class AccountingController < ApplicationController require 'pdf/wrapper' layout "callc" before_filter :check_localization before_filter :authorize before_filter :check_if_can_see_finances, :only => [:vouchers, :vouchers_list_to_csv, :voucher_new, :voucher_create, :voucher_delete,] before_filter { |c| c.instance_variable_set :@allow_read, true c.instance_variable_set :@allow_edit, true } @@voucher_view = [:vouchers, :vouchers_list_to_csv] @@voucher_edit = [:vouchers_new, :vouchers_create, :voucher_delete, :bulk_management] before_filter(:only => @@voucher_view+@@voucher_edit) { |c| allow_read, allow_edit = c.check_read_write_permission(@@voucher_view, @@voucher_edit, {:role => "accountant", :right => :acc_vouchers_manage, :ignore => true}) c.instance_variable_set :@allow_read, allow_read c.instance_variable_set :@allow_edit, allow_edit true } @@invoice_view = [:invoices] @@invoice_edit = [:generate_invoices] before_filter(:only => @@invoice_view+ @@invoice_edit) { |c| allow_read, allow_edit = c.check_read_write_permission(@@invoice_view, @@invoice_edit, {:role => "accountant", :right => :acc_invoices_manage, :ignore => true}) c.instance_variable_set :@allow_read, allow_read c.instance_variable_set :@allow_edit, allow_edit true } before_filter :find_invoice, :only => [:invoice_recalculate] verify :method => :post, :only => [:invoice_recalculate, :comment_invoice], :redirect_to => {:controller => :callc, :action => :main}, :add_flash => {:notice => _('Dont_be_so_smart'), :params => {:dont_be_so_smart => true}} # GETs should be safe (see verify :method => :post, :only => [:invoice_delete], :redirect_to => {:action => :index_main} def index redirect_to :action => "user_invoices" end def index_main dont_be_so_smart redirect_to :controller => "callc", :action => :main and return false end def generate_invoices @users = User.find_all_for_select(correct_owner_id, {:exclude_owner => true}) @page_title = _('Generate_invoices') @page_icon = "application_go.png" @post = 1 @pre = 0 end def generate_invoices_to_prepaid_users @page_title = _('Generate_invoices_to_prepaid_users') @page_icon = "application_go.png" end # ================== sending invoices ============================= def send_invoices change_date session[:invoice_sent_options] ? @sent_options = session[:invoice_sent_options] : @sent_options = {} [:s_username, :s_first_name, :s_last_name, :s_number, :s_period_start, :s_period_end, :s_issue_date, :s_sent_email, :s_sent_manually, :s_paid, :s_invoice_type].each { |key| !params[key].to_s.strip.blank? ? @sent_options[key] = params[key].to_s.strip : (@sent_options[key] = "" if !@sent_options[key]) } cond = [] cond_param = [] # params that need to be searched with appended any value via LIKE in users table ["username", "first_name", "last_name"].each { |col| add_contition_and_param(@sent_options["s_#{col}".to_sym], @sent_options["s_#{col}".intern].to_s, "users.#{col} LIKE ?", cond, cond_param) } # params that need to be searched with appended any value via LIKE in invoices table add_contition_and_param(@sent_options[:s_number], @sent_options[:s_number].to_s, "invoices.number LIKE ?", cond, cond_param) # params that need to be searched via equality. ["period_start", "period_end", "issue_date", "sent_email", "sent_manually", "paid", "invoice_type"].each { |col| add_contition_and_param(@sent_options["s_#{col}".to_sym], @sent_options["s_#{col}".to_sym], "invoices.#{col} = ?", cond, cond_param) } session[:usertype] == "accountant" ? owner_id = 0 : owner_id = session[:user_id] cond << "users.owner_id = ?" cond_param << owner_id cond << "users.send_invoice_types > 0" @invoices = Invoice.find(:all, :include => [:user, :tax], :conditions => [cond.join(" AND ")] + cond_param) MorLog.my_debug("*************Invoice sending, found : #{@invoices.size.to_i}", 1) @number = 0 not_sent = 0 params[:email_or_not] = 1 session[:invoice_sent_options] = @sent_options email_from = Confline.get_value("Email_from", correct_owner_id) if @invoices.size.to_i > 0 for invoice in @invoices user = invoice.user attach = [] params[:id] prepaid = invoice.invoice_type.to_s == 'prepaid' ? "Prepaid_" : '' @invoice = user.send_invoice_types.to_i if @invoice.to_i != 0 if ( > 0 if (@invoice % 2) ==1 @invoice = Confline.get_value("#{prepaid}Invoice_default", correct_owner_id).to_i end if @invoice >=256 @i8= 256 calls_cvs = {} calls_cvs[:file] = get_prepaid_user_calls_csv(current_user, user, invoice.period_start, invoice.period_end) calls_cvs[:content_type] = "text/csv" calls_cvs[:filename] = "#{_('Calls')}.csv" attach << calls_cvs else @i8= 0 end @invoice = @invoice - @i8 if @invoice >=128 @i7= 128 csv4 = {} csv4[:file] = generate_invoice_by_cid_csv csv4[:content_type] = "text/csv" csv4[:filename] = "#{_('Invoice_by_CallerID_csv')}.csv" attach << csv4 else @i7=0 end @invoice = @invoice - @i7 if @invoice >= 64 @i6= 64 csv3 = {} csv3[:file] = generate_invoice_destinations_csv csv3[:content_type] = "text/csv" csv3[:filename] = "#{_('Invoice_destinations_csv')}.csv" attach << csv3 else @i6=0 end @invoice = @invoice - @i6 if @invoice >= 32 @i5= 32 pdf = {} pdf[:file] = generate_invoice_by_cid_pdf pdf[:content_type] = "application/pdf" pdf[:filename] = "#{_('Invoice_by_CallerID_pdf')}.pdf" attach << pdf else @i5=0 end @invoice = @invoice - @i5 if @invoice >= 16 @i4= 16 csv2 = {} csv2[:file] = generate_invoice_detailed_csv csv2[:content_type] = "text/csv" csv2[:filename] = "#{_('Invoice_detailed_csv')}.csv" attach << csv2 else @i4=0 end @invoice = @invoice - @i4 if @invoice >= 8 @i3= 8 pdf = {} pdf[:file] = generate_invoice_detailed_pdf pdf[:content_type] = "application/pdf" pdf[:filename] = "#{_('Invoice_detailed_pdf')}.pdf" attach << pdf else @i3=0 end @invoice = @invoice - @i3 if @invoice >= 4 @i2= 4 csv = {} csv[:file] = generate_invoice_csv csv[:content_type] = "text/csv" csv[:filename] = "#{_('Invoice_csv')}.csv" attach << csv else @i2=0 end @invoice = @invoice - @i2 if @invoice >= 2 pdf = {} pdf[:file] = generate_invoice_pdf pdf[:content_type] = "application/pdf" pdf[:filename] = "#{_('Invoice_pdf')}.pdf" attach << pdf end variables = email_variables(user) email= Email.find(:first, :conditions => ["name = 'invoices' AND owner_id = ?", user.owner_id]) MorLog.my_debug("Try send invoice to : #{}, Invoice : #{}, User : #{}, Email : #{}", 1) @num = EmailsController.send_email_with_attachment(email, email_from, user, attach, variables) MorLog.my_debug @num if @num and @num[0].to_i != 0 @number += @num[0].to_i invoice.sent_email = 1 else Action.create_email_sending_action(user, 'error', email, {:er_type => 1, :err_message => @num}) end else not_sent +=1 email= Email.find(:first, :conditions => ["name = 'invoices' AND owner_id = ?", user.owner_id]) Action.create_email_sending_action(user, 'error', email, {:er_type => 1}) end end # end end end flash[:notice] = _('ERROR') + ": " + @num[1].to_s if @num and @num[0] == 0 if @number.to_i > 0 flash[:status] = _('Invoices_sent') + ": " + @number.to_s else flash[:notice] = _('Invoices_not_sent') + ": " + not_sent.to_s if not_sent.to_i > 0 end flash[:notice] = _('No_invoices_found_in_selected_period') if @invoices.size.to_i == 0 redirect_to :action => "invoices" and return false end def get_prepaid_user_calls_csv(requesting_user, user, period_start, period_end) user_price, reseller_price, provider_price = requesting_user.get_price_calculation_sqls sql = "Select calls.calldate, calls.src, calls.dst, calls.billsec, #{user_price} AS user_price, calls.src_device_id, calls.dst_device_id, calls.prefix, calls.disposition, from calls JOIN devices on ( = calls.src_device_id or = calls.dst_device_id) LEFT JOIN destinations ON (destinations.prefix = calls.prefix) #{SqlExport.left_join_reseler_providers_to_calls_sql} Where devices.user_id = #{} AND disposition = 'ANSWERED' AND calldate BETWEEN '#{period_start} 00:00:00' AND '#{period_end} 23:59:59' ORDER BY calls.calldate ASC" sep, dec = user.csv_params calls = Call.find_by_sql(sql) csv_string = "#{_('Date')}#{sep}#{ _('Called_from')}#{sep}#{_('Called_to')}#{sep}#{_('Destination')}#{sep}#{_('Duration')}#{sep}#{_('Price')} (#{_(session[:default_currency].to_s)})\n" for call in calls csv_string += "#{nice_date_time(call.calldate)}#{sep}#{call.src.to_s}#{sep}#{hide_dst_for_user(user, "csv", call.dst.to_s)}#{sep}#{ }#{sep}#{nice_time(call.billsec) }#{sep}#{nice_number(call.user_price).to_s.gsub(".", dec).to_s }\n" end return csv_string end #================= generate invoices =============================== def generate_invoices_status MorLog.my_debug " ********* \n for period #{session_from_date} - #{session_till_date}" change_date MorLog.my_debug "for period #{session_from_date} - #{session_till_date}" @page_title = _('Generate_invoices') @page_icon = "application_go.png" @owner_id = correct_owner_id invoice_number_start = Confline.get_value("Invoice_Number_Start", @owner_id) invoice_number_length = Confline.get_value("Invoice_Number_Length", @owner_id).to_i invoice_number_type = Confline.get_value("Invoice_Number_Type", @owner_id).to_i MorLog.my_debug("\n\n========== Generating invoices ============", 1) add_action(current_user, 'Starting_invoices_generation', # count for which period invoices should be generated unless params[:invoice] dont_be_so_smart redirect_to :controller => :callc, :action => :main and return false end type = params[:invoice][:type] type = "postpaid" if !(["postpaid", "prepaid", "user"].include?(type)) redirect_to :action => :generate_invoices_status_for_prepaid_users, :invoice => {:type => "prepaid"}, :date_from => params[:date_from], :date_till => params[:date_till], :date_issue => params[:date_issue] and return false if type == "prepaid" if type == "user" @user = User.find(:first, :conditions => [" = ?", params[:user][:id]]) if params[:user] and params[:user][:id] unless @user flash[:notice] = _("User_not_found") redirect_to :action => :generate_invoices and return false end if @user.postpaid == 0 redirect_to :action => :generate_invoices_status_for_prepaid_users, :invoice => {:type => "user"}, :user => {:id =>}, :date_from => params[:date_from], :date_till => params[:date_till], :date_issue => params[:date_issue] and return false end end unless [1, 2].include?(invoice_number_type) flash[:notice] = _('Please_set_invoice_params') if session[:usertype] == "reseller" redirect_to :controller => :functions, :action => :reseller_settings and return false else redirect_to :controller => :functions, :action => :settings and return false end end @period_start = session[:year_from].to_s + "-" + good_date(session[:month_from].to_s) + "-" + good_date(session[:day_from].to_s) @period_end = session[:year_till].to_s + "-" + good_date(session[:month_till].to_s) + "-" + good_date(session[:day_till].to_s) # # period with time period_start = @period_start.to_time period_end = (@period_end + " 23:59:59").to_time period_start_with_time = @period_start + " 00:00:00" period_end_with_time = @period_end + " 23:59:59" MorLog.my_debug session_from_date MorLog.my_debug session_till_date total_days =(@period_end.to_date - @period_start.to_date) + 1 if session[:invoices_is_generating].to_i == 1 flash[:notice] = _('Invoices_is_generating') redirect_to :controller => :callc, :action => :main and return false else session[:invoices_is_generating] = 1 end MorLog.my_debug("Invoices will be generated for period #{period_start_with_time} - #{period_end_with_time}") @invoices_generated = 0 # retrieve users to generate invoices to if type == "user" @users = User.find(:all, :include => [:tax], :conditions => ["users.owner_id = ? AND users.hidden = 0 AND users.postpaid = 1 AND = ? AND users.generate_invoice = 1 AND not in (SELECT user_id from invoices where period_start = ? AND period_end = ? )", @owner_id,, @period_start, @period_end]) else @users = User.find(:all, :include => [:tax], :conditions => ["users.owner_id = ? AND users.hidden = 0 AND users.postpaid = 1 AND users.generate_invoice = 1 AND not in (SELECT user_id from invoices where period_start = ? AND period_end = ? )", @owner_id, @period_start, @period_end]) end ind_ex = ActiveRecord::Base.connection.select_all("SHOW INDEX FROM calls") use_index = 0 ind_ex.to_yaml ind_ex.each { |ie| use_index = 1; use_index if ie[:key_name].to_s == 'calldate' } if ind_ex issue_date = Time.mktime(params[:date_issue][:year], params[:date_issue][:month], params[:date_issue][:day]) for user in @users MorLog.my_debug("******************** For user : #{} ******************************", 1) # --- Subscriptions --- MorLog.my_debug("start incomming calls", 1) incoming_received_calls, incoming_received_calls_price, incoming_made_calls, incoming_made_calls_price, outgoing_calls_price, outgoing_calls_by_users_price, outgoing_calls, outgoing_calls_price, outgoing_calls_by_users = call_details_for_user(user, period_start_with_time, period_end_with_time, use_index) MorLog.my_debug("end incomming calls", 1) # find subscriptions for user in period MorLog.my_debug("start subscriptions", 1) subscriptions = user.subscriptions_in_period(period_start_with_time, period_end_with_time) MorLog.my_debug("end subscriptions", 1) total_subscriptions = 0 total_subscriptions = subscriptions.size if subscriptions MorLog.my_debug(" Total subscriptions this period: #{total_subscriptions}", 1) # -- Minimal charge ----- # Minimal charge is counted for whole month(s), but only for postpaid users. To get a # better understang of what is a 'whole month' look at month_difference method minimal_charge_amount = 0 if mor_11_extend? and user.postpaid? if user.add_on_minimal_charge? period_end if user.minimal_charge_start_at < period_start month_diff = ApplicationController.month_difference(period_start, period_end) else month_diff = ApplicationController.month_difference(user.minimal_charge_start_at, period_end) end minimal_charge_amount = month_diff * user.minimal_charge end end # check if we should generate invoice if (outgoing_calls_price > 0) or (outgoing_calls_by_users_price > 0) or (incoming_received_calls_price > 0) or (incoming_made_calls_price > 0) or (total_subscriptions > 0) or (minimal_charge_amount > 0) or ( user.invoice_zero_calls == 1 and outgoing_calls_price >= 0 and outgoing_calls > 0 ) or ( user.invoice_zero_calls == 1 and outgoing_calls_by_users_price >= 0 and outgoing_calls_by_users > 0 ) or ( user.invoice_zero_calls == 1 and incoming_received_calls_price >= 0 and incoming_received_calls > 0 ) or ( user.invoice_zero_calls == 1 and incoming_made_calls_price >= 0 and incoming_made_calls > 0 ) MorLog.my_debug(" Generating invoice....", 1) tax = user.get_tax.clone invoice = =>, :period_start => @period_start, :period_end => @period_end, :issue_date => issue_date, :paid => 0, :number => "", :invoice_type => "postpaid", :tax_id => price = 0 # --- add own outgoing calls --- if (outgoing_calls_price > 0) or ( user.invoice_zero_calls == 1 and outgoing_calls_price >= 0 and outgoing_calls > 0 ) invoice.invoicedetails.create(:name => _('Calls'), :price => outgoing_calls_price.to_f, :quantity => outgoing_calls, :invdet_type => 0) price += outgoing_calls_price.to_f end # --- add resellers users outgoing calls --- if (outgoing_calls_by_users_price > 0) or ( user.invoice_zero_calls == 1 and outgoing_calls_by_users_price >= 0 and incoming_made_calls_price > 0) invoice.invoicedetails.create(:name => _('Calls_from_users'), :price => outgoing_calls_by_users_price.to_f, :quantity => outgoing_calls_by_users, :invdet_type => 0) price += outgoing_calls_by_users_price.to_f end if mor_11_extend? and user.postpaid? #if minimal charge is set for the user. and for this period #calculated price is less than minimal charge, then we should recalculate price if price < minimal_charge_amount price = minimal_charge_amount end end # --- add own received incoming calls --- # if (incoming_received_calls_price > 0) # invoice.invoicedetails.create(:name => _('Incoming_received_calls'), :price => incoming_received_calls_price.to_f, :quantity => incoming_received_calls, :invdet_type => 0) # price += incoming_received_calls_price.to_f # end # --- add own made incoming calls --- # if (incoming_made_calls_price > 0) # invoice.invoicedetails.create(:name => _('Incoming_made_calls'), :price => incoming_made_calls_price.to_f, :quantity => incoming_made_calls, :invdet_type => 0) # price += incoming_made_calls_price.to_f # end MorLog.my_debug(" Invoice price without subscriptions: #{price.to_s}", 1) # nasty hack for Balticom to recalculate invoices/balance - DO NOT USE!!! #user.balance -= price # --- add subscriptions --- MorLog.my_debug("start subscriptions sum", 1) for sub in subscriptions service = sub.service count_subscription = 0 MorLog.my_debug("start subscriptions flat_rate", 1) if service.servicetype == "flat_rate" start_date, end_date = subscription_period(sub, period_start, period_end) invd_price = service.price * (months_between(start_date.to_date, end_date.to_date)+1) count_subscription = 1 end MorLog.my_debug("end subscriptions flat_rate", 1) MorLog.my_debug("start subscriptions one_time_fee", 1) if service.servicetype == "one_time_fee" # one-time-fee subscription only counts once for full price if (sub.activation_start >= period_start and sub.activation_start <= period_end) invd_price = service.price count_subscription = 1 end end MorLog.my_debug("end subscriptions one_time_fee", 1) MorLog.my_debug("start subscriptions periodic_fee", 1) if service.servicetype == "periodic_fee" count_subscription = 1 #from which day used? if sub.activation_start < period_start use_start = period_start else use_start = sub.activation_start end #till which day used? if sub.activation_end > period_end use_end = period_end else use_end = sub.activation_end end start_date = use_start.to_date end_date = use_end.to_date days_used = use_end.to_date - use_start.to_date if start_date.month == end_date.month and start_date.year == end_date.year total_days = invd_price = service.price / total_days * (days_used+1) else invd_price = 0 if months_between(start_date, end_date) > 1 # jei daugiau nei 1 menuo. Tarpe yra sveiku menesiu kuriem nereikia papildomai skaiciuoti intervalu invd_price += (months_between(start_date, end_date)-1) * service.price end #suskaiciuojam pirmo menesio pabaigos ir antro menesio pradzios datas last_day_of_month = start_date.to_time.end_of_month.to_date last_day_of_month2 = end_date.to_time.end_of_month.to_date invd_price += service.price/ * (last_day_of_month - start_date+1).to_i invd_price += service.price/ * ( end end MorLog.my_debug("end subscriptions periodic_fee", 1) MorLog.my_debug(" Invoice Subscriptions price: #{invd_price.to_s}", 1) if count_subscription == 1 invoice.invoicedetails.create(:name => + " - " + sub.memo.to_s, :price => invd_price, :quantity => "1") price += invd_price.to_f end end MorLog.my_debug("end subscriptions sum", 1) invoice.price = price.to_f invoice.number_type = invoice_number_type invoice.number = generate_invoice_number(invoice_number_start, invoice_number_length, invoice_number_type,, period_start) MorLog.my_debug(" Invoice number: #{invoice.number}", 1) @invoices_generated += 1 end end add_action(current_user, 'Finish_invoices_generation', session[:invoices_is_generating] = 0 end # before_filter # find_invoice def invoice_recalculate if @invoice.paid? flash[:notice] = _('Invoice_already_paid') redirect_to :action => :invoice_details, :id => else if @invoice.invoice_was_send? flash[:notice] = _('Invoice_already_send') redirect_to :action => :invoice_details, :id => else regenerate_invoice_price(@invoice) flash[:status] = _('Invoice_successfully_recalculated') redirect_to :action => :invoice_details, :id => end end end def generate_invoices_status_for_prepaid_users @page_title = _('Generate_invoices') @page_icon = "application_go.png" change_date MorLog.my_debug("==== generate_invoices_status_for_prepaid_users =====", 1) @owner_id = correct_owner_id type = params[:invoice][:type] invoice_number_start = Confline.get_value("Prepaid_Invoice_Number_Start", @owner_id).to_s invoice_number_length = Confline.get_value("Prepaid_Invoice_Number_Length", @owner_id).to_i if session[:usertype] == "reseller" invoice_number_start = Confline.get_value("Invoice_Number_Start", @owner_id).to_s invoice_number_length = Confline.get_value("Invoice_Number_Length", @owner_id).to_i invoice_number_type = Confline.get_value("Invoice_Number_Type", @owner_id).to_i else invoice_number_type = Confline.get_value("Prepaid_Invoice_Number_Type", @owner_id).to_i end unless [1, 2].include?(invoice_number_type) flash[:notice] = _('Please_set_invoice_params') if session[:usertype] == "reseller" redirect_to :controller => :functions, :action => :reseller_settings and return false else redirect_to :controller => :functions, :action => :settings and return false end end MorLog.my_debug("\n\n========== Generating invoices ============", 1) @period_start = session_from_date @period_end = session_till_date # # period with time period_start = @period_start.to_time period_end = (@period_end+" 23:59:59").to_time period_start_with_time = session_from_date + " 00:00:00" period_end_with_time = session_till_date + " 23:59:59" total_days =(@period_end.to_date - @period_start.to_date) + 1 if session[:invoices_is_generating].to_i == 1 flash[:notice] = _('Invoices_is_generating') redirect_to :controller => :callc, :action => :main and return false else session[:invoices_is_generating] = 1 end MorLog.my_debug("Prepaid Invoices will be generated for period #{period_start_with_time} - #{period_end_with_time}", 1) @invoices_generated = 0 # count total users (by owner_id) if type == "user" @total_users = 1 else @total_users = User.count(:all, :conditions => "owner_id = #{@owner_id} AND hidden = 0 AND postpaid = 0 AND not in (SELECT user_id from invoices where period_start = '#{@period_start}' AND period_end = '#{@period_end}' )") end # retrieve users without invoices this period if type == "user" @users = User.find(:all, :include => [:tax], :conditions => ["users.owner_id = ? AND users.hidden = 0 AND users.postpaid = 0 AND = ? AND not in (SELECT user_id from invoices where period_start = ? AND period_end = ? )", @owner_id, params[:user][:id], @period_start, @period_end]) else @users = User.find(:all, :include => [:tax], :conditions => ["users.owner_id = ? AND users.hidden = 0 AND users.postpaid = 0 AND not in (SELECT user_id from invoices where period_start = ? AND period_end = ? )", @owner_id, @period_start, @period_end]) end ind_ex = ActiveRecord::Base.connection.select_all("SHOW INDEX FROM calls") use_index = 0 ind_ex.to_yaml ind_ex.each { |ie| use_index = 1; use_index if ie[:key_name].to_s == 'calldate' } if ind_ex issue_date = Time.mktime(params[:date_issue][:year], params[:date_issue][:month], params[:date_issue][:day]) for user in @users MorLog.my_debug("******************** For user : #{} ******************************", 1) MorLog.my_debug("incoming calls start", 1) incoming_received_calls, incoming_received_calls_price, incoming_made_calls, incoming_made_calls_price, outgoing_calls_price, outgoing_calls_by_users_price, outgoing_calls, outgoing_calls_price, outgoing_calls_by_users = call_details_for_user(user, period_start_with_time, period_end_with_time, use_index) MorLog.my_debug("incoming calls end", 1) MorLog.my_debug("subscriptions start", 1) subscriptions = user.subscriptions_in_period(period_start_with_time, period_end_with_time) MorLog.my_debug("subscriptions end", 1) total_subscriptions = 0 total_subscriptions = subscriptions.size if subscriptions if (outgoing_calls_price > 0) or (outgoing_calls_by_users_price > 0) or (incoming_received_calls_price > 0) or (incoming_made_calls_price > 0) or (total_subscriptions > 0) MorLog.my_debug(" Generating invoice....", 1) user_tax = # possible error fix if not user_tax user.assign_default_tax2 user_tax = end # tax for invoice tax = user_tax.clone invoice = =>, :period_start => @period_start, :period_end => @period_end, :issue_date => issue_date, :paid => 1, :number => "", :invoice_type => "prepaid", :tax_id => price = 0 if (outgoing_calls_price > 0) invoice.invoicedetails.create(:name => _('Calls'), :price => outgoing_calls_price.to_f, :quantity => outgoing_calls, :invdet_type => 0) price += outgoing_calls_price.to_f end # --- add resellers users outgoing calls --- if (outgoing_calls_by_users_price > 0) invoice.invoicedetails.create(:name => _('Calls_from_users'), :price => outgoing_calls_by_users_price.to_f, :quantity => outgoing_calls_by_users, :invdet_type => 0) price += outgoing_calls_by_users_price.to_f end # # --- add own received incoming calls --- # if (incoming_received_calls_price > 0) # invoice.invoicedetails.create(:name => _('Incoming_received_calls'), :price => incoming_received_calls_price.to_f, :quantity => incoming_received_calls, :invdet_type => 0) # price += incoming_received_calls_price.to_f # end # # # --- add own made incoming calls --- # if (incoming_made_calls_price > 0) # invoice.invoicedetails.create(:name => _('Incoming_made_calls'), :price => incoming_made_calls_price.to_f, :quantity => incoming_made_calls, :invdet_type => 0) # price += incoming_made_calls_price.to_f # end # --- add subscriptions --- MorLog.my_debug("start subscriptions sum", 1) for sub in subscriptions service = sub.service count_subscription = 0 MorLog.my_debug("start subscriptions one_time_fee", 1) if service.servicetype == "one_time_fee" # one-time-fee subscription only counts once for full price if (sub.activation_start >= period_start and sub.activation_start <= period_end) invd_price = service.price count_subscription = 1 end end MorLog.my_debug("end subscriptions one_time_fee", 1) MorLog.my_debug("start subscriptions flat_rate", 1) if service.servicetype == "flat_rate" start_date, end_date = subscription_period(sub, period_start, period_end) invd_price = service.price.to_f * (months_between(start_date.to_date, end_date.to_date)+1) count_subscription = 1 end MorLog.my_debug("end subscriptions flat_rate", 1) MorLog.my_debug("start subscriptions periodic_fee", 1) if service.servicetype == "periodic_fee" count_subscription = 1 #from which day used? if sub.activation_start < period_start use_start = period_start else use_start = sub.activation_start end #till which day used? if sub.activation_end > period_end use_end = period_end else use_end = sub.activation_end end start_date = use_start.to_date end_date = use_end.to_date days_used = use_end.to_date - use_start.to_date if start_date.month == end_date.month and start_date.year == end_date.year total_days = invd_price = service.price / total_days * (days_used+1) else invd_price = 0 if months_between(start_date, end_date) > 1 # jei daugiau nei 1 menuo. Tarpe yra sveiku menesiu kuriem nereikia papildomai skaiciuoti intervalu invd_price += (months_between(start_date, end_date)-1) * service.price.to_f end # suskaiciuojam pirmo menesio pabaigos ir antro menesio pradzios datas last_day_of_month = start_date.to_time.end_of_month.to_date last_day_of_month2 = end_date.to_time.end_of_month.to_date invd_price += service.price/ * (last_day_of_month - start_date+1).to_i invd_price += service.price/ * ( end end if count_subscription == 1 invoice.invoicedetails.create(:name => + " - " + sub.memo.to_s, :price => invd_price.to_f, :quantity => "1") price += invd_price.to_f end MorLog.my_debug("end subscriptions periodic_fee", 1) end MorLog.my_debug("end subscriptions sum", 1) invoice.price = price.to_f invoice.number_type = invoice_number_type invoice.number = generate_invoice_number(invoice_number_start, invoice_number_length, invoice_number_type,, period_start) MorLog.my_debug(" Invoice number: #{invoice.number}", 1) @invoices_generated += 1 end end session[:invoices_is_generating] = 0 end def date_query(date_from, date_till) # date query if date_from == "" date_sql = "" else if date_from.length > 11 date_sql = "AND calldate BETWEEN '#{date_from.to_s}' AND '#{date_till.to_s}'" else date_sql = "AND calldate BETWEEN '" + date_from.to_s + " 00:00:00' AND '" + date_till.to_s + " 23:59:59'" end end date_sql end def invoices @Show_Currency_Selector =1 session[:invoice_options] ? @options = session[:invoice_options] : @options = {} session[:invoice_sent_options] ? @sent_options = session[:invoice_sent_options] : @sent_options = {} @page_title = _('Invoices') @page_icon = "view.png" change_date # search params parsing. Assign new params if they were sent, default unset params to "" and leave if param is set but not sent if params[:clear].to_s == "true" @options.each { |key, value| logger.debug "Need to clear search." if key.to_s.scan(/^s_.*/).size > 0 @options[key] = nil logger.debug " clearing #{key}" end } end [:s_username, :s_first_name, :s_last_name, :s_number, :s_period_start, :s_period_end, :s_issue_date, :s_sent_email, :s_sent_manually, :s_paid, :s_invoice_type].each { |key| !params[key].to_s.strip.blank? ? @options[key] = params[key].to_s.strip : @options[key] = "" } # page number is an exception because it defaults to 1 if params[:page] and params[:page].to_i > 0 @options[:page] = params[:page].to_i else @options[:page] = 1 if !@options[:page] or @options[:page] <= 0 end # same goes for order descending params[:order_desc] ? @options[:order_desc] = params[:order_desc].to_i : (@options[:order_desc] = 0 if !@options[:order_desc]) cond = [] cond_param = [] # params that need to be searched with appended any value via LIKE in users table ["username", "first_name", "last_name"].each { |col| add_contition_and_param(@options["s_#{col}".to_sym], @options["s_#{col}".intern].to_s, "users.#{col} LIKE ?", cond, cond_param) } # params that need to be searched with appended any value via LIKE in invoices table add_contition_and_param(@options[:s_number], @options[:s_number].to_s, "invoices.number LIKE ?", cond, cond_param) # params that need to be searched via equality. ["period_start", "period_end", "issue_date", "sent_email", "sent_manually", "paid", "invoice_type"].each { |col| add_contition_and_param(@options["s_#{col}".to_sym], @options["s_#{col}".to_sym], "invoices.#{col} = ?", cond, cond_param) } session[:usertype] == "accountant" ? owner_id = 0 : owner_id = session[:user_id] cond << "users.owner_id = ?" cond_param << owner_id @options[:order_by], order_by = invoices_order_by(params, @options) @total_pages = (Invoice.count(:all, :include => [:user], :conditions => [cond.join(" AND ")] + cond_param).to_f / session[:items_per_page].to_f).ceil @options[:page] = @total_pages if @options[:page].to_i > @total_pages and @total_pages > 0 dc = session[:show_currency] @ex = Currency.count_exchange_rate(session[:default_currency], session[:show_currency]) if params[:to_csv].to_i == 0 @tot_in_wat = 0 @tot_in2 = 0 @tot_inv = Invoice.find(:all, :include => [:user, :tax], :conditions => [cond.join(" AND ")] + cond_param) @tot_inv.each { |r| @tot_in2+= r.converted_price(@ex).to_f; @tot_in_wat += (r.price_with_tax(:ex => @ex, :precision => nice_invoice_number_digits(r.invoice_type))) } @invoices = Invoice.find(:all, :include => [:user, :tax], :conditions => [cond.join(" AND ")] + cond_param, :offset => session[:items_per_page]*(@options[:page]-1), :limit => session[:items_per_page], :order => order_by) #logger.fatal(([cond.join(" AND ")] + cond_param).inspect) cond.length > 1 ? @search = 1 : @search = 0 #cond.length > 1 ? @send_invoices = 1 : @send_invoices = 0 @send_invoices = 0 @period_starts = ActiveRecord::Base.connection.select_all("SELECT DISTINCT period_start FROM invoices, users where users.owner_id = #{} and invoices.user_id =") @period_ends = ActiveRecord::Base.connection.select_all("SELECT DISTINCT period_end FROM invoices, users where users.owner_id = #{} and invoices.user_id =") @issue_dates = ActiveRecord::Base.connection.select_all("SELECT DISTINCT issue_date FROM invoices, users where users.owner_id = #{} and invoices.user_id =") session[:invoice_options] = @options else invoices = Invoice.find(:all, :include => [:user, :tax], :conditions => [cond.join(" AND ")] + cond_param, :order => order_by) sep, dec = current_user.csv_params csv_line = "'#{_('ID')}'#{sep}'#{_('User')}'#{sep}'#{_('Amount')} (#{dc})'#{sep}'#{_('Tax')}'#{sep}'#{_('Amount_with_tax')} (#{dc})'\n" csv_line += { |r| "#{}#{sep}#{nice_user(r.user).delete(sep)}#{sep}#{nice_invoice_number(r.converted_price(@ex), r.invoice_type).to_s.gsub(".", dec).to_s}#{sep}#{nice_invoice_number((r.price_with_tax(:ex => @ex, :precision => nice_invoice_number_digits(r.invoice_type)) - r.converted_price(@ex)), r.invoice_type).to_s.gsub(".", dec).to_s}#{sep}#{nice_invoice_number((r.price_with_tax(:ex => @ex, :precision => nice_invoice_number_digits(r.invoice_type))), r.invoice_type).to_s.gsub(".", dec).to_s}" }.join("\n") if params[:test].to_i == 1 render :text => "Invoices-#{session[:show_currency]}.csv" + csv_line.to_s else send_data(csv_line, :type => 'text/csv; charset=utf-8; header=present', :filename => "Invoices-#{session[:show_currency]}.csv") end end end def user_invoices @Show_Currency_Selector =1 @ex = Currency.count_exchange_rate(session[:default_currency], session[:show_currency]) @page_title = _('Invoices') @page_icon = "view.png" @invoices = Invoice.find(:all, :include => [:tax], :conditions => ["invoices.user_id = ?", session[:user_id]]) end def pay_invoice if request.get? dont_be_so_smart redirect_to :controller => "callc", :action => "main" and return false end invoice = Invoice.find(params[:id], :include => [:tax]) unless invoice flash[:notice] = _('Invoice_not_found') redirect_to :controller => :callc, :action => :main and return false end user = invoice.user if invoice.paid == 0 invoice.paid = 1 invoice.paid_date = if params[:create_payment].to_i == 1 paym = invoice.payment paym = if not paym paym.paymenttype = "invoice" paym.amount = invoice.price paym.currency = session[:default_currency] paym.date_added = paym.shipped_at = paym.completed = 1 paym.user_id = invoice.user_id paym.owner_id = correct_owner_id invoice.payment_id = user.balance += invoice.price end else invoice.paid = 0 if invoice.payment invoice.payment.destroy user.balance -= invoice.price end end redirect_to :action => "invoices" end def sent_invoice invoice = Invoice.find_by_id(params[:id]) unless invoice flash[:notice] = _('Invoice_not_found') redirect_to :controller => :callc, :action => :main and return false end if params[:status].to_s == 'email' invoice.sent_email == 0 ? invoice.sent_email = 1 : invoice.sent_email = 0 end if params[:status].to_s == 'manually' invoice.sent_manually == 0 ? invoice.sent_manually = 1 : invoice.sent_manually = 0 end redirect_to :action => "invoice_details", :id => end def invoice_details @Show_Currency_Selector =1 @ex = Currency.count_exchange_rate(session[:default_currency], session[:show_currency]) unless can_see_finances? flash[:notice] = _('You_have_no_view_permission') redirect_to :controller => :callc, :action => :main and return false end logger.fatal session[:show_currency] flash[:notice] = _('Invoice_not_found') and redirect_to :action => 'invoices' and return false if not params[:id] @invoice = Invoice.find_by_id(params[:id], :include => [:user]) @invoice_invoicedetails = @invoice.invoicedetails if @invoice unless @invoice flash[:notice] = _('Invoice_not_found') redirect_to :controller => :callc, :action => :main and return false end @user = @invoice.user @page_title = _('Invoice') + ": " + @invoice.number @page_icon = "view.png" end def comment_invoice invoice = Invoice.find(:first, :include => [:user], :conditions => [" = ?", params[:id]]) unless invoice or ["admin", "accountant"].include?(session[:usertype]) or session[:user_id] == @invoice.user.owner_id dont_be_so_smart redirect_to :controller => :callc, :action => :main and return false end invoice.comment = params[:invoice][:comment].to_s if flash[:notice] = _("Invoice_Commented") else flash[:notice] = _("Invoice_Not_Commented") end redirect_to :action => :invoice_details, :id => end def user_invoice_details @Show_Currency_Selector =1 @ex = Currency.count_exchange_rate(session[:default_currency], session[:show_currency]) @invoice = Invoice.find_by_id(params[:id], :include => [:tax, :user]) @invoice_invoicedetails = @invoice.invoicedetails if @invoice unless @invoice flash[:notice] = _('Invoice_not_found') redirect_to :controller => :callc, :action => :main and return false end if @invoice.user_id != dont_be_so_smart redirect_to :controller => :callc, :action => :main and return false end @user = @invoice.user @page_title = _('Invoice') + ": " + @invoice.number @page_icon = "view.png" end def invoice_delete inv = Invoice.find_by_id(params[:id], :include => [:user, :tax]) if !inv dont_be_so_smart redirect_to :controller => "callc", :action => "main" and return false end inv_num = inv.number if inv.destroy flash[:status] = _('Invoice_deleted') + ": " + inv_num else flash_errors_for(_('Invoice_not_deleted'), inv_num) end redirect_to :action => 'invoices' and return false end ############ PDF ############### def invoice_header_pdf(invoice, pdf, company = session[:company], default_currency = session[:default_currency]) user = invoice.user address = user.address ex = Currency.count_exchange_rate(session[:default_currency], default_currency) (invoice.invoice_type.to_s == 'prepaid' and user.owner_id == 0) ? prepaid = "Prepaid_" : prepaid = "" # ----------- Invoice details ---------- pdf.color(:Gray) pdf.text(_('INVOICE'), {:left => 330, :top => 43, :font_size => 16}) pdf.color(:Black) pdf.text(_('Date') + ": " + invoice.issue_date.to_s, {:left => 330, :top => 75, :font_size => 9}) pdf.text(_('Invoice_number') + ": " + invoice.number.to_s, {:left => 330, :top => 90, :font_size => 9}) # ---------- Company details ---------- pdf.text(company, {:left => 40, :top => 40, :font_size => 13}) pdf.text(Confline.get_value("#{prepaid.to_s}Invoice_Address1", user.owner_id), {:left => 40, :top => 70, :font_size => 8}) pdf.text(Confline.get_value("#{prepaid.to_s}Invoice_Address2", user.owner_id), {:left => 40, :top => 85, :font_size => 8}) pdf.text(Confline.get_value("#{prepaid.to_s}Invoice_Address3", user.owner_id), {:left => 40, :top => 100, :font_size => 8}) pdf.text(Confline.get_value("#{prepaid.to_s}Invoice_Address4", user.owner_id), {:left => 40, :top => 115, :font_size => 8}) # ----------- Separation line --------- pdf.rectangle(40, 140, 520, 0, {:line_width => 1, :fill_color => :Gray, :color => :Gray}) # ---------- Client details ----------- if user.owner_id != 0 inv_address_format = Confline.get_value("#{prepaid.to_s}Invoice_Address_Format", user.owner_id).to_i == 0 ? Confline.get_value("Invoice_Address_Format", 0).to_i : Confline.get_value("#{prepaid.to_s}Invoice_Address_Format", user.owner_id).to_i else inv_address_format = Confline.get_value("#{prepaid.to_s}Invoice_Address_Format", user.owner_id).to_i end if inv_address_format == 1 pdf.text(user.first_name.to_s + " " + user.last_name.to_s, {:left => 40, :top => 150, :font_size => 13}) if address adr_direction = address.direction pdf.text(address.address.to_s, {:left => 40, :top => 180, :font_size => 8}) pdf.text( + ", " + address.postcode.to_s + ", " + address.state.to_s, {:left => 40, :top => 195, :font_size => 8}) if adr_direction pdf.text(, {:left => 40, :top => 210, :font_size => 8}) end end end if inv_address_format == 2 pdf.text(user.first_name.to_s + " " + user.last_name.to_s, {:left => 40, :top => 150, :font_size => 13}) if address pdf.text(address.address.to_s, {:left => 40, :top => 180, :font_size => 8}) pdf.text( + ", " + address.state.to_s, {:left => 40, :top => 195, :font_size => 8}) pdf.text(address.postcode.to_s, {:left => 40, :top => 210, :font_size => 8}) end end pdf.text(_('Company_Personal_ID') + " : " + user.clientid.to_s, {:left => 40, :top => 225, :font_size => 8}) pdf.text(_('VAT_Reg_number') + " : " + user.vat_number.to_s, {:left => 40, :top => 240, :font_size => 8}) pdf.text(_('Agreement_number') + " : " + user.agreement_number.to_s, {:left => 40, :top => 255, :font_size => 8}) pdf.text(_('Agreement_date') + " : " + user.agreement_date.to_s, {:left => 40, :top => 270, :font_size => 8}) pdf.text(_('Time_period') + ": " + invoice.period_start.to_s + " - " + invoice.period_end.to_s, {:left => 40, :top => 295, :font_size => 9}) #balance line if Confline.get_value("#{prepaid.to_s}Invoice_Show_Balance_Line", user.owner_id).to_i == 1 balance = owned_balance_from_previous_month(invoice) if balance pdf.text(Confline.get_value("#{prepaid.to_s}Invoice_Balance_Line", user.owner_id) + " " + sprintf("%0.#{2}f", balance[0].to_f * ex.to_f) + " (" + _('With_TAX') + " " + sprintf("%0.#{2}f", balance[1].to_f * ex.to_f).to_s + ") " + default_currency.to_s, {:left => 40, :top => 311, :font_size => 9}) end end pdf end =begin Generates grid for invoice. Rows with alternating colors =end def invoice_layout_pdf(pdf, options = {}) opts = { :rows => 12, :fill_color => :LIGHT_GREY, :line_width => 1 }.merge(options) for i in 1..opts[:rows]/2 pdf.rectangle(40, 320+i*40, 520, 20, {:line_width => 0, :fill_color => opts[:fill_color]}) end #header text dc = options[:dc] pdf.text(_('Service'), {:left => 50, :top => 343, :font_size => 9}) pdf.text(_('Quantity_invoice'), {:left => 330, :top => 343, :font_size => 9}) pdf.text(_('Price') + " (#{dc})", {:left => 400, :top => 343, :font_size => 9}) pdf.text(_('Total') + " (#{dc})", {:left => 485, :top => 343, :font_size => 9}) #header vertical lines pdf.line(40, 340, 560, 340, {:line_width => opts[:line_width]}) pdf.line(40, 360, 560, 360, {:line_width => opts[:line_width]}) #bottom vertical line pdf.line(40, 360+opts[:rows]*20, 560, 360+opts[:rows]*20, {:line_width => opts[:line_width]}) #Vertical lines pdf.line(40, 340, 40, 360+opts[:rows]*20, {:line_width => opts[:line_width]}) pdf.line(560, 340, 560, 360+opts[:rows]*20, {:line_width => opts[:line_width]}) pdf.line(320, 340, 320, 360+opts[:rows]*20, {:line_width => opts[:line_width]}) pdf.line(390, 340, 390, 360+opts[:rows]*20, {:line_width => opts[:line_width]}) pdf.line(470, 340, 470, 360+opts[:rows]*20, {:line_width => opts[:line_width]}) pdf end def detailed_invoice_tax_box(pdf, invoice, total_calls, total_time, dc, ex, min_type, show_avg_rate) user = invoice.user tax = tax = invoice.user.get_tax unless tax prep, type = invoice_type(invoice, user) top = 695 ilg=0 tax_amount = 0 if show_avg_rate == 0 asu = 360 afc = 410 aft = 490 ii = 20 else asu = 335 afc = 370 aft = 435 adv = 490 ii = 0 end #dc = if taxes = tax.applied_tax_list(nice_invoice_number(invoice.converted_price(ex), prep), :precision => nice_invoice_number_digits(prep)) taxes.each { |tax_hash| if tax.get_tax_count > 1 pdf.line(asu, top, 560, top, {:line_width => 1}) pdf.text(tax_hash[:name].to_s + ": " + tax_hash[:value].to_s + " %", {:left => asu-105, :top => top-1, :font_size => 6}) pdf.text(nice_invoice_number(tax_hash[:tax], prep).to_s+" ", {:left => 0, :top => top-1, :font_size => 6, :alignment => :right}) top += 10 ilg +=1 end tax_amount += nice_invoice_number(tax_hash[:tax].to_f, prep, {:no_repl => 1}).to_f } price_with_tax = nice_invoice_number(invoice.converted_price(ex), prep, {:no_repl => 1}).to_f + nice_invoice_number(tax_amount.to_f, prep, {:no_repl => 1}).to_f else price_with_tax = nice_invoice_number(invoice.converted_price_with_vat(ex), prep, {:no_repl => 1}).to_f tax_amount = price_with_tax.to_f - nice_invoice_number(invoice.converted_price(ex), prep, {:no_repl => 1}).to_f end pdf.line(asu, top, 560, top, {:line_width => 1}) top = 695 + (ilg * 10) # SUBTOTAL pdf.text(nice_invoice_number(invoice.converted_price(ex).to_f, prep).to_s+" ", {:left => 0, :top => 679, :font_size => 9, :alignment => :right}) # TAXES pdf.text(nice_invoice_number(tax_amount.to_f, prep).to_s+" ", {:left => 0, :top => top-2, :font_size => 9, :alignment => :right}) # TOTAL pdf.text(nice_invoice_number(price_with_tax.to_f, prep).to_s+" ", {:left => 0, :top => (top+11), :font_size => 9, :alignment => :right}) if total_calls > 0 pdf.text(total_calls.to_s, {:left => asu+2+ii-15, :top => (top+11), :font_size => 9}) end pdf.text(invoice_nice_time(total_time, min_type).to_s, {:left => afc+2+ii-15, :top => (top+11), :font_size => 9}) top = 695 + (ilg * 10) pdf.text(invoice_total_tax_name(tax).to_s, {:left => asu-105, :top => top-2, :font_size => 9}) pdf.text(_('SUBTOTAL') + " (#{dc})", {:left => asu-105, :top => 679, :font_size => 9}) pdf.text(_('TOTAL') + " (#{dc})", {:left => asu-105, :top => (top+11), :font_size => 9}) bottom = 721+(ilg*10).to_i # TO PAY if Confline.get_value("#{prep.to_s}Invoice_Show_Balance_Line", user.owner_id).to_i == 1 balance = owned_balance_from_previous_month(invoice) to_pay = price_with_tax pdf.text(Confline.get_value("#{prep.to_s}Invoice_To_Pay_Line", user.owner_id), {:left => asu-105, :top => (top+23), :font_size => 9}) pdf.line(asu, (top+40), 560, (top+40), {:line_width => 1}) to_pay += balance[1].to_f * ex if balance pdf.text(nice_invoice_number(to_pay.to_f, prep).to_s+" ", {:left => 0, :top => (top+24), :font_size => 9, :alignment => :right}) bottom +=14 pdf.line(asu, (top+40), 560, (top+40), {:line_width => 1}) end pdf.line(asu, top+13, 560, top+13, {:line_width => 1}) pdf.line(asu, (top+26), 560, (top+26), {:line_width => 1}) # Vertical line pdf.line(560, 680, 560, bottom, {:line_width => 1}) pdf.line(asu, 680, asu, bottom, {:line_width => 1}) pdf.line(afc, 680, afc, bottom, {:line_width => 1}) pdf.line(aft, 680, aft, bottom, {:line_width => 1}) pdf.line(adv, 680, adv, bottom, {:line_width => 1}) if show_avg_rate == 1 return pdf, tax_amount end def invoice_total_box_pdf(pdf, invoice, ex, dc) user = invoice.user tax = tax = invoice.user.get_tax unless tax prep, prepaid = invoice_type(invoice, user) top = 620 ilg = 0 tax_amount = 0 if taxes = tax.applied_tax_list(invoice.converted_price(ex), :precision => nice_invoice_number_digits(prep)) taxes.each { |tax_hash| if tax.get_tax_count > 1 pdf.line(470, top, 560, top, {:line_width => 1}) pdf.text(tax_hash[:name].to_s+ ": " + tax_hash[:value].to_s + " %", {:left => 350, :top => top-1, :font_size => 7}) pdf.text(nice_invoice_number(tax_hash[:tax], prep).to_s+" ", {:left => 0, :top => top-1, :font_size => 7, :alignment => :right}) top +=12 ilg +=1 end tax_amount += nice_invoice_number(tax_hash[:tax], prep, {:no_repl => 1}).to_f } price_with_tax = nice_invoice_number(invoice.converted_price(ex), prep, {:no_repl => 1}).to_f+tax_amount.to_f else price_with_tax = nice_invoice_number(invoice.converted_price_with_vat(ex), prep, {:no_repl => 1}).to_f tax_amount = price_with_tax - invoice.converted_price(ex) end top = 620 bottom = 650+ilg*12 pdf.text(_('SUBTOTAL') + " (#{dc})", {:left => 350, :top => 605, :font_size => 9}) top =605 + (ilg * 12)+15 pdf.text(invoice_total_tax_name(tax).to_s, {:left => 350, :top => top, :font_size => 9}) pdf.text(_('TOTAL') + " (#{dc})", {:left => 350, :top => top+15, :font_size => 9}) if Confline.get_value("#{prep.to_s}Invoice_Show_Balance_Line", user.owner_id).to_i == 1 bottom += 15 pdf.line(470, top+45, 560, top+45, {:line_width => 1}) pdf.text(Confline.get_value("#{prep.to_s}Invoice_To_Pay_Line", user.owner_id), {:left => 350, :top => top+29, :font_size => 9}) balance = owned_balance_from_previous_month(invoice) to_pay = price_with_tax to_pay += balance[1].to_f if balance pdf.text(nice_invoice_number(to_pay.to_f * ex, prep).to_s+" ", {:left => 0, :top => top+29, :font_size => 9, :alignment => :right}) end pdf.text(nice_invoice_number(invoice.converted_price(ex).to_f, prep).to_s+" ", {:left => 0, :top => 602, :font_size => 9, :alignment => :right}) pdf.text(nice_invoice_number(tax_amount.to_f, prep).to_s+" ", {:left => 0, :top => top-1, :font_size => 9, :alignment => :right}) pdf.text(nice_invoice_number(price_with_tax.to_f, prep).to_s+" ", {:left => 10, :top => top+14, :font_size => 9, :alignment => :right}) pdf.line(470, 600, 470, bottom, {:line_width => 1}) pdf.line(560, 600, 560, bottom, {:line_width => 1}) top = 620 + (ilg * 12) pdf.line(470, top, 560, top, {:line_width => 1}) pdf.line(470, top+15, 560, top+15, {:line_width => 1}) pdf.line(470, top+30, 560, top+30, {:line_width => 1}) return pdf, tax_amount end def invoice_footer_pdf(pdf, invoice, options = {}) opts = { :show_end_title => true }.merge(options) owner = invoice.user.owner_id prepaid = (invoice.invoice_type.to_s == 'prepaid' and owner == 0) ? "Prepaid_" : "" pdf.text(Confline.get_value("#{prepaid}Invoice_Bank_Details_Line1", owner), {:left => 50, :top => 605, :font_size => 9}) pdf.text(Confline.get_value("#{prepaid}Invoice_Bank_Details_Line2", owner), {:left => 50, :top => 630, :font_size => 9}) pdf.text(Confline.get_value("#{prepaid}Invoice_Bank_Details_Line3", owner), {:left => 50, :top => 645, :font_size => 9}) pdf.text(Confline.get_value("#{prepaid}Invoice_Bank_Details_Line4", owner), {:left => 50, :top => 660, :font_size => 9}) pdf.text(Confline.get_value("#{prepaid}Invoice_Bank_Details_Line5", owner), {:left => 50, :top => 675, :font_size => 9}) if opts[:show_end_title] == true inv_end_title = Confline.get_value("#{prepaid}Invoice_End_Title", owner) pdf.text(inv_end_title.to_s, {:left => 0, :top => 770, :font_size => 11, :alignment => :center}) end pdf end def generate_invoice_pdf opts = { :current_page => 12, :last_page => 12, :all_pages => 12 } invoice = Invoice.find_by_id(params[:id], :include => [:tax, :user]) idetails = invoice.invoicedetails if invoice unless invoice flash[:notice] = _('Invoice_not_found') redirect_to :controller => :callc, :action => :main and return false end old_invoice = invoice.clone user = invoice.user dc = params[:email_or_not] ? : session[:show_currency] ex = Currency.count_exchange_rate(session[:default_currency], dc) prepaid, prep = invoice_type(invoice, user) type = (user.postpaid.to_i == 1 or invoice.user.owner_id != 0) ? "" : "Prepaid_" limit = Confline.get_value("#{type}Invoice_page_limit", user.owner).to_i company = Confline.get_value("Company", user.owner_id) begin ###### Generate PDF ######## pages = PdfGen::Count.pages(idetails.size, 12) if Confline.get_value("#{prepaid}Invoice_show_additional_details_on_separate_page", user.owner_id).to_i == 1 pages = pages + 1 end page = 1 pdf = => :A4) pdf.font("Nimbus Sans L") pdf = invoice_header_pdf(invoice, pdf, company, dc) pdf = invoice_layout_pdf(pdf, {:rows => opts[:current_page], :dc => dc}) pdf = invoice_footer_pdf(pdf, invoice, {:show_end_title => (pages == 1), :dc => dc}) pdf = PdfGen::Count.page_number(pdf, page, pages) i = 0 for id in idetails pdf.text(nice_inv_name(, {:left => 50, :top => 362+i*20, :font_size => 9}) qt = "" tp = id.converted_price(ex) if id.quantity qt = id.quantity if id.invdet_type > 0 and != 'Calls' tp = qt * id.converted_price(ex) if id.price else tp = id.converted_price(ex) if id.price end end pdf.text(qt.to_s+add_space(54).to_s, {:left => 0, :top => 362+i*20, :font_size => 9, :alignment => :right}) pdf.text(nice_number(id.converted_price(ex)).to_s+add_space(30).to_s, {:left => 0, :top => 362+i*20, :font_size => 9, :alignment => :right}) pdf.text(nice_number(tp).to_s+add_space(4).to_s, {:left => 0, :top => 362+i*20, :font_size => 9, :alignment => :right}) i += 1 if i % opts[:current_page] == 0 and idetails.last != id i = 0 page = PdfGen::Count.check_page_number(page, limit) pdf.start_new_page pdf = invoice_header_pdf(invoice, pdf, company, dc) pdf = invoice_layout_pdf(pdf, {:rows => opts[:current_page], :dc => dc}) pdf = invoice_footer_pdf(pdf, invoice, {:show_end_title => (page == pages), :dc => dc}) pdf = PdfGen::Count.page_number(pdf, page, pages) end end pdf, tax_amount = invoice_total_box_pdf(pdf, invoice, ex, dc) if Confline.get_value("#{prepaid}Invoice_show_additional_details_on_separate_page", user.owner_id).to_i == 1 pdf = PdfGen::Generate.generate_additional_details_for_invoice_pdf(pdf, Confline.get_value2("#{prepaid}Invoice_show_additional_details_on_separate_page", user.owner_id), {:page => page+1, :pages => pages}) end rescue PdfGen::PDFInvoiceLimitError pdf = PdfGen::Count.error_message_from_limit(pdf, limit, current_user, invoice) end filename = Invoice.filename(user, type, "Invoice-#{user.first_name}_#{user.last_name}-#{invoice.user_id}-#{invoice.number}-#{invoice.issue_date}-#{dc}", "pdf") if params[:email_or_not] return pdf.render else if params[:test].to_i == 1 pdf.render text = "Ok" text += "\n" + old_invoice.to_yaml if old_invoice text += "\n" + idetails.to_yaml if idetails text += "\n" + prep text += "\n" + filename text += "\n" + "currency => #{dc}" text += "\n" + "tax => #{tax_amount}" render :text => text else send_data pdf.render, :filename => filename, :type => "application/pdf" end end end def invoice_detailed_helper_pdf(pdf, dc, show_avg_rate) pdf.rectangle(40, 340, 520, 20, {:color => [0.89, 0.88, 0.87]}) for i in 1..8 pdf.rectangle(40, 320+i*40, 520, 20, {:color => [0.89, 0.88, 0.87], :fill_color => [0.89, 0.88, 0.87]}) end if show_avg_rate == 0 afd = 320 asu = 360 afc = 410 aft = 490 adv = 490 ii = 20 else afd = 295 asu = 335 afc = 370 aft = 435 adv = 490 ii = 0 end pdf.text(_('Direction'), {:left => 50, :top => 343, :font_size => 8}) pdf.text(_('Calls_short'), {:left => asu + 2, :top => 343, :font_size => 8}) pdf.text(_('Time'), {:left => afc + 2 + ii, :top => 343, :font_size => 8}) pdf.text(_('Avg_rate'), {:left => aft+2, :top => 343, :font_size => 8}) if show_avg_rate == 1 pdf.text(_('Price') + " (#{dc.to_s})", {:left => adv+2, :top => 343, :font_size => 8}) pdf.line(40, 340, 560, 340, {:line_width => 1}) pdf.line(40, 360, 560, 360, {:line_width => 1}) pdf.line(40, 680, 560, 680, {:line_width => 1}) pdf.line(40, 340, 40, 680, {:line_width => 1}) pdf.line(560, 340, 560, 680, {:line_width => 1}) # lines sep colums pdf.line(afd, 340, afd, 680, {:line_width => 1}) # after direction pdf.line(asu, 340, asu, 680, {:line_width => 1}) # after subcode pdf.line(afc, 340, afc, 680, {:line_width => 1}) # after calls pdf.line(aft, 340, aft, 680, {:line_width => 1}) # after time pdf.line(adv, 340, adv, 680, {:line_width => 1}) if show_avg_rate == 1 # after avg_rate pdf end def generate_invoice_detailed_pdf invoice = Invoice.find_by_id(params[:id], :include => [:tax, :user]) unless invoice if params[:action] == "generate_invoice_detailed_pdf" flash[:notice] = _("Invoice_not_found") redirect_to :controller => :callc, :action => :main and return false else raise "Invoice_not_found" end end idetails = invoice.invoicedetails user = invoice.user company = Confline.get_value("Company", user.owner_id) prepaid, prep = invoice_type(invoice, user) dc = params[:email_or_not] ? : session[:show_currency] ex = Currency.count_exchange_rate(session[:default_currency], dc) default_currency = dc tariff_purpose = user.tariff.purpose format = Confline.get_value('Date_format', current_user.owner_id).gsub('M', 'i') up, rp, pp = user.get_price_calculation_sqls user_price = SqlExport.replace_price(up, {:ex => ex}) reseller_price = SqlExport.replace_price(rp, {:ex => ex}) did_price = SqlExport.replace_price('SUM(IF(calls.did_price < 0,calls.did_price, 0 ))', {:ex => ex, :reference => 'did_prc'}) selfcost = SqlExport.replace_price("SUM(#{pp})", {:ex => ex, :reference => 'selfcost'}) ur = user.is_reseller? ? SqlExport.user_rate_sql : SqlExport.admin_user_rate_sql user_rate = SqlExport.replace_price(ur, {:ex => ex, :reference => 'user_rate'}) show_zero_calls = user.invoice_zero_calls.to_i show_zero_calls == 0 ? zero_calls_sql = " AND (#{up}) > 0 " : zero_calls_sql = "" owner = invoice.user.owner_id prepaid = (invoice.invoice_type.to_s == 'prepaid' and owner == 0) ? "Prepaid_" : "" limit = Confline.get_value("#{prepaid}Invoice_page_limit", owner).to_i min_type = (Confline.get_value("#{prepaid}Invoice_Show_Time_in_Minutes", owner).to_i == 1 and mor_11_extend?) ? 1 : 0 show_avg_rate = (Confline.get_value("#{prepaid}Invoice_Add_Average_rate", owner).to_i == 1 and mor_11_extend?) ? 1 : 0 begin if show_avg_rate == 0 dgl = 325 cal = 380 bil = 430 else dgl = 300 cal = 345 bil = 375 avl = 437 end billsec_cond = Confline.get_value("#{prepaid}Invoice_user_billsec_show", owner).to_i == 1 ? 'user_billsec' : 'billsec' if tariff_purpose == "user" sql = "SELECT as 'dgid', destinationgroups.flag as 'dg_flag', as 'dg_name', destinationgroups.desttype as 'dg_type', COUNT(*) as 'calls', SUM(#{billsec_cond}) as 'billsec', #{selfcost}, SUM(#{user_price}) as 'price', #{user_rate}, #{did_price} " + "FROM calls "+ "LEFT JOIN destinations ON (destinations.prefix = calls.prefix) JOIN destinationgroups ON (destinations.destinationgroup_id = "+ "JOIN devices ON (calls.src_device_id = OR calls.dst_device_id = #{SqlExport.left_join_reseler_providers_to_calls_sql} WHERE calls.calldate BETWEEN '#{invoice.period_start} 00:00:00' AND '#{invoice.period_end} 23:59:59' AND calls.disposition = 'ANSWERED' " + " AND (devices.user_id = '#{}' ) #{zero_calls_sql}" + "GROUP BY , calls.user_rate "+ "ORDER BY ASC, destinationgroups.desttype ASC" if user.usertype == "reseller" sql2 = "SELECT as 'dgid', destinationgroups.flag as 'dg_flag', as 'dg_name', destinationgroups.desttype as 'dg_type', COUNT(*) as 'calls', SUM(#{billsec_cond}) as 'billsec', #{selfcost}, SUM(#{reseller_price}) as 'price', #{user_rate}, #{did_price} " + "FROM calls "+ "#{SqlExport.left_join_reseler_providers_to_calls_sql} LEFT JOIN destinations ON (destinations.prefix = calls.prefix) JOIN destinationgroups ON (destinations.destinationgroup_id = "+ "WHERE calls.calldate BETWEEN '#{invoice.period_start} 00:00:00' AND '#{invoice.period_end} 23:59:59' AND calls.disposition = 'ANSWERED' " + " AND (calls.reseller_id = '#{}' ) #{zero_calls_sql}" + "GROUP BY, calls.user_rate "+ "ORDER BY ASC, destinationgroups.desttype ASC" end else #wholesale sql = "SELECT #{ur} as 'user_rate', as 'dgid', as 'dg_name', destinations.prefix, destinations.subcode as 'dg_type', COUNT(*) as 'calls', SUM(#{billsec_cond}) as 'billsec', #{selfcost}, SUM(#{user_price}) as 'price', #{did_price} FROM calls #{SqlExport.left_join_reseler_providers_to_calls_sql} JOIN devices ON (calls.src_device_id = OR calls.dst_device_id = LEFT JOIN destinations ON (destinations.prefix = calls.prefix) JOIN directions ON (destinations.direction_code = directions.code) WHERE calls.calldate BETWEEN '#{invoice.period_start} 00:00:00' AND '#{invoice.period_end} 23:59:59' AND calls.disposition = 'ANSWERED' AND (devices.user_id = '#{}' ) #{zero_calls_sql} GROUP BY, calls.user_rate ORDER BY ASC, destinations.subcode ASC" if user.usertype == "reseller" sql2 = "SELECT #{ur} as 'user_rate', as 'dgid', as 'dg_name', destinations.prefix, destinations.subcode as 'dg_type', COUNT(*) as 'calls', SUM(#{billsec_cond}) as 'billsec', #{selfcost}, SUM(#{reseller_price}) as 'price', #{did_price} FROM calls #{SqlExport.left_join_reseler_providers_to_calls_sql} JOIN devices ON (calls.src_device_id = OR calls.dst_device_id = LEFT JOIN destinations ON (destinations.prefix = calls.prefix) JOIN directions ON (destinations.direction_code = directions.code) WHERE calls.calldate BETWEEN '#{invoice.period_start} 00:00:00' AND '#{invoice.period_end} 23:59:59' AND calls.disposition = 'ANSWERED' AND (calls.reseller_id = '#{}' ) #{zero_calls_sql} GROUP BY, calls.user_rate ORDER BY ASC, destinations.subcode ASC" end end res_arr = [] res = ActiveRecord::Base.connection.select_all(sql) res_arr << res if params[:test].to_i == 1 # MorLog.my_debug sql if user.usertype == "reseller" res2 = ActiveRecord::Base.connection.select_all(sql2) res_arr << res2 if params[:test].to_i == 1 # MorLog.my_debug sql2 end total_calls = 0 total_time = 0 total_did = 0 #if prep != "prepaid" for r in res total_calls += r["calls"].to_i total_time += r["billsec"].to_i total_did += r["did_prc"].to_f end if user.usertype == "reseller" for r in res2 total_calls += r["calls"].to_i total_time += r["billsec"].to_i total_did += r["did_prc"].to_f if r["did_prc"].to_f < 0.to_f end end #end lines_in_pdf = 16 ###### Generate PDF ######## pdf = => :A4) pdf.font("Nimbus Sans L") pdf = invoice_header_pdf(invoice, pdf, company, dc) pdf.text(_('Credit_for_incoming_calls') + ": " + sprintf("%0.#{2}f", total_did.to_f) + " " + default_currency.to_s, {:left => 40, :top => 322, :font_size => 8}) pdf = invoice_detailed_helper_pdf(pdf, dc, show_avg_rate) details_y = 362 idetails_count = 0 i = 0 page = 1 for id in idetails if id.invdet_type > 0 and != 'Calls' idetails_count += 1 pdf.text(nice_inv_name(, {:left => 50, :top => details_y+i*20, :font_size => 9}) if id.quantity qt = id.quantity tp = qt * id.converted_price(ex) if id.price else qt = "" tp = id.converted_price(ex) end pdf.text(qt, {:left => cal-(pdf.text_width(qt.to_s)-(qt.to_s.size*5)) + 10, :top => details_y+i*20, :font_size => 9}) pdf.text(nice_number(tp).to_s+" ", {:left => 0, :top => details_y+i*20, :font_size => 9, :alignment => :right}) i += 1 if i % 16 == 0 and idetails.last != id i = 0 page = PdfGen::Count.check_page_number(page, limit) pdf.start_new_page pdf = invoice_header_pdf(invoice, pdf, company) pdf.text(_('Credit_for_incoming_calls') + ": " + sprintf("%0.#{2}f", total_did.to_f) + " " + default_currency.to_s, {:left => 40, :top => 322, :font_size => 8}) pdf = invoice_detailed_helper_pdf(pdf, dc, show_avg_rate) end else end end dgids = [] ti = 0 # sizes for arrays res1_size = 0 res1_size = res.size if res res2_size = 0 res2_size = res2.size if user.usertype == "reseller" and res2 res_sizes = idetails_count + res1_size + res2_size total_pages = (res_sizes.to_f / lines_in_pdf.to_f).ceil avg_rate = [] for r in res dgids << [r["dgid"], r["user_rate"]] if !dgids.include?([r["dgid"], r["user_rate"]]) pdf.text(r["dg_name"].to_s, {:left => 50, :top => details_y+i*20, :font_size => 9}) pdf.text(r["dg_type"].to_s, {:left => dgl, :top => details_y+i*20, :font_size => 9}) pdf.text(r["calls"].to_s, {:left => cal-(pdf.text_width(r["calls"].to_s)-(r["calls"].to_s.size*5)) + 10, :top => details_y+i*20, :font_size => 9}) pdf.text(invoice_nice_time(r["billsec"], min_type), {:left => bil, :top => details_y+i*20, :font_size => 9}) if params[:test] avg_rate << {:dgid => r["dgid"], :avg => (r["price"].to_f / (r["billsec"].to_f / 60).to_f), :rseller => false, :time => invoice_nice_time(r["billsec"], min_type)} end pdf.text(nice_number((r["price"].to_f / (r["billsec"].to_f / 60).to_f))+" ", {:left => avl, :top => details_y+i*20, :font_size => 9}) if show_avg_rate == 1 pdf.text(nice_number(r["price"])+" ", {:left => 0, :top => details_y+i*20, :font_size => 9, :alignment => :right}) i += 1 ti += 1 if i == lines_in_pdf and page < total_pages i = 0 page = PdfGen::Count.check_page_number(page, limit) pdf.start_new_page pdf = invoice_header_pdf(invoice, pdf, company, dc) pdf.text(_('Credit_for_incoming_calls') + ": " + sprintf("%0.#{2}f", total_did.to_f) + " " + default_currency.to_s, {:left => 40, :top => 322, :font_size => 8}) pdf = invoice_detailed_helper_pdf(pdf, dc, show_avg_rate) end end # reseller calls if user.usertype == "reseller" ti = 0 for r in res2 dgids << [r["dgid"], r["user_rate"]] if !dgids.include?([r["dgid"], r["user_rate"]]) pdf.text(r["dg_name"].to_s, {:left => 50, :top => details_y+i*20, :font_size => 9}) pdf.text(r["dg_type"].to_s, {:left => dgl, :top => details_y+i*20, :font_size => 9}) pdf.text(r["calls"].to_s, {:left => cal-(pdf.text_width(r["calls"].to_s)-(r["calls"].to_s.size*5)), :top => details_y+i*20, :font_size => 9}) pdf.text(invoice_nice_time(r["billsec"], min_type).to_s, {:left => bil, :top => details_y+i*20, :font_size => 9}) if params[:test] avg_rate << {:dgid => r["dgid"], :avg => (r["price"].to_f / (r["billsec"].to_f / 60).to_f), :rseller => true, :time => invoice_nice_time(r["billsec"], min_type)} end pdf.text(nice_number((r["price"].to_f / (r["billsec"].to_f / 60).to_f))+" ", {:left => avl, :top => details_y+i*20, :font_size => 9}) if show_avg_rate == 1 pdf.text(nice_number(r["price"]).to_s+" ", {:left => 0, :top => details_y+i*20, :font_size => 9, :alignment => :right}) i += 1 ti += 1 if i == lines_in_pdf and page < total_pages #new page i = 0 page = PdfGen::Count.check_page_number(page, limit) pdf.start_new_page pdf = invoice_header_pdf(invoice, pdf, company) pdf.text(_('Credit_for_incoming_calls') + ": " + sprintf("%0.#{2}f", total_did.to_f) + " " + default_currency.to_s, {:left => 40, :top => 322, :font_size => 8}) pdf = invoice_detailed_helper_pdf(pdf, dc, show_avg_rate) end end end # reseller calls #end pdf, tax_amount = detailed_invoice_tax_box(pdf, invoice, total_calls, total_time, dc, ex, min_type, show_avg_rate) pdf.text(Confline.get_value("#{prepaid}Invoice_Bank_Details_Line1", user.owner_id).to_s, {:left => 50, :top => 685, :font_size => 9}) pdf.text(Confline.get_value("#{prepaid}Invoice_Bank_Details_Line2", user.owner_id).to_s, {:left => 50, :top => 700, :font_size => 9}) pdf.text(Confline.get_value("#{prepaid}Invoice_Bank_Details_Line3", user.owner_id).to_s, {:left => 50, :top => 715, :font_size => 9}) pdf.text(Confline.get_value("#{prepaid}Invoice_Bank_Details_Line4", user.owner_id).to_s, {:left => 50, :top => 730, :font_size => 9}) pdf.text(Confline.get_value("#{prepaid}Invoice_Bank_Details_Line5", user.owner_id).to_s, {:left => 50, :top => 745, :font_size => 9}) inv_end_title = Confline.get_value("#{prepaid}Invoice_End_Title", user.owner_id) pdf.text(inv_end_title.to_s, {:left => 0, :top => (740 + 33), :font_size => 12, :alignment => :center}) has_calls = 0 for invd in idetails has_calls = 1 if invd.invdet_type == 0 end #every call if Confline.get_value("#{prepaid}Invoice_Show_Calls_In_Detailed", user.owner_id).to_i == 1 and has_calls == 1 page = PdfGen::Count.check_page_number(page, limit) pdf.start_new_page font_size = 5 lines_per_page = 80 line_height=9 line = 1 ystart = 20 # print outgoing calls dgids.compact.each do |val| dgid = val[0] user_rate = val[1] if tariff_purpose == "user" sql = "SELECT, destinationgroups.flag as 'dg_flag', as 'dg_name', destinationgroups.desttype as 'dg_type', #{SqlExport.column_escape_null(SqlExport.nice_date('calls.calldate', {:format => format, :tz => current_user.time_zone}), "calldate")}, calls.#{billsec_cond}, #{user_price} as user_price, #{reseller_price} as reseller_price, calls.dst FROM calls JOIN devices ON (calls.src_device_id = OR calls.dst_device_id = #{SqlExport.left_join_reseler_providers_to_calls_sql} LEFT JOIN destinations ON (destinations.prefix = calls.prefix) JOIN destinationgroups ON (destinations.destinationgroup_id = AND = #{dgid}) WHERE calls.calldate BETWEEN '#{invoice.period_start} 00:00:00' AND '#{invoice.period_end} 23:59:59' AND calls.disposition = 'ANSWERED' AND (devices.user_id = #{} AND calls.user_rate = #{user_rate}) ORDER BY calls.calldate ASC" if user.usertype == "reseller" sql2 = "SELECT, destinationgroups.flag as 'dg_flag', as 'dg_name', destinationgroups.desttype as 'dg_type', #{SqlExport.column_escape_null(SqlExport.nice_date('calls.calldate', {:format => format, :tz => current_user.time_zone}), "calldate")}, calls.#{billsec_cond}, #{user_price} as user_price, #{reseller_price} as reseller_price, calls.dst FROM calls LEFT JOIN destinations ON (destinations.prefix = calls.prefix) #{SqlExport.left_join_reseler_providers_to_calls_sql} JOIN destinationgroups ON (destinations.destinationgroup_id = AND = #{dgid}) WHERE calls.calldate BETWEEN '#{invoice.period_start} 00:00:00' AND '#{invoice.period_end} 23:59:59' AND calls.disposition = 'ANSWERED' AND (calls.reseller_id = #{} AND calls.user_rate = #{user_rate} ) ORDER BY calls.calldate ASC" end else sql = "SELECT, as 'dg_name', destinations.prefix, destinations.subcode as 'dg_type', #{SqlExport.column_escape_null(SqlExport.nice_date('calls.calldate', {:format => format, :tz => current_user.time_zone}), "calldate")}, calls.#{billsec_cond}, #{user_price} as user_price, #{reseller_price} as reseller_price, calls.dst FROM calls JOIN devices ON (calls.src_device_id = OR calls.dst_device_id = LEFT JOIN destinations ON (destinations.prefix = calls.prefix) #{SqlExport.left_join_reseler_providers_to_calls_sql} JOIN directions ON (destinations.direction_code = directions.code AND = #{dgid}) WHERE calls.calldate BETWEEN '#{invoice.period_start} 00:00:00' AND '#{invoice.period_end} 23:59:59' AND calls.disposition = 'ANSWERED' AND (devices.user_id = #{} AND calls.user_rate = #{user_rate}) ORDER BY calls.calldate ASC" if user.usertype == "reseller" sql2 = "SELECT, as 'dg_name', destinations.prefix, destinations.subcode as 'dg_type', #{SqlExport.column_escape_null(SqlExport.nice_date('calls.calldate', {:format => format, :tz => current_user.time_zone}), "calldate")}, calls.#{billsec_cond}, #{user_price} as user_price, #{reseller_price} as reseller_price, calls.dst FROM calls #{SqlExport.left_join_reseler_providers_to_calls_sql} LEFT JOIN destinations ON (destinations.prefix = calls.prefix) JOIN directions ON (destinations.direction_code = directions.code AND = #{dgid}) WHERE calls.calldate BETWEEN '#{invoice.period_start} 00:00:00' AND '#{invoice.period_end} 23:59:59' AND calls.disposition = 'ANSWERED' AND (calls.reseller_id = #{} AND calls.user_rate = #{user_rate}) ORDER BY calls.calldate ASC" end end res = ActiveRecord::Base.connection.select_all(sql) res_arr << res if params[:test].to_i == 1 if user.usertype == "reseller" res2 = ActiveRecord::Base.connection.select_all(sql2) res_arr << res2 if params[:test].to_i == 1 end if res.size > 0 or (user.usertype == "reseller" and res2.size > 0) if (res.size > 0) pdf.text(res[0]["dg_name"].to_s + " " + res[0]["dg_type"].to_s, {:left => 50, :top => ystart+line*line_height, :font_size => font_size}) if tariff_purpose == "user" pdf.text(res[0]["dg_name"].to_s + " " + res[0]["prefix"].to_s + " " + res[0]["dg_type"].to_s, {:left => 50, :top => ystart+line*line_height, :font_size => font_size}) if tariff_purpose != "user" line, page = line_increment(pdf, line, lines_per_page, page, limit) pdf.text(_('Calldate'), {:left => 50, :top => ystart+line*line_height, :font_size => font_size}) pdf.text(_('Billsec'), {:left => 180, :top => ystart+line*line_height, :font_size => font_size}) pdf.text(_('Destination'), {:left => 250, :top => ystart+line*line_height, :font_size => font_size}) pdf.text(_('Price') + " (#{dc})", {:left => 400, :top => ystart+line*line_height, :font_size => font_size}) line, page = line_increment(pdf, line, lines_per_page, page, limit) tprice = 0 for r in res pdf.text(r["calldate"].to_s, {:left => 50, :top => ystart+line*line_height, :font_size => font_size}) ll = 4 tl = r["#{billsec_cond}"].to_s.length * ll pdf.text(r["#{billsec_cond}"].to_s, {:left => 200 - tl, :top => ystart+line*line_height, :font_size => font_size}) if params[:email_or_not] pdf.text(hide_dst_for_user(user, "pdf", r["dst"].to_s), {:left => 250, :top => ystart+line*line_height, :font_size => font_size}) else pdf.text(hide_dst_for_user(current_user, "pdf", r["dst"].to_s), {:left => 250, :top => ystart+line*line_height, :font_size => font_size}) end tl = nice_number(r["user_price"]).to_s.length * ll pdf.text(nice_number(r["user_price"]).to_s, {:left => 425 - tl, :top => ystart+line*line_height, :font_size => font_size}) tprice += r["user_price"].to_f line, page = line_increment(pdf, line, lines_per_page, page, limit) end end if (user.usertype == "reseller" and res2.size > 0) res = res2 pdf.text(res[0]["dg_name"].to_s + " " + res[0]["dg_type"].to_s, {:left => 50, :top => ystart+line*line_height, :font_size => font_size}) if tariff_purpose == "user" pdf.text(res[0]["dg_name"].to_s + " " + res[0]["prefix"].to_s + " " + res[0]["dg_type"].to_s, {:left => 50, :top => ystart+line*line_height, :font_size => font_size}) if tariff_purpose != "user" line, page = line_increment(pdf, line, lines_per_page, page, limit) pdf.text(_('Calldate'), {:left => 50, :top => ystart+line*line_height, :font_size => font_size}) pdf.text(_('Billsec'), {:left => 180, :top => ystart+line*line_height, :font_size => font_size}) pdf.text(_('Destination'), {:left => 250, :top => ystart+line*line_height, :font_size => font_size}) pdf.text(_('Price') + " (#{dc})", {:left => 400, :top => ystart+line*line_height, :font_size => font_size}) line, page = line_increment(pdf, line, lines_per_page, page, limit) tprice = 0 for r in res pdf.text(r["calldate"].to_s, {:left => 50, :top => ystart+line*line_height, :font_size => font_size}) ll = 4 tl = r["#{billsec_cond}"].to_s.length * ll pdf.text(r["#{billsec_cond}"].to_s, {:left => 200 - tl, :top => ystart+line*line_height, :font_size => font_size}) if params[:email_or_not] pdf.text(hide_dst_for_user(user, "pdf", r["dst"].to_s), {:left => 250, :top => ystart+line*line_height, :font_size => font_size}) else pdf.text(hide_dst_for_user(current_user, "pdf", r["dst"].to_s), {:left => 250, :top => ystart+line*line_height, :font_size => font_size}) end tl = nice_number(r["reseller_price"]).to_s.length * ll pdf.text(nice_number(r["reseller_price"]).to_s, {:left => 425 - tl, :top => ystart+line*line_height, :font_size => font_size}) tprice += r["reseller_price"].to_f line, page = line_increment(pdf, line, lines_per_page, page, limit) end end tpvat = nice_number(user.get_tax.count_tax_amount(tprice)).to_f pdf.text(_('Total_calls_invoice') + ": " + res.size.to_s + ", " + _('price_invoice') + ": " + nice_number(tprice).to_s + " (" + nice_number(tpvat).to_s + ")", {:left => 50, :top => ystart+line*line_height, :font_size => font_size}) line, page = line_increment(pdf, line, lines_per_page, page, limit) line, page = line_increment(pdf, line, lines_per_page, page, limit) end end end if Confline.get_value("#{prepaid}Invoice_show_additional_details_on_separate_page", user.owner_id).to_i == 1 pdf = PdfGen::Generate.generate_additional_details_for_invoice_pdf(pdf, Confline.get_value2("#{prepaid}Invoice_show_additional_details_on_separate_page", user.owner_id)) end rescue PdfGen::PDFInvoiceLimitError pdf = PdfGen::Count.error_message_from_limit(pdf, limit, current_user, invoice) end if params[:email_or_not] return pdf.render else filename = Invoice.filename(user, prep, "Invoice_detailed-#{user.first_name}_#{user.last_name}-#{invoice.user_id}-#{invoice.number}-#{invoice.issue_date}", "pdf") if params[:test].to_i == 1 pdf.render text = "Ok" res_arr.each { |r| text += "\n" + r.to_yaml if r } text += "\n" + prepaid text += "\n" + filename text += "\n" + "currency => #{dc}" text += "\n" + "tax => #{tax_amount}" text += "\n" + "avg_rate => #{avg_rate.to_yaml}" if avg_rate render :text => text else send_data pdf.render, :filename => filename, :type => "application/pdf" end end end def add_space (space) space = space.to_i sp = "" space.times do sp += " " end sp end def generate_invoice_by_cid_pdf invoice = Invoice.find_by_id(params[:id], :include => [:tax, :user]) unless invoice flash[:notice] = _('Invoice_not_found') redirect_to :controller => :callc, :action => :main and return false end dc = if invoice.user_id != and invoice.user.owner_id != current_user.get_corrected_owner_id dont_be_so_smart redirect_to :controller => :callc, :action => :main and return false end idetails = invoice.invoicedetails user = invoice.user dc = params[:email_or_not] ? : session[:show_currency] ex = Currency.count_exchange_rate(session[:default_currency], dc) company = Confline.get_value("Company", user.owner_id) format = Confline.get_value('Date_format', current_user.owner_id).gsub('M', 'i') prepaid, prep = invoice_type(invoice, user) pdf = => :A4) pdf.font("Nimbus Sans L") pdf = invoice_header_pdf(invoice, pdf, company) up, rp, pp = user.get_price_calculation_sqls user_price = SqlExport.replace_price(up, {:ex => ex}) show_zero_calls = user.invoice_zero_calls.to_i if show_zero_calls == 0 zero_calls_sql = " AND #{up} > 0 " else zero_calls_sql = "" end owner = invoice.user.owner_id prepaid = (invoice.invoice_type.to_s == 'prepaid' and owner == 0) ? "Prepaid_" : "" limit = Confline.get_value("#{prepaid}Invoice_page_limit", owner).to_i min_type = (Confline.get_value("#{prepaid}Invoice_Show_Time_in_Minutes", owner).to_i == 1 and mor_11_extend?) ? 1 : 0 begin page=1 did_sql_price = SqlExport.replace_price('calls.did_price', {:ex => ex, :reference => 'did_price'}) did_inc_sql_price = SqlExport.replace_price('calls.did_inc_price', {:ex => ex, :reference => 'did_inc_price'}) #did_sql_price = SqlExport.replace_price('calls.did_price', 'did_price') #selfcost = SqlExport.replace_price('SUM(provider_price)', 'selfcost') calldate = SqlExport.column_escape_null(SqlExport.nice_date('calls.calldate', {:format => format}), "calldate") user_rate = SqlExport.replace_price('calls.user_rate', {:ex => ex, :reference => 'user_rate'}) billsec_cond = Confline.get_value("#{prepaid}Invoice_user_billsec_show", owner).to_i == 1 ? 'user_billsec' : 'billsec' # with incoming calls - not used anymore sql = "SELECT * FROM ((SELECT calls.src, #{did_sql_price}, #{did_inc_sql_price} FROM calls #{SqlExport.left_join_reseler_providers_to_calls_sql} WHERE user_id = #{} AND calls.calldate BETWEEN '#{invoice.period_start} 00:00:00' AND '#{invoice.period_end} 23:59:59' AND calls.disposition = 'ANSWERED' AND billsec > 0 #{zero_calls_sql}) UNION (SELECT calls.src, #{did_sql_price}, #{did_inc_sql_price} FROM calls #{SqlExport.left_join_reseler_providers_to_calls_sql} JOIN devices ON (calls.dst_device_id = WHERE disposition = 'ANSWERED' AND calls.calldate BETWEEN '#{invoice.period_start} 00:00:00' AND '#{invoice.period_end} 23:59:59' AND devices.user_id = '#{}' AND calls.did_price > 0 ) UNION (SELECT calls.src, #{did_sql_price}, #{did_inc_sql_price} FROM calls #{SqlExport.left_join_reseler_providers_to_calls_sql}JOIN devices ON (calls.src_device_id = WHERE disposition = 'ANSWERED' AND calls.calldate BETWEEN '#{invoice.period_start} 00:00:00' AND '#{invoice.period_end} 23:59:59' AND devices.user_id = '#{}' AND calls.did_inc_price > 0 ) ) AS b GROUP BY b.src ORDER BY b.src ASC" # incoming calls disabled sql = "SELECT calls.src, #{did_sql_price}, #{did_inc_sql_price} FROM calls #{SqlExport.left_join_reseler_providers_to_calls_sql} JOIN devices ON (calls.src_device_id = WHERE devices.user_id = #{} AND calls.calldate BETWEEN '#{invoice.period_start} 00:00:00' AND '#{invoice.period_end} 23:59:59' AND calls.disposition = 'ANSWERED' AND billsec > 0 #{zero_calls_sql} GROUP BY calls.src;" cids = ActiveRecord::Base.connection.select_all(sql) space = 150 font_size = 5 lines_per_page = 80 line_height=9 line = 35 ystart = 20 x_margin = 40 ttp = 0 calls_to_test = [] for cid in cids src = cid["src"] if cid["did_price"].to_f == 0.to_f and cid["did_inc_price"].to_f == 0.to_f sql = "SELECT dst, #{calldate}, #{billsec_cond} as billsec, #{did_inc_sql_price}, #{did_sql_price}, #{user_rate}, #{user_price} as 'user_price', as 'direction' FROM calls #{SqlExport.left_join_reseler_providers_to_calls_sql} LEFT JOIN devices ON (calls.src_device_id = LEFT JOIN destinations ON (calls.prefix = destinations.prefix) LEFT JOIN directions ON (destinations.direction_code = directions.code) WHERE devices.user_id = #{} AND calls.calldate BETWEEN '#{invoice.period_start} 00:00:00' AND '#{invoice.period_end} 23:59:59' AND calls.disposition = 'ANSWERED' AND billsec > 0 AND calls.src = '#{src}' #{zero_calls_sql} ORDER BY calls.calldate ASC" else # if cid["did_price"].to_f > 0.to_f # sql = "SELECT dst, #{calldate}, #{billsec_cond} as billsec, #{did_sql_price}, #{did_inc_sql_price}, #{user_rate}, #{user_price} as 'user_price', as 'direction' FROM calls JOIN devices ON (calls.dst_device_id = LEFT JOIN destinations ON (calls.prefix = destinations.prefix) LEFT JOIN directions ON (destinations.direction_code = directions.code) WHERE calls.card_id = 0 AND disposition = 'ANSWERED' AND calls.calldate BETWEEN '#{invoice.period_start} 00:00:00' AND '#{invoice.period_end} 23:59:59' AND devices.user_id = '#{}' AND calls.did_price > 0 AND calls.src = '#{src}' ORDER BY calls.calldate ASC;" # else sql = "SELECT dst, #{calldate}, #{billsec_cond} as billsec, #{did_sql_price}, #{did_inc_sql_price}, #{user_rate}, #{user_price} as 'user_price', as 'direction' FROM calls #{SqlExport.left_join_reseler_providers_to_calls_sql} JOIN devices ON (calls.src_device_id = LEFT JOIN destinations ON (calls.prefix = destinations.prefix) LEFT JOIN directions ON (destinations.direction_code = directions.code) WHERE disposition = 'ANSWERED' AND calls.calldate BETWEEN '#{invoice.period_start} 00:00:00' AND '#{invoice.period_end} 23:59:59' AND devices.user_id = '#{}' AND calls.did_inc_price > 0 AND calls.src = '#{src}' ORDER BY calls.calldate ASC;" # end end calls = ActiveRecord::Base.connection.select_all(sql) if params[:test].to_i == 1 calls_to_test << calls end client_number = _('Client_number') + ": " + src pdf.text(client_number, {:left => x_margin, :top => ystart+line*line_height, :font_size => font_size}) line, page = line_increment(pdf, line, lines_per_page, page, limit) line, page = line_increment(pdf, line, lines_per_page, page, limit) pdf.text(_('Number'), {:left => x_margin, :top => ystart+line*line_height, :font_size => font_size}) pdf.text(_('Date'), {:left => x_margin + 80, :top => ystart+line*line_height, :font_size => font_size}) pdf.text(_('Duration'), {:left => x_margin + 170, :top => ystart+line*line_height, :font_size => font_size}) pdf.text(_('Rate'), {:left => x_margin + 230, :top => ystart+line*line_height, :font_size => font_size}) pdf.text(_('Price') + " (#{dc})", {:left => x_margin + 290, :top => ystart+line*line_height, :font_size => font_size}) pdf.text(_('Destination'), {:left => x_margin + 350, :top => ystart+line*line_height, :font_size => font_size}) line, page = line_increment(pdf, line, lines_per_page, page, limit) for call in calls if params[:email_or_not] pdf.text(hide_dst_for_user(user, "pdf", call["dst"].to_s), {:left => x_margin, :top => ystart+line*line_height, :font_size => font_size}) else pdf.text(hide_dst_for_user(current_user, "pdf", call["dst"].to_s), {:left => x_margin, :top => ystart+line*line_height, :font_size => font_size}) end pdf.text(call["calldate"].to_s, {:left => x_margin + 80, :top => ystart+line*line_height, :font_size => font_size}) pdf.text(invoice_nice_time(call["billsec"], min_type).to_s, {:left => x_margin + 170, :top => ystart+line*line_height, :font_size => font_size}) pdf.text(nice_number(call["user_rate"]).to_s, {:left => x_margin + 230, :top => ystart+line*line_height, :font_size => font_size}) pdf.text(nice_number(call["user_price"]).to_s, {:left => x_margin + 290, :top => ystart+line*line_height, :font_size => font_size}) pdf.text(call["direction"].to_s, {:left => x_margin + 350, :top => ystart+line*line_height, :font_size => font_size}) line, page = line_increment(pdf, line, lines_per_page, page, limit) end line, page = line_increment(pdf, line, lines_per_page, page, limit) if cid["did_price"].to_f == 0.to_f and cid["did_inc_price"].to_f == 0.to_f sql = "SELECT as 'direction', SUM(#{user_price}) as 'price', COUNT(calls.src) as 'calls' FROM calls LEFT JOIN devices ON (calls.src_device_id = #{SqlExport.left_join_reseler_providers_to_calls_sql} LEFT JOIN destinations ON (calls.prefix = destinations.prefix) LEFT JOIN directions ON (destinations.direction_code = directions.code) WHERE devices.user_id = #{} AND calls.calldate BETWEEN '#{invoice.period_start} 00:00:00' AND '#{invoice.period_end} 23:59:59' AND calls.disposition = 'ANSWERED' AND calls.src = '#{src}' GROUP BY ORDER BY ASC" else # if cid["did_price"].to_f > 0.to_f # sql = "SELECT as 'direction', SUM(#{user_price}) as 'price', COUNT(calls.src) as 'calls' FROM calls JOIN devices ON (calls.dst_device_id = LEFT JOIN destinations ON (calls.prefix = destinations.prefix) LEFT JOIN directions ON (destinations.direction_code = directions.code) WHERE calls.card_id = 0 AND disposition = 'ANSWERED' AND calls.calldate BETWEEN '#{invoice.period_start} 00:00:00' AND '#{invoice.period_end} 23:59:59' AND devices.user_id = '#{}' AND calls.did_price > 0 AND calls.src = '#{src}' GROUP BY ORDER BY ASC" # else sql = "SELECT as 'direction', SUM(#{user_price}) as 'price', COUNT(calls.src) as 'calls' FROM calls JOIN devices ON (calls.src_device_id = #{SqlExport.left_join_reseler_providers_to_calls_sql} LEFT JOIN destinations ON (calls.prefix = destinations.prefix) LEFT JOIN directions ON (destinations.direction_code = directions.code) WHERE disposition = 'ANSWERED' AND calls.calldate BETWEEN '#{invoice.period_start} 00:00:00' AND '#{invoice.period_end} 23:59:59' AND devices.user_id = '#{}' AND calls.did_inc_price > 0 AND calls.src = '#{src}' GROUP BY ORDER BY ASC" end # end directions = ActiveRecord::Base.connection.select_all(sql) total_price = 0.0 for dir in directions pdf.text(dir["direction"].to_s+add_space(space), {:left => 0, :top => ystart+line*line_height, :font_size => font_size, :alignment => :right}) pdf.text(nice_number(dir["price"]).to_s, {:left => x_margin+290, :top => ystart+line*line_height, :font_size => font_size}) curr = dc.to_s + " (" + _('Without_VAT') + ")" pdf.text(curr.to_s, {:left => x_margin+350, :top => ystart+line*line_height, :font_size => font_size}) total_price += dir["price"].to_f line, page = line_increment(pdf, line, lines_per_page, page, limit) end total = _('Total') + ":" pdf.text(total.to_s+add_space(space).to_s, {:left => 0, :top => ystart+line*line_height, :font_size => font_size, :alignment => :right}) pdf.text(nice_number(total_price).to_s, {:left => x_margin+290, :top => ystart+line*line_height, :font_size => font_size}) pdf.text(curr.to_s, {:left => x_margin+350, :top => ystart+line*line_height, :font_size => font_size}) ttp += total_price.to_f line, page = line_increment(pdf, line, lines_per_page, page, limit) line, page = line_increment(pdf, line, lines_per_page, page, limit) end sql = "SELECT COUNT( as calls_size, SUM(#{billsec_cond}) as billsec, SUM(#{user_price}) as 'user_price' FROM calls JOIN devices ON (calls.dst_device_id = #{SqlExport.left_join_reseler_providers_to_calls_sql} WHERE devices.user_id = #{} AND calls.calldate BETWEEN '#{invoice.period_start} 00:00:00' AND '#{invoice.period_end} 23:59:59' AND calls.disposition = 'ANSWERED' AND billsec > 0 #{zero_calls_sql};" in_calls = ActiveRecord::Base.connection.select_all(sql) if in_calls and in_calls[0]['calls_size'].to_i > 0 pdf.text(_('incoming_calls'), {:left => x_margin, :top => ystart+line*line_height, :font_size => font_size}) pdf.text(_('Duration'), {:left => x_margin + 170, :top => ystart+line*line_height, :font_size => font_size}) pdf.text(_('Price') + " (#{dc})", {:left => x_margin + 290, :top => ystart+line*line_height, :font_size => font_size}) line, page = line_increment(pdf, line, lines_per_page, page, limit) pdf.text(invoice_nice_time(in_calls[0]["billsec"], min_type).to_s, {:left => x_margin + 170, :top => ystart+line*line_height, :font_size => font_size}) pdf.text(nice_number(in_calls[0]["user_price"]).to_s, {:left => x_margin + 290, :top => ystart+line*line_height, :font_size => font_size}) line, page = line_increment(pdf, line, lines_per_page, page, limit) ttp += in_calls[0]["user_price"].to_f line += 1 end for id in idetails if id.invdet_type > 0 and != 'Calls' pdf.text(nice_inv_name(, {:left => 0, :top => ystart+line*line_height, :font_size => font_size, :alignment => :right}) pdf.text(nice_number(id.converted_price(ex)).to_s, {:left => x_margin+290, :top => ystart+line*line_height, :font_size => font_size}) pdf.text(curr.to_s, {:left => x_margin+350, :top => ystart+line*line_height, :font_size => font_size}) ttp += id.price.to_f line, page = line_increment(pdf, line, lines_per_page, page, limit) end end line, page = line_increment(pdf, line, lines_per_page, page, limit) pdf.text(_('Subtotal') + ":"+add_space(space).to_s, {:left => 0, :top => ystart+line*line_height, :font_size => font_size, :alignment => :right}) pdf.text(nice_invoice_number(ttp, prep).to_s, {:left => x_margin+290, :top => ystart+line*line_height, :font_size => font_size}) pdf.text(curr.to_s, {:left => x_margin+350, :top => ystart+line*line_height, :font_size => font_size}) tax_amount = 0 if tax = taxes = tax.applied_tax_list(ttp, :precision => nice_invoice_number_digits(prep), :x => ex) taxes.each { |tax_hash| if tax.get_tax_count > 1 line, page = line_increment(pdf, line, lines_per_page, page, limit) pdf.text(tax_hash[:name].to_s + "(" + tax_hash[:value].to_s + "%):"+add_space(space), {:left => 0, :top => ystart+line*line_height, :font_size => font_size, :alignment => :right}) pdf.text(nice_invoice_number(tax_hash[:tax], prep).to_s, {:left => x_margin+290, :top => ystart+line*line_height, :font_size => font_size}) end tax_amount += nice_invoice_number(tax_hash[:tax], prep, {:no_repl => 1}).to_f } price_with_tax = nice_invoice_number(ttp, prep, {:no_repl => 1}).to_f + tax_amount else tax = user.get_tax price_with_tax = nice_invoice_number(invoice.converted_price_with_vat(ex), prep, {:no_repl => 1}).to_f tax_amount = price_with_tax - nice_invoice_number(invoice.converted_price(ex), prep, {:no_repl => 1}).to_f end line, page = line_increment(pdf, line, lines_per_page, page, limit) pdf.text(invoice_total_tax_name(tax).to_s + ":"+add_space(space), {:left => 0, :top => ystart+line*line_height, :font_size => font_size, :alignment => :right}) pdf.text(nice_invoice_number(tax_amount, prep).to_s, {:left => x_margin+290, :top => ystart+line*line_height, :font_size => font_size}) pdf.text(curr.to_s, {:left => x_margin+350, :top => ystart+line*line_height, :font_size => font_size}) # TOTAL line, page = line_increment(pdf, line, lines_per_page, page, limit) pdf.text(_('TOTAL') + ":"+add_space(space).to_s, {:left => 0, :top => ystart+line*line_height, :font_size => font_size, :alignment => :right}) pdf.text(nice_invoice_number(price_with_tax, prep).to_s, {:left => x_margin+290, :top => ystart+line*line_height, :font_size => font_size}) # TO PAY prepaid, prep = invoice_type(invoice, user) if Confline.get_value("#{prepaid.to_s}Invoice_Show_Balance_Line", user.owner_id).to_i == 1 line, page = line_increment(pdf, line, lines_per_page, page, limit) balance = owned_balance_from_previous_month(invoice) to_pay = price_with_tax to_pay += balance[1].to_f if balance pdf.text(Confline.get_value("#{prepaid.to_s}Invoice_To_Pay_Line", user.owner_id) + ":"+add_space(space).to_s, {:left => 0, :top => ystart+line*line_height, :font_size => font_size, :alignment => :right}) pdf.text(nice_invoice_number(to_pay, prep).to_s, {:left => x_margin+290, :top => ystart+line*line_height, :font_size => font_size}) pdf.text(curr.to_s, {:left => x_margin+350, :top => ystart+line*line_height, :font_size => font_size}) end inv_end_title = Confline.get_value("#{prepaid}Invoice_End_Title", user.owner_id) pdf.text(inv_end_title.to_s, {:left => 0, :top => 770, :font_size => 11, :alignment => :center}) if Confline.get_value("#{prepaid}Invoice_show_additional_details_on_separate_page", user.owner_id).to_i == 1 pdf = PdfGen::Generate.generate_additional_details_for_invoice_pdf(pdf, Confline.get_value2("#{prepaid}Invoice_show_additional_details_on_separate_page", user.owner_id)) end rescue PdfGen::PDFInvoiceLimitError pdf = PdfGen::Count.error_message_from_limit(pdf, limit, current_user, invoice) end if params[:email_or_not] return pdf.render else filename = Invoice.filename(user, prep, "Invoice_by_cid-#{user.first_name}_#{user.last_name}-#{invoice.user_id}-#{invoice.number}-#{invoice.issue_date}", "pdf") if params[:test].to_i == 1 pdf.render text = "Ok" text += "\n" + calls_to_test.to_yaml if calls_to_test text += "\n" + directions.to_yaml if directions text += "\n" + prepaid text += "\n" + filename text += "\n" + "total => #{price_with_tax}" text += "\n" + "currency => #{dc}" text += "\n" + "tax => #{tax_amount}" text += "\n" + in_calls.to_yaml if in_calls render :text => text else send_data pdf.render, :filename => filename, :type => "application/pdf" end end end def line_increment(pdf, line, lines_per_page, page, limit) line += 1 if line % lines_per_page == 0 page = PdfGen::Count.check_page_number(page, limit) pdf.start_new_page line = 1 end return line, page end def generate_invoice_csv invoice = Invoice.find_by_id(params[:id], :include => [:tax, :user]) unless invoice flash[:notice] = _('Invoice_was_not_found') redirect_to :controller => :callc, :action => :main and return false end user = invoice.user sep, dec = user.csv_params dc = params[:email_or_not] ? : session[:show_currency] ex = Currency.count_exchange_rate(session[:default_currency], dc) csv_string = [] csv_string[0] = "number#{sep}user_id#{sep}period_start#{sep}period_end#{sep}issue_date#{sep}" if mor_11_extend? and user.minimal_charge_enabled? csv_string[0] += "mimimum_charge (#{dc})#{sep}" end csv_string[0] += "price (#{dc})#{sep}price_with_tax (#{dc})#{sep}accounting_number" csv_string[1] = "#{invoice.number.to_s}#{sep}#{invoice.user_id}#{sep}#{invoice.period_start}#{sep}#{invoice.period_end}#{sep}#{invoice.issue_date}#{sep}" if mor_11_extend? and user.minimal_charge_enabled? csv_string[1] += "#{nice_invoice_number(user.minimal_charge, invoice.invoice_type).to_s.gsub(".", dec).to_s}#{sep}" end csv_string[1] += "#{nice_invoice_number(invoice.converted_price(ex), invoice.invoice_type).to_s.gsub(".", dec).to_s}#{sep}#{nice_invoice_number(invoice.price_with_tax(:ex => ex, :precision => nice_invoice_number_digits(invoice.invoice_type)), invoice.invoice_type).to_s.gsub(".", dec).to_s}#{sep}#{user.accounting_number}" logger.fatal csv_string.inspect # my_debug csv_string prepaid, prep = invoice_type(invoice, user) filename = Invoice.filename(user, prep, "Invoice-#{user.first_name}_#{user.last_name}-#{invoice.user_id}-#{invoice.number}-#{invoice.issue_date}-#{dc}", "csv") if params[:email_or_not] return csv_string.join("\n") else if params[:test].to_i == 1 render :text => (["Filename: #{filename}"] + csv_string).join("\n") else send_data(csv_string.join("\n"), :type => 'text/csv; charset=utf-8; header=present', :filename => filename) end end end def generate_invoice_detailed_csv invoice = Invoice.find_by_id(params[:id], :include => [:tax, :user]) unless invoice flash[:notice] = _('Invoice_was_not_found') redirect_to :controller => :callc, :action => :main and return false end idetails = invoice.invoicedetails user = invoice.user dc = params[:email_or_not] ? : session[:show_currency] ex = Currency.count_exchange_rate(session[:default_currency], dc) sep, dec = user.csv_params owner = invoice.user.owner_id prepaid = (invoice.invoice_type.to_s == 'prepaid' and owner == 0) ? "Prepaid_" : "" up, rp, pp = user.get_price_calculation_sqls billsec_cond = Confline.get_value("#{prepaid}Invoice_user_billsec_show", owner).to_i == 1 ? 'user_billsec' : 'billsec' user_price = SqlExport.replace_price(up, {:ex => ex}) reseller_price = SqlExport.replace_price(rp, {:ex => ex}) did_sql_price = SqlExport.replace_price('calls.did_price', {:ex => ex, :reference => 'did_price'}) did_inc_sql_price = SqlExport.replace_price('calls.did_inc_price', {:ex => ex, :reference => 'did_inc_price'}) #did_sql_price = SqlExport.replace_price('calls.did_price', 'did_price') selfcost = SqlExport.replace_price(pp, {:ex => ex, :reference => 'selfcost'}) user_rate = SqlExport.replace_price('calls.user_rate', {:ex => ex, :reference => 'user_rate'}) min_type = (Confline.get_value("#{prepaid}Invoice_Show_Time_in_Minutes", owner).to_i == 1 and mor_11_extend?) ? 1 : 0 csv_string = [] for id in idetails if id.invdet_type > 0 sub = 1 end end if idetails if sub.to_i == 1 csv_string << "services#{sep}quantity#{sep}price" end total_price=0 for id in idetails #MorLog.my_debug(id.to_yaml) @iprice= id.price if id.price if id.invdet_type > 0 if id.invdet_type > 0 if id.quantity qt = id.quantity tp = qt * id.converted_price(ex) if id.price else qt = "" tp = id.converted_price(ex) end csv_string << "#{nice_inv_name(}#{sep}#{ nice_number(qt)}#{sep}#{nice_number(tp).to_s.gsub(".", dec).to_s}" end end end end show_zero_calls = user.invoice_zero_calls.to_i if show_zero_calls == 0 zero_calls_sql = " AND #{up} > 0 " else zero_calls_sql = "" end sql = "SELECT #{user_rate},, destinationgroups.flag as 'dg_flag', as 'dg_name', destinationgroups.desttype as 'dg_type', COUNT(*) as 'calls', SUM(#{billsec_cond}) as 'billsec', #{selfcost}, SUM(#{user_price}) as 'price' " + "FROM calls "+ "JOIN devices ON (calls.src_device_id = OR calls.dst_device_id = LEFT JOIN destinations ON (destinations.prefix = calls.prefix) "+ "JOIN destinationgroups ON (destinations.destinationgroup_id = #{SqlExport.left_join_reseler_providers_to_calls_sql}"+ "WHERE calls.calldate BETWEEN '#{invoice.period_start} 00:00:00' AND '#{invoice.period_end} 23:59:59' AND calls.disposition = 'ANSWERED' " + " AND devices.user_id = '#{}' #{zero_calls_sql}" + "GROUP BY, calls.user_rate "+ "ORDER BY ASC, destinationgroups.desttype ASC" if user.usertype == "reseller" sql2 = "SELECT calls.dst, COUNT(*) as 'count_calls', SUM(#{billsec_cond}) as 'sum_billsec', #{selfcost}, SUM(#{reseller_price}) as 'price', #{user_rate} " + "FROM calls "+ "#{SqlExport.left_join_reseler_providers_to_calls_sql} LEFT JOIN destinations ON (destinations.prefix = calls.prefix) JOIN destinationgroups ON (destinations.destinationgroup_id = "+ "WHERE calls.calldate BETWEEN '#{invoice.period_start} 00:00:00' AND '#{invoice.period_end} 23:59:59' AND calls.disposition = 'ANSWERED' " + " AND (calls.reseller_id = '#{}' ) #{zero_calls_sql}" + "GROUP BY, calls.user_rate "+ "ORDER BY ASC, destinationgroups.desttype ASC" end res = ActiveRecord::Base.connection.select_all(sql) if user.usertype == "reseller" res2 = ActiveRecord::Base.connection.select_all(sql2) end if res != [] csv_string << "number#{sep}accounting_number#{sep}country#{sep}type#{sep}rate#{sep}calls#{sep}billsec#{sep}price (#{dc})" end for r in res country = r["dg_name"] type = r["dg_type"] calls = r["calls"] billsec = r["billsec"] rate = r["user_rate"] price = r["price"] csv_string << "#{invoice.number.to_s}#{sep}#{user.accounting_number.to_s.blank? ? ' ' : user.accounting_number.to_s}#{sep}#{country}#{sep}#{type}#{sep}#{rate}#{sep}#{calls}#{sep}#{billsec}#{sep}#{nice_number(price).to_s.gsub(".", dec).to_s}" end params[:email_or_not] ? req_user = user : req_user = current_user if user.usertype == 'reseller' and res2 csv_string << "\n" + _('Calls_from_users') + ":" csv_string << "#{_('DID')}#{sep}#{_('Calls')}#{sep}#{_('Total_time')}#{sep}#{_('Price')}(#{dc})" for r in res2 csv_string << "#{hide_dst_for_user(req_user, "csv", r["dst"].to_s)}#{sep}#{r["count_calls"].to_s}#{sep}#{invoice_nice_time(r["sum_billsec"], min_type)}#{sep}#{nice_number(r["price"]).to_s.gsub(".", dec).to_s}" end end prepaid, prep = invoice_type(invoice, user) filename = Invoice.filename(user, prep, "Invoice-#{user.first_name}_#{user.last_name}-#{invoice.user_id}-#{invoice.number}-#{invoice.issue_date}-#{dc}", "csv") if params[:email_or_not] return csv_string.join("\n") else if params[:test].to_i == 1 render :text => (["Filename: #{filename}"] + csv_string).join("\n") else send_data(csv_string.join("\n"), :type => 'text/csv; charset=utf-8; header=present', :filename => filename) end end end def generate_invoice_destinations_csv invoice = Invoice.find_by_id(params[:id], :include => [:tax, :user]) unless invoice flash[:notice] = _('Invoice_was_not_found') redirect_to :controller => :callc, :action => :main and return false end idetails = invoice.invoicedetails user = invoice.user dc = params[:email_or_not] ? : session[:show_currency] ex = Currency.count_exchange_rate(session[:default_currency], dc) sep, dec = user.csv_params owner = invoice.user.owner_id prepaid = (invoice.invoice_type.to_s == 'prepaid' and owner == 0) ? "Prepaid_" : "" billsec_cond = Confline.get_value("#{prepaid}Invoice_user_billsec_show", owner).to_i == 1 ? 'user_billsec' : 'billsec' up, rp, pp = user.get_price_calculation_sqls user_price = SqlExport.replace_price(up, {:ex => ex}) csv_string = ["Invoice NO.:#{sep} #{invoice.number.to_s}"] csv_string << "" csv_string << "Invoice Date:#{sep} #{invoice.period_start.to_s} - #{invoice.period_end.to_s}" csv_string << "" csv_string << "Due Date:#{sep} #{invoice.issue_date.to_s}" csv_string << "" csv_string << "" for id in idetails if != 'Calls' and != 'Calls_To_Dids' sub = 1 end end if idetails if sub.to_i == 1 csv_string << "services#{sep}quantity#{sep}price\n" end for id in idetails if != 'Calls' and != 'Calls_To_Dids' @iprice= id.price if id.invdet_type > 0 if id.quantity qt = id.quantity tp = qt * id.converted_price(ex) if id.converted_price(ex) else qt = "" tp = id.converted_price(ex) end csv_string << "#{nice_inv_name(}#{sep}#{qt}#{sep}#{nice_number(tp).to_s.gsub(".", dec).to_s}" end end end end csv_string << "" csv_string << "" show_zero_calls = user.invoice_zero_calls.to_i if show_zero_calls == 0 zero_calls_sql = " AND #{up} > 0 " else zero_calls_sql = "" end sql= "SELECT, destinations.prefix as 'prefix', as 'country', as 'dg_name', destinations.subcode as 'dg_type', MAX(#{SqlExport.replace_price('calls.user_rate', {:ex => ex})}) as 'rate', sum(IF(DISPOSITION='ANSWERED',1,0)) AS 'answered', Count(*) as 'all_calls', SUM(IF(DISPOSITION='ANSWERED',calls.#{billsec_cond},0)) as 'billsec', SUM(IF(DISPOSITION='ANSWERED',#{SqlExport.replace_price(pp, {:ex => ex})},0)) as 'selfcost', SUM(IF(DISPOSITION='ANSWERED',#{user_price},0)) as 'price' FROM calls JOIN devices ON (calls.src_device_id = OR calls.dst_device_id = LEFT JOIN destinations ON (destinations.prefix = calls.prefix) LEFT JOIN directions as dir ON (destinations.direction_code = dir.code) #{SqlExport.left_join_reseler_providers_to_calls_sql} where devices.user_id = '#{}' and calls.calldate BETWEEN '#{invoice.period_start} 00:00:00' AND '#{invoice.period_end} 23:59:59' #{zero_calls_sql} AND LENGTH(calls.prefix) > 0 group by, calls.user_rate ORDER BY destinations.direction_code ASC, ASC" # my_debug sql res = ActiveRecord::Base.connection.select_all(sql) if res != [] csv_string << "country#{sep}rate#{sep}ASR %#{sep}calls#{sep}ACD#{sep}billsec#{sep}Sum" end for r in res id=r["id"].to_s country = r["country"].to_s type = r["dg_type"].to_s rate = r["rate"].to_s calls = r["answered"].to_s prefix = r["prefix"].to_s billsec = r["billsec"].to_s if r["answered"].to_s.to_i > 0 asr = (r["answered"].to_f / r["all_calls"].to_f) * 100 acd = (r["billsec"].to_f / r["answered"].to_f).to_f else asr =0 acd =0 end price = r["price"].to_s if r["answered"].to_s.to_i > 0 if idetails csv_string << "#{country.to_s + ' ' + type.to_s + ' ' + prefix.to_s }#{sep}#{rate.to_s.gsub(".", dec).to_s}#{sep}#{nice_number(asr).to_s.gsub(".", dec).to_s}#{sep}#{calls}#{sep}#{nice_number(acd).to_s.gsub(".", dec).to_s}#{sep}#{billsec}#{sep}#{nice_number(price).to_s.gsub(".", dec).to_s}" else csv_string << "#{country + ' ' + type.to_s + ' ' + prefix.to_s }#{sep}#{rate.to_s.gsub(".", dec).to_s}#{sep}#{nice_number(asr).to_s.gsub(".", dec).to_s}#{sep}#{calls}#{sep}#{nice_number(acd).to_s.gsub(".", dec).to_s}#{sep}#{billsec}#{sep}#{nice_number(price).to_s.gsub(".", dec).to_s}" end end end prepaid, prep = invoice_type(invoice, user) filename = Invoice.filename(user, prep, "Invoice-#{user.first_name}_#{user.last_name}-#{invoice.user_id}-#{invoice.number}-#{invoice.issue_date}-#{dc}", "csv") if params[:email_or_not] return csv_string.join("\n") else if params[:test].to_i == 1 render :text => (["Filename: #{filename}"] + csv_string).join("\n") else send_data(csv_string.join("\n"), :type => 'text/csv; charset=utf-8; header=present', :filename => filename) end end end def generate_invoice_by_cid_csv invoice = Invoice.find_by_id(params[:id], :include => [:tax, :user]) unless invoice flash[:notice] = _('Invoice_not_found') redirect_to :controller => :callc, :action => :main and return false end dc = user = invoice.user if invoice.user_id != and invoice.user.owner_id != current_user.get_corrected_owner_id dont_be_so_smart redirect_to :controller => :callc, :action => :main and return false end dc = params[:email_or_not] ? : session[:show_currency] ex = Currency.count_exchange_rate(session[:default_currency], dc) sep, dec = user.csv_params up, rp, pp = user.get_price_calculation_sqls zero_calls_sql = user.invoice_zero_calls_sql user_price = SqlExport.replace_price(up, {:ex => ex}) csv_s = [] sql = "SELECT calls.src, SUM(#{user_price}) as 'price', COUNT( AS calls_size FROM calls JOIN devices ON (calls.src_device_id = OR calls.dst_device_id = #{SqlExport.left_join_reseler_providers_to_calls_sql} WHERE devices.user_id = #{} AND calls.calldate BETWEEN '#{invoice.period_start} 00:00:00' AND '#{invoice.period_end} 23:59:59' AND calls.disposition = 'ANSWERED' AND billsec > 0 #{zero_calls_sql} GROUP BY calls.src;" cids = Call.find_by_sql(sql) if cids != [] csv_s<< "CallerID#{sep}price(#{dc})#{sep}calls#{sep}" for ci in cids csv_s << ci.src.to_s + sep.to_s + ci.price.to_f.to_s.gsub(".", dec).to_s + sep + ci.calls_size.to_i.to_s end end csv_string = csv_s.join("\n") prepaid, prep = invoice_type(invoice, user) filename = Invoice.filename(user, prep, "Invoice-#{user.first_name}_#{user.last_name}-#{invoice.user_id}-#{invoice.number}-#{invoice.issue_date}-#{dc}", "csv") if params[:email_or_not] return csv_string else if params[:test].to_i == 1 render :text => "Filename: #{filename}" + csv_string else send_data(csv_string, :type => 'text/csv; charset=utf-8; header=present', :filename => filename) end end end def generate_test_pdf require 'pdf/wrapper' pdf = => :A4) pdf.font("Nimbus Sans L") # logo_file = Actual_Dir+"/public/images/"+session[:logo_picture] #logo #info = #pdf.font("Times new roman") # pdf.image(logo_file,{ :left => 40, :top=>38, :height=>55, :width =>300, :proportional => true}) pdf.color(:Gray) pdf.text(_('INVOICE'), {:left => 330, :top => 43, :font_size => 16}) pdf.color(:Black) pdf.rectangle(40, 190, 520, 0, {:line_width => 1, :fill_color => :Gray, :color => :Gray}) pdf.text(session[:company], {:left => 40, :top => 110, :font_size => 13}) pdf.text(confline("Invoice_Address1"), {:left => 40, :top => 130, :font_size => 7}) pdf.text(confline("Invoice_Address2"), {:left => 40, :top => 145, :font_size => 7}) pdf.text(confline("Invoice_Address3"), {:left => 40, :top => 160, :font_size => 7}) pdf.text(confline("Invoice_Address4"), {:left => 40, :top => 175, :font_size => 7}) # logo removed from invoice due to buggy picture support in pdf generating libraries logo_file = Actual_Dir+"/public/images/rails.png" pdf.image(logo_file, {:left => 40, :top => 8, :height => 55, :width => 300, :proportional => true}) pdf.text("Test Text : ąčęėįšųūž_йцукенгшщз", {:left => 50, :top => 200, :font_size => 9}) send_data pdf.render, :filename => "test.pdf", :type => "application/pdf" end def change_session_flag session[:invoices_is_generating] = 0 redirect_to :controller => :callc, :action => :main end def invoices_recalculation @users = User.find_all_for_select(correct_owner_id, {:exclude_owner => true}) @page_title = _('Recalculate_invoices') @page_icon = "application_go.png" @post = 1 @pre = 0 end def invoices_recalculation_status @page_title = _('Recalculate_invoices_status') @page_icon = "application_go.png" change_date unless params[:invoice] dont_be_so_smart redirect_to :controller => :callc, :action => :main and return false end type = params[:invoice][:type] type = "postpaid" if !(["postpaid", "prepaid", "user"].include?(type)) cond = Confline.get_value("Invoice_allow_recalculate_after_send").to_i == 1 ? '' : ' AND sent_manually = 0 AND sent_email = 0 ' if type == "user" @invoices = Invoice.find(:all, :include => [:user], :conditions => ["paid = 0 #{cond} AND user_id = ? AND period_start >= ? AND period_end <= ? AND users.owner_id = ?", params[:user][:id], session_from_date, session_till_date, correct_owner_id]) else @invoices = Invoice.find(:all, :include => [:user], :conditions => ["paid = 0 #{cond} AND invoice_type = ? AND period_start >= ? AND period_end <= ? AND users.owner_id = ?", type, session_from_date, session_till_date, correct_owner_id]) end @period_start = session_from_date @period_end = session_till_date if @invoices and @invoices.size.to_i > 0 @i = 0 for invoice in @invoices if !invoice.paid? regenerate_invoice_price(invoice) @i+=1 end end flash[:status] = _('Invoices_recalculated') + ": " + @i.to_s redirect_to :action => :invoices and return false else flash[:notice] = _('No_invoice_found_to_recalculate') redirect_to :action => :invoices_recalculation and return false end end def financial_statements @page_title = _('Financial_statements') @page_icon = "view.png" if not mor_11_extend? dont_be_so_smart redirect_to :controller => :callc, :action => :main and return false end @Show_Currency_Selector = 1 @currency = session[:show_currency] change_date @issue_from_date = Date.parse(session_from_date) @issue_till_date = Date.parse(session_till_date) session_options = session[:accounting_statement_options] @valid_status_values = ['paid', 'unpaid', 'all'] @user_id = financial_statements_user_id(session_options) @status = financial_statements_status(session_options) @users = User.find_all_for_select(corrected_user_id, {:exclude_owner => true}) @options = {:user_id => @user_id, :status => @status} @show_search = true if current_user.is_admin? or current_user.is_accountant? owner_id = 0 else owner_id = end ordinary_user = (current_user.usertype == 'user') credit_notes = convert_to_user_currency(CreditNote.financial_statements(owner_id, @user_id, @status, @issue_from_date, @issue_till_date, ordinary_user)) if @status != 'unpaid' @paid_credit_note = get_financial_statement(credit_notes, 'paid') end if @status != 'paid' @unpaid_credit_note = get_financial_statement(credit_notes, 'unpaid') end #invoces do not have price with vat calculated so this method returns information #abount paid and unpaid invoices, we just have to convert currency FROM USER #CURRENCY TO USER'S SELECTED CURRENCY @paid_invoice, @unpaid_invoice = Invoice.financial_statements(owner_id, @user_id, @status, @issue_from_date, @issue_till_date, ordinary_user) @paid_invoice.price = @paid_invoice.price.to_f * count_exchange_rate(, session[:show_currency]) @paid_invoice.price_with_vat = @paid_invoice.price_with_vat.to_f * count_exchange_rate(, session[:show_currency]) @unpaid_invoice.price = @unpaid_invoice.price.to_f * count_exchange_rate(, session[:show_currency]) @unpaid_invoice.price_with_vat = @unpaid_invoice.price_with_vat.to_f * count_exchange_rate(, session[:show_currency]) #there is no need to convert to user currency because method does it by itself @paid_payment, @unpaid_payment = Payment.financial_statements(owner_id, @user_id, @status, @issue_from_date, @issue_till_date, ordinary_user, session[:show_currency]) #TODO rename to session options session[:accounting_statement_options] = @options end private =begin Based on what params user selected or if they were not passed based on params saved in session return user_id, that should be filtered for financial statements. if user passed clear as param return nil *Params* +session_options+ hash including :user_id, might be nil *Return* +user_id+ integer or nil =end def financial_statements_user_id(session_options) if current_user.usertype == 'user' user_id = elsif params[:user_id] and not params[:clear] user_id = params[:user_id] elsif session_options and session_options[:user_id] and not params[:clear] user_id = session_options[:user_id] else user_id = nil end end =begin Based on what params user selected or if they were not passed based params saved in session return status, that should be filtered for financial statements. *Params* +session_options+ hash including :status, might be nil *Returns* +status+ - string, one of valid_status_values, by default 'all' =end def financial_statements_status(session_options) if @valid_status_values.include? params[:status] and not params[:clear] status = params[:status] elsif session_options and @valid_status_values.include? session_options[:status] and not params[:clear] status = session_options[:status] else status = 'all' end end =begin convert prices in statements from default system currency to currency that is set in session *Params* +statement+ iterable of financial stement data(they rices should be in system currency) *Returns* +statement+ same object that was passed only it's prices recalculated in user selected currency =end def convert_to_user_currency(statements) exchange_rate = Currency.count_exchange_rate(session[:default_currency], session[:show_currency]) for statement in statements statement.price = statement.price.to_f * exchange_rate statement.price_with_vat = statement.price_with_vat.to_f * exchange_rate end return statements end =begin financial data returned by invoice, credit notes or payments may lack some information, this method's purpose is to retrieve information from part of financial statement(let's say financial stetement is devided in three parts: credit note, invoice and payments) about paid/unpaid financial data. if there is no such data return default, default meaning that there is no paid/unpaid part, so it's count and price is 0. TODO should rename valiable names, cause they dont make much sense. maybe event method name should be renamed Note that price and price including taxes will be converted from default system currency to user selected *Params* +statement+ - part of financial statement +status+ - whatever valid status might have the statement *Returns* +paid/unpaid_statement+ if there is such statement that satisfies condition(status) returns it, else returns default statement. =end def get_financial_statement(statements, status) for statement in statements if statement.status == status return statement end end #Return default financial data if required stetement was not found'We', :count, :price, :price_with_vat, :status) return, 0, 0, status) end =begin Only one who may not have permissions to view financial statements is accountant. If he does not have 'can see finances', 'invoices manage' and 'manage payments' permissions to read he cannot view financial statements. In any other case everyone can view treyr user's invoices, credit notes and payments. =end def can_view_financial_statements? if current_user.is_accountant? and (not current_user.accountant_allow_read('can_see_finances') or not current_user.accountant_allow_read('payments_manage') or not current_user.acoutnant_alllow_read('invoices_manage')) return false else return true end end def financial_statements_filter if not can_view_financial_statement? dont_be_so_smart redirect_to :controller => :callc, :action => :main and return false end end def subscription_period(sub, period_start, period_end) if sub.activation_start < period_start use_start = period_start else use_start = sub.activation_start end #till which day used? if sub.activation_end > period_end use_end = period_end else use_end = sub.activation_end end return use_start.to_date, use_end.to_date end def call_details_for_user(user, period_start_with_time, period_end_with_time, use_index = 0) MorLog.my_debug("\nChecking user with id: #{}, name: #{nice_user(user)}, type: #{user.usertype}", 1) use_index = 0 MorLog.my_debug("Search with index ? : #{use_index}", 1) # --- Outgoing calls --- # find own outgoing (made by this user) calls stats (count and sum price) outgoing_calls, outgoing_calls_price = user.own_outgoing_calls_stats_in_period(period_start_with_time, period_end_with_time, use_index) MorLog.my_debug(" Outgoing calls: #{outgoing_calls}, for price: #{outgoing_calls_price}", 1) # find users outgoing (made by this resellers users) calls stats (count and sum price) if user.usertype == "reseller" outgoing_calls_by_users, outgoing_calls_by_users_price = user.users_outgoing_calls_stats_in_period(period_start_with_time, period_end_with_time, use_index) MorLog.my_debug(" Outgoing calls by users: #{outgoing_calls_by_users}, for price: #{outgoing_calls_by_users_price}", 1) else outgoing_calls_by_users = 0 outgoing_calls_by_users_price = 0 end # --- Incoming calls --- incoming_received_calls, incoming_received_calls_price = user.incoming_received_calls_stats_in_period(period_start_with_time, period_end_with_time, use_index) MorLog.my_debug(" Incoming RECEIVED calls: #{incoming_received_calls}, for price: #{incoming_received_calls_price}", 1) incoming_made_calls, incoming_made_calls_price = user.incoming_made_calls_stats_in_period(period_start_with_time, period_end_with_time, use_index) MorLog.my_debug(" Incoming MADE calls: #{incoming_made_calls}, for price: #{incoming_made_calls_price}", 1) return incoming_received_calls, incoming_received_calls_price, incoming_made_calls, incoming_made_calls_price, outgoing_calls_price, outgoing_calls_by_users_price, outgoing_calls, outgoing_calls_price, outgoing_calls_by_users end def calls_to_invoice() end def regenerate_invoice_price(invoice) user = invoice.user invoice.invoicedetails.destroy_all # we'll add new details period_start_with_time, period_end_with_time = invoice.period_start.to_time, invoice.period_end.to_time.change(:hour => 23, :min => 59, :sec => 59, :usec => 999999.999) period_start = invoice.period_start.to_time period_end = invoice.period_end.to_time.change(:hour => 23, :min => 59, :sec => 59, :usec => 999999.999) ind_ex = ActiveRecord::Base.connection.select_all("SHOW INDEX FROM calls") use_index = 0 ind_ex.to_yaml ind_ex.each { |ie| use_index = 1; use_index if ie[:key_name].to_s == 'calldate' } if ind_ex incoming_received_calls, incoming_received_calls_price, incoming_made_calls, incoming_made_calls_price, outgoing_calls_price, outgoing_calls_by_users_price, outgoing_calls, outgoing_calls_price, outgoing_calls_by_users = call_details_for_user(user, period_start_with_time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"), period_end_with_time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"), use_index) # find subscriptions for user in period subscriptions = user.subscriptions_in_period(period_start_with_time, period_end_with_time) total_subscriptions = 0 total_subscriptions = subscriptions.size if subscriptions MorLog.my_debug(" Total subscriptions this period: #{total_subscriptions}") # -- Minimal charge ----- # Minimal charge is counted for whole month(s), but only for postpaid users. To get a # better understang of what is a 'whole month' look at month_difference method minimal_charge_amount = 0 if mor_11_extend? and user.postpaid? if user.add_on_minimal_charge? period_end if user.minimal_charge_start_at < period_start month_diff = ApplicationController.month_difference(period_start, period_end) else month_diff = ApplicationController.month_difference(user.minimal_charge_start_at, period_end) end minimal_charge_amount = month_diff * user.minimal_charge end end # check if we should generate invoice if (outgoing_calls_price > 0) or (outgoing_calls_by_users_price > 0) or (incoming_received_calls_price > 0) or (incoming_made_calls_price > 0) or (total_subscriptions > 0) or (minimal_charge_amount > 0) MorLog.my_debug(" Generating invoice....") tax = user.get_tax.clone price = 0 # --- add own outgoing calls --- if (outgoing_calls_price > 0) invoice.invoicedetails.create(:name => _('Calls'), :price => outgoing_calls_price.to_f, :quantity => outgoing_calls, :invdet_type => 0) price += outgoing_calls_price.to_f end # --- add resellers users outgoing calls --- if (outgoing_calls_by_users_price > 0) invoice.invoicedetails.create(:name => _('Calls_from_users'), :price => outgoing_calls_by_users_price.to_f, :quantity => outgoing_calls_by_users, :invdet_type => 0) price += outgoing_calls_by_users_price.to_f end # # --- add own received incoming calls --- # if (incoming_received_calls_price > 0) # invoice.invoicedetails.create(:name => _('Incoming_received_calls'), :price => incoming_received_calls_price.to_f, :quantity => incoming_received_calls, :invdet_type => 0) # price += incoming_received_calls_price.to_f # end # # # --- add own made incoming calls --- # if (incoming_made_calls_price > 0) # invoice.invoicedetails.create(:name => _('Incoming_made_calls'), :price => incoming_made_calls_price.to_f, :quantity => incoming_made_calls, :invdet_type => 0) # price += incoming_made_calls_price.to_f # end if mor_11_extend? and user.postpaid? #if minimal charge is set for the user. and for this period #calculated price is less than minimal charge, then we should recalculate price if price < minimal_charge_amount price = minimal_charge_amount end end MorLog.my_debug(" Invoice price without subscriptions: #{price.to_s}", 1) # nasty hack for Balticom to recalculate invoices/balance - DO NOT USE!!! #user.balance -= price # --- add subscriptions --- for sub in subscriptions service = sub.service count_subscription = 0 if service.servicetype == "flat_rate" start_date, end_date = subscription_period(sub, period_start_with_time, period_end_with_time) invd_price = service.price * (months_between(start_date.to_date, end_date.to_date)+1) count_subscription = 1 end if service.servicetype == "one_time_fee" # one-time-fee subscription only counts once for full price if (sub.activation_start >= period_start_with_time and sub.activation_start <= period_end_with_time) invd_price = service.price count_subscription = 1 end end if service.servicetype == "periodic_fee" count_subscription = 1 #from which day used? if sub.activation_start < period_start_with_time use_start = period_start_with_time else use_start = sub.activation_start end #till which day used? if sub.activation_end > period_end_with_time use_end = period_end_with_time else use_end = sub.activation_end end start_date = use_start.to_date end_date = use_end.to_date days_used = use_end.to_date - use_start.to_date if start_date.month == end_date.month and start_date.year == end_date.year total_days = invd_price = service.price / total_days * (days_used+1) else invd_price = 0 if months_between(start_date, end_date) > 1 # jei daugiau nei 1 menuo. Tarpe yra sveiku menesiu kuriem nereikia papildomai skaiciuoti intervalu invd_price += (months_between(start_date, end_date)-1) * service.price end #suskaiciuojam pirmo menesio pabaigos ir antro menesio pradzios datas last_day_of_month = start_date.to_time.end_of_month.to_date last_day_of_month2 = end_date.to_time.end_of_month.to_date invd_price += service.price/ * (last_day_of_month - start_date+1).to_i invd_price += service.price/ * ( end end #my_debug(" Invoice Subscriptions price: #{invd_price.to_s}") if count_subscription == 1 invoice.invoicedetails.create(:name => + " - " + sub.memo.to_s, :price => invd_price, :quantity => "1") price += invd_price.to_f end end invoice.price = price.to_f MorLog.my_debug(" Recalculated Invoice number: #{invoice.number}", 1) end end def find_invoice @invoice = Invoice.find_by_id(params[:id]) unless @invoice flash[:notice] = _('Invoice_was_not_found') redirect_to :controller => :callc, :action => :invoices end end def invoices_order_by(params, options) case params[:order_by].to_s when "user" then order_by = "users.first_name" when "number" then order_by = "invoices.number" when "invoice_type" then order_by = "invoices.invoice_type" when "period_start" then order_by = "invoices.period_start" when "period_end" then order_by = "invoices.period_end" when "issue_date" then order_by = "invoices.issue_date" when "sent_email" then order_by = "invoices.sent_email" when "sent_manually" then order_by = "invoices.sent_manually" when "paid" then order_by = "invoices.paid" when "paid_date" then order_by = "invoices.paid_date" when "price" then order_by = "invoices.price" else options[:order_by] ? order_by = options[:order_by] : order_by = "users.first_name" end without = order_by order_by = "users.first_name " + (options[:order_desc] == 1 ? "DESC" : "ASC") + ", users.last_name" if order_by.to_s == "users.first_name" options[:order_desc].to_i == 1 ? order_by += " DESC" : order_by += " ASC" return without, order_by end def invoice_type(invoice, user) if invoice.invoice_type.to_s == 'prepaid' and user.owner_id == 0 return "Prepaid_", "prepaid" else return "", "postpaid" end end end