class CallcController < ApplicationController #require 'rami' require 'digest/sha1' require 'net/smtp' require 'enumerator' require 'smtp_tls' layout :mobile_standard User.content_columns.each do |column| in_place_edit_for :user, end before_filter :check_localization, :except => [:pay_subscriptions, :monthly_actions] before_filter :authorize, :except => [:login, :try_to_login, :pay_subscriptions, :monthly_actions, :forgot_password] before_filter :find_registration_owner, :only => [:signup_start, :signup_end] skip_before_filter :redirect_callshop_manager, :only => [:logout] @@monthly_action_cooldown = 2.hours @@daily_action_cooldown = 2.hours @@hourly_action_cooldown = 20.minutes def index if session[:usertype] redirect_to :action => "login" and return false else redirect_to :action => "logout" and return false end end def login @show_login = params[:shl].to_i @u = params[:u].to_s if params[:id] @owner = User.find(:first, :conditions => ["users.uniquehash = ?", params[:id]]) end @owner = User.find(:first, :conditions => [" = ?", 0]) unless @owner if @owner and @owner.class == User @owner_id = @defaulthash = @owner.get_hash() else @owner_id = 0 @defaulthash = "" end session[:login_id] = @owner_id #my_debug session[:layout_t] #reset_session flags_to_session(@owner) # do some house cleaning global_check if Confline.get_value("Show_logo_on_register_page", @owner_id).to_s == "" Confline.set_value("Show_logo_on_register_page", 1, @owner_id) end @page_title = _('Login') @page_icon = "key.png" #my_debug(Localization.lang) # ----------- RAMI server ----------- #server ={'host' => 'localhost', 'username' => 'asterisk', 'secret' => 'secret'}) #server.console =1 #server.event_cache = 100 # ----------------------------------- if session[:login] == true redirect_to :action => "main" and return false end t = session[:year_from] = t.year session[:month_from] = t.month session[:day_from] = session[:hour_from] = 0 session[:minute_from] = 0 session[:year_till] = t.year session[:month_till] = t.month session[:day_till] = session[:hour_till] = 23 session[:minute_till] = 59 if Confline.get_value("Show_logo_on_register_page", @owner_id).to_i == 1 session[:logo_picture] = Confline.get_value("Logo_Picture", @owner_id) session[:version] = Confline.get_value("Version", @owner_id) session[:copyright_title] = Confline.get_value("Copyright_Title", @owner_id) else session[:logo_picture] = "" session[:version] = "" session[:copyright_title] = "" end if request.env["HTTP_X_MOBILE_GATEWAY"] respond_to do |format| format.wml { render :action => 'login.wml.builder'} #format.html end end end def try_to_login # my_debug Digest::SHA1.hexdigest("101") session[:layout_t] = params[:layout_t].to_s if params[:layout_t] if not params["login"] dont_be_so_smart redirect_to :controller => "callc", :action => "main" and return false end @username = params["login"]["username"].to_s @psw = params["login"]["psw"].to_s @type = "user" @login_ok = false @user = User.find(:first, :conditions => ["username = ? and password = ?", @username, Digest::SHA1.hexdigest(@psw)]) if @user and @user.owner @login_ok = true renew_session(@user) #session[:ssecret] = SSecret end session[:login] = @login_ok if @login_ok == true add_action(session[:user_id], "login", request.env["REMOTE_ADDR"].to_s) @user.logged = 1 check_devices() bad_psw = (params["login"]["psw"].to_s == 'admin' and == 0)? _('ATTENTION!_Please_change_admin_password_from_default_one_Press')+ " #{_('Here')} " + _('to_do_this') : '' flash[:notice] = bad_psw if !bad_psw.blank? if (request.env["HTTP_USER_AGENT"]) && (request.env["HTTP_USER_AGENT"].match("iPhone") or request.env["HTTP_USER_AGENT"].match("iPod")) #my_debug request.env["HTTP_USER_AGENT"] flash[:status] = _('login_succesfull') redirect_to :action => "main_for_pda" and return false else flash[:status] = _('login_succesfull') if defined?(CS_Active) && CS_Active == 1 && group = current_user.usergroups.find(:first, :include => :group, :conditions => [ "usergroups.gusertype = 'manager' and groups.grouptype = 'callshop'"]) and current_user.usertype != 'admin' session[:cs_group] = group session[:lang] = Translation.find_by_id( redirect_to :controller => "callshop", :action => "show", :id => group.group_id and return false else redirect_to :action => "main" and return false end end # end else add_action2(0, "bad_login", @username.to_s + "/" + @psw.to_s, request.env["REMOTE_ADDR"].to_s) us = User.find(:first, :conditions => [" = ?", session[:login_id]]) u_hash = us ? us.uniquehash : '' flash[:notice] = _('bad_login') show_login = Action.disable_login_check(request.env["REMOTE_ADDR"].to_s).to_i == 0 ? 1 : 0 redirect_to :action => "login", :id=>u_hash, :shl=>show_login, :u=>@username and return false end end def main_for_pda # my_debug session[:layout_t] @page_title = _('Start_page') @user=User.find(session[:user_id]) if @user.first_name and @user.last_name @username = @user.first_name.capitalize + " " + @user.last_name.capitalize else @username = @user.username end end def logout add_action(session[:user_id], "logout", "") user=User.find(:first, :conditions => ["id = ?", session[:user_id]]) if user user.logged = 0 check_devices() owner = user.owner end session[:login] = false session.delete reset_session flash[:notice] = _('logged_off') if Confline.get_value("Logout_link", if owner redirect_to :action => "login", :id => owner.get_hash() else redirect_to :action => "login" end else redirect_to Confline.get_value("Logout_link", end end def forgot_password @r = '' @st = true if params[:email] and !params[:email].blank? addresses = Address.find(:all, :conditions=>['email = ?', params[:email]]) if addresses and addresses.size.to_i > 0 if addresses.size.to_i == 1 user = User.find(:first, :include=>[:address], :conditions=>['address_id = ?',addresses[0].id ]) if user and != 0 psw = random_password(12) email =Email.find(:first, :conditions => ["name = 'password_reminder' AND owner_id = ?", user.owner_id]) variables = Email.email_variables(user, nil, {:owner=>user.owner_id, :login_password=>psw}) session[:flash_not_redirect] = 1 session[:forgot_pasword] = 1 num = EmailsController::send_email(email, Confline.get_value("Email_from",user.owner_id), [user], variables) if num.to_s.include?(_('Email_sent')+'
') user.password = Digest::SHA1.hexdigest(psw) if @r = _('Password_changed_check_email_for_new_password') + ' ' + else @r = _('Cannot_change_password') end end else @r = _('Cannot_change_password') @st = false end else @r = _('Email_is_used_by_multiple_users_Canot_reset_password') @st = false end else @r = _('Email_was_not_found') @st = false end else @r = _('Please_enter_email') @st = false end render :layout => false end def main @Show_Currency_Selector=1 if not session[:user_id] redirect_to :action => "login" and return false end dont_be_so_smart if params[:dont_be_so_smart] == true @page_title = _('Start_page') session[:layout_t]="full" @user=User.find(:first, :include => [:tax], :conditions => [" = ?", session[:user_id]]) unless @user redirect_to :action => "logout" and return false end session[:integrity_check] = current_user.integrity_recheck_user session[:integrity_check] = Device.integrity_recheck_devices if session[:integrity_check].to_i == 0 @username = nice_user(@user) if Confline.get_value("Hide_quick_stats").to_i == 0 show_quick_stats end if session[:usertype] == 'reseller' reseller = User.find(session[:user_id]) reseller.check_default_user_conflines end # my_debug @quick_stats # @total_profitm = @total_call_pricem - @total_call_selfpricem # @total_profitd = @total_call_priced - @total_call_selfpriced @pp_enabled = session[:paypal_enabled] @wm_enabled = session[:webmoney_enabled] @vouch_enabled = session[:vouchers_enabled] @lp_enabled = session[:linkpoint_enabled] @cp_enabled = session[:cyberplat_enabled] @ob_enabled = session[:ouroboros_enabled] @ob_link_name = session[:ouroboros_name] @ob_link_url = session[:ouroboros_url] @ob_enabled = 0 if @user.owner_id > 0 # do not show for reseller users @addresses = Phonebook.find(:all, :conditions=>["user_id=?", session[:user_id]]) if request.env["HTTP_X_MOBILE_GATEWAY"] @notice = params[:sms_notice].to_s respond_to do |format| format.wml { render :action => 'main.wml.builder'} #format.html end end end def show_quick_stats if Confline.get_value("Hide_quick_stats").to_i == 1 @page_title = _('Quick_stats') end @user=User.find(:first, :include => [:tax], :conditions => [" = ?", session[:user_id]]) unless @user redirect_to :action => "logout" and return false end month_t = + "-" + good_date( last_day = last_day_of_month(, good_date( day_t = + "-" + good_date( + "-" + good_date( session[:callc_main_stats_options] ? options = session[:callc_main_stats_options] : options = {} show_from_db = !options[:time] || options[:time] < ? 0 : 1 if show_from_db.to_i == 0 @quick_stats = @user.quick_stats(month_t, last_day, day_t) options[:quick_stats] = @quick_stats options[:time] = + 2.minutes else @quick_stats = options[:quick_stats] end session[:callc_main_stats_options] = options end def user_settings @user=User.find(session[:user_id]) end def ranks # today ="%Y-%m-%d") # today = "2006-07-26" #debug #counting month_normative for 1 user which was counted most time ago user = User.find(:first, :order => "month_plan_updated ASC") user.months_normative("%Y-%m")) @users = User.find(:all, :conditions => "usertype = 'user' AND show_in_realtime_stats = '1' ") @h = @total_billsec = 0; @total_calls = 0; @total_missed_not_processed = 0; @total_new_calls = 0; for user in @users @ranks_type = params[:id] if @ranks_type == "duration" calls_billsec = 0 # for call in user.calls("answered",today,today) # calls_billsec += call.duration #billsec # end calls_billsec = user.total_duration("answered",today, today) + user.total_duration("answered_inc",today, today) @h[] = calls_billsec @total_billsec += calls_billsec @ranks_title = _('most_called_users') @ranks_col1 = _('time') @ranks_col2 = _('Calls') end end @a = @h.sort {|a,b| b[1]<=>a[1]} @b = [] @c = [] @d = [] @e = [] #till normative @f = [] #class of normative @g = [] #percentage of normative @h = [] #new calls for a in @a if @ranks_type == "duration" user = User.find(a[0]) @b[a[0]] = user.total_calls("answered",today, today) + user.total_calls("answered_inc",today,today) #User.find(a[0]).calls("answered",today,today).size @d[a[0]] = user.total_calls("missed_not_processed","2000-01-01", today) #User.find(a[0]).calls("missed_not_processed","2000-01-01",today).size @total_missed_not_processed += @d[a[0]] @total_calls += @b[a[0]] if @b[a[0]] != 0 @c[a[0]] = a[1] / @b[a[0]] else @c[a[0]] = 0 end #my_debug session[:time_to_call_per_day].to_i * 3600 - a[1] #@e[a[0]] = session[:time_to_call_per_day].to_f * 3600 - a[1] normative = user.calltime_normative.to_f * 3600 @e[a[0]] = normative - a[1] @f[a[0]] = "red" if normative == 0 @g[a[0]] = 0 else @g[a[0]] = ((1 - (@e[a[0]] / normative)) * 100).to_i end # user has not started if a[1] == 0 @e[a[0]] = 0 @f[a[0]] = "black" end # user has finished if @e[a[0]] < 0 @e[a[0]] = a[1] - normative @f[a[0]] = "black" end @h[a[0]] = user.new_calls("%Y-%m-%d")).size @total_new_calls += @h[a[0]] end end @avg_billsec = 0 @avg_billsec = @total_billsec / @total_calls if @total_calls > 0 render(:layout => false) end def show_ranks @page_title = _('Statistics') render(:layout => "layouts/realtime_stats") end def realtime_stats @page_title = _('Realtime') if params[:rt] if params[:rt][:calltime_per_day] session[:time_to_call_per_day] = params[:rt][:calltime_per_day] end else if !session[:time_to_call_per_day] session[:time_to_call_per_day] = 3.0 end end @ttcpd = session[:time_to_call_per_day] end def global_settings @page_title = _('global_settings') cond = "exten = ? AND context = ? AND priority IN (2, 3) AND appdata like ?" ext = Extline.find(:first, :conditions => [cond, '_X.',"mor" , 'TIMEOUT(response)%']) @timeout_response = (ext ? ext.appdata.gsub("TIMEOUT(response)=", "").to_i : 20) ext = Extline.find(:first, :conditions => [cond, '_X.', "mor", 'TIMEOUT(digit)%']) @timeout_digit = (ext ? ext.appdata.gsub("TIMEOUT(digit)=", "").to_i : 10) end def global_settings_save Confline.set_value("Load_CSV_From_Remote_Mysql", params[:load_csv_from_remote_mysql].to_i, 0) redirect_to :action => "global_settings" and return false end def reconfigure_globals @page_title = _('global_settings') @type = params[:type] if @type == "devices" @devices = Device.find(:all, :conditions => "user_id > 0") for dev in @devices a=configure_extensions(, {:current_user=>current_user}) return false if !a end end if @type == "outgoing_extensions" reconfigure_outgoing_extensions end end def global_change_timeout if Extline.update_timeout(params[:timeout_response].to_i, params[:timeout_digit].to_i) flash[:status] = _("Updated") else flash[:notice] = _("Invalid values") end redirect_to :action => "global_settings" and return false end def global_change_fax_path_setup if Confline.set_value("Fax2Email_Folder", params[:fax2email_folder].to_s, 0) flash[:status] = _("Updated") else flash[:notice] = _("Invalid values") end redirect_to :action => "global_settings" and return false end def global_set_tz if Confline.get_value('System_time_zone_ofset_changed').to_i == 0 sql = "select timediff(now(),convert_tz(now(),@@session.time_zone,'+00:00'));" z = ActiveRecord::Base.connection.select_value(sql) t = z.to_i Confline.set_value('System_time_zone_ofset', t.to_i, 0) Confline.set_value('System_time_zone_ofset_changed', 1, 0) users = User.find(:all) for u in users u.time_zone = t end flash[:status] = _("Time_zone_for_users_set_to") + " #{t} " else flash[:notice] = _("Global_Time_zone_set_replay_is_dont_allow") end redirect_to :action => "global_settings" and return false end def set_tz_to_users sql = "UPDATE users SET time_zone = ((time_zone + #{params[:add_time].to_f}) % 24);" ActiveRecord::Base.connection.execute(sql) flash[:status] = _("Time_zone_for_users_add_value") + " + #{params[:add_time].to_f} " redirect_to :action => "global_settings" and return false end def debug end def signup_start @page_title = _('Sign_up') @page_icon = "signup.png" @countries = Direction.find(:all, :order => "name ASC") @agreement = Confline.get("Registration_Agreement", if Confline.get_value("Show_logo_on_register_page", == 1 session[:logo_picture] = Confline.get_value("Logo_Picture", session[:version] = Confline.get_value("Version", session[:copyright_title] = Confline.get_value("Copyright_Title", end @vat_necessary = Confline.get_value("Registration_Enable_VAT_checking", == 1 && Confline.get_value("Registration_allow_vat_blank", == 0 end def signup_end @page_title = _('Sign_up') @page_icon = "signup.png" #error checking session[:reg_username] = params[:username] session[:reg_password] = params[:password] session[:reg_password2] = params[:password2] session[:reg_device_type] = params[:device_type] session[:reg_first_name] = params[:first_name] session[:reg_last_name] = params[:last_name] session[:reg_client_id] = params[:client_id] session[:reg_vat_number] = params[:vat_number] session[:reg_address] = params[:address] session[:reg_postcode] = params[:postcode] session[:reg_city] = params[:city] session[:reg_county] = params[:county] session[:reg_state] = params[:state] session[:reg_country_id] = params[:country_id] session[:reg_phone] = params[:phone] session[:reg_mob_phone] = params[:mob_phone] session[:reg_fax] = params[:fax] session[:reg_email] = params[:email] reg_ip= request.remote_ip if !params[:id] or !User.find(:first, :conditions => ["uniquehash = ?", params[:id]]) reset_session dont_be_so_smart redirect_to :action => "login" and return false end notice = User.validate_from_registration(params) capt = true if Confline.get_value("reCAPTCHA_enabled").to_i == 1 usern = capt = verify_recaptcha(usern) ? true : (false ; notice = _('Please_enter_captcha')) end if capt and !notice or notice.blank? reset_session if Confline.get_value("Show_logo_on_register_page", == 1 session[:logo_picture] = Confline.get_value("Logo_Picture", session[:version] = Confline.get_value("Version", session[:copyright_title] = Confline.get_value("Copyright_Title", end @user, @send_email_to_user, @device, notice2 = User.create_from_registration(params, @owner, reg_ip, free_extension(), new_device_pin(),random_password(12), next_agreement_number) session[:reg_owner_id] = @user.owner_id unless notice2 flash[:status] = _('Registration_succesful') a = {configure_extensions(, {:current_user=>@owner})} # a=configure_extensions( # return false if !a else flash[:notice] = notice2 end else flash[:notice] = notice redirect_to :action => "signup_start" , :id => params[:id] and return false end end #cronjob runs every hour # 0 * * * * wget -o /dev/null -O /dev/null http://localhost/billing/callc/hourly_actions def hourly_actions # backups_hourly_cronjob if active_heartbeat_server periodic_action("hourly", @@hourly_action_cooldown){ # check/make auto backup # bt = { Backup.backups_hourly_cronjob(session[:user_id]) # } # =========== send b warning email for users ================================== MorLog.my_debug("Starting checking for balance warning", 1) User.check_users_balance send_balance_warning MorLog.my_debug("Ended checking for balance warning", 1) if defined?(PG_Active) && PG_Active == 1 if Confline.get_value("ideal_ideal_enabled").to_i == 1 MorLog.my_debug("Starting iDeal check") payments = Payment.find(:all, :conditions => {:paymenttype => "ideal_ideal", :completed => 0, :pending_reason => "waiting_response"}) MorLog.my_debug("Found #{payments.size} waiting payments") # There m ay be possibe to do some caching if performance becomes an issue. if payments.size > 0 payments.each{ |payment| user = payment.user gateway = ::GatewayEngine.find(:first, {:engine => "ideal", :gateway => "ideal", :for_user => }).enabled_by( ## this is cacheable success , message = gateway.check_response(payment) MorLog.my_debug("#{success ? "Done" : "Fail"} : #{message}") } end MorLog.my_debug("Ended iDeal check") end end # bt.join #======================== Cron actions ===================================== CronAction.do_jobs #======================== System time ofset ===================================== sql = "select timediff(now(),convert_tz(now(),@@session.time_zone,'+00:00'));" z = ActiveRecord::Base.connection.select_value(sql) MorLog.my_debug("GET global time => #{z.to_yaml}", 1) t = z.to_i old_tz= Confline.get_value('System_time_zone_ofset') if t.to_i != old_tz.to_i and Confline.get_value('System_time_zone_daylight_savings').to_i == 1 # ========================== System time ofset update users ================================ diff = t.to_i - old_tz.to_i sql = "UPDATE users SET time_zone = ((time_zone + #{diff.to_f}) % 24);;" ActiveRecord::Base.connection.execute(sql) MorLog.my_debug("System time ofset update users", 1) end Confline.set_value('System_time_zone_ofset', t.to_i, 0) MorLog.my_debug("confline => #{Confline.get_value('System_time_zone_ofset')}", 1) #======================== Devices ===================================== check_devices_for_accountcode # ========================== Cleaning session table ================================ sql = "DELETE FROM sessions where sessions.updated_at < '#{( - 5.hour).to_s(:db)}'; " ActiveRecord::Base.connection.delete(sql) MorLog.my_debug("Sessions cleaned", 1) } end end #cronjob runs every midnight # 0 0 * * * wget -o /dev/null -O /dev/null http://localhost/billing/callc/daily_actions def daily_actions if active_heartbeat_server periodic_action("daily", @@daily_action_cooldown){ # ========================== Cleaning session table ================================ @time = - @atime = @time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S") sql = "DELETE FROM sessions where sessions.updated_at < '#{@atime}'; " ActiveRecord::Base.connection.delete(sql) my_debug("Sessions cleaned") # =========== get Currency rates from ===================================== update_currencies #delete file delete_files_after_csv_import system("rm -f /tmp/get_tariff_*") #delete tariff export zip files # =========== block users if necessary ===================================== block_users block_users_conditional } end end #cronjob runs every 1st day of month # 0 * * * * wget -o /dev/null -O /dev/null http://localhost/billing/callc/monthly_actions def monthly_actions if active_heartbeat_server periodic_action("monthly", @@monthly_action_cooldown){ # --------- count/deduct subscriptions -------- year = month = - 1 if month == 0 year -= 1 month = 12 end my_debug("Saving balances for users for: " +year.to_s + " " + month.to_s) save_user_balances(year, month) my_debug("Counting subscriptions for: " +year.to_s + " " + month.to_s) pay_subscriptions(year, month) # ----- end count/deduct subscriptions -------- } end end def periodic_action(type, cooldown) MorLog.my_debug "#{} - #{type} actions starting sleep" sleep(rand * 10) MorLog.my_debug "#{} - #{type} actions starting sleep end" time = Confline.get_value("#{type}_actions_cooldown_time") # failsafe. If there is error while parsing "time" it will defauilt to Year from now and will not block running the action. time_set = Time.parse(time, unless time_set and time_set + cooldown > Confline.set_value("#{type}_actions_cooldown_time", MorLog.my_debug "#{type} actions starting" yield MorLog.my_debug "#{type} actions finished" else MorLog.my_debug("#{cooldown} has not passed since last run of #{type.upcase}_ACTIONS") render :text => "To fast." end end def pay_subscriptions_test if session[:usertype] == "admin" and !params[:year].blank? and !params[:month].blank? a = pay_subscriptions(params[:year], params[:month]) return false if !a else render :text => "NO!" end end def test_pdf_generation require 'pdf/wrapper' pdf = => :A4) pdf.font("Nimbus Sans L") pdf.text("TEST", {:left =>330, :top =>60 , :font_size => 9})'/tmp/mor_pdf_test.pdf', 'w') { |f| f.write(pdf.render)} flash[:status] = _('Pdf_test_pass') redirect_to :action=>:main and return false end def global_change_confline if params[:heartbeat_ip] Confline.set_value("Heartbeat_IP", params[:heartbeat_ip].to_s.strip) flash[:status] = "Heartbeat IP set" end redirect_to :action => :global_settings and return false end private def check_devices_for_accountcode ActiveRecord::Base.connection.execute("UPDATE devices set accountcode = id WHERE accountcode = 0;") end def active_heartbeat_server ip = Confline.get_value('Heartbeat_IP').to_s unless ip.blank? greped_ip = `/sbin/ifconfig | grep '#{ip} '` # Space is to detect that we match whole IP Example: '' and '' if greped_ip.to_s.length == 0 render :text => "Not here." and return false end end return true end # saves users balances at the end of the month to use them in future in invoices to show users how much they owe to system owner def save_user_balances(year, month) @year = year.to_i @month = month.to_i date = "#{@year.to_s}-#{@month.to_s}" if months_between(Time.mktime(@year, @month, "01").to_date, < 0 render :text => "Date is in future" and return false end users = User.find(:all) # check all users for actions, if action not present - create new one and save users balance for user in users old_action = Action.find(:first, :conditions => "data = '#{date}' AND user_id = '#{}'") if not old_action MorLog.my_debug("Creating new action user_balance_at_month_end for user with id: #{}, balance: #{user.balance}") Action.add_action2(, "user_balance_at_month_end", date, user.balance.to_s) else MorLog.my_debug("Action user_balance_at_month_end for user with id: #{} present already, balance: #{old_action.data2}") end end end def pay_subscriptions(year, month) email_body = [] email_body_reseller = [] doc = => out_string = "", :indent => 2 ) @year = year.to_i @month = month.to_i send = false if months_between(Time.mktime(@year, @month, "01").to_date, < 0 render :text => "Date is in future" and return false end email_body << "Charging for subscriptions.\nDate: #{@year}-#{@month}\n" email_body_reseller << "========================================\nSubscriptions of Reseller's Users" @users = User.find(:all, :joins => ("RIGHT JOIN subscriptions ON ( = subscriptions.user_id)"),:readonly => false, :include =>[:tax ], :conditions => ["blocked != 1"], :order=>'users.owner_id ASC') generation_time = doc.subscriptions(){ doc.year(@year) doc.month(@month) @users.each_with_index { |user, i| user_time = subscriptions = user.pay_subscriptions(@year, @month) if subscriptions.size > 0 doc.user(:username => user.username, :user_id =>, :first_name => user.first_name, :balance => user.balance, :user_type => user.user_type){ send = true email_body << "#{i+1} User: #{nice_user(user)}(#{user.username}):" if user.owner_id.to_i == 0 email_body_reseller << "#{i+1} User: #{nice_user(user)}(#{user.username}):" if user.owner_id.to_i != 0 doc.blocked("true") if user.blocked.to_i == 1 email_body << " User was blocked." if user.blocked.to_i == 1 and user.owner_id.to_i == 0 email_body_reseller << " User was blocked." if user.blocked.to_i == 1 and user.owner_id.to_i != 0 subscriptions.each{ |sub_hash| email_body << " Service: #{sub_hash[:subscription]} - #{nice_number(sub_hash[:price])}" if user.owner_id.to_i == 0 email_body_reseller << " Service: #{sub_hash[:subscription]} - #{nice_number(sub_hash[:price])}" if user.owner_id.to_i != 0 doc.subscription{ doc.service(sub_hash[:subscription] doc.price(nice_number(sub_hash[:price])) } } email_body << "" if user.owner_id.to_i == 0 email_body_reseller << "" if user.owner_id.to_i != 0 doc.balance_left(nice_number(user.balance)) } end logger.debug "User time: #{ - user_time}" } } logger.debug("Generation took: #{ - generation_time}") email_body += email_body_reseller if email_body_reseller and email_body_reseller.size.to_i > 0 if send email_time = email = => email_body.join("\n"), :subject => "subscriptions report", :format => "plain", :id => "subscriptions report") EmailsController::send_email(email, Confline.get_value("Email_from", 0), [User.find(0)], {:owner => 0}) logger.debug("Email took: #{ - email_time}") end if session[:usertype] == "admin" render :xml => out_string else render :text => "" end end def delete_files_after_csv_import MorLog.my_debug("delete_files_after_csv_import", 1) select = [] select << "SELECT table_name" select << "FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.TABLES" select << "WHERE table_schema = 'mor' AND" select << " table_name like 'import%' AND" select << " create_time < ADDDATE(NOW(), INTERVAL -1 DAY);" tables = ActiveRecord::Base.connection.select_all(select.join(' ')) if tables tables.each{|t| MorLog.my_debug("Found table : #{t.values}", 1) Tariff.clean_after_import(t.values) } end end def update_currencies begin Currency.transaction do my_debug("Trying to update currencies") Currency.update_currency_rates my_debug("Currencies updated") end rescue Exception => e my_debug(e) my_debug("Currencies NOT updated") return false end end def backups_hourly_cronjob redirect_to :controller => "backups", :action=>'backups_hourly_cronjob' end def block_users date ="%Y-%m-%d") #my_debug date users = User.find(:all, :conditions => "block_at = '#{date}'") #my_debug users.size if users for user in users user.blocked = 1 end my_debug("Users for blocking checked") end def block_users_conditional day = #my_debug day users = User.find(:all, :conditions => "block_at_conditional = '#{day}' AND balance < 0 AND postpaid = 1 AND block_conditional_use = '1'") #my_debug users.size if users for user in users invoices = Invoice.count(:all, :conditions => "user_id = #{} AND paid = 0") #my_debug "not paid invoices: #{invoices}" if invoices > 0 user.blocked = 1 end end my_debug("Users for conditional blocking checked") end def send_balance_warning enable_debug = 1 users = User.find(:all,:include => [:address], :conditions => "warning_email_active = '1' AND ( (warning_email_sent = '0' AND warning_email_hour = '-1') or ( warning_email_hour = '#{}')) AND balance < warning_email_balance") if users.size.to_i > 0 for user in users if enable_debug == 1 MorLog.my_debug("Need to send warning_balance email to: #{} #{user.username} #{}") end email= Email.find(:first, :conditions => ["name = 'warning_balance_email' AND owner_id = ?", user.owner_id] ) unless email owner = user.owner if owner.usertype == "reseller" owner.check_reseller_emails email= Email.find(:first, :conditions => ["name = 'warning_balance_email' AND owner_id = ?", user.owner_id] ) end end variables = email_variables(user) begin @num = EmailsController::send_email(email, Confline.get_value("Email_from", user.owner_id), [user], variables) if @num.to_s == _('Email_sent')+"
" Action.add_action_hash(user.owner_id, {:action=>"warning_balance_send", :data=>, :data2=>} ) if enable_debug == 1 MorLog.my_debug("warning_balance_sent: #{} #{user.username} #{}") end user.update_attribute(:warning_email_sent, 1) end rescue Exception => exception if enable_debug == 1 MorLog.my_debug("warning_balance email not sent to: #{} #{user.username} #{}, because: #{exception.message.to_s}") end => user.owner_id, :target_id=>, :target_type=>"user", :date =>, :action => "error", :data => 'Cant_send_email', :data2 => exception.message.to_s).save end end else if enable_debug == 1 MorLog.my_debug("No users to send warning email balance") end end MorLog.my_debug("Sent balance warning action finished") end def find_registration_owner unless params[:id] and (@owner = User.find(:first, :conditions => ["uniquehash = ?",params[:id]])) dont_be_so_smart redirect_to :action => "login" and return false end if Confline.get_value("Registration_enabled", == 0 dont_be_so_smart redirect_to :action => "login" and return false end end end