{ "database_data": { "LocalNode": { "help": "Settings for PGSQL Database (data)", "node": "LocalNode", "user": "homer_user", "pass": "homer_password", "name": "homer_data", "keepalive": true, "host": "" } }, "hep_relay": { "help": "UDP socket to send HEP data on", "host": "", "port": 9060 }, "database_config": { "help": "Settings for PGSQL Database (settings)", "node": "LocalConfig", "user": "homer_user", "pass": "homer_password", "name": "homer_config", "keepalive": true, "host": "" }, "influxdb_config": { "help": "Settings for InfluxDB Database (optional)", "user": "influx_user", "pass": "influx_password", "name": "homer_config", "host": "", "database": "homer", "policy": "autogen" }, "prometheus_config": { "help": "Settings for Prometheus Database (optional)", "user": "admin", "pass": "admin", "host": "", "api": "api/v1" }, "loki_config": { "help": "Settings for LOKI Database (optional)", "user": "admin", "pass": "admin", "host": "", "api": "loki/api/v1", "param_query": "query_range" }, "http_settings": { "help": "Settings for the HOMER Webapp Server. If you have gzip_static = false, please be sure that your dist directory has uncompressed .js files", "host": "", "port": 9080, "root": "/usr/local/homer/dist", "gzip": true, "gzip_static": true, "debug": false }, "https_settings": { "help": "SSL settings for homer-app", "enable": false, "host": "", "port": 443, "cert": "/usr/local/homer/tls/cert.pem", "key": "/usr/local/homer/tls/key.pem" }, "system_settings": { "help": "Settings for HOMER logs", "logpath": "/var/log/homer", "logname": "homer-app.log", "_loglevels": "can be: fatal, error, warn, info, debug, trace", "loglevel": "warn", "logstdout": false }, "auth_settings": { "_comment": "The type param can be internal, ldap, http_auth", "type": "internal", "token_expire": 1200 }, "ldap_config": { "base": "dc=example,dc=com", "host": "ldap.example.com", "port": 389, "usessl": false, "skiptls": true, "binddn": "uid=readonlysuer,ou=People,dc=example,dc=com", "bindpassword": "readonlypassword", "userfilter": "(uid=%s)", "groupfilter": "(memberUid=%s)", "groupattribute": "cn", "admingroup": "admin", "adminmode": true, "usergroup": "HOMER_user", "usermode": true, "attributes": ["dn", "givenName", "sn", "mail", "uid"], "skipverify": true, "anonymous": false, "userdn": "uid=%s,ou=People,dc=example,dc=com" }, "http_auth": { "url": "http://localhost:1323", "skipverify": true }, "decoder_shark": { "_comment": "Here you can do packet decoding to using tshark application. Please define uid, gid if you run the app under root", "active": true, "bin": "/usr/bin/tshark", "protocols": ["1_call", "1_registration", "1_default"] } }