (@options[:term_order_desc] = 1 if !@options[:order_desc]) params[:order_desc] ? @options[:order_desc] = params[:order_desc].to_i : (@options[:order_desc] = 1 if !@options[:order_desc]) params[:order_by] ? @options[:order_by_name] = params[:order_by].to_s : (@options[:order_by_name] = "" if !@options[:order_by_name]) if !session[:summary_list_options] or params[:search].to_i == 1 (params[:originator] and params[:originator].to_s != "") ? @options[:originator] = params[:originator] : @options[:originator] = "any" (params[:terminator] and params[:terminator].to_s != "") ? @options[:terminator] = params[:terminator] : @options[:terminator] = "any" (params[:prefix] and params[:prefix].to_s != "") ? @options[:prefix] = params[:prefix].gsub(/[^0-9]/, "") : @options[:prefix] = "" end @options[:terminator] != "any" ? terminator_cond = @options[:terminator] : terminator_cond = "" cond = ["calldate BETWEEN '" + session_from_datetime + "' AND '" + session_till_datetime + "'"] #cond << "calls.user_id != -1" cond << "calls.user_id IN (SELECT id FROM users WHERE id = #{@options[:originator].to_i} OR users.owner_id = #{@options[:originator].to_i})" if @options[:originator] != "any" cond << "calls.prefix LIKE '#{@options[:prefix].gsub(/[^0-9]/, "")}%'" if @options[:prefix].to_s != "" @options[:order_by], order_by = summary_order_by(params, @options) (@options[:order_by_name].to_s.scan(/term_/).size > 0) ? order_by_desc = order_by : order_by_desc = "" @terminator_lines = Call.summary_by_terminator(cond, terminator_cond, order_by_desc, current_user) @total_items_term = @terminator_lines.size @total = {:term_calls => 0, :term_min => 0, :term_exact_min => 0, :term_amount => 0, :orig_calls => 0, :orig_min => 0, :orig_exact_min => 0, :orig_amount => 0} @terminator_lines.each { |row| @total[:term_calls] += row.total_calls.to_i @total[:term_exact_min] += row.exact_billsec.to_f @total[:term_min] += row.provider_billsec.to_f @total[:term_amount] += row.provider_price.to_f } (@options[:order_by_name].to_s.scan(/orig_/).size > 0) ? order_by_orig = order_by : order_by_orig = "" @originator_lines_full = Call.summary_by_originator(cond, terminator_cond, order_by_orig, current_user) @originator_lines_full.each { |row| @total[:orig_calls] += row.total_calls.to_i @total[:orig_exact_min] += row.exact_billsec.to_f @total[:orig_min] += row.originator_billsec.to_f @total[:orig_amount] += row.originator_price.to_f } @total_items_orig = @originator_lines_full.size @total_pages = (@total_items_orig.to_f / session[:items_per_page].to_f).ceil @options[:page] = @total_pages if @options[:page] > @total_pages @originator_lines = [] start = session[:items_per_page]*(@options[:page]-1) (start..(start+session[:items_per_page]-1)).each {|i| @originator_lines << @originator_lines_full[i] if @originator_lines_full[i] } session[:summary_list_options] = @options @options = load_parties(@options) if @options[:terminator] == "any" @terminator_providers_count = any_terminator_providers_count(@options[:terminators]) else @terminator_providers_count = terminator_providers_count(@options[:terminators], @options[:terminator]) end end def active_call_soft_hangup server_id = params[:server_id] channel = params[:channel] if server_id.to_i > 0 and channel.to_s.length > 0 server = Server.find(:first, :conditions => "id = #{server_id.to_i}") if server if ast_18? and mor_11_extend? server.ami_cmd("channel request hangup #{channel}") else server.ami_cmd("soft hangup #{channel}") end end end MorLog.my_debug "Hangup channel: #{channel} on server: #{server_id}" render(:layout => "layouts/mor_min") end # before_filter # find_call def call_info @page_title = _('Call_info') @page_icon = "information.png" @help_link = "" @did = nil @did = Did.find(:first, :conditions => ["id = ?", @call.did_id.to_i]) if @call.did_id.to_i > 0 @user = nil @user = User.find(:first, :conditions => ["id = ?", @call.user_id.to_i]) if @call.user_id.to_i >= 0 @src_device = nil @src_device = Device.find(:first, :conditions => ["id = ?", @call.src_device_id.to_i]) if @call.src_device_id.to_i >= 0 @reseller = nil @reseller = User.find(:first, :conditions => ["id = ?", @call.reseller_id.to_i]) if @call.reseller_id.to_i > 0 @provider = nil @provider = Provider.find(:first, :conditions => [" = ?", @call.provider_id.to_i], :include => :user) if @call.provider_id.to_i > 0 @card = nil @card = Card.find(:first, :conditions => ["id = ?", @call.card_id.to_i]) if @call.card_id.to_i > 0 @call_log = @call.call_log end private def terminator_providers_count(terminators, terminator_id) count = 0 terminators.each do |terminator| count = terminator.providers_size.to_i if == terminator_id end return count end def any_terminator_providers_count(terminators) count = 0 terminators.each { |terminator| count += terminator.providers_size.to_i } return count end def load_parties(options) options[:originators] = current_user.load_users(:all) options[:terminators] = current_user.load_terminators options end =begin rdoc Transaltes order_by param to database fields for agregate report. =end def agregate_order_by(params, options) case params[:order_by].to_s when "direction" then order_by = "destinations.direction_code" when "destination" then order_by = "" when "customer_orig" then order_by = "nice_user" when "customer_term" then order_by = "" when "billed_orig" then order_by = "originating_billed" when "billed_term" then order_by = "terminating_billed" when "billsec_orig" then order_by = "originating_billsec" when "billsec_term" then order_by = "terminating_billsec" when "duration" then order_by = "duration" when "answered_calls" then order_by = "answered_calls" when "total_calls" then order_by = "total_calls" when "asr" then order_by = "asr" when "acd" then order_by = "acd" else options[:order_by] ? order_by = options[:order_by] : order_by = "" end without = order_by order_by = "users.first_name " + (options[:order_desc] == 1 ? "DESC" : "ASC") + ", users.last_name" if order_by.to_s == "users.first_name" order_by = "destinations.direction_code " + (options[:order_desc] == 1 ? "DESC" : "ASC") + "," if order_by.to_s == "" order_by = "destinations.direction_code " + (options[:order_desc] == 1 ? "DESC" : "ASC") + ", destinations.subcode" if order_by.to_s == "" order_by += " ASC" if options[:order_desc] == 0 and order_by != "" order_by += " DESC"if options[:order_desc] == 1 and order_by != "" return without, order_by end =begin rdoc Transaltes order_by param to database fields for summary report. =end def summary_order_by(params, options) case params[:order_by].to_s when "orig_name" then order_by = "users.first_name" when "orig_calls" then order_by = "total_calls" when "orig_exec_billsec" then order_by = "exact_billsec" when "orig_billsec" then order_by = "originator_billsec" when "orig_price" then order_by = "originator_price" when "term_name" then order_by = "provider_name" when "term_calls" then order_by = "total_calls" when "term_exec_billsec" then order_by = "exact_billsec" when "term_billsec" then order_by = "provider_billsec" when "term_price" then order_by = "provider_price" else options[:order_by] ? order_by = options[:order_by] : order_by = "" end without = order_by order_by = "users.first_name " + (options[:order_desc] == 1 ? "DESC" : "ASC") + ", users.last_name" if order_by.to_s == "users.first_name" order_by += " ASC" if options[:order_desc] == 0 and order_by != "" order_by += " DESC"if options[:order_desc] == 1 and order_by != "" return without, order_by end def find_call @call = Call.find(:first, :conditions => ["id = ?", params[:id]]) unless @call flash[:notice] = _("Call_not_found") redirect_to :controller => "callc", :action => "main" and return false end # only admin and accountant can view call info if current_user and current_user.is_not_admin? and current_user.is_not_accountant? flash[:notice] = _('You_have_no_view_permission') redirect_to :controller => :callc, :action => :main and return false end end end